• 2 months ago
00:00A week has passed, and the story continues with everyone happy for Betty's return as president.
00:05Mila begins to settle in Hugo's workshop as if it were hers,
00:08and brings with her to Aira a mannequin with artificial intelligence,
00:12which obviously Hugo discards immediately and makes it very clear to the brat that he does not want to see her near the workshop.
00:18At the same time that Ignacio for some reason continues to spy on everyone in Ecomoda,
00:21Betty names Nicolas as advisor, consultant and high councilor of the presidency of Ecomoda,
00:26while Patricia begins to flirt with him.
00:28Mario Calderón is not so lucky, because Betty takes away his position and gives it to Freddy,
00:33which makes Calderón think that he is doing it for all the bullying he did to him in the past.
00:37Armando continues to want to conquer Betty, and this time he brings Flor this gift,
00:41moment that she takes the opportunity to confront the guy and ask him why Mila is staying with Marcela,
00:46so he has no choice but to confess the misunderstanding with the lawyer,
00:50which only makes Betty even more angry with Armando.
00:53Patricia for her part, we find out that she no longer has 6, but 8 semesters of finances in San Marino,
00:59but that she had to leave it for her marriage,
01:01and Marcela reveals that together with Ignacio, she is planning to take revenge on Betty and Armando for the death of Daniel,
01:06since according to Marcela, they are responsible for the death of her brother,
01:10but just when Betty's issue comes up, she responds to Marcela that she simply did the right thing when she had to do it.
01:17Mila is with Jeff, Inés' grandson, finishing some designs that the guy has,
01:21and later talks to Betty about her ideas for the workshop, asking her to please talk to Hugo so that he can let her be a participant,
01:27also telling her that it is time for both of them to get to know each other a little better and that they should go shopping together someday.
01:33At the same time, we find out that Armando has been hiding from Betty that Ecomoda is missing a few million,
01:39but before he tells her, we see that he goes out with the lawyer to talk to her,
01:43and just at that place Betty also arrives with her lawyer Esteban,
01:46so obviously things get pretty awkward and Armando imprudently approaches Betty and in an attack of jealousy ends up causing a fight at the bar with Esteban.
01:55After this we see how Hugo is presented with Mila's designs, which he says are all bad because they lack purpose and meaning.
02:02Patricia ends up kissing Nicolás, who gives her the flowers that Armando took to Betty before, but that she told him to throw in the trash.
02:09Betty at that time was confronting Hugo because she spends her time mistreating everyone,
02:13and it's time for her to stop doing it, and this is when the guy pulls out his claws and tells Betty that a while ago he asked for the payment of his 60 days,
02:21for having worked for more than 20 years at Ecomoda and being able to buy a house,
02:25but he couldn't do it because it turns out that the money is not available, and that the company has not paid his benefits to any of his employees.
02:32This obviously surprises and angers Betty a lot, who immediately goes and confronts Armando for this,
02:37to which he only asks for 3 days to resolve the whole matter, and Betty, of good people, accepts because she has no choice.
02:44Ignacio continues to move chips and tells Mila that his designs seem excellent to him, and ends up inviting her to a date,
02:50because despite the fact that he does not mix his private life with work, for her it is worth breaking the rule.
02:553 days pass and Armando's lawyer, who is also Ecomoda's advisor,
02:59resigns because according to her he cannot advise the company and at the same time take Armando's divorce due to conflict of interests.
03:06And after this, Esteban officially hands Betty her divorce papers, which makes her a bit sad,
03:12because she had never been very sure of wanting to divorce, and despite the fact that she almost meets the deadline of the 3 days that Armando gave her,
03:19she decides to give him a little more time and trusts that he will face for what he did,
03:23also asking Esteban to be Ecomoda's new advisor, and the guy, as he is very fond of Betty, ends up accepting.
03:29Jeff, we see that he organizes a fashion event with his designs, in honor of his grandmother Inés,
03:34in order to collect funds to repair the field and the park for children in his neighborhood.
03:38At this event he invites Mila, but she refuses because she already has plans with Ignacio that interest her much more than Jeff.
03:45But before this we see how she goes shopping with Betty, and both spend more quality time together,
03:50at the same time that Armando is with Freddy, who says that as a therapy method,
03:54he proposes to dress like Betty so that in this way he can put himself in her place and know how she is feeling about the divorce.
04:00Betty in the end does not buy anything because she does not like anything, to which Mila says that this is because she does not have style,
04:06but despite that she accepts him as he is, and apologizes for everything he said the other day,
04:11this excites Betty a lot, who feels that she is finally fixing things with her daughter.
04:15Then comes the moment of the party in a Reines, which by the way is the same day as his birthday,
04:20and almost all the Ecomoda people attend this party, who are impressed with Jeff's designs.
04:26At the same time, Armando is already trained after his therapy, when he returns home for reasons that I will not explain,
04:32he runs out of keys, and then makes Freddy change clothes with him to be able to go talk to Betty.
04:36Jeff in the middle of all this, thanks Mila publicly for being part of the creative process of his designs,
04:43while Ignacio is convincing Armando's lawyer to work for him, telling him that what is best for him is to be on his side,
04:50and the very asshole ends up leaving Mila standing, who, angry, goes to Jeff's event.
04:54After seeing his gratitude on social media, Hugo congratulates Jeff for all the talent he has,
04:59also telling him that although he would never get into any of his traps, he knows that the boy is going to get very far.
05:04And Kimila just appears to thank him for what he said before, and the chemistry between these two begins to be noticed little by little.
05:10Armando finally meets Betty and Esteban, and the latter apologizes for the fight the other day,
05:15while Betty confesses that a couple of years ago she made mistakes as president,
05:20and used all the resources they had to invest in an airline business.
05:24But they are so lucky that just before the pandemic, the planes were left on the ground,
05:28and their debts simply increased, so the benefits of all the employees were spent to be able to pay the debts,
05:35and this makes Betty even more disappointed, and she is super sure of her divorce,
05:39although he replies that this time he was going to face what he did, and he is going to turn himself in to justice for his crimes.
05:45Ending like this with these two chapters, let me know what you think, and without more to say, see you next time.
