Working on Korra Video IV 1:3

  • 2 months ago


00:00:04Oh wow mics on overlay
00:00:24Trying to fit this in here I
00:00:27I figure this will stop questions of like who's that every time every time we do this? Oh
00:00:37Oh 312 by 600, okay
00:01:07All right, that works
00:01:11How is everybody doing hello, I am okay
00:01:19Just going to put this on tumblr now that it's actually now that the stream is actually up
00:01:28Am the righteous hand of God I am the devil that you for God
00:01:33And I told you one day you will see that I'll be back. I guarantee
00:01:42Built my pill I have ready for streaming nice for some reason this heartburn will not fucking go away. Oh, oh
00:01:48I'll show you
00:01:55I was out. I was working on the villain stingers earlier. So now that all those things are stuck in my head. I
00:02:01Listen to any song for an extended period of time. I will get stuck in my head
00:02:04I had gesture after making the fucking harassment video. I had gestures pity stuck in my head for three days. Oh
00:03:14What's up with the coat and where did you get that pie it's a very shit you never know what you're gonna find
00:03:20There's a whole level filled with fun house mirrors, of course. Oh, I'm already wearing
00:03:26I miss that guy. He really knew how to make a long trip interesting
00:03:29So have you told Corey yet about how you guys broke up and you kind of started dating?
00:03:32You saw me while she was off getting attacked by dark spirits
00:03:36Waiting for the right moment Oh
00:03:38Mako, you know wise man once told me that delivering bad news to a girlfriend was like ripping off a blood-sucking leech
00:03:43You just have to do it fast and get it over with
00:03:46Hate it when you listen to me fine
00:03:49Luck we'll be waiting for you. You'll need all of your avatar power to stop him
00:03:52I'm going to close the spirit portals luck bought you in for another 10,000 years and make a
00:03:57Few episodes prior there was actually a weirdly sweet moment between like the villain twins
00:04:02Hmm. Oh, I should probably stream directly to you
00:04:09In fact, I'm gonna find it
00:04:19Did some good
00:04:54Yeah, come on where'd I put it must be my notes
00:05:061210 okay
00:05:12Together we can open this portal
00:05:27Leave him keep bending. He needs a healer at once. This is more important
00:05:38I'm taking him back
00:05:41It just turns on it a lot just like that
00:05:48Them all with just a feather two eggs
00:05:53As soon as we reach this
00:05:57Get it over with
00:05:58Hate it when you listen to me fine
00:06:01Luck we'll be waiting for you. You'll need all of your avatar power to stop him
00:06:04I'm going to close the spirit portals luck bought you in for another 10,000 years and make a wish
00:06:21Thanks Marco, uh, did you want something? Uh, no, no, nothing
00:06:34Blast through the blockade at the main port
00:06:36Then we can rendezvous with Tonraq and his troops crash through the defenses around the portal and enter the spirit world
00:06:41Whoa, since when does my little brother want to crash or blast through anything?
00:06:45I'll do whatever it takes to save my daughter
00:06:47We all want to save you Nora
00:06:49But I think your plan might be a tad overaggressive seeing as there are only seven of us in one ship
00:06:54Really? And what do you suggest an attack like this calls for strategy?
00:06:58I remember when I was surrounded by pirates in the hurricane Straits
00:07:01We managed to capture them all with just a feather two eggs and a barrel of molasses
00:07:06I don't want to hear any of your crazy stories. Now. This is serious
00:07:11Are we almost there almost but I just picked up a distress signal from the southern troops. There's a problem
00:07:32I'm so happy. You're here. Where's dad?
00:07:35Gonna lock wiped out the entire southern resistance and captured your father
00:07:39I'll get him back
00:07:41Where's my mother?
00:07:42She's in the healing hut. So many injured
00:07:55What happened her soul is trapped in the spirit world, oh my goodness, how long has she been away?
00:08:01Almost a week. I've tried to keep her energy flowing. I can feel her slipping away
00:08:05You're the only one who can help her now mom fun fact. This is how a young Chen sister died
00:08:11No shit
00:08:16He was trapped in the fog of lost souls and was able to return to her body
00:08:20How much longer can she survive like this I don't know but she's very strong to have lasted this long
00:08:28Think I agree for most of her life
00:08:30They said unlocks got the southern portal surrounded
00:08:32Harmonic convergence is only a few hours away
00:08:34Then we have to break through the enemy lines ourselves and get to the portal now
00:08:37There's no use in talking anymore. We know what our mission is a suicide mission
00:08:42You know, I was in a similar situation once my platoon had crawled through the desert with no water for a week
00:08:47But when we finally located the only oasis for a hundred miles, it was surrounded by angry sandbenders
00:08:52I realized our only chance to get to the water was to drop in from above
00:08:57So I fashioned together a catapult and with the help of a few well-trained hog monkeys enough of your ridiculous lies
00:09:02Can't you see that the fate of the world and Genoa's life depends on what we do here today?
00:09:07Hold on. Maybe boomi's right. We don't have a catapult and hog monkeys, but we have a flying bison and there's a plane on barrack
00:09:13Ship, maybe we can attack from above. What are you thinking?
00:09:16Mako Bolin and I can use the plane to create a distraction and scatter some of the defenses
00:09:20You Tenzin boomi and Kaya can fly into the spirit portal on Oogie when you've seen opening
00:09:24Let's get moving
00:09:41Where are we still doing here father the invasion was completely successful and a southern tribe is under our control
00:09:47The spirit portals are open you've restored balance now, we would like to go home you don't understand
00:09:53Everything I've achieved so far will pale in comparison with what I'm about to accomplish
00:09:57What else is there the water tribe is united after today? There will be no more water tribe
00:10:02No more nations of any kind the world is about to be transformed into something magnificent and new and I will lead this glorious revolution
00:10:11Now go outside and get the troops ready to defend the spirit portal from whom we've already beaten
00:10:16Everyone the Avatar will be here soon. She has no choice
00:10:31Are you ready? I'm an earthbender strapped to the wing of a plane hundreds of feet in the air. So no, don't worry
00:10:48Think that's good. That's how you still think you're in still in the good plot. I'm sorry to tell you otherwise. Oh, they'll clue in
00:10:53They'll clue in along with everyone else
00:11:13Jesus icicle shard bunker man. Why isn't there more of this stuff instead of like fucking Model T's?
00:11:26Like more icicle bunkers
00:11:30Like every I'd like more things that aren't just a punk
00:11:35Yeah, like it should be element punk
00:11:56Oh, no, it's unversed nature punk. No, I'm talking about like, you know how bossing say has like mass transit
00:12:01It has like a fucking monorail the end of that's like powered by earthbending. That's fucking cool
00:12:18The fire nation uses coal uses coal power plants, but like the earth kingdom uses geothermal. Oh
00:12:25The water tribe uses hydro
00:13:42Cora I'm so sorry. I failed you
00:13:47Don't give up
00:13:48Harmonic convergence isn't here yet. We still have a chance
00:13:55So many of the interesting personal conflicts end up getting thrown aside just by virtue of the fact that well the world's ending like
00:14:00We never really get a resolution to ton rocks utter disrespect of Cora early in the season because well the world's ending
00:14:07We've got bigger fish to fry and then when the season's over. Oh, I'm sorry. There's there's just no time
00:14:13Hate it we tried absolutely frustrating
00:14:17Congratulations everyone
00:14:18You've all got front-row seats for the beginning of the new world order. You don't know what you're doing
00:14:23I'm gonna lock freeing but you won't make you powerful
00:14:25It will only make you a traitor to everything good that's happened for the last 10,000 years
00:14:29You think what avatar wanded was good driving almost all the spirits from this world. The avatar hasn't got balance only chaos
00:14:37You call yourself the bridge between the two worlds, but there shouldn't be a bridge
00:14:41We should live together as one even if I do escapes I'll put him right back in his prison just like wanted
00:14:47It's true that when one fused with Rava, he tipped the scales in her favor
00:14:50But this time I'll be here to level the playing field when harmonic convergence comes
00:14:55I will fuse with Vartu and together we will become the new avatar a dark avatar
00:15:02Your era is that?
00:15:04Someone put that to script and apparently did not leave it on the cutting room floor
00:15:14You've always had a deep connection with the spirits, but you're still a man
00:15:19You're still my brother. You're Eska and Desna's father
00:15:23Are you willing to throw your humanity away to become a monster? I'll be no more of a monster than your own daughter
00:15:29The only difference is that while she can barely recognize her own spiritual power
00:15:32I will be in complete alignment with mine Vartu and I will be as one. No one will be able to stand against us
00:15:40Keep them locked up after the harmonic convergence. I will come for Korra. Yes father. I
00:15:49Failed in every way. We've lost Jinora forever. There's still a chance. They didn't get boomy
00:16:10Oh, you want to play some more well bring it on
00:16:17Man I can't get over it. They set up Unalaq so well
00:16:23And then every Avenue to pay it off. They pissed it away
00:16:50We're playing dirty
00:17:09Hmm looks like we've got a music lover here
00:17:28All right soldiers looks like it's on us to save the day luckily I've got a plan
00:17:36It's a happy dark spirit
00:17:39No, I do like
00:17:41Maybe the dark spirits don't have to be bad. I know he's your father, but Vartu has made him completely crazy
00:17:47We will never turn on our father, please
00:17:50If you let me out now, I can still stop him from destroying everything once he fuses with Vartu. No one will be safe
00:17:57Does not he won't be your father anymore
00:18:02Don't know what you're talking about
00:18:04Our father is the wisest man in the world if he says what he is doing is right. I believe him
00:18:14I quite like a good death now me too
00:18:29All right spirit army your general is here
00:18:50Shame about Aubrey Plaza though. What does Aubrey Plaza have to do with this? Uh, I know that's the voice of Eska Oh
00:19:06She broke her knee Oh
00:19:13Sign the no-hustles left behind letter great now, I gotta Google what that is
00:19:25Oh some dumb IDF thing
00:19:33Hey celebrities, I don't have to worry if the IDF will I won't leave any hostage behind
00:19:36They'll ensure that they're splattered all over the Gaza Strip
00:19:52Good thing Hamas is holding them underground. Otherwise, they'd otherwise they would have just been fucking destroyed and all those and all that carpet bombing
00:19:58Yeah, anyway back to it
00:20:58All right guys rescue time
00:21:13How did you manage to take out this entire encampment on your own I did it all with my trusty flutin
00:21:18Oh, never mind. You wouldn't believe it. Anyway, let's get moving
00:21:22My trusty flutin. Never mind. You wouldn't believe it anyway
00:21:30Like how this is the point where you realize all of boomi's crazy stories are 100% true. Oh, yeah
00:21:40Assami can you take Oogie and my dad back to my mom? This is my fight now
00:21:47I love you, too, dad
00:21:58Once we're inside you go find you Nora Mako and Bolin will take care of Unalaq while I close the portal so but you can't escape
00:22:03Wait a second worst-case scenario. So we're fighting one a lot. You close the portals. Let's just say something happens to you
00:22:09Are we gonna be trapped in there for eternity?
00:22:11If everything goes as planned, we'll all walk out together after harmonic convergence
00:22:16if not
00:22:23Let's go
00:23:28You're running out of time
00:23:50And break the only thing less than that's a big commercial break
00:24:49You're cute too
00:25:36Feel sorry for the people who watch Legend of Korra
00:25:40If they're stronger soldiers their toughest battles only have to watch shitty cartoons or work plus I have a tummy ache and a sore throat
00:25:47That's okay. My wife gives me sore throats all the time
00:26:10All right
00:26:15One last minute on heroes. Oh the last time that's like meanwhile at the Legion of Doom
00:26:27Shit's purple now
00:27:19Now the kite devil
00:27:24Going right back
00:27:26They could stop this moment
00:27:29Harmonic convergence is upon us again. I'm not going to let you fuse with unilock. You're going right back in that prison
00:27:48We're on it
00:27:58Know letting you fuse a little lock. Oh, yeah, what are you gonna do?
00:28:00He eats oodalock back into reality
00:28:03We can't just randomly wander the spirit world call out for Jinora and expect to find her
00:28:07We just need to employ the simple rules of tracking first. We locate our footprints. Then we follow them
00:28:13Do you even know what spirit footprints look like do spirits even leave footprints?
00:28:19Face it your tracking skills won't work in the spirit world. Let me try something
00:28:30Jinora is over there. I feel a lot of spiritual energy coming from that direction
00:28:34We're in the spirit world their spiritual energy in every direction enough. We can't do this by ourselves
00:28:41We need a spirit guide
00:28:49Spirit hello. I'm sorry to disturb you, but I am in need of your assistance
00:28:58Humans in the spirit world
00:29:06This is me spirit, can you help us I can help you die
00:29:18Well, that didn't work now, where are we we're completely lost and now in the spirit world also known as Australia
00:29:50Man, he's a Dark Souls boss right down to spazzing out and then spazzing out and then slamming down onto the ground at the last
00:30:11Well, then just raise a bunch of rocks around the portal I
00:30:15I mean they're in the middle of a fucking place. Sure
00:30:21Shit you're right. Oh, and you got an excuse anywhere
00:30:36We're walking in circles, I've seen that same spirit mushroom five times that's not the same mushroom
00:30:42Yes, I am. See even it knows we're lost. Oh sure. Listen to a fungus over your own brother
00:30:48What's that mushroom? Is that you? No, it wasn't me
00:30:56Iroh how where it's been so long almost 40 years
00:31:01It's nice to see you again. How did you know we were here? My friendly spirit Fox told me you were lost
00:31:07I came to show you the way out. I know we are grateful, but we're not looking for the way out
00:31:12We're looking for my daughter. I'm sorry to hear that
00:31:15But you shouldn't be here Vato has escaped and darkness threatens to take over. I'm not leaving until I find Jinora. I
00:31:23But I beg you to be careful
00:31:25If you travel too deep into the spirit world, you could end up in a place where only the lost will ever find you
00:31:33Let's see a facial hair on his cheeks
00:31:35Sideburns mustaches, please. We're only the lost conflict. Yeah, but those only go to your jaw on your lip
00:31:43I have facial I have stubble growing on my cheeks right now
00:31:47Oh shit, me too
00:31:54Well, that's what's like to chew five cinnamon gum
00:32:13Failed your probation
00:32:26He must have gone home hello my feeble turtle duck
00:32:44Don't let them escape this time
00:32:49Are you sure this is the best way to find Jinora trust me
00:33:13Thought we were gonna be taken to a prison this is a prison
00:33:44Seriously you were going toe-to-toe with Vato and then get knocked over by some water. That's your element
00:33:52She was prone
00:34:05One second
00:37:52One sec, I'm just dealing with something. I'm just have to be a mod for a second. Oh
00:37:58Someone in the server docks to streamer I saw
00:38:02It was subpoena
00:38:08Well, I banned them no longer involves me at that point it's basically a spat between the streamer and them
00:38:16There you go
00:39:03We are now one
00:39:07Now a new era for spirits and humans will begin and I will leave them all as the new avatar
00:39:12Well, I'm the old avatar and my era is not over yet
00:39:20What kind of prison doesn't have any bars or walls
00:39:23We could walk right out of here. The fog of lost souls is a spirit prison for humans
00:39:28I read about it in an ancient text. The fog is actually a spirit that infects your mind and slowly drives you mad
00:39:35Imprisoning you in your own darkest memories. How long can you be trapped in here? I am Xiao the conqueror
00:39:41I am the moon slayer. I will capture the avatar. I
00:39:45Am Xiao the conqueror. I am the moon slayer. I will capture the avatar
00:39:49Hopefully we're not trapped in here as long as that guy you
00:39:53You're him the last airbender
00:39:56No, get off me Rome and I will still defeat you
00:40:04Come back avatar face me. I am Xiao the conqueror. I will capture you
00:40:13If we stay together we'll find Jinora and make it out of this fog
00:41:07Cora this fight is not over
00:41:11But you cannot win do not give in to 10,000 years of darkness
00:41:17You are the avatar you guys don't need to yell bottle art. I can see him
00:41:34Yeah, I love the fact that like Cora will pull out the avatar state a lot and do this really impressive display of bending and
00:41:40Then gets murked anyway
00:41:43So frustrating
00:41:58Am we're your brothers. You must remember before the fog infects you. No, you are just a vision
00:42:04I have no family. You can't tie me down
00:42:06They're closing in I gotta get out of here
00:42:14Ruby oh yeah, come back
00:42:25Please let us out his grovelings pathetic, but I do enjoy the sweet scent of desperation
00:42:32Come on, your dad has become an evil monster. He's trying to bring on eternal darkness
00:42:37Why would you protect someone who doesn't care about you at all?
00:42:40Father was going to let me expire when he tried to open the northern portal
00:42:45Perhaps we should rethink our position. Yes. No, don't listen to him. His words are poisoning your mind
00:42:54What's with this outburst of emotion
00:42:57Sorry, I can't help it. It's just so sad. They don't never get to be with you again. What?
00:43:04Explain yourself further
00:43:06Eska, I've always loved you and I've always wanted to be with you. But now that the world is ending
00:43:14We could have been together but you left me at the altar no, I was scared
00:43:18I was scared my true feelings for you. I should have never left you. I'm sorry, man
00:43:24Bolin is really taking one for the team
00:43:27Or guy
00:43:41You'll never defeat my father but should you survive perhaps we can spend eternal darkness together
00:43:49Wow, that was the best acting I've ever seen you completely fooled her. Yeah, right that that was acting
00:43:59They will certainly perish
00:44:04They will
00:44:13Fallen by you can't fix her
00:44:26Bolin really pulling it putting out that Davis energy
00:44:38Nothing oh
00:44:42Don't patronize me
00:44:47Was that you're cutting out one second. Oh, I said Bolin putting out that Davis energy
00:45:43Now I'm just getting nothing
00:46:05Okay minor issue just give us a sec. Oh
00:46:10Yep, what happened my internet was being homophobic
00:46:14So anyway, I was I was saying Bolin was putting off Davis energy
00:46:21Oh, no, oh
00:46:34Oh active what no one should put out date Davis energy it's radioactive
00:47:08Now this is a crotchet
00:47:23Won't place a mechanic can't shame the artist must stay focused
00:47:28Remember who you are Tenzin. You are the son of avatar
00:47:30Hey, you are the hope for future generations of airbenders the fate of the world rests on your shoulders. But what if I fail?
00:47:39Your father's hope for the future dies with you, I can't fail you will
00:47:44Lots of you know, it's like to be like a mythrones of avatar. Oh, hang on
00:47:47I am the hope for future generations of airbenders. I am the son of avatar Aang
00:47:53Hello, my son
00:47:57Yeah, I
00:47:58Failed you I am no spiritual leader. I've let the world down
00:48:03We all know it's like to be like Game of Thrones lots of misogyny and sex and random character death fucking hell
00:48:11Fucking Avis
00:48:14Random character deaths and the other thing
00:48:19Look in chat chat
00:48:30Leave the twins alone. You are right
00:48:34You are trying to hold on to a false perception of yourself
00:48:37You are not me and you should not be me. You are Tenzin. Thank you soggy fourth example
00:48:49Am not a reflection of my father I am Tenzin I am Tenzin
00:49:01I like how the only way you can tell Eska does no part is like the braids and the eyeliner. Hmm. Yep
00:49:19Everybody hold hands as you walk out of the soul prison
00:49:23Everybody hold hands as you walk out of the out of the trauma out of the trauma fog of daddy issues
00:49:29You're gonna be okay sweetie I'm here
00:49:34Dark spirits taking me away you were trapped in the fog of lost souls, but I wasn't going to let you stay there
00:49:40I'm so happy to see you dad
00:49:42Hello, baby
00:50:29Did my tip so dirty what the fuck
00:50:37This light spirit will guide you out of the spirit world
00:50:43You know, I'll wait
00:50:58Oh, no, he's turning into a gigantamax Grimmsnarl. Oh, no, not save us
00:51:36We're almost at the end
00:51:38well the halfway point
00:51:41All right
00:51:46Only the Avatar and master all four elements and bring balance to the world
00:51:56After fusing with Batuu, Unalaq became a dark avatar and ripped Korra and Raava apart. By destroying Raava, Unalaq and Batuu transformed into the most powerful dark spirit that ever lived.
00:52:03Tenzin managed to free Jinora from the fog of lost souls, but her spiritual quest isn't over yet. Can anyone save the world from eternal darkness?
00:52:16He's going to electrocute me folks I am wetting my pants
00:52:24General Iroh, are your ships in position? Yes, Mr. President, but I need to know what kind of enemy we're dealing with
00:52:34Of course the final battle moves Republic City, oh my god
00:52:45Some bargain bin prothean looking mother fucker. It's like man Harbinger. You really let yourself go
00:53:14Good I'm glad that statue sucks
00:53:20That shit from attack on Titan, you know attack on Titan didn't invent the concept of a giant monster stomping around a city
00:53:27Godzilla did it really good
00:53:29Watch something be it watch something that aired before 2010 for fuck's sake
00:53:49Thank goodness, you're all okay. Did you find Jinora? I was able to rescue her soul
00:53:53But she wasn't ready to return to her body yet. She sensed the world was in grave danger
00:53:58She was right
00:54:00Were you able to stop Unalaq and Vaatu? No, they fused then thought to ripped Rava right out of me and destroyed her
00:54:07Vaatu won
00:54:08No, I'm too young to live through 10,000 years of darkness Cora
00:54:12Can't you talk to one of your past lives or something when Vaatu destroyed Rava?
00:54:17He destroyed my connection to the past avatars, too. If that's true, then the cycle is over
00:54:23I'm the last avatar. I'm so sorry Tenzin
00:54:33Needs you more than ever
00:54:36It's not Unalaq just an edgy nobody actually their fused form is called Unova to it's going to destroy. Oh my god
00:54:53I just love killing the president
00:54:57Why were you on an airship against an enemy that could throw you down
00:55:07Also are like Republic City Police just also the military why the fuck were you up there?
00:55:14This is like this is an attack on the city. This is outside your jurisdiction
00:55:19Like laying your your job is like writing speeding tickets and harassing fire vendors
00:55:27I guess they double as the National Guard
00:55:40Julie commence operation winged freedom
00:55:54Co-ed prison no Vaatu just basically insists on taking Julie everywhere. I can't no one can help me now. I
00:56:00Know I haven't been the best mentor to you
00:56:03But I realized it was because I had a lot of spiritual growth to do myself
00:56:06There may still be a way for you to stop Vaatu. How let go of your attachment to who you think you are
00:56:12And connect with your inner spirit. Haven't you heard anything? I said
00:56:16Rava is gone. I'm not connected to a spirit anymore. I'm not talking about Rava Rava is not who you are
00:56:23Come with me. I need to show you something
00:56:28Why are you showing me Vaatu's prison because this tree had a history long before it held Vaatu
00:56:34This is the tree of time and the legends say that its roots bind the spirit and physical worlds together
00:56:41And you think this tree can help me somehow yes
00:56:44I have read that long ago the ancients would meditate beneath this tree and connect with the great cosmic energy of the universe
00:56:56It's no man
00:56:59The tree of time what you can still bend
00:57:02Forgot about yeah
00:57:04I just contrary to popular popular belief the avatars ability to bend all four elements isn't like just come from Rava like
00:57:10Without without Rava Korra can still bend
00:57:18These are my memories
00:57:20The tree of time remembers all Korra the most powerful thing about you is not the spirit of Rava
00:57:25But your own inner spirit you have always been strong unyielding and fearless
00:57:31Avatar one. Why are we Lord dumping? There's a giant kaiju killer. No, this is Lord dumping in service of character just
00:57:41But he was brave and smart and always wanted to defend the helpless that's right
00:57:47He became a legend because of who he was not what he was
00:57:51He wasn't defined by Rava any more than you are
00:57:58Everyone in Republic City is in danger. You have to help them Korra
00:58:01How there halfway around the world do as the ancients once did connect the cosmic energy of the universe
00:58:08Don't bend the elements, but the energy within yourself
00:58:12You really think I can do this? I
00:58:14Have no doubt
00:58:18Thank you for not giving up on me I'm proud of you
00:58:30If you invite to have the same fight every 10,000 years
00:58:33Why isn't one of you destroy the other?
00:58:34One didn't get all for Rava had to hold the other three and switch with one when one wanted to switch elements
00:58:39No, that's not how that works. Like that is that is objectively wrong
00:58:44Look does that does that that wasn't good, but we paid attention. Yeah, like
00:58:49Rava would hold an additional element and then pass through one to give it to him and then without without one actually being
00:58:55uh, and then without Rava actually being in
00:58:59Being a part of one one could use both like before before one and Rava fuse one is using all four elements
00:59:14A switchboard kind of situation only one button can be turned up. No, he had all four
00:59:23You know what fuck it I'm just gonna go
00:59:31It's not you can pay attention
00:59:43I may be rid of you once and for all
00:59:46Before you get to her you'll have to go through me
00:59:49No human can stand against me. Haven't you heard the legends? I'm not a regular human anymore
01:00:09Live 10,000 lifetimes before the first of your life
01:00:25It was I who broke through the divide that separated the plane of spirits from the material world
01:00:41I'm not scrolling through this the whole way through but like yeah, no like hell we live in a world where we have to fight
01:00:46We have to live in a world where we have to fight to survive
01:00:48We have to live in a world where we have to fight to survive
01:00:51I'm not scrolling through this the whole way through but like yeah, no like hell we literally just saw Cora a minute ago
01:00:58Bending something other than water without Rava being there
01:01:02Right, the avatar can bend all four elements. She doesn't need Rava there to do it
01:01:14The idea that like Rava is like the idea that Rava is
01:01:19Crucial to bending all four. No, that's that's not how that works. Rava is part of the avatar state
01:01:34As well as just the power of a great spirit
01:01:44Guys you've literally already seen it in front of you if you argue this point further. I'm just deleting your message
01:01:48Let it go
01:01:52Based on what they established I probably should know it's not when Rava passed through one to give an airbending. She gave him airbending
01:02:03There's no sweat it's not like there's no switchboard thing that's nothing she just gave him the air of the power of airbending end of story
01:02:46What did you say to her exactly
01:02:48I don't know
01:03:38One thing I do find interesting is that Cora is now fighting like the great spirit of chaos with nothing but her own fucking stubbornness
01:03:54We're gonna you have seen this bitch Republic City, oh no, no, no, you misunderstood we're in suplex City
01:04:12Like Cora doesn't have Rava this is all her
01:04:15Could Aang do this? Could Kiyoshi do this? They didn't
01:04:24You're catching 10,000 years of these hands
01:04:34Oh, come on, do you have to get murked every time?
01:04:44Know when Aang fought Ozai this only happened once he gets murked once goes avatar state and wins
01:04:56No, where I can't let a woman win without asterisk
01:05:17This being Cora herself has eternally as a strong spiritual connection
01:05:20We're told Cora doesn't have a strong spiritual connection, but we don't actually know what that means
01:05:33I am so done with spirits
01:06:08Oh, no, it's time for the deus ex-airbender
01:06:21Here comes to know how to do the thing
01:06:37She was fucking Holly Ma Holly Ma
01:07:13And Hamlet made this whole killing your uncle thing look harder than it really was
01:07:17Go in peace fun fact now that Vatu's been destroyed
01:07:21He's gonna end up. He's going to regenerate inside Rava, which means he has full access to the avatar. Oh
01:07:30The way these people absolutely milk their composer Aaron
01:07:44I made run a moderator just so her messages will stand out
01:07:51Lily no don't put a plot holes. You're not supposed to think it's not a plot hole. It's fridge horror
01:07:58It's equal bait
01:08:16I'll see you soon dad
01:08:37And grand
01:08:40I'm catching hypothermia. Don't worry. They're all right Cora saved the world
01:08:46Early as holy light Savior and Redeemer of goodness and her name starts with a J on the nose
01:09:29Mentioned if you were anywhere, but Republic City
01:09:37I'm meant to be anywhere else in the world
01:09:39It's like just hearing on the radio that's just in folks avatar Cora has prevented the world from falling into 10,000 years of darkness
01:09:43I was like what the hell's going on over there. I
01:09:48Feel I feel like a loft just above a really great party
01:09:53Is zoomie looks at whatever a fire Lord is zoomie looks at whatever generals like what did you do?
01:10:07I'm sorry about your father, but he was already fused with Vatu. I couldn't save him
01:10:12It seems cousin Cora is under the impression. We are saddened by our father's demise
01:10:16But I will not miss him at all in the end. He became a deplorable man
01:10:21But how will we explain this to mother?
01:10:24So I was thinking I'm not really a fan of the long. Oh, we're just gonna let that question hang there
01:10:27So how about you move to Republic City with me? I do not think that will be possible
01:10:32Okay, doesn't it could come to I will not be joining you Bolin doesn't and I must return home
01:10:38But you said eternal darkness was upon us I became caught up in the moment
01:10:43Yeah, I guess I did too, but you will always hold a special place in the organ that pumps my blood I
01:10:51Will remember you fondly my turtle duck
01:11:00That's like I don't I will not be joining you Bolin fine Jessica can come to this first assumption
01:11:10Look let's be honest like Eska was bringing Desna a lot along on dates with Bolin so like those two are like glued at the hip
01:11:18Mm-hmm. I'm pretty sure if Cora were to ever at any point see Eska alone. It would just be like oh my god
01:11:22What happened to Desna?
01:11:31Cursed Polly guys come on
01:11:38How does she look sadder that she realized she doesn't want to be Bolin than her dad dying it just said it right there
01:11:44They don't like their father father became a deplorable man
01:11:57I like twins that are close like that. They do every bullshit together
01:12:05We are in the friends and family chat if you'd like to join us
01:12:22I think I would actually like to join you all right
01:12:26Well good at oh
01:12:29Oh who what I still have a stream audio on so I thought oh, no
01:12:38I have to say looking in the mirror like where'd that other lizard come from I wonder who that is
01:12:53We didn't close the end of
01:12:56Yep season the second the second seasoning
01:13:08If a show about cooking never
01:13:10Never marketed their second season as seasoning seasoning to that such wasted opportunity
01:13:16They make a bait-and-switch joke about Desna and Eska being close in season four before Eska looking directly at the audience like oh, yeah
01:13:21That's right. Oh
01:13:23it's like
01:13:25Chief Eska, I'm sorry, but the room for you and your brother only has one bed. That's not a mistake Desna sleeps in the tub
01:13:32Oh my god
01:13:53Do you little buddy
01:13:59Now that you're bonded with Bravo once again, are you also reconnected to your past lives?
01:14:04No, I think that link is gone forever. I
01:14:09Damn, Corwin paired out and we'll go home. Oh, yeah
01:14:18Hi, maybe I shouldn't
01:14:20What do you mean
01:14:22What if Unalaq was right when he said the Avatar shouldn't be a bridge between the two worlds?
01:14:27What if Avatar one made a mistake when he closed the portals?
01:14:30What if humans and spirits weren't meant to live apart?
01:14:35Well, what do you think I should do I
01:14:37Think that mean the after state is gone. No, we literally see her go in the Avatar state later. You are the Avatar
01:14:44Whatever your decision your first time watching the show. Yeah, like
01:14:47Yeah, she goes into the Avatar state multiple times it's a plot point in the very next season when the Red Lotus tries to kill her
01:14:53in the Avatar state
01:14:58A lot of people make these wild assumptions about about like the lore and
01:15:03Like it's interesting watching people talk about what goes up
01:15:08It's interesting watching because it's like people clearly don't pay attention and it's like maybe they were just half paying attention I
01:15:15Think that's one of the reasons it's so hard to like get decent discourse from Korra because it doesn't say about Korra because it seems
01:15:20Like no one act like nobody actually watched it. Like that's why my Korra video got so popular
01:15:25It was like the first analytical video made by somebody who would actually watch the fucking show
01:15:38I thought the Avatar state was the experience of the past avatars. Huh? Okay the the exaggerated, huh?
01:15:44You know, you don't need that
01:15:47The Avatar state does have the experience of the past avatars, but it's also just Rava's raw spiritual energy
01:16:03Remember like here's the thing all that experience is generally contained with Rava Rava has been through all of that stuff Rava remembers everything
01:16:10That's where all that experience comes from
01:16:15The ability to pull the spirits of previous avatars out of the spirit world was because of the of the connection to each individual
01:16:21Avatar that is the only thing that was severed
01:16:28People tend to forget that like Rava is an active participant in being the Avatar and so in a lot of cases
01:16:34It's just it's literally and so in a lot of cases a lot of the power of the Avatar comes to the fact that she's been
01:16:39Doing this for 10,000 years
01:16:40Rava is also gaining that experience. Yeah
01:16:43Like here in fact, here's the thing people have pointed out the people have pointed out that like
01:16:48Oh the next avatar always looks like somebody the previous avatar avatar loved in their life
01:16:53You know following this old myth like you have the face of someone you loved in a previous life
01:16:56But here's the here's the thing
01:16:57I always figured that that's that that works that works within avatar because Rava is picking is
01:17:02Deliberately choosing someone who is similar to someone that their previous avatar loved in life because it's familiar and comforting
01:17:09Well, like Rava probably came to love those people, too
01:17:18Like Rava's not just like a fucking magical battery sitting there doing nothing
01:17:31The whole thing about the avatar state solely being like this this point where like all of your previous lives come roaring back to you
01:17:37We know we know that's the case because that's what Roku said
01:17:41but remember
01:17:43Roku isn't aware of Rava
01:17:46Core is the first avatar in a long time to be aware of Rava
01:17:57I don't think the Roku looked like any of her boy her boy toys Roku looked like what was her name Ragni
01:18:05Rangi Rangi
01:18:26See this is actually world building that I kind of like when it's like we're gonna we're gonna
01:18:32We're gonna demonstrate this character
01:18:34That is supposed to be representative of like all avatars the spirit of all avatars
01:18:40But we're gonna
01:18:41Introduce them and we're gonna give all these
01:18:44Like we're gonna attribute all these ideas to them that actually make them out to be a very sweet and very caring person
01:18:51It's world building by character development
01:18:54it's easy to think it's easy this is all stuff that's easy to figure out like if you just if you pay attention for like
01:18:58Five seconds and you you think about things beyond what is immediately in front of in front of your face
01:19:02Like basically like Roku tells like here's the thing Rava's a retcon like Rava is like a massive fucking retcon
01:19:08so, of course, it's going so, of course, it's going to contradict things from like
01:19:12So, of course, it's going to contradict things from
01:19:15From the actual show from like from the last airbender because it's a retcon
01:19:25But it's a retcon you can make work if you think about it a little bit so like Roku basis says
01:19:28Oh the avatar state is the strength of all the past avatars
01:19:30But the exact but that's basically Roku operating with the with the information he has
01:19:35Once you learn about Rava, it's basically
01:19:37Yeah, you do have the strength of all the past avatars because you both have a common spirit that has basically been doing this
01:19:43for 10,000 fucking years
01:19:50And if the avatar is killed in the avatar state Rava is killed
01:19:57Rava gets destroyed like when when Korra loses Rava and Rava's destroyed like
01:20:02She would have continued but she would have continued being able to bend all four elements
01:20:05But once she but if she hadn't gotten Rava back once she died, that was it no more avatar
01:20:09Same as if the same as if the avatar was killed in the avatar state
01:20:15So at some point people knew why it was a bad idea that why being killed in the avatar state would would end the cycle
01:20:21Of the avatar but over time that fact alone is what remained and the why just faded into history. It's been 10,000 years
01:20:31Is interesting to think about like what information gets lost over time
01:20:36Yeah, so anyway, this whole thing is like Japanese legend
01:20:39You have the face of who you loved most in a past life
01:20:41So then of course people have kind of pointed this out
01:20:43It's like Korra looks a little bit like Katara and looks a little bit a little bit like Tom in Roku looks a little bit
01:20:48Like Rangi Kiyoshi looks a little bit like Kurok's wife
01:20:58So you guys could just see a face and be like I like that face
01:21:01I'm gonna make it my face and everyone's cool that but when I code the face dealer
01:21:04So like in terms of what actually happened what actually happens in universe
01:21:07I just figure it's like so how does that actually happen in universe simple when Rava's finding her next avatar?
01:21:12she picks somebody who will who looks like someone who looks like
01:21:16Her previous life's lover because it's a food because it's it's familiar and comfortable. I
01:21:22Mean really think about this Korra likes women
01:21:25Aang likes women Roku likes women Kiyoshi likes women Kurok likes women
01:21:31Rava's gay
01:21:38Like Rava's a retcon, but you can make it work in interesting ways
01:21:44The idea is sound the idea has merit. It's the execution granted. None of what I'm saying is canon
01:21:49This is all just stuff that I this is all just stuff that I piece together just based off of content based off of
01:21:54Like it's extrapolating from incomplete information
01:21:59It's part of that whole media literacy Twitter likes to pretend it likes to pretend is dead
01:22:07Some avatars had boyfriends, but we're never endgame. Yeah, Rava when she sees a hot woman heavy-breathing. We're gonna get with her then be her
01:22:16Wasn't touching Rava by time of season one the first time she sees a zombie Rafa just screaming in your ear get with her
01:22:30Yeah, we'll get freaky with me my life tendrils, of course that's basic theory crafting and is fun
01:22:37It's not really theory crafting
01:22:38I mean
01:22:38It's like I always consider fan theories to be extremely wild speculation
01:22:42Usually based off what makes for the bet for the biggest twist whereas I'm just basically going like, you know
01:22:47This is this is just kind of a natural conclusion. You can draw if you're capable of reading between the lines for two seconds. I
01:22:54Always think like one of the reasons a lot of people have can't read between the lines anymore is
01:22:57Because their English teachers would always say read between the lines and then it's like okay
01:23:01But what does that mean and reading between the lines means extrapolating from incomplete information?
01:23:08Like actually for instance
01:23:14If you've seen the movie Bob video this will this won't work but
01:23:19There's something really dark in this image, you know aside for the fact that it's someone's grave
01:23:23Can you figure out what it is? Oh
01:23:52Thought I did was like wait now
01:24:15It's right at the top of his hoot tombstone beloved uncle indicating that mr
01:24:19Millipede had a family but none of them could make time for his funeral or even to make plans for his funeral. Oh
01:24:42Fuck that's a dark. Yeah, I mean you look at you look at the dates here
01:24:46He was only 49 when he died
01:24:47So if he has siblings there still so if he has you know
01:24:50If he has a niece or nephew that means he has siblings and they're still around his parents are probably still around
01:24:55That's sad or his first name is no
01:24:58No, it's beloved uncle
01:25:02That's what reading between the lines is
01:25:14That's how you establish somebody was the black sheep of the family
01:25:21I've been wanting to tell you about that fight. We had I know I said it wasn't that bad, but that's not exactly true. I
01:25:27am I
01:25:28Broke up with you. I
01:25:31Remember, but I thought you said you lost part of your memory. I did but being inside the tree of time brought it back
01:25:37I'm sorry for blowing up at you. That's okay. I think we both said some things that we regret
01:25:42Why didn't you just tell me the truth in the first place? I know I should have but I
01:25:46Didn't want to hurt you all over again. I guess part of me wanted to forget about the breakup, too
01:25:49I think we both know that this
01:25:54Doesn't work. You're right
01:25:57It's over
01:25:58for real this time
01:26:05It's over, but we're still gonna kiss
01:26:08you know like
01:26:10Maybe it maybe it's just a sap in me. But like breakups that basically end with a kiss. Goodbye are always like way sadder
01:26:18Yeah, it's cuz it's not driven by like anger or just a need to get away it's just it's like resign defeat
01:26:31Always love you, and I'll always love you
01:26:40You want a hug
01:26:44All right, that's all the little smiley head you want a hug
01:26:56Want to go brother
01:26:58Unalaq has been defeated and the northern fleet is returning home the water tribes will always be allies
01:27:04But the southern tribe is now independent and the Southern Council of Elders has appointed my father
01:27:10Conrad to be your new chief
01:27:15Realized that even though we should learn from those who came before us we must also forge our own path
01:27:21So that is why I've decided to keep the portals open
01:27:25Humans can now physically enter the spirit world and spirits will be free to roam our world. I will no longer be the bridge
01:27:32Humans and spirits must learn to live together
01:27:36My mission will always be to use Rava's light spirit to guide the world toward peace and balance
01:27:41Harmonic convergence has caused a shift in the planet's energy. I can feel it
01:27:46Things will never be the same again. We are entering a new age
01:27:58All the water tribe members have K in their names not all of them
01:28:02Unlock awesome
01:28:03Yes, he has a Q, but it's got a K sound Senna doesn't
01:28:08Desna doesn't
01:28:14Hama, yep
01:28:20Ua, yep, ua
01:28:31Saka Saka does
01:28:33Is the rule a that there's no specific rule like naming convention
01:28:37There's a lot of similarities in a particular cultures naming conventions, but it's not like you will always find like one particular letter in
01:28:47In a in a in a cultures names
01:28:57It's just that like when you have right when you have white writers
01:29:01It's it's really easy to just it's really easy to just use K as a as a shorthand for for indigenous indigenous names. Oh
01:29:11Don't think it's I don't think it's specifically malicious
01:29:13It's just a lot of a lot of a lot of popular a lot of common commonly understood indigenous words have a K sound in it
01:29:35Good to know thank you, Lily
01:29:40It's like what it's like when writers want to take a really quick you quick and dirty shortcut for like a Chinese name
01:29:44They'll put an NG in there somewhere. Oh
01:29:51You'll be there somewhere
01:29:54Probably the most egregious example Cho Chang
01:29:57Right thought that was bad
01:30:09See for me unless it's