insta empire episode 218

  • 2 months ago


00:00Interesting, Bharat Munjal's eyes suddenly sparkled.
00:06So much power and technique at such a young age to defeat Vinay.
00:11Sir, you don't worry at all.
00:14From now on, leave this matter to me.
00:18said Pratibha.
00:20Although Pratibha's level was just a step below Bharat Munjal's level,
00:24but since Munjal was his senior, how could she not respect him?
00:29There is no need for that.
00:31Vinay did not respect his master,
00:33so his three-month salary will be deducted.
00:36He will have to run 10,000 meters every day
00:39and will also have to give a two-month solitary confinement.
00:43After saying this, Mr. Munjal looked at Vinay
00:46and said in a stern manner,
00:48Do you have any objection?
00:50I have no objection.
00:54Where was Vinay so capable that he could refute Bharat Munjal's words?
00:59He had no choice but to accept the punishment,
01:03grinding his teeth.
01:05And you, Naksh, come with me.
01:09After giving his explanation, Bharat Munjal turned back
01:13and his steps were moving towards the main building of the camping event.
01:18Suddenly Anika became worried about Naksh
01:21and said in a low voice,
01:23You don't have to worry.
01:26I am going to talk to sir.
01:28Naksh touched his forehead and said,
01:31You go to your class and wait for me in the parking lot after the classes are over.
01:36We will go shopping.
01:39Anika nodded her head obediently.
01:41Pratibha, who seemed to be in a lot of tension,
01:44also left with Naksh.
01:46A good show ended
01:48and all the children moved towards their classes.
01:52Bharat Munjal's office was on the 7th floor.
01:55When Naksh and Pratibha reached there,
01:57Munjal was comfortably eating an apple sitting on his chair.
02:01Miss Pratibha, you can go.
02:03If anything happens, I will inform you.
02:06Munjal started talking.
02:08Vice Principal,
02:10Pratibha was very anxious to make Naksh understand.
02:14What is the matter?
02:15Are you afraid that I will bully your student?
02:18Munjal sir teased Pratibha and said,
02:21No sir, there is no such thing.
02:23Without any hesitation,
02:25Pratibha looked at Naksh in a deep way
02:28and then left the cabin.
02:30On the way, she closed the door of the cabin properly.
02:34As soon as Pratibha left,
02:36there was peace in the whole room.
02:38Naksh, who was constantly looking at Bharat Munjal,
02:41suddenly realized that there is nothing special about Munjal.
02:45Although Naksh had no idea about Munjal's power,
02:49but at this time Munjal was looking like an ordinary old man.
02:53He did not see anything special in Bharat Munjal.
02:57Although Naksh understood very well that
03:00Bharat Munjal's power is like his godfather.
03:03Even though Munjal is not trying to show anything,
03:07but the powerful aura emanating from his body
03:10was completely capable of telling everything.
03:13People like Bharat Munjal and Naksh's godfather are very terrifying
03:18because we have no idea about their inner strength and techniques
03:22and they do not even show off.
03:24Naksh, a member of the Bhanushali family of Mumbai city,
03:28who had come to Surat a few years ago,
03:30Why did he come?
03:32Because he committed some fraud with the family funds
03:35and because of this, the family showed him the way out.
03:39After coming here, he became the son-in-law of the Zaveri family.
03:42This story is yours, isn't it?
03:45In a low voice, Bharat Munjal said,
03:47This is the story that people know.
03:50Did you personally tell this story to tease me?
03:53At this time, Naksh's expressions were very serious.
03:56He did not know that Bharat Munjal would suddenly bring all these things out.
04:00The first day when you came to this camping event,
04:03Miss Pratibha must have told you
04:05that we check the family background and social background of all the students.
04:09After saying this, Bharat Munjal paused.
04:12After picking up a book from the table,
04:14he started walking towards Naksh.
04:16Giving the book to Naksh, he said,
04:18But recently I have investigated some interesting things.
04:22They are all about you.
04:24Hearing this, Naksh was shocked.
04:26Immediately he opened the book and looked at himself.
04:30You will not believe, Naksh was stunned.
04:34Within three months, you have become a son-in-law from a useless son-in-law in a mysterious way.
04:40There is no shortage of money now.
04:42In fact, you can even take out millions of gold at one time.
04:46You have to deal with many more famous people like Kartik Patel and Himanisha.
04:52Not only that, you have also gone to jail.
04:54And you also have connections with the Halal gang and the Shekhawat family.
04:58While walking behind Naksh, Bharat Munjal said,
05:01Some time ago, you also helped the victims of the floods in Madhya Pradesh.
05:05In one blow, you took out crores of rupees.
05:09In return, you also got a reward from the camping event.
05:12And you will not believe, but that day I was also on the 13th floor.
05:17As soon as Bharat Munjal said this word, Naksh's eyes grew bigger.
05:22Naksh knows that there were a lot of camping event experts in the library that day.
05:27But he did not expect that Bharat Munjal would also be among those experts.
05:31That day you chose the heart pill technique.
05:34That technique is not so special.
05:36You did not even have a shortage of time.
05:38There were so many techniques on the 13th floor that you could have chosen.
05:43But why heart pill?
05:45I did not understand this.
05:47Although while saying this, Bharat Munjal's tone was very calm.
05:50But the aura coming out of his body was clearly indicating
05:55that he is confused and angry.
05:58Sir, whatever you have to say, please say it clearly.
06:01You do not have to change the topic.
06:04Although this word came out of Naksh's mouth, but he was panicking inside.
06:09He was afraid that Bharat Munjal might find out about his relationship with the Halal Gang and the Shekhawat family.
06:16Don't worry. I am just saying casually.
06:19But don't you think there is truth in what I am saying?
06:23There is an unknown purpose for you to come to this camping event.
06:26Of course, you are still behind in terms of strength.
06:29But you are not that much of a raw player.
06:32And a lot can attract you here.
06:35By the way, apart from the Brahmaastra pill, nothing else is coming to my mind.
06:39While saying this, a cunning smile was dancing on Bharat Munjal's face.
06:44That is why you came to this camping event.
06:46And you have always been in favor of the Brahmaastra pill.
06:49You tried a lot to find that pill and its cultivation method.
06:53But you did not find it.
06:55That day, even in the library, your eyes were looking for the Brahmaastra pill.
07:00But when the time was running out, you picked up whatever pill technique you found.
07:05So that no one doubts you.
07:08What is the matter? Bharat Munjal's arrow had hit the target.
07:13Smiling, Bharat Munjal said,
07:16Tell me, son, who is your master?
07:19For whom do you work?
07:21Halal gang or Shikhawat family?
07:24You and your talks are really very funny.
07:29Naksh smiled and said,
07:31Oh, is that so?
07:33But I don't find anything funny.
07:36Continuing his words, Bharat Munjal said,
07:39A few days ago, I met Radhika Madan.
07:42She was telling that she wants to include you as a special student in her Indian Alchemy Organization, IAO.
07:50Sir, can I leave from here?
07:52Naksh seemed to be in a hurry.
07:54As if whatever Bharat Munjal is saying has nothing to do with it.
07:59Not at all.
08:00For the past 50 years, the Indian Alchemy Organization, IAO, has been working.
08:06Their geniuses come out of here.
08:09And at such a young age, your skills are so good that you are getting a chance to go there.
08:14And you are rejecting it.
08:16I won't let you go from here so easily.
08:19While saying this, Bharat Munjal's expressions and his tone were absolutely normal.
08:23Okay, you go to your class.
08:25When Dean Sir will come, I will call you again.
08:28As soon as Bharat Munjal said this word, Naksh said,
08:34Is Dean Sir not in the camping event yet?
08:36It seems as if you are more interested in Dean Sir.
08:40With a deep look, Munjal saw Naksh.
08:43However, he did not get a single clue from Naksh.
08:46Everyone knows how expert Dean Sir is.
08:49His physical strength and his mental ability is also very terrifying.
08:53If I get a chance to meet him, then this is a good thing for me.
08:57Naksh replied with a smile,
09:01Okay, you go back to your class.
09:03Dean Sir has gone out for some work.
09:05It will take him at least a month to return.
09:08With both his hands behind him, Bharat Munjal stepped towards the window.
09:13As soon as Naksh closed the door of the cabin,
09:16a meaningful smile appeared on Bharat Munjal's face.
09:20Godfather, Godfather, you have chosen such a good disciple.
09:25I wish I could have met your disciple earlier.
09:28Extraordinary kid!
09:30Bharat Munjal thought to himself while smiling.
09:33Just as Naksh came out of the cabin,
09:36his steps moved towards the lift.
09:39He wanted to get out of this building as soon as possible.
09:42However, as soon as he got out of the cabin,
09:44he breathed a sigh of relief.
09:46But his clothes were filled with sweat.
09:49Oh God! This is increasing.
09:52It is increasing.
09:54Naksh felt that his heartbeat had become very fast.
09:58After coming to his class, Naksh completely ignored everyone
10:02and went to his seat and started using his phone.
10:05Pratibha Madam had got her pills today itself.
10:08That's why she couldn't be harsh with Naksh at all.
10:11The lesson ended early.
10:13After the classes were over,
10:15Naksh stepped straight towards the parking lot
10:17where Anika was already waiting for him for the last 5 minutes.
10:21What happened? Why do you look so anxious?
10:24Naksh asked in a gentle manner.
10:27Vice Principal Sir didn't create any problems for you, right?
10:31Anika asked in a worried manner.
10:33Not at all. That old man gave me good knowledge.
10:37Why would he create problems?
10:39Naksh smiled and said,
10:41Let's sit in the car and go to the market
10:43and see what we can buy.
10:45Anika immediately shook her head
10:47and followed Naksh's instructions.
10:49After about an hour, Naksh and Anika
10:51reached the market near the villa.
10:54Naksh wanted to buy some vegetables
10:56as he didn't have much money.
10:58But Naksh used his bargaining technique
11:00and bought all the vegetables at the lowest price.
11:04I didn't know that your bargaining technique
11:07is so amazing.
11:09Anika, who was sitting in the car,
11:11curiously asked Naksh,
11:13No problem, now you know.
11:15It's not from now, it's from a long time ago.
11:18I have a good experience of buying vegetables.
11:21I know how to deal with these aunts very well.
11:24That was my job.
11:26Saying this, Naksh's emotions
11:28started to rise.
11:30As soon as Anika heard this,
11:32her eyes suddenly disappeared.
11:34Her heart became heavy
11:36and she felt guilty for Naksh.
11:38Abhi, I am really very sorry.
11:40Whatever happened in the past
11:42was my fault.
11:44I couldn't take good care of you.
11:46No problem, my wife.
11:48The past is gone now.
11:50You too forget it.
11:52We should remember that
11:54our present and our future
11:56are the most important.
11:58We should think about today and tomorrow.
12:00Today, I found you very anxious.
12:02That's why I thought
12:04that you should see my amazing art.
12:06It's not easy to bargain with these aunts.
12:08It's a headache.
12:10Sometimes, these aunts
12:12even make faces and run away.
12:14I just wanted to show you
12:16that your husband is perfect in everything.
12:18Naksh tried to make the environment
12:20more lively.
12:22Abhi, Anika didn't
12:24care that Naksh was driving.
12:26As soon as he went ahead,
12:28he hugged Naksh
12:30and kissed her on the face.
12:32Is Anika's kiss going to work?
12:34Will we get to see
12:36love between Naksh and Anika today?
12:40Has Naksh's plot
12:42been exposed in front of Bharat Munjal?
12:44By the way, does everyone
12:46know Naksh well?
12:48Who is Naksh's godfather?
12:50And why did he make Naksh his disciple?
12:52What's the story behind this?
12:54When will Naksh know
12:56that his grandfather
12:58has left this world?
13:00Will Naksh go to Bhanushali family?
13:02What will happen after going there?
13:04Will Rashika
13:06be able to fulfill her promise?
13:08To know more, listen to
13:10Insta Empire, only on Pocket FM.