You've Got Male Part 5

  • 2 months ago
You've Got Male Part 5


00:00Do you think you are
00:05Get out of my store
00:09Get out of my store
00:11This shit hole. It's not gonna be open much longer. I guess it doesn't matter if I do this then
00:30Get out. You're nobody. Without me you're nothing. Get the fuck out of my store. I'm gonna call the fucking police. Get out.
00:47Why are you telling them all about your stupid ass books?
00:54Wow, so pretty
01:00Fuck your bookstore
01:30What are you doing to my business partner?
01:39The Callaway Group is looking to acquire Chapters Bookstore
01:44What is he talking about?
01:47What are you talking about?
01:49Since when?
01:51We're gonna incorporate it into the hotel. We're gonna keep everything as is
01:55No way, that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard
01:58Nothing's gonna change
02:01Eric, stop pretending that you and I are still friends. You and I haven't been friends for a very, very long time
02:08Now look, I've been tolerating you for as long as I can, but I'm not gonna do that anymore
02:13Really? What the fuck? You're gonna throw away our friendship over this bitch?
02:20I see how it is
02:23You're fucking my wife
02:25I'm not your wife
02:55We're basically gonna do that with me
02:57Hank, get him out of here. Let's go
02:59What are you gonna do? Beat me up?
03:02Who are you? Get your hands off of him!
03:05That's actually a good idea
03:07Oh, and Hank, do me a favor. Blacklist Mr. Price and his plaything from all of our properties. Restaurants and mall included
03:15Are you okay?
03:18Layla, why are you so mad at me?
03:21I'm not
03:22Yeah, why am I so mad?
03:25You know, I kind of put it all out there for you
03:29And Eric knows how I feel and is probably gonna sue me
03:32And, um, you don't even have a thank you
03:36I don't even have a thank you?
03:39Layla Reed, are you jealous?
03:45No, I'm not jealous
03:48Why would I be jealous?
03:50Why, are you fucking your clients?
03:53Why do you care?
03:56I don't
03:58Well, I'll share if you will
04:01Who's the guy that you keep bringing into my house all the time?
04:05I'll share if you will
04:07Who's the guy that you keep bringing into my hotel at night?
04:11Okay, stalker
04:14No, I'm not sleeping with my clients
04:17I'm not sleeping with anyone, but
04:21Anyone, but?
04:27Anyone, but?
04:30Never mind
04:35Thank you for everything and all of that
04:42And thank you
04:45That might be the kindest thing that you've ever said to me
04:47Yeah, well, cherish it
04:51What are you even doing here?
04:53Oh, Hank, I brought you soup for your hangover
04:58How do you know I'm hungover?
05:01When a ten year acquaintance buys a whole bottle of Dom at the Callaway but then proceeds to
05:08Well, I tend to find out
05:12You know what?
05:14I'd like to purchase these
05:16I wouldn't want to forget the memory
05:19Keep them
05:23Keep the jacket
05:26It matches your eyes
05:30I can't
05:33I'll take this, I got this for him for Christmas, thank you
05:54Can we stop staying at the Callaway? I hate it there
05:58But what about all the memories we made there?
06:01Did he just hand me a sad face?
06:24All right, sir, where to? Back to the meeting or the Callaway hotel?
06:35The costume shop
06:41Who do you want me to meet?
08:04Oh, there you are
08:07Well, these investors flew all the way from Paris to
08:10Good, I got it
08:12You take the outfit, please
08:14Thank you
08:16Sir, did you even prep for this meeting?
08:17No, of course I did
08:18You know, these investors flew all the way from Paris
08:21Okay, so, all right
08:23To Parle Francais, this one here
08:25Zoomed with them
08:27We zoomed with them the other day, remember?
08:29It was, um, okay, oh
08:32It was last week, yeah, you had that mocha latte
08:36So, French investors
08:39Yes, we
08:40And they're buying our, no, they want to rent
08:44They want to rent
08:46I know you can pull up your pants
08:47I've been practicing my whole life
08:48Yes, you have got this
08:50And, uh
08:51We have zoomed with them before, so you'll be familiar with their pace
08:53Sir, we are
08:54Well, we're here
08:56Oh, he's asleep
09:02Thank you so much, Merci
09:27Have a wonderful day
09:42Home and garden
09:44Whose is this?
09:49Here are the projections from the French investor
09:51Oh, thank you so much, Kimberly
09:52Yeah, you'll have a look?
09:54Okay, do that
09:56Great job, Kim
09:57Thank you
10:01Sir, sir
10:04Your, uh, your side hustle
10:06It has to stop
10:10I mean, I signed a contract with Layla
10:13Well, this whole thing with Miss Reed is, let me say this
10:17It is bonkers
10:19I honestly don't know how she hasn't already found out
10:21And now it's too late to tell her
10:23I mean, you've seen how she holds grudges
10:25She's gonna think that I did the whole thing just to get her to sell me her bookstore or something
10:30And you didn't?
10:31Sir, sir
10:33If you did not do this for business, then what was it for?
10:37Oh, sir
10:40Are you in love?
10:42Okay, yes
10:45I am, I am, I am
10:48And I think I have been for a long time
10:52What am I gonna do, Hank?
10:55Alright, let's go, we're staring hard
10:59All the champagne
11:00Yes, sir
11:01Yes, sir
11:02We're gonna answer, fellas
11:03Bring all the champagne, guys
11:11Welcome to Callaway
11:13Thank you
11:14She's coming?
11:17Stand up, guys, stand up
11:21Miss Reed is here
11:23Miss Reed is here
11:26He did all of this just for a meeting with me?
11:30What is this?
11:32Well, I'm proposing a new business collaboration
11:37But one that truly benefits us both
11:40Benefits us both, meaning mostly you and a little bit for me
11:45No, Leila, actually, all for you
11:51Here, I'll show you
11:53Have a seat
11:59You guys can sit
12:04So I'm thinking a three million dollar investment, full marketing staff, and e-commerce
12:10We'll also expand your stores, add a cafe
12:13We could call it Inc. to go along with the chapters
12:16Well, what about your hotel?
12:17We'll build another, don't worry about it
12:22Well, because we're a company that has heart
12:26I guess I've got a heart, too
12:30Right, let's go over the details
12:43If you're ready, this is for you
13:19Can I ask you, why are you doing all this?
13:24And not just today, but everything
13:28Because I'm in love with you
13:33You know what, I'll tell you another day
13:36Now, partner
13:42Now you be safe, okay?
13:44We'll talk soon
13:48But will you ever be in love with me?
13:54I was like a deer in headlights
13:56It was ridiculous
13:57And I don't know, I just, it didn't even seem like it could be real
14:00It was so crazy
14:02It's just like, they're gonna give me so much
14:05And I can't believe it happened
14:07Chapters is gonna live, and it's gonna do better than live
14:10It's gonna thrive
14:11So, uh, this Matthew guy, he seems pretty nice, yeah?
14:15Yeah, I guess he changed
14:18I always thought that he was just like Eric
14:20I don't know, he doesn't sound like him at all
14:22But, uh, I'm happy for you, really
14:27Thank you
14:30I do have some other news
14:37My grandpa's surgery, it went really well
14:42And he's cancer free
14:46That's amazing, that's awesome
14:52That is amazing
14:54Thank you
14:55I'm so happy for you
14:56I always knew that he could do it, but
14:58It feels like a miracle, so