insta empire episode 175

  • 2 months ago


00:00Before you slowly fall in love with that girl, it is very important to clear a doubt.
00:09The girl who is considered a student by the girls in the class, is actually not a student but a new teacher of the class.
00:16There are only two beautiful teachers in this camping event.
00:19One is our Madam Pratibha and the other is this new Madam Roshni, about whom everyone is yet to know.
00:27Hello everyone, I am your medical teacher. My name is Roshni.
00:31You must have heard about pills, but do you want to learn how to make a pill?
00:37Excited? Then fine, I will take you all to the pill room and show you some pills there.
00:44This will be a demo class. You will get the basic knowledge of pills from this.
00:49We will study in detail in the next class.
00:51Roshni's voice was as cool as water, which excited everyone in the class.
00:57Roshni ma'am, will we be taught how to make a pill in this camping event?
01:02Suddenly a girl got up from her seat and asked a question.
01:06Of course, the purpose of this camping event is to learn about medicinal pills, right?
01:11And you all should know the power of pills.
01:13This will make your life a little easier.
01:16Although you all know that the ancient era has now passed and the techniques of the old times have also been lost.
01:23But those people are associated with this camping event who have years of experience in making pills.
01:29And you will be given the necessary training in their observation.
01:33Roshni said ahead with a smile.
01:36Although their comparison cannot be done with ancient alchemists, but their pills have also proved beneficial for our life.
01:44On one hand, Roshni was telling everyone about pills, pill room and modern alchemists.
01:50On the other hand, everyone was moving towards the medicinal building of the camping event.
01:55Although everyone had seen the pills, but no one had been able to get a chance to touch them closely.
02:05Today, when they heard that they would go to the pill room and get a chance to see the pills and even get a chance to touch them,
02:12how could they not be excited?
02:15Within 10 minutes, everyone reached the pill room.
02:18As soon as everyone entered the room, they could see herbs everywhere.
02:23In addition to the plantations of different types of herbs, some herbs had also been removed and kept separate.
02:30Various medicinal smells were coming in that room.
02:33Some could tolerate it and some felt like vomiting.
02:37Roshni divided the class into different groups.
02:40It was obvious that Naksha and Kushal would be in the same group.
02:43But no one had thought that Nandini would also be in the same group.
02:47Everyone started staring at Naksha out of jealousy.
02:50As if Naksha has made the group.
02:52Okay, everyone listen to me carefully.
02:55There is a rule of this academy.
02:57If a child learns everything and works hard to make a pill,
03:01and if his pill turns out to be correct in the quality check,
03:04then he can take that pill and go.
03:06He just should not have any allergy to the pill.
03:09If something like this happens, then the academy will not be responsible for it,
03:13said Roshni smilingly.
03:15And you do not have permission to make pills anywhere other than the pill room.
03:19Not only because there are all the medicinal ingredients in the pill room,
03:24but also because this procedure is a bit dangerous
03:28and the harmful gases coming out of the herbs can harm you.
03:33So this pill room is made for you so that nothing like this happens.
03:38It is completely safe.
03:40Roshni ma'am, so can we make any pill here?
03:44Can we practice it?
03:46Being impatient, a boy asked a question.
03:48Yes, you can come here and practice.
03:52But keep in mind that some ingredients have been artificially cultivated here
03:57that you will not find in the market.
04:00So before using any ingredient, you will have to take permission from me.
04:05As soon as this word came out of Roshni's mouth,
04:08everyone nodded and shook their heads.
04:11The pill that I will teach you to make today is called a healing pill.
04:16This pill helps to treat all kinds of external injuries.
04:21In normal circumstances, it can heal your wounds in 2-3 hours.
04:25Saying this, Roshni took out a big box of medicinal ingredients
04:30and started preparing to make the pill while lighting the fire.
04:34Along with this, Roshni was also explaining to all the children.
04:39Wow, Roshni ma'am is so awesome.
04:42Do I always have to light a fire to make a pill?
04:45Wow, I find this process very cool.
04:49Roshni had started the process of making the pill
04:52and soon she was putting each ingredient in a big bowl.
04:56Seeing her teacher making the pill so fast, everyone started admiring her.
05:02Naksh, you also know how to make a pill, right?
05:05I am curious to know,
05:07who among you and our beautiful teacher knows how to make the pill better?
05:12Whose technique of making the pill is better?
05:15Suddenly Kushal put his hand on Naksh's shoulder and said,
05:18Do you also know how to make pills?
05:20Suddenly Nandini turned around and asked,
05:23Kushal, you should take Nandini out of the pill room as soon as possible.
05:27Naksh didn't answer Nandini's question but asked her to go out as soon as possible.
05:32Why? What's the matter?
05:33Kushal was puzzled and asked.
05:35Maybe Roshni ma'am got distracted while giving the lecture
05:38and missed an important step.
05:40This bowl will burst in 5 minutes.
05:43Naksh said with serious expressions.
05:45And he was completely shocked.
05:47Are you kidding me?
05:49It's not that Kushal didn't believe Naksh.
05:52But Roshni is the medical teacher of this academy.
05:55How can she make a mistake?
05:57If you want to become a roasted pig, you can stay here.
06:00In a calm manner, Naksh said.
06:02You scoundrel!
06:03Are you cursing me as a brother?
06:05You will become a roasted pig.
06:06Why should I become?
06:07Saying this, Kushal's steps immediately started moving towards the door.
06:11On the other hand, Roshni had mostly put all the ingredients.
06:15Only a few were left to put.
06:17She was also interacting with the kids while putting.
06:20As soon as Roshni started putting the last ingredient,
06:23a sharp voice was heard in the room.
06:26Ma'am, wait a minute.
06:28Naksh's steps immediately started moving towards the podium.
06:31Mr. Naksh, do you have any confusion?
06:33Any question?
06:34Roshni ma'am, you have made a mistake in making this pill.
06:38In a casual manner, Naksh said.
06:40The heat with which you have put these ingredients,
06:43don't you think it can be harmful?
06:45As soon as these words came out of Naksh's mouth,
06:47the whole class started laughing.
06:50Oh my God!
06:51Have I heard something wrong?
06:53This garbage is saying that our academy teacher has made a mistake in making the pill.
06:59Oh brother Naksh!
07:00What do you want?
07:01Why are you trying to promote yourself by showing off useless things?
07:06Learn something if you want to learn.
07:08Otherwise, go to the side and stand.
07:11I have heard that Roshni ma'am is an expert in making pills.
07:14And she has made many pills before.
07:17How can she make a mistake?
07:19Roshni's expressions were also completely gloomy.
07:22Naksh, didn't you hear what I said?
07:25While making the pill, we have to take good care of the flame and temperature.
07:30If I don't give heat, won't the ingredients get crippled?
07:34At this time, Roshni was very angry with Naksh inside.
07:37It doesn't matter to Roshni whether Naksh is paying attention in the lecture or not.
07:41But look at his courage.
07:43He is calling the medical teacher wrong.
07:45That too in front of the whole class.
07:47Roshni's anger is justified.
07:49By the way, Roshni is not a very big alchemist.
07:52She has not worked on big and major pills at all.
07:56And neither does she know how to make those pills.
07:58But yes, she has made healing pills many times.
08:01So if we look at this carefully,
08:03there should be no problem in making that pill.
08:06Teacher, I am not questioning your ability.
08:09I am just telling you that your bowl's heat was high from the beginning.
08:13And on top of that, you were also going to put puran gas in it.
08:16Don't you know what can happen to it?
08:18As soon as this word came out of Naksh's mouth,
08:21Roshni's facial expressions changed completely.
08:24Do you know that puran gas is the lowest grade of medicinal properties?
08:29Although it is used to make all the pills.
08:32But what is the most important thing to make a pill?
08:36We have to keep an eye on it from start to finish.
08:40If the temperature is high,
08:42then your ingredients can react and burst this bowl.
08:45Yes, if the temperature is low,
08:47then the pill will not be refined as much as possible.
08:50But no one will be harmed by this.
08:52After hearing all these words from Naksh's mouth,
08:55all the people in the class were shocked.
08:57Oh my god!
08:58Is this garbage really talking about such a serious matter?
09:01Didn't you hear what Roshni ma'am said?
09:04Is garbage like you qualified to ask questions?
09:07I think Naksh is doing all this on purpose.
09:10He has never seen a pill being made in his life.
09:13That's why his heart is imbalanced.
09:15And he is saying anything.
09:17Immediately Vipul stood up and said,
09:19Naksh, you don't need to be a sensationalist here.
09:23If you want to study, then study.
09:25If you don't want to study, then go out of here.
09:27But at least don't disturb those who want to study.
09:31Did you hear what Vipul said?
09:33This Vipul, who is talking big about studies,
09:36has failed twice in 10th standard.
09:39In 12th standard, his family has bribed him to pass.
09:42He is a rich man's son.
09:44That's why he sent him abroad to study.
09:46But he doesn't even know what he has studied from there.
09:50But here he is able to see studies.
09:54The class monitor is right.
09:56Naksh, do you even know how dangerous it is to make a pill?
10:01And not everyone gets a chance to see a pill being made.
10:05Now when you have got it,
10:07then why are you creating a problem?
10:09How could Vipul's disciples sit quietly?
10:12While walking on his Guru's map,
10:14Sumit shouted at Naksh.
10:17For a moment, everyone started looking at Naksh with hatred.
10:21Anyway, Naksh had no friend.
10:24And after what he did today,
10:26no one wanted to befriend him.
10:30Kushal, who was standing at the door,
10:32was very angry after hearing all this.
10:35He knew very well that Naksh is not the kind of person
10:38who would try to be sensationalized.
10:41Whatever the class said,
10:43he got angry after hearing it.
10:46Seeing all this, Naksh took a deep breath.
10:49He was helping Roshni because of kindness.
10:52But now if someone doesn't want to avoid his death,
10:55then what is Naksh's fault?
10:57Roshni also ignored Naksh
10:59and immediately put that old gas in the bowl.
11:02After two minutes,
11:04suddenly the material inside the bowl started turning red.
11:07Smoke started coming out of the bowl quickly.
11:10The volume of smoke was slowly increasing.
11:13And Naksh understood very well
11:15what he had to do now.
11:17This is not right.
11:19Everyone bow down.
11:20Bow down.
11:22Naksh did not have so much time
11:24to explain what would happen next.
11:26He immediately ran towards Roshni
11:28who was very close to that bowl.
11:30And without thinking,
11:32he held his teacher's hand and bowed her down.
11:34What are you doing?
11:35Roshni was shocked by this sudden act with her.
11:38And immediately she shouted,
11:40seeing this, a boy who had no idea about the situation,
11:44immediately put the room on his head.
11:47Hey trash,
11:48what are you doing with our teacher?
11:50Leave our teacher.
11:52What will happen next?
11:53Will Naksh's math really prove to be correct?
11:55If Naksh is right,
11:57then there can be a blast in the pill room at any time.
12:00Will anyone get hurt in this blast?
12:02If there is no blast,
12:04then what will happen to Naksh?
12:06But if there is a blast,
12:08then will everyone's impression of Naksh change?
12:11Will Naksh prove to be the hero in this incident too?
12:14Will Naksh get the reward of saving teacher Roshni?
12:17If yes,
12:18then what will that reward be?
12:20To know more, listen to Insta Empire
12:22only on Pocket FM.
12:25Pocket FM.