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@qurbanjaffary @zeeshanhaiderofficial @zeeshanhaiderjaffary@nadeemsarwar @farhanaliwaris @ustadabidnasir @jhangazadaari @saraikyn


00:00A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
00:09Alhamdulillah wa ghafara wasra'a minal abadahil lazeem na sata'
00:15khasusan ala muhammadinil mustafa
00:22wa ahl al-bayt al-tayyabin al-tahreem na sharafa'
00:26amma da'a bi faqad qa'ala Allah tabaraka ya ta'ala fi jidabihil majeed
00:33wa khitabihil hameed wa huwa sadu shadiqun
00:39wa ayyadallahu al-lazeena amanu min al-qur'an min al-surahat
00:43la yastaghrafan lahum fil-ardakna taqlafan lazeena min kabrihim
00:47hawala yumakkirana lahum deenahumullah
00:49hazir taza'aluhum wa yubaddilallahu min ba'da khafayn amla
00:53ya'budunani la yuhaduna bihsaya
00:57wa ma'in kafara da'aga ghalika
01:00hawlaika hum ulfai se ranga-e-qur'an
01:32In this, Allah has explained the issue of Khilafat
01:37He has explained the issue of Khilafat
01:42That a Khalifa can be a Ka'in
01:44That he is from a family
01:46That he is an Ummati
01:47That he is from the Ahl-e-Bayt
01:49That he is with the Masjid
01:50That he is with the Jama'at
01:52That he is a Khatmi
01:53That he is innocent
01:55That he is a Zalim
01:56That he is a Mazloom
02:13But remember one thing
02:18This area of Har
02:21It seems that there is a lot of Sen in it
02:29There is a lot of Sen in it
02:33And there is a lot of Malawat in it
02:38In our Punjab and other areas
02:41People put water in milk
02:44And here they put milk in water
02:52Very good
02:55In other areas
02:59Here I saw that the milk was not pure
03:03But when I saw the Maulvis
03:05They were also not pure
03:10I thought that there is a lot of Dars here
03:12That there will be educated people
03:14But when I put the Nisqa'at in front
03:16And when I read it in the wrong way
03:18I said SubhanAllah
03:19Those who have knowledge
03:20What will happen to those who are ignorant
03:24Those who have knowledge
03:30Pick it up
03:35If you did not pick it up
03:37Then break it
03:40Throw it on the floor
03:49My dear viewers
03:51I did not want to bother you more
03:53Quran is a complete book
03:55It is a complete book
03:57And there is no such issue
03:59Which is not mentioned in the Quran
04:01So when every issue is mentioned in the Quran
04:03Then why is the issue of Khilafat not mentioned in the Quran?
04:07Then present the Khilafat which is mentioned in the Quran
04:10Why do you present your own creation?
04:16If you present your own creation
04:18Then you will get a deal
04:20You will get a deal
04:22If you present your own creation
04:24Then you will get a deal
04:29Do you understand?
04:31Allah says
04:33Allah says about Khilafat
04:36Allah says about Khilafat
04:40Allah says about Khilafat
04:52Allah says about Khilafat
04:57About whom?
04:58Allah says about Khilafat
05:00He is not in contact with the non-believers
05:02He is not in contact with the non-believers
05:13What did Allah say?
05:15Allah says about Khilafat
05:17Allah says about Khilafat
05:21He says about Khilafat
05:23He says about Khilafat
05:25And how will He do it?
05:27Allah says about Khilafat
05:29I will do it as I have done before
05:31As I have done before
05:33My method of doing it is not new
05:35My method is not old
05:39I will do it as I have done before
05:43I will give such a religion to the Khalifas
05:45And to the Imams
05:47I will give such a religion
05:49Which will be very strong
05:51I will give such a religion
05:53Which will be very strong
05:55I will give thousands of scholars
05:57But it will not be able to break
06:05But it will not be able to break
06:13It will be such a religion
06:15On which I am satisfied
06:17I will like it very much
06:23I will like it very much
06:25I will like it very much
06:27When the Imam is not satisfied
06:29How will I be satisfied?
06:41When the Imam is not satisfied
06:43How will I be satisfied?
06:45People got tired of saying Raziallah
06:47But nobody got punished
06:53And I never said Ali
06:55I never said Raziallah
06:57I also said Allah-o-Salam
06:59My brothers also never said Raziallah
07:01They also said Ali
07:03They got tired of saying Karram Allah
07:05I got tired of saying Allah-o-Salam
07:07But Ali was still punished
07:15Ali is Murtaba and Hassan is Murtaba. Hassan is Murtaba.
07:25The meaning of Murtaba is that when good flowers are picked and put in a basket, it is called Murtaba.
07:37Hassan is Murtaba. Hassan is Murtaba.
07:57Hassan is Murtaba.
07:59Hussain is not a martyr, he is a martyr.
08:04He is not a martyr, he is the leader of the martyrs.
08:08To be a martyr is something else, to be a leader is something else.
08:15Ali is Murtaba.
08:17Ali is Murtaba. The whole Ummah is tired of reciting the Quran.
08:24And not a single person is a martyr.
08:26That is why the Quran is in front of us.
08:28There are many people who sell their lives to buy my pleasure.
08:45They sell their lives to buy my pleasure.
08:49Don't you understand that asking for pleasure is something else, buying pleasure?
08:57Ali is not asking for pleasure.
09:00Ali is asking for pleasure.
09:02Ali is asking for Allah's pleasure.
09:07Ali is asking for Allah's pleasure.
09:09So he said that Murtaba is the one who will buy my pleasure.
09:13I will buy your pleasure.
09:24That is all.
09:27Whatever you are doing is to please Allah.
09:30May Allah be pleased with you.
09:32May Allah be pleased with you.
09:33May Allah be pleased with you every day.
09:35So he said that if we take money and try to buy sugar,
09:41I will say that there is no need to go to the shops.
09:43The government has opened the depot.
09:45So he should not go to the depot.
09:48Or he should not go to the common shops.
09:50O Allah's servant, when the government opens the depot,
09:53he should not go to the common shops.
09:56He should go to the depot which has been opened.
09:59O Allah's servant, you are in search of pleasure.
10:01And the depot of pleasure is coming from every corner.
10:03You should not go there.
10:16The price of my pleasure is already given.
10:21This is the price of my pleasure.
10:23If I want to please Allah, I should please Ali.
10:27And paradise is the property of Hussain.
10:30If I want to go to paradise, I should please Hussain.
10:36Sit down.
10:37I will teach you a lesson today.
10:39And I also give permission to ask whatever you want to ask.
10:43Whatever you want to write, write it.
10:46And this is not my claim that I am asking the whole universe to ask.
10:50This is the claim of my Maulana Ali.
10:52Maulana Ali used to say, before the end of time,
10:55that you can ask me whatever you want.
10:57But he used to say to the prophets, to the saints, to the cows,
11:00to the dogs, to the fish, to the angels,
11:04that you can ask me whatever you want.
11:06I cannot say to the angels, I cannot say to the prophets,
11:08I cannot say to the saints, I cannot say to the cows.
11:12I cannot say to the angels, I cannot say to the prophets,
11:14I cannot say to the angels.
11:41I have a question, I have a question.
11:44What is that?
12:03Subhan Allah.
12:05What is that?
12:11Now you just listen to my old version, listen.
12:15Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
12:19Allahu Akbar
12:23Allahu Akbar
12:28What did you say?
12:29Whose promise is this?
12:33Now tell me,
12:34Whoever has a promise, he should come.
12:36Or if he doesn't come, he should come himself.
12:48I have come to keep my promise.
12:50I have come.
12:51I have come to keep my promise.
12:53And you tell me that I don't go against my promise.
12:55Wherever I go, I will come.
12:57I will come. I don't go against my promise.
12:59So tell me, you were waiting for me to come.
13:04So the one who has a promise, he doesn't go against it.
13:08He waits for it.
13:12He waits for it.
13:15And if I don't come today,
13:18if I don't come tomorrow,
13:19then the gathering is great.
13:21There is a member, there is a table, there is a chair.
13:24Even if I don't come,
13:26then show me a member,
13:28and tell me that I won't be able to come.
13:34So will your seat make me come?
13:38I don't care if I don't come,
13:40I don't care if I don't come,
13:42I don't care if I don't come,
13:43someone must have given me four paisa,
13:45I went that way, I didn't come.
13:47So there are so many people sitting,
13:49why don't you call a person to the temple and make him sit?
13:51They say that he doesn't come.
13:52Why doesn't he come?
13:53The temple is yours, the table is yours,
13:54why doesn't he come?
13:55That's why he doesn't come.
13:56The knowledge that is in my heart,
13:58it doesn't move from your chair.
14:02The knowledge that is in my heart,
14:04it doesn't move from your seat.
14:06So don't talk about the chair,
14:07talk about the knowledge.
14:08If it is about the knowledge,
14:09then ask Muhammad,
14:10where is the knowledge?
14:11Our knowledge is in the eyes of the people of Madinah.
14:16The knowledge is in the eyes of the people of Madinah.
14:30If the knowledge is in the eyes of the people of Madinah,
14:31then what is the use of the chair?
14:33Does it mean that if you pick up the chair and eat it,
14:36I won't die?
14:38I won't die in that chair?
14:40I have seen the destruction of the chair.
14:43People see the destruction of the chair.
14:45When I go to the mosque,
14:48I went and you also went.
14:50This chair is lying here.
14:52Then small children come.
14:54Empty chair.
14:56They sit on it and then eat my food.
14:59Maulana Zohm used to study.
15:01Zohm used to study.
15:03Now look honestly,
15:05the children who sit on this empty chair,
15:08do they become my caliphs?
15:10They are my caliphs.
15:33They sit there and cry.
15:35The third Jalsa has ended.
15:37The chair is standing.
15:38The children came and sat there.
15:40They started playing.
15:41So when a child can't sit on the chair and become a caliph,
15:44then he becomes a caliph through knowledge.
15:46Even if he sits on the chair, he is not a caliph.
15:50Then ask Muhammad, where is the knowledge?
15:54Where is the knowledge?
16:01Is there a door for him?
16:05Ali is the door.
16:07He is a very good man.
16:09He is a very good man.
16:11He is a very good man.
16:13He is a very good man.
16:15He is a very good man.
16:18Everything will be done.
16:20Don't worry at all.
16:22Everything will be done.
16:24He won't leave the place.
16:26He won't leave the place.
16:33Do you know?
16:35Malayalam, malayalam, bo humare shahar mein aaye, unhane jalsa karaya, aur yeh kele jo
16:43hote na kele, in ke patton ke darwaze banaye teen, banaye ke upar budurban ke naam lisgiye,
16:50mera ghar hai nahin kareeb, us taraf kar diye, ke nikhlega to dekhega, nahin nikhlega to
16:56maine baas nahin dekhega, darwaze banayenge teen darwaze, khar wo main aage jata ho suni
17:03maine kao, aur kaun ka dekhega, dekhega, maojiye, aur yeh kuraan isko kehtega, tu bhi yakni
17:08maa wali majlis nahin kiraata rahega, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan,
17:11yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan,
17:12yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan,
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18:28yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan,
18:29yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan, yeh kuraan,
18:31My name is Yaseen Hussain
18:33and this is Bukhari Sharif
18:35and its number is
18:37one hundred and ninety-nine
18:39and the second verse is
18:41one hundred and ninety-nine
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20:02and the time of the Prophet is
20:03one hundred and ninety-nine
20:04and the time of the Prophet is
20:05one hundred and ninety-nine
20:06and the time of the Prophet is
20:07one hundred and ninety-nine
20:08and the time of the Prophet is
20:09one hundred and ninety-nine
20:10and the time of the Prophet is
20:11one hundred and ninety-nine
20:12and the time of the Prophet is
20:13one hundred and ninety-nine
20:14and the time of the Prophet is
20:15one hundred and ninety-nine
20:16and the time of the Prophet is
20:17one hundred and ninety-nine
20:18and the time of the Prophet is
20:19one hundred and ninety-nine
20:20and the time of the Prophet is
20:21one hundred and ninety-nine
20:22and the time of the Prophet is
20:23one hundred and ninety-nine
20:24and the time of the Prophet is
20:25one hundred and ninety-nine
20:26and the time of the Prophet is
20:27one hundred and ninety-nine
20:28and the time of the Prophet is
20:29one hundred and ninety-nine
20:30and the time of the Prophet is
20:31one hundred and ninety-nine
20:33Is my 12th coming?
20:36Is he coming or not?
20:38Then is he coming in the 12th
20:40or do I have to make him come?
20:43He is coming?
20:44Then my 12th has also come
20:46then why do I have to make him come first?
20:56There is such a difference
20:58that whenever our Khalifa comes
21:00he comes very late
21:02Our Khalifa
21:04whenever he comes
21:05he comes very early
21:08and people make him come
21:11We ask for someone who has come from there
21:14So if there is someone from there
21:16and there is someone from here
21:18then you will not understand
21:19that the Shia are those people
21:20whose Khalifa comes from there
21:23See, until Allah is there
21:24he will not come
21:26The day he comes
21:27if he comes
21:28then Allah will give the order
21:29from today
21:30from today
21:31When he comes
21:32then you will not understand
21:33that even if the Shia come
21:35he comes from today
21:36If our elder one does not come
21:37then he will come from the 30th
21:53That's it
21:55with your nose
21:56If it is not like this
21:57then even my son-in-law is hot
21:58and I am hot
22:02I am talking like a fool
22:03with my nose hidden
22:04I am telling you
22:05I am telling you
22:06I am telling you
22:09Don't be like this
22:12The Quran is in front of you
22:13The truth is in front of you
22:14Wherever you go
22:15the issue has not come
22:16in the Quran
22:17The matter is over
22:18The issue that has not come
22:19in the Quran
22:20has not come
22:22The issue that has come
22:23The issue of Prophethood
22:24has come in the Quran
22:25The Prophet has come
22:27The issue of Tawheed
22:28has come in the Quran
22:29Allah is present
22:30Allah is present
22:31Now he says
22:32Allah is present
22:33Whose promise is this?
22:34Allah's promise
22:36Allah says
22:37I will make those
22:38who will not believe
22:39the Caliph
22:40the Caliph
22:41who will not believe
22:42the Caliph
22:43I will make those
22:44who will not believe
22:45the Caliph
22:48I don't do this
22:53I don't do this
22:54Why should I say this?
22:55Sit here
22:56Sit far away
22:57Sit here to listen
22:58Sit here to listen
22:59to my prayers
23:01But listen
23:02Allah says
23:03I will make
23:04I will make
23:05I will make
23:06I will make
23:07I will make
23:08I will make
23:09I will make
23:10I will make
23:11I will make
23:12I will make
23:13I will make
23:14I will make
23:15I will make
23:16I will make
23:17I will make
23:18I will make
23:19I will make
23:20I will make
23:21I will make
23:22I will make
23:23I will make
23:24I will make
23:25I will make
23:26I will make
