Pretend Play Toy Kitchen _ Create & Make Play Doh Ice Creams_High

  • 3 months ago
A quick learning for kids, along with lots of fun and joy. If you like the work please like and subscride the channel. Your appreciations are much needed
00:00Wow, it's going to be a busy day today. I have lots of customers. Here's our first customer.
00:05He would like a strawberry ice cream sundae.
00:09Now strawberries, when ripe, are the color red. Can you find a red fruit?
00:16Here's a red fruit.
00:18Hmm, but that's an apple.
00:20Let's go look for the strawberries. Can you see them? Oh, they're down here on the left.
00:27We have two strawberries.
00:30Let's go prepare them. I'm going to cut them in half.
00:35Here's one strawberry.
00:39I've cut it into two halves, and here's the second strawberry.
00:45Now I can put the strawberries into my toy ice cream maker.
00:49That's one,
00:52three, and four.
00:54Hmm, I need a cup to put the ice cream into.
00:57This one too. We'll use this blue one. Put it under here. Push the lever down.
01:05Oh, can you see something coming out?
01:09Oh, look at that.
01:14The ice cream is coming out of the machine. Oh, I can't wait to serve this up to the customer.
01:22Hmm, but it's not quite ready. I think I'll put a topping on this strawberry and chocolate. How about this chocolate one?
01:32I'll just drizzle it on here.
01:39That looks about right, and what else? Oh, I have these fruits.
01:45What should I pick? How about this bright red cherry garnish?
01:50I think I'll put it right here. Looks great. Let's go serve it up to our customer.
02:00The ice cream sundae costs
02:04ten coins.
02:07Our customer has given us all these coins. Let's count them together.
02:12That's one,
02:17three, four, five,
02:19six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Great counting.
02:27Here's our next customer. He would like a watermelon popsicle. Can you help me find the watermelon?
02:36It's green on the outside.
02:39Let's slice it and see what it's like on the inside.
02:44Oh, it's bright red.
02:47Let's go add it to the ice cream machine.
02:57Just put it in here. Oh, it's all sticky and gooey.
03:04Push the lever down.
03:08Here we go. I have my popsicle mold. I'll just put it under here.
03:19wow, it's bright red and now it's turning green.
03:29Nearly done.
03:33Let's make a popsicle.
03:36Watermelon is usually green on the outside and red on the inside.
03:40I'll place the green here at the bottom
03:44and some red at the top of the popsicle.
03:49Just press it down here.
03:54And one over here on the left. I have this red popsicle stick that I'll use. This will look nice.
04:02And now I need to press it together firmly.
04:06Remove the extra Play-Doh around the edges.
04:09And now reveal the popsicle.
04:11Oh, wow!
04:13One watermelon popsicle.
04:15Let's go serve it to the customer.
04:17How much did it cost?
04:19Five coins.
04:21Let's count how many coins our customer gave us.
04:23That's one, two, three, four, and five.
04:29We've got another customer.
04:31She would like a banana smoothie.
04:33Can you find a banana?
04:35It's a color yellow.
04:38There it is.
04:40We found it already.
04:42It's a banana.
04:44Let's go slice it.
04:48I think I'll use this piece here.
04:50Pop it in the machine.
04:52Add some milk.
04:58And I've got the smoothie cup.
05:00This will do.
05:04Place it here.
05:06And which one's the smoothie?
05:08That's tea.
05:10Oh, here's the button.
05:12Press the button.
05:14Here we go.
05:16Whoa, look.
05:18It's all yellow banana.
05:22Here's my lid.
05:24I'll just press the button.
05:26Here we go.
05:28Place the lid on firmly.
05:30And serve it up to our customer.
05:32The smoothie costs three coins.
05:34That's one, two, and three.
05:36Wow, I had so much fun today in my toy kitchen.
05:38See you next time on RainyBow.
05:40Welcome to RainyBow Kitchen.
05:42Hello, Chef.
05:44How can we help you today?
05:46I need a smoothie.
05:48Can you make me a smoothie?
05:50Yes, Chef.
05:52I'll make you a smoothie.
05:54Thank you, Chef.
05:56How can we help you today?
05:58I need some help to make a surprise birthday cake.
06:02Let's go make the cake.
06:04Before we start to cook,
06:06we need to wash our hands.
06:08I'll use some soap.
06:12Oh, water?
06:14Cold water.
06:16We'll use cold water.
06:18I'm mixing the cold water
06:20and the soap to get my hands
06:22really clean before I start to cook.
06:24What's the first ingredient?
06:28What's next?
06:32The flour and sugar are dry ingredients.
06:34Now I need to add the wet ingredients.
06:36Here's a carton of milk.
06:38Take the lid off.
06:40And pour it into the bowl.
06:42Oh, and don't forget the eggs.
06:44I have this carton.
06:46How many are in there?
06:48There's six altogether.
06:50Here's a lovely egg.
06:52It's egg number one.
06:54What color is inside?
06:58Oh, it's all gooey and green.
07:02And it has
07:04a heart on the bottom.
07:06What's the next egg?
07:08Oh, I can't wait to see
07:10what color is inside.
07:12It's the color
07:20And it has a star on the bottom.
07:22It's a triangle.
07:24Here's our next egg.
07:26Egg number three.
07:32Oh, it's all gooey.
07:36Egg number three
07:38is the color blue.
07:40And it's got a star on the bottom.
07:44Egg number four
07:46looks a bit scared.
07:48What color is egg number four?
07:52It's the color yellow.
07:54And what shape is it?
07:56It's a square.
08:00This is egg number five.
08:08Egg number five
08:10is the color purple.
08:12And it has a plus sign on the bottom.
08:14We only have one egg left.
08:16It's egg number six.
08:18Let's add it to the mixture.
08:26Egg number six
08:28is the color orange.
08:30And it has a circle on the bottom.
08:32Oh, look at all the
08:34egg mixture in there.
08:38Now I need to add some fruit.
08:40I have a can of
08:42pitted cherries.
08:44Let's add it to the
08:48What's next?
08:50Oh, look at this
08:52juicy watermelon.
08:54Just squeeze it a bit to get all the
08:56juice out. That's about
09:00Oh, I know.
09:02I have these ripe
09:06They're beautiful and red.
09:08First I need to wash them under the
09:10faucet to get them clean.
09:16these will be great
09:18in the rainbow cake that I'm making.
09:22All done.
09:24Nice and clean.
09:26I'll just take the stalk off this one.
09:28We don't need that.
09:30And I'll cut this one in half.
09:34There's two halves.
09:36One half and two halves.
09:40And cut this one in half also.
09:44One and two.
09:46What's next?
09:48Oh, how about this lemon?
09:50Let's cut a slice.
09:54Oh, we have a wedge
09:56of lemon.
09:58Let's squeeze it into the mixing bowl.
10:02Oh, look at all the juice coming out.
10:04I think that's enough.
10:06Hmm, what's this type of fruit?
10:08It's brown and fuzzy on the outside
10:10and green on the inside.
10:12It's a kiwi.
10:14We have our
10:16slice of kiwi.
10:18Now let's go add it to the cake mixture.
10:24Oh, just look how green
10:26it is.
10:28We've added the kiwi.
10:30Now what's next?
10:32What's this fruit?
10:34It's an orange.
10:36One quarter,
10:40three quarters,
10:44and four quarters.
10:46We've added all the fruit
10:48we need for the cake.
10:50Now all we need to do now
10:52is mix the ingredients together.
10:54Turn on the mixer.
10:56Turning it around.
10:58Nearly done.
11:02All finished.
11:04Let's turn off the mixer.
11:06Now we've mixed the ingredients together.
11:08I'll add it to the bowl.
11:12Oh, look at it.
11:14It's all wibbly wobbly
11:16and it's so colorful.
11:18Oh, how about I add
11:20some extra color.
11:26That's red.
11:28Now for some orange sparkle.
11:30Now for some orange sparkle.
11:42Now I'm adding some yellow.
11:48What's next?
11:50How about some green?
11:52It's looking really pretty.
11:54This is going to be an amazing
11:56toy rainbow cake.
12:00Next is blue.
12:12Now purple.
12:18And last,
12:20add a touch of pink.
12:22All done.
12:24Oh, it looks so sparkly.
12:26All I need to do now
12:28is cook it in my
12:30toy microwave.
12:32Now, what number was baking?
12:34That's right, number nine.
12:36Did you hear that?
12:38It went ding.
12:40I think it's cooked.
12:42Let's go make the cake.
12:44Let's go make the cake.
12:46Let's go make the cake.
12:48Let's go make the cake.
12:50Let's go make the cake.
12:54Here's one slice.
12:56That's two.
13:04Five slices.
13:08And seven.
13:10Now I need to make the top layer.
13:12I have all
13:14these pieces.
13:16Can you help me put them together?
13:18Here's one.
13:30Each wedge is the shape of a triangle.
13:34And all together they make a circle.
13:36And six.
13:38Great, now we're ready to decorate the top.
13:40I have these three
13:44Can you help me put them on the cake?
13:46I'll put one here.
13:48One down here.
13:50And one over here on the right.
13:52And now for some
13:54jelly beans.
13:56One up here, one on the left.
13:58And one down here.
14:00Oh, what's this?
14:02Oh, a special
14:04happy birthday sign.
14:06It'll go right here
14:08in the middle.
14:10And a beautiful red candle
14:12in the middle.
14:14Wow, we made our
14:16beautiful rainbow cake.
14:18Let's go show the chef.
14:20Hey chef, what do you think of our cake?
14:22It's incredible.
14:24What an amazing cake you made.
14:26Well done.
14:28Oh, look, it's a surprise balloon.
14:30What's inside?
14:34Let's open the packet.
14:40What's it going to be?
14:46it's a little balloon
14:48that's the shape of a snail.
14:52Let's open it up.
14:54Aw, how cute.
14:56Before we serve up the cake,
14:58I'll make some drinks for our guests.
15:00I'll use these berries.
15:02Don't forget to put on the lid
15:04and press it down.
15:06Look at all the berries
15:08mixing together.
15:10All done.
15:14That's one cup.
15:18Two cups.
15:20And here are two
15:22slices of cake.
15:24Wow, it looks amazing.
15:26Thanks for helping me.
15:28See you next time on Rainbow.
