Insta empire episode 191

  • 2 months ago


00:00A bee was badly trapped in the middle of the raw buds.
00:05It was fine until it was trapped, but now it was even attacked.
00:09Ms. Nivedita, I didn't do it intentionally.
00:14Getting embarrassed, Naksha said.
00:16Nivedita was the same girl who had come to the auction of the Modi family
00:21and whose old grandfather was cured by Naksha.
00:24But we should not forget that when Naksha stole Nandini's phone,
00:28she saw Nivedita on the video call and she was taking revenge from Naksha right now.
00:35How dare you say this?
00:37Do you think I can't cut your tongue?
00:40Nivedita said angrily.
00:43Now if a word comes out of your mouth, you will wash your hands of your life.
00:48Nivedita didn't want to give Naksha a chance to say anything.
00:52Because if Naksha kept the whole matter in front of her,
00:54then she would prove to be innocent.
00:56And she didn't want that.
00:58Nivedita, what is the matter?
01:01Is there any misunderstanding between the two of you?
01:04Nandini said with a puzzled look.
01:07Nandini was so clear in her mind that even though Nivedita was still angry,
01:12but her extent was not so much that she shouted at someone or beat her,
01:17especially the person who had nothing to do with her.
01:21Then how did Nivedita's style suddenly change?
01:24Nandini was not able to understand this.
01:27Ms. Nandini, don't get me wrong.
01:29I have nothing to do with Ms. Nivedita.
01:32Naksha justified herself and said,
01:35Yes, even I don't know her.
01:37After saying this, Nivedita immediately looked at Nandini and said,
01:41Nandini, why did you call her here?
01:44All of us girls are having fun here, right?
01:46The way this whole incident started,
01:49Nandini came to know that Naksha and Nivedita already knew each other,
01:55but were hesitating to accept or mention.
01:58That's why Nandini couldn't directly point out the two of them.
02:03Let's get to know each other.
02:05This is Naksha and he studies with me in the camping event.
02:09I have called him here so that he can refine a pill for Nivedita.
02:14Nandini felt that she should explain the reason for Naksha's visit here
02:19because Nivedita's expressions were looking very complicated.
02:23However, as soon as Nandini uttered that word,
02:26everyone was shocked.
02:29He has come to refine a pill for Nivedita?
02:32Nandini, you are not joking, right?
02:36The medicinal pill that Nivedita needs,
02:38even the grandmaster of alchemists cannot refine it properly.
02:42And he is an ordinary person.
02:44What will this do?
02:45Is making a pill a piece of cake?
02:48I think this man is a fool.
02:50I had guessed from the way he walked.
02:53As soon as the word came out of a girl's mouth,
02:56Naksha's attention went to his feet.
02:59Poor Maniman was wondering what all girls notice.
03:04We all know how expensive alchemy skills are.
03:07A lower class person cannot handle it.
03:11And look at his clothes.
03:13Once again, those beauties started teasing Naksha.
03:17Nandini, are you sure you know how to make a pill from this?
03:21This is not a joke, right?
03:23Nivedita said in shock.
03:25Her face was clearly tensed.
03:28Don't worry.
03:30Nandini smiled and looked at Naksha and said,
03:34Nivedita needs an internal energy pill.
03:37Can you make it?
03:39For the past three years, people have been humiliating Naksha.
03:42They were bullying her.
03:44She was used to all this.
03:46That's why she didn't mind what those beauties said.
03:50Internal energy pills are used to control energy.
03:54Has she had a reaction?
03:56Naksha asked in shock.
03:58Nivedita is using her family's secret technique from her teenage years.
04:02Although she has a lot of strength in her body,
04:04but since she has had a medical reaction,
04:07all that energy leaks out.
04:09And she feels very cold from head to toe.
04:12And in winters, her condition worsens even more.
04:16Nandini explained and said,
04:19Nandini, why did you tell her all this?
04:22It's so embarrassing.
04:23Suddenly Nivedita's facial expressions changed.
04:27As I told you, every pill has some or the other side effect.
04:31Although the herbs don't harm your body,
04:34but those pills have so many ingredients in them
04:38that they do react in the body.
04:40Some reactions are not harmful at all,
04:43but some are so fatal that you could lose your life.
04:48And all these reactions happen especially when
04:51you take many different types of pills one after the other.
04:55Of course, for your body.
04:57But sometimes it becomes a curse,
05:00as is happening with Nivedita right now.
05:03Nivedita belongs to a family that can do anything.
05:07Wealth, fame, money, more power than that.
05:11But think about it,
05:12they are not even able to arrange an antidote for their daughter.
05:16The reason for this is medicinal reactions.
05:19The Shekhawat family contacted the greatest alchemist,
05:22but the pills were not refined.
05:25So has the Shekhawat family started this camping event
05:29so that they can get a good alchemist?
05:32And what about that alchemy competition?
05:34Was that also done for this purpose?
05:37This means that Radhika Madan has really saved Naksha in a way.
05:42That's a different thing.
05:43Naksha is the security in-charge of the Shekhawat family's mission.
05:47But she has nothing to do with that family.
05:50Apart from Manohar, Naksha only knows Nivedita.
05:53He has also met her today.
05:56Who else is there in the family?
05:57Who watches the operations?
05:59Has Manohar told her the truth or a lie?
06:02All this is still like a puzzle.
06:04Although Naksha has no interest in this puzzle.
06:07But Nivedita has got the full support of her friends and family.
06:11And her friends have even found a medical formula.
06:15But they didn't find any alchemist
06:17who can refine the pills with that formula.
06:20After listening to Nandini and seeing Nivedita's condition,
06:23Naksha's mind was running like a horse.
06:26After taking his full time, Naksha opened his mouth and said,
06:31As you said, if her condition is really like this,
06:34then the internal energy pill can only cure her symptoms.
06:38But it can't cure that disease from the root.
06:41Because it will only work as an antidote.
06:44Oh, is that so?
06:46So do you have any better idea?
06:49Nandini was surprised and said.
06:51One by one, there was a sparkle in her eyes.
06:54But at the same time, Nandini didn't believe what Naksha said.
06:58If Nivedita's problem is so serious,
07:00then why did she show it to such a great alchemist in the past?
07:04He didn't say anything like that.
07:06No one told her that the internal energy pill will only cure the symptoms,
07:11not the problem.
07:12So should we trust Naksha in such a situation?
07:15For a moment, all the beauties present there felt
07:19that Naksha was trying to sensationalize them.
07:22Seeing Naksha, there was hatred in their eyes.
07:26It is not a good habit of a handsome man to show off like this.
07:30With an unfriendly tone, Nivedita said.
07:33She didn't like men who can't do anything but show off all over the world.
07:40She had the same thought for Naksha.
07:42Nivedita is right.
07:44Nandini, this boy is lying to you.
07:47Get him out of here quickly.
07:49A beautiful girl said.
07:51Don't worry.
07:52In fact, Nandini didn't believe what Naksha said.
07:55At least let her know what better ideas she has.
07:59Without any hesitation, Naksha started talking.
08:03If Ms. Nivedita has been taking pills since her teenage years,
08:06then this reaction must have happened to her at that time.
08:09But then she wouldn't have been so serious.
08:11And maybe Ms. Nivedita didn't pay much attention.
08:14But now she has become serious.
08:16And has spread her legs.
08:18An internal energy pill can only cure symptoms.
08:21But it can't end a reaction from the root.
08:24And we can take an antidote only once a year.
08:27If we take more, there is a risk of other reactions.
08:31Which is fatal.
08:32After taking the antidote, the symptoms will calm down for a while.
08:36But the reaction will increase internally.
08:39And when the effect of the antidote is over,
08:41then her condition will be even worse.
08:44After saying this, Naksha took a few seconds of pause.
08:47And then said.
08:48Ms. Nandini, have you heard about the atom pill?
08:53As soon as the word came out of Naksha's mouth,
08:55everyone's eyes were wide open.
08:58And everyone was staring at Naksha with disbelief.
09:02Atom pill is that legendary supreme pill
09:05which can repair a person's entire body.
09:08Its effect cannot be compared to any other pill.
09:12Its properties are different.
09:14And its parameters are also different from all.
09:18This pill stops the blockage of the meridians of your body.
09:22However, no one has the medicinal formula of this pill.
09:25Great alchemists tried to find that formula.
09:29But no one found it.
09:31But it is said that the Indian Alchemy Organization, IAO,
09:35already has the formula of that pill.
09:38But the problem is that the Indian Alchemy Organization, IAO,
09:42is a group that is everyone's father.
09:45It does not follow anyone's instructions.
09:48And in front of their power,
09:50why can't the Shekhawat family or any family come?
09:54It cannot be competed.
09:56Nevedita and Nandini also do not have any such source
09:59that they can obtain that pill from there.
10:02Do you know how to make that atom pill?
10:05Nandini asked in shock.
10:07Although there was a big difference between Nandini and Nevedita's status,
10:11but both of them had considered each other as their sister.
10:14And they used to treat each other like that.
10:17Seeing Nevedita's condition, Nandini was very worried about her.
10:21If Nandini did not know that Naksha's alchemy skills are extraordinary,
10:25she would never have called her here to refine the pill.
10:29Since I know about the atom pill,
10:31of course, I also know how to refine it.
10:34Naksha replied in a confident manner.
10:38The formula of the atom pill has been lost for years.
10:41No one has found it.
10:42Do you think I don't know anything?
10:44You will keep talking nonsense and I will keep listening.
10:47Of course, other great alchemists had also told Nevedita about this pill.
10:51But since there is no formula of that pill,
10:54what is the use of applying it?
10:56Look, you cannot fool us.
10:59We also know everything.
11:01But do you know what can happen to you if you act smart with us?
11:05The girl in the black swimsuit suddenly saw a killing intent in her eyes.
11:10Her beautiful eyes also got stuck on Naksha.
11:13But she was indicating that there can be violence from her side anytime.
11:18It is a good thing if you know about the atom pill.
11:21But do you know about me?
11:23No, no.
11:24I am not that kind of a person who can say anything without thinking.
11:28Whatever I have said,
11:30I have said it after thinking.
11:32I just have one condition.
11:35Saying this, Naksha's face got a meaningful smile.
11:39What is the condition?
11:41Nandini's facial expressions were also looking very uncertain.
11:45If I have refined the atom pill,
11:47then Ms. Nevedita will have to beg me to take it.
11:51Although Naksha's voice was not loud at all,
11:54but it was easily audible to everyone.
11:57Naksha knew very well how to take revenge from someone.
12:02On the day of the auction, Naksha saved her grandfather's life.
12:06And on top of that, she attacked Naksha today.
12:09And that too only because Nandini's phone was with Naksha
12:12and Naksha had seen her in the video call.
12:15Can anyone be attacked because of these reasons?
12:18Dream! Dream!
12:20Nivedita said while making a face.
12:23After hearing Naksha's words,
12:25all the other beauties present there were shocked.
12:28Naksha's condition was really very bad
12:31and Nivedita's status was very high.
12:33So was their ego coming in between?
12:36Will Nivedita accept Naksha's condition?
12:39Will Nandini make Nivedita understand?
12:42Can Naksha really refine the atom pill?
12:46If yes, then how?
12:49Will he take the help of the Indian Alchemy Organization, IAO?
12:53Will Radhika Madan help him?
12:56Will Naksha have to join the Indian Alchemy Organization, IAO group to help Nivedita?
13:02Or does Naksha have the medicinal formula of that pill?
13:05If yes, then how?
13:08Is this also the wonder of those two ancient books?
13:11To know more, listen to Insta Empire only on Pocket FM.