WWF Monday Night RAW: January 27, 1997

  • 2 days ago
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00:00The World Wrestling Federation, for over 50 years,
00:05the revolutionary force in sports entertainment.
00:10I've been screwed by Shawn Michaels, the boy toy.
00:15I've been screwed by Stone Cold Steve Austin.
00:17I've been screwed by the World Wrestling Federation.
00:20I've been screwed by you, so I quit.
00:23Ever since you came back, you ain't done nothing but cry.
00:29I put together a very unique match.
00:32The Undertaker, Vader, Stone Cold Steve Austin,
00:36rep the Hitman Hart if he accepts.
00:39I accept, but we don't need to wait till February.
00:43Let's do it right now.
00:45That was action from last week.
00:47That's right, but tonight, those same four individuals are here,
00:50and all hell's gonna break loose.
01:16Closing your seats, everyone, because we're gonna have some action.
01:19Ahmed Johnson on his way to the Square and Circle to lock up
01:23with the Nation of Domination's crush, opening up things tonight
01:27on Monday Night Raw.
01:29Take a look at the Pearl River Powerhouse.
01:32Yeah, McMahon, but this could be the culmination
01:36of a New England Patriot-type weekend for Ahmed Johnson
01:39if he's not careful.
01:41It all started out Saturday night at Madison Square Garden
01:43when Ahmed's tag team partner, Savio Vega, got sick of him,
01:46and he wound up losing to Farouk,
01:49and he could lose again here tonight
01:51to the hands of the Nation of Domination,
01:53and I think that would be it for Ahmed Johnson.
01:59Jerry, the King Lawler, what an unbelievable night
02:03of raw action you're gonna see.
02:05We're joined, of course, by Carlos Cabrera.
02:07Here goes some of the bench.
02:08Yes, indeed, and there he is.
02:10Ahmed Johnson ready to get it on.
02:16As I was saying, let's take you back now.
02:18Saturday afternoon, Madison Square Garden
02:20watches Savio Vega, the partner of Ahmed Johnson.
02:23Look what he does.
02:26And Savio Vega...
02:29Savio Vega just got tired.
02:31And, yes, that was the beginning of the end.
02:33Well, he just got tired of being tag team partners
02:35with Ahmed Johnson.
02:36You can't really blame him.
02:38Oh, really?
02:39And here comes that Nation of Domination.
02:43And you can bet that Ahmed Johnson
02:46is thinking about Saturday afternoon.
02:49He's also thinking about what happened
02:51Saturday night at Shotgun Saturday night.
02:54Oh, yeah.
02:55Nation of Domination back in force.
02:57Sid was the one this time who almost got him,
02:59and he brought out that equalizer Sid did.
03:01He missed Farouk.
03:02Savio took off and crushed him.
03:04Look out.
03:05Oh, yeah.
03:07There's no telling what's gonna happen
03:10when you have the Nation of Domination
03:12out around ringside.
03:14Conspicuous by his absence at the moment.
03:16Look out. Here we go.
03:17From behind.
03:20And look at Crush all over Ahmed Johnson.
03:23Well, that's the thing about the Nation of Domination.
03:25One of them is gonna distract you,
03:27and the other one's gonna get you from who knows where.
03:31And, again, Farouk is not out here.
03:33Neither is Savio Vega.
03:37And Crush, a monster if there ever was one,
03:40going one-on-one with Ahmed Johnson.
03:42However, I don't know that there's any one man alive today
03:46that can handle Ahmed Johnson.
03:49Well, who can handle a heart punch, McMahon?
03:52Tell me that.
03:53I don't think even Ahmed Johnson
03:54can handle a heart punch from Crush.
03:56Well, I would suggest you're right about that.
03:58Look at this.
03:59Look at that new slam.
04:02When Ahmed Johnson explodes,
04:04no one individual can stop him.
04:07No one in the world today, in my view.
04:09Yeah, but when you're talking about
04:10the Nation of Domination,
04:11you're not talking about one individual.
04:13It's an entire nation, McMahon.
04:15Savio Vega in Madison Square Garden
04:17Saturday afternoon, turning on his tag team partner.
04:21Ahmed Johnson.
04:22Now, wait a minute.
04:23How do you know he actually turned on him?
04:25What do you mean? We saw that.
04:26Well, we're gonna show you a little bit later on
04:28in depth, ladies and gentlemen,
04:29exactly what happened.
04:30We'll take you back to the garden
04:32Saturday afternoon.
04:34And look at this.
04:35Ahmed now.
04:39Baruch and Crush,
04:43all three,
04:45would like to see Ahmed Johnson
04:47back out of the World Wrestling Federation,
04:49out of action.
04:50Yeah, well, I might have to agree with him.
04:52I wouldn't want to be tag team partners
04:53with Ahmed Johnson.
04:54Savio just got sick and tired of having to
04:56carry the load.
04:57He was taking the brunt of the punishment.
04:59He got tired of it.
05:00Ahmed Johnson, here he comes!
05:04And Crush,
05:05starting to sink in the corner.
05:07Ahmed, with a handful of hair now,
05:09brings him out.
05:10Mid-ring, winds him up.
05:11What's he gonna do?
05:12Look out!
05:13Right up in the pectoral area.
05:15That might have been harder than a heart punch.
05:22Ahmed, however, distracted.
05:26And there you go.
05:27By some of the members of the Nation of Domination
05:29out around ringside.
05:31See, I don't think he's 100%, McMahon,
05:33after what happened to him Saturday.
05:35He's not ready for this kind of match.
05:37And you might be right.
05:38To go there against a guy like Crush?
05:40You just might be right, King,
05:42because he took a drubbing Saturday afternoon
05:45by the members of the Nation of Domination.
05:47Belly-to-belly nicely done by Crush.
05:49That's not even counting
05:50what Farouk did to him in the first place.
05:53Well, Farouk right away,
05:55going for the lacerated kidney.
05:59One, two!
06:00Clayton Chokehold.
06:03Nation of Domination members surrounding the ring.
06:06How many of them are out here?
06:07Count them.
06:08There's those two street punks.
06:10Street punks?
06:11Well, there's Clarence Mason.
06:16What we do.
06:17We call him a street punk.
06:22Down into the kidney.
06:24Down into the kidney.
06:28Ahmed Johnson.
06:30Better get himself together if he possibly can.
06:32And you may be right, King.
06:33Saturday afternoon may have taken a great deal out of
06:36the Pearl River Powerhouse.
06:37He was not ready for this match tonight.
06:39He's not gonna last.
06:40He's not gonna make it through it.
06:42Ooh, look at this.
06:44The body scissor here.
06:48Wait a minute.
06:49What's that?
06:50Look back there at the entrance.
06:52It's Farouk!
06:55This is gonna be it!
06:57Look at this!
06:59There's Farouk!
07:00Stay with us!
07:03Welcome back, everyone, to Mark WWF Raw.
07:05Monday Night Raw.
07:06Ahmed Johnson, one-on-one.
07:08He's up! Look at this!
07:09With Crush from the Nation of Domination
07:11hanging on as tightly as he possibly can to that rope.
07:14And Ahmed trying to get him off.
07:17I can't believe that Ahmed Johnson had the strength.
07:21To lift Crush up off the mat like he did.
07:25Ahmed Johnson, one of the most powerful men
07:27in the history of the World Wrestling Federation.
07:30But his power is being sapped somewhat by Crush here tonight
07:34as well as we chronicled earlier.
07:36Saturday afternoon's three-on-one with Savio Vega
07:40joining now Forsen with the Nation of Domination
07:43along with Farouk and Crush.
07:45Notwithstanding, by the way, just yesterday
07:47that matchup with Hunter Hearst Townsley
07:50with his butler, he calls it.
07:52Curtis involved. Here we go!
07:54That's all he got.
07:56More and more damage being applied to those kidneys.
07:59I don't see how he...
08:00I don't see how he...
08:01I don't see why he wants to continue, McMahon.
08:04Ahmed Johnson, a great competitor.
08:06Certainly no quit in this man.
08:08And now...
08:10Give me a break!
08:17Ahmed Johnson taking an unbelievable risk.
08:20Let's take another look at it now.
08:22Look at this!
08:23Dropkick Crush right in midair.
08:25And now look at this!
08:26Oh, but the top rope to the outside is Crush.
08:29Farouk, you better get down here.
08:32And look at this now.
08:34Ahmed taking over on Crush.
08:36By the way, at the conclusion of this matchup...
08:38Hey, hey, hey!
08:39Shawn Michaels scheduled to join us.
08:41But right now...
08:42Farouk coming in from behind.
08:46Farouk with Ahmed and...
08:47Oh, no!
08:48Sends him right into the steel steps.
08:51Farouk throwing Ahmed Johnson into Crush.
08:55And Ahmed Johnson has taken a tremendous drubbing.
09:00Crush setting him up now.
09:01Here we go!
09:02Setting him up for the heart punch.
09:03Crush runs up and...
09:06Right in the chest.
09:08Nobody gets up from that, McMahon.
09:10Including Ahmed Johnson!
09:12That's unbelievable.
09:15He got him!
09:17Can you believe it, McMahon?
09:19A culmination of all of the activities of the weekend.
09:23Obviously catching up with Ahmed Johnson.
09:26The attack of the whole nation of domination.
09:29Saturday afternoon.
09:32Notwithstanding what happened just yesterday on WWF Superstars.
09:36And unfortunately, Ahmed Johnson is paying the price.
09:39As official, Ahmed Johnson is a patriot.
09:54Well, here's what happened just a couple of minutes ago.
09:56Farouk comes in and delivers the goods to Ahmed Johnson.
10:03And then, the big heart punch from Crush.
10:07As I said, it's been a New England Patriot type weekend for Ahmed Johnson.
10:15We want Shawn...
10:17Here he comes!
10:19The World Wrestling Federation Champion!
10:24Shawn Michaels!
10:36How can anyone understand why these people go nuts for Shawn Michaels?
10:41Look at that!
10:44Go ahead, Michaels.
10:45You're walking into a world of trouble because...
10:48McMahon confided in me earlier that he's gonna invite each and every one of these four individuals out here.
10:53Bret Hart, Vader, The Undertaker, and Stone Cold Steve Austin.
10:57And believe me, when they get out here, Shawn Michaels...
11:01Yeah, you're gonna be tipped in your head, alright?
11:07Come on, McMahon! Go ahead and get the final four out here!
11:17Yeah, yeah, yeah! You're the greatest right now!
11:24If he still has that cup thirsty, we're all thirsty!
11:27Sitting on top of the world right now like the Green Bay Packers!
11:30Sure, yeah, right, wait a minute.
11:33Little Sid gets ahold of you.
11:37Last year's WrestleMania, the boyhood dream comes true!
11:43At the Royal Rumble, the dream lives on!
11:50However, Shawn Michaels, on February 13th, Thursday, Raw Thursday...
11:59The rematch has been ordered.
12:01You, one-on-one with Psycho Sid.
12:08Doomsday for you, Shawn Michaels!
12:11Well, let's get one thing straight about this dream.
12:15This is no longer a dream.
12:18This is a reality!
12:21Now, everybody knows that Psycho Sid and Shawn Michaels have got a very strange relationship.
12:30But Sid, you gave me a shot.
12:35Yeah, I had to earn it. Yeah, you beat me up a lot to get it.
12:40But you gave me one nonetheless.
12:42And on Thursday, Raw Thursday, Sid, I'm giving you a shot.
12:46But as always, between you and me, anything goes, I've got to hold on to this, by hook or by crook.
12:54Shout out where we get Stone Cold Steve Austin out here!
12:57And Vader!
12:58That's what it's all about, the World Wrestling Federation Championship.
13:03And if in fact you are successful, and hang on to the gold, after your rematch with Sid.
13:11In this upcoming four-man elimination, no disqualification matchup,
13:17you'd look up and you'd say, now who's gonna win this four-man elimination?
13:22Who am I gonna face at WrestleMania?
13:25And these are four great competitors.
13:28They are four of the best in the World Wrestling Federation.
13:31And you know, lately, everybody's been talking about the attitudes of some of the WWF superstars.
13:38Me, for one, everybody says, I've got sort of a bad attitude.
13:42Sometimes you like me, sometimes you don't.
13:45I run hot, I run cold.
13:47I wake up in good moods, I wake up in bad moods.
13:50I am as human as the day is long.
13:53But we've got Bret Hart, who isn't happy with me.
13:56Well, get him out here.
13:57And that's fine.
13:58We've got Steve Austin, who isn't happy with anybody.
14:02Yeah, let's get him out here.
14:03We've got The Undertaker, who, believe me, if you bring out the monster in him,
14:08it's the scariest thing alive.
14:11And we've got the man they call Vader.
14:14Tons of fun and tons of a wrecking machine.
14:17The question is, is it all about this?
14:19Yes, it is.
14:20This right here, the World Wrestling Federation Championship
14:24brings out either the very best in all of us,
14:28or it brings out the very worst.
14:31And lately, it is bringing out the worst in the WWF superstars.
14:35But being bad is what's gonna make me great.
14:38And being bad is what I'll be.
14:40And being bad is where I'm at.
14:43And being the World Wrestling Federation Champion is where I wanna stay.
14:47All right, McMahon, get him out here.
14:49The championship belt may bring out the worst in terms of attitude.
14:53From a fan standpoint, it brings out the very best in competition.
14:57And with that, I would like to bring out an individual whom you might be facing
15:02should he win this four-man elimination, no disqualification matchup.
15:06Brett, The Hitman.
15:11Well, I wish I'd brought out Stone Cold Steve Austin first,
15:14but now that I think about it, these two guys really hate each other.
15:17This could be good.
15:19Yeah, come on, Hitman.
15:21That hit these morons.
15:23And then get out here.
15:24Get face to face and toe to toe to Shawn Michaels.
15:27I'd like to see these two just beat each other to a pulp.
15:31Come on, McMahon, you get in the way, too.
15:38Bret Hart.
15:42What about it?
15:43You've got your chance.
15:44Ooh, here we go.
15:46Stay there, McMahon.
15:47Stay there, McMahon.
15:52Whatever you got to do to walk out with the World Wrestling Federation
15:58Championship belt at WrestleMania, do it.
16:03Because you are the one that I want to beat.
16:08Because when I walk out of the final four,
16:11there's going to be one man standing once again, and it's going to be me.
16:17And I don't want anybody else.
16:19I don't want any excuses.
16:21I don't want you to injure yourself.
16:23I want you at 100%, because you are...
16:28Aren't you overlooking, Psycho Sid?
16:31Aren't you overlooking the match they're going to have on the 13th?
16:34One-on-one, the rematch.
16:36Sid, and Sid could be, once again, WWF champion.
16:40First time McMahon's ever made sense.
16:42I don't care, and I won't discredit Psycho Sid.
16:46But I want you to know that I'm going to be rooting for you all the way,
16:50because I don't want anything to happen to you.
16:52I might even go so far as to say that I'll be watching your back.
16:56But let me promise you one thing.
16:58As far as it goes for me in the final four,
17:01I don't have any doubts at all that you'll be stepping in the ring with me
17:05if you can hold on to that.
17:09Oh, come on.
17:10And with that having been said, ladies and gentlemen,
17:13may I introduce you to another participant
17:15involved in the format elimination,
17:17no-dose qualification matchup.
17:19Ladies and gentlemen, the Undertaker.
17:24Now maybe we'll get to see some action.
17:27I think Bret Hart was scared.
17:29Shawn Michaels was glad of it.
17:31Come on, Undertaker, get on out here and get things started.
17:37This guy definitely has not been happy lately.
17:42I don't think he's been happy ever.
17:49McMahon's going to be stepping it up to stay in the ring with him.
17:53Last week, the Undertaker busted Bret Hart.
17:55Let's see if Bret hits him back.
17:57Here we go.
18:01With all due respect, Hitman,
18:06respect that you earned at last year's Raw,
18:09you deserve it.
18:11You deserve it.
18:13You deserve it.
18:15You deserve it.
18:17You deserve it.
18:20Respect that you earned at last year's Royal Rumble
18:23when we fought.
18:27You have my respect.
18:29But I'm getting sick and tired
18:33of how you've been screwed
18:36out of the World Wrestling Federation title.
18:39Yeah, me too.
18:41If you want to talk about screwed,
18:43you look at my history.
18:45You look back at last year's Royal Rumble.
18:48That is rightfully mine.
18:53He's got a point.
18:56Now I've sat back too long
18:59and I've let everybody go their own way.
19:03But I think it's time
19:05that that comes to the dark side.
19:10No longer will I be the hunted,
19:15but I will now be the hunter.
19:21Which, unfortunately for you, Shawn Michaels,
19:25puts you and me at WrestleMania.
19:32Give your soul
19:34to the Lord,
19:36because that belt and your body
19:38will belong to me.
19:42I'm scared.
19:44Blame him.
19:46And again, it seems as though
19:48a number of individuals are overlooking
19:50Psycho Sid.
19:52However, right now, ladies and gentlemen,
19:54yet another participant to join us,
19:56he is Stone Cold Steve Austin.
20:00He is Stone Cold Steve Austin.
20:03Finally, here we go.
20:06Here's a guy that's gonna come out here
20:07and open up a big can of whoop-ass.
20:09Well, you know what I mean.
20:11Come on.
20:12Here's a guy that likes to park
20:13in handicapped spaces.
20:15Pledges money to telethons
20:16and then doesn't send it in.
20:18I love this guy.
20:20Like to give lost people directions
20:21and leave out a turn or two.
20:23Tell him about it, baby.
20:24Shut up.
20:25I may be.
20:28Shut up, man.
20:30I may be the toughest S.O.B.
20:32in the WWF,
20:35but I recognize an ambush
20:36when I see it.
20:38You're right.
20:39From where I stand right now,
20:40I see three crybabies
20:42in little boy blue.
20:44Ha ha ha.
20:45You all sit there and piss and moan
20:48about everything you want to.
20:50At the final four,
20:52I'll wait my opportunity then.
20:54No disqualification
20:56is right down my alley.
20:58I threw both of your asses
20:59over the top rope.
21:01Shawn Michaels, you know, son,
21:03if you'd have been in there,
21:04I'd have done the exact
21:05same thing to you.
21:07Come February 16th,
21:09that's when I'll get mine.
21:11Vader's behind you.
21:16No second thought
21:17I'll whip your asses right now.
21:19Uh-oh, here we go.
21:21What'd I tell you?
21:23Oh, look, three against one.
21:28That's it, Stone Cold.
21:30Tell him about it, baby.
21:32Don't walk into an ambush.
21:37Stone Cold and Vader even at it.
21:41My mom needed money.
21:42Meet the son who did not
21:44send the money Western Union.
21:45She had to hitchhike
21:46across three counties,
21:47took two pickups
21:48and an 18-wheeler.
21:49And the heartbreak it caused.
21:50My own son.
21:53Western Union,
21:54the fastest way
21:55to send money worldwide.
21:59Let's take a look
22:00at what happened
22:01to Ahmed Johnson
22:02at the hands of The Proof
22:03just a few minutes ago.
22:04It was great,
22:05but now I understand
22:06that Ahmed Johnson
22:07is roaming around
22:08backstage area
22:09with a two-by-four,
22:11looking for the nation
22:12of domination.
22:17Tonight, Monday Night Raw,
22:18brought to you by
22:19Western Union,
22:20the fastest way
22:21to send money worldwide.
22:25Welcome back, everyone,
22:26to WWF Raw.
22:27The British Bulldog
22:28on his way
22:29to the squared circle.
22:30Yes, we saw them in action,
22:32both the Bulldog
22:33and Owen Hart,
22:34just last week.
22:36And now we have
22:37single action.
22:38Yes, it's the British Bulldog
22:39going one-on-one
22:40with Doug Furnas.
22:44And by the way,
22:45we can confirm that
22:46I guess maybe
22:47the worst fears
22:49of the individuals
22:50that we saw earlier on
22:51in the nation of domination
22:52because Ahmed Johnson
22:53apparently is roaming
22:55the halls of the locker room
22:57with an equalizer.
22:59Yeah, that big two-by-four.
23:01I guess that's why
23:02Clarence Mason is out here.
23:03He feels safe
23:04alongside Owen Hart,
23:05the British Bulldog.
23:06You don't want to be back there
23:07with the nation of domination
23:08with Ahmed Johnson
23:09going nuts.
23:10I don't think anyone is safe
23:11with Ahmed Johnson
23:12in the frame of mind
23:13he's in, justifiably so.
23:14There's that slammy
23:15that cost Lafon the victory
23:17just last week.
23:18Wait a minute.
23:19What do you mean
23:20cost him the victory?
23:21You saw what happened
23:22with Owen.
23:23The slammy award winning
23:24Owen Hart.
23:25There he is.
23:26The British Bulldog
23:27would have eventually
23:28won anyway.
23:29Enough gold there.
23:35What a collection,
23:36Owen Hart.
23:37And listen.
23:38What did it feel like
23:39to be in the ring
23:40with the final four there?
23:41I can feel the tension
23:42out here.
23:43A little scary.
23:44I thought for sure
23:45Stone Cold Steve Austin
23:46was going to go right
23:47into the ring.
23:48You never can tell
23:49what's going to happen here.
23:50Bulldog off the rope now.
23:51And nice leapfrog there
23:52by Doug Furnas
23:53and a dropkick.
23:55Doug Furnas
23:56very, very powerful.
23:57We're going to find out
23:58just how powerful he is
23:59against the British Bulldog
24:00who's a real powerhouse.
24:01Maybe the strongest man
24:02in the WWF
24:03pound for pound.
24:04What about this
24:05Mr. Personality
24:06Doug Furnas?
24:07He doesn't talk very much
24:08does he?
24:09He speaks mostly
24:10with the actions
24:11in the square and circle.
24:12Both he and Lashley
24:13are talking.
24:14Look at that.
24:15What a collision.
24:16Looked like Reggie White
24:17running through those
24:19There we go.
24:20Almost a count of three
24:22Doug Furnas
24:23looking pretty good
24:24in one-on-one competition
24:25against the Bulldog.
24:26Could you tell those people
24:27over there to leave
24:28Owen Hart alone?
24:29They're bothering him.
24:30Yes, I understand that.
24:31Nice suplex.
24:32Into a cover.
24:33Hooks the leg in.
24:34Not quite enough leverage
24:35but he's got it.
24:36He's got it.
24:37He's got it.
24:38He's got it.
24:39He's got it.
24:40He's got it.
24:41He's got it.
24:42He's got it.
24:43Not quite enough leverage
24:44to pin the powerhouse
24:45British Bulldog.
24:46Watch out.
24:48I don't blame you.
24:49The Lafon was fixed
24:50to interfere.
24:51Not interfere.
24:52Just was there.
24:53Doug Furnas
24:54chopping away.
25:00Look at that!
25:02Right out there
25:03in front of Owen Hart.
25:04Enjoy your trip?
25:05Doug Furnas
25:06over the top rope.
25:08That's just how powerful
25:09the Bulldog really is.
25:11The British Bulldog
25:12and Owen Hart
25:13set to defend
25:14the Tag Team Championship
25:16the same combination
25:17of Doug Furnas
25:18when we see in action
25:19along with his partner
25:21Phillip Lafon
25:23in your house.
25:28Oh, this is not good.
25:31No, it's not good
25:32if you're Doug Furnas.
25:33Look at this!
25:34Look how strong he is!
25:36And the official
25:37Put him there.
25:38He won't use that.
25:45Look at the Bulldog
25:46in complete control.
25:48I guess.
25:49Wait a minute.
25:50We have confirmation.
25:52Ahmed Johnson
25:53is going to look at
25:54those steps.
25:55We have confirmation
25:57Ahmed Johnson
25:58has in fact
25:59caught up with
26:00the locker room
26:01of the Nation of Domination.
26:03We're back with more RAW
26:04but what you're about to see
26:05happen ladies and gentlemen
26:06moments ago.
26:07Ahmed Johnson
26:08looking for the Nation of Domination.
26:09It's crazy!
26:10And right in the locker room
26:14Ahmed Johnson
26:15watch this
26:16knocks the door down.
26:17He'll pay for that.
26:19And they were not in there.
26:21The powerful Ahmed Johnson
26:22who was really riled up
26:24and why not?
26:25Does he not realize
26:26the reason they're not in there
26:27is because this is a big trap
26:29you idiot Ahmed!
26:30It could very well be a trap
26:32we have not seen
26:33Savio Vega.
26:35We saw Farooq
26:38and of course
26:41you sort of smell it
26:42don't you?
26:43There is something
26:44that's going to happen here.
26:45What do you mean?
26:46I can predict that McMahon.
26:47You also predicted
26:48that Gene Dixon
26:49was going to die at 879
26:50didn't you?
26:51That's right!
26:52I'm the big jerk
26:53nasty hater.
26:55Are you?
26:56Doug Furnas
26:58having his problems
26:59at the moment
27:00against the British Bulldog
27:01as anyone would
27:02in single competition.
27:03However when it comes
27:04to tag team competition
27:05the Bulldog
27:06and his tag team partner
27:07Owen Hart
27:08are excellent
27:09indeed the tag team
27:11of the WMUF
27:12Furnas and Lafon
27:13would love to take the titles away
27:15and look at Bulldog
27:16with a wild kick there.
27:18Are you going to keep
27:19the cameras in the back
27:21Because I want to show you
27:22my prediction will come true
27:23it's a trap!
27:24We're following Ahmed Johnson
27:25as best we can.
27:26Here's a cover
27:27and a count
27:28and a kick out
27:29by Doug Furnas.
27:30Ahmed if you can hear me
27:31believe me
27:32you don't want to find
27:33the nation of domination.
27:34And at the conclusion
27:35of this matchup
27:36ladies and gentlemen
27:37I want to show you
27:38a little action
27:39that took place
27:40more in depth
27:41of Salvio Vega's
27:42reaction to his
27:43tag team partner
27:44Ahmed Johnson.
27:45It's almost over
27:46for Mr.
27:47Excuse me
27:48spoke too soon.
27:49Certainly did.
27:50First time that's
27:51ever happened.
27:52Doug Furnas
27:53with a wild right hand.
27:54That one connects
27:55and the British Bulldog
27:56taking it right back.
27:58There you go!
27:59The powerhouse
28:00the Bulldog
28:01in control.
28:03Hey McMahon
28:04can we also see that
28:05shotgun Saturday night
28:06footage of the
28:07nation of domination?
28:08That was great.
28:09Indeed the
28:10presence certainly
28:11was known
28:12on Saturday
28:13in New York City
28:14both in Madison
28:15Square Garden
28:16Saturday afternoon
28:17and Webster Hall
28:18Saturday night.
28:19Look out!
28:20The Bulldog
28:21trying to get Doug
28:22Furnas up.
28:23Piledriver coming
28:24come on!
28:25And no!
28:26Back body drop
28:27nicely done.
28:28The Bulldog
28:29trying to get
28:30Doug Furnas up.
28:31Nicely done.
28:34Doug Furnas
28:35and Philip Lafon
28:36great tag team
28:38can probably
28:39match the
28:40technical skills
28:41and then some
28:42of the Bulldog
28:43in Owen Hart.
28:44Time certainly will
28:45tell this of course
28:46single competition.
28:47There you go.
28:48The Bulldog
28:49chopping away.
28:50Forearm smash
28:51the British Bulldog
28:53What's he gonna do
28:54with Doug Furnas?
28:55Sets him up.
28:57Suplex coming
28:58here we go!
29:00Nicely done.
29:01Into another cover
29:02and another near fall
29:03by the Bulldog.
29:05By the way
29:06later on
29:07in tag team action
29:08the unlikely
29:09tag team duo
29:10managed by
29:11Paul Bear
29:13and Vader
29:14teaming up
29:15against the Godwin.
29:16He gives Canada
29:17a bad name.
29:18He's like my lousy
29:19brother Brett
29:20he's a loser.
29:21Listen to Owen
29:22that's great
29:23come on Owen
29:24hurry up
29:25let's get this over
29:27hit this guy
29:28in the head
29:29by Doug Furnas.
29:36Come on Bulldog.
29:38And that one
29:40rang the bell
29:41of the British Bulldog.
29:43Succession of right hands
29:44the Bulldog set up
29:45for the ride
29:46off the rope
29:47and look out
29:50What power there
29:51by Doug Furnas
29:52and this one
29:53could be history
29:54no Furnas tries
29:55to set up the Bulldog
29:56gets him back
29:57on his feet
29:58big power slam
29:59cover the cannon
30:01very very close call
30:02from the British Bulldog.
30:03He waited too long
30:04when I suplex
30:05somebody like that
30:06I cover him immediately.
30:09Uh oh there's
30:10Owen Hart
30:12oh no
30:13what a maneuver
30:14by the Bulldog
30:15that could do it
30:16and it
30:17no it does
30:19no it didn't
30:20no it didn't
30:21look at Owen
30:23Philip Lafon
30:24up on the apron
30:25trying to get
30:26come on
30:27use the slam again
30:28Owen set up
30:29a Bulldog
30:30oh no
30:31there we go
30:32one two
30:33and this one's history
30:34he's got him
30:35no he didn't
30:37no he didn't
30:38did he
30:39look out Owen
30:40and Owen Hart
30:42come on ref
30:43Doug Furnas
30:44and look at this
30:45one two
30:46look at that
30:50here is your winner
30:51the British Bulldog
30:54what action
30:55in this matchup
30:56you can only find
30:57in the World Wrestling Federation
30:58and there Owen Hart
31:00his brother-in-law
31:01the British Bulldog
31:02we thought that was
31:03going to be curtain
31:04for the Bulldog
31:05but what an
31:06unbelievable pin
31:07by the British Bulldog
31:09and Owen and the Bulldog
31:11uh oh
31:12wait a minute
31:13having some words
31:14in that slammy
31:15hold it hold it
31:17that's not your slammy
31:21what's Bulldog
31:22how about
31:23I don't know
31:24do you think
31:25that's something
31:26to do with that
31:27I don't know why
31:28he won the match
31:29it's going to be
31:30mentioned strategy
31:31that Owen used
31:32the slammy
31:33as he did last week
31:34yeah I think
31:35that's what it was
31:36the Bulldog angry
31:38the Bulldog
31:39almost lost the match
31:40and wait a minute
31:41we may have
31:42an action of a
31:43different sort here
31:44wait a minute
31:46don't try to
31:47cause dissension here
31:48yeah that's what
31:49it's all about
31:50the Tag Team Championship
31:51here we go
31:53the British Bulldog
31:55everybody knows
31:56the temper
31:57the Bulldog has
31:59come on Clarence
32:00do something
32:01you know what
32:02Cornette never had
32:03these kind of problems
32:04with the Bulldog
32:05and Owen Hart
32:06they were still
32:07under the guidance
32:08of Jim Cornette
32:09this wouldn't be
32:12and the Bulldog
32:14might be cooling off
32:15a little bit
32:16he takes his
32:17Tag Team Championship
32:18belt back
32:19and uh
32:21wait a minute
32:22looks like Clarence
32:23is getting a little
32:24sidebar going here
32:27Clarence has been
32:28spending too much time
32:29with the nation of
32:30domination perhaps
32:31and not enough time
32:32with the Tag Team
32:36maybe a little
32:37professional jealousy
32:38going on here
32:40involving Clarence
32:41Mason and then again
32:42maybe it's just a
32:43family matter
32:44uh oh
32:45that's a bad omen
32:46that's a very bad
32:49come on
32:50give me a break
32:51here we go
32:52you're right
32:54the British Bulldog
32:55and Owen Hart
32:56defend the Tag Team
32:58upcoming in your house
33:00Philip Lafon
33:01and Doug Furness
33:02the matchup that's
33:03gonna be for the title
33:04right now let's take you
33:05back to Madison
33:06Square Garden
33:07it was Saturday
33:08afternoon ladies
33:09and gentlemen
33:10huge crowd
33:11on hand
33:12over 16,000 fans
33:13and well it was
33:14not a good day
33:15for Ahmed Johnson
33:16Ahmed coming in
33:17and taking over
33:18on Farouk
33:19watch this now
33:20the setup
33:22devastating maneuver
33:23and in here comes
33:25and Crush gets
33:26more of the same
33:27I mean Ahmed Johnson
33:28was on fire
33:29and then from there
33:30watch Savio Vega
33:31over the far corner
33:32he says come on
33:33look at Savio
33:34yeah he
33:35Ahmed's ready for the
33:36Pearl River Plunge
33:37and Savio says
33:38no no
33:39come over here
33:40let me do it
33:42it's his partner
33:43let me pin Farouk
33:44and watch
33:46look at that
33:47that's what you get
33:48for hogging all the glory
33:51this was the end
33:52of the end
33:53on the receiving end
33:54of a Dominator
33:55and that was it all
33:56Nation of Domination
33:57ladies and gentlemen
33:58in Webster Hall
33:59world famous Webster Hall
34:00site of last Saturday night
34:01Shotgun Saturday Night
34:02and King
34:03that's the birthplace
34:04of Shotgun Saturday Night
34:05isn't that where
34:06Marlena pulled her top
34:07wait a minute
34:08wait a minute
34:09all I can say is
34:10you missed out
34:11she's double jointed
34:12and Savio Vega
34:13had a conversation
34:14with Todd Pettengill
34:15you had a tag team
34:16matchup against
34:17the Nation of Domination
34:18what's up with that
34:19you've joined
34:20the Nation of Domination
34:21no Todd
34:22I'm not enjoying
34:23the Nation of Domination
34:24I'm sorry
34:25I lost today
34:26in the Manson Square Garden
34:27the hot Puerto Rican temper
34:29was taken on me
34:31I really like this guy
34:33I'm going to wrestle him
34:34right now
34:35and I know
34:36all you guys out there
34:37are going to be proud
34:38of Savio Vega
34:39yo se que ellos
34:40van a estar bien contentos
34:41de lo que va a ser
34:42Savio Vega
34:43esta noche
34:44in Shotgun
34:46everyone was proud
34:47of Savio Vega
34:48everyone was proud
34:49of Savio until
34:50the Nation of Domination
34:51showed up
34:52the salute
34:53watch this now
34:54and then Savio
34:55cut loose
34:56on Rocky Maivia
34:57Savio Vega
34:58playing everyone
34:59in the World Wrestling
35:01for a sucker
35:02claiming he did not
35:03really join
35:04the Nation of Domination
35:05earlier that afternoon
35:06and then
35:07after Savio Vega
35:08the match
35:09officially over
35:10continued to try
35:11and knock the chocks
35:12out from underneath
35:13Rocky Maivia
35:14then the rest of the
35:15Nation of Domination
35:16members come in
35:19everybody taking
35:20a shot
35:21at the rookie
35:23Rocky Maivia
35:24this is what the
35:25Nation of Domination
35:26does best
35:27double team
35:28triple team
35:29world famous
35:30Webster Hall
35:31accustomed to
35:32unusual sights
35:33but nothing like
35:34they saw last Saturday
35:36you want to talk
35:38you got to be talking
35:39about Shotgun
35:40Saturday night
35:41where it all began
35:42yes ladies and gentlemen
35:43at Mirage Night Club
35:44we're returning
35:45this Saturday night
35:46is it going to be there?
35:47I don't know
35:48but there's a rumor
35:49that Marlena's returning
35:50at any event
35:51and anything happens
35:52at Mirage
35:53ladies and gentlemen
35:54of course here on USA
35:55we will bring you
35:57but right now
35:58it's time alright
36:03it's Vader time
36:09there's Paul Bearer
36:10along with Vader
36:14and it's a most
36:15unusual tag team
36:17here comes Mankind
36:20still can't believe
36:21what happened earlier
36:22with Vader
36:23Stone Cold Steve Austin
36:25they obviously don't
36:26like each other
36:28and by the way
36:29ladies and gentlemen
36:30again Ahmed Johnson
36:32is on the loose
36:35Ahmed Johnson
36:36we're told
36:37combing the parking lot
36:38yeah with a 2x4
36:40real tough
36:42wait a minute
36:43when you're outnumbered
36:44what are you supposed
36:45to do?
36:46who knows what's going
36:47to happen
36:48ladies and gentlemen
36:50it's tag team action
36:56welcome back everyone
36:57here come the Godwins
36:59here comes Phineas
37:00here comes Henry
37:01along with Hill from the gym
37:04however right now
37:05let's take you back
37:06and show you some footage
37:07of this morning's
37:08press conference
37:09live from Toronto
37:11the Hitman Bret Hart
37:12was on
37:13as well
37:14and by the way
37:15Tiger Gene Singh
37:16ladies and gentlemen
37:17there he is
37:18the WWF announcing
37:20the signing of his son
37:21there he is
37:22Tiger Ali
37:23now joining
37:24the World Wrestling
37:28and uh
37:29speaking of joining
37:30the WWF
37:31we'd love to have
37:32Ben Akita join
37:33the World Wrestling
37:35he doesn't hang around
37:36Sherwood Forest
37:37and uh
37:38he doesn't wear tights
37:39to uh
37:40but he's packing
37:41a little bit more
37:43Ben Akita
37:44right here
37:45on USA Network
37:47she and I got a date later
37:48oh really
37:49oh yeah
37:51uh oh
37:52how about that
37:53Phineas and Mankind
37:54take those two brains
37:56what do you have
37:58ha ha ha
37:59close your eyes
38:00that looks too hard
38:01what you see is
38:02what you got
38:03uh oh
38:04that's scary
38:05well the Godwins
38:06are a little upset
38:07I understand because
38:08Godwins why
38:10sure they'd be upset
38:11if George Vader
38:12might have washed his
38:13tights in their
38:14slot bucket
38:16I think uh
38:17I think Mankind
38:18might have poured
38:19a little bit of it
38:20on his hair
38:21to groom himself
38:22with there
38:26right here
38:27ladies and gentlemen
38:28on USA
38:29next week
38:30you're gonna see
38:31Royal Rumble
38:33that's right
38:34not since
38:36has the Royal Rumble
38:37match itself
38:38been on broadcast
38:40I'm proud to announce
38:41USA Network
38:43Royal Rumble
38:45the match itself
38:46right here
38:47next week
38:48with all kinds of action
38:49in addition to that
38:50from uh
38:51Sky Dome
38:52in Toronto
38:54you wanna talk about
38:55a night of raw action
38:56it's all here
38:57next week
38:59and Phineas unloading
39:00on Mankind
39:01and Mankind
39:02well now see
39:03you'd think he'd reach
39:04up for the tag there
39:05with his partner
39:07Mankind loves just
39:08a little bit of pain
39:10I understand when he was
39:11a little kid
39:12the other kids in the
39:13neighborhood used to
39:14trade and collect his
39:16that's where it all
39:18get that bad attitude
39:19and he's still got it
39:21well I think uh
39:23has certainly had his
39:25throughout childhood
39:27and certainly as an
39:29and likely to have
39:30some problems here
39:31with both Godwins
39:32and then again
39:33you have to wonder
39:34in tag team action
39:35no one individual
39:36can handle two
39:37that's for sure
39:38especially considering
39:39the likes of these
39:40big strong country
39:42and look
39:43Vader wants to tag
39:45Mankind is not
39:46reaching up to tag
39:47his partner
39:49come on Paul Bear
39:50get these guys
39:52and Vader
39:53looking over at
39:54Paul Bear
39:55you know you
39:56mentioned Gene
39:57Dixon checking out
39:58over the weekend
39:59Honky Tonk man's
40:00a little upset too
40:01Honky Tonk
40:02yeah his manager
40:03Colonel Tom Parker
40:04passed away too
40:08threw the ropes
40:09to the outside
40:10and look at
40:12coming right off
40:13Vader on one
40:15Mankind on the other
40:16that's the best
40:17thing that happened
40:18these guys aren't
40:19getting along
40:20look at that look
40:21I don't think
40:22Mankind likes
40:24come on Paul
40:25I don't think
40:26Vader likes
40:28and neither one
40:29of them care
40:30for Paul Bear
40:31well Honky Tonk
40:32man called
40:33Paul Bear
40:34to see about
40:36for Colonel Tom
40:38Paul Bear said
40:39you want
40:40original or
40:41extra crispy
40:42that's a nice
40:44uh oh
40:46that's why he
40:47wanted in there
40:48look at that
40:49look at Vader
40:50just hammer
40:51Phineas in the
40:54that's what
40:55he'll do in the
40:56final four too
40:57my money's on
40:59I'm inclined to
41:00agree with you
41:01oh what a
41:02close lie
41:03my money was on
41:04the Patriots
41:06and now reaching
41:07for the tag
41:09yeah he
41:10just tagged
41:11his partner
41:13on the shoulder
41:14and Vader
41:15was hanging
41:17what are you
41:18hanging around
41:20get him out
41:21of there
41:23come on
41:24get control
41:25of this thing
41:26the Godwins
41:27having a tough
41:28time as you
41:29would suspect
41:31Vader and
41:33and again
41:34ladies and
41:36we're told
41:37Ahmed Johnson
41:38is still
41:39on the hunt
41:40for the nation
41:41of Domin-
41:42wait a minute
41:43there it is
41:44did he get it
41:45he's got him
41:46he's got him
41:47Mandible Claw
41:51sailing over the
41:52top rope
41:53Henry Godwin
41:55and I guess
41:56that's uh
41:57one way to
41:58save your
41:59partner huh
42:00one way to
42:01explain that
42:02from Arkansas
42:04did you know
42:05Arkansas ranks
42:06fourth in the
42:07nation with
42:0833% of their
42:09people age 25
42:10or older
42:11that have not
42:12even finished
42:13high school
42:14where do you
42:15get those
42:17remember stuff
42:18like that
42:19Rand McNally
42:20and now
42:21the official
42:22having even more
42:24look out
42:25oh no
42:26there you go
42:27lift that
42:32and Vader
42:33both made up
42:34oh no
42:36right in the
42:37small of the
42:39and the leg
42:41and Vader
42:42and here comes
42:43Henry Godwin
42:44look out
42:45Henry Godwin
42:46and Vader
42:47hammering it out
42:49look at that
42:50they're clobbering
42:51each other
42:55the Godwins
42:56are taking it
42:57to them
42:58look out
42:59look out
43:00look out
43:01look out
43:02look out
43:03look out
43:04look out
43:05look out
43:06look out
43:07look out
43:08look out
43:09look out
43:10look out
43:11look out
43:12look out
43:13look out
43:14look out
43:15look out
43:16look out
43:17look out
43:18look out
43:19look out
43:20look out
43:21look out
43:22look out
43:23look out
43:24look out
43:25look out
43:26look out
43:27look out
43:28look out
43:29look out
43:30look out
43:31look out
43:32look out
43:33look out
43:34look out
43:35look out
43:36look out
43:37look out
43:38look out
43:39look out
43:40look out
43:41look out
43:42look out
43:43look out
43:44look out
43:45look out
43:46look out
43:47look out
43:48look out
43:49look out
43:50look out
43:51look out
43:52look out
43:53look out
43:54look out
43:55look out
43:56look out
43:57look out
43:58look out
43:59look out
44:00look out
44:01look out
44:02look out
44:03look out
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44:08look out
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45:30look out
45:31look out
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45:33look out
45:34look out
45:35look out
45:36look out
45:37look out
45:38look out
45:39look out
45:40look out
45:41look out
45:42look out
45:43look out
45:44look out
45:45look out
45:46look out
45:47look out
45:48look out
45:49look out
45:50look out
45:51look out
45:52look out
45:53look out
45:54look out
45:55look out
45:56look out
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46:01look out
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46:19look out
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46:22look out
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46:24look out
46:25look out
46:26look out
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46:28look out
46:29look out
46:30look out
46:31look out
46:32look out
46:33look out
46:34look out
46:35look out
46:36look out
46:37look out
46:38look out
46:39look out
46:40look out
46:41look out
46:42look out
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46:47look out
46:48look out
46:49look out
46:50look out
46:51look out
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47:00look out
47:01look out
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47:15look out
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47:24look out
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47:30look out
47:31look out
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47:34look out
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47:36look out
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