Filiz Scenes #1

  • 2 weeks ago
Yonca is a young mother in her mid-twenties who is trying to hold on to life with her little girl Sare. On the one hand, she is struggling with the difficulties of life alone, on the other hand, she is dealing with the custody case filed by Sara's biological father. At a moment when everything is at a dead end, she receives an offer that changes her life. A new life is starting for Yonca now. But what she doesn't know is that she is jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.

Alican Yücesoy, Şifanur Gül, Musa Uzunlar, Erkan Avcı, İlker Kızmaz, Kemal Uçar, Neslihan Arslan, Açelya Devrim Yılhan, Sermet Yeşil, Aslı Samat, Tuğçe Yolcu, Aslıhan Kapanşahin, Sekvan Serinkaya, ve Hale Soygazi



00:00Thank you for everything.
00:05Come on, Sare. It's time to go.
00:07See you, Özgür brother.
00:10See you, Sare.
00:14When I go, I will pay my debt to you as soon as I can.
00:18I promise.
00:23Have a good trip.
00:30See you.
01:01Is this the place?
01:03I think so. I'll sit next to you.
01:05Okay, come in.
02:25Sare, we're leaving right now.
02:28Come on, let's go.
02:58Don't shoot!
03:02Don't shoot! Wait!
03:09What's going on?
03:11Let me go!
03:13Let me go!
03:15Let me go!
03:17Mom, what's going on?
03:19Mom, what's going on?
03:35Where is my daughter?
03:43We'll answer first, then you.
03:48Why did you kill her?
04:56Mr. Judge, this man is lying.
04:58This man is lying!
05:00Ms. Lawyer, are you going to judge your client or not?
05:03Ms. Lawyer, shut up.
05:05How can I shut up?
05:07He's lying right in front of me.
05:09Ms. Lawyer, if we're going to continue like this...
05:11How were we going to continue, huh?
05:13How were we going to continue?
05:15Weren't you my daughter?
05:17My daughter is enough.
05:19If you continue like this, I'll throw you out.
05:30Mr. Judge, is this how we talk to you?
05:32Didn't I tell you to calm down?
05:34If the judge doesn't lose his control, he won't get you anything.
05:36Otherwise, you'll be lying to him.
05:38Altay, come on. Look at me.
05:40Let me go. Don't touch me.
05:42What's your problem?
05:44Stay away from me.
05:46Why did you come back? What are you trying to do?
05:48What do you want from me?
05:51Oh, is that so?
05:53But I want you to tell me face to face.
05:55I'm so curious.
05:57Will you be able to tell me face to face without being embarrassed?
05:59See you at the next hearing, uncle.
06:03Uncle, it's okay.
06:05It's not okay or anything.
06:07You're going to tell me.
06:09The child you ran away from after you begged me not to give birth to.
06:11Now why did you value it?
06:13You're going to tell me.
06:15Answer me.
06:17What has changed?
06:19You didn't call us.
06:21You didn't call us once.
06:23Now why do you want my child from me?
06:25Because she's my daughter, too.
06:27Shut up. Shut up.
06:29She's my daughter.
06:31She's not yours. She's my daughter.
06:33Don't make me angry.
06:35Let's go.
06:37Okay, okay.
06:39Don't touch me.
06:41Look at me.
06:43I'll burn the world for my daughter.
06:45You won't get her from me.
06:47Did you hear me?
06:49I won't give you my child.
06:51I'll kill you if I have to.
07:07What happened?
07:09She's late.
07:11But don't worry.
07:13Sare is staying with me.
07:15Don't look at me like that.
07:17He's watching his mistake.
07:19And you're giving him a chance.
07:21Pray for him.
07:23He didn't give up after what he did today.
07:29Don't forget.
07:31You don't have a chance to make a mistake.
07:33He'll use his power and money.
07:35He'll tell his daughter that he'll give her a better life.
07:37And he'll say you can't take care of her.
07:39We need to prove to the court that we can take care of your daughter.
07:45Don't do anything wrong.
07:47Or all our efforts will be in vain.
07:53Yonca, by the way, it's not your turn.
07:55Did you arrange the payment?
07:59If it were up to me, I'd handle it.
08:01But I'm also tied to the office.
08:03They're waiting for a payment from me.
08:05It's not okay.
08:07But I'll make it up to you.
08:15I'll let you know.
08:25Come on.
08:33Goodbye, little bear.
08:35And you, big bear.
08:39I'm not a bear.
09:09You didn't give it last month.
09:11You're right.
09:13But I told you.
09:15I'll take care of this case.
09:17I don't understand you, Yonca.
09:19But please understand us, too.
09:21As soon as the crush goes,
09:23the other parents are a little unfair.
09:37They say the end of every winter is spring, love.
09:39Come on, tell me a number.
09:41Maybe your spring is waiting here.
09:45Come on, a number.
09:47Tell me what comes to your mind.
09:49My daughter.
09:53Minions came to us.
09:55All your troubles are over.
09:59I have to pay the rent and the crush first.
10:01That's the easiest.
10:03You pay first.
10:05Okay, okay.
10:07Let's dream for two minutes.
10:09But don't worry, my friend.
10:11I'll play for you, too.
10:17And the lawyer has money.
10:19More important than all of them.
10:31Take it then, Yonca.
10:33No, Filiz.
10:35Take it, my girl.
10:37If you stand on my arm for nothing,
10:39it will be a mercy to your trouble.
10:41I said no, Filiz.
10:43I told you before.
10:45I can't get anything from you.
10:47What will you say to your husband?
10:49Is that what you're worried about?
10:51I'm saying we're going to be millionaires.
10:55if he sees my millions,
10:57he won't even look at me.
10:59Yonca, someone's here.
11:01He's going to see you.
11:17I just came to talk.
11:29Yes, I'm listening to you.
11:31Let's talk about this
11:33in a calm way.
11:35As a father.
11:37As a father?
11:39Yes, as a father.
11:41Yonca, please.
11:43Let's put aside these restrictions.
11:45We're not in court.
11:47Tell me,
11:49what's the reason for this sudden
11:51desire to be a father?
11:53There's nothing sudden.
11:55I was just too young then.
11:57I was scared.
11:59Now everything has changed.
12:01Stop lying to me.
12:07Look at you.
12:09You're not even talking to me.
12:11If you listen to me,
12:13you'll understand
12:15how logical my offer is.
12:17When did you offer to take my daughter
12:19from me?
12:21Yonca, the situation is clear.
12:23The money you earn here is not enough for you,
12:25nor is it enough for Sari's school,
12:27nor is it enough for your rent.
12:29I owe you.
12:31How do you know all this?
12:33Are you making me follow you?
12:35You can't, Yonca.
12:37You can't. Accept it.
12:39If you say yes to me,
12:41I can give her a very good life.
12:43She won't have any shortcomings.
12:45She'll study in the best schools.
12:47She'll have a bright future.
12:49Look at me.
12:51You learned my daughter's name
12:53just a moment ago.
12:55Don't try to teach me what's good for her.
12:57But whatever you do,
12:59don't take my daughter from me.
13:01Now, if you're going to eat something,
13:03eat it. Get out of here.
13:07Okay. You're right. I'm sorry.
13:09Look, if it happens again...
13:11It won't. She won't come.
13:21Why did he come? What did he say?
13:29We haven't been able to get to know Sari
13:31for the last few weeks, Yonca.
13:33That smart kid is gone.
13:35A completely different kid came instead.
13:37This isn't normal.
13:41Normal things don't happen anyway.
13:43Okay. I'm aware that
13:45hard times have passed.
13:47But what does it mean to put your friend
13:49under the bus?
13:51I haven't called the previous ones,
13:53but it's getting worse.
13:55I've already started to get complaints
13:57from certain people.
14:01It's obvious that you can't reflect
14:03what you've been through to her.
14:05I think the best thing for Sari
14:07is to get support from a pedagogue.
14:09If you start therapy as soon as possible,
14:11she'll get over these bad behaviors
14:13without even noticing them.
14:15Otherwise, I'm afraid it'll get worse for her.
14:21Are you going to tell me
14:23what happened?
14:29Excuse me?
14:35What happened next?
14:39I see.
14:41That's what they did to Sari.
14:43What did he do?
14:45Tell me.
14:47What did he do?
14:49What did he do?
14:51Tell me, Lelis.
14:53Mom, he can't talk.
14:55No, he's talking to me.
14:57No, he's not.
14:59You're lying.
15:01Believe what you want, Sari.
15:03He may not be talking to you,
15:05but he's talking to me.
15:09Sari, he was just telling what happened to Lelis.
15:11I'm sorry, Lelis.
15:13What happened next?
15:15What did Sari do?
15:19I don't know.
15:21I don't know.
15:51Come on, sleepyhead.
15:53It's time to get up.
15:55I won't get up.
15:57What do you mean, you won't get up?
16:01Then, should I call you
16:03lazy instead of sleepyhead?
16:05Come on, get up.
16:07I won't go to school.
16:09I don't want to.
16:11Sari, come on.
16:13You're running late.
16:15Get up.
16:17Didn't I say I won't go to school?
16:21Get up.
16:23Get up.
16:25Get up.