My Big Fat Fabulous Life S12 Episode 4

  • 2 months ago
My Big Fat Fabulous Life S12 Episode 4
00:00Previously on My Big Fat Fabulous Life.
00:06Hunter is bringing a date to the premiere.
00:08No one's met her, so she'll be meeting Hunter and all of us
00:11for the first time on the first date.
00:13How do you feel about Karen?
00:14I'm feeling that I don't like all these questions.
00:17This is gonna be the first time that we actually meet.
00:20I haven't had a serious girlfriend in a long time.
00:24I've really enjoyed being single.
00:27Everybody, this is Karen.
00:29Hi, Karen.
00:30I usually don't bring my sister and my father along on a first date.
00:35I've had weirder first date experiences in this family,
00:37so this is pretty tame.
00:38If Karen can survive this, then maybe Hunter has found the one.
00:42Ooh, look at the lights. How exciting.
00:44If I pass out and fall on the ground, just fan me back to life.
00:47This is my first lead role in a feature film.
00:51This is a beautiful thing.
00:52This is a really big night for me.
00:54It's a big night for my acting career and my relationship with Karen.
00:57Let's go.
01:05I know which one I want for now.
01:08I want for the top.
01:10The top.
01:41Hey, girl.
01:43Hey, girl.
01:45Come here.
01:46She's just Christmas enough.
01:48And she looked good.
01:49Come on, honey.
01:51This is the first time Goosey's come to pick out a tree.
01:56You okay?
01:58Well, we're going to try to do a Christmas to make Mommy proud.
02:02A year ago, we lost my mom on December 7th,
02:05so clearly we were not in the headspace to celebrate Christmas.
02:10But if there's one thing that I think my family can agree on,
02:13it's that my mother would want us to be celebrating Christmas
02:16and decorating because that was such a huge part of her.
02:21Of course, the first step to restarting our Christmas tradition
02:24is to find a tree, so we've come to our favorite tree lot called Wagner's.
02:28And the owners have gotten to know us a lot over the years,
02:31and they're really sweet people.
02:33Goosey, girl, do you have a friend?
02:35Whose doggy is this?
02:38It's mine.
02:39How you doing?
02:40Good, how are you?
02:41How you doing, Mr. Thorne?
02:43Good to see you, sir.
02:44Good to see you.
02:45Thank you all for coming.
02:46Thank you, Liam.
02:47Of course.
02:48How are you?
02:49Today was the day that Bams passed away a year ago.
02:53I'm sorry to hear about that.
02:54That's a tough lose, lose somebody.
02:57You know, as special as she was.
02:59Yeah, she really was.
03:00She was, yeah.
03:01Christmas was her favorite thing.
03:02We had people from all over Greensboro come to just tour the house during Christmas,
03:07so I told Dad we would try to do a Christmas to make her proud.
03:10I could never do it like her.
03:12We shopped for Christmas ornaments when we were at the beach in the summertime.
03:15Yeah, she was obsessed.
03:18Finding the perfect Christmas tree, which by the way, as my mom taught me,
03:21means it has to be perfect on all sides.
03:23You cannot offend the wall by having a tree that has any imperfections anywhere.
03:27It's not going to be easy, but I'm determined to get it done.
03:31Well, let's go shopping.
03:36What you think, Goose?
03:39Now, something may be this height.
03:41How tall is that?
03:42That's seven to eight footers.
03:44Look how full this is.
03:46Oh, that's full.
03:50Oh, I like the wider one.
03:51Do we care about length or do we care about girth?
03:53And that's the question.
03:57That's what they call a concolor fir.
03:59You put them in the house and you put warm water, it smells like tangerines.
04:02I like that.
04:03Well, your mom wouldn't stand for that, so we're not going to.
04:06Okay, so we won't do it, huh?
04:09That's nice.
04:11I think that's it.
04:12Let's do this one.
04:15It's the one?
04:16Okay, that's...
04:18No going back, eh?
04:19If mom comes to me in a dream and says it wasn't the right tree, then we'll be back,
04:21but I think that one's good.
04:23All right.
04:25I'll get it set up.
04:26Thank you so much.
04:27No problem.
04:30All right, this is the part where I go sit in the car and don't do anything else.
04:34I'm hoping that we can kind of rekindle this wonderful family feeling of togetherness that
04:40we've always had around this time.
04:42Thank you.
04:44We found the perfect tree.
04:45That's done.
04:46Step one.
04:47There's still a lot to do.
04:48It smells so divine.
04:51Oh, night divine.
04:54It's the smell they were referring to all along.
04:58Wasn't it just perfect enough?
05:01To pull this off?
05:03Did you see dad's Christmas sweater?
05:06Mom got it for him 20 years ago.
05:07He's been wearing it every Christmas since.
05:09I love this bright teeth.
05:11Yeah, he looks like a little beaver.
05:13Oh, yeah.
05:15It's legit.
05:17How exciting.
05:19Well, I don't have much experience, really, with real Christmas trees, because we were
05:24always told that we were allergic growing up.
05:26No, but that was a lie.
05:28But this one looks real.
05:30I mean, it looks beautiful to me.
05:31It looks like...
05:32It's big.
05:33It's robust.
05:34It fits nicely in the corner.
05:35It smells good.
05:36The fragrance, the aroma.
05:39We're going to get this house looking good for your Christmas party.
05:41You having one this year?
05:43Well, we can do a party.
05:44That's fine.
05:45You think we should do costumes?
05:47Well, I mean, like, what's a Christmas costume?
05:50I don't know.
05:51Just anything seasonal.
05:52That could be fun.
05:53I was always a shepherd.
05:56Well, Dad, you're just doing it.
05:57How does it feel?
05:59Like old times.
06:02That's looking good.
06:04It was much easier putting this tree in than before.
06:08Well, we used to have a huge tree at home.
06:10I mean, cover that whole wall.
06:12It would take me, you know, two or three hours to put all the lights on.
06:14But once I did that, then I turned the tree over to Babs.
06:18My mom was amazing at decorating for the holidays.
06:24Every detail was taken care of.
06:26This is the Santa Claus display.
06:28And since it's Christmas, we have Father Frost and whatnot.
06:32Look at his face.
06:35And she had themes for every tree.
06:38In the living room, that was the memory tree where it had ornaments,
06:42things that were significant from, like, our lives and stuff like that.
06:45This is me when I was, oh, about fifth grade.
06:48You love it.
06:50This is the den.
06:51And then in the dining room,
06:52she had a fake tree that was the Father Christmas tree,
06:55and it was all cream and gold.
06:56Oh, yeah.
06:57I remember that.
06:58This is the dining room.
07:00Father Frost.
07:02That was a $2,000 or $3,000 tree.
07:04And that was a beautiful tree.
07:05Oh, my God.
07:06Yeah, well, yeah.
07:07In the playroom, we had the snowman tree where it was all snowman themed.
07:10This in here is the playroom, and that's Frosty.
07:13Hey, I didn't do that.
07:15Oh, yeah.
07:16Little hot girl.
07:17Who was that?
07:18Little hot girl.
07:19Who was that?
07:20Christmas Eve was our big thing.
07:21Well, that's when she had the whole neighborhood come over.
07:23And we'll finish where we started.
07:26Santa Claus is glad.
07:27Feliz Navidad.
07:29Lovely, lovely, lovely.
07:33Well, I want to make sure that this Christmas we have a really nice one,
07:37and we enjoy it, and we do it in a way that would make Mommy proud.
07:41That's what I want to do this Christmas.
07:43Well, and you'll feel her here more than the whole rest of the year.
07:47Losing my mom was hard,
07:49and losing her at one of her favorite times of the year is a little bit harder.
07:55It was just such a big part of our lives,
07:57and all those holiday themes and decorations just made me feel so special,
08:05and it just is a way that she showed, you know, her love for us.
08:10And so I feel like we owe it to her.
08:13I mean, we'll never be as good as she was,
08:16but I think we need to incorporate a little bit of holiday cheer into our lives
08:22as a way of remembering Mommy.
08:26Well, you know, I think we need to try to figure out when we're going to have the party
08:29because, you know, I really think Hunter would like Karen to be here.
08:33Well, if he wants her to come, I'll try to plan it on a day that she can sleep.
08:37Well, you can talk to her and find out when she can come
08:39and see if it, you know, corresponds with when you're thinking about having the party
08:43because she's a really neat girl.
08:47Things between Hunter and Karen definitely went well the night of the premiere,
08:52and my dad is so excited, but my brother is too, and that's the most important thing.
08:58Dad, like, texts Karen on his own.
09:00Like, they talk.
09:03And she seems to be fine with it, so I'm like, okay, I guess it's cool.
09:07I think she must really be interested in Hunter.
09:12It was getting a little concerning that Hunter was getting, you know, to the point where
09:18he might just decide to be a bachelor for the rest of his life, you know,
09:22and he even made a comment he didn't mind being a bachelor.
09:25But the way this relationship with Karen and Hunter is going,
09:29this could be the start of something special.
09:31I want to be like Mommy, and I want to decorate like Mommy,
09:34but I don't have a husband. I don't have kids.
09:36I feel like who am I doing it for, the cats?
09:38If you can't have the husband and kids first, and then do the decorating for them,
09:41you have to do the decorating, and that's how you get the husband.
09:43Oh, if you decorate, then the husband will come.
09:45Well, I mean, you've got to live the life that you want to live.
09:47Then you've got to do the tree topper, because you're tall.
09:49And this is all we've got. Nothing but shining, sparkling, glowing.
09:51That is the tree topper. Let it live.
09:53I'm about to put a light inside of it.
09:55Let it live.
09:56I dropped it.
09:58Goosey girl. Goosey girl.
09:59Do not. That is the tree topper.
10:03Goosey girl.
10:04Goosey don't.
10:05A little lackluster, don't you think?
10:07We'll talk to the tree that way.
10:10Oh, yeah.
10:12Well, that's all right.
10:15That's beautiful.
10:17What's up?
10:18Dad is in the vicinity.
10:19Dad's here?
10:20Dad is here.
10:21I'm on a date.
10:22This is my second date with Karen.
10:24Definitely hoping it would be my first one-on-one.
10:27Thanks for the warning.
10:38I want to quit getting that curry every time.
10:40Because it is so right going in, but it's not always right coming out.
10:43I always love going to Elm Street.
10:46And Robbie is such a...
10:48I mean, you know, you go to any other restaurant and you get a server.
10:53And they're polite.
10:54I mean, this is like going...
10:56To some place that's family.
10:58I'm surprised you didn't say I have to invite Robbie to the Christmas party.
11:01Ask Robbie's wife if you can be in a thruple.
11:05If you can be in a thruple.
11:07Because Hunter and Karen are not going to let you in.
11:09My dad, you know, became a widower last year.
11:12And I know that he's really lonely without my mom.
11:14But he has made some connections with other people, I think, to lessen that.
11:18And I'm really glad that he's done that.
11:20For example, there's Robbie.
11:21Robbie owns his favorite restaurant.
11:23I don't know what the feelings are there, but they're strong.
11:26And then, of course, his daughter Angie.
11:28Now, the newest is Karen, my brother's new person he's dating.
11:34But if it makes him happy, I'm all for it.
11:37I want to take you to a place to get you some dessert.
11:41Stay to your right here.
11:43I do like downtown at Christmas.
11:45I got a lot of decorating to do before the party.
11:47So, if you could make yourself scarce the day of, I can get all my decorating done.
11:52So, what time do I need to be there?
11:53Everybody's coming about 6.
11:55Well, the parking lots I sleep in all close about 4.
12:00I was kidding you about the dessert shop.
12:03I'm taking you to a skating rink.
12:05I wanted to surprise you.
12:07Isn't that something you do at Christmas time in the winter?
12:11I mean, I don't...
12:13Right here. that.
12:15Well, I don't know.
12:16We just watch people having a good time skating around.
12:20I'm on this curb.
12:26We made it.
12:27Maybe my dad has been possessed by the Christmas spirit.
12:32We've never been ice skating.
12:34And I don't think my ankles are equipped.
12:36But I'm gonna go with it.
12:38Because, you know, who can say no to Glenthor?
12:41Looks pretty, doesn't it?
12:44We've never been ice skating as a family.
12:46Well, we went once up in New York.
12:54Can someone take me off the planet?
12:56I knew something was shady, okay?
12:59And right in front of me, I can see my brother
13:02and the new girl he's dating, Karen.
13:04And we should not be here.
13:06We're just gonna kind of stay in the background
13:08and watch them skate.
13:09How did you even know they were gonna be here?
13:11Well, Karen told me that they were coming to go skating.
13:14When did Karen tell you?
13:15Well, she texted me.
13:17Dad, this is...
13:18This is not right.
13:19This is a sabotage.
13:21Dad, I'm not having no part of it.
13:22I'm not doing it.
13:23Yes, you...
13:24No, I'm not doing it.
13:26I will not be a part of this
13:27because I know what's happening here.
13:29Dad has come here to spy on Hunter and Karen.
13:32I knew it was unhealthy, and now it's confirmed.
13:35If we want Hunter and Karen to, like,
13:37have a successful relationship and get married,
13:40this is not the way to ensure that.
13:44What's up?
13:45Dad is in the vicinity.
13:47Dad's here?
13:48Dad is here.
13:50I'm on a date.
13:51Well, I'm just trying to warn you.
13:53Okay, I'm going back to the car.
13:54Okay, well, thanks for the warning.
13:58This is my second day with Karen,
14:00and I was definitely hoping it would be
14:02my first one-on-one with her,
14:05but that doesn't seem like it's gonna happen.
14:09Uh, yeah.
14:11Apparently, uh, my dad is in the vicinity.
14:16What's he doing?
14:17I think he's spying on us.
14:19Romantic, I know.
14:21Just the most awkward thing imaginable.
14:23That's it.
14:25All right, so he's somewhere here.
14:27He's, yeah.
14:29I'm just gonna ignore him.
14:34Come on down.
14:35I got some hot chocolate for you.
14:37Come on.
14:38Hunter's starting to get where he can skate a little bit here.
14:40Karen's holding him up, though.
14:45Bring my camera.
14:46What camera?
14:47I put my camera in the back seat.
14:49Bring it with you.
14:51So not only does he want to insert himself
14:56into Hunter and Karen's date,
14:58he wants photographic evidence of it?
15:00He's unhinged.
15:02There's nothing about this.
15:04That's right.
15:06You are not taking photos of them.
15:08Just sit down and have your hot chocolate
15:10and let me take care of this.
15:12Boundaries have never been a big thing
15:17in the Thor household.
15:19A big thing in the Thor household,
15:21but it is time to make some.
15:26Daddy, don't.
15:30Ooh, I love to get a stretch.
15:33Some people could call this spying,
15:35but I think this is more of a documentary.
15:37As a photographer, you've got certain license to go
15:40and get photographs that you think
15:42are gonna be important in the future.
15:44And over the years, it has been my place
15:46as the father of the Thor family
15:48to document everything.
15:50I want Hunter and Karen to have something
15:53to look back on in case this moves on
15:56to something more serious.
15:58Hunter! 3 o'clock!
16:01What? What? What?
16:03Hey, Karen, how are you? Good to see you.
16:05He's got the camera with the lens.
16:08Look over your shoulder.
16:10That way. 3 o'clock.
16:13Clint's lens is ready to go.
16:16I told him that you knew he was here,
16:18that you were not happy,
16:19and he still refused to concede.
16:21I'm sorry.
16:22This is a first.
16:23I'm dying, Karen, I'm so sorry.
16:25I swear to you, we're not weird.
16:27I'm so sorry.
16:28How about this?
16:29Do one lap, and you get there,
16:31let him get his shot,
16:32and then I will get him out.
16:34All right.
16:35I promise I will get him out.
16:37Karen, I'm so sorry.
16:38What a journey.
16:40You know, my dad can be real funny
16:42about his excitement about Karen and I,
16:45and I think my father wants what every father wants.
16:49He wants to see his kids happy and get married,
16:54and he's got grandbaby fever,
16:56like it's, you know, it's ridiculous.
16:59He's just on overload right now.
17:01He just, he can't help himself.
17:03He can't contain all the emotions
17:05building up inside of him.
17:07There's a part of me that's like,
17:08yo, leave me alone.
17:09Let me be a grown-ass man on a date with this woman.
17:13Well, hey, guys.
17:14Hi, Glenn.
17:15Hey, how's it going?
17:16Nice to meet you here.
17:17Oh, yeah.
17:18What a coincidence.
17:19What's up?
17:20Just thought we'd stop by
17:21and see you guys having a good time.
17:24Yeah, very appropriate.
17:26Get your shot, and then get out of here.
17:29Come here.
17:30Oh, God.
17:32All right.
17:35See ya.
17:36Well, we got a nice picture,
17:37so should we leave?
17:38Yes, yes, yes, Dad, we should leave.
17:41Because I don't feel good about myself,
17:42and I'll just, we're leaving.
17:45Bye, we're leaving.
17:48See you, guys.
17:50Karen, are you still coming to the Christmas party?
17:56Karen is great.
17:58She, like, doesn't think this is weird.
18:00She and Hunter, like, I can feel a vibe between them.
18:03Like, I'm very hopeful about this.
18:05I was afraid you were going to jump on the next flight home.
18:08After, you know.
18:10Couldn't take more than that.
18:12Papa Duke showed up.
18:13Day 2, almost a disaster.
18:15Almost, but not.
18:16Not, not, still good.
18:18I'm glad to hear that.
18:20I've only been on 2 dates with Karen,
18:23and you and Dad have been on both of them.
18:26I have begged my dad to exercise some chill
18:30when it comes to Karen.
18:32You know they text.
18:33Oh, my God.
18:34I like her.
18:35I really don't want to run her off.
18:49Woosie girl.
18:51Let's go see Uncle Tal, Woosie girl.
18:55Oh, oh.
18:57Tal and I have a tradition of doing a little Christmas drive
19:01through Greensboro to see the balls.
19:03Greensboro is kind of nationally famous, actually, for our balls.
19:09And they're iconic.
19:11They're lighted up and beautiful,
19:13and there's like a whole neighborhood that does it really extensively.
19:16So Tal and I love to drive through and see those balls
19:19and just catch up on life.
19:21It gets us in the Christmas spirit.
19:23I'm so happy to see you.
19:25Happy to see you.
19:26It's been an eternity too long.
19:29I know.
19:30Look, I brought you hot chocolate.
19:31Oh, my gosh, thank you.
19:32I know.
19:33And we haven't actually done this in a couple years.
19:35I know.
19:36Our tradition has been.
19:37It's been lapsing.
19:38Thrown off.
19:39You were a bit busy last year.
19:40How were you doing?
19:41A little bit, yeah.
19:42Well, you know, we just passed the year anniversary since Mommy died.
19:47Y'all have been on my mind and on my heart.
19:50So where are most of the balls at?
19:52Straight here, I think.
19:53I see lights ahead.
19:55Where are most of the balls at in this town?
19:56That's what we want to know.
19:58They're also starting to do the balls in my parents' neighborhood.
20:01Balls in your face everywhere you look?
20:02Balls everywhere.
20:03Oh, my God, this is my.
20:05My mommy grew up on this street.
20:10I didn't even think about it.
20:15The holidays are tough with grief too.
20:17I know.
20:18And especially I know as much as your mom loved Christmas,
20:21I think the holidays just feel a little emptier.
20:24One of the most common things that people keep saying is, like,
20:27she's with you and you can feel her, but I don't.
20:30I don't believe that I'm going to be reunited with my mother.
20:32I wish I did.
20:34My mother and I were extremely close,
20:38like dozens of past lifetimes intertwined close,
20:43and I miss her, especially around Christmas.
20:48And I'm craving some sort of connection.
20:51You know, there's nothing that can fill that void.
20:54I mean, like, if she were able to connect, in fact, you know,
20:57I have that video of her where I said,
21:00are we going to be together forever?
21:02And she said, I hope so.
21:04And I said, are you going to be with me forever?
21:06And she said, I'll try.
21:07I'll try.
21:08You know?
21:09And so, like, I know if there were a way, whoo.
21:13Made me cry.
21:17Oh, but that doesn't mean that she's not trying.
21:19No, I know.
21:20And I'm like, no, if there were a way, like, she would do it.
21:23So I'm like, is it me?
21:24I'm like, is there something wrong with me?
21:26No, there's nothing wrong with you.
21:29See, you're grieving.
21:30You miss her.
21:31It's just hard to, I mean, you can't just, like,
21:33live in that every single day, but you feel it.
21:38Do you have a tissue or napkin?
21:40I don't know.
21:41Sorry, I didn't mean to drive us into crisis.
21:43No, that's OK.
21:45I, uh.
21:46I got cake bites.
21:47I like the sound of the hat.
21:54I mean, Whitney is a young person to have lost a parent.
21:58And there's just so much life yet for, you know, her to live
22:02and for her dad to live that her mom won't be around for.
22:06I really hope that Whitney can find a way
22:08to feel connected with her mother
22:10so that she can feel more strength and support
22:14and not just sadness when she thinks about her.
22:16Let's think about some positives.
22:18Should we?
22:20We need to get it together.
22:21We need to do something.
22:23Because I don't want to live like this.
22:25And you're going into a new decade.
22:27On 4-14-84 in 2024, I'm going to be 40.
22:31What is the symbolism of four?
22:32I don't know.
22:33Because we need to find out.
22:34I don't like it.
22:35We should go see a psychic.
22:36I would love to go see a psychic.
22:38Look, I want a palm reading.
22:39I want a tarot card reading.
22:40I want a psychic.
22:41I want a Reiki.
22:43I want a sound bath.
22:45I want silent meditation.
22:46I want all of it.
22:47We need to get our shit together.
22:49Yes, we do.
22:50I do believe that there are people in this world
22:53that have, like, a gift.
22:55So I think going with Tal, I would be interested
22:59just to see, you know, if there's any way
23:03I can connect to her at all.
23:05And possibly just give me some affirmative things
23:09to focus on as we go into the new year
23:11because I'm really trying to get my life back on track.
23:16I'm excited about the holiday party.
23:18That would be really fun.
23:19Yeah, me too.
23:20If I can bring anything, let me know.
23:21The only thing you need to bring is a present
23:23for the gift exchange game,
23:24and I'll email you who your person is.
23:26Um, you know, and it is a costume party.
23:29Winter, Christmas, whatever.
23:31Like, so just keep that in mind.
23:33Maybe I'll be a candy cane
23:34because I'm long and thin and sweet.
23:35I like that!
23:37Most of the time.
23:52Even Goosey has ears.
23:54You said you didn't want to wear ears.
23:56I don't want to wear ears. Okay.
23:59It's Abbott's girl!
24:01She's about to run up to that door.
24:04Just as we pass the one-year anniversary
24:06of my mom's death,
24:08I thought about coping with our grief
24:12in a way that also gives back to the community.
24:16Abbott's Wood is a senior living community
24:18that my mother and father lived in
24:20for the last 11 months of her life,
24:22and we were so grateful to have Abbott's Wood
24:24to provide her the kind of care and attention
24:27that was impossible for us to do at home.
24:29Hi, good morning!
24:31She's going to have to be just prompt.
24:33And I thought that visiting Abbott's Wood again
24:35would be therapeutic for us as a family
24:38to brighten some other residents' day
24:41in the form of donuts and coffee.
24:44One, please.
24:45Okay, this one's already ready for you.
24:47Thank you.
24:48There you go, okay, and one more orange juice.
24:50Thank you.
24:51You want the pink one? Okay.
24:53My mom enjoyed her life here every single day,
24:56so it feels like it's a little bit of grief,
24:59but a whole lot of love too.
25:01You made a good choice,
25:02and it's the last chocolate one in this box.
25:05Okay, love you.
25:06So I'll see you at the Christmas party.
25:10So I'm a little nervous about the Christmas party.
25:14Well, it'll be Karen and I's second date, realistically,
25:17and both you and Dad will be there again.
25:20It's the third, and yes,
25:21Dad and I will be there three for three.
25:24Come talk to me.
25:27How long were you married?
25:2945 years.
25:3045 years.
25:32We had 62 in April.
25:34Oh, I thought 45 was good.
25:37I've only been on two dates with Karen,
25:39and you and Dad have been on both of them.
25:42So this will be number three.
25:44I should probably see her by myself at some point.
25:47Now, you know they text.
25:49Do you know that?
25:52I think I was aware that they had texted.
25:54I didn't know it was a regular thing.
25:56I told him he needed to chill.
25:58Actually, they're not even officially boyfriend-girlfriend yet.
26:01The last thing we want to do is run her off,
26:05because I know Daddy's not weird.
26:06Or run me off.
26:07Well, I know that we're not weird, like as a family,
26:10but if you zoom out and look at this,
26:12if I were Karen.
26:13It's strange.
26:15He was like, I just want her to know that we're really excited
26:17and we're supportive of her, and we really like.
26:19I said, Daddy, she knows that.
26:21I was like, she knows we like her.
26:22Like, yeah.
26:24I told him, I said, you got to chill.
26:27Oh my God.
26:30I have begged my dad to exercise some chill when it comes to Karen,
26:36but I can't control the man.
26:39I think Hunter might have a valid point, you know,
26:41that the third date is also going to be a family date.
26:45And I am slightly concerned about what Karen will think.
26:49I like her.
26:50I really don't want to run her off.
26:52Okay, I'm not saying we won't come on any more dates,
26:54but we won't crash them.
26:56Go serve some donuts.
26:58Love you too.
27:01I know you told me that you were a licensed marriage and family
27:04counselor, but does this not make you nervous?
27:07Well, she knows all the red flags to look for,
27:08and she's not going to put up with any bull.
27:10Whitney, you told us not to ruin this tonight, and here you are.
27:27It's Christmas party.
27:29It's Christmas party.
27:34Sweet thing.
27:36What are you going to be, Todd?
27:38A Christmas miracle.
27:43Merry Christmas.
27:45Oh, my God.
27:46Oh, my God, the custom.
27:47I love that.
27:48I was so afraid nobody was going to dress.
27:50Oh, my God.
27:51My mother loved to entertain at Christmas,
27:53so this is a whole re-imagination, if you will,
27:55of my mother's very famous Christmas parties of yesteryear,
27:59in which she would entertain family and friends and members of the
28:03I will not come close to achieving what Babs achieved,
28:08but hopefully we'll have a good time.
28:11Do you have any idea what I am?
28:14Some kind of queen.
28:15Statue of Liberty.
28:16Like an ice queen.
28:18I'm black ice.
28:21Yeah, you are.
28:22I love that.
28:24Well, where should we put these?
28:25We can put them in there, like near the tree.
28:27I'm so excited.
28:28I'd like to set up with.
28:30We do have on the menu burritos.
28:33That's reindeer food right there.
28:34I've got eggnog.
28:35I've got apple cider.
28:36You want any?
28:38I don't think I've ever had eggnog.
28:39Well, you have some.
28:40It doesn't have alcohol in it.
28:41Okay, I'll try it.
28:44Oh, my God.
28:46Is it?
28:47No, it's not.
28:48Oh, my God.
28:49Get in here.
28:50Oh, my.
28:51Hey, y'all.
28:52Stop it.
28:53Is this a snowman family?
28:55Oh, my God.
28:58Happy holidays.
28:59Oh, hi.
29:00Oh, my God.
29:01This is my favorite thing I've ever worn.
29:02It's pajamas.
29:03It's comfortable.
29:04It's fashion.
29:05It's candy cane.
29:06You look good enough to eat.
29:08Are you the Statue of Liberty?
29:09Okay, got it.
29:10Is that what everyone?
29:11I am black ice.
29:12Oh, my God.
29:13Oh, my God.
29:14Oh, my God.
29:15Oh, my God.
29:16Oh, my God.
29:17Oh, my God.
29:18Oh, my God.
29:19Oh, my God.
29:20I am black ice.
29:21It's beautiful.
29:22I'm seasonal.
29:23I love it.
29:24Your house looks fantastic.
29:26I got some stuff for moms.
29:27I got her best sticks.
29:28Mom sticks.
29:29Her best sticks.
29:30You're carrying on the tradition of hosting a holiday party.
29:34Actually, yeah.
29:35I'm about to cry again.
29:36I need to quit.
29:37She'll be so proud.
29:38There you go.
29:39I thought she would be happy.
29:40Babs left some pretty huge shoes to fill as far as carrying on the holiday decorations
29:45and festivities.
29:47I'm really proud that Whitney is upholding that by having us all here in style, in costume
29:54no less.
29:55I feel like Babs would be really happy about this.
29:58Oh, Karen is coming.
30:00This is Hunter's not yet girlfriend, but we hope.
30:05We get to meet her?
30:07She's here.
30:08She's in town.
30:09I haven't even heard of her.
30:10He met her in Atlanta when we went to his premiere.
30:11Then she came up a couple days ago.
30:13They were going ice skating.
30:15We were excited.
30:16We were going to crash their ice skating date.
30:17Again, we had a family date, and now she's coming for the family and all the friends.
30:21Dad is obsessed.
30:22Dad, literally, he texts her and he's obsessed with her.
30:26Everybody, don't ruin it.
30:28Obviously, we're all thrilled for Hunter.
30:30I've never seen him with a girl.
30:32I've known him for a while now, but I can't imagine what it would be like for a parent,
30:36like Glenn, to see his kid finally settle down and get excited about somebody.
30:44Well, you look beautiful.
30:45Thank you.
30:46Glenn, you're Santa?
30:47It's for you.
30:48Santa has arrived.
30:49It's a party now.
30:50You look great.
30:51You're Santa, and you're a present, right?
30:52A present, yes.
30:53Okay, I get that.
30:54I'm Dad's sack.
30:55The sack full of presents.
30:56With my gift.
30:57Present sack.
30:58Oh, okay.
31:00Everybody, this is Karen.
31:01This is Karen.
31:02Hi, Karen.
31:03Hi, Karen.
31:04Hi, Karen.
31:05Hi, Karen.
31:06Hi, Karen.
31:07Hi, Karen.
31:08Hi, Karen.
31:09Hi, Karen.
31:10Hi, Karen.
31:11Hi, Karen.
31:12Hi, Karen.
31:13Hi, Karen.
31:14Hi, Karen.
31:15Hi, Karen.
31:16Hi, Karen.
31:17Hi, Karen.
31:18I was just telling everyone about you.
31:20And Todd is upstairs.
31:21We're hoping he'll come down.
31:22And Buddy and Courtney are coming a little bit late.
31:23But now that y'all are here, I think we should go ahead and eat.
31:24I am serving burritos, and I don't want to hear anything about it.
31:28I don't have the gumption or the wherewithal to attempt to cook anything, and I didn't
31:34ask anyone to bring anything.
31:36So even though it may not seem like the most traditional Christmas meal, we're about to
31:40throw down on these burritos.
31:41I need a little guac.
31:45It's not Christmas without guacamole.
31:47How's massage school going?
31:49It's great.
31:50I'm already a third of the way through.
31:52Oh, awesome.
31:54That's cool.
31:55I don't know why I give you zero for effort.
31:58But I won 100 on creativity.
32:00And nastiness.
32:01Look at the one in his back, like his little humpback.
32:07Karen just patted his sack.
32:09Well, so what do you think about Greensboro?
32:12It's cute.
32:13I like it.
32:15And tell Tal about what you do.
32:16I'm a licensed marriage and family therapist.
32:17Oh, my gosh.
32:18No way.
32:20I'm a clinical mental health counselor.
32:21Oh, nice.
32:24That's amazing.
32:25Well, we won't be diagnosing you this evening.
32:27She'll have to observe over the longer term to really get a thorough assessment.
32:30Take some good notes.
32:31I'll talk to Tal, and we'll discuss.
32:34So I just put this together.
32:35I know you told me that before, but this is my concern.
32:39I know you told me that you were a licensed marriage and family counselor.
32:42But now that I'm thinking about it, does this not make you nervous?
32:50It doesn't make me nervous.
32:51Well, she knows all the red flags to look for, and she's not going to put up with any
32:54I don't plan on giving any bulls**t.
32:56That's a great answer.
32:57Have you come up with any diagnoses for our family since you've spent so much time with
33:01Other than just a blanket case.
33:02No, wait a minute.
33:03You told us not to ruin this tonight, and here you are.
33:07I'm like, this is fine.
33:08I'm just trying to help.
33:09Look, I'm just trying to help facilitate.
33:10Y'all don't do it.
33:11Let me do it.
33:12The getting to know you process.
33:13Y'all don't do it.
33:14I got this.
33:15I'm sorry.
33:16I'll step out.
33:17No, Tal, I needed you to step in on that one.
33:18Whitney told all of us not to act crazy, and now she's here telling Karen how crazy her
33:19whole family is.
33:20Like, you're going to scare her off.
33:21We're all a little crazy, right?
33:22Yes, but that's-
33:24Okay, I'm glad-
33:25You guys have been wonderful.
33:26I'm glad you feel confident.
33:28I feel great.
33:29I think everybody wants to know if I'm nervous that I'm dating a marriage and family therapist.
33:30Well, I'm not married, and I don't have a family, so I have zero nervousness.
33:31I might get nervous if she tries to start diagnosing me.
33:32That might make me a little nervous, but that hasn't happened yet.
33:33You know how it is-
33:34It looks like you have boobs, Hunter.
33:35I don't have boobs.
33:36I don't have boobs.
33:37I don't have boobs.
33:38Are you kidding me?
33:39You don't have boobs.
33:40You don't have boobs.
33:41Do you?
33:42I do.
33:43Oh, my god.
33:44I'm so embarrassed.
33:45I'm so embarrassed.
33:46I don't have boobs.
33:47I don't have boobs.
33:48I don't have boobs.
33:49I don't have boobs.
33:50That might have made me a little nervous.
33:52But that hasn't happened yet.
33:54You know how hard it was...
33:55It looks like you have boobs, Hunter.
33:57I want Karen to just walk around and pop your...
33:59Do you know how hard it was to get these balloons to stay in here?
34:01Pop dad's sack.
34:02Every time he says something stupid, I'll just pop it.
34:04They're gonna be popping balloons all night.
34:09So we'll all just make some guesses.
34:11I came up with a game called the Seasonal Superlatives
34:13where we all have to guess, like, ooh, who would that gift belong to?
34:17The person most likely to touch a naked stranger.
34:22Is it Whitney?
34:24I want to know why, obviously.
34:38Todd! Goosey!
34:40Oh my goodness, hi!
34:44I love it.
34:45Did you design it yourself?
34:46We're twins.
34:52You're so festive!
34:54You know, y'all look very good.
34:56Y'all look great!
34:57Your tights, dude.
35:00I'm Rudolph number one.
35:03Okay, so your cards are numbered.
35:06So the person should tell the superlative
35:08and then we all get to speculate on who it is.
35:10So we'll all just make some guesses.
35:13I came up with a game called the Seasonal Superlatives
35:15where basically everybody was assigned to buy a gift
35:18for another person in the group and it was a secret.
35:21So then I wrote a clue and said,
35:23this is for the person who, you know, has great buns or whatever.
35:27And then we all have to guess, like, ooh, who would that gift belong to?
35:30Ultimately, it's just going to bring us together
35:32and make us feel closer,
35:33which in my mind is the point of the holiday spirit.
35:37Okay, so who has envelope number one?
35:40Jess? Okay, you go ahead.
35:42This is to the person most likely to talk about spirits.
35:46Like booze or ghosts?
35:49Like, guess.
35:50It doesn't specify.
35:51Therapists could get deep in some spirits.
35:54They're all scared.
35:55In this family.
35:57And what none of you know is she's here to conduct an intervention.
36:01This would not be the first intervention that I've been involved in,
36:03Lord knows that.
36:06It's probably me, since I bartend.
36:08It's Hunter.
36:09Okay, and Hunter, you get to get your gift and open it.
36:11All right.
36:13Oh, wow.
36:14Oh, that's so nice.
36:15So it's a whiskey glass and what?
36:17And a shaker.
36:18For the bartender.
36:19For the spirit.
36:21Thank you.
36:22Okay, who's number two?
36:24Mine is to the person most likely to incur grievous bodily harm
36:27and require medical intervention after a night of adult entertainment.
36:33Tal, go ahead and admit what you did.
36:35Well, we all had the most wonderful trip to Alaska several years ago,
36:39and we invited an adult entertainer to the home.
36:42A stripper and his name was Wolf.
36:44An Alaskan stripper named Wolf.
36:46I got up and gave the stripper a lap dance.
36:53I didn't do that.
36:54It's okay, he's insured.
36:56On the dismount, I felt my foot roll underneath itself
37:02in a way that I was like, oh, something terrible just happened.
37:06Did you guys have fun?
37:07Oh, yes, so much fun.
37:08Thank you.
37:09I just need people to know that I really lived, you know,
37:12and the way that that's phrased, like.
37:15The person most likely to touch a naked stranger.
37:21Is it Whitney?
37:23I'm not really.
37:25I think it's true.
37:26I think it's Allison.
37:27I think it's Allison, too.
37:28She's heard touching a stranger.
37:32Thank you.
37:33You're welcome.
37:34All right, let's see what it is.
37:35It's heavy.
37:36It feels so fun to have this Christmas party
37:38and have everybody laughing and just, like, enjoying each other.
37:43Oh, a little baby hand.
37:45That's so nice.
37:46Even newer members of the friend group, like,
37:48Allison seems to be getting along with everybody so well,
37:50and so does Karen, and it's just so fun to enjoy this time together.
37:54To the person most likely to spend their free time
37:57doing an activity that includes the word pot.
38:00All right, Dad, who is it?
38:04Of course Dad got his secret Santa.
38:06It's Karen.
38:07I throw pottery.
38:08Oh, cool.
38:09All right.
38:10Well, there you go.
38:11That's cool.
38:13You love pottery.
38:14That's cute.
38:16Very cute.
38:17Thank you.
38:18I'm happy that I'm the one that's giving Karen a gift.
38:21I'm obviously very excited about this relationship.
38:24Seeing Hunter in a romantic relationship for the first time in a while
38:28has made me as happy as I can be.
38:31I only wish Babs could be here to see it.
38:34To the person most likely to have a daughter no one knows about.
38:40I wonder who that one would be.
38:44Why are y'all looking at Lenny?
38:46What about Dad?
38:47Oh, yeah.
38:49That's old news now.
38:52It's Lenny.
38:55To the person most likely to enter into a civil union with his or her cat.
38:59It's got to be me.
39:00It's got to be Whitney for sure.
39:02Anybody that says that Christmas isn't their favorite time of year, they're lying.
39:06This is the best time.
39:07You get together with your friends.
39:09Glenn's here.
39:10We got new lovebirds.
39:11We got a new baby.
39:13Newlyweds, you know.
39:14A lot's changed.
39:15A lot's changed this year.
39:17We're good.
39:18Having a great time.
39:19Aw, a cat ring.
39:22That's really cute.
39:24It's actually perfect.
39:25With this ring.
39:27I don't know.
39:29Very cute.
39:30That's really cute.
39:31I really did set myself up for being the person most likely to, like, die alone with her cat.
39:37But this is the last Christmas of my 30s.
39:39And who knows?
39:40Maybe my first Christmas in my 40s by that time, I will have changed that.
39:44I have one more gift that I wanted to give to Daddy.
39:48And, Dad, you see there?
39:50That's the mommy tree.
39:53I thought this would be perfect for you so we can remember Mommy.
40:00The cardinal.
40:02While she was alive, she told me that she would come visit me as a red cardinal.
40:07So every time I see one, you know, it's special.
40:11But I think I've survived this year maybe better than I thought I would.
40:16I miss her, you know, more than there are no words to describe how much I miss my mommy.
40:29That is a beautiful cardinal.
40:31It is.
40:33Staring right at you.
40:34Love you, babes.
40:36I'm so grateful for everyone in my life.
40:39And it really is so beautiful, even a year after her death,
40:43to see that my dad is still so, so in love with my mother.
40:46And it makes me feel like, you know, real eternal love does exist.
40:53And it's really nice to be here at Christmas forging, you know, newer relationships like with Karen and Allison.
41:00And while I'm genuinely so thrilled for my friends who are experiencing these wonderful milestones,
41:08it obviously makes me think about, you know, next year at Christmas I think it would be amazing
41:12if I had a partner to join our Christmas party.
41:16And if my mom were here, I know exactly what she would tell me.
41:19You never know what's just around the corner.
41:22And I think that's really good advice.
41:24Well, mommy would be very happy about her cardinal and her decorations gone to good use and all of us together.
41:30And thanks for coming.
41:33I get the hell out.
41:35No mom would say.
41:37Enjoy it.
41:38Enjoy it.
41:41I know.
41:43Oh my gosh, look at all this.
41:45Next time on My Big Fat Fabulous Life.
41:47Look, cake.
41:49My niece Jamie's bachelorette party is this weekend, and Angie has flown in from Alabama.
41:54I got back on the apps yesterday.
41:56Do you want to see the messages that I've gotten?
41:58I don't think I do, but.
41:59Looking juicy, Whitney.
42:00Oh my God.
42:01Part of me, like, feels pessimistic about finding a partner.
42:04You think about going out with somebody from a dating app or somebody got to go to a bar.
42:07Or like, where do you meet people?
42:08Your standards, like, so high that.
42:10I don't feel like my standards are that high.
42:14Oh my gosh, Whitney.
42:16That is a ride.
42:17Angie and I are on the way to the Charlotte airport to pick up the girls.
42:20I'll do one shot, that's it.
42:22I'm excited about everything we're doing.
42:24I just hope I can keep up.