
  • 2 months ago
A brief introduction to Purandaradasa


00:00Purandardasa Purandardasa is one of the pioneers of Kanada Kirtanasahita. Kanaka Purandas are the
00:05greatest Kirtanakaras who took Kanada Kirtana literature to its highest peak.
00:10Both of them are well-known as Ashwini deities of Kanada hymns. Both of them contemporaries were
00:14dear disciples of Vyasaraya. Besides composing hymns, Kanakadasa was a psalmist. He wrote some
00:20poems as a poet. However, Purandardasa was only a hymn writer apart from composing innumerable hymns,
00:26he also composed some Yugaboga psalatis. As a great Haridasa, he channeled the stream of
00:31Haribhakti. Purandardasa, who lived from 1484 to 1565, was at the height of the Vyayanagara empire.
00:39He witnessed the glory of Hampa during the time of Krishna Devaraya and the decline of this glory
00:43after Krishna Devaraya. The first inscription that mentions Purandaradasa is dated A.D.
00:49Kamalapur of Bellary district in 1526.8. In the copper plate there is a reference to Krishna
00:54Devaraya's grant of Betukonda village to Purandaradasa in the name of Vyasasamudra.
00:59There is a story that Vyasaraya distributed this village to 308 scholars as Vrittis Vidyadhana.
01:04Purandardasa's three sons are prominent among the scholars thus endowed. They are Lakshanadasa,
01:10Hevanadasa and Madhvapadasa. Purandaradasa was the most famous psalmist. In Kanada Purandardasa
01:16was foremost among those who provided a solid foundation for the Kirtanasahita.
01:20Similarly, Purandaradasa's personality was given by his guru Vyasaraya as
01:25Dasara as Purandara Dasaraya. Agarba Chinnavara, gold merchant, family of Purandaradasa.
01:31Shish, born in 1484 A.D., Purandaradasa was from Purandargad in Maharashtra.
01:37His father was Varadapanayaka and his mother was Lakshmibai. Wife Saraswati, Lakshmanadasa,
01:43Hevanadasa and Madhvapadasa these are the three sons of Purandaradasa.
01:48The name of Purandaradasa's Purvashram is Srinivasanayaka. Srinivasanayaka, who was a
01:53Mahajipunagresa, had his wife Saraswati's nose-piercing episode, unique piety and charitable
01:59nature put a curb on this Jipunagresaram, turning him to asceticism, bring a special twist to their
02:04lives. From this, Purandaradasa was introduced to spiritual life from worldly life it was done.
02:10Srinivasanayaka, who sacrificed the glory of Chinnavara and came to Hampa with his wife
02:16and children from his native Purandargad in Maharashtra, where he received heredictia from
02:20Vyasaraya and became Haridasa, Purandaradasa became one of Vyasaraya's supreme disciples.
02:26After Haridasara, Purandaradasa continued his spiritual practice and social teaching and
02:31composed innumerable hymns in Purandar Vitala, Ankita. They are 475 Vijayadasa's statement that
02:38he composed a thousand hymns. In any case, it is true that there are a large number of his hymns
02:43available now. Apart from Kirtans, Purandaradasa also composed Yugabhoga and Saladis. These
02:49compositions of his are also very famous. Features of Purandaradasa's Kirtans
02:54Incomparable Hari Bhakti, Hari Guru Remembrance, Haristuti, Hariparamya, Excellence of Mankind,
03:00Inner Realization, Inner Outer Purity, Moksha Achievement, Female Sympathy, Moralizing,
03:06Social Criticism Krishnalila, these are the main features of Purandaradasa's Kirtans.
