Pecado original Emitido en TV (30-07-24)

  • 2 months ago


00:00It is incredible, the truth is that I could not believe it, I had only gone to do the
00:17checkup that I do every year, but the news surprised me completely and how old are you
00:25I only know that it was positive in the blood test, now I have to go to my gynecologist
00:30if you want, let's go right now, no heaven, this is a pregnancy, it is not a disease before I have to
00:37assume it, I have not yet overcome the shock, so to speak, but you are fine, yes, very well, although
00:44I am quite surprised, I did not expect such a thing, how are you, I am also very surprised,
00:51I did not expect it either,
00:54let's not talk about this with anyone for now, okay, no one should find out, of course, as you
01:00want, it is better that it is not known, first I will go to see the doctor and clarify my ideas, do not worry,
01:08everything will be fine, so I hope so, if you want, I will accompany you to see the gynecologist or
01:15maybe you prefer to go alone, whatever you want, let me think about it, I have to assimilate it, I need calm to
01:23know what to do, and if Ender does not tell him, how is he not going to do it, he will believe that a
01:32miracle has taken place when he sees that he was pregnant during the treatment, he will have time to tell
01:36him, but of course, when it turns out that you see or nothing, bye bye Ender, God hears you, but there is also another
01:42question, now what happens, I was following with rubles, he behaves in a very suspicious way,
01:50first he tried to hide the vehicle and then he entered the floristry, something he should have done there, that
01:58gives me the same, I am not for the fantasies of cumru, I have enough problems with Ender and
02:02Dogan to take care of it, although I do not quite understand why you are following
02:07cumru, it is that he is causing me problems with Janer, Janer hides things from me and that annoys me a lot,
02:12heaven, it has been a long time since Janer has passed from us, we are very friends, we were very friends, I don't know how much
02:19he will want us now, he has become a super friend of cumru, he has already forgotten us, he has stabbed me in the
02:23back, I think he has stabbed us both, he would not know how to tell you,
02:27daughter, are you still angry? Do you think I'm exaggerating? No, I'm not saying that you are exaggerating, I apologize,
02:41mother, daughter, you can't be angry like that. Look, I don't know if I should be angry for being so
02:46bad in front of that guy or for the situation in which you have put me. Daughter, what about your position?
02:51And you ask me, mom, not that I was the one who is here at home looking for a husband. If that is
02:56what worries you, I could give a whole speech about the number of men who pretend to be
03:00mom, I am about to cry and you get to joke about it, there are no reasons to cry, there is no
03:07literally my mother has married me in secret, my sister wanted a false commitment and then a
03:12false wedding and I must agree to marry I must agree to be a puppet in your hands, darling,
03:19you have already calmed down, you think you are still angry, tell him something, Gildis, maybe mom has made a
03:25mistake, but we are your family, do not give it so much importance, I am tired of you always
03:29insisting on normalizing everything, what has happened no longer has a remedy, do not think about it more, heaven, I have also
03:34apologized to Engin and he has accepted them, he has accepted them because he is a good man and now
03:40we must take care of Jaddan, no, I do not think Engin will tell Jaddan the truth, I have reached the
03:45limit of my patience, I can't stand this anymore, listen, if you had only had to play the
03:51role of engaged, maybe you would not have needed to get married, I came up with the idea that the
03:55false marriage would give you more credibility, you are blaming me, you are aware that I have
04:01reached the extreme of getting married to help you, I am not blaming you, but you have not made an effort,
04:05I have not made an effort, I am going to teach you what an effort is, shut up between sisters, you should not have
04:10these fights, say that to her, no, calm down, thank you, look at what she said, Gildis, that's enough,
04:15what am I going to say? Actually, it's mom's fault, she was the one who married you, I didn't know anything,
04:20Gildis, she got angry because you said she didn't make enough effort, now don't come to me with those,
04:24you really have me fed up with both of you, I need to lose sight of you, where are you going? To get some air,
04:29have you seen her? Yes, it was your fault, mom, what are you saying? You forced her to get married,
04:35she's not stupid, don't you realize? And what does that have to do with it? You can know why you say it,
04:39because she still has a brain, she hasn't become an idiot like us,
04:46good morning, I'm Ender Gildirim, I have an appointment with Dr. Denise, I'll check it right away,
04:57thank you,
05:03Emir, I was about to call you, Gildis, Ender has come to the hospital, he is going to discover the cake, calm down,
05:10we have nothing to worry about, because at this point he will have already told Logan and now
05:14he will have the same thing that happened to Gilal when he says that he is a misunderstanding, he is well used,
05:19listen to Emir, no one sees you there, be very careful, calm down, I will pass unnoticed, very well, goodbye,
05:29Ender, you will find out, heaven,
05:36the truth is that before starting the treatment, I did not imagine that this would happen, I am very surprised,
05:43you already see it, sometimes the pregnancy does not occur due to high levels of stress, when
05:48couples calm down about having it or not, stress disappears and the pregnancy occurs
05:53naturally, it is like a miracle, something like that,
05:57something is wrong, a moment, what happens? I don't see the bag, the bag, I don't see it,
06:20that means that there is no baby and the results that wait, I'm going to see
06:29the saint, tell Lara, bring me the results of Mrs. Ender,
06:37it, something happens, because in her blood test, the beta hcg, that is, the pregnancy hormone,
06:50appears with very high levels, very high for the first two weeks, like a twin pregnancy,
06:58it is impossible that it does not appear in the ultrasound, so the results are incorrect,
07:04that's true, that's true, but it's very strange, something like that had never happened to us, I can't believe it, we'll repeat
07:11the tests, they have manipulated the results, excuse me, doctor, I can see the recordings of
07:18the security cameras in the last few days, someone has manipulated this on purpose,
07:23I'm sure of everything, I don't know what to say, I'm very embarrassed, besides very angry,
07:31because you feel it, it's not your fault, how am I not going to feel it if it's my fault, I had to deny this
07:36from the beginning, I did it so as not to disgust Gildis, but look at the result, I understand you, but I
07:42have already accepted it, I have discussed with my mother and with Gildis, I do not want to see them again, do not do that, woman,
07:49what did you want me to do, to give them a hug and congratulate them, I know that Gildis was not aware of
07:54the events, but wait, for the love of God, I beg you, I know your mother and your sister,
08:00believe me, they are good people, they will be good people, but of course they show it in a very
08:05strange way, in short, I have not come to complain about them, but to apologize, you do not need to apologize,
08:12do not worry, we will file a divorce suit and since it is a mutual agreement, it will not take long
08:18to be resolved, thank you for being so understanding, you do not have to give them to me, come on, let's sit down a
08:25little, well, and what are you going to do, go back to the United States? Well, I would like to do it, but I cannot
08:41buy the ticket because my family is under suspicion. There is an investigation underway, right?
08:45And although they do not have any proof, they will take their time to write reports. That seems,
08:51but now I have my hands tied, I do not know what to do, I suppose I will settle in a hotel or something like that.
08:56In a hotel? Why there? Because I don't want to go back yet, I want them to know that I'm angry and
09:02to reflect a little. If I go back immediately, they will think that I take this lightly and of course it is not like that.
09:10You can stay here if you want. How? The house is very large and there are many rooms,
09:17in addition, so you will free me from Hadan. Well, I don't know what to tell you, Engin, do you think it would be correct? Why not?
09:26After all, everyone knows that we are married. Yes, that's true.
09:34Yes, yes, I'm sorry to laugh, but ... No, don't apologize. We will talk and you will be able to clarify the ideas a little.
09:45I will also feel good because Hadan does nothing but talk nonsense and ...
09:52It's okay, I'll stay.
09:56I think a change will not come to me badly and it will help my mother and my sister to reflect a little.
10:03Well, great, great.
10:10Come on.
10:14What's going on?
10:15You can't imagine what happened. Is it about the baby? I'm afraid so, but I'm really not going to bother you or explain it to you.
10:22I want you to come and see for yourself, please. Okay, come on.
10:36Hello again, this is my husband. Welcome, come in. Good morning, how are you? Well, thank you.
10:42Could you put the images back on? Well, of course.
10:50Yes, stop it there.
10:55What is this? Emir, Yildiz's right hand. And what?
11:03Excuse me, could you leave us alone for a couple of minutes? Sure. Thank you.
11:13Dogan, Yildiz has conspired against me. Conspired?
11:18Somehow she found out that I was coming to do some analysis here and then she sent Emir to change the results.
11:24That way she made me believe that she was cheap and she would be like a liar when she told you so that we would break.
11:32Come on, it can't be. What more evidence do you need, my dear?
11:36The doctor just examined me. There was no baby. They manipulated the results. Emir must have done it. What came if not?
11:44How could they be so bastards?
11:46I think they wanted to leave me as a liar, something similar to what happened to Gilal.
11:52Look, do you realize now how bad a person Yildiz is?
11:56Ender, the truth is that I don't know what to think.
11:59Listen, honey, you're determined to protect her because she's your daughter's mother, but look how twisted she is.
12:05I promise you that I wouldn't even think of doing something like that in 40 years.
12:09This time you have given up.
12:12Well, yes. I would give Yildiz what she deserves, don't think I wouldn't like it, but I don't want to lower myself to her level.
12:19You have to be the one who speaks clearly to her so that she stops messing with us.
12:23I am also a woman and a mother and it is intolerable that she plays with my feelings.
12:28It's true, you're right. I'm very sorry.
12:31I'm sorry too and I don't have to keep putting up with this, Dogan. Heaven and forgive me.
12:43What was that? Has Tarzan come?
12:45And that guy, what does he want now?
12:47It's the spirit of Hasan Ali. Please, mom, drive him away. It must be Dogan and he wants to talk to me alone.
12:54Yildiz, we have to talk.
12:59Is something wrong, Dogan?
13:02What kind of person are you? Tell me.
13:03What am I like? I'm blonde, with green eyes, satin skin, it's not the first time they've asked me.
13:08Don't frivolize.
13:09What's wrong?
13:10How did you do that to my wife?
13:12Your wife?
13:13That's what I said. Do you know how Ender is right now?
13:16Well, he must be very sad because his plan has failed.
13:18What plan are you talking about?
13:20I don't know how you can be so cruel as to play with a woman's motherhood.
13:24Yes, Ender's famous motherhood.
13:26I'm going to tell you something.
13:28Ender was going to get a secret in vitro fertilization treatment.
13:31He must be sad because his plan has failed.
13:34Yes, instead of believing everything Ender tells you, believe me.
13:39Listen to me, I warn you. Leave us alone.
13:42Otherwise, those who work for you will pay dearly.
13:45Emir, for example.
13:47That's what you think? Ender is an angel who never tells a lie.
13:50And I'm the bad one, right?
13:54Listen, we're married.
13:56We are happy and we love each other very much, okay?
13:59Okay, Romeo. Greetings to Juliet.
14:01Look, stop being jealous of us and live your life.
14:05Do you think I'm jealous of you?
14:07I already live my life. I even have a boyfriend.
14:09And what else?
14:10Well, yes, it's true.
14:11I don't believe it.
14:12You yourself.
14:14And I'm going to tell you something else.
14:16Better manage your own jealousy instead of telling me these nonsense.
14:20I don't know a person as lying as you.
14:23Why would I believe you?
14:25Besides, I don't care if you have a boyfriend or not.
14:28As I said, I'm married and I'm happy, okay?
14:31Okay, very good.
14:32It has become very clear to me.
14:33I wish you to be happy in your marriage.
14:35Anything else?
14:36If you have understood what I have said, okay.
14:40Leave us alone.
14:41Just that.
14:45I'm not going to get angry.
14:55Thank you.
14:56Would you like something to drink?
14:58No, thank you.
15:06What are you doing here?
15:10I don't understand you.
15:11Weren't you going back to the United States?
15:13No, I wasn't going back. Who says so?
15:15Ender said you were leaving.
15:18No, he was wrong, as always.
15:24So you stay.
15:25I stay.
15:26I see that you too.
15:27Because this is my brother's house.
15:29Don't tell me.
15:31Are you our guest then?
15:40I'm already on top of the world.
15:43If you want, we can go out to the terrace to get some fresh air.
15:47I think that's what I need.
15:49I'm going to look for something to wear.
15:51I'll bring it to you.
15:52Thank you, darling.
15:59That idiot Gildez.
16:02Zeynep hasn't left.
16:03She's here.
16:04Oh, Hadani.
16:05What do you want me to do?
16:07Zeynep and Engin's thing has left me stunned.
16:10What do you mean stunned?
16:11You made me a promise.
16:13I kept my promise.
16:14I did what was in my hand.
16:16What else did you want me to do?
16:18The girl hasn't left.
16:19She's settled in this house.
16:21I don't care.
16:22I don't care.
16:23I don't care.
16:24I don't care.
16:25I don't care.
16:26I don't care.
16:27I don't care.
16:28I don't care.
16:29I don't care.
16:30Zeynep and Engin's thing has settled in this house, Ender.
16:32What if Gildez and Dogan make up?
16:35That's impossible, my dear.
16:39We weren't even fighting about that.
16:41Dogen falling in love with me changed everything.
16:43Now you can do whatever you want.
16:46Bye bye, my dear.
16:51Why's she so uptight?
16:55Damn it.
16:56I'm going to have to talk to Zeynep.
17:00Don't you want to sit down?
17:02Oh, no, I'd rather get some fresh air.
17:05Here, don't catch a cold.
17:06Thank you very much.
17:08Oh, if he opens everything, it's already cold.
17:11Mom! Romeo and Juliet are on their balcony.
17:16Oh, he threw a stone at them.
17:18That's not enough, mom. We have to install a catapult.
17:21What's that, daughter? What do you mean? Are you planning something?
17:24Well, look, I don't know, I'm pretty stressed out.
17:28Oh, as soon as they've seen us, they've left.
17:31We can't be calm on the balcony.
17:33Don't let them bother you.
17:35Oh, no, no, no, no.
17:37Ender, I'm so sorry.
17:42Look, pretend you didn't hear me. Who are you trying to fool?
17:45You realize how it is, don't you?
17:47You don't get in the way, please.
17:49Not at all. And much less today.
17:52Gildis, mind your own business.
17:55Come here.
17:58If she stretches out her arms, it'll look like the Titanic scene.
18:03Mom, when something is authentic, there's no need to prove it, right?
18:07Gildis, dear, the more people lie, the more they need to justify themselves.
18:11A man has come into my life so good that it's as if your prayers had had an answer.
18:16It's a shame we had to waste so much time, Gildis.
18:20Gildis, we can't be calm, not even on our balcony.
18:24Let's go inside.
18:25Yes, please. I have a lot of class. I won't answer.
18:31There you go again.
18:33Gildis, it's very strange that she's not answering.
18:36I think she's trying to hurt Dogan.
18:38What hurts her? She's the one who gets in the way.
18:41You said you'd found a boyfriend. Is there something I don't know?
18:44Shh, shut up. They could hear us.
18:46I was nervous, that's why I said that, but I'll find someone.
18:49What are we going to do?
18:50I'll find someone, Mom. I'm pretty, aren't I?
18:58Hello, Mrs. Erdal.
18:59Good morning, Doctor. Esgi has broken a sales record.
19:05Congratulations, Esgi.
19:07Mrs. Erdal, I told you I'd do it very well.
19:09Thank you very much.
19:11Mrs. Erdal, I've been here alone for many hours.
19:14If you don't mind, I'd like to get some fresh air.
19:17Sure, sure, I'll stay.
19:18Thank you very much.
19:20You're so understanding, Mrs. Erdal.
19:24We won't be long.
19:34Are you okay?
19:37I'm glad you're okay, too.
19:40I wish I had come earlier, but there was a lot of trouble at the hospital.
19:44Of course, I haven't stopped either. I've been very busy.
19:48It's obvious.
19:52By the way, your brother called me and invited me to dinner tonight.
19:56He told me he'd call you. He likes you a lot.
19:59He likes me, too. He's a cool guy.
20:02Yes, he is.
20:05I was wondering if you'd like to come with us tonight.
20:09Well, I'll be delighted to have dinner with you tonight.
20:13But first I have to go home and get rid of the pollen. It won't give me an allergy.
20:18We'll wait for you if you want.
20:19No, you don't have to wait for me. I'll go.
20:23So, see you later there.
20:25See you later there.
20:43And this?
20:46Oh, Togan, did you send them? You're a sweetheart.
20:50No, I didn't.
20:53Then whose are they?
20:55I don't know. Is there a card or something?
21:01When I saw the house adorned with flowers, I thought it was you.
21:06There doesn't seem to be any card.
21:09I see you have a secret admirer.
21:13Dear Lord.
21:18I'm leaving.
21:20Where to, dear?
21:21To have dinner with Janer.
21:23Have fun.
21:25Kumru, do you know anything about these flowers?
21:27Yes, I sent them home.
21:29All of them?
21:30The living room was very sad. I wanted to give it some color.
21:34Kumru, have fun, dear.
21:36Thank you very much.
21:39Anyway, dinner is ready. Let's go.
21:48Sure, sure. It's very hard. After all, you save lives. You're a doctor.
21:54Hi, guys.
21:57I'm not late, am I?
21:59Little brother.
22:01How are you?
22:03Thank you very much.
22:09Boss, the meat is ready.
22:11Guys, tell me, what were you talking about in my absence?
22:15We talked.
22:17I found out how much your brother loves you.
22:19Is it true, my dear little brother?
22:22Kumru is my favorite.
22:26Come on, brother. You've made a mistake again.
22:29Oh, Lord. I've mentioned his name again, haven't I? I've broken my promise.
22:35Who is Kumru?
22:38You shouted that name on the first night you showed up.
22:40Wow, what a memory the doctor has.
22:43Well, let's see. Kumru is an ex-girlfriend of mine.
22:47The only love I've had.
22:49It's hard for him to forget.
22:51That's obvious. You keep mentioning his name. Why did you break your promise?
22:55He was unfaithful.
22:57Yes, to his best friend.
23:01I'm so sorry, Yaner.
23:03Thank you, friend. Thank you. It was very hard.
23:05And how did you find out?
23:07Because I found out and I told him.
23:09Yes, yes. Esgi is very smart and he can tell those things.
23:14I can tell, Selim.
23:16If a man betrays me or lies to me, I'll tell him.
23:23I told him, but he didn't listen to his sister.
23:27He didn't listen. That's how the heart is.
23:29Things happen. Sometimes loving someone a lot cloud our reason.
23:33But he had to listen to his sister, didn't he?
23:37I'm sorry, Yaner. Cheer up, man.
23:39Try not to think about it too much.
23:41It's clear that he didn't deserve you.
23:43No, no. I've already forgotten him.
23:45It's just that I don't get rid of the habit of pronouncing his name.
24:03What's going on?
24:04My leg. You hit my leg.
24:07Oh, I'm so sorry. I have restless leg syndrome.
24:10And all of a sudden, they shoot at me. It's a tick.
24:13Yeah, well, it's okay. I'll be right back.
24:24What are you doing?
24:25What am I doing? I've been wanting to hit you.
24:27Why did you want to hit me?
24:28Because you were looking at the phone shamelessly.
24:30I just wanted to warn you to stop doing it.
24:32Come on.
24:34I'm having dinner with some friends.
24:37Yeah, that's it.
24:39Yeah, sure.
24:41I'll go home later.
24:43Do you mind if I call you later?
24:45I'm busy now.
24:47What? Have you seen his phone?
24:49At least tell me what you've seen.
24:51He was chatting with a woman.
24:52And what?
24:53Her name is Yanan.
24:56He asked her if she was available.
24:58Oh, my God.
24:59And maybe the next thing is that they get married.
25:01What did you want me to tell him?
25:02For God's sake, the boy is a doctor.
25:03He could take care of anything.
25:05Think about it.
25:06I'm trying to be careful.
25:08I don't want to have a liar and a womanizer in my life.
25:12Of course.
25:13That's why you interpret a lesbian who lives in a humble neighborhood,
25:15and I'm your brother, who has restless leg syndrome,
25:18and to whom they were unfaithful.
25:20Don't laugh. I'm tired.
25:21You say you don't want lies in your life,
25:22and you're telling them a lot.
25:24Shh. Stop it.
25:25Let's calm down a little.
25:26Don't get my attention.
25:27It's a restaurant.
25:28Yaner, think about it.
25:30It will be an experience to tell.
25:32I would prefer to have other experiences to tell.
25:34Precisely these.
25:35Don't bother me.
25:36Shut up, he's coming.
25:42Excuse me.
25:46Come on, eat, it's getting cold.
25:48Enjoy your meal.
25:59Mr. Dogan, did you want to see me?
26:00Go away.
26:01I want you to start following Gildis.
26:03Very well.
26:04He has said that there is someone in his life.
26:06I need to know if it's true or not.
26:08Don't worry, sir.
26:10But be very careful so that no one discovers you.
26:19What's your problem?
26:20How could you guess that I have a problem?
26:22Selim, I've known you for years.
26:25It's a matter of the heart, am I wrong?
26:27Wow, how smart.
26:30Go ahead, I'm listening.
26:33I told you about a girl, Esgi.
26:34Yes, the girl you attended.
26:37A nice, natural and authentic girl.
26:40She's very special.
26:41And I've met her brother.
26:43So you're getting closer.
26:45That's great.
26:46I'm very happy, really.
26:48I have a great time when we're together.
26:50And I know for sure that the feeling is mutual.
26:53So what's the problem?
26:55Actually, there isn't.
26:58Now we have a beautiful friendship that could evolve into something else.
27:04In serious relationships, it's always better to go slowly.
27:06I think so.
27:10However, something happens.
27:13There's a woman I've been seeing for two months.
27:18So you have a girlfriend.
27:20No, we're not a couple.
27:21There's no sentimental bond.
27:23We see each other every two weeks.
27:24She's not someone I call every day.
27:28Well, as far as I understand, the relationship doesn't go beyond the physical.
27:32That's right.
27:34We don't have any kind of commitment.
27:36She sent me a message while she was having dinner with Esgi and her brother.
27:41It made me feel uncomfortable.
27:43I had to get up and go outside to talk to her.
27:46You felt guilty.
27:48But Esgi and you are not a couple, so don't worry.
27:52You don't even know if Esgi has someone in his life or not.
27:55You haven't asked her?
27:58I don't think it's appropriate.
28:02Well, then her current situation is none of your business.
28:07Right now, you're just getting to know each other.
28:09You're not married either.
28:12I don't want to make anyone suffer.
28:14I don't know if I'm making myself clear.
28:15I understand.
28:17You'll know what's best and what's right.
28:22Come here and you'll find out.
28:24Come here!
28:25Come here!
28:26Come closer, guys.
28:27Watch out, I'm wearing white.
28:28Don't splash mud on me.
28:32Come here!
28:35Gildis, is it true that Mettet was following you?
28:37Don't tell me.
28:38But we've already taken care of him.
28:40You're such a pain in the ass.
28:43How dare you look for an idiot mannequin?
28:46Do you take me for a fool?
28:48You've squandered the mannequin, girl!
28:50It cost us a lot of money.
28:52Shut up and don't piss me off anymore.
28:54What would have happened if Duggan hadn't seen the mannequin?
28:56What would have happened?
28:57You'll find out, I swear to God.
29:02What if that happens?
29:03But look what it looks like.
29:06It's true.
29:07I followed them.
29:08There was a man inside who looked like a statue.
29:10What do you mean, a statue?
29:11I think there was a fight afterwards.
29:14I didn't see it well because another vehicle crossed me.
29:16They had inked windows.
29:18A fight?
29:19What kind of fight?
29:20I don't know.
29:21It was a fight.
29:22The strangest thing was when Gildis seemed to tear his arm off.
29:27What are you talking about?
29:29I know it sounds absurd, but...
29:31I lost sight of them later.
29:33You haven't slept in a long time.
29:35You work too much.
29:36Take a day off and go rest.
29:39You think so?
29:41But I swear I saw him.
29:44Tell Schmidt to take you.
29:46Yes, sir.
29:48Look, look, look!
29:51Let's see, honey.
29:52I'm going to get on the swing for a while.
29:54Let's ride on the swing a little bit.
29:57No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
29:59A little bit.
30:00I'm going to push you.
30:01What's wrong?
30:02Don't you like it?
30:03Do you want us to go?
30:04Okay, let's go.
30:06Well, let's go.
30:07That's it.
30:08Come on, let's go.
30:09Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
30:11I get in the car like this, shaking my hair with a lot of glamour.
30:14I have Dogan behind me looking at me.
30:15I wanted to make him jealous.
30:16And it turns out he was a damn mannequin.
30:18Hey, Yildiz, think about it.
30:20Dogan has become jealous of a very tough guy.
30:22You've taken it out of my mouth.
30:23I was going to say the same thing.
30:24Guys, really, don't make me angry anymore.
30:26Out of my sight.
30:27Take the damn mannequin.
30:31Now they're calling me.
30:33Dogan, shut up.
30:35Right, honey?
30:36Tell me.
30:37What's wrong?
30:38Everything is fine, calm down.
30:40Hey, is he crying?
30:41No, he's not crying.
30:42He's just in a bad mood.
30:44Where are you now?
30:45We're in the park in front of the house.
30:47I know what's wrong with him.
30:48He's hungry.
30:49Take him to the cafe next to the park.
30:51I'm going over there.
30:52Don't worry, we're on our way.
30:55He doesn't know how to take care of his daughter,
30:56nor do you know how to find a man.
30:58Anyway, Sarai, please take me to the park.
31:00You get in the car and do whatever you want with your plastic friend.
31:04Okay, okay.
31:05Come on.
31:06Don't bother me.
31:07I really hallucinate.
31:10What's wrong, honey?
31:11Let's see, honey.
31:13Do you want some water?
31:15What's going on, daughter?
31:16Why are you crying?
31:17What's wrong with you?
31:18I've tried everything, but it doesn't work.
31:21Is she sick or something?
31:22She had fruit.
31:23Did you give it to her?
31:24Have you eaten the fruit, honey?
31:25I tried, but...
31:27I didn't want to.
31:28Have you tried with pasta?
31:31Yes, pasta, honey.
31:32Do you see?
31:33That's what he wants.
31:34He loves pasta.
31:35Carbohydrates put him in a good mood,
31:36because they give him energy.
31:39Yes, yes, honey.
31:40Take some pasta, honey.
31:45So you wanted pasta,
31:46beautiful thing.
31:47Yes, he loves pasta.
31:48His grandmother used to give it to her.
31:50My daughter is so pretty.
31:51Don't worry, honey.
31:53Your father will buy you a pasta factory.
31:55Of course, honey.
31:57Because he likes it so much.
32:00Doganath is not a photo.
32:01With those things, she's very pretty.
32:05Come on, honey.
32:07Whenever you want.
32:08Peke, look at me.
32:09Look at me.
32:11Do you want me to take the photo?
32:13Yes, of course.
32:16Can you come a little closer?
32:18Of course.
32:23Look at the phone, daughter.
32:28Take it.
32:29Thank you very much.
32:30You are a beautiful family.
32:31We were not a beautiful family.
32:33Not anymore.
32:34My husband married my best friend.
32:36Very good.
32:37Thank you very much.
32:38Enjoy your meal.
32:39Good morning.
32:42Gildis, why did you say that?
32:43What's wrong?
32:44Don't you like to hear the truth?
32:46Why do you tell a man we don't know anything about, Gildis?
32:49I come here often.
32:50He is not a stranger.
32:51There has been a misunderstanding and I have corrected his mistake.
32:54Because we are not a family.
32:56Thanks to you.
32:58Come on, honey.
32:59Eat the pasta.
33:03Eat it, beautiful.
33:09Aysel, could you make me a coffee, please?
33:11Of course, I'll bring it now.
33:17Don't run away.
33:18Don't run away.
33:21No, it seemed that it was going to rain and I was going inside.
33:25Don't call me heaven.
33:26What's wrong with you?
33:27What's wrong with me?
33:28As if you didn't know.
33:30You have been by my side for years.
33:33I welcomed you in my house.
33:35You were like a brother to Yaner.
33:37And so you pay us how good we have been.
33:40You betrayed us on the first exchange.
33:42Ender, I wouldn't call it exactly betray.
33:45And how would you call it?
33:47Let's see, Ender.
33:48I was already a friend of Gildis.
33:50And I met you through her.
33:52Well, having met Gildis when you didn't have a home.
33:55Where, when and how you meet someone doesn't matter.
33:59You are ungrateful.
34:00And you have forgotten what I did for you.
34:03Listen, Gildis and you are fighting.
34:05And that has splashed Yaner and me.
34:07And that's very bad.
34:08Just like Yaner is with you.
34:10Well, I'm with Gildis.
34:11It seems to me the most logical.
34:13Well, it doesn't seem to me the most logical.
34:15Yaner is my brother.
34:16His place is with me.
34:18What's wrong?
34:19Are you related to Gildis?
34:20Well, we are like brothers.
34:22Well, if you were like brothers, you would have warned her.
34:25Here the only victim has been me.
34:27You should have convinced her not to mess with me.
34:30Ender, don't take it the wrong way.
34:32But you were the one who married Duogan.
34:34Don't answer me.
34:35From now on, you'd better be careful.
34:39Of course, of course. We'll do that.
34:41Shut up now.
34:52Damn, how annoying with ingratitude.
34:55Well, look, if you don't understand it, I'm sorry.
34:57You can't always be right.
34:59You're right.
35:02How was the date with your friend?
35:04What about you?
35:06Hey, why are you so rude?
35:08You're also asking such personal questions.
35:11Is it very strange that you want to know about the life of my daughter's mother?
35:15Very strange, and even stranger is that you order me to be followed.
35:18Yes, I found out about that.
35:20You've lied again, haven't you?
35:22You're not married to Ender.
35:24Leave me alone. I do what I want with my life.
35:26And what do you do with your life?
35:28Constantly chasing Ender? The pregnancy?
35:31What's wrong with me?
35:33Nothing's wrong with you. It's just with Ender.
35:35Are you sure?
35:36Duogan already started mocking me, saying that I was with Engin.
35:39Although I showed you the opposite, you believed her and then you married her.
35:43What did you want me to do? To congratulate you?
35:45Besides, my sister Seneb is married to Engin and they are happy.
35:50In this story, there is only one person harmed.
35:55Our daughter.
35:59And we're going to forget everything and become a family again.
36:03I'm sorry, but there's only one culprit here.
36:06And it's you.
36:08Come on, let's go. We'll eat more pasta at home, my love.
36:15I do everything for my daughter.
36:17Yes, I know. You would do anything for your daughter.
36:19I wish you had done something for me to avoid this.
36:21Anyway, it doesn't matter. Say goodbye to dad.
36:23He'll take you to the toys another day.
36:26Let's go, honey.
36:28It's impossible to go out with a pregnant girl.
36:45Aren't you ready?
36:47No, now I'm a little down, mom.
36:50What's wrong with you? Don't scare me.
36:53Don't be afraid.
36:55I had to miss Duggan's birthday and I'm distressed.
36:58It's true, but you have no choice.
37:00He's your daughter's father.
37:02You have to have him in your life.
37:04Sometimes it happens to me like that.
37:06I feel like I want to go far away from here.
37:08Don't say that. Together we will overcome the difficulties.
37:11You calm down.
37:12Do you really think so?
37:14But I also tell you one thing.
37:16Lately you've been very strange.
37:18I know. I guess I'm not well.
37:20I'll be pretending that I am.
37:22I can say it. I'm your mother and I love you.
37:24You have to say it.
37:26I'm very strong and I can do anything.
37:28Your methods are very strange.
37:30But you've nailed it, mom.
37:32I have to say that.
37:33Because tonight I do a live show.
37:35It would be a shame to be discouraged.
37:36My audience doesn't deserve it.
37:38That's it. Come on, get up.
37:40Come on.
37:41Let me look in the mirror and see how beautiful I am.
37:43Everything happens to me.
37:45Come on. I'll wait for you. Don't be late.
37:51What do I do now? I have no idea.
37:53Dogan, your situation is really difficult.
37:56I know.
37:58On one side is my daughter's mother.
38:02And on the other is someone I made a promise to.
38:06Stop fooling yourself.
38:08What? I don't understand.
38:09You have understood me very well.
38:12Dogan, who you love is Agildis.
38:15That's clear.
38:17We are very angry.
38:21A lot.
38:22That's fine.
38:26I don't think you heard me.
38:28Of course I heard you.
38:30You told me that when one is immersed in a situation,
38:33he totally loses perspective.
38:36Why does a couple fight?
38:38Because of the differences.
38:41But the situation between Agildis and me
38:44is much more than a mere difference.
38:47That means that you still have something to resolve.
38:49That you keep fighting proves it.
38:52Look, every time we are together,
38:55hell breaks loose.
38:56It is clear that you both want to fix it.
38:59Otherwise, there would be no fights or discussions.
39:03There is still hope.
39:05Think about it, Dogan.
39:12I'm here to see Dr. Selimat Yoglu. Is he here?
39:15The doctor doesn't have to come to the hospital today.
39:20I didn't know.
39:22Anyway, I'll call him. Thank you very much.
39:32It can't be.
39:34I have to talk to Agildis.
39:37When you are available,
39:39I want to talk to you.
39:47Not yet.
40:07Not yet.
40:37Agildis is calling you.
41:00Unatal Sgid is calling you.
41:04Thank you.
41:06I'll call her later.
41:12Who is Sgid?
41:14She's a friend.
41:17She's not your girlfriend?
41:19No, she's not.
41:21Because if I had a girlfriend,
41:23I wouldn't cheat on her.
41:26Excuse me?
41:27Because she's not your wife.
41:29She's just your girlfriend.
41:31Your wife?
41:32If she's just your girlfriend?
41:34I don't understand what problem you have with that.
41:36For me, it would be a problem.
41:38Because I'm not like that.
41:40So in that case, technically,
41:43I'm your girlfriend?
41:45I ask because you're not seeing anyone but me,
41:48as far as I know.
41:50Hadan, I don't want to hurt you.
41:52Hey, hey, it's not my intention to be your girlfriend.
41:55I was just playing with you.
41:57I assure you that this relationship is not serious for me.
42:00I'm glad to hear that.
42:02Well, I have to go.
42:05I also have things to do.
42:10We never know what the future holds for us.
42:13Maybe we'll stay together, you and me.
42:17Jemal, I think I'm falling in love with Selim.
42:21He's the kind of man I can maintain a relationship with.
42:25And he's young.
42:27I'm very happy for you.
42:29I admit it's something that excites me,
42:31but I have to find a way to bring him closer to me.
42:36We've only seen each other a couple of times in the last three months,
42:40but you've always been hiding from everyone else,
42:42keeping it a secret.
42:44I want to walk hand in hand with him,
42:47go to parties together, go on vacation.
42:50I understand.
42:51A relationship like that would be good for him.
42:54I want him to meet my family,
42:56introduce him to everyone.
42:58That's a great idea.
42:59Kumru would like that.
43:00But I don't want it to seem like I planned it.
43:03It should be spontaneous.
43:06Why don't you organize a party?
43:11I like that idea.
43:14I'll organize a New Year's party.
43:16I want it to be an elegant and fun night.
43:19A lot of people will come,
43:21and I'll invite him as a friend.
43:23If I do that, I'm sure he'll accept.
43:26It could be great.
43:28I'm sure.
43:29By the way, her name is Esgi.
43:32She says she's a friend,
43:34but she changes her face when she hears her name.
43:37I want you to find out who Esgi is.
43:39Okay. It could be someone from the hospital.
43:51Tell me, what was the result?
43:56I went to the hospital.
43:58I called him, but he didn't pick up.
44:01I took it as a signal.
44:03And I decided I wouldn't tell him.
44:05So you're going to keep lying?
44:08That's right.
44:10I've done everything I could,
44:12but the universe ruins everything.
44:14The universe?
44:15Now you're going to decrypt the stars?
44:17And when did the universe tell you to keep lying?
44:20Don't question me.
44:21Look at it this way.
44:22You go to the airport,
44:24and when you arrive, you don't have your passport.
44:27Would you go home for your passport and come back?
44:30Of course. Why not?
44:31And why yes?
44:32It would be too late.
44:33You'd miss the plane.
44:34I trust the signals, and I believe in them, Janer.
44:37And go ahead with the signals.
44:38Besides, I don't buy plane tickets as happily as you do.
44:41I don't live like that.
44:42Well, now land.
44:44Because I have a problem.
44:47What's wrong with him now?
44:49What's wrong with him?
44:50That he doesn't speak to me because he thinks I lied to him.
44:54Turns out he's my friend. He's like a brother.
44:56Very well, then fix it with another lie.
45:00Look, if I do that, I'll just make the snowball much bigger.
45:04I don't want to keep lying.
45:06We're distanced because of you. You fix it.
45:12But don't expect a signal from the universe.
45:14We don't have much time.
45:16I already told you it's okay.
45:18Hello. Are you free?
45:20Of course.
45:24I have a surprise for you.
45:26Don't tell me. What surprise?
45:28I was going to tell you when the time came.
45:31But I thought something important might come up.
45:35And I'm going to tell you now.
45:39This New Year, we're going to the Maldives.
45:42We can celebrate our honeymoon there.
45:45And take the opportunity to spend the New Year together.
45:51What's wrong?
45:52Don't worry. It's nothing.
45:54It's a great idea. I appreciate it.
45:57But I have too much work.
45:59What business do you have to do in the New Year?
46:01I'm not talking about New Year's Eve,
46:03but it's impossible for me to leave for five days.
46:09Then the three of us will go.
46:13I have too many fronts open now.
46:18Another time.
46:19Thank you for being so understanding.
46:21No problem.
46:23See you later.
46:46Tomorrow night I'm throwing a New Year's Eve party.
46:49My brother told me to tell you.
46:51I've already done it.
46:54But you don't have to come.
46:56I know you're an introverted girl, so don't worry.
46:59You can stay in your room while the party is going on.
47:04Do you want me to pretend to be Cinderella?
47:06Who is she? I don't know her.
47:09That shows that your parents educated you with horror stories.
47:14Let's eat now.
47:15Should I bring the food to your room?
47:18Don't bother. Thank you.
47:25I swore I'd be patient, but I don't know if I can hold out.
47:29Tomorrow night I'm throwing a New Year's Eve party.
47:32My family and a couple of friends will come.
47:34I'd like you to come.
47:46I'm sorry to answer your message so late.
47:49I won't be able to attend, but thank you for inviting me.
48:17Hello, good evening. I hope I'm not bothering you.
48:20No, I'm at the hospital. I was just leaving.
48:23Tell me.
48:24I'm disappointed to read your message.
48:27Why don't you come?
48:29Are you busy?
48:30No, I have nothing to do.
48:32I'm not going to meet any guests.
48:34Listen, it's important that you know that I only invite you as a friend.
48:38I don't want you to think anything strange.
48:40Listen, it's important that you know that I only invite you as a friend.
48:43I don't want you to think anything strange.
48:45After all, we're adults, not kids.
48:48A couple of medical friends are coming. I'd like to introduce you.
48:51Everything will develop in a friendly environment.
48:54You can leave if you're bored.
48:57Okay, I'll go. But I'll only stay an hour.
49:00Oh, that's great.
49:02I'll send you the location.
49:04See you tomorrow. Goodbye.
49:11A few hours later
49:15Hey, Zeynep. How was your day?
49:17It was fine. I went to breathing classes with Gildis.
49:23Why are you laughing?
49:25It surprises me.
49:26What surprises you?
49:28That kind of absurd therapy has become so fashionable.
49:32This was done 20 years ago.
49:35We were waiting for you to get off your invisible throne
49:39and join us.
49:42Jadam, by the way, have you talked to Zeynep about tomorrow's party?
49:46Of course we have.
49:48She will join us if she wants to.
49:51What do you mean, if she wants to?
49:53Don't you feel like it?
49:54I don't like parties.
49:56See what I'm saying?
49:58And Jadam suggested that I stay in my room.
50:02What? Is that true?
50:05Let's see, why did I say that?
50:07I thought she might get bored.
50:10Her mother and Gildis will be there too.
50:12They'll all come.
50:13I didn't know that.
50:15You're the lady of this house.
50:17Use the right word.
50:19Zeynep is your wife.
50:20I don't know why it's so hard for you to say it so clearly.
50:23If you don't want to, the party won't be held.
50:25Don't do it.
50:26Did you hear that, sister-in-law?
50:28So think about it.
50:29You decide.
50:30If you do, I want you to invite your friends and family.
50:34Just so you know, Ender and Dogan will be there.
50:36I don't want any trouble.
50:38Why would that happen?
50:40There's no problem for us.
50:41If they have it, then let them not come.
50:45We invite, we decide.
50:47We'll have to see who likes who.
50:50Okay, fine.
51:05Who are you?
51:07Aisle, it's me.
51:09This is Mr. Dogan's part.
51:11Where should I put them?
51:12What's all that?
51:13New Year's presents.
51:14I'd say in the living room, but there's going to be a photo shoot there.
51:18Mrs. Gildis will pose with the kids.
51:20She'll give an interview.
51:21It's from high society, after all.
51:23I understand.
51:24But Aisle, my hands hurt.
51:26Where can I put them?
51:27Well, leave them in the living room.
51:29I'll take care of them.
51:31Aisle, can you take these bags for me?
51:33Look, I'll leave this in there and I'll go get more.
51:36Come with me.
51:43Gildis, look at that.
51:46The presents your dad sent.
51:50What's going on?
51:52Has Santa arrived?
51:54No, he hasn't.
51:56I don't know.
51:58What's going on?
52:00Has Santa arrived?
52:01His name is Papa Dogan.
52:03He sent presents for you and me.
52:06Yes, look, here's yours.
52:08I have one too.
52:14What's going on here?
52:16We're all surprised.
52:19Dogan sent these presents.
52:21What did he send?
52:22Mom, look, he gave this to me.
52:24I like it a lot.
52:26Look, ma'am, he gave me this coat.
52:28I like this cashmere jacket.
52:30I don't like that man, but he threw the house out the window.
52:34He spent a fortune, as you can see.
52:36There's still time for a new year.
52:38Why did he do it?
52:39He also sent cards with good wishes and all that.
52:43Ma'am, your present is there with a card.
52:46That one?
52:48I don't understand.
52:49He gives us branded things and Gildis only flowers.
52:53What he's doing is sending her a special message.
52:56He says, if you don't mind, you can have this.
52:58Come on, there's a box.
53:00Oh my God, I hope it's a request ring.
53:02Don't bother me.
53:03I hope it is.
53:04For mom.
53:09Is that the key to a car?
53:11Of course, it's not going to be the one in her heart, you know?
53:14Let's see what the card says.
53:16Read what it says.
53:17I hope you like it and have a nice time with the children, Dogan and Gildis.
53:21Come on, let's take a look.
53:22I'm coming, mom.
53:25Aishel, stay with the children.
53:27I missed you so much.
53:32It can't be.
53:40Do you know how much this costs?
53:43Oh my God.
53:47He's thought of everything.
53:48He even has a chair for the baby.
53:51Have you ever seen a car?
53:53Let's go home.
53:54I'm going to talk to Dogan.
53:55Well, thank him.
53:57Of course, mother, of course.
53:58Give it to me.
53:59I would like that.
54:00That he gave me this, for me it's an insult, you know?
54:03So I'm going to his house right now to put him in his place.
54:06You're going to make a fool of yourself.
54:07You don't get involved.
54:08Come on, get in there.
54:09Don't be silly, Gildis.
54:10Come on.
54:11Oh, he's going to return the car.
54:12I can't believe it.
54:13He does it to show off.
54:15How nice.
54:18I feel like having a coffee.
54:19And me.
54:20Kumru, lately you eat very little.
54:22That's not good.
54:23So either you eat or you'll be defenseless.
54:29Who's calling at this time?
54:37What's wrong?
54:38Is it that you have dreamed of us?
54:40I'm not here to talk to you.
54:41Rather with your husband.
54:43Is there a problem?
54:44I think something is going to happen.
54:46As if enough things would not happen every day.
54:50I'm here to return the car that your husband has given me.
54:55And I have not been the only one.
54:57He has also bought very expensive gifts for all the people in my house.
55:02These types of gifts are for lovers.
55:05And I'm not your lover.
55:06Besides, you're married.
55:08Don't ever send me gifts like that again.
55:11So if he hasn't given you any gifts, you already have a new car.
55:15Enjoy it.
55:24I can't believe it.
55:26It's a disgrace.
55:27Who are you talking about?
55:28My father or Gildis?
55:29Kumru, do you want to shut up?
55:31What's wrong?
55:32You're right.
55:33A car is your ex.
55:34Gifts for employees.
55:35It seems outrageous to me.
55:38Hasn't he given you anything yet?