Land of Keyboard Immortal Ep 34 Multi Sub

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Land of Keyboard Immortal Ep 34 Multi Sub
03:00还没开学呢,你跑到学院去做什么? You haven't started school yet, why did you go to the school?
03:04反正这丈母娘也看不上我,我能趁机多蹭点愤怒值。 Anyway, my mother-in-law doesn't like me, so I can take the opportunity to get more angry.
03:09丈母娘你有所不知啊,俗话说兴趣是学习的最大动力。 Mother-in-law, you don't know, as the saying goes, interest is the biggest motivation for learning.
03:14我这不是去看看学院里有什么吃喝玩乐娱乐到位了,我才能安心学习吗? I'm going to see if there's anything to eat, drink and have fun in the school, so I can study at ease.
03:21你现在就去禁试,罚抄家法一百遍,我会亲自检查,一遍也不许少。 You're going to the police station now, and you're going to be punished a hundred times. I'll check it myself, not a single time less.
03:27是你!是你!看不见我,看不见我! It's you! I can't see you, I can't see you!
03:31身为书童却不能劝诫主人,同罚一百遍! As a student, you can't persuade your master, and you'll be punished a hundred times!
03:39我看夫人看你也挺不顺眼的,你得罪过她? I think my wife doesn't like you either. Have you ever offended her?
03:44没有啊,小哥怎么敢得罪夫人? No, how dare I offend my wife?
03:49那我问你,你说你之前是伺候老爷的,那你是什么时候被调走的? Then let me ask you, you said you used to serve your master, when did you get transferred?
03:57就是以前夫人和老爷说要给他纳妾的时候,我特意找了一些合适的姑娘给夫人灌墨,后来就被调到后厨去了。 It was when my wife told my master that she wanted to have a concubine. I specifically found some suitable girls for my wife, and then I was transferred to the back kitchen.
04:06要不是大小姐指派,我现在应该还在后厨。 If it weren't for my wife's order, I would still be in the back kitchen now.
04:10好嘛,楚楚言,我看你是故意整我吧。 Okay, Chu Chu Yan, I think you're trying to make fun of me.
04:14姑爷,你说什么? Master, what did you say?
04:16我说你能活到现在还真是命大。 I said you're lucky to be alive.
04:20鬼啊! Ghost!
04:26行了行了,还有影子,是府里的花农。 Alright, alright, there's still a shadow, it's the gardener.
04:30楚安,别忘了我跟你说的事,如若办不成。 Chu An, don't forget what I told you, if you can't do it.
04:37他还反了天了,这个花农竟敢对姑爷这般大呼小叫,我去收拾。 He even turned against the heavens, this gardener dared to yell at the master. I'm going to deal with him.
04:43消停会儿吧你,咱们还得去抄家法呢。 Calm down, we still have to copy the family rules.
04:53这是家训? This is a lesson?
04:55没错。 That's right.
05:01姑爷,咱们开始吧。 Master, let's start.
05:06小平平,你是不是个忠仆啊? Xiao Ping Ping, are you a loyal servant?
05:10那是当然。 Of course.
05:12我对姑爷的忠心,天地可... I'm loyal to my master.
05:15停,那我现在就给你一个表忠心的机会。 Stop. Then I'll give you a chance to show your loyalty.
05:23辛苦你了。 Thank you.
05:25姑爷,你是让我一个人抄吗? Master, are you going to let me copy alone?
05:30一百加一百,那就是两百遍。 One hundred plus one hundred, that's two hundred times.
05:33不行不行,我看过大小姐写作业,这么多字得抄好多天呢。 No, no, I've seen Miss do her homework. It takes so many words to copy for many days.
05:38大小姐写什么作业啊? What homework did Miss do?
05:39大小姐也在明月学院上学啊。姑爷你不知道吗? Miss is also studying at Mingyue College. Don't you know, Master?
05:44那她房里说不定有我要的东西。 Then there might be something I want in her room.
05:48小冰冰,你说这以后这家是谁来当啊? Xiao Ping Ping, who will run this family in the future?
05:53当然是姥爷了。 Of course it's Master.
05:55笨,当然是你姑爷我了。 Stupid, of course it's me.
05:59为什么? Why?
06:01你想啊,姥爷总有一天是要把家传给大小姐的,你们大小姐又那么爱我。 Think about it, Master will pass the house to Miss one day. Miss loves me so much.
06:09当然是我说什么,她听什么了。 Of course it's me.
06:12有道理。 Makes sense.
06:15你今天帮姑爷这个忙,姑爷以后就封你为管家,到时候你在楚家就是两人之下,万人之上。 You help me today, and I'll make you a housekeeper. By then, you'll be in charge of the family.
06:29程管家,小心脚下。 Steward Chen, watch your step.
06:31程管家,我去给您倒水。 Steward Chen, I'll get you some water.
06:33我在做主,把许儿许配给你。 I'm in charge, I'll marry her to you.
06:37相公,累坏了吧,喝口茶歇息。 Darling, you must be tired, have some tea.
06:49许儿姐姐,我会好好待你的。 Sister Xue'er, I'll treat you well.
06:55成交! Deal!
07:07上帝保佑,让我瞅瞅我老婆有没有背着我藏东西。 God bless me, let me see if my wife has hidden something behind my back.
07:20好香啊,有人来了,看来是个逃贼啊。 Wow, it smells so good. Someone's coming. Looks like a thief.
07:26我要是抓住了这个小贼,老婆会不会对我刮目相看一点。 If I catch this thief, will my wife look at me differently?
07:32难道是我听错了? Did I hear it wrong?
07:34东山少龙吧! Dragon King!
07:36竟然是他! It's him!
08:06我要是抓住了这个小贼,老婆会不会对我刮目相看一点。 If I catch this thief, will my wife look at me differently?
08:11竟然是他! It's him!
08:13我要是抓住了这个小贼,老婆会不会对我刮目相看一点。 If I catch this thief, will my wife look at me differently?
08:18竟然是他! It's him!
08:20竟然是他! It's him!
08:22竟然是他! It's him!
08:24竟然是他! It's him!
08:26竟然是他! It's him!
08:28竟然是他! It's him!
08:30竟然是他! It's him!
08:32竟然是他! It's him!
08:34竟然是他! It's him!
08:36竟然是他! It's him!
08:38竟然是他! It's him!
08:40竟然是他! It's him!
08:42竟然是他! It's him!
08:44竟然是他! It's him!
08:46竟然是他! It's him!
08:48竟然是他! It's him!
08:50竟然是他! It's him!
08:52竟然是他! It's him!
08:54竟然是他! It's him!
08:56竟然是他! It's him!
08:58竟然是他! It's him!
09:00竟然是他! It's him!
09:02竟然是他! It's him!
09:04竟然是他! It's him!