Working on Korra Video VI 2:3

  • 2 months ago


00:00:03Getting excited for your big day?
00:00:05Does a platypus bear poop in-
00:00:07Hey! You can't put bleachers there!
00:00:09There won't be enough room for the dates of the Badger Moles!
00:00:12Look, it's gonna go like this!
00:00:16You sure that's the guy you want running the Earth Kingdom?
00:00:18Trust me, we'll be sending a delegation of experienced advisors to handle day-to-day governing.
00:00:23I see the prince is becoming accustomed to the burdens of leadership.
00:00:27You know royals. They love a ceremony.
00:00:30Have you received any word on the Avatar's location?
00:00:33Not yet, but I have airbenders all over the world on the lookout for her.
00:00:36I hope they find her soon.
00:00:38I'm concerned about reports I've heard regarding Kuvira's growing military.
00:00:42They say she's throwing some of her dissenters into prison camps.
00:00:46Well, she'll be stepping down tomorrow.
00:00:48We can worry about correcting any of her mistakes after that.
00:00:51And you're not worried about her handing power over to Prince Wu?
00:00:54When Kuvira started cleaning up the Earth Kingdom, she knew her position wasn't permanent.
00:00:58She gave me her word that she'd step down.
00:01:01Still, I'd feel a lot better if Korra were here.
00:01:10You gotta help me get back into Avatar fighting shape.
00:01:13I'm getting my butt kicked by losers all over the Earth Kingdom.
00:01:17The world needs me.
00:01:19Get over yourself. The world doesn't need you one bit.
00:01:24But while I've been the Avatar, I've stopped some really bad people from doing some really bad things.
00:01:30Listen, when I was chief of police of Republic City, I worked my butt off busting criminals.
00:01:37But did that make crime disappear? Nope.
00:01:41If there's one thing I learned on the beat, it's that the names change, but the street stays the same.
00:01:48So, basically, you're saying that everything I've ever accomplished has been pointless.
00:01:54I thought Beifong was grumpy.
00:01:56I'm the original Beifong!
00:01:58So, you're not gonna train me?
00:02:01Well, I was planning on soaking my feet in mud for a few weeks.
00:02:06But I can't stand you being so pathetic and getting your butt kicked all the time.
00:02:11All right, I guess I can help.
00:02:14Thank you!
00:02:17If you want to hug something, go hug a tree.
00:02:24Hold on a second. I just need to borrow you.
00:02:29We're here to work!
00:02:35Hello, Republic City! Bolin is back!
00:02:42And Eska's also here.
00:02:45I see you have replaced me with a new girlfriend.
00:02:48Well done. She seems very threatening.
00:02:51Oh, no, no, that's Kuvira. She's kind of my boss.
00:02:54Boss, girlfriend, same thing.
00:02:56I'm afraid there's been a mistake, Your Eminence.
00:02:58We have you and your brother booked in the same room, with only one bed.
00:03:03It's no mistake. Desna sleeps in the tub.
00:03:10Never thought I'd be allowed back in the Republic City.
00:03:13It was their last appearance and it was majestic.
00:03:21I hated her in Season 2. Oh, I kind of like them.
00:03:43I'm sorry.
00:03:45I'm sorry.
00:03:47I'm sorry.
00:03:49I'm sorry.
00:03:51I'm sorry.
00:03:53I'm sorry.
00:03:55I'm sorry.
00:03:57I'm sorry.
00:03:59I'm sorry.
00:04:01I'm sorry.
00:04:03I'm sorry.
00:04:05I'm sorry.
00:04:07I'm sorry.
00:04:09I'm sorry.
00:04:11I'm sorry.
00:04:13I'm sorry.
00:04:15I'm sorry.
00:04:17I'm sorry.
00:04:19I hate the boyfriend equals slave joke.
00:04:22I mean, she's not a particularly deep character.
00:04:25Four elements.
00:04:27Raiko must have turned purple when Kuvira made him pardon me of my alleged crimes.
00:04:31You're an upstanding citizen again, sir.
00:04:33Upstanding is right!
00:04:35Don't forget to fill the extra bag with as many of those little soaps as you can grab.
00:04:39Love the lavender scent.
00:04:48Look at you!
00:04:49My little brother got all... important.
00:04:52I know, right?
00:04:54I see myself in the mirror sometimes and I think I'm in trouble before I realize it's only me.
00:04:58So, what's it like working for Kuvira?
00:05:01From what I've heard, she's pretty harsh.
00:05:03No! I mean, she can be tough, sure, but we're turning around the Earth Kingdom like you wouldn't believe.
00:05:08You remember how bad Grandma's neighborhood in Ba Sing Se was?
00:05:11All that's completely changed. I mean, we are really helping people.
00:05:15But what have you been up to? Fighting crime? Busting triads?
00:05:17Chasing the ladies? Mako style?
00:05:20Well, I've been working for Wu.
00:05:27And, uh... yeah.
00:05:31So, have you seen Kory yet?
00:05:33No. She was supposed to come in with Tonraq, but he says she left the South Pole months ago.
00:05:38No one knows where she is.
00:05:44Hello, Bataar Junior.
00:05:46It's just Bataar now.
00:05:48So, now that you've seen all the good we've done since we left Zaofu, you must be sorry that you didn't come and help us.
00:05:55I don't know if I'd call marching all over the Earth Kingdom, forcing people to bow to Kuvira, doing good.
00:06:01You're going to have to get over your grudge with her.
00:06:03I'm sure you've heard that we're engaged. She's going to be an official member of our family.
00:06:08I'm just glad that she'll be stepping down after tomorrow.
00:06:11You'd prefer to be ruled by that royal idiot?
00:06:16I hope I'm not out of order saying this. You're pretty easy on the eyes for a military type.
00:06:22I'll put in a good word for you with the hotel staff. Maybe get you a little upgrade.
00:06:26I've been living here for years. They love me.
00:06:29I won't be needing your help. We've reserved the presidential suite.
00:06:32Well, I think someone is pulling your chain, gumdrop. See, I'm in the presidential suite.
00:06:37Not anymore. I had you moved out.
00:06:40Wait, what?
00:06:41Kim! Where's all my stuff?
00:06:43We moved you into a very nice junior suite on the seventh floor.
00:06:47Junior suite?
00:06:49Something you should know about me. I always get what I want.
00:07:00Your royal cabinet is here, your majesty.
00:07:03Where have you been? My coronation is in ten minutes.
00:07:06Where's everyone else?
00:07:07Where are the seven sacred chests of exquisite finery? Where are my grandfather's taffeta pantaloons?
00:07:12Sadly, most of your servants were scattered and the royal things were looted after the queen was removed from office.
00:07:20So your coronation may not have some of the usual items, like the crown.
00:07:26There's no crown? How can you have a coronation without a crown?
00:07:29How will people know when I'm officially the king?
00:07:31We still have one of the royal jewels we can pin on you.
00:07:35An earring?
00:07:37Think of it more as a royal brooch.
00:07:41Are you telling me that there are no dancing badgermoles, no acrobat bell ringers, no horn-blowing announcer-y guy?
00:07:48It will be a very simple, intimate, elegant ceremony. A wonderful day for your kingdom.
00:07:54Just try on the brooch, your grace. You'll see it will look beautiful.
00:07:57Don't touch me.
00:08:01They give you, like, an entire episode of Wu acting like an unrelenting, spoiled little douchebag.
00:08:08And then when Kuvira goes, I'm not stepping down, I'm not handing power over to this rube.
00:08:16I'm expected to believe that's a bad thing?
00:08:21This is just fucking weird.
00:08:42Tell me what you did wrong.
00:08:44Well, I was thinking that you were going to...
00:08:46Exactly. You were thinking. Go again.
00:09:11Pathetic. Of all the avatars I've worked with, you're by far the worst.
00:09:17I know that's only one other avatar, but still.
00:09:21Hey, seems like you're enjoying having someone around to beat up an awful lot.
00:09:25Yeah, the swamp benders out here really can't take a punch.
00:09:29So, what made you want to drop out and disconnect from the rest of the world?
00:09:34I'm more connected to the world than you've ever been.
00:09:38The roots and vines, they run all over the world. I can...
00:09:43What is this beatdown meant to do? Oh, nothing. Toph just likes beating the avatar up.
00:09:47And see Su and Lin, Zhao Fu and Republic City? I see everything.
00:09:59You're blind compared to me.
00:10:02Uh, don't worry, Lyle. It's over now.
00:10:07Now rise, Wu of the Huting Dynasty, king of all the Earthlands and glorious defender of Ba Sing Se.
00:10:14Long may you reign.
00:10:20Thank you for that incredibly brief but very moving ceremony.
00:10:24I am touched by the love of my devoted countrymen who have worked so hard to restore their beloved leader to the throne.
00:10:31One of them deserves special attention. Kuvira, rise.
00:10:36For your service to the realm, I would like to present you with the Kyoshi Medal of Freedom, our nation's highest honor.
00:10:43Which was somehow not stolen, unlike the royal pinky rings.
00:10:49Thank you. And if you don't mind, I'd like to say a few words.
00:10:53Why not? We've got six hours to fill.
00:10:57Growing up in Zhao Fu with Su Yin Bei Fang, I learned that the idea of a royal family passing a title from one generation to the next was archaic.
00:11:07And that technology and innovation should be what drives a nation forward.
00:11:11It was the pathetic rule of kings and queens that caused the Earth Kingdom to descend into such incredible disarray.
00:11:18It's taken me three years to get it back on track.
00:11:22And there's no way I will allow it to slip back into the Dark Ages.
00:11:26I'd like to make an announcement to the world.
00:11:29The Earth Kingdom is no more. And from here on out, this man has no authority.
00:11:36Wait, what? But I just got the royal brooch!
00:11:39I have created a new Earth Empire. And I will continue to lead it into the future myself.
00:11:46I have created a new Earth Empire. And I will continue to lead it into the future myself.
00:11:52Bringing about a new era of prosperity for my people.
00:11:56We love you, Kukira!
00:11:59All hail the Great Diviner!
00:12:04And let me assure my fellow leaders of one thing.
00:12:09Anyone who crosses our borders or stands in our way will be crushed.
00:12:19Thank you, Kukira! All hail the Great Uniter!
00:12:23Worst coronation ever.
00:12:28Were you surprised?
00:12:29Yeah, you don't get to spend the whole episode showing us Wu and then this and it's like, oh no!
00:12:35Kuvira controls the whole nation now and Republic City is begging for the metal that we're mining.
00:12:40This train has left the station. We own the track!
00:12:49Now that's a nice looking hunk of spirit vine. Let's take it back to the lab and get it stabilized immediately.
00:12:54Oh, of course you work here, Varric.
00:13:00You look worried, Bolin.
00:13:03Yeah, well, I just have some misgivings about how you kind of ambushed Tenzin and the other leaders.
00:13:09You believe in the work that we've done for the people of the Earth Empire, right, Bolin?
00:13:13I do, but...
00:13:14Then stick with me. I'm going to need your help now more than ever.
00:13:19Raiko and the other leaders want to bully us into accepting some idiot king who will serve them but neglect the people.
00:13:25We have to stand strong against them.
00:13:27I'm just not sure about this whole Empire thing. It seems pretty aggressive.
00:13:32And what was that part about the crushing?
00:13:35That was just some tough rhetoric to let people know that we mean business.
00:13:38Believe me, conflict is the last thing I want.
00:13:42Will you help me make history, Bolin?
00:13:49I'll stand by you.
00:13:51Thank you.
00:13:52We need to talk.
00:13:55Can you give us the room, please?
00:14:02I met with the world leaders, and I've come as their representative.
00:14:06So now you're taking an interest in world affairs.
00:14:09A little late, isn't it?
00:14:11When the Queen fell and everyone was asking you to help keep the Earth Kingdom from falling apart,
00:14:16all you wanted to do was hide in Zaofu and let others deal with the consequences.
00:14:21That's not fair.
00:14:23I didn't want to seize power for myself, which is what you've done.
00:14:27I'm telling you, for the good of everyone, you have to step down.
00:14:31I stepped up.
00:14:33I provide stability and equality.
00:14:36Tell your world leaders to stay out of Earth Empire business.
00:14:40We won't accept their hand-picked dictator.
00:14:43What makes you so different?
00:14:45You're just another tyrant.
00:14:47And don't pretend the people put you where you are.
00:14:49I know what happens to cities who don't want to hand over control to you.
00:14:52Then you know what's coming for Zaofu.
00:15:19Oh, good, then you know what's coming.
00:15:23Like, with a better villain, that would have been fucking awesome.
00:15:38Villain fits the narrative. This is a...
00:15:42Simplistic as a villain fits the narrative.
00:15:44Like, Kuvira, honestly, like, everything...
00:15:48Kuvira's a weird... Kuvira is such a weird case.
00:15:51It's such a weird case, because every char...
00:15:54Weird case, because every character is a duplicitous...
00:15:58In this season, is...
00:16:00Season, is some kind of a jackass.
00:16:03Kind of a jackass.
00:16:04Hell, Raiko practically admits...
00:16:06Admits he, uh, admits he's setting Wu...
00:16:12Up as a puppet, sending his own advisors, his own advisors, to basically...
00:16:18To manage the day-to-day governing.
00:16:22Sending his own advi... Sending his own team of advisors...
00:16:26Of advisors to manage the day-to-day governing.
00:16:29He's literally pulling the same gambit that the Dai Li pulled in the fucking first case.
00:16:34Like, he's trying to set himself up...
00:16:37He's trying to set the United Republic up as the Dai Li.
00:16:40Dai Li.
00:16:47Day-to-day governing.
00:16:48Like, before Ku...
00:16:50Before Kuvira be...
00:16:52Before Kuvira announces...
00:16:54Announces the Earth Empire to the world...
00:16:56To the world, we get an extended montage...
00:17:00Montage of Wu being the most unfit...
00:17:03Unfit piece...
00:17:05Most unfit sack of shit imaginable.
00:17:10Who nobody should trust with power.
00:17:13With power.
00:17:14Who is literally setting himself up.
00:17:16Who is literally just Hu Ting without the crown.
00:17:26Who nobody should trust with power.
00:17:30Like, you can't show me all the fucking...
00:17:33Like, you can't show me every main character making the worst decisions possible.
00:17:42And then have this happen.
00:17:47And exp...
00:17:52Go, oh my god, oh my god, she's gone too far.
00:17:55She's gone too far.
00:18:02Go, oh my god, she's gone too far.
00:18:04Hey, would you rather have a tyrant or a moron?
00:18:06Trick question!
00:18:08It's like, would you rather have a tyrant leader or a moron for a leader?
00:18:12The moron would kill you faster.
00:18:19And she's regarded as the villain.
00:18:20Well, of course, let's not forget.
00:18:22Later on, it turns out that, yes, Korra is...
00:18:26Kuvira is, in fact, making life worse for everybody.
00:18:33Oh my god, it's like, oh my god.
00:18:35You can't expect me to go, oh my...
00:18:36And expect me to go, oh my god, she's gone too far.
00:18:40Like, why are my only...
00:18:42Why are the only choices here between the fucking...
00:18:44Between evil and stupidity?
00:18:48Why do we have to choose between evil and stupidity?
00:18:54That's what elections are for.
00:18:56Why do we have to choose between an idiot king and an evil dictator?
00:19:06Having to choose between evil and stupid is...
00:19:10Having to choose between evil and stupid is what democracy is for.
00:19:15Having to choose between evil and stupid is what democracy is for.
00:19:27This is supposed to be escapism, yeah.
00:19:37It's like, why do we have to choose between an idiot king and an evil dictator?
00:19:41That's what...
00:19:42Evil dictator.
00:19:43You know, we watch fiction to get away from things like American elections.
00:20:03Like, why the hell is everyone so stupid?
00:20:10I guess the intention is that...
00:20:12I guess the intention is that we're not supposed...
00:20:15We're not supposed to see RICO's advisers as a power grab.
00:20:20As a power grab, because...
00:20:22Power grab, because the United Republic is...
00:20:27As the most noble nation on the planet.
00:20:42Planet, because it looks like America.
00:20:52Nation on the planet.
00:21:13I don't know, like, give it...
00:21:15Like, Kuvira in the second half of the season strikes me more of a Mao Zedong type.
00:21:20Because, like, when Mao Zedong took power, he basically got it into his head that, like...
00:21:26Oh, we need to, like...
00:21:28We need to match the rest of the world economically, and that's what led to all the famine and massive overwork.
00:21:44Spaghetti dinner, stop at the South Park references.
00:21:47You're an adult, you shouldn't be watching South Park anymore.
00:21:51As the most advanced and enlightened nation on the planet.
00:21:55So them basically inter...
00:21:57So them installing puppet leaders...
00:22:06So them installing a puppet leader...
00:22:09A puppet leader in the Earth Kingdom didn't really tweak any ears.
00:22:21Didn't caulk any ears back in 2014.
00:22:242014, I mean, I only just noticed it now.
00:22:26I mean, I covered this show seven years ago, and I'm only just...
00:22:33Only just noticing that now.
00:22:52Due to the electoral college trumping the popular vote.
00:22:55Actually, the U.S. is a true democracy, because in most democracies, we don't elect our head of state.
00:23:01Like, here in Canada, we don't elect the prime minister.
00:23:05Like, if Canada worked the way America did, you would only elect the House.
00:23:11And the Senate wouldn't exist.
00:23:14Well, Canada does have a Senate, but like, it doesn't do the same thing that the U.S. Senate does.
00:23:24You don't vote for the president in Canada.
00:23:26Oh yeah, the head of state in Canada is the governor general, who is appointed by the king.
00:23:51So like, yeah, the prime minister is akin to the...
00:23:55To basically give a comparison to the U.S.
00:23:58Parliament is like the House of Representatives.
00:24:01The prime minister is like the Speaker of the House.
00:24:08Our head of state is actually the British monarch.
00:24:12And the person who acts in their stead is the governor general, who is appointed by the king.
00:24:22The prime minister is actually decided based off just...
00:24:25Each party elects its own leader, and whichever party has the most seats, their leader becomes prime minister.
00:24:33Now, granted, the prime minister is basically the head of state.
00:24:37They basically do everything you'd expect a head of state to do.
00:24:41It always struck me strange how the U.S. system works, but now hearing about Canada makes me realize that maybe I need to learn more about other government systems.
00:24:47Oh yeah, we have what's called a constitutional monarchy.
00:24:49It's one of the...
00:24:50It's like, a lot of people say, oh, the U.S. isn't a democracy, it's a republic.
00:24:54Democracy is a philosophy.
00:24:57Republic is a method of enacting democracy.
00:25:02A republic is a democratic government.
00:25:05A constitutional monarchy is a democratic government.
00:25:11Netherlands also has a constitutional monarchy.
00:25:15We've got Canada doesn't have a president.
00:25:18I think... hang on a second.
00:25:32Yep, that's also a constitutional monarchy.
00:25:41Constitutional republic is the term for what America is referred to as.
00:25:45That's really... yeah.
00:25:47So whenever somebody says, oh, the U.S. isn't a democracy, it's a republic...
00:25:50Oh, ads. I'll repeat what I'm about to say when the ad breaks over.
00:25:54Whenever anyone says the U.S. isn't a democracy, it's a republic, they're basically saying, I have no idea how government works.
00:26:10I have no idea how government works.
00:27:05We don't get a say in the head of state, kings, royals.
00:27:07We do vote for parliament and the party with the most votes gets to choose a prime minister from their own party.
00:27:13Alright, I'm just waiting for the ad break to be over.
00:28:40Another five seconds.
00:28:46Okay, we're back.
00:28:48So as I was saying...
00:28:50Fuck, what was I saying?
00:29:00Anybody who says that the U.S. isn't a democracy, it's a republic...
00:29:03Anybody who says that the U.S. isn't a democracy, it's a republic is basically telling you they have absolutely no idea how politics works at all.
00:29:18If you have elections, you're a democracy.
00:29:20Oh, no, no, sorry, sorry.
00:29:22If you have elections that aren't rigged, you're a democracy.
00:29:26Didn't work.
00:29:33So, like, the Kremlin is not a democracy?
00:29:41I mean, I covered this show seven years ago, and I'm only just noticing it now.
00:29:45Like, why even...
00:29:50So a big part of what's wrong with Quora is just how politically juvenile it is.
00:29:58It is, it is, and a lot of its positions were poor positions back in the early 2010s, but they're even worse now.
00:30:11I mean, like, I mean, like, the United Republic basically probably sounded like a good idea, probably sounded like a good idea on paper, a good idea in 20, a good idea in 2012, but it sure as fuck doesn't now.
00:30:39Now, in a time where most people, most of the audience for Korra, Korra is very much aware of how this tends to play out in real life.
00:31:09Tends to, or most people for Korra is very much aware of how settler colonialism tends to play out in real life, real life.
00:31:27So this final season, so this final season being final season.
00:31:49Isn't all that thrilling a conflict.
00:31:59So this final season being between metal bending Stalin and the world's dumbest pack of yokels isn't exactly all that thri, hang on, metal bending Lenin, Lenin and the world's dumbest pack of yokels isn't exactly all that, isn't exactly that thrilling a conflict.
00:32:16The only interest, the only really fun part is the fact, part is the fact that, well, well, if I could be, well, if I could be a little juvenile, a little juvenile, juvenile, Kuvira's cool.
00:32:33She's the most imposing antagonist, antagonist the series has had.
00:33:00And even fighting the avatar and winning, hell, in a better, hell, in a, in a less, in a less weird series, she would have been, she would have been an antagonist, antagonist, I was, she would have been an antagonist.
00:33:16I would be, I would be actively excited about seeing, about seeing, seeing get bounced off a curb.
00:33:28She's such a bitch, I love her, I hope she gets beaten to death with a rock.
00:33:39Excited about seeing get bounced off a curb. I mean, look, this was why, I mean, this was why Ozai worked as a character, worked as a character. He's imposing and, he's imposing and threatening and, threatening and so deliciously hateable, hateable that you're just looking, that you're just looking forward, forward to Aang bas, to Aang, uh, kicking his ass.
00:34:04You're just looking forward to Aang kicking his ass. Some people think it's bad, think it's bad, it's bad to think the, uh, to think the villain is badass, is cool or badass, but like, it's badass, but like, part of that is basically, but part of, uh, part of how that works, badass, but part of, like, or badass, but like, but the fun of a villain, of a villain, when you have them, when you have them properly,
00:34:30properly, is hyping up, is hyping up that final confrontation.
00:34:45Confr- is hyping up that final confrontation, like, yeah, I think Kuvira's cool, in the same way I think Xehanort is cool.
00:34:59Xe- uh, is Xehanort, is Xehanort a villain, a villain who spends an entire decade, an entire decade, giving you more and more reasons, more and more reasons to want to pa- to want to pound his face into the fucking dirt.
00:35:19Into the fucking dirt, and then when you finally get to, and then when you finally get to, finally get to, and you hear that boss music, boss music, and Rage Awakens starts playing, starts playing, and you go, and you go, this is my boss theme, bitch!
00:35:38Bit- bitch, and he still kills you, because it's Kingdom Hearts 3, and then he kicks your ass 17 times in a row, because it's Kingdom Hearts 3.
00:35:56Starts playing, and you go, this is my boss theme, bitch! Bitch, and it's the fucking gre- and it's the greatest moment, it's the greatest moment of your fucking childhood.
00:36:08And it's the greatest moment you've been, you've been teased, you've been teased for, uh, teased for almost, teased for 17 years over.
00:36:21Years for, teased for 13 years for, years for, god, that's a villain, see, that's a fucking villain!
00:36:33That's a villain, see, that's a- see, that's a fucking villain!
00:36:39Kuvira has all the, has all the hallmarks of, like, hallmarks of one of, one of the best villains Avatar could ever have, could ever, could ever see, and she is unfortunately, and she is unfortunately in the worst possible place for her to be.
00:36:59In the worst possible place.
00:37:06Kuvira, outside, outside of the fucking mess that is the story, story has all the hallmarks of one of the best villains Avatar could ever see, and is unfortunately in the worst possible place for-
00:37:19Best villains Avatar has ever had, has ever had, and she is unfortunately in the worst possible place for her to be.
00:37:29Like, if it weren't for the others, and Prince Wu, I would basically see that smirk like, gah, I hope, hope Korra comes back and decks you across the face.
00:37:46And she is unfortunately in the worst possible place for her to be.
00:38:29Ugh. Like, okay, I'm gonna give you, I'm gonna give you the mo- the biggest hot take on the goddamn planet.
00:38:42But if you had swapped Kuvira out with one other char- with one other character, not only would all of this worked, it would have actively made sense for the character they had set up up to this point.
00:38:54And that's Lin.
00:39:05Oh no, that's better, oh.
00:39:09Wait, that works.
00:39:11Wait, that works.
00:39:21Propositioning us to pick one. Oh wait, I like that- ooh, keep talking? Okay, yeah, hang on.
00:39:26In fact, like, in fact, I can think of, I can think of another character who would have been, who would have been much better suited, better suited for Korra, for Kuvira's role as, role as a villain, role as a villain, even with this story, story.
00:39:44A character basic- a character who has been...
00:39:51...up to this point, as controlling, as controlling and, uh... a degree, to a degree that, uh, to a degree that, that can come off as extremely worrying, as extremely worrying, but whom, but for whom most people, most characters would be hesitant, hesitant to accept, to accept because of their, because of their pre-existing...
00:40:27...relationship with them. Lin.
00:40:38If Lin had been the one, had been the one, one reuniting the Earth King- reuniting the Earth King- kingdom, she would have gone, she would have gone totalitarian within a minute. She would not have he- she would have gone totalitarian in minutes, in minutes, and not fucking hesitated.
00:40:57Got scared because of her neat- Lin has such a, Lin has such a need for control...
00:41:05...and stability that it often goes to her head, to her head, to the point to, to the point she often tries, she often tries to play, to play controlling mom, controlling mom to the, to the avatar of all people, of all people, and can you imagine-
00:41:27What did Lin- If Lin had been the one reuniting the Earth Kingdom, she would have gone totalitarian in minutes, and not hesitated.
00:41:39Controlling mom to the avatar of all people. The Abyss calls to me again. See ya, Flare.
00:41:44See ya, Flare.
00:41:50Controlling mom to the avatar of all people. Lin already had the, already had the personality, the personality profile to basically, profile to become a dictator, to become a, to become a dictator, and all she need, all she, and all she need, she would need is a little push.
00:42:08A little push. Hell. Hell. Hell, her volunteering at, tiering after Suyin basically- Hell, everything I said about, I said before about Kuvira basically-
00:42:23Giving the avatar space to rec, to recuperate. Recuperate w- Recuperate goes double for Lin, Lin, to the point, to the point Korra would, to the point Korra would come home, would come home, find-
00:42:37See what's happened to one of her mentors.
00:42:40Mentors, and be genuinely-
00:44:07Where did that go? Ah, I know that was here somewhere.
00:45:05Dissect and talk about, and be gen- Like, Korra would, like, to the point Korra would come home and see what's happened to one of her mentors and be genuinely conflicted, I mean, like, how would you feel about, how would you feel if someone you cared about basically-
00:45:17Not only went against, went against everything you bel- Everything you'd ever believed, you'd ever believed, but did it in your name?
00:45:26But did it- How would you feel if someone you cared about not only went against everything you'd ever believed, but did it in your name?
00:45:32Well, actually, we already know, there's a whole movie about it.
00:45:37Well, you-
00:45:39You'd ever believed, but did it in your name?
00:45:42Someone who professed to care about you not only went against everything you'd ever believed, but did it in your name?
00:45:53Well, you'd be Padme.
00:45:55Well, well, you'd be Pad- Well, you'd be Padme Amidala, but-
00:45:59Amidala, but I digress.
00:46:01Well, you-
00:46:02Oh, yeah, that's why that whole she lost the- Like, wait, the way people mocked that whole she lost the will to live thing was so stupid.
00:46:32Damn, I love the prequels even more now.
00:46:34Yeah, like, oh my god, she lost the will to live? What stupid crap is this?
00:46:38Guys, Padme had literally just seen the death of the Republic, something she-
00:46:44Like, Padme cared about the Republic more than any other senator, and she had just watched it die.
00:46:49And then learned that not only was her husband responsible for destroying it, but he did it for her.
00:46:59In her name.
00:47:20But did it for you, but did it in your name.
00:47:26Your name.
00:47:28Yes, I am saying Lin should be Anakin Skywalker. Fuck you.
00:47:32Yes, I am saying- saying Lin should be Anakin Skywalker. Fuck-
00:47:36Should be Anakin Skywalker. Fuck you.
00:47:39Yes, I am saying Lin should be Anakin Skywalker.
00:47:43Yes, I am saying what- Yes, I am saying what- Avatar- Yes, I am saying Avatar would be better- Better if it had Anakin Skywalker.
00:47:56But did it in your name. Literally, that's a stupid motivation for a villain. That's literally Darth Vader!
00:48:04How would you feel if someone who professed to care about you not only went against everything you'd ever believed, but did it in your name?
00:48:13How would you feel if someone who professed to care about you not only went against everything you'd ever believed, but did it in your name?
00:48:21Happy- It's like- Happy Birthday! Oh God, Char- Carl, what did you do?
00:48:31How would you feel if someone who professed to care about you not only went against everything you'd ever believed, but did it in your name?
00:48:36Damn it. I gotta stop- Damn it. I gotta stop writin- Damn it. I gotta stop- I gotta stop writing fan- Writing fanfiction in my fuckin- In my serious critique video.
00:48:51Damn it. I gotta stop writing fanfiction in my serious critique video.
00:48:55critique video did Padme know that Anakin killed those children and
00:49:05Anakin confirmed it Obi-Wan told told her and Anakin confirmed it get rid of
00:49:11him he's with her he's my brother interesting ceremony huh get rid of him
00:49:22he's with her he's my brother interesting ceremony huh you aren't
00:49:29going to keep working for Kuvira now that she's going against the wishes of
00:49:32the entire world are you you don't understand Kuvira is helping out all the
00:49:36poor people in the Earth Empire people like our family this is for the best I
00:49:40don't know bro okay why don't you come with me and you'll see for yourself we've
00:49:44done a lot of good and and Varric is working on some new innovations we're
00:49:48making history by crushing anyone who gets in your way that was just some
00:49:53tough rhetoric to let the people know that we mean business I mean Kuvira is
00:49:57basically just like Korra she might seem hard to deal with but it's just because
00:50:01she's so passionate and and believes in what she's doing it seems like she's
00:50:05just a dictator who's taking the Earth Kingdom by force okay so you think your
00:50:09new best friend in there would be a better leader than Kuvira well no but
00:50:13still do what come on Mako I'm making a difference out there what are you doing
00:50:17huh you're just some glorified butler for some snotty rich bozo I'm sorry I
00:50:22don't want to work for your glorious Emperor in her military dictatorship
00:50:26fine I'm gonna go back to my awesome train where we bring freedom wherever we
00:50:30go enjoy licking the king's boots in your
00:50:33junior suite
00:50:41sorry sport I heard it all can't believe him I know insulting another man's suite
00:50:48it's beneath low but I think I know what would cheer you up a visit to little
00:50:52bossing say fashion mall I'll buy you a smoothie yeah okay that was terrible huh
00:51:00maybe for you I had a great time I never realized how much I missed
00:51:06tormenting the Avatar I wish you were putting up more of a fight but it was
00:51:10still fun you were tossing me around like a rag doll all day long I know and
00:51:16I'm an old lady imagine me in my prime I would have destroyed you I just don't
00:51:26understand why I can't get back to my former self it's like I'm a step slower
00:51:31I'm tentative I'm out of sync I just can't get back in the groove probably
00:51:35carrying around that metal doesn't help what metal the little bits of metal
00:51:40poison stuck in your body are you trying to tell me you can't feel metal in your
00:51:45own body you really are the worst Avatar ever I thought Sue got it all out oh my
00:51:51girls never really picked up metal bending all that well if you ask me
00:51:55that's been my problem this entire time I gotta get it out you can get it out
00:52:00for me right what do you think you're talking to once we're done with these we
00:52:07can go into the middle ring and I'll let you pick out some new suits then we'll
00:52:10hit the boutiques in the upper ring for me
00:52:17where did you get those shirts ace is right
00:52:21Kuvira is my hero they're selling them over there you can't sell that junk in
00:52:30here this is a little bossing say fashion mall and I'm the little king
00:52:33here respect the brooch
00:52:44we need to get you out of here
00:53:08oh it's destiny look where we are Mako the royal palace
00:53:19the throne hey it's my birthday it's my coronation day you'll have another
00:53:29birthday next year but I'll never have this day back again okay you're losing
00:53:35it this is the worst day of my life why do you really want to be the king I mean
00:53:45Kuvira might be a power craze dictator but at least she spent the last few
00:53:48years working hard to make the Earth Kingdom somewhat better if you were an
00:53:52Earth Kingdom citizen do you think you're the kind of person you want as
00:53:55your king what have you ever done for your people I'm sorry that was out of
00:54:02line no you're right no one ever talked to me like that before I guess I'm just
00:54:07a joke who got what he deserved
00:54:12let's get you out of here and back to someplace safe carry me no okay if you
00:54:18want me to bend out this metal you need to relax I am relaxed oh seriously your
00:54:25body is like a twisted tree trunk just do it I'm ready
00:54:31oh it wouldn't hurt if you would just relax stop fighting me I'm not fighting
00:55:02you're going to have to do this yourself clearly you want to keep the metal in
00:55:09there what do you mean why would I want poison inside me I don't know maybe so
00:55:15you have an excuse not to go back to being the Avatar if you don't get better
00:55:19you can't do your job so you don't have to worry about getting hurt again what
00:55:24that's ridiculous whatever when you want it out you can bend it out I can't deal
00:55:31with all your issues for you wait what am I supposed to do now how should I
00:55:37know ask the spirit that brought you here the good news is if you're looking
00:55:42for a place to hang where no one will bother you you pick the best swamp in
00:55:47the world this is a mission of the utmost importance conflict is coming to
00:55:55the Earth Kingdom and we need to find the Avatar can I count on you three to
00:56:00bring Korra home you can count on one of us I don't know about these two
00:56:21from now on developing this technology is your number one priority this is going
00:56:57and master all four elements and bring balance to the world
00:57:07after Korra failed to return to Republic City everyone's been worried about her
00:57:12faith so Tenzin tasks Jinora Iki and Milo with finding the Avatar unbeknownst
00:57:17to the kids Korra found refuge in the swamp with top who discovered there was
00:57:21still metal poison in her body but when top tried removing it Korra resisted
00:57:25will the Airbender kids find the Avatar and help her return to action
00:57:36Tenzin are you sure you can't go with them Raikou asked me to stay here and
00:57:41help figure out a diplomatic solution to this Kuvira problem mom I'll be fine
00:57:46grandpa and his friends were around our age when they traveled the world well at
00:57:51least I won't have to worry about you starving out there mom we're going to
00:57:55be in the wild living off the land we don't need your food but I made your
00:58:03favorite treat sweet buns with happy faces on them well I guess we're not
00:58:09officially on the road yet ah this one is smudged I can't eat this you know
00:58:21sometimes things get smudged in the wild
00:58:30were you able to get a read on Korra yet no but once we're further out I'll be
00:58:35able to hone in on her spiritual energy we should be able to find her within a
00:58:39few days good luck and be careful remember Jinora is in charge I answer to
00:58:45no man or girl even if he does have tattoos hello now let's move out
00:58:53soldiers Pepper
00:59:04and I'm not taking her on the finale no he does take the throne
00:59:24who the who team dynasty is the 54th and current sovereign of the earth
00:59:29kingdom he is literally the king canonically
00:59:36while he does want to establish a democratically elected government he has
00:59:41utterly failed to do it because nobody cares
00:59:57finally I've been holding my pee for an hour
01:00:08if you get through to Korra tell her I said hi do you feel anything yet
01:00:15what's taking so long Iki I can't concentrate if you keep talking why
01:00:22don't you go play with one of those spirits
01:00:27Jinora's spirit powers are broken and she doesn't know where Korra is my
01:00:31powers are not broken I just need more than two seconds and some quiet while
01:00:37you try to pull yourself together Poki and I are going to go into town and find
01:00:41out if anyone's seen Korra sounds like a good plan to me you can hold the
01:00:46picture of Korra I drew Wow I didn't know you could draw you don't know a lot
01:00:51of things about me sister let's roll
01:01:03have you seen this woman well aren't you an adorable little thing I'm not
01:01:09adorable I'm dangerous dangerously cute with those cheeks
01:01:16this never happened let's play
01:01:24the Avatar we still have one of those I haven't seen her kid sorry
01:01:45can I trust you I guess so I'm on a top-secret mission to find the Avatar
01:01:51have you seen her I haven't sorry top-secret mission huh yeah it's been
01:01:57pretty dangerous I've seen some things really what kind of things crazy things
01:02:06cool I'm Milo what should I call you other than beautiful I'm Tuyen nice to
01:02:14meet you Milo found a girlfriend go away Ikki
01:02:19Jinora's been looking for you we're moving on looks like you got to get back
01:02:23to your mission good luck Milo
01:02:27thanks a lot Ikki you drove away the love of my life
01:02:43Jinora Ikki it's Korra where where where where it's just a photo of Korra at least
01:02:53it's something pretty neat huh she came by here about six months ago looks like
01:03:00someone just drummed up a good old-fashioned lead then where did she
01:03:05go oh I don't know but she wasn't looking
01:03:08too good Ikki this is all your fault what I didn't do anything exactly you
01:03:15need to start pulling your weight that goes for you too so-called leader
01:03:21remember when he used to be so nice and sweet no
01:03:28so what's the plan for today you're looking at it we didn't do anything
01:03:34yesterday or the day before that I know tell me the story about how you taught
01:03:42Aang to earth then what's there to tell I threw some rocks at the Avatar he got
01:03:47all whiny and Sokka fell in a hole I thought there'd be more to it than that
01:03:52what about the time you guys took down the Fire Lord that must have been epic
01:03:55oh yeah it was hot I was on a blimp and I think a giant turtle showed up wow
01:04:03what a day okay you're terrible at telling stories you're terrible at
01:04:08listening to them she was blind what do you expect her to have seen quit making
01:04:15all that racket if you're so antsy to do something why don't you go and
01:04:19collect some mushrooms for dinner you got it take the path till you see the
01:04:24boulder with a hole in it then go to your left oh and make sure you get the
01:04:28big slimy ones I actually quite like old lady tough I mean like old lady tough
01:04:42feels a lot more in character than chief of police tough because like she's a
01:04:55where's the food mom gave us I threw it in the river you did what that food was
01:05:02supposed to last us two weeks hey keep it down I'm trying to meditate yeah keep
01:05:09it down EG Milo threw away all our food from now on we hunt for our meals Milo
01:05:16we're vegetarians we don't hunt enough whining
01:05:21pokey and I will go find some grub
01:05:25oh my name is Milo I like to throw away food and fart inappropriate moments I'm
01:05:39Jinora I'm so above it all because I'm meditating all the time oh I'm sorry I
01:05:51didn't see you there
01:05:58the peril of being the middle kid oh god Iki I feel your pain
01:06:21you're trespassing hold it right there
01:06:39all right little airbender tell us what you're doing in the earth Empire are you
01:06:44spying I've been traveling with my brother and sister it's our first big
01:06:50mission my dad Tenzin is counting on us but if we don't find the avatar he's
01:06:54gonna be really disappointed can I talk to you for a second this girl is
01:07:04Tenzin's kid and she's looking for the avatar do you know what that means no but
01:07:09try this macaroon get that out of my face look if we capture these three
01:07:16airbender kids and bring them to Kuvira I bet we get a big-time promotion you
01:07:22mean we'd get out of this dump sorry little lady it looks like we got off on
01:07:30the wrong foot so you're out here with your brother and sister where's your
01:07:34campsite why do you want to know we just want to get the family back together
01:07:38again maybe we could sit everybody down and have a nice plate of macaroons where
01:07:45did you get those I found a whole sack of food down by the river and with each
01:07:49delicious snack comes a lovely handwritten note this one says you're my
01:07:55handsome little man that is so touchy my mom wrote those notes it's our sack of food
01:08:01enough with the cute notes where are your brother and sister who cares I don't
01:08:08want to see them I'd rather hang out here with you guys hit me with one of
01:08:13those macaroons
01:08:22E.K. and that one soldier are just vibing
01:09:13oh are you okay yep totally fine I hope you're hungry because we found some we
01:09:27found some berries Oh looks like you got some bad berries so much for living off
01:09:42the land they're fine I just ate too many of them because they're so so
01:09:48delicious did you run into E.K. while you were picking your poisonous berries
01:09:54oh no what she ran off or something I think so great now I got to go find the
01:10:00avatar and her this mission is getting worse by the day this isn't only your
01:10:06mission Milo I thought we were doing this as a family it seems pretty lonely
01:10:12out here where is everybody else I don't want to talk about it oh he's just upset
01:10:18because Kuvira is taking all the troops to Zalfu and we had to stay here well
01:10:23it's the last city left and then the whole Empire will be united and you know
01:10:27there's gonna be a huge party afterwards it's tough to be left out huh I know
01:10:31exactly what you're going through you do yeah my brother and sister are always
01:10:38leaving me out of fun stuff I mean we're supposed to be looking for the
01:10:42avatar together but they won't even let me help well that's not fair maybe we
01:10:48can help you out so where have you looked for we've been traveling down the
01:10:56West Coast and the only lead we have is some guy who said he saw her six months
01:11:00ago well we have troops pretty much everywhere if anyone saw her they would
01:11:05have reported it what about this place that's a swamp no one goes there don't
01:11:12get discouraged Iki you're a valuable member of the team and you have a big
01:11:16heart I know you're gonna find it now let's get you out of those ropes
01:11:23Oh you're welcome Iki why did you do that we're saving you let's go I had
01:11:34everything under control I just found our food and I have an idea where Cora
01:11:38is you do then let's get going hold on sorry my brother and sister knocked you
01:11:45out nice chatting with you
01:11:58I was the middle of an interrogation these morons are telling me everything
01:12:01no this swamp it did crazy things to my mind I had visions of all the times my
01:12:09enemies hurt me yeah I figured something like that might happen what you wanted
01:12:14me to see those visions you were one twisted old lady you know that look I
01:12:19know you want to get better and so does the swamp it can sense you're out of
01:12:25balance it'll teach you what you need to learn if you're open to listening okay
01:12:34swamp I'm all ears you said you saw your past
01:12:38enemies now why do you think that is I don't know because they've made me and
01:12:44a lot of other people suffer sounds like you're carrying around your former
01:12:48enemies the same way you're still carrying around that metal poison you
01:12:53ever consider maybe you could learn something from them sounds like the
01:12:58swamps messing with your mind too my mind is just fine thank you
01:13:03listen what did a man want a quality for all
01:13:09Unalaq he brought back the spirits and Zaheer believed in freedom I guess the
01:13:18problem was those guys but what did a man want equality for all no he didn't he
01:13:26wanted to spitefully get rid of bending because he was mad about his abusive
01:13:47totally out of balance and they took their ideologies too far okay fine but
01:13:54that doesn't explain why they keep haunting me because you need to face
01:13:57your fears you can't expect to deal with future enemies if you're still fighting
01:14:03the old ones maybe you're right how am I supposed to move on boy you avatar sure
01:14:09need a lot of hand-holding get up we're going to the banyan grove tree
01:14:20those soldiers said there weren't any troops here and I figure if core is not
01:14:25feeling good she might come to a spiritual place like this to get better
01:14:33there is an enormous amount of spiritual activity here but I don't feel core well
01:14:43that's what we get for listening to eekie guys we just got here that's at
01:14:49least the ground I'm sorry eekie but I'm with Milo on this I don't think we're
01:14:54going to find her here let's go pepper
01:15:21why do those stupid minds pull us in here anyway because they want us here I'm
01:15:26telling you cores got to be close I don't know eekie I still don't sense
01:15:31Cora well you haven't sensed her the entire time we've been looking for her
01:15:36next time I go on a mission it's going to be boys only just pokey and me
01:15:50beautiful the roots of the banyan grove tree spread out for miles in every
01:15:57direction connecting this whole swamp your problem is you've been disconnected
01:16:03for too long disconnected from the people who love you and disconnected
01:16:09from yourself
01:16:27I know where Cora is I can't believe it I saw Jinora eekie and Milo they're here
01:16:42good hopefully they're here to take you home
01:16:57oh we missed you so much Cora I missed you so much too how did you find me all
01:17:13the way out here Jinora sense your energy but we never would have been here
01:17:17if it weren't for eekie I never would have stormed off and found those
01:17:20soldiers if it weren't for Milo I was trying to toughen up these ladies but I
01:17:25guess it was a team effort I love your hair it's so you that's like I never
01:17:32would have sensed you if it hadn't been for eekie I never would have found gotten
01:17:35to lead up where you are if Milo wasn't such an insufferable shit I'm so sorry
01:17:44this is Milo Jinora and eekie Aang and Katara's grandchildren does Cora count
01:17:50as their grandfather or big sister or close family friend close family friend
01:17:54look the I I don't think I don't think the avatar is actually related to like
01:18:01the relatives of their past lives
01:18:09your grandpa was a real pain in my butt wait a minute
01:18:14cranky old wine you must be tough oh I like this one you need to come home
01:18:23Cora kuvera is taking over the earth kingdom you have to stop her I don't
01:18:29know I'm not the avatar I used to be I can't even go into the avatar state
01:18:34please Cora the world needs you back
01:18:46all right I'm ready I'm not bending it out of you you've got to do this on your
01:18:54close your eyes clear your mind I don't freak out like last time now focus your
01:19:10energy find the metal let it move through your body
01:19:24that fight is over release the fear
01:20:19that's a lot of mercury oh yeah um the red lotus bent the equivalent
01:20:24of four liters of mercury into her body
01:20:41how did she not die avatar
01:20:50so much lighter thank you so much for helping me I'd like to give you a hug
01:20:57now it's okay with you all right you earned it
01:21:13nice peace and quiet
01:21:23oh my god
01:21:44how are you holding up I'm I'm exhausted
01:22:33okay one second everybody we're gonna do something else I don't know I've been
01:22:50streaming three and a half hours feels longer
01:23:04miss making me wish it was episodic at least then the writers would have to
01:23:09make new stories that each have an end instead of dragging this out I need a
01:23:13palate cleanser yes we do
01:23:34nice desktop no thanks Ren drew it it's okay it's McKay's OC Emerald entropy
01:23:48granted the energy Emerald usually has is something more akin to this
01:24:04or this
01:24:15or this
01:24:18or this
01:24:30or this
01:24:42or this
01:24:48or this
01:25:08I love him she's a fucking riot
01:25:18okay the stream manager there we go stream manager back up
01:25:31all right just give me a second
01:26:24there we go
01:26:49are you abusing the YouTube copyright system now sure way to get your channel
01:26:53taken down I'm I'm taking down con I'm taking down people who are stealing my
01:26:58content that's not an abuse of the system
01:27:08people seem to think people get people seem to wonder like you know yes
01:27:12technically on YouTube you can be have your channel terminated for abusing the
01:27:16for submitting fraudulent claims but that's for like material you don't own
01:27:23when it comes to fair use YouTube basically tells you to sort that shit
01:27:27out in court you're taking down videos with fair use though no I'm not they're
01:27:34using a hundred percent of the original footage fair use has a number of
01:27:40caveats and when your video basically serves as a replacement for watching the
01:27:46original which is how reaction videos work you don't qualify as fair use
01:27:59it's called transformative content no it's not you can't use a hundred percent
01:28:05of the original material case in point I didn't take down his like I didn't
01:28:17take down that one super cut of that guy's streams of the poke of his
01:28:21reaction to the Pokemon video I only took down the streams themselves
01:28:48I'm using the system as its intended you just don't like it
01:28:52cope don't make reaction content
01:29:06sitting the corner blank face while the video plays uninterrupted is just theft
01:29:09I mean even if you're stopping it to offer commentary like it is still theft
01:29:14just do the commentary
01:29:47hmm people who get clapped by the cop by YouTube's copyright system always think
01:29:52it's abuse plasting your PNG or VTuber model or IRL face over a video with
01:29:59minimal commentary doesn't count as transformative yep I mean look here's
01:30:03the thing the compilation like all of his streams put together they were seven
01:30:10hours long for a six hour video and his super cut of all of his commentary was
01:30:1840 minutes
01:30:33he didn't even do the late last generation bad journalism oh we didn't
01:30:47do the law oh we didn't do the last gen interesting that is outrageous what the
01:30:51fuck no for Wow so much and nothing hang on am I way behind on things who is he
01:30:57oh just just some react streamer who got just some react streamer who has been
01:31:02content milling my Pokemon video
01:31:53do you think the people watching their videos would have watched your video
01:31:56instead doesn't matter make your own content if look if your entire channel
01:32:07can only exist by leeching off of other people by leeching off of other
01:32:11youtubers your thing your channel shouldn't exist don't do reaction
01:32:18content it's simple make real videos
01:32:35I'll say I love least your Pokemon video when doing chores plus you made me
01:32:38realize why I love miss Maggie is so much nice
01:32:46let's just turn the display capture off
01:33:14don't you go all doing chores see you then
01:33:26I mean like this is the same thing riff tracks had like riff tracks riff tracks
01:33:38basically send the sends their tracks out as a out as separate audio files to
01:33:44be played alongside the movie because if they just uploaded the movie along with
01:33:49their commentary that's copyright infringement it's always been the case
01:33:54people just don't care people like yes there is a there is a there is a thing
01:34:01for fair use when it comes to criticism but criticism isn't this automatic
01:34:06copyright law doesn't matter what a card
01:34:17it's never worked that way look I'm a youtuber I get copyright struck all the
01:34:37does it your movie sucks does it red letter media doesn't ever with even a
01:34:41remote foothold media landscape knows this yeah also screaming about a
01:34:45youtuber you don't like isn't criticism isn't the rule like the at most three
01:34:50minute chunks it doesn't matter it's 10 second clips at a time if you don't want
01:34:54content ID to fuck you but then again you could still just being manually
01:35:04remember YouTube stance on fair use is sort that shit out yourselves
01:35:23like this was the reason I didn't actually play the videos in my response
01:35:27to all of those fucking harassment things and I just basically showed the
01:35:33video showed where what the video was called and the and the timestamp doesn't
01:35:39mean YouTube also scrape other sites like tik-tok Twitter Facebook I don't
01:35:42know if they scrape them
01:36:09doesn't load from any streams that person's still here now they're gone
01:36:14they left they didn't have an argument so they left
01:36:26I meant for you to be able to content claim when your videos are stolen uh
01:36:29nope I if if somebody were at worst if someone was stealing my content I would
01:36:34I am unaware
01:36:44this isn't a new thing reaction channels of like reaction channels have existed
01:36:48for a very long time and one of the reasons why you don't see reaction
01:36:52channels last very long is because the youtube er's they're reacting to have
01:36:56taken over and has in fact taken over their videos and people don't keep
01:37:00reaction channels last very long is because the YouTubers they're reacting
01:37:04to eventually strike them into the ground.
01:37:31Can you copyright on Psy? I already have.
01:37:38This vibe zone image is peak comfy honestly. Oh, thank you.
01:37:43Because meme translating me no like, I swear. Yep.
01:37:47Look, people's beliefs about copyright strikes are the same as a lot of their beliefs about anything else.
01:37:53If it's someone they like striking someone they don't like, it's justified.
01:37:56If it's someone they don't like striking someone they like, it's not.
01:38:00And that's it.
01:38:02That's the entire logic. They don't know how fair use works.
01:38:07I have had to file like appeals and counter notifications like every month since I started doing this job.
01:38:14One of the things they ask you when you're filing an appeal is how much of the original content is used.
01:38:21And if you put a number above 50%, YouTube will not send your appeal.
01:38:30Some other detractor said video game music isn't copyrighted lol lol.
01:38:38No, a lot of a lot of video game music is copyrighted.
01:38:41It's just that a lot of a lot of a lot of studios don't really bother registering with content ID.
01:38:47It's not worth it.
01:38:48Some companies like Blizzard basically have a you can use our content for anything
01:38:53as long as whatever you make is accessible for free.
01:38:57Which is one of the reasons I keep using World of Warcraft music so much because it's it's free game.
01:39:03It's you could basically you could just have it.
01:39:16I really like the wow music.
01:39:19Some people tried to gotcha me with like this these very streams where we're watching core.
01:39:23It's like isn't that also copyright infringement?
01:39:25I went that's between me and Nickelodeon.
01:39:27If Nickelodeon wants to wants to strike them then again, that's between me and Nickelodeon.
01:39:34Or Paramount actually.
01:39:38That's the confusion people don't know stuff.
01:39:39Oh, they know they just don't care.
01:39:42If you're a bad person trademark, you have to basically take whatever theft or abuse comes your way.
01:40:11Understanding is rudimentary at best.
01:40:19These attractors are about as slick as gravel.
01:40:21Yeah, they basically they say trans like they say trans transformative because they think it's an instant win card.
01:40:27They haven't thought about it again.
01:40:28The amount of the content you use and the fact that these commentaries are meant to be a replacement for the original work.
01:40:41EP time for me.
01:40:42See you Aster.
01:40:44Are you the same Aster on Tumblr?
01:40:47I get me already gone.
01:40:48Never mind.
01:41:09I'm Alpen the flu.
01:41:10Oh, okay.
01:41:13Got it.
01:42:03History and Lily good luck with the never-ending barrage on crap.
01:42:09Just another day.
01:42:10Look, this isn't the first time I've had to I've had to deal with people stealing my content.
01:42:15There's like there's channels who like one of the reasons I private videos instead of deleting them is because
01:42:20if I delete a video within a day, there's going to be like six people uploading mirrors.
01:42:25So if I private them, it's just a lot easier to strike them.
01:42:39Mobile so I guess I'm listening while making myself chicken.
01:42:51The whole well, this is technically criticism.
01:42:55So all other all other aspects of copyright law don't apply is the same kind of fuck you is the same kind of fuck you.
01:43:03Gimme attitude as it's it's like when people it's like when people claim that her rap that their harassment is criticism.
01:43:09Like when you talk about being harassed and they go, um, you're being criticized.
01:43:13Oh, yeah, I'm definitely being criticized while I'm being lied about by a sociopath.
01:43:19And whatever this this will all blow over eventually.
01:43:26It'll just be another thing for the list that that that brain dead Twitter users do.
01:43:33Won't matter.
01:43:34This isn't the first time someone's cried false flag because I had to stop them from stealing from me.
01:44:04They all the same playbook, just a different day.
01:44:22They're using it.
01:44:24That's really long short of it.
01:44:26Here's the thing.
01:44:30If these people had anything of value to say, they'd be making their own fucking content.
01:45:27Well, sure, he talks, but is he saying anything?
01:45:30No, not really.
01:45:38Let's put some music on.
01:45:56Let's just go with video game lo-fi.
01:46:26Bonnie with a Santa hat on the background is on the background is really cute.
01:46:49Wait, there's oh, oh, right.
01:46:51The vibe zone.
01:46:53Oh, yeah.
01:46:54Yeah, we did this at Christmas.
01:46:55This was part of Ren's Christmas gift.
01:47:03Yeah, the E.P.
01:47:04Lily voice these few days was a bit exhausting for you.
01:47:07Oh, yeah.
01:47:13Same way I made the response to it.
01:47:14It's your Pokemon video.
01:47:15So trying to say you're taking down his channel.
01:47:17I mean, I struck basically all of his theft.
01:47:20Even if I struck his last his last video, which actually does qualify as fair use.
01:47:29That would still only be two out of three strikes.
01:47:31I literally can't strike his shit anymore.
01:47:45Hell, we got Essence of Thought doing the same thing.
01:47:47Essence of Thought had like an archive channel up where she would just re-upload other people's videos, but unlisted.
01:47:56And one of my someone in the server found it and found like links to my old to my videos that that Essence of Thought had re-uploaded and not even like ones that have been taken down.
01:48:06Ones that were like still on the channel.
01:48:08She just re-uploaded them to basically say, fuck you.
01:48:11I'm not giving you any.
01:48:12I'm not giving you any views.
01:48:14And so I struck one and then she deleted the rest.
01:48:22Like she panic deleted them.
01:48:26Yeah, she did.
01:48:27So does Sega sister.
01:48:28Oh, yeah.
01:49:31You all have heard me talking Lily stream even when not taking into account my dysphoria inducing voice.
01:49:37I am nowhere near as interesting to hear as I am to read.
01:49:40Voice made for Prince.
01:49:42Oh, come on noob lord.
01:49:46That's such weird obsessive behavior.
01:49:51Like a rat scurrying a ship.
01:49:53I actually got most of her videos blocked in Canada for defamation.
01:50:00But you like filing a thing on YouTube for defamation is weird because you do have to basically provide a full legal argument and the YouTube takes like a week to make a decision.
01:50:14And even then it's only it's only blocked for view in your country.
01:50:23This was actually a recent edition.
01:50:26And that doesn't really matter because like if you're a YouTuber, most of your views come from the US.
01:50:30I'm a YouTuber.
01:50:31Most of my views come from the US.
01:50:34Bet that made her pissed.
01:50:35I don't even know if she's aware of it.
01:50:47Can you strike us as a thoughts videos as well?
01:50:49No, I can't because essence of thought doesn't use enough footage for for her stuff to qualify as theft.
01:51:14And I must have a small population.
01:51:15We have one tenth the population the US does.
01:51:49I figure since she's so weirdly obsessed with you, she'd get mad.
01:51:58She'd get mad about that.
01:51:59About that.
01:52:00I think after recent events, she's kind of like decided to stop beefing with people publicly.
01:52:15Like, here's the thing.
01:52:16I did ask about that.
01:52:17I asked my lawyer about that.
01:52:18And and and he was like, yeah, no, if she was playing 100% of your video and making commentary on it, then you'd have a case for it.
01:52:28But no, in this case, fair use applies.
01:52:31In most cases, she's just talking about you.
01:52:33So this would be a defamation case.
01:52:41Here's the thing.
01:52:42Reaction videos do not qualify as fair use because of this fact of that.
01:52:47It is basic.
01:52:48You are just playing the whole fucking video.
01:52:59Fair use has more caveats than just being transformative.
01:53:04And even then, there's there's no there's no real legal argument toward reaction videos being transformative.