The Story of Tracy Beaker- Series- 1-04.Episode 4 Back To Back Epiosodes

  • 2 months ago
The Story of Tracy Beaker- Series- 1-04.Episode 4 Back To Back Epiosodes


00:00I can make my world come true, all my dreams will see me through. Doesn't matter what may come my way, believe me now, I will win someday.
00:25You know you're not allowed in here without permission.
00:27Did a place come for me?
00:30Oh, look, there's still time.
00:32Tracy, maybe you shouldn't pin your hopes on a birthday card coming from...
00:38Um, I've got to go, I've got a very important meeting to go to.
00:42Your mum.
00:44She's got sausage rolls.
00:46Icing sugar. Food colouring for cakes.
00:49I want triple chocolate with chocolate cream filling and on the top, fudge icing with...
00:54Tracy, I think you can rely on us to make your birthday cake really disgusting.
00:59And put down horror videos for afterwards. I want space slasher three and four.
01:04No horror videos.
01:06It'll be just like another boring old dumping ground party.
01:09It's going to be great. We're going to have dancing.
01:13I don't know how to dance.
01:15You're not invited. Beatlof.
01:17Tracy, we thought you knew.
01:21Knew what?
01:23It's Peter's party too.
01:28We didn't realise because he wasn't here last year, but he has the same birthday as you.
01:34No, it's a lovely day today, actually. Unusually quiet.
01:45She'll calm down.
01:47I know. She's my best friend.
01:51She told you that?
01:53No, I'm not her best friend yet.
01:56But you're planning to be.
01:59We've got a lot in common. It's inevitable.
02:05So, what kind of birthday cake would you like?
02:10Sponge with jam in it.
02:12You're talking my language.
02:14Peter, have you ever heard a birthday party before?
02:18Mine couldn't manage people running around.
02:20Then Duke and I are going to make sure you have such a blast of a party
02:25that Tracy Beaker is going to be begging you to let her share it.
02:34Hi, Ben.
02:36Thought I'd say hi to Tracy.
02:40Is she mad at me?
02:43Very, very mad.
02:45I was going to tell her.
02:47You lied to her.
02:49You led her to believe that you lived on the street.
02:52She thought you were like her, that you had no parents.
02:55Kids around here don't like being sucked in.
02:59Will you just tell her for me that I'm sorry?
03:02OK, I'll have a word.
03:05That thing's rubbish.
03:08I can fix it.
03:10I think.
03:11I can fix it.
03:13I think.
03:18What are you up to, Squirt?
03:20I'm writing invites for my birthday party, and Tracy's.
03:23It's Tracy's birthday.
03:32Sorry, it's in brown, but all my other felt pens have dried out.
03:37Thanks, but Tracy wouldn't want me there.
03:42Mum, I know you probably can't come to my birthday, but please send me a card.
03:54You've talked it over and thought it would be psychologically damaging for me to share my party with Peter.
04:02Then why are you in my room bothering me?
04:04Ben came round to see you.
04:06I don't want to speak to him. He's a skanky lawyer.
04:08Yeah, well, he feels pretty bad about what happened.
04:11Poor Ben. How will I ever make it up to him?
04:14Well, maybe you could invite him to your party.
04:16That's a great idea. I'll get on it right away.
04:24Or maybe I will.
04:29Dear Ben.
04:31My very famous mother, who is much richer than yours, is taking time off from filming in Hollywood to fly over in her private jet for my birthday party.
04:41You are extremely not invited.
04:47And this is what will happen if you dare to come.
04:51Oblivion, saddow.
04:57On more sleep till party day.
04:59I'm dying of excitement now. Get lost.
05:02You think we'll get any cards in the post?
05:05I know. You send me a card and I'll send you one.
05:09And then we'll both get birthday mail.
05:11I'll be getting plenty of my own birthday mail, thank you, Germ.
05:14In fact, I've asked my mum not to send so many presents. Makes the other kids jealous.
05:19She does it every year.
05:23Brags that her mum will send her presents and cards.
05:25She never does.
05:33Five, four, three, two, one.
05:41I'm a whole year older.
05:46Wish, wish. Go on, make a wish.
05:48Make a wish.
06:11What do you want, insect?
06:13I can't sleep.
06:15Tell someone who cares.
06:19Happy birthday to you.
06:23Happy birthday to you.
06:27Oh, shut up!
06:29I wanted to be first because you're my best friend.
06:33And you're an alien from planet Fat Chance.
06:37Place is full of loonies.
06:53Steady, lads. Easy.
07:00Prez is at the party.
07:03Party, party, party.
07:19Wasn't that the post?
07:21I'll get it!
07:25Tracey has to get the post in case there's a big, huge present from her mum. As if.
07:31Let go. Let go!
07:34One more move and you're grounded. Birthday or no birthday.
07:37Birthday or no birthday.
07:45This came for you.
07:52Aren't you going to open it?
07:58Would you like to be excused?
08:08It's from my mum.
08:10It is not.
08:12Yes, it is.
08:14Adele, what does that say?
08:17It says, all my love, mum.
08:22And a lot of kisses.
08:38You OK?
08:40Uh-uh. Come right back here, Peter. I want a word.
08:45Grown-ups don't usually write cards with brown felt pens, now do they?
08:50It wasn't the greatest of ideas, was it, Peter?
08:53I was just trying to...
08:55Oh, I know you meant well.
08:57But you should have thought of Tracey's feelings, shouldn't you?
09:01Leave her alone.
09:03Leave her alone.
09:04Leave her alone.
09:06Justine and Louise think it's from my mum, don't they?
09:09Yeah, you have them pretty well fooled.
09:11That's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me.
09:15Do you want to come and make decorations for our party?
09:27Pinch me. I'm dreaming.
09:30Well, it was inevitable.
09:32Hmm. That's very... tall.
09:36It's a masterpiece.
09:40Don't come in, don't come in, don't come in.
09:43OK, you ready?
09:50Yeah, whatever.
09:52And cue the music.
09:56What are you doing?
09:58Uh, I'm...
09:59What are you doing?
10:01OK, everybody, back off, back off.
10:04Watch out, watch out, watch out!
10:06I knew it would be another horrible dumping ground party.
10:14I've said and I've said that we should get a new one.
10:20Go away!
10:24Tracey, you can't hide up here forever.
10:27Come to the party.
10:29Some party without even a birthday cake.
10:32Duke shoveled your cake into a big bowl and mixed it up.
10:35He's calling it Birthday Pudding Surprise.
10:38But I'll be bored without music and dancing.
10:41Come on, Peter's desperate to play Blind Man's Bluff with you.
10:45I hate Blind Man's Bluff. It's such a kid's game.
10:48It's his first party. Be a sport.
10:51Adele, you owe me loads for this.
11:00Where is everyone?
11:02You're cheating!
11:04I'm not supposed to hide.
11:06Adele? Peter?
11:11Happy Birthday!
11:16Who invited you two?
11:22Where did you get all this?
11:24Mike helped me bring it from my place.
11:26I wanted you guys to have a decent party.
11:29Well, for Peter's sake.
11:31Alright, cue the music!
11:57Just roll, anyone?
11:59Go on, Mike!
12:02Go on, Mike!
12:04Go on, Mike!
12:06I told you I had it!
12:08Go on, Mike!
12:10Go on, Mike!
12:12Go on, Mike!
12:14Go on, Mike!
12:18Go on, Mike!
12:20Go on, Mike!
12:22Go on, Mike!
12:24Go on, Mike!
12:27Go on, Mike!
12:58I wish you could have been there, Mum.
13:00You missed a great birthday.
13:10I wish, I wish, I wish.
13:20Hi, I'm Tracy!
13:22No, Tusaki.
13:27Hi, how are you?
13:29I'm the incredible Tracy Beaker.
13:31And don't worry, I'll look a lot better than this after you brought me a whole new wardrobe.
13:35She's been behaving like this all week.
13:38Didn't Elaine explain to her that these people just want to take a child out occasionally?
13:42Since when did Tracy Beaker listen to a word anyone says?
13:45I don't think Elaine's matched them up with the right kid, you know.
13:48Since when did Elaine listen to a word anyone says?
13:51I wonder if they let me paint my new bedroom myself.
13:54I'm sure they will.
13:56They'll love me so much.
13:58They'll do anything for me.
14:18They're here!
14:20Oh, wait there.
14:21Hey, the Browns.
14:23Come in, come in.
14:28This is Mr and Mrs Brown.
14:30Oh, call me Terry.
14:32I'm Jill. Pleased to meet you.
14:34There must be a mistake.
14:38These people are old.
14:41Would you mind waiting for a moment, please?
14:51What do you think?
14:53They look nice.
14:57They'll have a great time with Tracy, won't they?
14:59Time of their lives, I expect.
15:02I need younger, gorgeous foster parents!
15:05I told you, Elaine!
15:07No, they have no intention of being foster parents.
15:10Two, they don't deserve this treatment.
15:12And three, older people can be very kind and understanding.
15:15You mean kind like grandparents?
15:18I suppose.
15:20I've always wanted kind grandparents.
15:23That's not what I mean.
15:25They'll spoil me rotten and buy me anything I want.
15:30Shall we be off?
15:41Good luck.
15:57Oh, you're back early. Have a good time?
16:04She's a lively girl.
16:06A bundle of energy.
16:08See you next Saturday, then!
16:13Is everything alright?
16:16Can we have a chat in my office?
16:21This is all I have left from the tonnes of chocolate and crisps they brought me before I went on my yacht.
16:27I'm not. You got seasick on the five-minute ferry to camp.
16:31Then what did you do?
16:33Oh, the ordinary stuff.
16:35The fairground.
16:37The man who rides the Wall of Death had a headache, so I stepped in.
16:42I broke the world record.
16:44So they let me have free rides on everything, and as many as I wanted.
16:48It was brilliant!
16:58Then we went on the really scary rides.
17:01Oh, come on! Hurry up!
17:03Hurry. Slow down.
17:05Yes, Elaine, I'm aware it's Saturday, but some things need to be sorted now.
17:11OK. Bye.
17:14Right, all arranged.
17:16We'll have a chat with the social worker and work out what's best for everyone.
17:20We'll be able to pop back in later in the day.
17:27Hello. We thought you'd like a cup of tea.
17:29This is Peter.
17:33Thank you.
17:35It's very kind of you, Peter.
17:37My nan says there's nothing like a cup of tea when you're tired.
17:39She's right.
17:41She said.
17:44We'll allow you to enjoy it.
17:51I'm only saying that Tracey might not have been right for the Browns.
17:54I think I know best what Tracey needs.
17:56She needs someone mature, peaceful.
17:59Someone who can help calm her passionate nature.
18:02What Tracey Beaker needs is someone who can outrun her.
18:06And outsmart her.
18:08It's up to the Browns to decide whether or not they continue with Tracey.
18:11Can't you just listen for a minute?
18:13I'm a very good listener. It's my job.
18:15We're trying to tell you that we might have a child here who would be perfect for the Browns.
18:28How dare you steal my grandparents?
18:32I was training them to be perfect.
18:34And now they're getting you instead.
18:36I bet you smarmed all over them.
18:38I only gave them a cup of tea.
18:39You worm! And now they're probably going to foster you.
18:42Because you're such a sweetie, sweetie, goody, goody, sucky, crawly insect.
18:46I don't want anyone to foster me.
18:48You don't?
18:50No, I only just got used to it here.
18:53I've got it.
18:55All your worries are over.
18:57If I can train them, I can train you.
18:59You can?
19:01By the time I'm finished, Frankenstein won't even want to foster you.
19:10It's not hard.
19:12Trust me, Peter.
19:14There's nothing to it once you get started.
19:32Welcome to the wonderful world of...
19:36Tracey, Louise, Maxie.
19:39You'll miss your lunch.
19:41I didn't get a banana one.
19:43Here, have mine.
19:50No, wait, I didn't mean it.
19:57I didn't get a banana one either.
19:59What are you going to do about it, dung beetle?
20:01This, warty heads.
20:03I'm going to get you.
20:04This, warty heads.
20:11What do you think you're doing? Apologise.
20:13No, I won't.
20:17I've got to start asking for danger money.
20:19Oh, I might have an application form in my bag.
20:23I was joking, Elaine.
20:26Is he under proper supervision at the moment?
20:29Supervision? Peter?
20:31Lighten up.
20:32It's completely out of character.
20:34He's as good as gold again.
20:39Stop it!
20:41Will you please stop it now?
20:45I'm the chubby in the bed!
20:47I'm badder than Tracey Beaker!
20:49Peter, what's got into you? Stop it, will you?
20:51Badder than who?
20:53This has got Tracey Beaker written all over it.
20:58I'm dead meat.
21:00So all this was to put the Browns off Peter?
21:03Am I not his?
21:05I'm not sure if they're going to be able to take you out again, Tracey.
21:08They don't like me.
21:10Oh, it's not that they don't like you.
21:12It's just a question of people being suitable.
21:17I can make them suitable. I'm already training them.
21:20What I'm saying, Tracey, is that I might have made a mistake.
21:24They're just not up to someone as lively as you.
21:26That's not fair! I saw them first!
21:37I hope you're happy, Slug.
21:39I hope you and the Browns live happily ever after in slimy Slugland.
21:43They won't want me. I'm bad.
21:45You couldn't be bad if your name was Darth Vader.
21:48I tried my best.
21:50You can't be bad like normal people.
21:52She's spent her whole life being good for your smelly nana.
21:54Shut up about my nan.
21:57Shall I get you some tea, nana? Shall I rub your feet, nana?
22:00Shut up about my nan! Shut up, shut up, shut up!
22:19You wanted us to pop round?
22:21Yes, could you just hold on a moment, please?
22:24Leave me alone!
22:32Maybe we should go.
22:37What are you doing?
22:42Get back or I'll throw it!
22:44Pete, you don't want to break something that's so precious.
22:46Peter, that's the only picture Tracey has of her mum.
22:49I hate you, Tracey Beaker!
22:55It's alright.
22:57Thank you!
22:59Would you like to come into the office?
23:12Come on.
23:18Alright, come on.
23:25Come on.
23:38I hope Tracey doesn't feel bad about us not taking her out again.
23:41Oh, no.
23:43We'll look after her.
23:45It's time to have a little chat.
23:47This is a private conversation.
23:49OK, I'll shut the door.
23:55Tracey, you're a lovely girl.
23:58And you're very nice, too.
24:00But I'm afraid I can't let you take me out again.
24:02Er, Tracey, I...
24:06Look, I know you're disappointed, but I have to be honest.
24:09I've had better pushes on the swings from Maxie.
24:11You're just not up to it, are you?
24:13Well, I suppose it was...
24:15So I've decided you can take out Peter instead.
24:18The boy that caused all the trouble?
24:20No, that was just a task I set him.
24:22Oh, I don't think...
24:24I know, I've tried my best with him.
24:26He just can't grasp the concept of being bad.
24:28He's pathetic.
24:30Jenny will tell you.
24:36I didn't mean it.
24:38I know.
24:40Tracey will never speak to me again.
24:42She gets over things quickly.
24:47There he is.
24:49The boy who gave bad a bad name.
24:51And if he doesn't let you take him out,
24:53I'll have to think of something really interesting to do to him.
24:56And he knows how bad that would be.
24:58Because he's my best friend.
25:11No harm in trying.
25:15Would you like to?
25:17Would you like to come in?
25:18Would you like to?
25:20Would you like to come out with us sometime?
25:22He might not like the look of us.
25:24I do.
25:26Well then.
25:31Nice one, Tracey Beaker.
25:49I'm sorry.
25:52I'm sorry.
25:54I'm sorry.
