Love’s Rebellion Ep 6 ENG SUB (2024) Chinese Romance

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Love’s Rebellion Episode 6 English Subtitles – A Chinese Romance

In this enchanting tale, Nan Yan, a determined young woman, ventures into the mystical realm of immortals in a desperate bid to save her ailing mother. Her journey unexpectedly forges a powerful connection with a "heart lock," setting the stage for a fate-altering adventure.

As a gifted healer, Nan Yan navigates the magical world with a unique blend of skill and courage. During a series of fortuitous meetings, she forms a profound mystical bond, the "Spiritual Connection Seal," with the enigmatic Emperor Ji Yang, who conceals his true nature. While Nan Yan is practical and down-to-earth, Ji Yang embodies the aloof and enigmatic essence of an immortal.

Their initial friction gives way to a deeper partnership as they join forces to unravel the secrets behind Nan Yan's mother's affliction and expose a hidden conspiracy within the immortal realm.
00:00Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
00:25走过你的白天 我的黑夜 Walking through your day, my night
00:29在醒来之前 Before I wake up
00:32跟随城市的云 穿越这流年 遇见 Following the city's moon, going through this yearning, meeting
00:40相思的剑 黄昏沉淀 落在你指尖 The sword of yearning, falling into your fingertips
00:46等尘世写起永恒温暖之若初见 Waiting for eternity to write the promise of eternal youth
01:16凤凰凤凰凤凰 凤凰凤凰
01:46全死了 They are all dead
02:16凤凰凤凰凤凰 凤凰凤凰 凤凰凤凰
02:33季阳 怎么样了 Ji Yang, how are you?
02:41别说话 Don't talk
02:46来 张嘴 张嘴 Come on, open your mouth
03:17咽下去 咽下去 对 Swallow it, swallow it, yes
03:25怎么样 How is it?
03:46你醒了 Are you awake?
04:06感觉怎么样 How do you feel?
04:08没事 I'm fine
04:10看看 Let me see
04:12我没事 I'm fine
04:17放心吧 没事 Don't worry, I'm fine
04:30真的没事 It's really fine
04:32别说话 Don't talk
04:46怎么又回来了 Why did you come back again?
04:49既然帝君大人怕连累我 Since His Majesty is afraid of getting me involved
04:52那我也只好走了 I have no choice but to go
04:55走吧 Let's go
04:57走吧 Let's go
04:59走走走 Let's go
05:01走走走 Let's go
05:03走走走 Let's go
05:05走走走 Let's go
05:07走走走 Let's go
05:09走走走 Let's go
05:11走走走 Let's go
05:13走走走 Let's go
05:14既然帝君大人怕连累我 Since His Majesty is afraid of getting me involved
05:17那我也只好实去一些 I have no choice but to go out
05:20出去转一圈 顺道看看能不能就地取材 I'll take a walk and see if I can get some money
05:23顺道再救赏帝君一命 I'll also save His Majesty's life
05:26多谢大夫不弃之恩 Thank you, doctor
05:39这就是你所谓的就地取材 This is what you call getting money on the spot
05:41没事的 I'm fine
05:42我回去擦点药就好了 I'll go back and apply some medicine
05:49手给我 Give me your hand
06:11真丑 You're so ugly
06:42帝君大人 快坐 Mr. Dijun, have a seat
06:46这叫做铜饼火锅 This is called Copper Pancake Hot Pot
06:49以前我娘出去打麻将 My mother used to play mahjong
06:51经常三更半夜才回来 She often came back late at night
06:53饿了就让我给她煮宵夜 When she was hungry, I would cook for her
06:55这个可是她的最爱 This is her favorite
06:58来 帝君大人 Here, Mr. Dijun
07:01尝尝 Have a taste
07:03看看味道怎么样 How does it taste?
07:05怎么 你怕我给你下毒 Why? Are you afraid I'll poison you?
07:08你知道吗 Do you know
07:10你有求于我的时候吧 When you asked me for a favor
07:12虽然嘴上不说 但都写在了菜单上 Even though you didn't say it, it was written on the menu
07:17有吗 Really?
07:35好吃吗 Is it good?
07:38还不错 It's not bad
07:39至少比你的深阴舌头跟爆肠舌筋好多了 It's much better than your deep-throat and abdomen
07:47这段时间咱们也算互相扶持过来了 We've been supporting each other during this time
07:52我也不算亏待你啊 I don't treat you unfairly
07:55那有点事情相求不算过分吧 Is it too much to ask for a favor?
08:02让我来猜猜啊 Let me guess
08:05你也就无非两件事 You only have two things
08:08试药 解咒 试药之事 鉴于你对你娘的孝心 The drug test and the curse. The drug test is for your filial piety to your mother
08:15以及心机之药与我而言是有些效率的 And the drug test is beneficial to me
08:19我并不和你计较 I won't argue with you
08:21那 那 Then
08:23解咒之事 The curse
08:28凶残 The curse
08:32这求人办事讲求的是个你情我愿 This is a matter of you and me
08:37今日再怎么说我也算救了帝君一命 No matter what I say today, I saved the emperor
08:40帝君这样硬来的法子也太伤感情了 The emperor's method is too emotional
08:50我们俩之间有什么感情啊 What's the relationship between the two of us
08:52有什么感情啊 What's the relationship between the two of us
09:00咱俩 咱们俩之间医患之情 The relationship between the two of us is that of a patient
09:16耗费心力做什么统领的了 What's the point of spending your heart and soul to be a commander?
09:19她只配吃金针马钳子 娘扮断肠草 She's only good enough to eat a golden horse's claw and dress up as Duan Changcai
09:22什么意思 What's the meaning of this?
09:52什么意思 What's the meaning of this?
10:22孤男寡女共处一室 可见关系匪浅 这就好判断了 It's obvious that the relationship between a man and a woman is shallow. It's easy to judge
10:45该吃早饭了 It's time for breakfast
10:53怎么样 How is it?
10:56吃吧 Eat it
11:02不想吃吗 Don't you want to eat?
11:05还可以吧 It's okay
11:07还可以?还可以就是不满意 It's okay? If it's okay, it means you're not satisfied
11:10那你想吃什么 Then what do you want to eat?
11:11告诉我 我去给你做 Tell me. I'll go make it for you
11:13大鱼大肉最好吃的就是大鱼大肉 The best way to eat big fish and meat is to eat big fish and meat
11:17你不是口口声声说饮食要清淡吗 Didn't you say that the diet should be light?
11:20昨天晚上刚吃完通宁火锅 We just finished eating Tongling Hotpot last night
11:23这大清早的不是应该喝一些清粥小菜清醒肠胃吗 Shouldn't we have some light porridge and side dishes to clear our stomachs in the early morning?
11:29有道理 That makes sense
11:32吃吧 Eat it
11:34多吃点这个 Eat more of this
11:39人呢 Where are you?
11:41人呢 Where are you?
11:43人呢 Where are you?
11:45人呢 Where are you?
11:47怎么在这儿坐着呢 Why are you sitting here?
11:49来 赶紧过来陪我喝两杯 Come here and have a drink with me
11:53喝什么呀 大清早发什么疯 What are you talking about? What's the point of having a drink in the early morning?
11:56那这样 让我这个同道中人陪我吃两口总行了吧 How about this? Let my fellow Chinese eat with me, okay?
12:01他现在病着呢 你不能吃 He's sick now. You can't eat
12:05吃两口就不打紧喽 I'll be fine after a couple of bites
12:08这鸡腿腻得慌 吃一口能折腻两天瘦 This chicken leg is so greasy that it can only last for two days
12:12正所谓是今朝有酒今朝醉明日酬来明日废 As the saying goes, if you get drunk this morning, you'll get drunk tomorrow
12:18就算这鸡腿腻得慌 折瘦几日又何妨 Even if this chicken leg is greasy, it can only last for a few days
12:22吃兄弟 我支持你 Eat, brother. I support you
12:36他说得也对 也不差这一口 He's right. It's not a big deal
12:38那今日你别敞开了吃吧 Let's eat outside today
12:43我去帮你们把黄酒热一热 入秋了 刚好喝点酒暖暖身 I'll go warm up the wine for you. It's autumn now. Let's drink and warm up
12:56鸡兄 你可知道我为何这般高兴 Brother Ji, do you know why I'm so happy?
13:02为何 Why?
13:04昨日就在方氏 我差一点儿 就差一点儿我就见到邵昌了 I almost met Shao Cang yesterday at Fang's
13:17邵昌? Shao Cang?
13:19而且我立了大功 帮了他一个天大的忙 And I did a great job. I helped him a lot
13:22要不是我扮到男的 他很有可能就被刀神殿那头猪给抓走了 If I didn't act as a man, he might have been taken away by the pig of Dao Sheng Tian
13:27真的吗 Really?
13:29真的呀 Yes
13:30我知道你现在一定是非常地羡慕和嫉妒我 我也想跟我一样为邵昌保驾护航 I know you must be very envious and jealous of me right now
13:36也想跟我一样为邵昌保驾护航 Just like me, you want to protect your family for Shao Cang
13:40只是啊 你现在有病在身 藏匿于此不便露面啊 It's just that you're sick now. It's not convenient to hide you here
13:46不过没关系 不过没关系 But it doesn't matter
13:48我一旦有什么好消息 定会第一时间告知你的 Once I have any good news, I'll let you know as soon as possible
13:57来 兄弟 Come on, brother
14:00这样啊 等你的心结好了 不用在养育中藏头缩尾 到时候咱们再一块干一番大事业 干 Let's do a big business together when you get better
14:17来 Come on
14:31什么 What's this?
14:34弟兄 这是 What's this?
14:36怎么 喝酒还过敏啊 Why are you allergic to alcohol?
14:48他不是姬杨 He's not Ji Yang
14:50那他谁啊 Then who is he?
14:52我这酒里面下了毒 很快就会露出狐狸尾巴了 My wine is poisoned. It will soon show its fox tail
14:58妈 Mom
15:01真露出来了 It really showed its tail
15:03我只是打个比喻 I was just making an analogy
15:07狐妖 这是狐妖 不对啊 狐妖不都被盗生天关在那个南昌的狐妖大镇吗 这怎么还有一只漏网之狐啊 It's a fox tail. It's a fox tail. It's not right. Isn't the fox tail locked in the South Warehouse's Fox Tail Formation by Dao Sheng Tian? Why is there another one showing its tail?
15:20是你 It's you
15:22你也认识他 You know him, too
15:23姐姐 求求你饶了我吧 Sister, please spare me
15:31我试遍天下毒物 倒真还没有研究过妖物 我不知道这小狐狸身上有没有什么宝贝能让我可以炼丹入药 我听说过 我听说过 说这修成人形的妖怪身上都有内丹 And it's said that a human-shaped monster has internal pellets on its body
15:51而且都身灵力皆系于此啊 And all of its spiritual power lies in it
15:55你们想干嘛 What are you doing?
15:57干嘛 开堂抛丹呢 What are you doing? Are you going to open a hall and throw pellets?
16:03师兄 这是又给孟师妹送什么好吃的了 Senior, what delicious food did you give Sister Meng again this time?
16:07滚远去 Get out of here
16:09爷 又吃冰棒糠了 Grandpa, are you eating ice cream again?
16:11我发现你这癞蛤蟆上脚面不咬人割人是吗 I found that you're a toad on your feet and don't bite people, do you?
16:15癞蛤蟆 就你着眼 Toad? It's just you
16:17你说这毒妇 这盈盈下了什么药啊 You said this poison woman. What medicine did Ying Ying put on her?
16:22她最近怎么总是护着她呀 Why is she always protecting her recently?
16:25师兄 要不然我们去找宗主再告她一状 Senior, why don't we go to the chief and sue her again?
16:29好主意 Good idea
16:31你还嫌宗主不够烦我是吗 You still think the chief is annoying enough, don't you?
16:35他明明就是向着那个毒妇你看不出来吗 He's obviously looking at that poison woman. Can't you see that?
16:38我们得先抓到一些把柄才行 We need to get some clues first
16:40把柄 Clues
16:42等一下 Wait a second
16:46妖气 Monster
16:50妖气 Monster
16:52走 走 Let's go
17:03好 Good
17:04大胆的妖孽 How dare you!
17:15我真是妖啊 I'm really a monster
17:17南颜 你好大的胆子居然敢窝藏妖族 Nan Yan, how dare you hide the demon clan
17:22浮浪师兄还真是能给人乱扣帽子 Senior Fulang can really give people a hard time
17:25人赃并获你还敢抵赖 How dare you deny that people are dirty and sick
17:27看什么看 追啊 What are you looking at? Chase him!
17:47放我出去啊 Let me out
17:51放我出去 Let me out
17:57小东西小东西可算让我逮着你了吧 Little thing, I finally caught you
18:06你再跑啊在影月宗我闭着眼睛闻着味儿我都能抓着你 Keep running. I can catch you even if I close my eyes and smell you in the Yangyue Sect
18:11快跑 给你一脑花瓣 还挺有劲儿 Keep running. I'll give you a brain
18:14放我出去 Let me out
18:18别挣扎了 这是捆仙道 修行不到元阴境界是生脱不开的 Don't struggle. This is a trap. You can't get out of it until you get to the Yuanying Realm
18:23待我把你交给道生天再关进这风妖大阵 没准还能给咱们阳元宗立上一功功 Wait until I hand you over to Daosheng Tian and lock you up in the Wind Demon Formation. Maybe you can make a contribution to our Yangyue Sect
18:32对啊 That's right
18:35走 Go
18:40还给我 Give it back to me
18:42是我先看上他的 是我先看上他的 It's me who fell in love with him first
18:44就是师兄 你这不行了啊 你自己结了胡还反咬我们一口 That's right, brother. You can't do this. You made a mess of it yourself, but you're still annoying us
18:48你们私藏妖族还有理了 You have manners to hide demons
18:49师兄 你可不要胡乱冤枉好人 这狐狸不知死活闯到我院子里面偷东西 今天我非得给他点教训看看 等我把他开了堂 取了丹 再交给师兄献给道生天也不迟啊 I have to teach him a lesson today. It's not worth it to give him to Daosheng Tian after I open the hall and take the elixir
19:05别演了 你这毒妇窝藏妖族还恶意伤人 待我把这畜生交给道生天连你一起治罪 给我拿下 Stop acting. You're a vicious woman who hides demons and hurts people maliciously. I'll give this beast to Daosheng Tian and you'll be punished together
19:13给我拿下 我看谁敢 怕你不成 放肆 Get him. I'll see who dares to be afraid of you.
19:26宗主 宗主 难言胆大包天窝藏妖族还指使这畜生暗中伤人 叫得宗门是不得安宁啊 Master. Master. It's hard to say that you're so bold to hide demons and hurt people in secret. It's not peaceful.
19:35张嘴就来啊 啊 不承认是吧 没关系 我有人证 It's okay if you don't admit it. I have a witness.
19:39楚京 告诉宗主来龙去脉 说完了 还不快滚去做功课 本宗主说过多少次了 能躺着别坐着 多读书少打架 宗主 难言屡次阻拦我 生怕我将这畜生交给道生天 这其中定有猫腻啊 我宗主明察 你少在那儿血口喷人啊
20:05I don't want to hear it again.
20:09Why did you stop her?
20:10Chief, you see,
20:11this fox stole my stuff.
20:13I just want to make a pill
20:14and teach her a lesson.
20:16How dare you!
20:18Shut up!
20:21Hu Yao got into Yangyue Sect for unknown reasons.
20:24I have to interrogate her in person.
20:29Make your decision now.
20:36Yangyue Sect
20:51The water is cold.
20:53The candle is lit.
21:06Yangyue Sect
21:27I just want to surpass you.
21:30I'm so lonely.
21:33Shao Cang,
21:34if you plead guilty,
21:36you have to hand over the pill you cultivated
21:38and abolish the throne of the emperor
21:40and enter the Water Tower.
21:44The water is cold.
21:46The candle is lit.
21:48Have you really made up your mind?
22:01plead guilty.
22:04The Water Tower
22:35I know you have made up your mind.
22:39I hope you can listen to me
22:43when you see me again
22:46and tell me what's on your mind.
23:04The Water Tower
23:35Yangyue Sect
23:55Did he hurt you just now?
23:58If he had the ability,
23:59I would have looked up to him.
24:01Don't worry.
24:03I don't know why
24:04I haven't seen Ji Xiong lately.
24:07we wouldn't have been fooled
24:08by the stinky fox's illusion.
24:11Where did he go today?
24:13He didn't even have breakfast.
24:15Did he go out to fight
24:16because he was hungry?
24:25What did you do
24:26to get into
24:28my Yangyue Sect?
24:29What do you mean?
24:31It's because
24:32you have a good appetite.
24:36Dao Sheng Tian promised himself
24:37to be in charge of the world.
24:39He likes rebellious
24:41monsters like you the most.
24:43I will go down the mountain
24:45and send you to them.
24:47It seems that you don't want to keep me.
24:49Then I can only
24:51reveal the scandal of Yangyue Sect
24:53when I go down the mountain.
24:59Yangyue Sect has always been humble
25:01and looks down on people.
25:02What scandal is this?
25:04It's a joke.
25:08I went to Liu Lianfang's room recently
25:10and found that
25:11most of the treasures in Zhenbao Pavilion
25:15have the engravings of Yangyue Sect.
25:19If my guess is right,
25:22you took them to pay off the debt, right?
25:27I don't need it.
25:30Or no.
25:32It depends on whether you
25:33want to keep me for a few more days.
25:47Yangyue Sect is a lonely place.
25:49If Dao Sheng Tian finds out
25:50that I hide evil things,
25:51I can't afford it.
25:55Don't worry.
25:56It's convenient for me.
25:58Once Huigu opens,
25:59I'll leave immediately.
26:00I won't cause any trouble
26:01to Yangyue Sect.
26:02What do you think?
26:14But what?
26:15From now on,
26:16you have to be in charge of
26:17all the servants in the sect.
26:22You suddenly stay.
26:23You have to have an excuse.
26:24I declare to the outside world
26:25that you broke into the sect
26:27and will be punished here.
26:28In this way,
26:29you can live in peace.
26:30You don't have to hide.
26:32Of course,
26:33if you don't want to do it...
26:34No problem.
26:36It's just that
26:37I have to set an example.
26:39What do you mean?
26:45You can practice medicine.
26:47I finally caught you.
26:49You're running away.
26:53I have to add one more thing.
26:55No one
26:56can hurt me.
27:06For you.
27:15Thank you, Chief.
27:16You're welcome.
27:26You betrayed the sect.
27:29You think you can scare me
27:30with such a trifle?
27:39I heard that the Fox Clan
27:41has the ability to attract talents
27:43and the title of Baojia Immortal.
27:45Now that the Yangyue Sect
27:46has such a beautiful fox as a witness,
27:48I will kill all the people
27:50in the Three Realms of the Fox Clan.
27:54Why hasn't he come back yet?
27:56The food is getting cold.
27:57I'm hungry.
28:15your vigilance is too strong.
28:17You made me suffer twice.
28:21This time,
28:22I finally got it.
28:25Give me your Silver Pearl.
28:47Why did you ruin my plan?
28:49I'll count to three
28:51to unlock your magic.
28:54I'll split you into two.
28:58In such a hurry?
29:01Do you also
29:02have a crush on his treasure?
29:27Are you serious?
29:45I did as you said.
29:47If you try to kill me again,
29:49I'll tell others
29:50what you did here.
29:53Do you know who I am?
29:57You're just a sickly man
29:58who does whatever he wants.
29:59I don't care who you are.
30:04Let me remind you.
30:05Stay away from him.
30:08I'll give you a good death.
30:17Who is he to you?
30:18Why do you care so much?
30:23I think
30:24you have ulterior motives.
30:34It doesn't matter
30:35if you don't say anything.
30:39Then why do you still
30:40stay with him?
30:41Are you the same as me?
30:42You do it for the Silver Pearl, right?
30:44Then let's open the window
30:45and have a talk.
30:46He doesn't leave
30:48and protects me all the time
30:50just for the Silver Pearl.
30:52Let me remind you again.
30:55You can't take away
30:57the Silver Pearl.
31:00I'm telling you.
31:01Don't scare me with this.
31:03I'm the Chief's
31:04saviour now.
31:05If someone...
31:06Stop it.
31:15Chief Meng
31:16asked you to stay?
31:22This is a letter
31:23written by Chief Meng.
31:24I'm allowed to stay here for a few days.
31:26No one
31:27can hurt me.
31:30this fox...
31:31Have you arranged a place to stay?
31:36Chief means
31:37I'm just a fox.
31:39It's just a place
31:41to stay
31:42in the grass.
31:45What a pity!
31:46My house
31:47is such a big place.
31:48It's hard to stay
31:49with one more person.
31:52What do you mean?
31:56I think
31:57you're getting better.
31:58Why don't you
31:59give him a place to stay?
32:02Are you driving me away?
32:08I'm sorry,
32:10I'm not
32:11a sick man.
32:14I'm not a sick man.
32:16I'm not a sick man.
32:17I'm not a sick man.
32:18I'm not a sick man.
32:19I'm not a sick man.
32:20I'm not a sick man.
32:22I'm not a sick man.
32:26Are you okay?
32:29Why are you
32:30so weak?
32:32Take your document
32:33and get out of here.
32:34What's wrong with your hand?
32:36It hurts.
32:39Come with me.
32:41this fox...
32:42It's important to cure the disease.
32:43Let's go.
32:45Let's go.
32:51do you really agree
32:52to let me stay?
32:56You can stay.
33:00you have to be honest with me.
33:01Why do you want to
33:02get involved in this?
33:04For your silver pig.
33:07You're honest.
33:09Since we've decided to stay,
33:10we have to trust each other.
33:12If we don't know the truth,
33:13how can you trust me?
33:16Then why do you want my pig?
33:20I said
33:21you might not believe me.
33:24I stole it
33:25for personal gain.
33:27Personal gain?
33:31My parents died young.
33:33I grew up
33:34with my family's money.
33:35But now
33:36she's locked up in Fengyao Town.
33:37We haven't seen each other
33:38for a hundred years.
33:40That day,
33:41I saw you
33:42in a movie.
33:43I felt
33:44very close to you
33:47my sister
33:48has the same
33:49silver pig.
33:51Then why
33:52did you pretend to be someone else?
33:55I stole your pig
33:56before it was broken.
33:57I knew you were a man of your word.
33:58So I had to
33:59think of a reliable way.
34:01That day,
34:02I was outside the yard.
34:04I saw her
34:05leaving your house.
34:06I thought
34:07a man and a woman
34:08living together
34:09must be very close.
34:10Who is close to her?
34:11Who is close to her?
34:13She's just a drug tester.
34:15She's no different
34:16from the big water buffalo
34:17at the door.
34:25whatever she is,
34:26she is.
34:30By the way,
34:31my mother gave me
34:32this pearl.
34:33I can't give it to anyone else.
34:34You'd better
34:35forget about it.
34:38You should
34:39live here
34:40and come to see
34:41my pearl
34:42when you miss your sister.
34:44just take a look.
34:46Don't think too much.
34:48My needle
34:49doesn't open its eyes.
34:53It does open its eyes.
34:54It does.
34:55How dare you talk back to me?
34:57I dare not.
34:59I have to warn you.
35:00You can't tell anyone
35:01that the man downstairs
35:02is staying here again.
35:07the bottles on the table
35:09Did you see it?
35:11It's up to you.
35:20didn't you want to
35:21kick her out just now?
35:22It's easy.
35:23I'll report it
35:24to Chief Meng later.
35:28I'm doing this for your own good.
35:30Have you heard of it?
35:31A barefooted woman
35:32is not afraid of shoes.
35:33She has a terminal illness
35:34and doesn't have much time left.
35:36If she is really kicked out of the clan,
35:37she'll be waiting for you
35:38at the foot of the mountain.
35:39She'll see you once
35:40and kill you once.
35:45Is this a darkroom?
35:48A vampire
35:50and a wild man.
35:52Why isn't there a normal person?
35:57Don't worry, sister.
35:59I won't say a word.
36:08just now,
36:09I was thrown around
36:10like a ball in midair
36:11by you guys.
36:12I vomited out
36:13all the delicious food.
36:14Now that I'm hungry,
36:16can you give me
36:17something to eat?
36:19Who asked you to pretend
36:20to be someone else to play tricks on me?
36:21You deserve it.
36:24Sister, you have a kind heart.
36:25Have pity on me.
36:29You want to eat, right?
36:33Did you see
36:34the bucket of Kunpeng fertilizer behind you?
36:37Bring it to me first.
36:42You mean that?
36:56Hurry up.
36:58You have to follow my rules
36:59when you're here.
37:00You want to eat?
37:01Finish your work first.
37:04We're all sisters.
37:05Why doesn't she have to work?
37:08She has myasthenia.
37:09Her body is buried in the soil.
37:11She can't use her brain either.
37:12She can't do these chores.
37:15But she can't eat and live for free.
37:18So what?
37:19How about I give you two stitches
37:20and make you half-naked?
37:22Then you can eat and drink for free.
37:33Forget it.
37:35Hurry up.
37:38Go pick it over there.
37:39On the left.
37:41Okay, sister.
37:47What's the use of this fruit?
37:49It's medicine.
37:50It saves lives.
37:52I got it.
37:54I'll take it lightly.
37:55I won't give you any trouble.
37:57You're sensible.
38:08What's wrong?
38:11Why are you so careless?
38:12Let me see.
38:13Did you hurt your hand again?
38:22When do you get up today?
38:26What time is it?
38:27I haven't finished my work yet.
38:32Let me do it.
38:35You don't have to do it.
38:37Then I'll cook.
38:41What kind of firewood should I use?
38:44Don't touch my stove.
38:50Let me supervise for you.
38:54You won't leave me alone, will you?
39:04I can cook.
39:06But you can't hurt him.
39:13I'm not afraid of him.
39:15I feel sorry for him.
39:16He won't live long.
39:17I won't argue with him.
39:21I promise
39:22I won't bury you in the earth before the sun sets.
39:26Then I promise
39:28you can live until the sun sets.
39:35I'm sorry.
40:05I'm sorry.
40:06I'm sorry.
40:07I'm sorry.
40:08I'm sorry.
40:09I'm sorry.
40:10I'm sorry.
40:11I'm sorry.
40:12I'm sorry.
40:13I'm sorry.
40:14I'm sorry.
40:15I'm sorry.
40:16I'm sorry.
40:17I'm sorry.
40:18I'm sorry.
40:19I'm sorry.
40:20I'm sorry.
40:21I'm sorry.
40:22I'm sorry.
40:23I'm sorry.
40:24I'm sorry.
40:25I'm sorry.
40:26I'm sorry.
40:27I'm sorry.
40:28I'm sorry.
40:29I'm sorry.
40:30I'm sorry.
40:31I'm sorry.
40:32I'm sorry.
40:33I'm sorry.
40:34I'm sorry.
40:35I'm sorry.
40:36I'm sorry.
40:37I'm sorry.
40:38I'm sorry.
40:39I'm sorry.
40:40I'm sorry.
40:41I'm sorry.
40:42I'm sorry.
40:43I'm sorry.
40:44I'm sorry.
40:45I'm sorry.
40:46I'm sorry.
40:47I'm sorry.
40:48I'm sorry.
40:49I'm sorry.
40:50I'm sorry.
40:51I'm sorry.
40:52I'm sorry.
40:53I'm sorry.
40:54I'm sorry.
40:55I'm sorry.
40:56I'm sorry.
40:57I'm sorry.
40:58I'm sorry.
40:59I'm sorry.
41:00I'm sorry.
41:01I'm sorry.
41:02I'm sorry.
41:03I'm sorry.
41:04I'm sorry.
41:05I'm sorry.
41:06I'm sorry.
41:07I'm sorry.
41:08I'm sorry.
41:09I'm sorry.
41:10I'm sorry.
41:11I'm sorry.
41:12I'm sorry.
41:13I'm sorry.
41:14I'm sorry.
41:15I'm sorry.
41:16I'm sorry.
41:17I'm sorry.
41:18I'm sorry.
41:19I'm sorry.
41:20I'm sorry.
41:21I'm sorry.
41:22I'm sorry.
41:23I'm sorry.
41:24I'm sorry.
41:25I'm sorry.
41:26I'm sorry.
41:27I'm sorry.
41:28I'm sorry.
41:29I'm sorry.
41:30I'm sorry.
41:31I'm sorry.
41:32I'm sorry.
41:33I'm sorry.
41:34I'm sorry.
41:35I'm sorry.
41:36I'm sorry.
41:37I'm sorry.
41:38I'm sorry.
41:39I'm sorry.
41:40I'm sorry.
41:41I'm sorry.
41:42I'm sorry.
41:43I'm sorry.
41:44I'm sorry.
41:45I'm sorry.
41:46I'm sorry.
41:47I'm sorry.
41:48I'm sorry.
41:49I'm sorry.
41:50I'm sorry.
41:51I'm sorry.
41:52I'm sorry.
41:53I'm sorry.
41:54I'm sorry.
41:55I'm sorry.
41:56I'm sorry.
41:57I'm sorry.
41:58I'm sorry.
41:59I'm sorry.
42:00I'm sorry.
42:01I'm sorry.
42:02I'm sorry.
42:03I'm sorry.
42:04I'm sorry.
42:05I'm sorry.
42:06I'm sorry.
42:07I'm sorry.
42:08I'm sorry.
42:09I'm sorry.
42:10I'm sorry.
42:11I'm sorry.
42:12I'm sorry.
42:13I'm sorry.
42:14I'm sorry.
42:15I'm sorry.
42:16I'm sorry.
42:17I'm sorry.
42:18I'm sorry.
42:19I'm sorry.
42:20I'm sorry.
42:21I'm sorry.
42:22I'm sorry.
42:23I'm sorry.
42:24I'm sorry.
42:25I'm sorry.
42:26I'm sorry.
42:27I'm sorry.
42:28I'm sorry.
42:29I'm sorry.
