Rescued Formosan Flying Fox Pup Gives Insights Into Endangered Species

  • 3 months ago
A Taitung wildlife rescue center is learning how to care for an abandoned Formosan flying fox pup and discovering new things about this endangered species in the process.
00:00Looking happy and healthy, this bat is a Formosan flying fox pup.
00:05A local volunteer rescued the pup in Hualien a few months ago
00:09and sent her to the Wild One Wildlife Conservation Association,
00:13the only non-profit animal rescue center in eastern Taiwan.
00:17This is the first time such a young bat, just two weeks old, has been rescued in Taiwan.
00:22I happened to find a lonely fox pup over there.
00:26They've been trying to find it for two nights,
00:30but the mother hasn't returned for two days.
00:32If we let it go, it's like waiting for death.
00:35So we have to take it in.
00:38Since this was their first rescue case of this kind,
00:41the center reached out to local and Japanese experts with experience
00:45dealing with this vulnerable species of fruit bats.
00:48Over the past 20 years, we've found a stable population
00:52in Guishan Island and Hualien City.
00:55We think the population might have spread from Japan.
00:59Because the population in Japan is also spreading.
01:04The Formosan flying fox is a subspecies of the Ryukyu flying fox,
01:08the largest bat native to Taiwan.
01:10It's considered to be endangered.
01:12Before 1970, there were over 2,000 of them in eastern Taiwan.
01:17But their numbers dropped drastically due to overhunting.
01:20Today, there could be as few as 200 in the country.
01:25During that time, there was an atmosphere of hunting
01:28or eating some rare animals.
01:31The appearance of the bat is very special.
01:33Its face looks like a fox, like a dog.
01:36And it can fly.
01:38Its wings are one meter long.
01:40So for most people, it's a very different animal.
01:44Staff say the rescued pup is growing healthily.
01:47Now it weighs 230 grams,
01:50almost three times as when it was first found.
01:53Its teeth have been replaced.
01:56So its teeth are very sharp.
01:59Taking care of a megabat is not easy,
02:02as humans can never replace its mother.
02:04Since it was born,
02:06it has been held by its mother 24 hours a day.
02:09Its mother can provide the best breast milk for it.
02:14It's very hard to replace.
02:19To provide the best care for the pup,
02:21the vets and other staff diligently monitor its condition.
02:24They feed it carefully twice a day
02:26and manage its enclosure.
02:29What we can do here is to give it breast milk.
02:31Then it will be willing to fly.
02:33Then it will move to a bigger space
02:35in the Hualien Zoo
02:37to do flying training.
02:39Then we will make sure
02:41whether its ability to survive in the wild is sufficient.
02:45If it's sufficient, it will have a chance to go back.
02:48But it may take some time.
02:50Now that they've had some experience with the pup,
02:53the staff say they've learned new things about the species.
02:56At first, people thought that
02:58there was no such species in Taiwan.
03:01But when we found it,
03:03we realized that there was one.
03:05Why wasn't there one?
03:07Because the research in Taiwan is slowly accumulating.
03:10For researchers and us,
03:12this individual is really important
03:14because it's the beginning of all data.
03:16The census staff admit
03:18they can't know exactly the best way
03:20to care for a Formosan flying fox pup,
03:22as it's never been attempted before.
03:24But they're determined to keep giving it their best shot
03:27and gather as much information as they can while they do.
03:31They hope what they find out
03:33will someday help see the Formosan flying fox
03:35taken off the endangered species list.
03:38Alex Chen and Sani Qi for Taiwan Plus.
