• 2 months ago
00:00They say that there are only two things that are safe in life, death and taxes.
00:04These are the first words that Betty tells us after so many years,
00:07and it is that the story continues to present us with almost all of our favorite characters,
00:12but this time in Don Roberto's funeral.
00:14Here we find out that Betty has been separated from Armando for a while now,
00:17who continues to beg him to be together again.
00:19What there is is that just before they go down to the coffin,
00:22Brutty the Ugly, as Ogulombardi calls her,
00:24makes him fall in the middle of the ceremony.
00:26Obviously, Armando defends her, but then they all leave.
00:29At the exit, Marcela warns Betty that she doesn't even dare to attend
00:33the reading of Don Roberto's will,
00:35but she tells her that in any case she will do it,
00:37because that is how Don Roberto wanted it.
00:38Here Betty goes with her daddy to bring flowers to her dead mother,
00:42and we see how what remains of the Brutty the Ugly's neighborhood
00:44now makes fun of Patricia for being married to a registrar,
00:47and apart from spending time changing diapers.
00:50It is at this point that they introduce us to Betty's daughter and Armando, already grown up,
00:54who is this one called Mila.
00:55She doesn't get along with Betty at all,
00:57and despite Betty preparing a room for her in her house,
00:59she decides to stay with Armando,
01:01even rejecting the chocolates that Betty brought her as a welcome gift.
01:04It is then that we see how the girl ventures with Nicolás,
01:07whom, by the way, the years gave him very hard,
01:09telling him that Mila got all spoiled
01:12because of Armando and his family.
01:13And it is here that in a flashback,
01:15we see that several years ago Don Roberto asked Betty
01:17to resign from the presidency on Marcela's request,
01:20finding out that Armando had known about this decision for some time,
01:24and had not told her anything.
01:25That, of course, made her very angry,
01:27but she got even angrier
01:28when she found Armando kissing Marcela,
01:30although, well, technically she was the one who kissed him.
01:33It was then that she grabbed her rag,
01:35sent the guy to hell and left the house,
01:37and since then Armando has been begging Betty to forgive him.
01:40Meanwhile, Mila, we see that it is all in the file,
01:43at the same time that we see a mysterious guy
01:45who is investigating them and spying on them all,
01:47and they even see the news
01:49how Marcela defends her brother Daniel,
01:51saying that he does not deserve to be in jail
01:53and that it is unfair of what he is accused of,
01:55that is, laundering assets.
01:56The thing is cut off and now we come to the great moment
01:59of the reading of the will,
02:00where Marcela, who now has the shares of her brother in the company,
02:03introduces the same guy from before,
02:05who is called Ignacio Ortiz,
02:06who is an expert in I don't know what,
02:08and is going to admonish them in the company,
02:09because it turns out that years ago
02:10when she asked Betty to be removed from the presidency,
02:13she had asked him to replace her,
02:15a fact that Betty did not know.
02:16But hey,
02:17what happens is that here everyone finds out
02:18that Don Roberto divided his shares of the company
02:21into three equal parts,
02:22between Armando, Betty and Mila,
02:24who he says wants him to work in the design department with Hugo,
02:27and Betty wants her back in the presidency.
02:30And well, if Betty does not accept,
02:31then everyone will go to a charitable foundation.
02:34Mila then gets excited and asks Betty to accept,
02:37but she tells her that she will not do it,
02:38because according to her,
02:39Armando needs more time as president
02:42to be able to fix things.
02:43Oh yes, because as Ada is almost bankrupt.
02:46And apart,
02:46Betty says that after being thrown aside as if nothing,
02:49she does not plan to become that easy.
02:51This decision leaves everyone very worried,
02:53because if Betty does not accept,
02:54that would imply the end of the company.
02:56And of course,
02:57Mila gets very angry with Betty for not thinking about her.
02:59Armando also begs Betty,
03:01explaining to her again
03:02what really happened to Marcela,
03:04making it clear that she is the woman of his life.
03:07And here they both end up kissing,
03:09but just when they leave the elevator,
03:10a girl appears and it is Armando,
03:12which makes Betty quite angry,
03:14but he chases her and explains to her that she is his lawyer,
03:16and that there is absolutely nothing between them.
03:19she now does send him to hell definitely
03:22and asks for the divorce.
03:23And when she returns home,
03:24she is very sad,
03:25she starts reading a letter that her mother wrote her a while ago,
03:28saying that she is going to be the same ugly Betty she was before,
03:31according to her, her best version.
03:33Obviously, this sudden change surprised everyone,
03:36but in the meantime,
03:37Mila is out there in Hugo's workshop with this guy,
03:39who I still don't know what his name is.
03:41What there is is that she changes one of Hugo's designs,
03:43and it is to make it more modern,
03:45but she only manages to make Hugo get very angry
03:47with this other guy for allowing it,
03:49and it turns out that this is the grandson of the late Inés,
03:52and that Hugo has taken him since then,
03:54and has taught him everything he knows about fashion,
03:56and he also sends Mila to hell for getting into what she doesn't care about,
03:59telling her that he doesn't want to see her near the workshop.
04:01Betty, for her part, goes with her lawyer,
04:03who is this one called Esteban Ruiz,
04:05to talk about her divorce with Armando,
04:07but he still insists on not divorcing,
04:09and since they don't reach any agreement,
04:10then they have to go to trial.
04:12Mila, we see that she goes with Ignacio to ask him to talk to Hugo,
04:16so that he accepts her in the design workshop,
04:18and can make decisions,
04:19but the guy tells her,
04:20look brave, you don't have experience,
04:22which obviously angers this spoiled brat.
04:24This is why she then goes with her grandfather,
04:26so that he talks to Betty and convinces her,
04:28but the old man refuses because he doesn't want to see Betty nearby either,
04:32and just mentions that thanks to heaven,
04:34he is already divorcing Armando.
04:35Mila didn't know this,
04:36and at that moment Betty arrives and she leaves angry,
04:39because I tell you that she is hurt with her mother,
04:41because as a child she dedicated more time to work than to her.
04:44In the middle of all this, we also see Gutiérrez's return to the company,
04:48but he doesn't contribute anything yet, so X.
04:50Armando, for his part, is having an argument with the lawyer,
04:53and he is just found by Mila, who misinterprets everything,
04:56so he also picks up his rag and leaves the house,
04:58leaving only Armando's asshole,
05:00since she feels that no one takes her into account to make decisions or tell her important things.
05:05She, we see that she goes to Marcela's house,
05:07who loves her a lot despite everything.
05:09The next day, Betty arrives at the company with her old look,
05:11just to see Mila arrive with Marcela and ignore her,
05:14and during a meeting, Marcela insists that Ignacio be the new president of Komoda,
05:19but Armando tells her that Betty's time has not yet passed to decide that it is 15 days.
05:23And when Betty talks to Mila to ask her what is going on that she has been so rebellious lately,
05:27the girl tells her that that was caused by her and Armando,
05:29by never taking her into account,
05:31which is why Betty decides to make her daughter happy,
05:33accepting to be the president of Komoda,
05:36naming Armando vice-president of finance,
05:38and the so-called Ignacio president of marketing,
05:40surprising everyone, and thus ending this second chapter.
05:44Let me know what you think,
05:45and if you would like me to also summarize other chapters when they come out.
05:48Without more to say, subscribe,
05:50I say goodbye and see you next time.
