Al. Sur del Corazon. - Capitulo 76

  • 2 months ago


00:00I don't know.
00:04Damn, the secret agent.
00:06Is that why you left me alone with the presentation of the recycling point?
00:10Oh no, but that's the same now.
00:12Nothing to do with that now.
00:13Please never tell anyone, okay?
00:16No, who am I going to tell?
00:17Trini, how can you think?
00:19No, I promise you.
00:20I promise you for our friendship.
00:23Look, dad.
00:25Maybe it must be strange for you to know that your sister is your mother.
00:31Your mother is your grandmother.
00:33And your grandmother is your great-grandmother.
00:35And your other sister is your... is your aunt.
00:38I don't know, it even looks like tongue twister.
00:40Yes, it's very strange.
00:41But maybe now I know my real dad.
00:43And he's cool.
00:44Oh yes, yes.
00:45I also really liked him.
00:46I've seen him a couple of times here at the store.
00:48He was even appreciated for the presentation.
00:50I also have some half-brothers who are twins.
00:54Yes, well, half-brothers.
00:56They are about six years old.
00:57They live in Curicó.
00:58And I'm going to ask my dad to introduce them to me later.
01:01What if my dad is separated?
01:04Hey, so many things are happening to you.
01:06And at the same time.
01:09Look, I want you to know.
01:11That for whatever you want.
01:12Whenever you want.
01:13That I will always be here, okay?
01:15Because, look, I tell you from the bottom of my heart.
01:17You always.
01:18I will always be my best friend.
01:20Thank you, Oscar.
01:22What I'm going to ask you is.
01:23Please never lie to me like you lie to the grown-ups, okay?
01:26Yes, I give you my word.
01:27Also, when we grow up.
01:29Always, but always with the truth ahead.
01:33Hey, if we look for my dad on Facebook.
01:38What's his name?
01:39Nicolás Marambio.
01:40Nicolás Marambio.
01:52What are you doing?
01:53Oh, I'm going to throw the trash.
01:55You're not cleaning.
01:56I'm cleaning.
01:57Of course.
01:58With my ears glued to the kitchen.
01:59And you think I'm stupid?
02:00What are you gossiping about?
02:02Oh, Negro.
02:03Nothing, nothing.
02:04What happens is that Oscarito is there.
02:06With Trini.
02:07And Trini always arrives as it happened.
02:09With thousands of problems.
02:10But I.
02:11Now in a while I take her to his house.
02:15Because Emilia.
02:17She asked me to take her to his house.
02:19And I'm going to take her to his house.
02:22She asked me to take her.
02:23Nothing special.
02:24Oh, nothing special.
02:25Nothing special.
02:27Why do you ask so much?
02:29I'm like 80.
02:37She doesn't have a photo.
02:38Oh, but it's private.
02:40Ah, she still has my number.
02:41So she's going to call me.
02:43If grace doesn't forbid it.
02:44Because, oh, I can't stand her anymore.
02:46It charges me.
02:47But Trini is your mother.
02:48And from now on you're going to have to accept that.
02:51Yes, that's something you can't avoid.
02:53She's not my mom.
02:54I'm never going to accept her as my mom.
02:56If she didn't love me when I was born.
02:57Now you're going to have to accept it, mom.
02:59Yeah, but still.
03:00I went for her.
03:01And I got pregnant when she was a little older than us.
03:06Poor nothing.
03:07Stupid rather.
03:23But Judith, are you sure you heard correctly?
03:26I mean, how is his sister really going to be his daughter?
03:30But Rodri, how are you?
03:31Hey, I'll tell you a secret question.
03:33And you're venting it to the four winds.
03:35I'm here to see the news.
03:37Well, Judith, I mean.
03:38Stay as it is.
03:40I mean, his sister is really his daughter.
03:44Hey, the little ball.
03:47The little ball?
03:49The little ball?
03:50The little ball?
03:51I'm throwing a toxic bomb at you with the news.
03:53And you tell me the little ball?
03:55Well, I don't know what else to tell you, Judith.
03:57Stay as it is.
04:01Hey, enough, man.
04:04Get to work.
04:05If I'm not paying you to be harassing the girl.
04:07Don't worry, Mr. Juanito.
04:09If you call me, I'll go.
04:12Mom, enough of this.
04:14What do you think?
04:15Hey, do you think I messed up telling Valentina the date?
04:20I don't know.
04:23What do you mean, you don't know?
04:24Calm down, Rodri.
04:26What do you think?
04:27Do you have an opinion?
04:28And how come you have zero contribution?
04:29Yeah, what do you mean zero contribution, Judith?
04:31I'm heavy.
04:32Well, if you want me to give you my opinion.
04:33I, if it were you.
04:35I wouldn't have told her anything.
04:37Because then I started to make a mess of the matter.
04:39But if it wasn't a mess.
04:41It was a good week, right?
04:43Yes, I know it wasn't a mess, Judith.
04:45But do you realize that with this you put your daughter at risk?
04:50And I don't want anything to happen to you.
04:52Because you know I care about you.
04:54And you.
04:55You are special to me.
05:01Is there something that Manuel didn't want to tell me?
05:03Is there something that he has complicated?
05:05No, no.
05:06It's about the dairy.
05:08You know how the job is.
05:10No, he's worried about something.
05:12And he didn't tell you anything?
05:13To me?
05:14No, he didn't tell me anything.
05:16It's very strange.
05:17He asked me a lot of questions about Latrini.
05:19About Latrini's father.
05:21Do you know what's wrong with you?
05:23That you are getting along with Rita a lot.
05:25That you are getting angry.
05:27And you see things that don't exist.
05:29No, it's not that.
05:31That's it.
05:33No, Juan.
05:34What happens is that I'm getting along with Manuel.
05:36So I find that if he can help himself.
05:38I want to help him.
05:40Let's put things in their place.
05:42You've been getting along with Manuel for a little while.
05:44You've been fighting for years.
05:46I don't see why it's going to be hard for you.
05:48First, Juan.
05:49Why not?
05:50It's just that you haven't been together for a long time.
05:52And if you trust each other, you're going to win.
05:54I don't see the problem.
05:55Oh, my love.
05:56Because I told Emilia that I was going to leave her.
05:58And because it's late already.
05:59But I don't want to go back to my house.
06:01Oh, but it's where the captain commands,
06:03not the sailor.
06:04Negrito, scratch yourself with the keys.
06:06Add a little bit of gasoline to the truck.
06:08Ten, twenty lucas, yes.
06:10Hey, ninety-three only.
06:12Yes, I know.
06:15I'll take you.
06:16I'll take you.
06:17Thank you.
06:18Let's go.
06:21Bye, Rodri.
06:22Bye, Judith.
06:45Bye, Rodri.
06:46Bye, Judith.
06:47Bye, Rodri.
06:48Bye, Rodri.
06:49Bye, Rodri.
06:50Bye, Rodri.
06:51Bye, Rodri.
06:52Bye, Rodri.
06:53Bye, Rodri.
06:54Bye, Rodri.
06:55Bye, Rodri.
06:56Bye, Rodri.
06:57Bye, Rodri.
06:58Bye, Rodri.
06:59Bye, Rodri.
07:00Bye, Rodri.
07:01Bye, Rodri.
07:02Bye, Rodri.
07:03Bye, Rodri.
07:04Bye, Rodri.
07:05Bye, Rodri.
07:06Bye, Rodri.
07:07Bye, Rodri.
07:08Bye, Rodri.
07:09Bye, Rodri.
07:10Bye, Rodri.
07:11Bye, Rodri.
07:12Bye, Rodri.
07:13Bye, Rodri.
07:19Bye, Rodri.
07:26Bye, Rodri.
07:32Bye, Rodri.
07:38Do you want to meet in the cabin?
07:45No, Emilia. I was thinking about going to bed. I don't feel like going out.
07:52Yes, of course. I understand.
07:55Besides, we have a lot to talk about, so I don't want to pressure you.
08:00Well, if you want, we can talk about it tomorrow.
08:03Yes, of course. I think we can talk about it tomorrow.
08:06Yes, we can.
08:08Wait, Manuel. There's something I want to know and I can't wait until tomorrow.
08:17What is it?
08:20The truth is, I heard something about being very hungry. A copucha.
08:32And that's why I wanted to ask you directly.
08:36Tell me, what is it?
08:39I want to know if it's true that something happened between you and Paula after Francisco's birthday.
08:57Did you talk to Emilia?
09:00No, not at all. Why?
09:03So, how did you know that something happened between us last night?
09:09I don't know. It's a story from the village.
09:12Someone must have seen us at the hospital.
09:15Someone must have gone with the actor, like Emilia Escaguinera.
09:19A movie must have happened.
09:21But let me tell you something. It's not a lie.
09:25Because something did happen between us.
09:28No, Paula. If something had happened, I would remember.
09:30Oh, really? And how did we wake up together in your bed?
09:41See? You don't remember.
09:44But anyway, let's not fight over nothing.
09:49You have a little dignity.
09:52And don't fall for Emilia's stupid jealousy.
09:56She doesn't care about anything else.
10:00Yesterday you asked her to go to the birthday party. Did she go?
10:03She didn't go.
10:05Then you called her, begging her.
10:08And she didn't want anything with you.
10:13So much that you told her you were hungry.
10:15Well, let's see.
10:17Don't get involved in my business, Paula, please.
10:20No, no, no.
10:22Don't blame me for your fights with Emilia.
10:24It's not my fault.
10:26Besides, I don't regret anything that happened.
10:30And unlike you, I remember everything.
10:36Good night.
10:45Oh, you have to let Rodrigo go. You have a problem with him.
10:48Oh, but I don't want to go to the embassy, aunt.
10:51I need to change my mind.
10:52But for what?
10:54What's the point of so much insistence?
10:56If you're going to stick him like a rag next to him.
10:58Let's see if he falls in love with me again.
11:00Well, he won't do it that way.
11:02But if where there was fire and ashes, there is magic, it turns out.
11:05Yes, but that way.
11:07It's him.
11:11Are you in love with Rodrigo?
11:13I mean, did you fall in love?
11:15And how did you fall in love?
11:17No, but in one of those with time.
11:19I swear I don't understand you.
11:20You fell in love with him because you were in love with Mauro.
11:22Then you got married for convenience.
11:24And it turns out that now you are in love with this marriage and you are not even in love.
11:27Oh, aunt.
11:38I know.
11:40But to imagine me like this, as a single mother, is something that ...
11:46It can't be that terrible.
11:48I'm really going to support you, okay?
11:50I feel stupid.
11:54I feel super stupid because you know what?
11:56When Mauro told me that he was going to separate and I got married to Rodrigo,
11:59I really swear to you, but I swear to you from the bottom of my heart that I was going to divorce him.
12:02But suddenly the days began to pass and I said,
12:05Chuta, maybe Rodrigo in this situation is forced to accompany me.
12:09And I liked the idea.
12:11Of course, I understand you.
12:13You know what? The same thing happens to me.
12:15I don't know.
12:17It makes me sad to be living alone.
12:19Making decisions alone.
12:21All the time.
12:23Well, that's why I have my dress saved.
12:25Because once you skip it, you free it.
12:27And I repeat myself every day.
12:29Evelin, I repeat myself.
12:31No, if we are women.
12:33Women are capable of doing this and much more.
12:37Yes, because suddenly I also think that a man can turn into, I don't know, a decorated man.
12:40Or in a gomero.
12:42And what about the gomeros and the decorated ones?
12:44They don't talk to you.
12:46They don't give you advice.
12:48They don't make decisions.
12:52Yes, my God.
12:54So, in the end, you can be a pure cacho.
12:56You know you're right.
13:15Hey, tomorrow, after the ultrasound, if we have time,
13:18we could take the opportunity to go for a walk.
13:21I don't think I have time, Vale.
13:23Because there's a lot going on in the field.
13:25I don't like to leave Pablo alone.
13:27But we'll see tomorrow, okay?
13:29See you.
13:33Flaco Rodríguez.
13:37My schoolmate that I haven't seen in a long time.
13:39I saw him at that place, okay?
13:43Call me when you can.
13:56It's impressive.
13:58We were schoolmates and now he looks much older than me, right?
14:03I don't know.
14:05I don't know.
14:07I don't know.
14:09I don't know.
14:10I don't know.
14:19Felipe, look, I...
14:21The truth is I don't want to ruin this moment.
14:23I've had a great time, but...
14:26I have to tell you something.
14:30I can't keep quiet about this.
14:35What happened, Vale?
14:37Look, this is a very delicate issue.
14:40Maybe it's just gossip,
14:42but I don't want you to go crazy.
14:44I don't want you to be fooled.
14:49Oh, it's so hard to tell you this.
14:51Vale, tell me, please. What happened?
14:54The only thing I'm going to ask you is
14:56please don't ask me who told me.
15:03The thing is, Felipe,
15:04is that
15:06Gracia has a huge secret.
15:13What secret?
15:18The youngest of the Bravas,
15:20Trini, is her name, right?
15:22Yes, her younger sister.
15:24What happened to her?
15:26She's not really her sister.
15:32What do you mean she's not her sister?
15:34What are you talking about, Vale?
15:36I found out
15:38that Gracia is that girl's mother.
15:45What you heard.
15:49is Gracia's daughter,
15:51not Emilia's.
15:58Let me go!
16:00Don't touch me!
16:02Don't touch me!
16:04Don't touch me, you idiot!
16:06Listen to me!
16:08I'm not going to listen to you, Mauricio!
16:10I had to leave my house because you made the decision.
16:12I didn't do anything!
16:14I love you, I really do!
16:16I didn't have to deny it, I denied it all
16:18because I was your brother!
16:20And your wife, and the divorce!
16:22I don't have a wife anymore!
16:24Eva, I left Vicky.
16:26I left Vicky just like I told you.
16:28I couldn't corroborate it
16:30because everyone was there, your brother was there.
16:32You're lying, Mauro,
16:34I told you and you kept quiet.
16:36I tried, I tried to tell you, but I couldn't.
16:38Rodrigo was there.
16:40Besides, I didn't want to suspect anyone.
16:42Eva, your brothers took my cell phone
16:44to see if you were texting me.
16:46I prayed, prayed that you wouldn't do it.
16:48Eva, I did the divorce procedures.
16:50No, Mauro, no.
16:52I don't believe you anymore.
16:54Mom, listen to me!
16:56Mom, I love you.
16:58I love you deeply.
17:00Look, look!
17:02I don't have the ring.
17:04Cell phone!
17:06Cell phone, let's go together.
17:08No, Mom, besides,
17:10you brought me that shit from your heart
17:12when you found out I only like my husband.
17:17Forgive me, Mommy.
17:29What do you mean Gracia is Trini's mother?
17:32What are you talking about?
17:34Shut up, Vale.
17:36Look, Felipe, I...
17:38I'm telling you this because...
17:40because I know you care about her,
17:42and you're a good man, you're naïve,
17:44you have a good heart,
17:46and I thought it was important
17:48and you had to know.
17:50But that's absurd, Vale.
17:52It doesn't make any sense.
17:54Who told you that?
17:56Felipe, I can't tell you.
17:58But, let's see,
18:00what matters here is that
18:02Gracia never told you.
18:04If she's hiding something from you,
18:06maybe she can hide other things from you.
18:08No, but Vale,
18:10it doesn't make any sense.
18:12I've known Trini since she was little.
18:14She's Emilia's daughter.
18:16I know them, really.
18:18Well, apparently,
18:20all this time they made us believe
18:22she was Emilia's daughter,
18:24but she's actually Gracia's daughter.
18:27No, it can't be.
18:29It has to be a lie people make up in town.
18:31I hope so.
18:32Well, if that's the case,
18:34that's perfect,
18:36but I'm not going to hide anything from you, Felipe.
18:40Now, please,
18:42don't tell Gracia I told you this,
18:44because I'm dying to be with Copuchenta,
18:47especially with something as delicate as this.
18:49Don't worry about that, Vale.
18:51I'll do it.
18:59I can't wait for the ultrasound tomorrow.
19:02Do you think we'll be able to see our baby's face?
19:05Who do you think she looks like?
19:14I asked you who you think the baby looks like.
19:18Vale, give me a minute, please.
19:20Excuse me.
19:33Hello, Felipe.
19:37Did you send me a message?
19:41I wanted to know how you were doing.
19:45I'm already in Puerto Montt.
19:47Yes, I know.
19:49I wanted us to get together
19:51so we could talk about this.
19:53Yes, I know.
19:55I'm sorry.
19:57I'm sorry.
19:59I'm sorry.
20:00I wanted us to get together
20:02so we could talk about this.
20:04When are you coming back?
20:06Tomorrow, I told you.
20:08We have the ultrasound in the first hour
20:10and then I think we'll come back.
20:12We'll talk tomorrow, then.
20:15Let me know when you come back, please.
20:17Yes, I'll call you.
20:38Is everything okay?
20:40Yes, everything's fine.
20:42You can keep eating.
20:55Why did you leave, Trini?
20:57We were worried.
21:02Breaking up isn't the way to solve problems.
21:05I was with Oscar.
21:08Did you eat?
21:10No, he didn't.
21:12I'm not hungry either.
21:16Get in your pajamas, please.
21:20Trini, did you hear me?
21:22Yes, I did.
21:24But you don't tell me to.
21:26I get in because I want to.
21:28I'm tired.
21:30Not because you tell me to.
21:32And you know what?
21:34Say whatever you want about me.
21:36I don't care.
21:42It's okay.
21:46It's okay.
21:48I was with Oscar.
21:50He told her everything.
21:52I heard it in the kitchen.
21:54It's okay.
21:55I don't trust anyone right now.
21:57It's okay.
21:59It's hard because of what's going on.
22:02It's scary.
22:06If you want to talk, I'm here.
22:09We're friends.
22:11So you can vent.
22:15Thank you.
22:17But I don't want to talk.
22:19I'm tired.
22:21Yes, I understand.
22:23It must have been so hard
22:26to keep this secret for so long.
22:33Do you want some tea?
23:22Thank you.
24:34Hi, honey.
24:39They're downstairs.
24:41Do you want me to go get you?
24:43No, don't leave me alone.
24:45I'll be here.
24:46Let me look at you.
24:48My beautiful baby.
24:52My precious baby.
24:55How cute.
24:59I think you must be a little hungry.
25:02Because now that my mom gave birth to me,
25:05let's go to meet your mom.
25:08I'm here to meet your mom.
25:17Drink, my love.
25:19My love is hungry.
25:21You have to breastfeed her.
25:23I can't.
25:25She needs her mom, my love.
25:28I can't.
25:32Don't be afraid.
25:34She's your mom.
25:36Yes, she's my mom.
25:38Do you want a breast?
25:42Be careful with your head.
25:44Yes, mom.
25:46I'm with my mom.
25:48Yes, my love.
25:52Be careful with your head.
25:54Look how cute she is.
25:59Look at her.
26:01She's just like you when you were little.
26:03She's just like mom.
26:08Look how cute she is.
26:11She's going to be a very cute mom, my love.
26:15A very cute mom.
26:17Tell me, mommy.
26:25Forgive me, little one.
26:32Forgive me, please.
26:38Forgive me, please.