• 2 months ago
I Married Joan (1952) Vol 2 -Part 1
00:00I married Joan, what a girl, what a world, what a life, oh, I married Joan, what a mind,
00:17love is blind, what a wife, deary and gay, all day she keeps my heart laughing, never
00:24know where her brain is born, to each his own, can he not ask why I married Joan?
00:35The Joan Davis Show, I Married Joan, America's favorite comedy show, starring America's queen
00:44of comedy, Joan Davis, as Mrs. Joan Stevens.
00:55And featuring Jim Backus, as Judge Bradley Stevens.
01:13Listen to this, Brad. What millionaire playboy has been seen at what nightclub every night
01:18this past week? Is the answer a dancer? Does he linger for a singer? Or could it be the
01:24hat check girl who has gone to his head?
01:31Isn't that a riot, Brad?
01:32Joanie, how can you read such nonsense?
01:34Oh, Brad, stop being such a stuff shirt. The fellow who writes this talk of the town column
01:39is very funny, and he really gives you the latest dirt, too.
01:42Dirt is right, just a collection of phony news items.
01:45Oh, Joanie, can I have some more toast, and please hurry, dear, I'm a little late for court.
01:49Yes, your honor, coming right up.
01:56Rumors are flying that not all the cases in this town's court are being decided on merit alone.
02:02We know that bribe is an ugly word, but can there be some bulging wallets under those judicial robes?
02:10Please, Brad, I got the toast as fast as I could.
02:13Well, I'm sorry, dear, I was thinking of something else.
02:17Oh. Can I have the paper back, Brad?
02:20Courts are being decided on merit alone.
02:24Bulging wallets under those judicial robes.
02:27You see, honey, that talk of the town column really grows on you.
02:30Well, enjoy yourself. Read it.
02:33I'll read the magazine section. I didn't get a chance to read it yesterday,
02:37I didn't get a chance to read it yesterday.
02:46Well, how about this?
02:48Helen Cavanaugh's house is in the home of the weak section.
02:52The nerve of this newspaper.
02:54Oh, it would be Helen Cavanaugh's house.
02:56But that Helen is one of the most arrogant, insulting.
03:00Like when she said to me, darling, your stockings are wrinkled.
03:04I wasn't even wearing stockings at the time.
03:08Home of the weak.
03:10They shouldn't be allowed to print this kind of news.
03:12They certainly shouldn't.
03:14We should be talking about this for years.
03:16I'm surprised she hasn't been here yet to brag about it.
03:19I can just hear her.
03:21And guess what, darling?
03:23They picked my house for the home of the weak.
03:26Isn't that wonderful, darling?
03:28Oh, yes. Yes, dear, if you like it, keep it.
03:32Don't send it back.
03:33I'll pay for it later.
03:41Hello, Joanie.
03:44Helen Cavanaugh.
03:46Well, what brings you here?
03:48I was on my way to the beauty parlor,
03:50and I suddenly said to myself,
03:52Helen, you must drop in on Joanie.
03:55And you answered, why not, Helen?
03:57It's only three miles out of my way.
04:00Well, I merely dropped in to say hello.
04:03Okay, go ahead, say it.
04:06Oh, Joanie, you and your wonderful sense of humor.
04:09You're always kidding.
04:11Well, I guess I'd better be going.
04:15Oh, by the way, Joanie.
04:17Here it comes.
04:20Did you happen to see the rotogravure section
04:22of Sunday's Gazette?
04:24No, Helen, I didn't happen to see
04:26the rotogravure section of Sunday's Gazette.
04:29Well, they did the silliest thing.
04:31They picked out my house for their weekly feature
04:33as home of the week.
04:35Is that so? Well, too bad I missed it.
04:37Oh, I just may have a copy here with me.
04:40I bet my life you have.
04:42Well, what do you know?
04:43I do have a copy.
04:45Imagine that.
04:47You know, ever since they redecorated my home,
04:49they've been clamoring for me to have them photograph it.
04:52And finally, I just had to give in.
04:58Hello, Mrs. Cavanaugh.
04:59Hello, Beverly.
05:00You see, Joan, the beautiful California home
05:03of Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Cavanaugh.
05:06Late Louis XV furniture,
05:08hand-cut checklist of Ockegan crystal,
05:10Swedish silver.
05:12How do you like it, Joanie?
05:14Well, I think that plant there needs watering.
05:17Looks a little droopy.
05:19Oh, it's just that you're so sensitive
05:21on the subject of houses.
05:23And you really shouldn't be.
05:24Why, you have a charming house.
05:26It's so, um, so, um...
05:29Oh, I happen to like it.
05:31So do I.
05:32Oh, and so do I.
05:34Why, Joanie, you have done miracles with this house.
05:37The very lack of plan is almost a plan in itself.
05:41Oh, what period would you say it is?
05:44Early miscellaneous.
05:47Or the latest style, the mixed periods.
05:49Oh, and you have, haven't you?
05:54For your information, Helen Cavanaugh,
05:57the Sunday Gazette has been begging me for months
06:00to let them photograph my home for the home of the week.
06:03But I turned them down every time, didn't I, Bev?
06:06Uh, sure, sure you did.
06:08I know what, Joanie.
06:10If it's true as you say that they want to use your home,
06:12prove it.
06:13Go on, let them.
06:14No, I wouldn't even...
06:15Go on, Joanie.
06:16Call up the Gazette and tell them
06:18that you accept their offer,
06:20if you dare.
06:22Okay, I will.
06:27I forgot the number.
06:29I'll write them a letter sometime.
06:31I know the number.
06:42Ask for the Rodegraveur section.
06:46Give me the Rodegraveur section, please.
06:50Rodegraveur, Kellner speaking.
06:52Oh, this is Mrs. Bradley J. Stevens.
06:55Say, your office has been bothering me for such a long time
06:58to use my home in your Sunday edition,
07:00and I've decided to let you.
07:02But you'll have to do it immediately.
07:04Just a minute, Mrs. Stevens. We only...
07:06I'm sorry, if you can't do it within the hour,
07:08you'll simply have to forget about it.
07:12Well, what do you think now?
07:14I never would have believed it.
07:17I know why they want pictures of your home.
07:20For they'll believe it or not call them.
07:23Well, I've got to be running, Joanie.
07:25I don't want to be late for my beauty appointment.
07:27Oh, no, don't be late.
07:28They'll need all the time they can get.
07:35Did you see the look on her face
07:36when she went out the door?
07:37Oh, the old show-off.
07:38She is really...
07:41Say, wouldn't it be funny if the Gazette
07:43really did decide to photograph this place?
07:46Funny? It'd be tragic.
07:48There it is. Bradley J. Stevens.
07:49The only one in the book.
07:51That must be the judge. Judge Stevens.
07:53I don't remember contacting his wife.
07:55But from the way she spoke,
07:56her home must be a real show place.
07:58Well, maybe the chief contacted her himself.
08:00That's very possible.
08:01You'd better cancel the layout
08:03of the McBride mansion this week.
08:04We're going to do the Stevens place.
08:08You know something, Bev?
08:10I wouldn't change this place for a palace.
08:13I mean it.
08:17But let's face it,
08:18this is not home of the week material, this place.
08:31They're coming right over.
08:33They're coming right over?
08:35Joanie, who's coming?
08:36Well, the newspaper men from the Gazette.
08:38I've got to stop them.
08:40The Gazette, huh?
08:41The G-A-Z-E...
08:43No, Joanie, that's not the number.
08:45Well, what was the number?
08:46The President's report.
08:48Well, what's the use?
08:49They'd be gone anyway.
08:50They said they were coming right over, Bev.
08:52Well, I do.
08:53Well, let's just straighten things up
08:54and make the best of it.
08:55I guess that's all I can...
08:59Oh, what good is it?
09:00Helen is right.
09:02I'll only add another lamp.
09:04Say, maybe you could borrow
09:05Catherine Cooper's Dresden lamp.
09:07I could run over and get it.
09:08You know how gorgeous it is.
09:10Yeah, it's nicer than any lamp
09:11that Helen Cavanaugh's got.
09:13Say, and while you're on your way
09:14you could buy a Marilyn Haddix
09:15Clausenet cigarette box.
09:17It'd look good on that table.
09:19Your friends will be glad
09:20to help you out, Joanie.
09:21And I'll bet that Mae Richards
09:22would let me have her gilt antique mirror
09:24instead of this one.
09:26And that beautiful fire screen
09:27you're always admiring.
09:29Yeah, and I could even get
09:30Ruth Morgan's jade figures
09:32instead of these.
09:33Oh, Joanie, those jade figures
09:34are a family heirloom.
09:36They're worth more than this whole house.
09:37Oh, so what, honey?
09:38I'm only going to borrow them for an hour.
09:40Look how impressive they'll be.
09:43Can you just visualize them up there?
09:45Well, if that's the case,
09:46you might as well ask Louise Dugan
09:47to lend you her Gainsborough painting.
09:49What, borrow her Gainsborough
09:51that her millionaire uncle left her?
09:54I'll do it.
09:56Hurry, Joanie.
09:57I think I hear them coming.
09:58Okay, okay, this is the last piece.
10:01Here we are.
10:17Mrs. Stevens?
10:18Oh, yes, you're the gentleman
10:19from the Gazette, I suppose.
10:20That's right, I'm Mr. Kellner,
10:21and this is my associate, Mr. Murphy.
10:23How do you do?
10:25This is my social secretary,
10:27Miss Beverly.
10:28Pleased to meet you.
10:29How do you do?
10:31This is a very unusual room,
10:33Mrs. Stevens, but interesting.
10:39Genuine Gainsborough.
10:41Oh, naturally.
10:44Hand-carved jade.
10:46A matched pair.
10:48Beautiful, beautiful pair.
10:51And you're the wife
10:52of Judge Bradley J. Stevens, correct?
10:54Oh, that's right.
10:55I suppose all these priceless things
10:57have been in yours
10:58and the judge's family for years?
11:00No, just recently acquired.
11:05Magnificent piece.
11:10A Ming vase.
11:12Mrs. Stevens, I must compliment you
11:14on what you've done
11:15with the decor of this room.
11:16Well, it takes a heap of borrowing,
11:18I mean living,
11:19to make a house a home.
11:21Living, that's exactly it.
11:23That's the keynote of your home.
11:24Warmth, hospitality.
11:26You can tell just by looking at this room
11:28that you've got a lot of friends.
11:30You can notice that, huh?
11:32And the wonderful thing
11:33is the way you've successfully mixed
11:35inexpensive yet tasteful furnishings
11:38with items of exquisite rareness.
11:40That painting, for instance.
11:42It belongs here.
11:44Don't tell that to Louise Dugan.
11:46What's that?
11:47Who's Louise Dugan?
11:48Oh, she's the girl in the picture.
11:50She and Gainsy
11:51had quite a thing going at one time.
11:54Well, Mrs. Stevens,
11:55I think we've run out of material
11:57for your story.
11:58Oh, I'm glad.
11:59Your home will be
12:00in next Sunday's Gazette.
12:03Come on, Joel.
12:04Bye, thank you.
12:06Thank you.
12:08Well, come on,
12:09let's get these things back
12:10to the rightful owner.
12:12Hello, Fred.
12:13Have you seen talk of the town
12:15in the late edition?
12:16You haven't?
12:17Well, get set for a shock.
12:19As was itemed in this column earlier,
12:22the judges in our fair city
12:24have evidence signs
12:25of sticky fingers.
12:26We now have information
12:27that one of these gentlemen
12:28surrounds himself at home
12:30with treasures of museum piece value,
12:33including such items
12:34as an original Gainsborough,
12:36a mean vase,
12:37and a pair of carved jade figures,
12:39a neat trick on a judge's salary.
12:42Where does all that money
12:43come from, your honor?
12:45Or should I say dishonor?
12:48No, no, they don't name the judge.
12:50No, I agree with you, Fred.
12:52I've already called
12:53the district attorney
12:54and the chief of the police
12:55and I'm calling a meeting
12:56at my home with Hamilton Roberts.
12:58Well, if there is a judge
12:59with such stuff in his home,
13:00I say let's do everything
13:02in our power to put him behind bars.
13:04But he must have
13:07some proof this time
13:08or else he wouldn't make
13:09these specific charges,
13:11like naming the actual articles
13:13in the judge's house
13:14the way that he did.
13:15I agree with Fred.
13:16He's not speaking in generalities.
13:17No, he is not.
13:18May I see that, Fred?
13:19Cookies, Judge?
13:20No, thank you, Miss Jones.
13:22No, no, dear, we're talking.
13:25Exactly what do you propose, Brad?
13:26Well, I say that we ought
13:27to find out who the guilty judge is
13:29and then clean house ourselves.
13:31You mean there's a crooked
13:32judge in this town?
13:33Well, those are
13:34the accusations, dear.
13:36Well, I think that's disgraceful.
13:38Yes, dear, we'll take care of it.
13:39And gentlemen,
13:40whoever that judge is,
13:41we ought to have him removed
13:42from the bench at once.
13:44Removed from the bench?
13:45Why, they ought to fine him
13:46$100,000, put him in jail
13:48for 20 years,
13:49and then when he gets out
13:50maybe give him a trial.
13:51Yes, I know, Judge, I know.
13:54This is very sweet.
14:01Hello, Mrs. Stevens,
14:02this is Albert Kellner
14:03over at the Daily Gazette.
14:04I wonder if we could get
14:05a few more pictures of your house.
14:08No, I'm sorry, Mr. Kellner,
14:09but that would be
14:10very impossible now.
14:12We'd hardly take any time
14:13at all, Mrs. Stevens.
14:14Don't take no for an answer.
14:16I hate to insist, Mrs. Stevens,
14:17but we only need a couple of shots
14:18and we'll be there right away.
14:19Boy, if we can crack this case,
14:20there'll be a big bonus in it
14:21for both of us.
14:22And promotions too.
14:26Oh my gosh, I guess he can.
14:28They're on their way.
14:29And so am I.
14:30I'll go borrow that stuff back.
14:31You just make sure you get
14:32the judges out of the living room.
14:36Furthermore, it will stop
14:37the papers from taking cracks
14:38at judges in general.
14:43Then we'll draw up
14:44a statement for the press
14:45explaining precisely
14:46where we stand.
14:47That's exactly what we should do
14:48because if you wait
14:49and if you wait
14:50and if you wait
14:51and if you wait
14:52Excuse me?
14:53Yes, yes, Joan.
14:54I hate to interrupt, dear,
14:55but there's a leak in the faucet.
14:56A faucet?
14:57But dear, this is an important
14:58meeting we have.
14:59You know how helpless
15:00I am at those sort of things.
15:01And Brad is so handy with tools,
15:03he'll have it fixed in a jiffy.
15:04But Joan, I can't.
15:06I have to...
15:07Okay, if you don't want to help me,
15:08I'll get them off in the bucket.
15:09You remember the last time
15:10the flood, the waves were...
15:11Well, all right, Joan.
15:12All right.
15:13I'll fix it for us.
15:14Just a moment.
15:15I'll be right back.
15:16I'm sure it's nothing serious.
15:19Right there, Brad.
15:20Oh, oh.
15:23Yes, well, it's just a washer,
15:25that's all.
15:26I'll get the pliers.
15:28Oh, you men,
15:29you're just so wonderful.
15:30You get to the root of the problem
15:31right away.
15:35So we must stand together
15:36in this matter
15:37to show that we're all
15:38beyond suspicion.
15:40Oh, Judge Henderson,
15:41Brad's having a little trouble
15:42with the faucet.
15:43I wonder if you'd give him a hand.
15:45Of course.
15:46I always fix things around the house
15:47for Mrs. Henderson.
15:48Excuse me, gentlemen.
15:49Is there anything complicated
15:50about a leaky faucet?
15:51It's right there, Judge.
15:54Brad, I don't think
15:55you should be turning
15:56the whole faucet.
15:57No, no, look, Judge,
15:58I've done this before.
15:59So have I.
16:00The first thing to do
16:01is to get at the master control.
16:03Now you're getting someplace.
16:04You'll have it fixed in no time.
16:07By the way,
16:08where is the master control?
16:09Well, I, uh,
16:10I think it's, uh,
16:11under here.
16:15And I think that
16:16as private citizens
16:17we should bring suit at once.
16:18Well, personally, I...
16:19Excuse me, Judge Hammond.
16:20Oh, yes, Mrs. Stevens.
16:21Uh, Brad and, uh,
16:22Judge Henderson are having
16:23a little problem with the sink
16:24and I was wondering if you...
16:25Oh, well, I'd be,
16:26I'd be glad to help.
16:27My wife considers me
16:28quite handy around the house.
16:29Oh, I'm sure she does.
16:32Yes, it's right there.
16:34Oh, I see.
16:35Uh, Brad, Brad,
16:36now that's the,
16:37that's the wrong way
16:38to go about it there.
16:39No, no, we're getting it.
16:40It's just...
16:41You have to take the faucet handle
16:42off the fitting here.
16:45It's right that way.
16:46Ah, plumbing.
16:47Ah, plumbing.
16:48Now, get her off the water, Brad.
16:50No, no, it's very...
16:51It just needs a washer.
16:52But you've got to
16:53turn the water off first.
16:54No, don't turn the water off.
17:02The faucet's in.
17:03Come on.
17:05Up the step.
17:06That'll do, girl.
17:10Well, that's fine.
17:11That is you in there, isn't it?
17:12Yeah, right over here.
17:13Use it, good girl.
17:14Here, let me take the lamp.
17:16Ah, that's fine.
17:21Right with you, honey.
17:22Hold it, thank you.
17:24Oh, oh.
17:25The main almost went big.
17:26Listen, did you forget
17:27the fire screen?
17:28I left that.
17:30Oh, that's great.
17:31That's great.
17:41Hello, Mrs. Stevens.
17:42How do you do?
17:43How do you do?
17:45Wait a minute.
17:46The editor wants a few close-ups
17:47of some of your treasures.
17:48Well, help yourself.
17:49There they are,
17:50just where they were before.
17:51Well, of course.
17:52Where else would they be?
17:53Of course,
17:54where else would they be, buddy?
17:56Now, I tell you, Brad,
17:57you're going about this all wrong.
17:59Well, just hand me that stuff, Brad.
18:00Oh, there we are.
18:01Your home must have really
18:02made an impression on the editor.
18:04He wants a close-up
18:05of that Gainsborough Joe.
18:08Well, that certainly
18:09is very sweet of your editor.
18:11And a better shot
18:12of that Ming vase.
18:16Oh, the vase?
18:18And the Dresden letter.
18:21Genuine Dresden, of course.
18:22Well, naturally.
18:25Here, let me at it.
18:26I'll get it.
18:30Well, I guess that about does it.
18:31Yes, I think that should do it.
18:33Oh, wait a minute.
18:34How about these carved figures?
18:36The real jade.
18:37Emerald trim.
18:38Oh, yes.
18:39We must get those.
18:40Oh, and, uh,
18:42this cloisonné box
18:43inlaid with mother-of-pearl.
18:47Let's see.
18:48Oh, there's no sense in bothering
18:50with that candy dish.
18:51It's just plain gold.
18:53Well, we'll get that gold.
18:56This doing anything?
18:59It's deafening me!
19:02Well, I guess your editor's
19:03got everything he needs.
19:04I'm sure he does.
19:05Thank you so much
19:06for your trouble.
19:07Goodbye, Mrs. Stevens.
19:08Thank you, Mrs. Stevens.
19:12Can I just pay for that gazette?
19:14Oh, I forgot about the judges.
19:17Step number one,
19:18we issue a public statement
19:20couched in the strongest language
19:22that states clearly
19:23as soon as we learn
19:24the identity of the judge
19:26whose home contains
19:27an original gamesboro,
19:29a Ming vase,
19:30genuine jade articles,
19:32and other objects
19:33of antique value.
19:39And ask for his immediate
19:41removal from the bench
19:42and a criminal suit
19:43which could result
19:44in five to ten years in jail.
19:47Excuse me, Brad,
19:48but what'd you say before?
19:49I said five to ten years in jail.
19:51No, dear,
19:52about a judge's house.
19:53Oh, oh, well, yes, dear.
19:55It's all in the paper here.
19:57Why don't you read it
19:59for yourself, honey?
20:06An original gamesboro.
20:10Yeah, that's games.
20:14Dressed in linen.
20:19Ming vase.
20:25What did I do
20:26with my old furnishings?
20:30Come down right away!
20:33Come here!
20:36There you go.
20:39You gotta put the old furnishings
20:40right back, honey.
20:41Okay, but I'm not
20:42wearing the new stuff!
20:43Okay, honey.
20:46I gotta get all the stuff
20:47back in here.
20:48This is a real emergency.
20:52And therefore,
20:55We've done it!
20:56We've stopped the leak!
21:00Well, I guess that about does it.
21:02And if Brad agrees
21:03to draw up a public statement,
21:04we can adjourn our meeting
21:05right now.
21:06We have had a busy day.
21:07We certainly have.
21:08We fixed the leaky faucet,
21:09and we're gonna fix
21:10something else.
21:11The Gazette's wagon.
21:13On the list,
21:14we find that there actually
21:15is a judge who is guilty
21:17of their accusations.
21:32if we agree
21:33that we've achieved our purpose,
21:35it's been time well spent.
21:37I'm glad you called
21:38this meeting, Brad.
21:39So am I.
21:40I expect our statement
21:41will do a lot to restore
21:42public confidence.
21:43Well, I certainly hope so.
21:44I'll get your hats, gentlemen.
21:47I'll get it, Brad.
21:49I'll get it.
21:50She's a faction,
21:51if you know what I mean.
21:53Yes, honey,
21:54it's very chill without it.
22:00I think that's my hat.
22:06I'm sorry.
22:07Joan, here,
22:08let me do that.
22:09No, please, please.
22:10I'll get them, gentlemen.
22:11I'll get them.
22:26Well, we know
22:27who the hats belong to,
22:28but which one of you gentlemen
22:29checked the rest
22:30of this stuff with us?
22:34Now listen to what
22:35the talk of the town
22:36column has to say.
22:37Listen, Joanie.
22:38Our humblest apologies
22:40to the town's judges.
22:42The hot tip we had
22:43suddenly turned cold,
22:45and a complete investigation
22:46of our legal eagles
22:48showed this reporter
22:49to be 100% wrong.
22:52Our humblest apologies.
22:56You know, it's a good thing
22:57that Helen Cavanaugh
22:58passed by with those
22:59pictures of her house.
23:00I wonder who that can be.
23:05Good evening, darling.
23:06Hello, Brad.
23:07Hello, Helen.
23:08Helen, I have
23:09a very pleasant surprise
23:10for you.
23:12Well, I'm pretty friendly
23:13with the boys in
23:14Roto-Gravure at the Gazette,
23:15and they gave me a sample
23:16of next week's
23:17Home of the Week section.
23:18With pictures
23:19of my place in it?
23:20Yes, darling,
23:21and they're just lovely.
23:22And I even supplied them
23:24with some helpful information.
23:26Oh, gee,
23:27the pictures are beautiful.
23:29I thought you'd like them.
23:31Well, goodbye, darling.
23:32Goodbye, Brad.
23:33Goodbye, Helen.
23:34Oh, thanks a million.
23:35Oh, it's been a pleasure.
23:39Oh, Brad,
23:40how about that Helen Cavanaugh
23:42bringing us an advanced copy
23:44of our house for the paper?
23:46And, Joanie,
23:47you keep saying that
23:48Helen is a nasty girl.
23:49I know.
23:50I guess I was wrong.
23:52I, uh...
23:54Oh, no.
23:55What is it, Joan?
23:56Well, she supplied them
23:58Well, she supplied them
23:59with some extra information,
24:00all right.
24:01Above is the beautiful living room
24:03in the home of
24:04Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Stevens,
24:06Gainsborough painting
24:07through the courtesy
24:08of Louise Dugan,
24:09Dresden lamp
24:10from the home
24:11of Catherine Cooper,
24:12carved jade figures
24:13loaned by Ruth Morgan.
24:15Now, wait a minute, Joan.
24:17Don't you see,
24:18under these circumstances,
24:19it's a good thing
24:20Helen made them
24:21print that information?
24:22I know her,
24:23and she wasn't
24:24trying to help us.
24:25But just the same she did.
24:26As a matter of fact,
24:27we owe her
24:28a debt of gratitude.
24:29Oh, sure.
24:30Why don't we
24:31give her a medal?
24:32Say, that's a good idea.
24:34We'll give her a medal.
24:36I've always wanted
24:37to hang one on her.
24:39Why, I'd like to.
24:44I'm Mary Joan
24:46What a girl,
24:47what a world,
24:48what a life
24:49Oh, I'm Mary Joan
24:53What a mind,
24:54love is blind,
24:55what a life to do
24:57Giddy and gay all day
24:58she keeps my heart laughing
25:00Never know where
25:01her brain has flown
25:03To each his own
25:06And in our life
25:07Why, I'm Mary Joan
25:10To each his own
25:13And in our life
25:14Why, I'm Mary Joan