00:00Mmm. You're not my real brother, Moby.
00:08I am the last unicorn.
00:14Bleh! What in tarnation?
00:24You'll pay for this.
00:27Dear Tim and Moby, Is coffee bad for you?
00:31From Takora.
00:33Hey, Takora.
00:35Having a cup of coffee is a regular part of most adults' daily routine.
00:40It provides a burst of energy to help them power up in the morning,
00:43or push through those last couple hours of a long work day.
00:48A strong cup of joe might have helped me avoid Moby's little prank.
00:52Moby's pick-me-up punch comes from a substance called caffeine.
00:55Caffeine occurs naturally in a lot of different plants.
00:58It's especially concentrated in the seeds of coffee plants, which we call beans,
01:03in the cacao tree's seeds, which are used to make chocolate,
01:06and in the leaves of all types of tea plants.
01:09When extracted from plants, it takes the form of a bitter white powder.
01:13It's then artificially added to things like soda, energy drinks, and headache medication.
01:20The point is to give them a little pop, just like with coffee and tea.
01:25These products all rely on the fact that caffeine is a stimulant.
01:29That's any substance that revs up your body's systems.
01:32Caffeine elevates your heart rate and boosts your mood.
01:35It speeds up your metabolism, the rate at which your cells produce energy.
01:40It also suppresses feelings of hunger and sleepiness.
01:43In terms of brain chemistry, it activates your neurons and keeps them firing.
01:48You'll feel more motivated and alert, making it easier to concentrate.
01:52It's no wonder drinking coffee and tea is such a popular part of our culture.
01:56Caffeine does a whole lot more than just wake you up.
02:00Yep, since it's a stimulant, caffeine is technically a drug.
02:04That's any substance that alters the normal function of your mind and body.
02:08Some stimulants, like cocaine and certain prescription pills,
02:12can rev your body up to a dangerous extreme.
02:15Other stimulants are very safe, like the medicine in asthma inhalers.
02:19On this spectrum, caffeine is a lot closer to the asthma medication.
02:23It's safe for most people, as long as you don't have a heart condition.
02:27As with any stimulant, though, it can become a habit that's tough to quit.
02:31Really big coffee drinkers might even experience withdrawal if they try.
02:36A sudden absence of caffeine triggers unpleasant symptoms,
02:39like headaches and irritability.
02:42With all that said, a caffeine habit isn't going to ruin your health and relationships.
02:47But it's best to take it in moderation, especially for kids.
02:51Our bodies are more sensitive to caffeine's effects.
02:54It can mess up your concentration and make you jittery.
02:57Some kids have trouble sleeping, even if they've had just a little caffeine.
03:02Talk with your parents about what's right for you,
03:05and read the ingredients on packaged foods and drinks.
03:08Caffeine's hiding in a lot of stuff you might not suspect.
03:12I hope it goes without saying that you should avoid caffeine pills and stuff like that.
03:16If you find that you're tired during the day, it's best to try a natural remedy,
03:20like exercising, meditation, and making time to get a good night's sleep.
03:27What kind of jabroni do you take me for?