Love’s Rebellion Ep 4 ENG SUB (2024) Chinese Romance

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Love’s Rebellion Episode 4 English Subtitles – A Chinese Romance

In this enchanting tale, Nan Yan, a determined young woman, ventures into the mystical realm of immortals in a desperate bid to save her ailing mother. Her journey unexpectedly forges a powerful connection with a "heart lock," setting the stage for a fate-altering adventure.

As a gifted healer, Nan Yan navigates the magical world with a unique blend of skill and courage. During a series of fortuitous meetings, she forms a profound mystical bond, the "Spiritual Connection Seal," with the enigmatic Emperor Ji Yang, who conceals his true nature. While Nan Yan is practical and down-to-earth, Ji Yang embodies the aloof and enigmatic essence of an immortal.

Their initial friction gives way to a deeper partnership as they join forces to unravel the secrets behind Nan Yan's mother's affliction and expose a hidden conspiracy within the immortal realm.
00:00《The World of Dream》
00:25走過你的白天 My day passes by
00:28我的黑夜 My night
00:29在醒來之前 Before I wake up
00:32跟隨城市大雁 Follow the big circle of the city
00:35穿越這流年 Passing through this yearning
00:38遇到這相似的天 Encounter the similar sky
00:42黃昏沈澱 The dusk settles
00:44落在你指尖 Between you and me
00:46等真實寫心願 Wait for the true written wish
00:49為盛世若初見 For the first time in my life
01:19《The World of Dream》
01:49《The World of Dream》
02:19《The World of Dream》
02:49《The World of Dream》
03:19《The World of Dream》
03:44姬...楊? Ji...Yang?
03:48他不是道生天帝君邵蒼嗎? Isn't he the young master of the Heavenly Emperor, Dao Sheng Tian?
03:51還在騙我? He's still lying to me?
03:54知道了倒不少 You know a lot
03:57帝君 Emperor
04:00何時知道的? When did you know?
04:07我從小製毒煉藥 I've been making poison since I was a child
04:09熟識世間毒蟲 I'm familiar with the world's poisonous insects
04:11對天竺也略有耳聞 I also know a little about the Divine Beads
04:15那為何不跟宗主去揭發我呢? Then why didn't you tell me?
04:20為了我娘 I did it for my mother
04:22我先前也告訴過你 I told you before
04:23我來養月宗學丹修 I came to the Yangyue Sect to learn Danxiu
04:25每天製毒煉藥都是為了給我娘治病 I was making poison every day to cure my mother
04:28要是讓宗主知道 If the sect leader knows
04:30是我主動強行把你留下來的 that I forced you to stay
04:32那我也背上了臥藏逃犯的罪名 I'll be charged with the crime of hiding a fugitive
04:36回頭這宗門多半是容不下我了 I won't be allowed to stay in the sect anymore
04:40算你分得清清楚 You've made it clear
04:45不過我這個人偶爾也容易犯點小糊塗 But I sometimes get confused
04:52說不定哪天夢遊的時候就把你的事情說出去了 Maybe I'll tell others about you when I'm dreaming
05:00你不會 You won't
05:02除非你不想活了 Unless you don't want to live anymore
05:06我 I
05:15你幹什麼 What are you doing?
05:16剛才我已經對你下了奪命咒 I just cast a spell on you
05:19奪命咒 A spell?
05:23是什麼 What is it?
05:24你耍狂我 Are you kidding me?
05:25不信 I don't believe you
05:33還敢夢遊嗎 Do you still dare to dream?
05:35不敢 I dare not
05:36不敢了 I dare not
05:41不過我提醒你一句 But let me remind you
05:42只要你跟我離開十里 奪命咒便會自動生效 As long as you stay away from me for ten miles, the spell will be activated automatically
05:48你就會暴體而亡 You will be dead
05:54我簡直喪心病狂 I'm crazy
05:55還不信 You don't believe me?
05:56你可以試一下 You can have a try
06:03把我今日的藥送過來 Send me my medicine today
06:06奪命咒 A spell?
06:16奪命咒 A spell?
06:32大意了大意了 I was careless
06:33怎麼他一問我就承認了呢 Why did he admit it as soon as he asked me?
06:35現在惹禍上身了吧 Now you are in trouble
06:38不行 不能坐以待斃了 No, I can't just sit here and wait
06:41明兒得想個法子 解了他這邪咒 I have to find a way to get rid of him tomorrow
06:55少倉本懷京士才 醜醜滿志 遭人害 Shao Cang is a talented man with a great ambition
07:02有朝一日泉下埋 來世一起鬧開懷 One day he will be buried under the spring
07:04And we will have fun together in the next life
07:08天才啊 A genius
07:10少主 少主 Young Master
07:12男人 男人 你看這幅畫如何 Men, look at this painting
07:21確實值得一埋 It's worth a try
07:25少主 這個是地龍竿送給你 Young Master, this is a dragon pole for you
07:29你能不能幫我個忙 Can you do me a favor?
07:31往後你的藥都包在我身上 I will take care of your medicine in the future
07:34什麼忙啊 What's the matter?
07:37你是龍都少主 修為應該不俗的 You are the young master of the Dragon City. You should have good cultivation
07:41這 This
07:45驅邪破咒之事 難不倒你吧 It's hard for you to break the spell of exorcism
07:50你中邪咒了 You are possessed
08:01驅邪破咒之事 難不倒你吧 It's hard for you to break the spell of exorcism
08:32等等 等等 等等 等等 Wait, wait, wait, wait
08:35少主 你們龍都的這個驅邪破咒之術 怎麼跟挑打神一樣 Young Master, how come the spell of exorcism in your Dragon City is like a rope jump?
08:43何為挑打神 What is a rope jump?
08:47算了 謝謝 我還是自己想辦法吧 Forget it. Thank you. I'll figure it out myself
08:50別別別 No, no, no
08:52我還有一個辦法 I have another way
08:53保證立竿見影 I promise I'll do it
08:55還有一個辦法 Another way?
08:58該不會是 Could it be
09:01破黑狗血吧 Black Dog Blood?
09:03你怎麼知道 How do you know?
09:06好了 好了 驅邪破咒一事 只當我沒有跟你說過 Alright, alright, let's forget about the spell of exorcism
09:10此事萬萬不能向任何人理解 明白了嗎 Don't tell anyone about this. Understand?
09:15不能說我 不能說我 Don't say anything
09:17謝謝謝謝 Thank you
09:24不是 我跳的不對嗎 No, I'm not doing it right
09:28那我爹怎麼跳的 Yeah, my father dances like this
09:36白眼 我又想到了一個驅邪的新招 Lanyan, I've come up with another new way to evil
09:40我看剛才那個 I saw earlier
10:14She's my neighbor in town and she's not feeling well. She's come to see me for treatment and to try some medicine.
10:21No, you're lying to me.
10:24She's not a normal patient at all.
10:31This word, imprisoned spirit, is like the emperor's collection.
10:37You're a collector.
10:43Could you be...
10:51You're a collector.
10:57The imprisoner
11:02was found by you.
11:05I found it.
11:08Brother Ji.
11:09Your words are like the emperor's collection.
11:11I'm ashamed of myself.
11:16Shao Cangshen's father scolded me.
11:18I can only bear with him.
11:22But it's rare to meet a close friend who doesn't care about rumors.
11:27Ah Yan.
11:28Won't you be happy for me?
11:31Ah Yan?
11:32How can I say that to you?
11:36I'm so happy.
11:38No, I'm too excited.
11:39I forgot to introduce myself.
11:40I'm Mu Zhanting.
11:41I'm Nan Yan's classmate.
11:45I don't know why Brother Mu loves Shao Cang so much.
11:47You're acting?
11:50Brother Ji may not know.
11:52Shao Cang is six years old.
11:53He's good at speaking.
11:54Eight years old.
11:55He's good at magic.
11:56Thirteen years old.
11:57He's in the Yuan Ying realm.
11:58Sixteen years old.
11:59He's the emperor's collection.
12:00But I can't be impatient.
12:02I only hope that one day,
12:04I can become a hero like him.
12:11I also want to see the emperor's style.
12:16Brother Ji may not know yet.
12:19Shao Cang escaped from Dao Sheng Tian.
12:22Now he's in Beijing.
12:26Brother Ji.
12:27Are you willing to help Shao Cang in secret?
12:30Help him to clear his name.
12:34Brother Mu,
12:35you already have a plan?
12:37Of course.
12:38I've already inquired.
12:40There's a painting workshop in the Fang family.
12:43The owner is good at cultivating.
12:45He specializes in selling news.
12:47There must be a clue.
12:49I plan to visit him tomorrow morning.
12:53Brother Ji.
12:54You go with me.
12:57It's not good enough.
12:58It's not good enough?
13:00He's here for treatment.
13:02He can't even protect himself.
13:03He wants to save others.
13:08I'm telling you.
13:09Don't hide outsiders in the clan.
13:11You must keep his matter a secret.
13:13Don't tell anyone.
13:15Don't worry.
13:16We're tight-lipped.
13:18Brother Ji,
13:19take care of yourself first.
13:20If there's any reliable news about the owner,
13:22I'll tell you the truth.
13:25Thank you.
13:29Watch your mouth.
13:43Did you hear that?
13:44He doesn't know who you are.
13:47All the people in my clan
13:49respect me.
13:51Do you think I'll let them go?
14:00if you want him to lie,
14:02listen to me.
14:04Don't think about
14:06breaking the curse.
14:14one will be killed
14:16and the other will be destroyed.
14:20The young master of Longdu will die.
14:24It depends on your performance.
14:27Remember it.
14:31I'll go and see if the Biliguo is ripe.
14:33If it's ripe,
14:34I'll pick it back.
14:35The first one
14:36is for His Majesty.
14:57Senior Brother,
14:58what's the good news?
14:59Why are you so happy?
15:02I just
15:03raised the seedlings.
15:05I want the poisonous little tree
15:07to grow faster.
15:09You're my senior brother.
15:14Why don't you play the zither?
15:22Senior Brother,
15:23what's the good news?
15:24Why are you so happy?
15:29What's going on?
15:31What's going on?
15:42Who did it?
15:43Who did it?
15:56Who did it?
16:28One more time.
16:43Biliguo has experienced the fruit once in two years.
16:45I don't know
16:46how long it will last.
16:48I don't know
16:49how long it will last.
16:51I don't know
16:52how long it will last.
16:54I don't know
16:55how long it will last.
16:56I don't want them
16:57to wait any longer.
17:04Gu Xinglan is the most precious one
17:05in my unit.
17:06There are two in total.
17:07One for my mother
17:08and one for you.
18:25I've been through the sea of people
18:30I've been through the moon and left traces
18:34How lucky to have met you
18:41Too many scenes to watch
18:45Too many words to say
18:48Alive, really alive
18:52The sound of the rain, I hold my breath
18:57And keep our promise
19:01It's only when I'm with you that I wake up
19:07I fight for you, even if it rains heavily
19:12The confused world gives up now
19:16I won't give up, I'm waiting for you
19:25I've been through the sea of people
19:28I've been through the moon and left traces
19:32How lucky to have met you
19:46I've been through the sea of people
19:51I've been through the moon and left traces
19:56How lucky to have met you
20:01I've been through the sea of people
20:06I've been through the moon and left traces
20:11How lucky to have met you
20:16I've been through the moon and left traces
20:21How lucky to have met you
20:26I've been through the moon and left traces
20:31How lucky to have met you
20:37Why is this young man so handsome?
20:41I've heard that you're very handsome
20:44But I'm not as handsome as you
20:46I'm more handsome than you in Chong'an
20:50You have such a sweet mouth
20:53Would it be nice to stay and talk to you every day?
20:58You are both handsome and talented
21:00Of course I would like to visit you
21:03It's just that I have a lifelong wish that hasn't been fulfilled
21:07That is to travel around Huigu
21:10But I heard that Huigu is very dangerous
21:12There are a lot of interesting things
21:14If you can teach me how to survive in the valley
21:17I will definitely bring you a lot of treasures
21:21Empty words
21:23Why don't you stay and warm me up?
21:28Sister Fangzhu
21:33Spirit bone
21:35Two hundred years old
21:36It not only increases spiritual power
21:39But also has the effect of beauty
21:47Although you are sincere
21:49This Huigu is extremely dangerous
21:52It's not because of the terrain
21:55But because of the hidden soul-suppressing spirit
22:00This thing is called Yinzhu
22:03The human face is strange
22:05The shape is like a flying bird
22:07It uses the essence of living things in the past
22:10Once it is targeted
22:12It can't escape
22:14If you can carry it with you
22:16It can temporarily avoid one or two things
22:22Things to avoid
22:24For example, the treasure of the demon clan
22:26Silver pearl
22:29You know about the silver pearl
22:31I know a lot
22:33I think this thing
22:35It's a good example
22:37It's a pity that a hundred years ago
22:40The demon clan was locked up in the wind demon formation
22:44There is no silver pearl
22:48Thank you for your advice
22:50I'm leaving
22:52I'm leaving
22:57The painter of this house
22:59You can't come and go as you want
23:05I'm happy today
23:07I'll ask you a few more questions
23:10What else do you want to know?
23:12I must eat without saying
23:15I can't eat
23:17As long as you stay
23:21I'm leaving
23:27Sister Fangzhu is a true fairy
23:29Yinya really can't stand it
23:31What do you mean?
23:33There's never been a man who doesn't look at me
23:36Don't you like women?
23:42Sister Fangzhu guessed right
23:44I don't like you
23:49I only like myself
23:58I actually let him slip away
24:09It's a fox
24:11I've been in Fangzhi for so many years
24:13No one dares to bully me
24:15I'll catch him and skin him
24:18I'll be a flowing Hu Baiqiu
24:40Have some tea
24:46Don't worry
24:48It's your secret recipe
24:53After all
24:54I still need you to take care of my food
25:03I don't know if the emperor's phoenix
25:06Is there anything special?
25:09There's nothing special
25:11It's just tea with dew
25:14It's fragrant
25:16I don't expect you to be as popular as before
25:18But at least you have to do it every day
25:24That's it
25:28The diet should be light
25:30Just prepare a vegetable soup
25:34Vegetable soup?
25:37How do you feel?
25:39I'm fine
25:41My teeth itch
25:43That's good
25:44Come with me to Fangzhi tomorrow
25:46To thank you for taking care of me
25:48I'll pull out your teeth
25:50How about a new one?
25:52No need
25:54I'll be fine when you leave
25:56Okay, I'll go now
25:58Remember to come tomorrow
26:07This isn't Dao Shengtian
26:09He really thinks he's Li Jue
26:23Don't be angry
26:25Meng Shunmei and Ding Shibei
26:27I don't care
26:29I'll divorce him
26:36No, it's not me
26:38It's really not me
26:40I didn't help you
26:42Who's pretending to be a man?
26:44If you have the guts, come out
26:56Are you hurt?
26:58I'm fine
27:00Hurry up
27:02I'm fine
27:04Hurry up
27:06Hurry up
27:08Are you going to hit me?
27:10I'll hit you
27:12Let's go
27:34Let's go
27:46What are you doing here?
27:48Waiting for you to shave
27:50There's no one waiting by the bed
27:52You scared me
27:54Come with me
27:58I'm going with him?
28:00That's not right
28:02What if you ruin his plan?
28:04I'll be more worried
28:06if I leave you here
28:08We have orders
28:10You can't leave the sect without permission
28:12Go on your own
28:16Did you forget the life-saving spell?
28:18If you regret it
28:20go check it out
28:28Let's go
28:32Let's go
29:02Why is he here?
29:04Is he here
29:06to ask about the news?
29:08He doesn't have to come
29:28My friend
29:30The bar is about to open
29:32Let's dance
29:36This friend
29:38is a perfect match for the photographer
29:42How many snacks?
29:52How can you be so generous?
29:54Don't you bargain when you buy things?
29:58Do you think I need to bargain?
30:00You're a fool
30:02I only bargain once
30:04Watch this
30:10100 snacks?
30:12That's too expensive
30:14You can bargain
30:16If I don't pay, you can take it
30:1850 snacks, how about it?
30:22You can't bargain
30:24We don't want it
30:26Let's go
30:28Listen to me
30:30If I count to three
30:32he'll send me back
30:46Do you really like Yan Jia Die?
30:48What do you mean?
30:52If you like her
30:54give her some money
30:5660 snacks
30:58She'll buy it
31:00Watch this
31:08Have you made up your mind?
31:12I'll give you 60 snacks
31:14You can't bargain
31:16You're wrong
31:18120, not a cent
31:22You're wrong
31:24How can you bargain?
31:26The way to bargain
31:28Yan Jia Die only bargain once
31:30If you want it, take it
31:32If not
31:40120 is 120
31:46Let me
31:48You need to bargain
31:52Take it
31:54Thank you
31:56Zuo Er
32:02Why didn't you give it to me?
32:06You saved my Bilishu yesterday
32:08So I have to give it back
32:12You don't have to
32:14If I miss it
32:16I'll have to wait for another two years
32:18So I have to thank you
32:20The boss must have seen how much you wanted it
32:22He didn't give me a discount
32:24But he dared to bargain
32:26I'm so mad
32:30Take it
32:32I paid for it
32:54Don't you like it?
32:56Why did you give it to me?
32:58It's for you
33:00For me?
33:08So you were
33:10picking a gift for me?
33:14What else?
33:20When you appear
33:22behind me
33:26The stars in the sky
33:28stop twinkling
33:32Falling into the universe
33:38When I stand
33:40by your side
33:42Everything in the world
33:44becomes useless
33:46Just like your eyes
33:52Every minute and every second
33:54that I walk with you
34:00Our story
34:02flows like smoke
34:04Falling into your eyes
34:06Can you
34:08hold my hands tightly
34:10No matter how far
34:12the white clouds are
34:14The white clouds
34:16are hidden
34:18from the beginning
34:20to the end
34:24Just let me
34:26go forward with you
34:28Just let all
34:30the brilliant fireworks
34:32stop for you
34:36When the wind blows
34:40When the wind blows
34:44From your eyebrows
34:46to my heart
34:48It's like a mirror
34:50The wind rises and the rain falls
34:52How can I understand
34:54Hold on
34:56Hold on
34:58Just one word
35:00I want to say
35:02I want to say
35:06Can you
35:08hold my hands tightly
35:10No matter how far
35:12the white clouds are
35:14The white clouds
35:16are hidden
35:18from the beginning
35:20to the end
35:24Just let me
35:26go forward with you
35:28Just let all
35:30the brilliant fireworks
35:32stop for you
35:36When the wind blows
35:38When the wind blows
