ROH Death Before Dishonor 2024 v2 ROH Death Before Dishonor 2024 PPV Live 7/26/24 26th July 2024

  • 2 months ago


ROHDeath,BeforeDishonor,2024PPV,Live7/26/24,26thJuly, 2024part1


00:00:00A legacy fulfilled.
00:00:04With Big Brother Jay in the world watching,
00:00:06Mark Briscoe becomes the Ring of Honor World Champion for the very first time.
00:00:12There are no words.
00:00:14Them boys forever.
00:00:18Rodney Strong, they call you Mr. ROH, you looking at a champ, baby.
00:00:22A kingdom revisited.
00:00:24Rodney Strong now goes on to fight for the ROH World Championship.
00:00:29Rodney, me and you, we done done this dance many times.
00:00:32Two men who really symbolize and embody Ring of Honor wrestling.
00:00:36It's come to home where it belongs.
00:00:38You may be Ring of Honor World Champion, but you will never be Mr. ROH.
00:00:47And the dynasty.
00:00:48The forever champion.
00:00:50The most dominant Ring of Honor Women's Champion of all time.
00:00:56I ended up tearing a couple of ligaments in my ankle.
00:01:00It is best for the division if I keep the Ring of Honor Women's World Championship.
00:01:07The bitch got what she deserved.
00:01:10Queen Aminata does not respect you as a champion.
00:01:13You have zero honor.
00:01:16What is going on?
00:01:16And Lexi Nair's taking the boot off.
00:01:18And that boot, that fabrication, all the lies.
00:01:21You are not ready for the opportunity that you usurped.
00:01:26It's gonna be an all out war, and I can't wait to be forever champion.
00:01:33This is death before dishonor.
00:01:40Texas, death before dishonor.
00:01:42Let's do it.
00:01:44Ring of Honor, Ring of Honor, Ring of Honor, Ring of Honor, Ring of Honor.
00:01:51And now, Ring of Honor and
00:01:55Jazz Wears Vault present Death Before Dishonor.
00:02:01Wrestling fans around the world,
00:02:05welcome to Arlington, Texas as Ring of Honor presents
00:02:12Death Before Dishonor.
00:02:15Thank you so much for joining us here tonight deep in the heart of Texas.
00:02:22Here for Ring of Honor, Caprice Coleman.
00:02:23Everything's just a little bit bigger in Texas tonight, there's no exception.
00:02:29Your opening contest is set for one fall.
00:02:31We have 20 minutes time limit.
00:02:33Introducing first, wrestling accordion from New Mexico.
00:02:36Weighing 202 pounds, The Beast Morto.
00:02:42The Beast Morto, undefeated since returning to Ring of Honor.
00:02:47Caprice, a man who is as strong as he is fast.
00:02:50I'll tell you what, the ultimate hybrid is what I call The Beast Morto.
00:02:56He's strong, he's fast, he can take damage, he can keep moving, and
00:03:00he's explosive.
00:03:01It doesn't come in any better package than that, Rick Abadi.
00:03:04And how do you even deal with the intimidation factor?
00:03:07Look at this man.
00:03:09But he will have his hands full here tonight.
00:03:11His opponent, being accompanied by the hype man,
00:03:16Elvis Abadi, wrestling at Los Angeles, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
00:03:21Weighing 161 pounds, Commander.
00:03:28Commander has been sensational in Ring of Honor.
00:03:30And if you remember Caprice, the instant classic back at final battle,
00:03:34a man who cemented himself firmly in world television title contention.
00:03:38Commander, look at that.
00:03:42Viva la Mexico, Commander, one of the great international stars,
00:03:46kicking things off here tonight in this Lucha Libre battle.
00:03:49International star, 307, they reign as the AAA Cruiserweight champions.
00:03:54We're bringing them in hot, Rick Abadi is starting this match up,
00:03:58starting the pay-per-view off with fire.
00:04:01Tell you what, I think a win for either man could put them immediately into
00:04:04championship contention.
00:04:07Referee Brandon Martinez, our official.
00:04:12And calling for the Code of Honor here.
00:04:15And we will see.
00:04:16We've got six championship matches tonight.
00:04:19Texas Deathmatch.
00:04:21See, Dustin Rhodes and Eli Erickson take on the Death Order.
00:04:24And look at the apprehension of Commander.
00:04:27Yeah, they have.
00:04:28I mean, that's about the best we might get here.
00:04:30Just shaking it off, just the sap off air.
00:04:34Well, you know, Commander is not impressed at all.
00:04:36Now, Mortis has been there before, but it doesn't stop.
00:04:42Both men historically one and one against each other in Mexico.
00:04:45They've been in the ring the same time ten times.
00:04:48But this is only the third time they've been in a single competition.
00:04:51This is a lot of damage in a short amount of time.
00:04:53And Mortis is putting on Commander.
00:04:56It hasn't stopped yet.
00:04:58Everything right to the head of Commander.
00:05:00Head hunting.
00:05:01Coming out strong as Mortis.
00:05:03The eyes, the fire in those almost burning blue eyes of Toro.
00:05:11Beast Mortis here.
00:05:14You can hear the crowd here in Arlington loving the onslaught put on.
00:05:19Hey, Caprice, how do you read and react against a guy like Beast Mortis?
00:05:23What do you do?
00:05:24You do exactly what Commander is doing is try to stick and move, hit when you can.
00:05:29Look at that being elusive.
00:05:31Stand out of the way.
00:05:32That's Commander right there.
00:05:34Matrix Kip up there being hard to hit.
00:05:36Look at that out of the way.
00:05:37Commander now springboard, high cross body caught by the Beast Mortis.
00:05:41He's trying not to get caught.
00:05:42Well, up into his feet like a cat.
00:05:44Big jump kick to the back.
00:05:45Beast Mortis now to the outside.
00:05:50Now getting alive here, coming alive.
00:05:53You can see the energy.
00:05:54You can almost see the adrenaline pumping through the veins now of Commander.
00:05:58Nobody flies like Commander.
00:06:00And oh, oh, wait a minute.
00:06:05He just caught a tour.
00:06:07He's caught a grown man in the air is what Mortis just did.
00:06:13Does he have a mind?
00:06:21The body.
00:06:24The stunned body of Commander caught and violently
00:06:29defenestrated in to Alex Abrahantes.
00:06:32There's so many directions that Mortis could have put Commander in.
00:06:35Could have put him on the apron.
00:06:36Could have put him on the mat.
00:06:38Decided to take out the manager Alex Abrahantes.
00:06:41And that's a big move right there because you take out Alex,
00:06:44you take out the advice that Alex can give Commander.
00:06:51Beast Mortis here.
00:06:54As Commander, oh, into the post.
00:06:56Yeah, I think Mortis knew exactly what he was doing.
00:06:59And now you can see Commander is almost lost on the outside of the ring
00:07:02with a beast over him.
00:07:04And it's interesting, Caprice,
00:07:05because the comment about the adrenaline letting it soak in,
00:07:09that was seconds that turned vital.
00:07:12Allowed Beast Mortis to get to his feet,
00:07:14be prepared for anything that Commander might have done.
00:07:17The thing about Mortis, man, he looks scary,
00:07:19but inside of there, there's a man that is thinking, has a game plan.
00:07:23The game plan is to take out his opponent.
00:07:26You don't get the international resume,
00:07:28reputation that Beast Mortis has without having mind.
00:07:33Ooh, look at this.
00:07:34For professional wrestling to soak in that experience.
00:07:37And ever since Mortis has came back to Ring of Honor,
00:07:39he's been undefeated.
00:07:41Look at this.
00:07:43Oh, jeez.
00:07:49Of course, fans all around the world using the hashtag R-W-H-D-B-D,
00:07:53checking in throughout the night.
00:07:57Saw them during zero hour, certainly buzzing about this.
00:08:05How do you even get that much saliva?
00:08:07Is that saliva?
00:08:08Would have been missed.
00:08:11What's that?
00:08:16And look at this, around the neck, up and over, wheelbarrow.
00:08:18It is Commander.
00:08:19One, two.
00:08:21That's what Commander's going to have to do is these pins out of nowhere,
00:08:25these situations to tie up Mortis.
00:08:27Staying away from him, tying him up when you can.
00:08:30It's the emotional intelligence, the situation effectiveness
00:08:33of Commander he's going to need here.
00:08:35Around he goes.
00:08:36Beautiful fight.
00:08:37Also showing the heart of Commander.
00:08:39Being the underdog and staying inside the fight.
00:08:42The only person that knows he's the underdog is everybody on the outside
00:08:45of the ring.
00:08:46He sees himself a winner on the inside.
00:08:48That's Commander.
00:08:50And Commander now adjusting himself.
00:08:52You see those nice heavy breaths coming through the stomach.
00:08:56Oh, goodness.
00:08:57But those breaths.
00:08:58Oh, no.
00:08:59The air driven right through the diaphragm and back out.
00:09:03The rib cage of Commander landed right on his steel post on the outside
00:09:08thrown by Mortis.
00:09:09It's a steel post connecting these cables, Rickabody.
00:09:12And Commander landed his ribs right on.
00:09:14Watch his ribs.
00:09:15Watch right here.
00:09:16And it was right after that big, deep breath.
00:09:19Oh, my goodness.
00:09:20Commander had just gotten his breath back, Caprice, and right back out.
00:09:24He's going to show you.
00:09:25He's going to show you.
00:09:26It's nothing but steel under there, Rickabody.
00:09:27That's what I was trying to show you.
00:09:29You didn't believe Caprice.
00:09:31I think he can hear me talking.
00:09:32I need a hotline.
00:09:33Call me now.
00:09:34Well, you didn't tell him to do that.
00:09:36I mean, geez.
00:09:38The exposed steel.
00:09:40And he's going to do it again.
00:09:42He's going to do it again.
00:09:43The damage is done, though.
00:09:44Once it's done one time, Commander's not going to take that again.
00:09:47Out of the way, puts Mortis there.
00:09:49But you can see Commander holding that rib.
00:09:51Man, he's going to be holding those ribs for a long time.
00:09:53He may have broken a rib there.
00:09:55Up and over.
00:09:56And that's going to negate.
00:09:57It's going to take down.
00:09:58Some of Commander's high-flying offense.
00:10:00You need that core to stabilize on the ropes.
00:10:02He loves to walk on the ropes.
00:10:03Commander bought some time there, but he's taking that time to heal
00:10:06and too much time to get up to the top rope.
00:10:08And Mortis heals very fast.
00:10:10Oh, goodness.
00:10:11Very resilient is Mortis.
00:10:13Splitting the distance there.
00:10:16Splitting the uprights does Beast Mortis.
00:10:19He is now not only holding the ribs.
00:10:22Oh, and you can see, Caprice, there's a red welt.
00:10:25There's a straight line as Beast Mortis here.
00:10:28On the hardest part of the ring here.
00:10:30What does Mortis have in mind?
00:10:32This might have worked in Commander's favor.
00:10:34Like the sword of Damocles, you knew it would come into play.
00:10:37And it's Commander who takes the advantage of that situation.
00:10:41Driving Beast Mortis into that exposed steel.
00:10:44You can see Commander still trying to catch his breath here.
00:10:47A lot of thud.
00:10:48Swing through satellite CDT.
00:10:50Are you kidding me right now?
00:10:53This is what you do when you can only do one thing.
00:10:57You put the risk on the line.
00:10:59And the risk has paid off for Commander.
00:11:02I would think the score is even right now.
00:11:04Who can get in the ring first?
00:11:06There's a 20 count here at Ring of Honor.
00:11:09The crowd coming alive here in Arlington,
00:11:12which has become such a key and critical location.
00:11:15Commander in the history of Ring of Honor.
00:11:18Caprice, some of the biggest bouts in the history of our weight
00:11:21have happened right here in Arlington, including Briscoe's FTR.
00:11:26We called it.
00:11:27We certainly did.
00:11:29Commander's checking on Alex there.
00:11:31Commander back up to the ropes.
00:11:32Most of the damage that Commander does is from this top rope district area.
00:11:38Up top, it's Commander.
00:11:40Can he find the balance?
00:11:41That core.
00:11:42Oh, it took him just a split second longer.
00:11:44He doesn't trust that core.
00:11:46That timing.
00:11:47The timing because of him with that core recovery.
00:11:52Oh, and great audible here from Commander.
00:11:55Oh, big elbow.
00:11:56Catches Beast Moritos up the ladder, pump kick.
00:11:59Well, that's good that Commander has more offense to try here.
00:12:04Are you kidding me?
00:12:10What in the world?
00:12:12Bringing out all stops is Commander in his work.
00:12:19The way he lifted his body up.
00:12:21We dig.
00:12:22He's gliding through.
00:12:23Oh, that's like DDT right there.
00:12:26And we go to the apron here.
00:12:28Oh, pop.
00:12:30Popping and locking and driving Moritos.
00:12:32You say he was popping and locking.
00:12:34He was.
00:12:35You saw the pop.
00:12:36You saw the lock.
00:12:37You saw the hurricane.
00:12:38I'll take it.
00:12:39I'll take it.
00:12:40Now watch this.
00:12:42A test of the core.
00:12:43The balance needed here.
00:12:44Come in.
00:12:47That's tight rope in the house.
00:12:49Is that good?
00:12:53It has led to pain for both men as Arlington here at Esports Stadium
00:12:58is on their feet.
00:12:59We have to see that again.
00:13:00Watch this.
00:13:01The agility that it takes.
00:13:02The body control that it takes.
00:13:04Commander is amazing.
00:13:06Oh, look at that.
00:13:07The footwork.
00:13:10Reminiscent of some of the diving you will see on Team USA.
00:13:16The body control.
00:13:17But they don't do that on a running start.
00:13:19On a two-inch thick cable.
00:13:21With a bruised rib at least.
00:13:23At least Commander has bruised ribs.
00:13:25You see Commander back holding those ribs.
00:13:27Commander in a lot of trouble with the wrist.
00:13:29This pain.
00:13:31Throwing the shots in.
00:13:32Moritos is in a lot of trouble.
00:13:34Look at this.
00:13:35Moritos back in though.
00:13:36Commander, he's holding that hip as well.
00:13:39Could be a hip flexor issue up the ladder again with the kick.
00:13:41It is now Commander outside.
00:13:44Oh, my God.
00:13:46Poison run up.
00:13:50And with that injection of poison, that would have made Beth fifth of Oakcroft.
00:13:54Oh, my God.
00:13:55Hook the leg.
00:13:59And driving the skull.
00:14:01Commander has found an opening here, Caprice.
00:14:03But does he have enough left in the tank to finish things out?
00:14:06Look at the springboard.
00:14:08The body control.
00:14:10Springboard inside out.
00:14:11Poison run up by Commander.
00:14:13I can't put nothing past him.
00:14:15I'm just going to say, yes, he has enough left to do what he needs to do.
00:14:19And Moritos is laying on the ground.
00:14:21That's a bad situation for Commander because everything Commander does off
00:14:24the top rope can put you away.
00:14:26Up top.
00:14:31Doesn't matter what it was.
00:14:33Beast has feet up.
00:14:34Beast Moritos now with Commander.
00:14:36Pop up.
00:14:40That's what I mean.
00:14:41Hook the leg.
00:14:43And no.
00:14:45But it's still a surmountable amount of damage in a very short amount of
00:14:52Executing the ribs and the pelvis area that Commander already has in a lot
00:14:56of trouble.
00:14:57Moritos back in control.
00:14:59Crowd coming alive for Moritos here.
00:15:02As Commander in trouble.
00:15:04It's like a back breaker torture rack situation.
00:15:07Out of it with a crucifix driver.
00:15:09Commander cannot immediately take advantage of it though.
00:15:12Trying to think off of his feet.
00:15:14Trying to move before Moritos gets back to his feet.
00:15:17Turning defense into offense.
00:15:19It's Commander here.
00:15:20And defense for Moritos.
00:15:25Swinging Mexican destroyer.
00:15:27I'll tell you what, man.
00:15:28It doesn't matter how small you are.
00:15:30If you can jump under, land on your head.
00:15:32Both men back to their feet.
00:15:33Spear delivered.
00:15:34And both men are down.
00:15:36And the match resets here at Arlington.
00:15:43I'll tell you what.
00:15:44That was the last-ditch effort by Moritos.
00:15:47Putting everything that he had in that because Moritos landed on his head.
00:15:50And the bigger you are, when you get dropped into a hand-breaker body,
00:15:53it takes that much more to recover.
00:15:59Esports Stadium.
00:16:02Channing, fight forever here.
00:16:04And I agree.
00:16:05What a way to kick things up.
00:16:06To blow out the doors here at Arlington's Esports Stadium.
00:16:11Death before dishonor 2024.
00:16:13They can't fight forever.
00:16:14We got a six-second sealed match.
00:16:16We sure do.
00:16:17Up and over.
00:16:19We need a winner.
00:16:21And it beats Moritos now.
00:16:23What does this big man have in mind?
00:16:25I'll tell you what.
00:16:26Moritos is trapped.
00:16:27But he's in a great situation sitting here.
00:16:29Commander has to maneuver.
00:16:33Whoa, wait a minute.
00:16:35Up to the top.
00:16:37Are you kidding me right now?
00:16:38I like that standing Spanish fly from the top.
00:16:40Wait a minute.
00:16:44Whatever Commander had in mind.
00:16:47Counter there.
00:16:49Huge slam.
00:16:52That was like a 10-foot power press drop slam that Moritos did to Commander
00:16:59driving the wind out of Commander.
00:17:02Let's take a look again.
00:17:04Oh, it's halfway across the ring.
00:17:07Not only getting the downward force, but the horizontal force as well.
00:17:10It's like he slammed off a basketball.
00:17:14Commander is dazed.
00:17:16Could be the beginning of the end.
00:17:17Wait a minute.
00:17:18Commander around he goes.
00:17:19Every time I think Commander's down, he shows another bit of light.
00:17:22Up the ladder.
00:17:23Wait a minute.
00:17:24Oh, the Stryker again.
00:17:25This time.
00:17:26He has to take advantage.
00:17:27As Beast Moritos down.
00:17:29Can he make the ascent to the top?
00:17:32Try that 450 splash.
00:17:33All those ribs.
00:17:34He had to rethink what he was doing there.
00:17:36He had to reconsider.
00:17:37That adjustment might cost him Riccoboni.
00:17:39Or it might win him.
00:17:40It might win him the match.
00:17:42He might have pulled out something different here.
00:17:44This is why it's called taking a risk, Riccoboni.
00:17:48Risk did not pay off.
00:17:49You got a beast behind you.
00:17:51And Moritos surrounding the world.
00:17:54This is what he was trying for before.
00:17:57That time.
00:17:58Backing a lot of trouble.
00:17:59He's going to drop it on his head and finish it, Riccoboni.
00:18:01And Moritos puts a stake in Commander to match.
00:18:09The winner of this match, The Beast Moritos.
00:18:14What a match.
00:18:16The fans across the Esports Stadium here in Arlington on their feet.
00:18:24And deservedly so.
00:18:25The Beast Moritos picking up the victory.
00:18:27And fans, I'm being told right now, as Alex Abrahante is holding the head and neck.
00:18:33Breaking news from Tony Khan tomorrow night.
00:18:37As we take a look here at how he got to the victory for Moritos.
00:18:43Moritos staying on the back of the rib area.
00:18:46And dropping him on top of his head.
00:18:49There's that spiking impact.
00:18:52Moritos, what a game plan.
00:18:54What a victory.
00:18:56And by virtue of that victory, tomorrow night on Collision Caprice,
00:19:00it'll be The Beast Moritos taking on Hologram, a PM live on TNT.
00:19:06The action keeps on going.
00:19:08And Riccoboni, we still got a lot of action to go.
00:19:11We certainly do.
00:19:12But before we get to that action, what about our new broadcast colleague,
00:19:15Melissa Santos, who is standing by with the MXM Collection.
00:19:25Introducing for the first time ever here at Ring of Honor, MXM Collection.
00:19:36Fellas, what an incredible opening performance here at Ring of Honor.
00:19:40How are you feeling moving forward?
00:19:42Tonight, MXM flew into DFW ASAP for ROH and TBH.
00:19:49We A-T-E.
00:19:51What's more, at AEW on TNT, FYI, I'm feeling F-T-R.
00:20:01If anybody needs an extreme makeover, it's DAX.
00:20:05Cash though, cash has potential.
00:20:07Tonight, we turned Ring of Honor into Runway of Honor.
00:20:11But tomorrow on Collision, we turn F-T-R into Feel the Rim.
00:20:18Because you're going to be doing the J-O-V.
00:20:32MXM Collection.
00:20:35Wow, thank you.
00:20:36Welcome, Melissa.
00:20:37Tonight, MXM Collection taking on F-T-R, TNT, AEW Collision.
00:20:43But when you talk about tag team action here at Caprice,
00:20:46the tag team championships are on the line here tonight.
00:20:50We will see the Undisputed Kingdom.
00:20:52Mike Finn and Matt Taven fight their feelings for Kyle O'Reilly
00:20:55and fight Tomohiro Ishii with the titles hanging in the balance.
00:21:02Undisputed Kingdom three times over.
00:21:04World Tag Team Champions here.
00:21:06Taven and Bennett have etched themselves among the top teams
00:21:09we've seen in the last decade.
00:21:11Guys, as of now, you do not have opponents for Death Before Dishonor.
00:21:15Do you have any sort of update on that?
00:21:17We're taking the day off.
00:21:18We've been at every show for nine months.
00:21:20My goodness gracious.
00:21:23Good evening, gentlemen.
00:21:25Tony Khan has just appointed me to the board of directors for Ring of Honor.
00:21:28So unfortunately for you, you will be defending those Ring of Honor championships
00:21:33against Ishii and O'Reilly.
00:21:36The Stone Pit Bull.
00:21:38One of the toughest men in all of professional wrestling.
00:21:42Kyle O'Reilly.
00:21:43A dangerous technician.
00:21:46Ishii doesn't have a neck.
00:21:47How am I going to pile drive you?
00:21:48He's not neck strong.
00:21:50Oh, boy.
00:21:53This tag team match is simple and bold.
00:21:55A 60-minute time limit.
00:21:57And it is for the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship.
00:22:02Introducing first, the challengers.
00:22:04At a combined weight of 426 pounds,
00:22:07they are representing the tag collaboration.
00:22:11First, Kyle O'Reilly.
00:22:15Welcome back to the Ring of Honor.
00:22:17Kyle O'Reilly.
00:22:20Welcome back, former Ring of Honor World Champion.
00:22:23More importantly tonight, three times over,
00:22:26Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champion, Kyle O'Reilly.
00:22:29As one half of the conglomeration here tonight.
00:22:32The conglomeration has a lot of size to it.
00:22:35And one of the size of the body is the Stone Pit Bull.
00:22:39Tomohiro Ishii.
00:22:43You look at the conglomeration.
00:22:45Kyle O'Reilly on the left.
00:22:47Ishii on the right.
00:22:48Both men with Ring of Honor ties.
00:22:50Ishii, former Ring of Honor World Television Champion.
00:22:54Mark Briscoe, defending the Ring of Honor World Championship
00:22:58later here tonight.
00:23:00And I'll tell you what.
00:23:02What they have in common,
00:23:04is that they both have a lot of muscle.
00:23:08And I'll tell you what.
00:23:11What they have in common is this fiber to fight.
00:23:14Ishii, one of the greatest ever open weight champions
00:23:17in the history of New Japan.
00:23:18Kyle O'Reilly, one of the best strikers we've ever seen
00:23:21here in Ring of Honor.
00:23:22And after a seven year absence, back here tonight
00:23:24in an ROH ring.
00:23:25Along with that man, the Stone Pit Bull.
00:23:28Could be a big night for the conglomeration with a win now.
00:23:31Gotta know, aren't Cassius somewhere watching behind?
00:23:34They're opponents.
00:23:35Let's go to Boston, Massachusetts.
00:23:37At a combined weight of 427 pounds,
00:23:41they are representing one disputed kingdom.
00:23:45And they are the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions,
00:23:50Mike Bennett and Matt Taven.
00:23:57Matt Taven and Mike Bennett,
00:23:59part of the fiber of Ring of Honor,
00:24:01three times over the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions.
00:24:04But Death Before Dishonor, Caprice,
00:24:05has historically been like a black cat
00:24:08walking under a ladder for Matt Taven.
00:24:11The winning loss record for Matt Taven,
00:24:14Death Before Dishonor, is not that great.
00:24:16But the undisputed kingdom has a lot of work to do.
00:24:19They can try to hold on to the tag team titles
00:24:21and set the momentum for the undisputed kingdom
00:24:23of Roger Strong in a world title match tonight.
00:24:26Well, Matt Taven, not only the record,
00:24:28Matt Taven blowing out his knee
00:24:30at Death Before Dishonor 2015,
00:24:33losing the tag team championships there,
00:24:35losing the world title at Death Before Dishonor 2019.
00:24:39This has been sort of the monkey on his back,
00:24:43this particular event.
00:24:45And if you're superstitious,
00:24:47will it be inside the head of Matt Taven,
00:24:49who, by the way, they have said openly
00:24:51that they have nothing against Kyle O'Reilly,
00:24:53that this is business.
00:24:55As you see Ishii and O'Reilly,
00:24:57Taven, Bennett, Roger Strong,
00:24:59great friends with O'Reilly.
00:25:01And as you see Aubrey Edwards
00:25:03making history here tonight,
00:25:04the first ever female official
00:25:06at a Ring of Honor pay-per-view.
00:25:08She will be the one counting shoulders
00:25:11and making all the calls here tonight
00:25:13in our Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship bout.
00:25:16Well, if your tag team partners with the Stone Pit Bull,
00:25:19that's big business to me, Rick,
00:25:20to be honest with you.
00:25:23That's big business to me, Rick O'Reilly.
00:25:25And coat of honor here to O'Reilly,
00:25:28Taven and Bennett.
00:25:29And the disrespect.
00:25:32And, oh, come on.
00:25:34And the insult.
00:25:35How about that insult?
00:25:36Oh, he's got no, he can't be neck strong.
00:25:38He's got no neck.
00:25:39I see his neck.
00:25:41He's a fighter, that's why.
00:25:43Bell has rung.
00:25:45Gonna start things off with Ishii.
00:25:47Ishii not only has a neck,
00:25:49has a very strong chin.
00:25:51Take a lot of damage.
00:25:52Dish out a lot of damage.
00:25:54He's calling out for a tag here.
00:25:56Brawler tactics, powerhouse moves.
00:26:00You never know what he's thinking because of his face.
00:26:03That's why they call him the Stone Pit Bull.
00:26:05Can't read his mind.
00:26:06No emotions.
00:26:07And Bennett able to get the advantage here.
00:26:13Ishii historically likes to absorb some blows,
00:26:17get some punishment, gets him warmed up,
00:26:19gets the blood boiling.
00:26:20I don't need nobody to warm me up.
00:26:24Oh, that one may have connected a little bit more
00:26:26than Ishii had bargained for.
00:26:27I think Bennett is more capable than Ishii thought,
00:26:32but Ishii's still gonna bring it in there.
00:26:34Ishii likes this type of stuff with the body.
00:26:36Certainly does.
00:26:37And Bennett, no stranger to New Japan Pro Wrestling.
00:26:39He and David, former IWGP heavyweight tag champs there.
00:26:42There you go with the body.
00:26:44Oh, look at this, though.
00:26:46The blisters, the blood vessels.
00:26:49Just popping at the sweat.
00:26:52And capillaries on the chest,
00:26:54you can see right there on Ishii.
00:26:56And Bennett bows.
00:26:58Oh, and Ishii almost like, yeah, you...
00:27:02The ropes.
00:27:03Bennett now, shot to the midsection,
00:27:05off the ropes.
00:27:07And Bennett sent down into the corner.
00:27:09That low center of gravity, you can see right there.
00:27:11Ooh, and look at the blood.
00:27:12That's what I mean with them capillaries right there,
00:27:14bleeding from chest shots.
00:27:15People want to take them.
00:27:16You don't want to take that.
00:27:18And Matt Taven.
00:27:20And Kyle O'Reilly,
00:27:22two former Ring of Honor world champions here.
00:27:24Oh, this is gonna be good.
00:27:26And down to one knee, gets the waist lock here.
00:27:28Kyle O'Reilly, I would not want to go into a technical battle,
00:27:30as you see a hammer lock here.
00:27:31O'Reilly's one of the great technical stars
00:27:33in wrestling history, but Taven keeping up here.
00:27:35Taven keeping up.
00:27:36Taven's former world champion, Ring of Honor.
00:27:38Taven can do anything when he chooses to.
00:27:40The thing about Kyle O'Reilly, though,
00:27:42is he can put any belt on Kyle O'Reilly.
00:27:43TV title, career title, gold world title.
00:27:45He's a pretender for all of them.
00:27:48Side headlock here as Taven off the ropes.
00:27:51Of course, Taven and Bennett have shown some apprehension,
00:27:54despite really taking offense to things.
00:27:58Mark Briscoe, Ishii and Orange.
00:28:00Cross armbar here.
00:28:01Cross armbar.
00:28:02Ooh, did he tap him?
00:28:03Was he trying to lock the fingers?
00:28:06We've got some of the best referees in the world.
00:28:08Oh, and Aubrey is right there.
00:28:10Oh, kick to the inside thigh.
00:28:12He showed that on the inside thigh.
00:28:15Here's the abductor.
00:28:16Your abductor seems to be up and over.
00:28:18Yeah, add it in.
00:28:19Abductor's on the outside.
00:28:20You're right, Rip Vaughn.
00:28:21Look at that.
00:28:22Off the ropes.
00:28:23Big time kick from Taven.
00:28:24I'll tell you what, I'm taking that job
00:28:25that I'm taking plenty of time to come down
00:28:27and know where I'm going to hit you.
00:28:28I'm just waking up.
00:28:32Just in case you didn't know, his name is Rip Vaughn.
00:28:34Just in case you forgot.
00:28:36He's been doing that since kindergarten.
00:28:37Trust me, I know.
00:28:38Grand slam champion.
00:28:39Taven, nice double leg takedown here.
00:28:41And the mountain position.
00:28:42Mountain position, yeah.
00:28:43Oh, now.
00:28:44Full mountain.
00:28:45Taven, oh!
00:28:46Arm exposed.
00:28:47Cross armbar here.
00:28:48Beautiful transitions by O'Reilly.
00:28:49Had that arm in play.
00:28:50And rolling to the corner of EGD.
00:28:54So smart, though, getting to the ropes
00:28:56before permanent damage could be done.
00:28:58Even when you put that armbar in, Rip Vaughn,
00:29:00and getting out of it, the damage is still done.
00:29:02Your arm just feels so numb for a long time.
00:29:04It's weak and at a weakened state.
00:29:06You don't want a weakened state when you've got Stone Pit Bull
00:29:08in front of you and you're in the wrong corner.
00:29:10And that's the arm Taven uses for the climax,
00:29:12his own finishing move.
00:29:13That's the arm he needs for the Hail Mary,
00:29:15for that spike pile driver.
00:29:16And now Ishii looking to pop some blood vessels
00:29:19on Taven's chest.
00:29:20Can you believe this is one of six final matches?
00:29:23We are blessed.
00:29:24We've been doing this for six years together, Caprice.
00:29:26We are blessed.
00:29:27I'm going to take that.
00:29:28And congratulations on your team.
00:29:30Well, thank you.
00:29:31Oh, couldn't have sniped that shot.
00:29:35And I haven't worked a day in my life
00:29:38Ishii just slaughtered the chest like ground beef
00:29:42of Matt Taven.
00:29:43You see the blood coming off of Ishii's chest.
00:29:46Just imagine how Taven's chest feels.
00:29:50O'Reilly going right into the rib cage.
00:29:53O'Reilly's trying to find a focal point on Taven.
00:29:56And you see O'Reilly and Ishii do quite well
00:29:58in six-man action on collision.
00:30:01They stand bare here.
00:30:02They've had great continuity.
00:30:04And we're seeing it here tonight.
00:30:05Look at the twisting.
00:30:07So you go there right there.
00:30:08He's going to put the obliques and stay stretched
00:30:09in the oblique area there in the rib area.
00:30:11Basement cobra twist.
00:30:12And some of the muscles in the obliques
00:30:14are absolutely right.
00:30:19Man, that's a hard situation to come out of.
00:30:20And Taven's still in the wrong side of town.
00:30:22Tag made.
00:30:23And as we celebrate things, we're going to take a quick moment
00:30:25to congratulate our producer, Chad.
00:30:27He's not with us here tonight.
00:30:28Yes, congratulations.
00:30:29His first child.
00:30:30And hopefully, I know he tries to be impartial.
00:30:33But his team right here, the conglomeration,
00:30:35getting to work on Matt Taven.
00:30:45I'll tell you what, I heard Chad get some sleep, man.
00:30:47He's going to have to tag team him.
00:30:49That's right.
00:30:50Get that baby on the schedule.
00:30:51Look at that.
00:30:52Nice shot to the rib cage there.
00:30:53Swing and a miss.
00:30:54Those big legs of Taven.
00:30:57Those feet of O'Reilly.
00:30:58Trust me.
00:30:59I felt them before.
00:31:00They are dangerous.
00:31:01They are lethal.
00:31:02And ECE is just waiting for that shoulder block.
00:31:04My goodness.
00:31:07Ishii now driving through the chest of Taven.
00:31:10That wrist trapped.
00:31:11And ooh.
00:31:12You see how Ishii was able to change the pace of the match
00:31:15just that fast.
00:31:16Ishii is in control in the middle of the ring.
00:31:20Certainly is.
00:31:21It is his world, his pace.
00:31:22That's why he's one of the greatest never-openweight
00:31:24champions in New Japan history.
00:31:27That's why he was able to capture that Ring of Honor
00:31:29World Television title.
00:31:31Knee in the back.
00:31:32Just got Ishii's attention.
00:31:34But it might be enough for Taven.
00:31:37There it is.
00:31:38Those long legs.
00:31:39Of the Boston native tag man, Mike Bennett.
00:31:42I tell you what, man.
00:31:43That kick right there might have been more than meets the eye
00:31:46because Taven has that steel harness on his knees
00:31:49under his tights there,
00:31:52so there could have been a steel hit to the head.
00:31:54You're absolutely right.
00:31:55We talked about a little death before the sun of 2015.
00:32:00And that knee has been a lingering issue.
00:32:02Those steel braces under there, so that was a good blow.
00:32:05Legally cleared, as Mike Bennett.
00:32:08You can see Ishii out on his feet there.
00:32:10I promise you that's what happened.
00:32:11Get up, Ishii!
00:32:12Get up, Ishii!
00:32:13Come on!
00:32:14You don't normally see Ishii in this kind of way.
00:32:17Might have waken Ishii up.
00:32:19He was slapping him in when he was sleeping.
00:32:23Look at that absorbing.
00:32:25I can't read emotions.
00:32:26I feel like I can read Ishii.
00:32:28He's had enough.
00:32:31Rod Stewart said every picture tells a story,
00:32:33and this story here is Ishii coming to life.
00:32:36I ain't never seen a man get punched and move forward.
00:32:40You hear him?
00:32:43Oh, no!
00:32:44Right to the eye!
00:32:45Come on, that's illegal!
00:32:47Tag made!
00:32:49Sensing the danger.
00:32:50Oh, goodness!
00:32:52And now he cannot see Kyle O'Reilly,
00:32:55but he makes the tag!
00:32:56He could hear him!
00:32:57Ducks to the right!
00:32:58O'Reilly, big boot!
00:33:00Big boot!
00:33:01Look at that, sweeping the inside leg again.
00:33:03Oh, God, these quick kicks!
00:33:04They come out of nowhere.
00:33:05They come sequentially fast!
00:33:08Moetai, background!
00:33:09Taming on the back of his hand.
00:33:11Oh, catch the leg!
00:33:13And screw!
00:33:15Wrenching the knee!
00:33:16Not made to go left to right!
00:33:18Oh, goodness!
00:33:19Taming again that knee you talked about, Caprice!
00:33:21To the outside.
00:33:23Oh, my goodness!
00:33:24O'Reilly thinks so fast!
00:33:26And the muscle spot looks just as quick
00:33:28as O'Reilly running in!
00:33:30Sends Bennett into the barricade!
00:33:33Into the midsection, though!
00:33:34It's Taming now!
00:33:35Irish whip!
00:33:36O'Reilly, those quick feet!
00:33:37Oh, and she sends it!
00:33:39I'll tell you what, man.
00:33:40We have a great team.
00:33:41We're working so well together.
00:33:42This is a well-oiled unit.
00:33:45That was the only question we had coming into this bout.
00:33:49Off the ropes!
00:33:50Boston back!
00:33:51Is she back?
00:33:55But it's Taming!
00:33:58Oh, but O'Reilly!
00:34:03O'Reilly with the knee!
00:34:04Like a midair collision.
00:34:05Tram-breaking cars all over the place
00:34:07on the outside of the ring here at the Esports Stadium.
00:34:12This packed house, Esports Stadium,
00:34:14death before dishonor!
00:34:16That challenger's with an opportunity now!
00:34:21And look at that, O'Reilly,
00:34:22driving through the chest of Taming.
00:34:24These two men who've gone to war
00:34:26for the Ring of Honor World Tag Team titles before,
00:34:28who've ridden the roads together.
00:34:36Oh, Taming.
00:34:37We talked about that friendship.
00:34:39Man, you see that just that fast, man,
00:34:41it made O'Reilly faint.
00:34:42Oh, buckles the knee!
00:34:43Buckles the knee into the ankle lock!
00:34:44O'Reilly's got it locked in!
00:34:46Taming's dead in the middle of the ring
00:34:48and nowhere to go.
00:34:49Oh, now, maybe looking for the knee bar.
00:34:50No, it's Taming able to separate off the ropes.
00:34:52O'Reilly's gonna miss.
00:34:53It's Taming now.
00:34:54Back to his feet.
00:34:55Big thrust kick on the inside.
00:34:57O'Reilly, the caught!
00:34:58Caught, anticipated by Bennett!
00:35:00Oh, and he is trapped!
00:35:01He is trapped from Matt Taming!
00:35:03To the inside!
00:35:05Oh, my goodness!
00:35:08The crash that O'Reilly would've taken
00:35:10if he would've just been letting go by Bennett
00:35:12was enough, but to be crashed out by Taming
00:35:15over the top rope
00:35:16adds so much more velocity to that impact.
00:35:21The springboard, the physics.
00:35:22We take a look again.
00:35:24It is inside out.
00:35:26And I gotta wonder about that right shoulder, too, Caprice.
00:35:29It looked to me Kyle O'Reilly may have popped it out.
00:35:32Looking at the shoulder, looking at the hip of O'Reilly.
00:35:34You're right, Rick Abadie.
00:35:35You never know the danger that O'Reilly is in now
00:35:38and Bennett's not gonna give O'Reilly time
00:35:40to try to figure it out either.
00:35:42But quickly, as the tag is made to Bennett,
00:35:46the Undisputed Kingdom have said
00:35:47there's nothing personal with O'Reilly.
00:35:49They've even tried to recruit him, number one.
00:35:51Wouldn't you try to recruit him as well?
00:35:54And the thing about it is
00:35:55when you come from the old regime of Ring of Honor,
00:35:57they respect Kyle O'Reilly.
00:35:59They know what he's done.
00:36:00But Kyle O'Reilly is a part of Kyle O'Reilly
00:36:02that has honor inside, locked in.
00:36:04And the Undisputed Kingdom don't fight with honor anymore.
00:36:07Look at that now, kick to the midsection.
00:36:09And they wonder what he sees in the conglomeration.
00:36:11They wonder why he is with dubious vagrants and vagabonds.
00:36:15Oh, goodness!
00:36:17He sees heart. He sees determination.
00:36:19And Rick Abadie, he sees honor.
00:36:22Well, the kingdom certainly framed that differently
00:36:26as the Undisputed Kingdom.
00:36:27Big boot to Tabin.
00:36:29Big missile dropkick.
00:36:31This is what's gonna be the case if...
00:36:35Is the tag team work that the Undisputed Kingdom
00:36:38are able to bring off cohesively, back-to-back?
00:36:43And now, grabbing that chin lock here,
00:36:46slowing down O'Reilly.
00:36:48You see Tabin putting the pressure on the back,
00:36:50pressing the breaths of O'Reilly.
00:36:52Wanting to bring it down, trying to take the air out of O'Reilly.
00:36:55O'Reilly right back to his feet, though.
00:36:57He knows that's the safest spot, I think, right now, Caprice.
00:36:59Yeah, trying to stay out of the harm's way of Matt Tabin.
00:37:02Oh, nice.
00:37:03Snap suplex, the float over, lateral press.
00:37:07Two count only.
00:37:08That shows the heart right there of O'Reilly.
00:37:10O'Reilly by himself, and I don't even see Ishii anywhere.
00:37:12Tag made.
00:37:13Yeah, Ishii is out on the outside,
00:37:15as Bennett on cover.
00:37:17Just a one count there.
00:37:18That was just to tire O'Reilly down a little bit,
00:37:20is what Bennett's doing.
00:37:21Bennett knows what he's doing.
00:37:22He's trying to wear it down.
00:37:23O'Reilly, O'Reilly goes forward on shots.
00:37:25I'll tell you, O'Reilly can strike from any direction.
00:37:27And he's just fighting on instinct now,
00:37:29as Bennett and Tabin with a clear advantage.
00:37:31Tag made.
00:37:32Bennett with O'Reilly trapped.
00:37:34The big boot upstairs.
00:37:36O'Reilly prone.
00:37:39Beautiful elbow drop.
00:37:40Precision execution.
00:37:41Two and no!
00:37:43That elbow drop went through the knees of Bennett
00:37:46before O'Reilly landed.
00:37:48O'Reilly's taken so much punishment, man.
00:37:51The back shot that he had on the outside of the ring
00:37:53and the undisputed kingdom are in control,
00:37:55and O'Reilly's on the wrong side of town.
00:37:57You can feel the exhaustion just by looking at the eyes
00:38:00of Kyle O'Reilly right now.
00:38:02Into the ropes.
00:38:03They finally tuned out.
00:38:04But he's been fighting two on one for the greater part
00:38:06of the last five minutes,
00:38:07and he's trying to not to come back down.
00:38:09O'Reilly's got to continue to fight as much as he can.
00:38:11The most dangerous thing, Rick Abadie.
00:38:13Oh, hold on.
00:38:14Is that proton pack?
00:38:15Proton pack!
00:38:17That might be enough.
00:38:18Hooks the leg.
00:38:22I'll tell you what, man.
00:38:23I don't see many people kick out of that proton pack.
00:38:26They've won championships and defended them
00:38:28with that very move.
00:38:29Certainly have.
00:38:30It's been a great move to have in their arsenal
00:38:32and their repertoire.
00:38:33Tag made.
00:38:35Kyle O'Reilly!
00:38:37And the crowd rattling behind Kyle O'Reilly,
00:38:40who needs a spark.
00:38:41He needs an opening.
00:38:42He needs something here.
00:38:43He needs a tag.
00:38:44That's what he needs, Rick Abadie.
00:38:45Into the corner.
00:38:46Taven up and on to the apron.
00:38:48Kyle O'Reilly.
00:38:51And he has visually found Ishii.
00:38:53Yeah, Taven grabbing the ankle now.
00:38:55Taven holding on for dear life.
00:39:01Shoulder tackle.
00:39:03And another!
00:39:07And a stone pit bull.
00:39:11Trying to bring down the throne of the kingdom.
00:39:16Swing and a miss there.
00:39:19That's the power move.
00:39:20Ishii comes at him anywhere with these suplexes.
00:39:26Knocking the breath out of the former Ring of Honor champion.
00:39:30With the tag titles on his mind,
00:39:32Ishii now for that back suplex instead.
00:39:35Irish whip now reversed.
00:39:36Those are back suplexes again.
00:39:37Got it.
00:39:38Got it.
00:39:39That Saito-style suplex could be the difference.
00:39:41Hooks the leg.
00:39:42Inside leg.
00:39:43Two and oh!
00:39:44That's the resolve right there of Ishii staying with that suplex
00:39:48until he was able to lock it in.
00:39:50And you can see Taven is really Ishii wanting Taven to get to his feet.
00:39:55Ishii stone pit bull up the rope.
00:39:59Ishii separation.
00:40:01Ishii separation.
00:40:04Kick of the king!
00:40:05Kick of the king may have knocked Ishii out.
00:40:12Those three counts don't get much closer than that.
00:40:14Taven's calling for the piledriver.
00:40:16Oh, they're looking for the Hail Mary.
00:40:20This will certainly.
00:40:21But they just say Ishii don't have no neck.
00:40:23Well, we're going to find out.
00:40:26Hail Mary!
00:40:29I was trying to tell you.
00:40:30You've got to remember something.
00:40:32I'm confirming right now.
00:40:33Ishii ain't got no neck.
00:40:34That's the only thing the kingdom's ever lied about.
00:40:39Look at that, Ishii.
00:40:41Off the ropes.
00:40:43Through the double.
00:40:47Smoke calling driver.
00:40:49And just the tip of the knee from Taven.
00:40:54Cover here.
00:40:58Tell you what, man.
00:40:59He can act like no damage happened.
00:41:01But there is damage that has taken place in Ishii.
00:41:04Taven knows it.
00:41:05And Bennett knows it.
00:41:06But Ishii is still in this fight.
00:41:08And O'Reilly is in the corner.
00:41:09And in tag team situations, all you
00:41:11need to do sometimes with the body
00:41:13is see your partner on the other side.
00:41:15Tag made.
00:41:16Undisputed kingdom.
00:41:20And Ishii in a lot of trouble.
00:41:22Again, the crowd trying their best.
00:41:24This packed house in Arlington Esports Stadium.
00:41:26Trying to rally behind the challengers.
00:41:28Big boot.
00:41:29Tag made.
00:41:30Kyle O'Reilly, the legal man.
00:41:33Double knees there.
00:41:34Ishii with Bennett.
00:41:36Has him up.
00:41:37Brain buster!
00:41:39O'Reilly climbing to the top.
00:41:43Oh, my god.
00:41:44Sticking right there on the ankle in the face.
00:41:46Knee bar!
00:41:47Knee bar!
00:41:48Knee bar!
00:41:49But it's Taven.
00:41:53Oh, god.
00:41:54Cross blast from the top.
00:41:56Up the ladder.
00:41:57And Sagiri there.
00:42:01Ishii can do anything.
00:42:10In this packed house here in Arlington.
00:42:20Helping continue the rich legacy of Ringo
00:42:2522 years of the best wrestling on the planet.
00:42:26The tag team championships in the balance.
00:42:27Both teams to their feet at equal time.
00:42:28It's anybody's match now.
00:42:29Rickabody right here.
00:42:30It's the heart of each team that's going to have to be on the play.
00:42:31Undisputed Kingdom with forearms there.
00:42:33Undisputed Kingdom.
00:42:34Conglomeration champion.
00:42:36Back and forth.
00:42:37The crowd has no idea what's going on here.
00:42:38It's Ringo Bonner.
00:42:39Ringo Bonner.
00:42:40Ringo Bonner.
00:42:41Ringo Bonner.
00:42:42Ringo Bonner.
00:42:43Ringo Bonner.
00:42:44Ringo Bonner.
00:42:45Ringo Bonner.
00:42:46Ringo Bonner.
00:42:47Ringo Bonner.
00:42:48Ringo Bonner.
00:42:49Ringo Bonner.
00:42:51Back and forth.
00:42:52The crowd has decided who they want.
00:42:53It is the conglomeration.
00:42:54But the Undisputed Kingdom does not care.
00:42:56Ishii caught.
00:42:57Got that bandit.
00:42:58Double superkicks.
00:42:59Look at that Ishii.
00:43:00Gets Bennett.
00:43:02Total elimination.
00:43:03No way!
00:43:05Look at this O'Reilly.
00:43:06He's got Bennett perched on top.
00:43:19And Bennett perched on top.
00:43:20There's still Pitbull...
00:43:21Who are you?
00:43:22...delivered a brain buster earlier this evening.
00:43:23The avalanche down.
00:43:24Brain buster is what Ishii's known for.
00:43:25We're going to have new champions in Arlington!
00:43:27Brain Buster!
00:43:28Got him!
00:43:29Here we go!
00:43:30There it is!
00:43:31Chasing the dragon.
00:43:33Over O'Reilly.
00:43:45Chasing the dragon, O'Reilly.
00:43:49That's gonna do it, new champion, hooks the leg, two, no.
00:43:53My goodness.
00:43:56Chasing the dragon, I tell you what, that's O'Reilly pulling back right there.
00:44:01A throwback to a time where O'Reilly was a three-time tag champion himself.
00:44:08And I have to admit, I've chased the dragon more than I want to admit.
00:44:13Look at that double ax on Taven, Ishii and Taven on the outside.
00:44:17And Bennett, and O'Reilly, and Bennett asking for Aubrey to check that knee out here.
00:44:23O'Reilly's gonna let him do it, and I don't know if Bennett's really hurt,
00:44:27or if they're trying to play a game here, and the thing about it is O'Reilly's heart.
00:44:30Yeah, O'Reilly's heart, O'Reilly's gonna let it happen.
00:44:33Now look at this, O'Reilly back to his feet, trying to sink those hips to get Bennett down.
00:44:38Bennett doing everything he can.
00:44:39That's a deep squat right there that Bennett is doing.
00:44:41Front face lock, yeah, look at this, exchange.
00:44:47Who the hell let him in?
00:44:48Kyle Fletcher, former World TV champ, is here, but
00:44:53that kept him to get the heck out of here.
00:44:55But for what reason?
00:44:56He's not part of Undisputed Kingdom.
00:44:58Well, they've had their issues with the conglomeration.
00:45:00I can only imagine that here tonight, what is going on?
00:45:06Yeah, he's gonna cost him a chance to get him down.
00:45:09Wait a minute, roll up here.
00:45:10One, two, three.
00:45:13Thank God it wasn't decided like that.
00:45:17No, no.
00:45:19Play it.
00:45:21Small, big, one, two, no.
00:45:25Who wins in this match?
00:45:29And still, Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions, Undisputed Kingdom.
00:45:38And we have seen the Undisputed Kingdom and
00:45:41the conglomeration have common enemies.
00:45:46The Undisputed Kingdom, and I'm so flustered right now,
00:45:48I can't keep my team straight.
00:45:50The Undisputed Kingdom and the Don Callis family certainly have common enemies in
00:45:54the conglomeration.
00:45:56I'm disgusted, I'm disappointed.
00:45:58Yeah. I can't even keep my words and
00:46:00teams and wrestlers straight.
00:46:02Get him the hell out of here.
00:46:04I'll tell you what, my hook of blackthroat,
00:46:07the Undisputed Kingdom have started the momentum.
00:46:10Holding on to the championship,
00:46:12you can only think now that Robert Strong feels he can win tonight.
00:46:18And that is a victory for the Undisputed Kingdom.
00:46:21The conglomeration now staring down both the Undisputed Kingdom and
00:46:26the Don Callis family targets on their back.
00:46:30The Undisputed Kingdom promised they would leave all the ten world tag team
00:46:35champions and world champion.
00:46:37Part one is complete, mission accomplished there.
00:46:41Geez, we need some kind of palate cleanser.
00:46:46And hopefully that's what this will be, Caprice.
00:46:48What in the world we're in store for?
00:46:50Well, it all looks good, a palate cleanser.
00:46:52It's a Texas death match.
00:46:53That means no rules with two women that hate each other.
00:46:56Watch this.
00:46:57I have wrestled Demonte now.
00:47:02Every time I've stepped in the ring with her, I have gotten the win.
00:47:08Nobody remembers you beating me, but you know what we all remember?
00:47:12Me beating you lame.
00:47:13On me, you know who I am?
00:47:17Every one of those times has been a wrestling match.
00:47:20And I'm here for a fight.
00:47:21You wanna fight?
00:47:22Yeah, I wanna fight.
00:47:23All right.
00:47:24Known wrestler against a street fighter.
00:47:26Oh, it's uptap, it's uptap.
00:47:30All the way up top, Caprice.
00:47:34That's gotta do it right there.
00:47:36Perra, suga.
00:47:39Layla Hirsch, Diamante.
00:47:41They will finally settle things once and for all in a Texas death match.
00:47:44This is a Texas death match.
00:47:49It is simply one fall, two days to finish.
00:47:54Introducing first,
00:47:58running out of Moscow, Russia,
00:48:03the gym, Layla Hirsch.
00:48:08The gym, Layla Hirsch, has historically had the number of her opponent here tonight.
00:48:15But when it was lights out, when anything went,
00:48:20it's just on the entranceway here.
00:48:24Waiting, not wearing wrestling gear this time.
00:48:28Look at this, Diamante.
00:48:29Her opponent, fighting a man in Florida, Diamante.
00:48:34I think this match is getting ready to start, Rick and Bonnie.
00:48:41And the sportsmanship of Hirsch.
00:48:45These two women taking violence into their own hands here, shots in the midsection.
00:48:51It's Hirsch with the chair now, across the band.
00:48:54And Hirsch, I think, may have been caught off guard.
00:48:58Yeah, even just by the mention of the street clothes, that lights out match.
00:49:03I don't think she knew the depravity by which Diamante would have reached down into it.
00:49:07But it's Diamante, slow, my goodness.
00:49:12That's what I mean, Diamante is in her home court.
00:49:15You got a street fighter going against a known wrestler.
00:49:20And calling for Stephon Smith.
00:49:22Now remember, the winner's declared when a loser submits or can't answer the ticket.
00:49:25We take a look, and that is- Yeah, my goodness.
00:49:29We are about eight feet, maybe ten feet in the air from that top of the rim.
00:49:33And Stephon Smith already starting to count.
00:49:35We are at three.
00:49:37Diamante may have won this match, Caprice.
00:49:39This match could be over very fast.
00:49:41Very fast, and Diamante looking like a lion stalking her prey at the top.
00:49:46Already soaking into victory.
00:49:47See some movement.
00:49:50And you can see Layla Hirsch getting to nine already.
00:49:54And back to her feet.
00:49:56Yeah, Stephon's going to take it.
00:49:59That was ten, nine, it was nine.
00:50:01And a nine count from Stephon.
00:50:03Layla Hirsch immediately back down, though.
00:50:05Yeah, Diamante took a long way to get to Layla Hirsch.
00:50:08She had to go down to her ribs.
00:50:09She didn't want to take that eight foot drop.
00:50:11Well, who could blame her?
00:50:14That's Diamante now.
00:50:16And Hirsch making their way to the ring.
00:50:19There's a realistic possibility that this match may not see the ring.
00:50:24Well, if it doesn't see the ring, it favors Diamante.
00:50:28The more in the ring, I think it favors Layla Hirsch.
00:50:31But without any rules, it definitely favors Diamante.
00:50:36But Layla Hirsch wants to prove that she can beat Diamante on any set of rules.
00:50:41And Hirsch here, back to her feet with help from Diamante.
00:50:45Oh, drives the head of Hirsch.
00:50:48I tell you what, man, Diamante can use any part of the ring as a weapon.
00:50:53But Diamante has been such a stalwart here in Ring of Honor.
00:50:56Almost, you got to wonder what's fueling this.
00:50:58Perhaps jealousy.
00:50:59Perhaps it is the slightly better win-loss record,
00:51:03or the history of victories Layla Hirsch has over Diamante.
00:51:07I don't know what Diamante has planned,
00:51:09but she continues to bring the furniture out.
00:51:11It all just could be the hate that you got somebody come in a rookie,
00:51:14like Layla Hirsch, racking up the wins.
00:51:16He gets all the attention.
00:51:17He got somebody a veteran like Diamante that's saying,
00:51:19hey, this is just a kid.
00:51:21Put her in my house and I'll tear her down.
00:51:23That's exactly what Diamante's doing.
00:51:25Speaking of, I mean, let's draw the contrast.
00:51:27Oh, no.
00:51:27Layla Hirsch has been on Ring of Honor pay-per-views.
00:51:29Diamante, this is her ROH pay-per-view debut.
00:51:33And Hirsch trying to protect herself there.
00:51:36Not much protection right there.
00:51:38When you're upside down, the blood is going to your head.
00:51:41And looking for three.
00:51:43Is Diamante going to stack three chairs?
00:51:45She's going to play dominoes with Layla Hirsch's face.
00:51:49Maybe four.
00:51:50Oh, there's bones right there.
00:51:51Oh, goodness.
00:51:57The shot. Bullet in the chamber.
00:51:59Oh, my goodness.
00:52:02And Hirsch with all that blood to her head.
00:52:06It definitely hurt Hirsch.
00:52:07And Diamante knows that,
00:52:09she's saying, this is my house right here.
00:52:13Diamante standing tall.
00:52:15As Devon is making the count here.
00:52:20Let's take another look.
00:52:21Chamber loaded, bullet fired.
00:52:23Oh, goodness.
00:52:24Tell you what, man.
00:52:25If you think about the match so far,
00:52:27Layla Hirsch has fell off the ramp.
00:52:29She's got kicked in the face by three chairs.
00:52:32And another chair is being planted by Diamante.
00:52:35And there's nothing Layla can do about it.
00:52:37Layla's still trying to find her wherewithal.
00:52:40And bleeding.
00:52:40Oh, there's blood on the shoulder,
00:52:42which we cannot see,
00:52:43but I have to assume is coming from the skull.
00:52:45It is indeed.
00:52:46Yes, sir.
00:52:47On the head of Layla Hirsch.
00:52:50Layla knows.
00:52:51Look at that, right on the forehead.
00:52:53Right where, oh.
00:52:54Looking to deliver the shot.
00:52:56The blood popping off the skull.
00:52:58Oh, my goodness.
00:52:59Stephon Smith, precautionary.
00:53:04You know, look at the blood there.
00:53:06This is, you kind of find out what kind of fighter you got.
00:53:09Some fighters, they see blood, they freak out.
00:53:11And sometimes they see blood and they become a freak.
00:53:15Well, that adrenaline starts pumping.
00:53:18And I want to see what happens to Layla Hirsch.
00:53:20Look at this.
00:53:21It is Diamante now in control of the ring.
00:53:26This is her playground, like you said, Caprice.
00:53:28Diamante charging in.
00:53:30Up and away, yeah.
00:53:32Victim of her own success.
00:53:33Head driven into the chair there.
00:53:35Yeah, Diamante is hurt,
00:53:37but Layla Hirsch is realizing now that blood is coming
00:53:40and she has opportunity.
00:53:41I want to see the type of Layla Hirsch that we have.
00:53:45Is she going to turn her on, make her ferocious,
00:53:48or she's going to start freaking out
00:53:50when she sees her own blood?
00:53:52Staggering to her feet is Layla Hirsch
00:53:54as Diamante needing the ropes here to get things going.
00:53:59Diamante's bleeding as well.
00:54:00We could find this blood on the dance floor.
00:54:03And that chair driven into the skull of Diamante,
00:54:07who let's not forget, was the competitor in this bout
00:54:12that set that chair up in the first place.
00:54:15Yeah, Layla is faking with a cool head.
00:54:18And I'm not going to try to guess what's inside that bag.
00:54:21I've seen everything come out of it.
00:54:23But I think-
00:54:25The thumbtacks are back!
00:54:26That's exactly what I thought it was.
00:54:28From the very, very beginning, I thought it was thumbtacks.
00:54:32Well, who knows what kind of stops are pulled out
00:54:34in these types of bouts.
00:54:35We've seen Legos, thumbtacks.
00:54:37We've seen it all.
00:54:38Nobody wants to land them, though, Rick Abadi.
00:54:40You land those thumbtacks, it goes right to your nerves.
00:54:43It goes right to your endings
00:54:45and you feel them all through your body,
00:54:46even when you're taking out Rick Abadi.
00:54:48And remember, it was Diamante
00:54:50who hit that distract code red off the top
00:54:55through the table last time these two met.
00:54:58You get a thumbtack stuck in your muscle.
00:54:59You can feel your muscle twitching.
00:55:01Oh, that involuntary movement.
00:55:02Yes, absolutely, Rick Abadi.
00:55:04Oh, and the balance required by Layla Hersh here.
00:55:07I'm so impressed with the composure that Layla-
00:55:09Oh, no!
00:55:10That's what I mean.
00:55:11All the back of the head, in the back,
00:55:13really in pain is Diamante.
00:55:16You can see blood on her face, on her back.
00:55:19Pinning some of that hair down.
00:55:21That's going to hurt
00:55:22because you got to pull the hair out with it
00:55:23to get that thumbtack out.
00:55:25Hersh remaining on the offensive here.
00:55:27Another bag, another bag.
00:55:30I think the blood has made Hersh ferocious.
00:55:33Oh, well caught.
00:55:35That body strewn across the thumbtacks.
00:55:38On her.
00:55:41Some of it got in Diamante's mouth.
00:55:44For who, for what?
00:55:45We're going to find out.
00:55:47That moonsault that Hersh does at the top.
00:55:50And this has become personal.
00:55:51Oh, no!
00:55:55She got thumbtacks in her knees.
00:55:58In her stomach, she just pulled out.
00:56:00But those knees have been operated on.
00:56:03Her stomach, her face, her hands.
00:56:04Oh, God.
00:56:05Oh, look at that.
00:56:06Look at that.
00:56:08There's no way to describe the pain
00:56:10of thumbtacks, Rick Abadi, in your body.
00:56:12You know every movement that your body makes inside.
00:56:15And the rotation, that snap, unfortunately.
00:56:18Oh, my goodness.
00:56:19Is a difference maker when Laila hits.
00:56:21Oh, and that's a thumbtack!
00:56:23Unfortunately, just accelerated the pain.
00:56:25I don't know if Hersh can move, man.
00:56:27She has to pull her pants out,
00:56:29maybe get some of the thumbtacks out of there.
00:56:31But I think Diamante's going to try to take them inside.
00:56:34She's going to take them.
00:56:35Oh, goodness.
00:56:35She's going to take Hersh to the ring.
00:56:37Oh, no.
00:56:38This is all legal, Rick Abadi.
00:56:39This is a Texas death match.
00:56:40And we have seen cages death matches.
00:56:43We have seen fights without honor.
00:56:46Look how fast Diamante's able to do it.
00:56:48It's almost like she's done this before.
00:56:50I was going to say that.
00:56:51I can't recall any time I've ever seen duct tape.
00:56:53And that is about five, six rounds of duct tape.
00:56:56Oh, my God.
00:56:59Beat her into submission.
00:57:02Beat this 10 count.
00:57:03And almost channeling violence that
00:57:06you really have to think back to Raven,
00:57:08here in Ring of Honor,
00:57:10who delivered this type of violence on a prone individual.
00:57:13Oh, God.
00:57:14Oh, this is just insulting.
00:57:16Yeah, insulting to Angie.
00:57:18Oh, God.
00:57:21And she, oh, God.
00:57:26Oh, wait, there's more.
00:57:29Wait, there's more.
00:57:30No, no.
00:57:31I don't want to.
00:57:32I'm not buying what you're selling right now, Diamante.
00:57:34I'm not in.
00:57:35This is a flip flop.
00:57:36This is a flip flop.
00:57:37Oh, wait, wait, wait.
00:57:38Oh, first attack on the head of Riccoboni.
00:57:40This is dangerous.
00:57:43No, no, no.
00:57:43Let her go.
00:57:44Let her throw it in the face.
00:57:47Oh, God.
00:57:49Oh, my God.
00:57:52See, and now, when you get hit in the head with some type,
00:57:55there's no bone, there's a little bit of skin.
00:57:58It's straight to bone, Riccoboni.
00:58:00You feel all that straight to the skull.
00:58:02That's an immense amount of pain.
00:58:08Diamante looks so comfortable.
00:58:10Ain't no way in the world I would make her mad, man.
00:58:12No, no, no.
00:58:17Thinking back to everything I've said about Diamante.
00:58:20Yeah, she's just sitting up front.
00:58:22She's just calm, cool, and collected.
00:58:24And Layla Hirsch is still fighting.
00:58:25She's a fighter.
00:58:26She's been a fighter her whole life.
00:58:27Yeah, but she's a fighter that's tied down
00:58:29to the ring, Riccoboni.
00:58:30And they said she was too small,
00:58:32coming over from an orphanage in Moscow.
00:58:35The surgery she had as a child,
00:58:38the surgery she's had now, she never stopped fighting.
00:58:42As a woman amateur wrestler,
00:58:44when women's amateur wrestling was in its infancy,
00:58:47she never stopped fighting.
00:58:49She's literally clawing right now
00:58:51to try and get back in this match.
00:58:53As Diamante now is orchestrating
00:58:55even further violence on the outside.
00:58:58It's allowing Layla Hirsch by some stroke
00:59:02and opportunity here.
00:59:03And she might, she's down, she's loose.
00:59:06You know how much poise you have to have
00:59:08to be able to control yourself enough to take off.
00:59:13I'm really impressed at the way that Layla Hirsch
00:59:16is able to think during this type of match.
00:59:18It's the calm mind, not panicking.
00:59:22But I just saw a custom barbed wire board.
00:59:24Yeah, I'm panicking right now.
00:59:26I don't want Diamante to set any furniture at my house.
00:59:31This is dangerous.
00:59:31No, no COD at the Riccoboni residence.
00:59:35And I don't know what-
00:59:36Diamante delivery service.
00:59:36Somebody's gotta go through that.
00:59:38Diamante wants it to be Layla Hirsch,
00:59:40but Layla Hirsch is giving everything she's got
00:59:42for it not to be her.
00:59:44And I'm seeing a lot of heart right here by Layla.
00:59:46Wait a minute, dropping the hips,
00:59:48trying to get that German suplex.
00:59:50Layla Hirsch, though, an accomplished amateur wrestler.
00:59:52The one time that might come in handy in this battle.
00:59:54It has to be a bad landing for both people.
00:59:57Watch Hirsch's back.
00:59:59Where the barbed wire is!
01:00:02To the ground!
01:00:03Oh my God!
01:00:04Diamante just threw it!
01:00:08Diamante might have dug her own grave with that one.
01:00:13I don't know if we could get a replay,
01:00:15but that was, that was crazy.
01:00:20Keeping mouths, as we see.
01:00:23Watch, watch Diamante's back.
01:00:27And not only going through that,
01:00:28going through the chair,
01:00:29watch her back kick all the barbed wire.
01:00:33Just sliced.
01:00:34Slicing to beat you, right?
01:00:36Yeah, absolutely.
01:00:37Oh God.
01:00:37Smart man, Rick Bonnie.
01:00:39There's a lot of danger, a lot of cut underneath these,
01:00:43the gear that they have.
01:00:43Oh, hold on, we're up to seven for Diamante!
01:00:48Diamante here!
01:00:50Diamante declared up!
01:00:51She's up.
01:00:52You can see the blood all over Diamante's body,
01:00:54on her legs.
01:00:56Oh, there's a ladder.
01:00:58Ladder under the ring.
01:00:59Now that the tables have turned,
01:01:00you can see Layla Hirsch now taking out the furniture
01:01:03and now setting up the playground.
01:01:07Layla Hirsch, again, keeping that breath,
01:01:11that heart rate at a low pace.
01:01:13She is cool, she is collected,
01:01:16not letting this vendetta get the best of her.
01:01:21Tell you what, man,
01:01:23that shows a lot to be able to think that much
01:01:25under pressure, that is scary.
01:01:28And a table secure from Layla Hirsch.
01:01:35Who has shed most of the thumbtacks,
01:01:37you see a sparkle every once in a while.
01:01:39Yeah, that's right, Rick,
01:01:41a lot of those sparkles show that these thumbtacks
01:01:43are still in the match, you're rolling over them,
01:01:46you're moving over them,
01:01:47the referee is counting over them.
01:01:50They're always dangerous,
01:01:51and now the stakes have been brought up,
01:01:52you have tables, ladders, chairs, thumbtacks, flip flops,
01:01:55and blood all over the place.
01:01:57Barbed wire.
01:02:01Gonna be the most violent women's match
01:02:03we've ever seen in Ring of Honor.
01:02:06As you see Layla Hirsch locking in those legs on the table.
01:02:11It's like Stefan is just there,
01:02:12he can't do anything except for be the official.
01:02:17Literally making sure that there's a winner and a loser
01:02:21and that is it here tonight.
01:02:22Same with the Esports Stadium,
01:02:25they just wanna see violence here.
01:02:27They're in Texas, Rick, they wanna do it big.
01:02:29Think about the legacy here in Texas.
01:02:33What do you think about the Von Eriks,
01:02:34the Funk, so many great familial ties,
01:02:37but those men were not afraid to get violent tonight.
01:02:43There is no gender discrimination
01:02:45when it comes to the bloodshed.
01:02:48Layla Hirsch is walking on that ladder, Rick,
01:02:50but I ain't gonna say nothing,
01:02:50but I'm just telling you what I saw.
01:02:52I can see the Black Cat changing colors though
01:02:54here and now for Layla Hirsch.
01:02:58As she remains in control.
01:03:00Oh, a thumbtack on those washboard abs of Diamante.
01:03:04Well, that's gonna be tough to breathe too.
01:03:06Under the table, very smart move.
01:03:09Not only, not only,
01:03:15not only is she prone, but this is gonna restrict her.
01:03:19And that elbow, that is super smart
01:03:21because she is still at a point, Diamante,
01:03:23where she could have made a move to escape.
01:03:26But three rolls in.
01:03:28It's gonna be a lot tougher now.
01:03:29She realizes what's happening.
01:03:30She's come to.
01:03:31I don't know what Layla Hirsch's plans are doing.
01:03:35Oh, and you hear Diamante,
01:03:36let me out, let me out to Stephon.
01:03:39As Layla going all the way on top.
01:03:43To the top of the ladder.
01:03:45Oh my goodness.
01:03:46The balance.
01:03:50My God.
01:03:51That has to be enough.
01:03:54Maybe the most beautiful move zone we have ever seen.
01:03:57Count, Stephon, count.
01:04:03But he's counting both women.
01:04:05Hirsch may have separated that shoulder.
01:04:08She may have dislocated that elbow.
01:04:10Who would be the first to defeat?
01:04:11I would hope that Hirsch would be the first to defeat
01:04:13because she delivered the blow.
01:04:15But that's why they call it a high risk, Ricoboni.
01:04:17You can see the shoulder of Hirsch.
01:04:19We're at an eight.
01:04:22Hirsch is up.
01:04:23Back to an eight.
01:04:24She got it.
01:04:25She got it.
01:04:28The winner of the Texas Death Match,
01:04:31LeGit Layla Hirsch.
01:04:35We got Edd Dock Sampson here.
01:04:38We got Edd Dock Sampson here immediately.
01:04:40That forearm, perhaps that elbow, that shoulder.
01:04:44Not just with Layla, man.
01:04:46We've got to get it for Diamante as well.
01:04:48Here comes our medical team.
01:04:49What a battle.
01:04:51Maybe the most violent.
01:04:53I'm not going to say maybe.
01:04:54That wasn't the most violent match in the women's division
01:04:56we've ever seen.
01:04:57We take a look at the replay.
01:04:58Look at the fluidity.
01:05:00Perfect execution.
01:05:03Did you see her hand hit the ladder?
01:05:07That head.
01:05:08And it was the knees that drove the body of Diamante.
01:05:11Oh, man.
01:05:12There's so much here going on.
01:05:14I hope everybody is able to live and fight another day.
01:05:18What a match we have seen, Ricoboni.
01:05:20And guess what?
01:05:21There's more.
01:05:22There's more to come.
01:05:23This Texas Death Match will be remembered for a long time.
01:05:27I will say this.
01:05:29There have been memorable Death Before Dishonor moments.
01:05:32MTR, Briscoe's, Bruce and Matt Haven.
01:05:36But that moonsault will forever live as one of the greatest
01:05:40visuals we have ever seen at Death Before Dishonor,
01:05:42a well-earned victory.
01:05:44Battle and war won.
01:05:46Layla Hirsch, amazing effort from both women here tonight.
01:06:01Make sure you're keeping up with the first releases of six-inch
01:06:04figures featuring Future Shock, Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly,
01:06:08former ROH World Champion, American Dragon,
01:06:11Bryan Danielson, Kenny Omega, two-time ROH World Champion,
01:06:16Claudio Castagnoli, and many more.
01:06:19And coming soon to the Jazz Wearer's Vault,
01:06:21your favorite Ring of Honor icons,
01:06:23including Brodie Lee and former World Champions Jerry Lynn and
01:06:26Nigel McGinnis, and much more, available at
01:06:30A new era of honor is upon us.
01:06:36Wow, what a night it's been already here at Ring of Honor
01:06:38Death Before Dishonor.
01:06:39We want to thank our sponsors, Jazz Wearers and the Jazz
01:06:41Wearer's Vault.
01:06:42What a selection of figures we have.
01:06:45The EVPs out, Kenny Omega out, some ROH legends,
01:06:48but we just saw Brodie Lee, Jerry Lynn,
01:06:50and Nigel McGinnis announced.
01:06:52As we kind of take a breath, we pause,
01:06:54we center after that amazing battle we just saw, Caprice.
01:06:57So much on the line, and you've got to remember how much these
01:07:00wrestlers are putting on the line,
01:07:02trying to show that they are willing to put death before
01:07:06And there's still so much to come with them on it.
01:07:09We saw the Ring of Honor World Tag Team title bout.
01:07:11We saw the debut of MXM earlier tonight.
01:07:14But coming up next year tonight, championship bouts continue.
01:07:19As we see the Ring of Honor pure champion,
01:07:21Wheeler Yuta, defend the title against Lee Moriarty,
01:07:25the head of question mark pants.
01:07:27Let's take a look at what's led to this battle.
01:07:33Lee Moriarty, I feel like I've been chasing you for quite a
01:07:36long time.
01:07:37Lee Moriarty was a man many pegged to have success in the
01:07:40pure division.
01:07:41This man enters the proving ground with an opportunity to
01:07:44earn a shot at the Ring of Honor pure championship.
01:07:47This is Yuta's first singles bout since challenging for the
01:07:50eight of the continental championship.
01:07:52You think that you need this big win.
01:07:54Trying to get the submission here.
01:07:55Yuta's trapped.
01:07:56That is body control.
01:07:57I already know how damn good you are.
01:07:59We had a proving ground match, and I couldn't beat you.
01:08:01I didn't even come close in ten minutes,
01:08:03and I'm supposed to be the damn champion.
01:08:05Exchange to the middle of the ring.
01:08:07He's going to make it.
01:08:08I need to prove to myself that I still deserve to have this
01:08:11damn thing.
01:08:12Lee Moriarty punches his own title shot to be cashed in.
01:08:16Lee, when we step in there for the Ring of Honor pure
01:08:19championship, I'm going to remind you and myself exactly
01:08:23who the hell I am.
01:08:25Two men that could define the pure wrestling division for
01:08:28years stand eye to eye.
01:08:30It's my time.
01:08:32That title is mine.
01:08:37Pullman Contest is scheduled for one fall with a 60-minute
01:08:41time limit, and it is for the Ring of Honor pure
01:08:45wrestling championship.
01:08:49Your judges for this match, former Ring of Honor world
01:08:52champion, Jerry Lee.
01:08:54Former Ring of Honor world champion, the fallen angel
01:08:57Christopher Daniels.
01:08:59And the newest member of the board of directors, Paul Wood.
01:09:04Wow, what an addition to the board of directors.
01:09:08The rules for this match, each wrestler has three rope
01:09:11breaks to stop submission holds and pitfalls.
01:09:14After a wrestler exhausts his rope breaks, submission and
01:09:17pit attacks on or under the ropes by the opponent are
01:09:20considered legal.
01:09:22No close fist punches to the face are permitted.
01:09:26Open hand slaps or chops to the face are permitted.
01:09:29Punches to the rest of the body are allowed, excluding
01:09:33The first use of a close fist to the face receives a warning.
01:09:36The second use of a close fist to the face results in a
01:09:42And these are the rules that define the Ring of Honor pure
01:09:46championship, a title.
01:09:48Held by Samoa Joe, Brian Daniels, and Nigel McInnes.
01:09:51And now these two men leading us into the next generation.
01:09:56Introducing first, the challenger, from Pittsburgh,
01:09:59Pennsylvania, weighing 191 pounds, he's representing
01:10:03Sheikh Kilimbulusi Taigastam, Lee Moriarty.
01:10:12And will there be doom in the air here tonight, Lee Moriarty
01:10:18And will there be doom in the air tonight, Lee Moriarty
01:10:27MF Doom inspired mask, if I'm correct there.
01:10:31If I do say so myself, you are correct.
01:10:33Rick Iwane.
01:10:36That's Taigastam.
01:10:39Making his way into the ring, a great addition for
01:10:42Shane Taylor of the Oceans.
01:10:43It could be a huge night for SDP.
01:10:45Shane Taylor will compete later on in our survival of the
01:10:49fittest bout to become perhaps a two-time world television
01:10:53But like the undisputed kingdom, you gotta win the
01:10:55first one.
01:10:56First things first.
01:10:57Moriarty earning the shot as we saw by going the distance
01:10:59with Wheeler Yuda in a proven ground battle.
01:11:03But he can't do that here tonight.
01:11:05If we go the distance, it goes to the judges.
01:11:07So you gotta wrestle as fast with the urgency as you can
01:11:10to go back to the Tabame Crew.
01:11:12His opponent, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing
01:11:15199 pounds, he is representing Blackpool Comeback Club,
01:11:20and he is the Ring of Honor pure wrestling champion,
01:11:25Wheeler Yuda!
01:11:29The only three-time Ring of Honor pure champion,
01:11:31Wheeler Yuda, with a story.
01:11:34And the chapter is closed on this era of the pure
01:11:38These two men will define what this title means.
01:11:41And here tonight, Wheeler Yuda, who defeated Josh Woods,
01:11:46who defeated Daniel Garcia, and oh, by the way, defeated
01:11:49Katsuyori Shibata to start this ring.
01:11:53And there's tonight, with some question marks, Caprice.
01:11:56A history of concussions was out for about five months' time.
01:12:01Took his time and rightfully so, to make sure he was cleared.
01:12:08Pure championship held high by referee Mike Posey.
01:12:11That's what Moriarty's been alluding to, saying,
01:12:15the time you've been taking off, I've been working.
01:12:18I should have been champion, but you wasn't stripped.
01:12:20And right now, tonight, I'm stripping you of the title
01:12:22that I should have had, earning this shot again.
01:12:25But he's never beaten Yuda before.
01:12:27Court of Honor right here, too.
01:12:30We alluded to the lineage of this great title.
01:12:33Very specific ruleset.
01:12:35So when he sets a match, Caprice, for those that are
01:12:38following along at home, the three dots underneath each
01:12:40wrestler's name indicate the amount of rope breaks
01:12:42they have left.
01:12:43Remember, body cues, and make sure to get one closed fist
01:12:45to the face.
01:12:46Results in a warning a second.
01:12:48Results in a disqualification.
01:12:49Outside interference, of course, is prohibited.
01:12:51It's Moriarty with a wrist lock out of the collar and elbow
01:12:54tight, trying to wrench back that elbow of Yuda.
01:12:56The thing about it is, whenever you exhaust all of those
01:12:59rope breaks, you can be submitted inside of the ropes,
01:13:01outside the ring, wherever it happens.
01:13:04And the ropes cannot save you.
01:13:07Nice trap there.
01:13:09And Yuda with the advantage.
01:13:10Moriarty trying to grab onto something.
01:13:12And flipping through, able to twist the knee.
01:13:14Greg Vine here.
01:13:15That shows a lot of strength right there by Moriarty,
01:13:17very fast.
01:13:18But Moriarty, one of the most technically sound wrestlers
01:13:21we have, and a great wrestler.
01:13:23Some wrestlers are just made for the peer division,
01:13:26and that's Moriarty.
01:13:27And it's also Willer Yuda.
01:13:29And wrist lock, and then the twist out by Willer Yuda
01:13:32inside trap.
01:13:33Doesn't quite get it.
01:13:34Looking for a type of a fist hook, or maybe a single.
01:13:37Tried a fist hook with that Greg Vine, but Moriarty had
01:13:40to block.
01:13:41Gave him a chance right here.
01:13:42Moriarty has the phalanges in place, pulling that
01:13:44the wrist and the fingers.
01:13:46Right there, not twerking at the elbow.
01:13:48Has it in place now.
01:13:50Not only is it going back, it's going left to right.
01:13:52So the pressure on the rotator cuff and those ligaments
01:13:54on the inside, those tendons in the elbow.
01:13:57Both men back to their feet.
01:13:58This is going to be a clash here.
01:13:59Nice grab of the calf.
01:14:02Oh, looking for a calf.
01:14:04Yuda has that lace.
01:14:05The lace is still tied on the side.
01:14:06Oh, twisting through.
01:14:07Right to the knee bar.
01:14:08Knee bar.
01:14:10That instinctively goes for that.
01:14:11That's going to be a rope break.
01:14:12Come on.
01:14:13That is rope break number one for Lee Moriarty.
01:14:16This is where the rules are going to favor Yuda.
01:14:18Yuda knows that rope breaks get you in trouble.
01:14:21Been in so many of these matches, and some of the
01:14:23pure champions, they make you exhaust these rope breaks
01:14:26so they can use them against you later.
01:14:28A strategy popularized by John Walters, and the best.
01:14:33And it is certainly something that Yuda has honed in on.
01:14:36He knows those rules so well.
01:14:39And has Moriarty on the outside.
01:14:43It's going to be interesting, too, because it's almost like,
01:14:45do you give up the rope break to save yourself,
01:14:48to eliminate, perhaps, damage that will last
01:14:50through the entire match?
01:14:51It's a game of...
01:14:52It's right, Riccobono.
01:14:53You never can tell.
01:14:54And I don't want to tell anybody inside of a championship match
01:14:56what to do, because you never know what's going on
01:14:58inside of their mind.
01:14:59All I know is now that Lee Moriarty has one less rope break
01:15:03he can use, and that puts Willie Yuda in a head-on point
01:15:06with the judges.
01:15:07Nice side headlock takeover.
01:15:09And, of course, some of the things that the judges consider
01:15:11are amount of time on offense, counters, times in submission,
01:15:16amount of pin attempts, amount of close counts, near falls.
01:15:21Look at this.
01:15:24Head scissor here from Yuda.
01:15:27It's going to be interesting, as he's got Moriarty trapped.
01:15:31Moriarty swinging the hips out instead of pushing out now.
01:15:33It's almost three ways out of every wrestling move.
01:15:36People like Moriarty may know at least six,
01:15:39and Moriarty just had to figure out how to get out of that,
01:15:41spread the legs and bring it through.
01:15:43Oh, look at this.
01:15:44Hammerlock here from Yuda.
01:15:45With the reverse staying in control.
01:15:48And Moriarty, though, keeping those hips staggered
01:15:51so that he can move those legs around.
01:15:53Yeah, these people here in Texas, they don't understand the rules yet,
01:15:56but after a while they're going to realize that they're seeing
01:15:58a great test match, and they're going to follow inside of it.
01:16:01And now side headlock.
01:16:02Yuda out.
01:16:03Nice drop down there.
01:16:04Moriarty up the ropes.
01:16:06Side cast.
01:16:07Oh, look at that.
01:16:08And he goes border city stretch.
01:16:10Border city stretch.
01:16:11Nobody thinks like Moriarty.
01:16:13That's even.
01:16:14Rope break right there.
01:16:15Even to score.
01:16:16That is rope break number one used by Wheeler Yuda.
01:16:20Yuda's okay with that.
01:16:22That was a choice.
01:16:23That was a choice.
01:16:24So score is even.
01:16:25Round of applause, Lee.
01:16:26Round of applause.
01:16:28Yuda is a wrestler.
01:16:29We've seen guys like Josh Woods who don't like to go to the ropes.
01:16:32They like to try and power out or finesse out.
01:16:35Yuda doesn't mind burning through that first or second rope break.
01:16:38Yeah, and I'm surprised, too, with being from the Blackpool Combat Club.
01:16:41It's something that they would rather take pain.
01:16:43So maybe it is a game plan that Yuda has right here.
01:16:46But I'm very proud of this match so far being so even.
01:16:50And both wrestlers wrestling very scientifically.
01:16:53We haven't seen any dirt under the fingernails, as you like to say, Chris.
01:16:56You're right.
01:16:57You know what?
01:16:58I have so much respect for Moriarty being with Shane Taylor Promotions,
01:17:01how you can be inside of Shane Taylor Promotions and not change who you are.
01:17:05You stay who you are.
01:17:06Staying a great wrestler.
01:17:07That's exactly what Moriarty has been able to do.
01:17:10But Yuda sweeps the leg.
01:17:13Cover one.
01:17:14Both men up.
01:17:15Sweeps the leg again.
01:17:16Moriarty now gets a one count there.
01:17:17Both men back to their feet.
01:17:18It's Yuda now with the wrist lock.
01:17:19Stepping in, up and over.
01:17:22Octopus hold right there.
01:17:25Going for a twist with some extra leverage.
01:17:27Oh, and that just.
01:17:30He's very pleased with himself right now.
01:17:32And great strategy.
01:17:33He's making Moriarty move with him.
01:17:36Oh, nice drop down.
01:17:37Now, wait a minute.
01:17:39It's Yuda.
01:17:42Both men back to their feet.
01:17:43This match is picking up now.
01:17:44Big knife head shot sends Moriarty down.
01:17:46Tell you what, Moriarty was back to his stance very fast, waiting on Yuda.
01:17:49And Yuda was able to absorb the blow and dish out something that Moriarty wasn't ready to take.
01:17:56Oh, but Moriarty back to his feet.
01:17:57The switch there on the collar and elbow.
01:18:01Oh, and the corner.
01:18:03And wait a minute.
01:18:04Was that a close fist with Posey?
01:18:06Posey didn't see it.
01:18:07Wait, Yuda saw that one.
01:18:08Posey saw that one.
01:18:09Yuda landed.
01:18:10Has been issued a warning.
01:18:12Close fist right to the face.
01:18:15And that is dangerous with the history of concussions for Yuda.
01:18:18That blow Taylor landed just last night.
01:18:21Oh, goodness.
01:18:22And his bobsleds.
01:18:23That's exactly what I think Moriarty's going for.
01:18:27I tell you what, man, you get hit by Shane Taylor, you feel that for a week,
01:18:30and a week has not passed by for that shot to tap him very recently.
01:18:36Last night in Honor Club.
01:18:38Oh, goodness.
01:18:39And the head, the target, the bullseye.
01:18:42Becoming increasingly large.
01:18:44The chop across the chest.
01:18:46And Posey, he's one of the best officials there are.
01:18:49He's got to be checking in with Yuda from time to time just to make sure the lights are on.
01:18:53Oh, goodness.
01:18:54And that is the advanced protocol Yuda's fighting under here tonight.
01:18:57Yeah, but you've got to keep the same energy, man.
01:18:59Neither one of these people that are trying to fight with Honor,
01:19:01you know they're going to try to win the title at all costs by any means necessary.
01:19:05Right now, it's just Moriarty's turn.
01:19:08And that shot made Willa Yuda buckle at the knees.
01:19:11All caught.
01:19:12Up and over.
01:19:13Yuda here trying to swing out.
01:19:14He does now.
01:19:15Look at that.
01:19:16Variation of the Cassador.
01:19:17Oh, big drop kick there.
01:19:22Two count there.
01:19:23And the shoulder swings out.
01:19:24Now Yuda.
01:19:25Oh, look at this.
01:19:26Keeping that space closed.
01:19:27Not letting any gap between the wrestlers here as well.
01:19:30Yuda keeping his try with that high angle right there, tearing at the arm.
01:19:34And Moriarty's got to go to the ropes.
01:19:38Straight arm bar.
01:19:39That is rope break number two.
01:19:42Used by Lee Moriarty.
01:19:43Moriarty now in the danger zone, in my opinion.
01:19:46Down to just one rope break.
01:19:49And it is both men back to their feet, charging at Moriarty.
01:19:53Onto his feet.
01:19:54Moriarty blocks the right from Yuda.
01:19:56Has the wrist.
01:19:57Moriarty now twisting the wrist.
01:20:03Thinking outside the box always is Moriarty.
01:20:08He may be behind on points, but you can see that mind cooking right there.
01:20:13And he wants to become the next pure champion.
01:20:17Certainly does.
01:20:18Yuda, that damage done on that left arm, that shoulder.
01:20:24Here comes the Tiger style, Caprice.
01:20:25Yeah, Tiger style.
01:20:27Oh, I killed the title there.
01:20:29Tiger style going back from one of his idols, Bruce Lee.
01:20:34And now cover.
01:20:36And look at that.
01:20:37Holding on to the wrist.
01:20:38And going to the hammer lock.
01:20:40Yes, sir.
01:20:41So smooth.
01:20:42I tell you, Moriarty flowing like water.
01:20:44Let's not mince words here.
01:20:47This style is exhausting.
01:20:50They're moving fast.
01:20:51They're grabbing holds.
01:20:52Look at that.
01:20:54Trying to bridge out.
01:20:55The swing around.
01:20:56Stays with the hammer lock.
01:20:58Hammer lock stayed in place, man.
01:21:00Tearing at the shoulders, the delts, the rotator cuffs.
01:21:04Yuda finding himself in trouble here.
01:21:08He's in a backpack position.
01:21:09Yuda's just holding on, trying to get a grip when he stands to his feet.
01:21:13Back on top.
01:21:14Great counter.
01:21:15Back into the hammer lock here.
01:21:16Moriarty's found a winning formula.
01:21:18A lot of these times, these matches are won by attrition.
01:21:20Caprice just wearing down your opponent.
01:21:23Trapped that arm right there.
01:21:24I'll tell you what, man.
01:21:25If nobody believes in Moriarty, Moriarty does.
01:21:27And the judges are looking on.
01:21:28Got a great look at the judges there.
01:21:30Two former Ring of Honor world champions.
01:21:31Future Hall of Famer Paul White.
01:21:33That's a huge judge.
01:21:36Look at this.
01:21:37Look at this.
01:21:38Newest member of the board of directors is Yuda.
01:21:40Back to his feet first.
01:21:42I'll tell you what.
01:21:43He's dropping his sunset flip again.
01:21:46Got it.
01:21:47Had to get higher that time.
01:21:48Had a lucha-style snapmare.
01:21:50Into the corner.
01:21:51Big boot by Moriarty.
01:21:52Now second rope on the inside.
01:21:54It's Moriarty with a missile dropkick.
01:21:56Didn't know what Moriarty was planning there.
01:21:58I'm glad he chose a strike.
01:22:00Leg hook.
01:22:03Instead of a body blow.
01:22:05Very smart move by Moriarty.
01:22:07You can see right now trying to collect his thoughts.
01:22:10The only thing I can equate this to,
01:22:11those quick submissions, Caprice,
01:22:13if anybody's been on a rolling machine,
01:22:14it's not necessarily your legs or your arms that give out first.
01:22:17It's your breathing.
01:22:18And the quick movements, to me,
01:22:20you can see both men.
01:22:24Look here, Mr. Arms Theory.
01:22:25I'm trying to talk about condition.
01:22:27That's what's going on here, okay?
01:22:29It's the condition that's being in play,
01:22:31the hardness on display here with two great wrestlers
01:22:33playing chess.
01:22:34Wrestling like the best in the world.
01:22:36And that's why the pure championship title is on the line.
01:22:39Certainly is.
01:22:40Both men worthy of being champions right now.
01:22:42I have this even...
01:22:44Evenly scored.
01:22:45Other than maybe that and the rope break count.
01:22:47And Yuta can't see.
01:22:48Yeah, this ain't crossfit.
01:22:49This is death before dishonor.
01:22:51And Yuta's in a lot of trouble.
01:22:53And Yuta in the corner here.
01:22:57It's Moriarty looking for the Irish whip.
01:22:58Into the corner.
01:22:59Gets it on Yuta.
01:23:00Charging in!
01:23:02Collapsing Yuta.
01:23:03Moriarty holding on, though.
01:23:07Staying in control is Moriarty.
01:23:09Oh, and into the corner now.
01:23:11Might have spent too much time there.
01:23:13Speed up and over.
01:23:14Yuta, the agility.
01:23:15Off the ropes.
01:23:16You see both men with a well-reserved energy.
01:23:20Let the champion breathe.
01:23:21It was a bad decision on Moriarty's part.
01:23:24There's a heart inside of Willie Yuta that will not die.
01:23:27He's proving himself against people like Shibata,
01:23:30Daniel Garcia, Josh Wood.
01:23:32And he does not mind proving himself against Moriarty.
01:23:36And this is a hat-trick clash here.
01:23:38That stinger-splash style forearm.
01:23:40This match already longer than their first encounter.
01:23:42They went through a draw.
01:23:43That led us to here at death before dishonor.
01:23:45At Esports Stadium.
01:23:46All the way up top.
01:23:47It's Willie Yuta!
01:23:50Forearm smash right there to the top.
01:23:54And no question.
01:23:57Marks around the physical stamina.
01:23:59Physical stamina.
01:24:00Or endurance of Yuta on my end.
01:24:02The Big Body Slam puts Moriarty down.
01:24:04That's the big thing about the peer division.
01:24:06Riccoboni is the endurance and the stamina
01:24:09that these athletes have to condition
01:24:11as they put themselves through
01:24:13to be able to wrestle for a very long time.
01:24:18Back fist.
01:24:19Backhand there.
01:24:20Under the ear.
01:24:21Disrupting the equilibrium of Yuta.
01:24:23All legal.
01:24:25Right back to the wrist there.
01:24:27Man, just separating those fingers.
01:24:29Oh, that elbow!
01:24:31My God, elbow torque.
01:24:32And headbutt.
01:24:33Smart move by Yuta.
01:24:34That's all he had was the hand.
01:24:36Now being bit by Moriarty.
01:24:41And the front face lock.
01:24:43And maybe not so smart giving up that head
01:24:45with his head injuries.
01:24:47Both men in danger here.
01:24:48It's Moriarty!
01:24:53The challenger!
01:24:55A high impact move!
01:24:57The judges!
01:24:59Did you see Paul White taking notes there?
01:25:02I think maybe with that move,
01:25:03Moriarty has swung into the favor of Paul White.
01:25:06Moriarty tried to go for a pin,
01:25:08but his body would not let him.
01:25:13And this championship bout has reset here.
01:25:15This capacity crowd.
01:25:17Esports Stadium in Arlington,
01:25:18death before dishonor.
01:25:21Oh, look at that.
01:25:22Half dragon and Yuta.
01:25:25Look at that.
01:25:26The twist, but countered by Moriarty.
01:25:29Very fast thinking.
01:25:30Going for that piledriver.
01:25:31Blocked again by Yuta.
01:25:33That was a punch.
01:25:34That was a punch.
01:25:35That was a punch.
01:25:36Oh, wait a minute.
01:25:37That was a punch.
01:25:38He gets one.
01:25:39That referee sees.
01:25:40Lee Moriarty has been issued a warning
01:25:42for the use of a closed fist strike to the face.
01:25:44Oh, look at this.
01:25:45And now the straightjacket.
01:25:46Oh, sent down to the ring.
01:25:49Both men have given up their punches.
01:25:51Yuta has a rope break.
01:25:53But the question is, will he see it?
01:25:55Can he maneuver to it?
01:25:56Yuta knows where he is at all times.
01:25:59That's one thing I figured out with Yuta.
01:26:01Very smart wrestler.
01:26:02He's going to have to go for the ropes
01:26:04when he has the rope break to break.
01:26:06But Moriarty brings him back in the center.
01:26:09He's going to try to end it right here.
01:26:10He's going to submit the champion.
01:26:12Stead center, nowhere to go.
01:26:13Title in the balance.
01:26:14It's Yuta.
01:26:17Oh, no.
01:26:18Right back to it.
01:26:19Stretch it out.
01:26:20Try not to get those hips.
01:26:21If Yuta gets those hips under him, he can roll through it.
01:26:24Moriarty has to try to stretch it.
01:26:25Now Yuta knows where he's at.
01:26:26Oh, Yuta finds the ropes.
01:26:30That's rope break number two used by Will Yuta.
01:26:33You see the heart of Yuta even trying to get out of that
01:26:36before he used that rope break,
01:26:38trying to save the rope breaks now.
01:26:41It's Moriarty.
01:26:43Back to the head.
01:26:44Smooth move.
01:26:45That kick to the head reminds me to the punch to the face.
01:26:49Perfectly legal.
01:26:52As heartless and as violent as it is,
01:26:54Moriarty, if he sticks to going for that hit with forearms
01:26:58and avoids this flurry from Yuta,
01:27:00he could find a winning formula.
01:27:02Off the ropes.
01:27:03Side headlock.
01:27:04Big boot again.
01:27:05Yuta in a lot of trouble.
01:27:06Look at his knee.
01:27:08Ducks down.
01:27:09That rewind.
01:27:10That rebound.
01:27:11Standing switch.
01:27:12It's Moriarty.
01:27:13Standing switch.
01:27:14Moriarty here.
01:27:16Into the ropes.
01:27:17Ducks Moriarty down side.
01:27:18Smart move by Yuta.
01:27:20I don't know how Moriarty landed, but Yuta.
01:27:23Well planned, man.
01:27:24That's Yuta playing chess right there.
01:27:26Two moves ahead.
01:27:27Knew what he was taking Moriarty up for,
01:27:29and I think this paid off.
01:27:30That high risk paid off right there.
01:27:32You can see that Yuta's in control,
01:27:34but everybody's hurt, man.
01:27:35That wrist of Yuta definitely showing right now.
01:27:39And maybe trying to pop that shoulder back in
01:27:41as we take a look at the replay.
01:27:43Oh, goodness.
01:27:44Yeah, he was even protecting that wrist when he took off.
01:27:47Certainly was.
01:27:48As now the champion bringing the challenger back into the ring.
01:27:51Both men with one rope break.
01:27:52Both men have thrown a close fist,
01:27:54a second result in a disqualification.
01:27:56You got to stay away from that if you're either man as Yuta
01:27:59looking to go up top now.
01:28:00And we've already passed the 15-minute mark
01:28:02that was in to the proving grounds
01:28:04that allowed Moriarty to get this match.
01:28:07Oh, and splash.
01:28:09Leg stack, cover, two.
01:28:14Yeah, Caprice, we are 50% longer.
01:28:17And that proving ground is only 10 minutes.
01:28:20So we are going into uncharted territory for both men
01:28:23if either man based tonight's anticipated energy level
01:28:27or flurries on the last match.
01:28:29They are now in uncharted water as these hammer elbows.
01:28:33Oh, and Yuta doesn't have enough right now.
01:28:35Yeah, I think that's a shoulder socket right there.
01:28:37Yuta trying to change the game plan with his shoulders.
01:28:39Man called him.
01:28:41Wait a minute.
01:28:42One, two.
01:28:45That's what I mean, man.
01:28:47Moriarty is built for the pure title.
01:28:50Nice wrist lock takedown there from Moriarty.
01:28:52Right back to his shoulder.
01:28:53It's the shoulder that is giving Yuta trouble.
01:28:56Twist, plants Yuta.
01:28:58Legs, cradle, two.
01:29:00Moriarty, no.
01:29:01Yeah, Moriarty has picked up on the damage on his shoulder,
01:29:04and he's focusing in on it.
01:29:06Great submission here.
01:29:07That neck wrench, that shoulder caught like you said, Caprice.
01:29:11That's that shark smelling blood,
01:29:13and that's exactly what Moriarty feels.
01:29:15Yuta needs to get to the ropes.
01:29:17He's trying as hard as he can.
01:29:18Moriarty's scooting to the ropes.
01:29:20He wants Yuta.
01:29:22He's trying to block it.
01:29:23He wants to submit it.
01:29:24Wait a minute.
01:29:25You're right.
01:29:26You're right.
01:29:27It's Yuta with desperation.
01:29:28I'll tell you what.
01:29:29Once you get a lock in like that, you don't want it to be broken.
01:29:31That is the third and final rope break for Yuta.
01:29:34Now, the challenger is in control
01:29:37and ahead on points, Riccoboni.
01:29:40The tide has certainly swung, Caprice.
01:29:42You're absolutely right.
01:29:43Moriarty in the driver's seat.
01:29:45This goes the distance.
01:29:46We will have a new champion if something doesn't change.
01:29:50Beautiful bridge.
01:29:52One, two.
01:29:54Holding on to the waist lock here, though.
01:29:56The only thing that can protect Yuta now is a definite win.
01:29:59Oh, wait a minute.
01:30:01Nice submission here.
01:30:03Cattle mutilation.
01:30:06Oh, he's going to even the score.
01:30:08It's even.
01:30:09Oh, wow.
01:30:13That is the third and final rope break for Lee Moriarty.
01:30:17You know what that means, Riccoboni.
01:30:19No longer can you be saved by the ropes.
01:30:22It doesn't matter if you grab them or not.
01:30:24You can be submitted inside of the ropes now.
01:30:27Well, Caprice, we are in unprecedented territory
01:30:30since the peer championship has been created.
01:30:34Since its initial establishment,
01:30:37very rarely have we seen rope breaks and close fists exhausted.
01:30:45Over the top rope to the apron, the hardest part of the ring.
01:30:49Down to the floor, follows the champion.
01:30:51And the challenger inside trying to think,
01:30:54what does he have to do to become new champion?
01:30:57Really, Yuta in a lot of trouble.
01:30:59Maybe on instinct, going back to that table position.
01:31:01We take a look again.
01:31:02Watch this fall.
01:31:03The strength of Moriarty.
01:31:04Oh, that spine.
01:31:05The involuntary shooting up of the ankles.
01:31:09Watch his body react.
01:31:10Just shocked.
01:31:11Stop right there.
01:31:13You see the way the head bounced up and down.
01:31:15Moriarty sensing victory like blood in the water, like you said.
01:31:18That's a level change from Moriarty.
01:31:20He's able to change gears.
01:31:22Yeah, can lock it in, that choke.
01:31:26Two, could it be?
01:31:30Stay with it.
01:31:31Stay with it, Moriarty.
01:31:33Stay with the game plan.
01:31:34See this right here?
01:31:35It's the frustration.
01:31:36What do I have to do?
01:31:37I've given my best shot.
01:31:39You shoot again if you want to be champion.
01:31:43Short time.
01:31:44Tiger driver.
01:31:45Not quite enough yet.
01:31:47But Moriarty knocking on the door.
01:31:50He might as well try and kick it in.
01:31:54Yuta may not be able to answer.
01:32:01Look at this, just dead weight.
01:32:02Yuta though.
01:32:03Look at the chop.
01:32:04Look at the chop.
01:32:05Look at that.
01:32:06Moriarty able to get to table position there.
01:32:09Back up here.
01:32:10Rolling through.
01:32:11It's Moriarty now.
01:32:12Yuta trying to force back the submission.
01:32:15Locked in.
01:32:16The rope can't help you.
01:32:18The rope won't break.
01:32:21We've got about 40 minutes left in this match.
01:32:24Does it matter?
01:32:25Wait a minute.
01:32:26Moriarty trying to escape.
01:32:27He can pull himself out though.
01:32:28He used the rope.
01:32:29Wait a minute.
01:32:30Two, three.
01:32:31He's got it.
01:32:32The champion.
01:32:33He got it.
01:32:34The champion.
01:32:37Who will win this match?
01:32:38And who?
01:32:41Ring of Honor, pure wrestling champion, Tiger style,
01:32:46Lee Moriarty.
01:32:49Both men have rope breaks.
01:32:51That is perfectly legal to use the ropes to pin your opponent.
01:32:57What an amazing razor sharp thinking from Moriarty.
01:33:00The East Coast Stadium is on their feet.
01:33:03We have a new pin champion.
01:33:05His name is Tiger style, Lee Moriarty from Chain Taylor Promotions.
01:33:12Hey, inside the rope.
01:33:14You said it right.
01:33:15No more rope breaks.
01:33:16And he used the rope for the pin.
01:33:17That was the smartest decision I've ever seen.
01:33:19Every single person in the East Coast Stadium.
01:33:23Capacity crowd here tonight.
01:33:25This place is jam packed.
01:33:27They are standing.
01:33:28You deserve it.
01:33:32You deserve it.
01:33:34You got to have respect right there, man.
01:33:36And just like Nigel and Bryan Danielson before them.
01:33:43Come on, man.
01:33:45Come on, man.
01:33:46There you go.
01:33:48Perhaps the launching pad.
01:33:50That's respect.
01:33:51Pillars of pure wrestling.
01:33:52That's how you do it.
01:33:53Not only in the pure division, but in my opinion,
01:33:55two men that could lead Ring of Honor in the next decade.
01:33:59A sign of sportsmanship.
01:34:02We didn't know if we would see it.
01:34:04But a history making champion in Wheeler-Uter,
01:34:06the only three time champion, shows and pays his respect to the man
01:34:11who outsmarted him by a razor thin margin.
01:34:16How he wrestled him here tonight to capture the title.
01:34:19Congratulations, Lee Moriarty, the new Ring of Honor pure champion
01:34:23here at Defqon.4.
01:34:24The momentum for STP.
01:34:29What an incredible bout.
01:34:33Championship changes hands here tonight.
01:34:38Every day.
01:34:39Every day.
01:34:40I had to work to get better.
01:34:42Every day.
01:34:43I had to work to catch up to this.
01:34:45Now I am the Ring of Honor pure champion.
01:34:51Be proud.
01:34:52Be very proud.
01:34:54Taylor made for the Ring of Honor pure championship.
01:34:58Lee Moriarty standing tall.
01:35:01Championship matches continue.
01:35:03We certainly do.
01:35:05Here at Defqon.4, the championship matches.
01:35:08And look at this.
01:35:09The newest member of the board of directors, Paul White,
01:35:11and two former world champions, Daniels, Jerry Lynn,
01:35:14showing their respect.
01:35:17And this match is not about respect, Caprice.
01:35:20This has become personal.
01:35:22Emotions flaring high.
01:35:23The women's world television title on the line here tonight.
01:35:31You don't want to see anything like this happen.
01:35:32What the hell?
01:35:33Billy, you faked an injury to win.
01:35:36Red, you can talk.
01:35:38Red Velvet's had enough.
01:35:39After a title match, Queen Avanada
01:35:41has come to the aid of Red Velvet.
01:35:43I outsmarted you and all the other girls
01:35:47to become your ROH TV champion.
01:35:51You want to hang with the big girls?
01:35:52Well, then bring it on.
01:35:54Red, you've been on my mind a lot,
01:35:56and I know I have a challenge coming up
01:35:58at Defqon.4 this fall.
01:36:01I beat you twice, and I'll do it again.
01:36:04You finally met your match, and you're scared.
01:36:09Point, though.
01:36:11Billy trying to get Red Velvet there.
01:36:13Billy, you want to continue with your little coward games?
01:36:16You're nothing more than two raggedy-ass live lizards.
01:36:20Wait a minute.
01:36:21What is this?
01:36:22What is this?
01:36:23That's Billie Starks.
01:36:24So you're seeing Red.
01:36:25Guess what?
01:36:26Death before dishonor.
01:36:27You're walking into your funeral.
01:36:30Ring of Honor Women's World Television title on the line.
01:36:32For the introductions, our special guest ring announcer,
01:36:35Lexi Nair.
01:36:37The following contest is Defqon.4 with a 30-minute time limit.
01:36:42It is for the Ring of Honor Women's
01:36:45World Television Championship.
01:36:48Ring of Honor!
01:36:56Stereo, stereo, stereo, stereo, stereo, stereo stereo, stereo,
01:37:01Get your music for your song straight out of your momma's
01:37:05Make some noise!
01:37:06Desiigner sounds!
01:37:09Golden opportunity here tonight, a semi-finalist in the tournament
01:37:13to crown the inaugural Ring of Honor Women's World Television
01:37:16about a women's world television champion.
01:37:19And Caprice, she fell at the hands of Queen Aminata,
01:37:22said she respected Aminata and Billie Starks
01:37:25and would love to challenge whoever the winner was.
01:37:27Little did she know the level of disrespect
01:37:30that would be shown to her and Queen Aminata.
01:37:34It went from a championship bout to one
01:37:37that now could get personal very quick.
01:37:39I think now we know you can't put anything past Billie Starks.
01:37:43You see this young lady,
01:37:44before you kind of, you looked at her
01:37:46and you had, you know, compassion for her.
01:37:48That compassion is out the window
01:37:50and now Red Velvet is throwing it up in the kitchen,
01:37:53straight out to mama's kitchen.
01:37:54I got to visit my mama more, Rick and Bonnie.
01:37:56And Red Velvet, with her, you got to watch for the punches.
01:37:58Her late father, Fortuncio Cardona,
01:38:02from her WBC world flyweight champion.
01:38:04For her opponent, let me take you back to Lexi Moore.
01:38:06And the challenger from Louisville, Kentucky,
01:38:10Billie Starks!
01:38:17What in the world?
01:38:21Billie Starks.
01:38:23This young woman has changed so much.
01:38:28Some of it for the better.
01:38:30There's no denying history-making ROH
01:38:32women's world television champion.
01:38:35But this darkness within the light of Caprice,
01:38:39the dark side that allowed her to manipulate
01:38:42the emotions of Queen Aminata,
01:38:45to think she had perhaps broken her neck.
01:38:47What a sick individual this 19-year-old is.
01:38:50But I kind of like this.
01:38:51I like this because now you see what you got.
01:38:55You see what you're in for.
01:38:56There's no more hiding behind a pretty face.
01:38:58There's no more hiding behind a young age.
01:39:01You see right now everything that Billie Starks is
01:39:04in the outfit that she's wearing
01:39:05and the paint that's on her face.
01:39:07This is your ring of honor women's world champion
01:39:10right here by hook or by crook.
01:39:12We'll try to hold on to the title
01:39:13and we'll fight any means necessary
01:39:15even if it's faking an injury.
01:39:18Referee Mike Posey drawing the assignment
01:39:20for this great bout.
01:39:22Ring of honor women's world television title on the line
01:39:24like we said, Red Velvet.
01:39:28Represented her late father, represented Columbia
01:39:31in the 1972 Olympics.
01:39:32Her uncle was a WBA world super bantamweight champion.
01:39:38Let's wipe the hands of Red Velvet, a very dangerous
01:39:44in her DNA.
01:39:47Red Velvet, let's not forget, Caprice,
01:39:49has two victories historically over Billie Starks.
01:39:52That could be in the mind of Billie Starks
01:39:54to start things up.
01:39:54Oh, look at this.
01:39:56Nice slap there into the ropes.
01:39:58Red Velvet, jumping leg lariat there.
01:40:01Coming out hooking.
01:40:04And now trying to snatch the hair of Billie Starks.
01:40:10The blue.
01:40:11Oh, man.
01:40:13You see, when you see Billie Starks like this,
01:40:16you approach her differently than you would have last year.
01:40:21Look at that big spear, big spear from Red Velvet.
01:40:23It's a big move, very fast,
01:40:24taking out the breath of the champion.
01:40:27And now the challenger's stalking her.
01:40:29Ah, that's those punches you were talking about,
01:40:30Rick Abadie.
01:40:31Yes, indeed.
01:40:32Yes, sir.
01:40:33That Deadpool-inspired gear,
01:40:34it's now Red Velvet going to town.
01:40:38Oh, look at this.
01:40:39Red Velvet, oh!
01:40:41The practicality of the splits.
01:40:44And she is going to take all five seconds
01:40:47taking her time.
01:40:48Remember, as Red Velvet off the ropes
01:40:51and smart move by Starks,
01:40:53but it's Velvet following Starks into the corner.
01:40:55That knee right to the face of the champion.
01:40:58Challenger shoots the champion in.
01:40:59Champion reverses with the hair pull.
01:41:01Oh, and Starks now,
01:41:04who made history with that hair pull.
01:41:07Who made history as the youngest competitor ever
01:41:10to main event a final battle.
01:41:12Oh, catches Red Velvet.
01:41:14And you can't take away,
01:41:16watch this.
01:41:16Oh, no.
01:41:19Oh, my goodness!
01:41:22I think Velvet was trying for that run.
01:41:23Look at the eyes, Billy Starks.
01:41:25Something you can't take away,
01:41:26and that's the tutelage that Billy Starks
01:41:28has been getting from Athena.
01:41:29She's not the same person she was a couple of years ago.
01:41:32This is a young person that has been mentored
01:41:34by a champion.
01:41:35A champion that's had been a champion.
01:41:37Look at this.
01:41:38Oh, the face of Velvet.
01:41:39Over 600 days, Riccoboni.
01:41:43Billy Starks now, as we return to live action,
01:41:45gets a one count there on Red Velvet.
01:41:48You're absolutely right.
01:41:49I mean, Athena opened up the door,
01:41:51opened up a seat at the table for Billy Starks.
01:41:56Might've been the most young and impressionable,
01:41:58but also may have had the most potential
01:42:01out of any competitor in this rich women's division.
01:42:05She saw a prodigy, man,
01:42:06and Athena just wanted to pour into her.
01:42:07Poured a lot of great things into her,
01:42:09but everything she poured into her was not pure.
01:42:12And even the fake injury that she played.
01:42:14You see the champion that's been injured for a long time,
01:42:16but now he realized that she's not injured.
01:42:20And Red Velvet trying to get going here.
01:42:23This capacity crowd here in Arlington.
01:42:26Coming alive.
01:42:28Shot to the midsection.
01:42:31And it's Red Velvet swinging the miss.
01:42:32Billy Starks now.
01:42:34As Red Velvet into the corner.
01:42:36What does Billy Starks have in mind?
01:42:40Hanging Velvet out to dry.
01:42:41Continues to stomp on her.
01:42:43And the trio wall just scraping the boot against the abs.
01:42:47Driving the blood down into the skull of Red Velvet.
01:42:51Those boots also leave that rug burn, man.
01:42:53That stuff just burns the whole mat.
01:42:56Bringing Velvet back down.
01:42:57Also putting those knees up there.
01:42:58You know Red Velvet's had knee surgery a couple of times.
01:43:02And Billy Starks is the type of person
01:43:03that does her homework.
01:43:04She knows the history.
01:43:06She knows the history there.
01:43:07And she knows about the knees of Red Velvet.
01:43:10So she may be trying to target some injuries here.
01:43:13To expose something.
01:43:14Slowed over.
01:43:16And that's a great point, Caprice.
01:43:17That's what kept Red Velvet on the shelf
01:43:20for a prolonged period of time.
01:43:21And Red Velvet's had one of the best records
01:43:23in Ring of Honor since returning.
01:43:26We set a great, great tournament
01:43:29to capture the Ring of Honor World Television Championship.
01:43:32Ultimately won by Billy Starks.
01:43:33And that's why we're here today.
01:43:35It seems like you can get Red Velvet on a roll
01:43:36and the only thing that has kept her
01:43:38from the roll would be injuries.
01:43:39Because she puts everything.
01:43:41She goes for 110%.
01:43:43Every time Red Velvet is out there
01:43:44she gives it everything she's got.
01:43:46Oh, and now into the corner.
01:43:48Billy Starks now.
01:43:51If anything.
01:43:52Oh, Starks has gotten more deliberate
01:43:54and more thoughtful with her violence.
01:43:56The way she executes has improved
01:43:58since being under the tutelage of a thief.
01:44:00But a cat is out the hat, Ricoboni.
01:44:02We see right now the type of pushing
01:44:04that we have here in Billy Starks.
01:44:06We had the young girl that we was talking about
01:44:08that was fresh out of college,
01:44:09that was going through college,
01:44:11that was doing her homework in the back
01:44:12preparing for Madison Square Garden.
01:44:17Initially was 17, now 18.
01:44:20Oh, and now kick to the midsection.
01:44:23And now we see this right here.
01:44:27And it might've been like this all along.
01:44:30Even her mom disapproving on the way
01:44:32that Billy Starks won the championship.
01:44:35Nair-Mair there.
01:44:37Sending Red Velvet flying across the ring.
01:44:41Causing so much dissension in the household
01:44:43that Athena's like, I'm proud of you.
01:44:45And causing Billy Starks to get closer to Athena.
01:44:54Look at this, it is now Billy Starks.
01:44:59And just standing on top of the,
01:45:02I mean, I just, I don't wanna say prone,
01:45:05cause Red Velvet's fighting back.
01:45:06She's still got that blood going.
01:45:08She's still trying to get back to her feet,
01:45:09but she's clearly in danger right now.
01:45:11Yes, anytime you stand on the point,
01:45:13not only is it adding insult to injury,
01:45:14it's driving the breath out of you,
01:45:15especially pushing at your heart.
01:45:19And, my goodness, she's double chopped.
01:45:21She ain't ripped in.
01:45:22There you go.
01:45:23Yes, sir!
01:45:27And now it's Red Velvet.
01:45:28Off the ladder now at home, Billy Starks so quick,
01:45:31both physically and mentally, has Red Velvet.
01:45:33The strength advantage, that reach advantage,
01:45:34Red Velvet, great counter there!
01:45:36Leg hooked!
01:45:37Two, could it be?
01:45:38Two count.
01:45:40Starks, though, the leverage on that kick.
01:45:43Yeah, you can never forget how dangerous Billy Starks is.
01:45:46There was something that Athena saw in Billy Starks.
01:45:49She saw in the prodigy here,
01:45:51and that was a fantastic wrestling pedigree.
01:45:55Oh, front face lock into the suplex position.
01:45:59Wrist lock now.
01:46:00Red Velvet into the corner, up and over.
01:46:02Caught, wait a minute, trapped.
01:46:03Lace inside.
01:46:04Pin, one, two, Red Velvet stacked up, gets out of it.
01:46:07Billy Starks into the corner.
01:46:08Red Velvet now, waist lock.
01:46:10Here we go, big super suplex,
01:46:12and Red Velvet beginning to feel it once again.
01:46:17This jam-packed crowd here, Arlington Esports Stadium.
01:46:21We thank you for joining us here tonight.
01:46:24Norwich Women's World Television,
01:46:25time along the line of the ladder.
01:46:27Yeah, that knee got it right there
01:46:29in the butt of the chin of the champion.
01:46:31And, ah!
01:46:32Two shots right there to the head.
01:46:34Now we see Velvet, Red Velvet is finding a focal point,
01:46:38and that is the chin of the champion.
01:46:41And Red Velvet delivering shots.
01:46:45Oh, and those body shots again.
01:46:47That proud lineage of boxers in Red Velvet's family.
01:46:50Waist lock here, swinging around.
01:46:52Oh, DDT!
01:46:53That's what you need to do.
01:46:56Leg hooked!
01:46:57Two, could it be?
01:46:59They were the head of the game, man,
01:47:01trying to get here, wrestling around.
01:47:03The best move possible was that DDT.
01:47:05That's a lot of impact on the head of Billy Starks.
01:47:09And with how personal things have gotten,
01:47:11I applaud Red Velvet for not taking the bait
01:47:14earlier in the match when Billy Starks
01:47:16was trying to mentally get Red Velvet off her game.
01:47:19Shots to the midsection here.
01:47:21It's Red Velvet testing that knee out.
01:47:26You see right there,
01:47:28Billy Starks trying to grab hold to it,
01:47:30trying to figure out what she needs to do
01:47:32to put Red Velvet in a bad situation.
01:47:35But Red Velvet has a plan, and is staying with that plan,
01:47:38and it seems to be working.
01:47:40And it could be leading her to a new championship.
01:47:44And that head and neck draped over the ropes here.
01:47:46It's Red Velvet who flies through!
01:47:57Riddles sizzling now for Red Velvet.
01:48:00Oh, look at this!
01:48:02Oh, Red Velvet, though, countered.
01:48:04Billy Starks hits Velvet!
01:48:06Blocked down.
01:48:08See the evil in the eyes of Billy Starks,
01:48:11going to the top, all the way.
01:48:14Oh, goodness.
01:48:17Now second rope on the inside.
01:48:19Red Velvet.
01:48:21All the way up top.
01:48:22Red Velvet has the least balance in this situation.
01:48:25Has to move fast.
01:48:28Billy Starks!
01:48:29That could be it!
01:48:31Could it be?
01:48:35Red Velvet moved very fast on that.
01:48:37That was a great collision there.
01:48:38Could have gotten the win.
01:48:41Damage done, taking that deep breath.
01:48:42That's right, regaining composure.
01:48:44That's what you have to do, Ricker Bonnie.
01:48:46Very smart move by the challenger.
01:48:48Going for another pin.
01:48:49Oh, cover here.
01:48:51Ooh, that was even closer.
01:48:53Yeah, those kickouts are coming far
01:48:56and in between that right now.
01:48:59And that avalanche victory roll has certainly stunned,
01:49:01perhaps knocked the wind out of the champion.
01:49:04And Red Velvet, looking to go off the ropes.
01:49:07Oh, wait a minute.
01:49:09Oh, breaking that knee down.
01:49:12Oh, nice submission.
01:49:13This is a submission she's been winning with each week
01:49:14on Ring of Honor.
01:49:15She's practically perfecting it!
01:49:17Red Velvet locked in!
01:49:19Got that chin lock in place.
01:49:21Half chicken wing, chin lock.
01:49:24That's a sleeper play.
01:49:25That's a sleeper right there.
01:49:26She was able to counter Mama's recipe.
01:49:28Red Velvet's finishing move.
01:49:30Those arms around the neck there.
01:49:33Running for rotted arteries.
01:49:35Making it hard for Velvet to breathe.
01:49:38And a sleep mirror.
01:49:39The challenger able to get out of it,
01:49:41off the ropes, Red Velvet.
01:49:43And are no one home by that attempt there.
01:49:45Oh, backbreaker!
01:49:47Great ring awareness from the world television champion.
01:49:50As she's grabbing the hair.
01:49:51Oh, really starts!
01:49:53Variation on the Ushiguroshi.
01:49:55Two, could it be?
01:49:58Two count.
01:49:59These counts, man.
01:50:00I tell you, getting closer and closer to three.
01:50:03The champion knows it, and so does the challenger.
01:50:07It's blatantly choking.
01:50:12Did she just blow a snot?
01:50:14Oh my God, it's disgusting.
01:50:16Really snots.
01:50:18It's nasty.
01:50:20I'm going to kill you!
01:50:22No, no, you'd go to jail if you do that.
01:50:24Billie Starks, the world television champion.
01:50:27But you can see the mindset that Billie Starks has.
01:50:30Oh, yeah.
01:50:31Didn't work that time.
01:50:33Red Velvet able to put in a poison rana.
01:50:35Champion in trouble.
01:50:36Velvet on the run.
01:50:39And the mix.
01:50:41Could be it.
01:50:41Starks a snot, too.
01:50:43Can we have a new champion?
01:50:47Sensational move.
01:50:49A move that's won Red Velvet many matches
01:50:51in Ring of Honor and AEW.
01:50:54As this packed house here in Arlington.
01:50:59They are anticipating.
01:51:02They are waiting to see which competitor in this world
01:51:06television title belt will make the move that carries them
01:51:09across the finish line.
01:51:11Billie Starks trying to evade her opponent,
01:51:13crawling to the outside of the ring.
01:51:17Velvet right behind her, trying to deadlift the champion.
01:51:22Maybe a German suplex in mind.
01:51:27Waist lock here.
01:51:29Both women in danger.
01:51:31It's Red Velvet looking for it.
01:51:32No, Billie Starks able to drop down.
01:51:34Scooting through the legs for the Starks.
01:51:36Separation created.
01:51:37Into the corner, stops herself.
01:51:38Velvet with a big back elbow.
01:51:39Starks now down to the outside.
01:51:42Red Velvet with an opportunity.
01:51:43Climbing to the second rope on the outside.
01:51:45Trying to take a risk.
01:51:47Oh, goodness.
01:51:48Couldn't keep her footing.
01:51:50Starks with an assist there.
01:51:51Oh, back to that sleeper.
01:51:53Trying to hang her.
01:51:54That sleeper being hung.
01:51:55The body weight of the challenger
01:51:58working against her now.
01:51:59The challenger has her footing.
01:52:01Champion still on top.
01:52:05Good start!
01:52:08She's calling the referee now.
01:52:10She's calling the neck.
01:52:11I've seen this before, Ricker Bynum.
01:52:12I'm not Bynum.
01:52:13I'm not Bynum.
01:52:14Don't call me Charlie Brown,
01:52:15and I ain't falling to Lucy.
01:52:16Hold on. Hold on.
01:52:17This is a new match.
01:52:20Nah, man.
01:52:22This is old on.
01:52:25It's hard, and it's like you're crying wolf.
01:52:27You don't know whether she's faking
01:52:28or whether this is real.
01:52:29She's done it before, and it's hard.
01:52:31You don't know when it's real anymore.
01:52:32Oh, that's sexy.
01:52:36Red Velvet with a golden opportunity.
01:52:38I really hope Billie Starrs is not hurt.
01:52:42But because I've seen what she's done before,
01:52:44she's buying time.
01:52:47Red Velvet here,
01:52:48everything in her breathing at the very least.
01:52:50Composer suffocating her breath.
01:52:51It really...
01:52:52A great move Red Velvet was able to execute
01:52:54on the outside of the ring.
01:52:55Could have rolled in, won the championship.
01:52:57You can see even now the heart of Red Velvet
01:53:00waiting, waiting on the champion,
01:53:02the same way Aminata was.
01:53:04And as soon as the champion got back inside,
01:53:06what happened, Ricker Bynum?
01:53:07You're not wrong here, Aminata.
01:53:09That dock out there, man, it looks...
01:53:12At the very least, it does.
01:53:13Rolled in when that cotton stage.
01:53:15I don't know how to take it.
01:53:16I'm conflicted.
01:53:17I'm conflicted.
01:53:18I see a young athlete.
01:53:19I think the difference here,
01:53:20Billie Starrs trying to get back into this match.
01:53:22To me, that is the difference here.
01:53:25In the match at Supercar Divan,
01:53:26Billie Starrs did not try and reenter the...
01:53:27I just hate what she's done before
01:53:29because I don't know how to feel.
01:53:30I'm conflicted right now.
01:53:32And I hate to be calling against somebody
01:53:33that's really hurt.
01:53:35But I've seen her cry wolf before.
01:53:37But she... I think the difference here,
01:53:39she was in the ring at Supercar Divan,
01:53:42or she was on the outside of the ring.
01:53:43She is attempting to continue the fight.
01:53:46She's attempting to continue the match.
01:53:48Docs gave her the okay.
01:53:49She says she's continuing to fight.
01:53:51And now Velvet could have rushed her.
01:53:53She could have.
01:53:54She's keeping her back, yeah.
01:53:55Posey making the right call here.
01:53:56Yeah, I mean, I'm just saying,
01:53:57what Velvet could have rushed her
01:53:58and went past Posey.
01:53:59Additional medical staff in the aisle way there.
01:54:00And it's Billie Starrs.
01:54:01Wait a minute.
01:54:02Wow, come on!
01:54:03See? See?
01:54:05Back up.
01:54:06Swing and a miss there.
01:54:07Oh, caught.
01:54:08Caught the kid.
01:54:09Oh, that knee.
01:54:10That's what I tell you, Mr. Bonner.
01:54:11That's what I tell you, Mr. Bonner.
01:54:12Shades of Super.
01:54:13Come on, Mr. Bonner.
01:54:14Oh, the emphasis.
01:54:15This one's crazy.
01:54:16Wait a minute.
01:54:17Back up.
01:54:18Back up.
01:54:19Yeah, I mean, well, that time,
01:54:20her impact of Supercuts
01:54:21has wrapped Velvet.
01:54:24Pass him here.
01:54:25Yeah, let's go.
01:54:26Let's go for that moonsault.
01:54:28Let's go for that moonsault.
01:54:29And it's started, Herb.
01:54:31Back body slam.
01:54:33That's gonna be
01:54:34a movesham.
01:54:35And it's a move champ!
01:54:36That's okay.
01:54:37Brings the guns.
01:54:38And your new
01:54:39Ring of Honor
01:54:40Women's World
01:54:41Title Champion,
01:54:44And your new Ring of Honor Women's World Heavyweight Champion,
01:54:50Rey Mysterio.
01:54:52And your new Ring of Honor Women's World Heavyweight Champion,
01:54:58Rey Mysterio.
01:54:59History made here tonight.
01:55:05New Ring of Honor Women's World Heavyweight Champion.
01:55:10There's a momentum going, Ric Flair can be stopped anytime soon.
01:55:16We still have championship matches to continue.
01:55:18But right now, we have a new Ring of Honor Women's World
01:55:23Television Champion, and her name is Red Velvet.
01:55:28Doing everything by the book, the right way, rewarded for it.
01:55:32Yeah. The sympathy, the empathy, but
01:55:35also realizing, recognizing this is a title bout.
01:55:39Whether or not that neck was truly hurt, maybe it was momentarily.
01:55:43Maybe it was the stinger.
01:55:45Yeah, she's trying, she's trying to.
01:55:47Whether it was, but you know the poise that Velvet showed,
01:55:50she gave the champion time to recover.
01:55:53But prepared herself, just in case the champion was slain.
01:55:56And right there, the possum that the champion tried to play backfire on her.
01:56:01I don't even buy the tears anymore.
01:56:02I'm not moved by the tears.
01:56:04The chefs don't play, I ain't the voted.
01:56:08I'm affected by the champion.
01:56:11I'm going to my mom's kitchen.
01:56:12Get out.
01:56:14Wait to see her.
01:56:19We're here.
