insta empire episode 216

  • 2 months ago


00:00Vinay sir, please teach this trash a good lesson as soon as possible.
00:04Vinay's anger was getting worse after listening to the students present there.
00:10He was about to attack the map while brushing his teeth,
00:14when suddenly he heard a delicate voice.
00:17Mr. Vinay, do you want to attack your student?
00:21Pratibha, who Anika had brought with her,
00:24went ahead tearing the crowd.
00:27Ms. Pratibha, your student is provoking me again and again.
00:30If I don't teach him a lesson today,
00:32then what respect will I have in the camping event?
00:35Vinay's expressions became completely ugly while saying this.
00:39It doesn't matter what the map has done,
00:42but you are a teacher, how can you be so narrow-minded?
00:46In a low voice, every word came out of Pratibha's mouth.
00:50Okay, so doesn't your student know how to respect the teacher?
00:55At this time, Vinay was so angry that he was even ready to compete with Pratibha.
01:00It's a different matter that he didn't know Pratibha's history.
01:04At the same time, Anika ran to the map and said,
01:08Abhi, Abhi, are you okay?
01:11My foolish wife, what are you doing here?
01:14Suddenly the face of the map and her voice became soft.
01:18Listen to your husband and go and stand in front of Pratibha madam.
01:22Just let me settle this matter once.
01:24After that, we will go home and have a delicious dinner.
01:27Anika was afraid that if she moves from here,
01:30then I don't know if the dinner will be possible or not.
01:33On top of that, if the map goes to the hospital,
01:36then the dinner will not be delicious at all.
01:38Pratibha, who was standing right next to Anika,
01:41when she heard those words coming out of the map's mouth,
01:44then one by one she lost her senses.
01:46On such an occasion, it seemed impossible to explain to the map.
01:51Mr. Vinay, what do you want to do with this matter today?
01:55There was no point in talking here and there,
01:58so Pratibha directly talked about the issue.
02:01My method is very simple.
02:03Let your student Naksh fight in front of all the students present here.
02:08If he wants to be a man, then let everyone see how big a man he is.
02:13And from today and now, you will have to avoid me forever.
02:18In an arrogant manner, Vinay said,
02:21and picked up the hockey stick in the field in his hand.
02:25Before Pratibha could say anything,
02:27Naksh stepped forward and said in a stern manner,
02:31Maybe you are thinking too much.
02:33This is the reason why you are talking nonsense.
02:36Stop it now.
02:38Being impatient, Anika shook Naksh's hand.
02:41Rascal, scoundrel, don't you have any manners at all?
02:46Can't you see that I am talking to your teacher?
02:49You have grown up so much that now you will interfere between us too?
02:53Vinay said in a loud voice like a lion.
02:56All the students who were watching the show there shook their heads.
03:01According to them, Naksh's luck was very good.
03:04As soon as Mr. Vinay decided to beat Naksh,
03:07Pratibha madam came there and saved Naksh again.
03:11The way that scoundrel provoked Mr. Vinay today,
03:14he deserves to be beaten,
03:17but his teacher comes again and again and saves him.
03:20This was going on in the minds of all the students.
03:23Is it possible that today's day is also going to be very boring?
03:27Seeing the situation going in the opposite direction,
03:30everyone thought the same.
03:32Mr. Vinay, your request is a bit too big.
03:35Being nervous, Pratibha said.
03:38However, Pratibha was afraid that if there was a fight between Naksh and Vinay,
03:42then Naksh would beat Vinay like a dog,
03:45and she did not want the students to see their teacher being beaten like this.
03:50This is the reason why she was stopping this fight.
03:54But Vinay had a lot of strength,
03:57so can Naksh really compete?
04:00If yes, then how does Pratibha know this?
04:03Does Pratibha really think Naksh is great?
04:07Although Pratibha had taken the calm and clear pill,
04:10and she had regained one-third of her strength,
04:13but if there is a fight between the two of them,
04:16then she will not be able to stop Naksh.
04:18My request is too big, I don't think so at all.
04:22Vinay shouted loudly and said,
04:25the person whose surname is Dogra,
04:28if he wants to fight, he should fight quickly,
04:31and if he does not want to fight, then get lost from here quietly.
04:35There is no need to waste my precious time and day unnecessarily.
04:40Naksh really did not want to waste time with Vinay.
04:44As soon as the word came out of Naksh's mouth,
04:47the smile on Vinay's face cooled down.
04:50Within three seconds, the color of his face had changed.
04:54Ha ha ha, this is very funny,
04:57I am seeing for the first time that a man is getting so impatient to get beaten.
05:02Yes, so what is the big deal,
05:04this is what is expected from a useless son-in-law.
05:07And as it is, somebody likes to get beaten up,
05:10this trash must also have got the taste of getting beaten.
05:13That is why, come on, bull, beat me, beat me, he is shouting.
05:18Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
05:20To save the trash, Pratibha ma'am also jumped in the middle,
05:24but she did not see anyone's efforts.
05:26She did not appreciate ma'am at all,
05:29He is such a moron, a moron, I feel like the game is over,
05:34there will be no excitement now,
05:36but this garbage has created romance by calling his death.
05:40Now I am not even going to move from here.
05:42By the way, Naksh needs four shoulders, but there are many shoulders available here.
05:48There were many such students who wanted Vinay Dogra to beat Naksh badly
05:54and beat him to send him to the hospital.
05:57Anika, you move aside, I am afraid that you may get hurt by my move.
06:03The aura coming out of Vinay's body was not at all stable.
06:07I, I…
06:09Before Anika could say anything, Naksh said in the middle,
06:14wife, he is right, you should move away from him.
06:17If you stand near him, then how will he be able to use his punches and kicks?
06:23Saying this, Naksh grabbed Anika with one hand and put her aside
06:26and made her stand near Pratibha.
06:29Come on Vinay sir, now there is no one to disturb us.
06:33Saying this, Naksh again came back to his position.
06:36Rascals, come on, let's start the game.
06:40As soon as the word came out of Vinay's mouth,
06:42he jumped on Naksh with a hockey stick.
06:46His speed was very fast.
06:48With Vinay's fast speed, Naksh did not even know when he came to him
06:53and as soon as he came near Naksh, Vinay attacked Naksh's head with a hockey stick.
06:58Anika was not used to seeing such fights.
07:00Immediately, Anika hid her eyes with both her hands.
07:05She could not see Naksh getting beaten up like this.
07:08She had seen Naksh fighting before,
07:11but it was difficult for Naksh to win against Vinay.
07:14And the speed with which Vinay attacked,
07:17that hockey stick was ready to tear Naksh's head.
07:21Seeing Vinay's style, Miss Julie was also shocked.
07:24Deep inside, she was praying to God that Naksh should somehow dodge that attack,
07:29otherwise her life could be in danger.
07:32However, Nandini, who was in that crowd,
07:35was looking very calm compared to others.
07:38The expressions on her face had not changed at all.
07:42Because she had seen that Naksh was not panicking at all.
07:46Not only does Naksh have a confident look on his face,
07:48but he also has a cunning smile on his face.
07:52That means he is ready for this fight.
07:54And he has also thought of all the statistics in his mind.
07:58But who was he laughing at?
08:00This was the only question running in Nandini's mind.
08:04Reality soon answered Nandini's question.
08:07Although Vinay's speed was very fast,
08:09and he attacked Naksh with full force,
08:12but using his brain properly,
08:15Naksh quickly bowed down
08:16and immediately grabbed Vinay's hockey stick with his other hand.
08:21Although that hockey stick was not very far from Naksh's head at that time,
08:24but it was completely in Naksh's control.
08:28Very good speed,
08:29better strength than him,
08:31but no brain at all.
08:34Saying this, Naksh stuck his leg in Vinay's leg
08:37and while locking it, he grabbed the hand in which his hockey stick was.
08:42Vinay tried a lot to free himself.
08:45Seeing this style of Vinay, Naksh enjoyed it a lot.
08:48And Naksh immediately pushed him forward.
08:52Vinay felt a sharp force.
08:54Because Naksh had locked Vinay's leg
08:56and on top of that, that force was of the front,
08:59so Vinay's balance was disturbed
09:01and while struggling, he fell to the ground.
09:04Seeing this scene, some people present there were left in a surprise.
09:08And some people's breaths went up and down.
09:11Because not only did Naksh dodge Vinay's attack,
09:14but he also fell down while trapping him in his move.
09:17And because of this, his hockey stick was also released from his hand.
09:21This Naksh is a useless son-in-law, right?
09:24How did he get so much strength in him?
09:26This question was popping up in everyone's mind.
09:31Seeing Naksh's move, Vinay was also completely shocked.
09:35Before this, Vinay had not received such an evaluation from anyone.
09:39Pratibha was also completely surprised.
09:42At the camping event, everyone knew that Vinay's ability is amazing.
09:46Especially when he has a weapon in his hand.
09:50But what happened here?
09:51Vinay's speed was great,
09:53but was his mind in his knees?
09:56He tried to trap Naksh with his move,
09:58but he didn't know that Naksh can easily play his own move.
10:04Usually, a good player locks his enemy in the first move
10:08and after that, the enemy cannot play any other move.
10:12As soon as Naksh played his move,
10:14he made Vinay fall down.
10:17Vinay sir,
10:18because you are our teacher,
10:20I give you a chance to play the first three moves.
10:23Saying this, Naksh put his both hands back
10:26and started looking at Vinay as if he is his master.
10:30Teacher, kill him quickly.
10:33This useless son-in-law has become too arrogant.
10:36Alankar Bhalla shouted in the crowd.
10:39Vinay sir, don't let this scoundrel go today.
10:42He should also know what happens when you put your hand in the lion's mouth.
10:47Where was Vipul Bansal going to back off?
10:49He also supported Alankar.
10:52At this time, Vinay's face had turned completely yellow.
10:55According to him, a novice student had defeated him in the first move.
11:01Naksh did what he couldn't do well.
11:04Thinking about this, he felt even more ashamed.
11:08Immediately, Vinay picked up a knife in both his hands
11:11and got ready to attack Naksh again.
11:15When Naksh said that he gives Vinay a chance to play the first three moves,
11:19wouldn't this affect Vinay's identity?
11:22Wouldn't this ruin Vinay's and his master's reputation?
11:26Of course it would.
11:27This is the reason why Vinay was getting even more angry at Naksh.
11:32But suddenly, Vinay saw a strange glow in his eyes.
11:36It felt as if Vinay had decided how he could bring Naksh on his knees.
11:42With this, Vinay took a deep breath.
11:45Before anyone could see, Vinay quickly stood in front of Naksh.
11:51And using both his hands fully, he attacked Naksh's chest with a knife.
11:57Seeing Vinay's style, Anika and Miss Julie were both shocked.
12:02No one believed that Naksh would be able to escape that attack.
12:06Because the weapon in that attack was powerful,
12:08the speed was also dangerous,
12:10and the power was also unparalleled.
12:13Everyone thought that Naksh's game was over
12:16and now blood was going to flow from Naksh's body.
12:20In a true sense, Vinay's attack had surprised Naksh as well.
12:26However what?
12:27What must have happened?
12:29Did Vinay's attack kill Naksh?
12:32Or did Naksh dodge this attack as well?
12:35Can Naksh face such speed and power?
12:39Did Naksh really lose this time?
12:42If this happens, then that knife will pierce Naksh's chest.
12:46What will happen after that?
12:48Will Naksh have to go into a coma again?
12:50Or will the game be reversed?
12:53Can Naksh put pressure on Vinay?
12:56If this happens, then what will be left of Vinay's honor?
13:00First of all, how is this possible?
13:02Who won?
13:03Who lost?
13:05To find out, listen to Insta Empire only on Pocket FM.