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00:00It's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder, it's a wonder over yonder
00:30It's a din a din a doya, it's a wonder over yonder,
00:42it's a dina din an doya, it's a wonder over yonder,
00:45it's wonder wonder oh
01:13What of you
01:17Emergency briefing all watchdogs report to all be
01:21Emergency briefing. Yes
01:27Guys wake up. Oh, come on man was probably another drill. This is not a drill
01:35Come on
01:49Hey good one
02:00Hey, does anybody have a step stool?
02:03Oh, okay. Yeah, that's probably that's what I figured
02:07Watchdogs, our sensors just detected two high-priority targets on a nearby
02:13These two are number one and number two on Lord haters most hated list
02:18They operate against everything Lord hater stands for all in the name of
02:24having fun fun
02:28They're cunning devious tricksters
02:30Shiftless indolence and they don't shower very often
02:34They are enemies of the hater Empire and that makes them your enemies
02:41And even though technically we are the bad guys these two are the real bad guys
02:50Bad guy
02:53If we can stop these two there will finally be no one to stop us from spreading fear and hate
03:00throughout the entire
03:33Wow wander and Sylvia, can you believe it? What an exciting day?
03:57Man what if I captured them? Can you imagine?
04:04Yeah, probably give you a medal or something
04:51Hey, great best villain
05:02This is the life, huh pal sure is although the weather looks to be changing soon
05:53Hey guys
05:57Oh boy, okay. Here we go
06:22Wait, you forgot
06:28Look at him there. Oh sad and helpless
06:32Can we keep them, please?
06:34What no way wonder that ain't some lost critter. That is a watchdog
06:40I've trained killer. Hi commander peepers, sir. This is private Wesley reporting in
06:46No, not Leslie Wesley with a W as in wander. Anyway, you kind of um left me behind
06:54Could you come pick me up?
06:58No, sir. I I haven't captured wandering Sylvia. That's not the only reason you'd come back for me, right?
07:05Well, maybe because i'm a good soldier and you like me
07:11So, uh, just to be totally clear I should not be expecting a pickup
07:33What's the plan just do what I do
07:41Oh no a watchdog how dreadful
07:48I hope he does not take us prisoner
07:51And then use us to make hater come and rescue him
07:56That truly would be a dark day for wander and sylvia
08:03Okay reach for the sky
08:06Commander peepers, sir. Private. Wesley reporting in again
08:13We just talked like two minutes ago
08:15Never mind. I'm happy to report that i've captured wander and sylvia
08:22No, i'm serious I did I totally did they're my prisoners and everything
08:27Floppy hat big groovy grin and a dumpy grumpy's warnack
08:31Dumpy poor little fella. He'd never make it out here all by his lonesome
08:37Especially with the weather changing real soon
08:42Weather what does weather have to do?
08:48Yes, sir, I promise you I have them
08:51Thank you, sir
08:53Great. I'll see you then
08:55Okay, prisoners. We have to meet lord hater's ship on the top of that mountain tomorrow morning tomorrow
09:01There he can't just fly to meet you right now. He's very busy with important appointments. Okay, otherwise he totally would
09:10now march
09:11Look hater's coming to get him. He'll be fine on his own for one day. Let's just get out of here. I said
09:23I'm okay. I actually just seem to be stuck on the same branch. Just don't you're still my prisoners. Okay?
09:34I'll get the fishing pole
09:50Isn't this the most amazing of amazing days wesley old pal
09:58I mean look at this place. Look at that crazy guy and that thing
10:02What's that all about bet you don't get a chance to see this kind of thing very much. Do you wes stop?
10:22Would you look at that, you know, if we take that path over there, I bet we'd get to see some incredible things
10:30Could be a lot of fun
10:41I'm not here to have fun
10:43I'm here to capture my enemies a couple of real bad guys for lord hater and also get a medal
10:51Besides, I don't need your nature loving wisdom
10:55I have the knowledge of the hater empire in my hand and it says we go left
11:11Remind me why we have to watch out for this wackadoodle. Hey, come on. This isn't yours
11:18Nice try nature backup locator
11:23Hater regulation 85 always carry an extra backup. This one has a handy wrist strap
11:43Out of the way i'm not a doctor
11:45It's pulsing heart yearning blood pressure 2000 over 13. I beautiful reflexes flexi step aside
11:53This man needs cpr
11:58Get off i'm fine, I don't need your help
12:02I was just having fun is all
12:05But if you ask me you could use an attitude adjustment
12:08That's enough
12:10Now march. We can't keep hater waiting
12:15This way
12:38My little bitty blaster, hey, come on give it back
13:00Come on wesley you can do it almost there big guy
13:08Oh, you're so close
13:35Oh, you know, he's he's actually kind of cute when he's not
13:57We made it yes
14:00Wesley we should probably stick to the trail. Nope. Sorry. I've had enough of your so-called fun
14:40Stop okay
14:51That was amazing
14:55Hey, man. Thanks for leading me to this river
14:58The old firemane was flaring up again happens whenever I get to thinking about stuff that makes me all mad. I just
15:09That or when I have too much dairy
15:12Well, see ya
15:18Well, how about that sometimes it turns out your enemy's not such a bad guy after all
15:31You think I can't tell what you're doing?
15:33You're just being nice to me because you want me to betray lord hater
15:37He said you were cutting devious tricksters and he's right you are bad guys well tough bananas it's not gonna work
15:47Wesley we're helping you because you're our friend. We like you right sylvia
15:53Huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah, you're a pretty okay guy, you know when you're asleep. Oh sure
16:00Everybody's friends. You're my friends that fire lying with my friend this giant cobra bear is my friend
16:25Thank goodness you discovered that cobra bear's weakness, I know I can't keep anything down when i'm being tickled
16:33What? I don't
16:48Knew it. They were just waiting until I was asleep so they could take my blaster and do who knows what kind of horrible things
18:39Oh good, so good
19:06You were right buddy weather's definitely changing
19:42Ah what of you yeah
19:47Morning pal morning
20:07This better be worth it peepers, I had a brunch today. I'm, sorry, sir
20:12I just thought it was worth checking out
20:14If he doesn't show up with wander and sylvia in five seconds, we're leaving
20:19Five haters awesome four haters. All right, little guy. Enjoy your life of evil and nefariousness. It's been a blast, but we are out of here
20:26You know, there's a view up ahead that's about a gazillion times nicer than this one, why don't you come with us
20:43Two haters awesome
20:45One hater's awesome
20:47I'm, sorry, sir. I knew he wasn't watchdog material. I should never have even sent him on this mission
20:56No, i'm not coming with you
21:03You're coming with me
21:13Stupid unpredictable weather
21:22Private wesley
21:25You have made us all truly proud
21:29for your totally evil deed of capturing wander
21:33And sylvia, I am proud to present you
21:38the official hater medal of evil
21:45No longer will wander and sylvia be free to spread their dangerous
21:51fun, loving ways throughout the galaxy
21:59Hate's great best villain
22:25There's been an explosion on the prison level what what happened we're not sure i'm having the security footage from the past hour uploaded now
22:33Well, yes, that's very good a locked cell. Nothing unusual here
22:37What wander and sylvia escape?
22:40Sound the alarm. Oh, look at wesley. Get up wesley. You got this little guy
22:46I'll blast them wesley
22:54Wesley no, watch out. There's a bomb
23:04No, not wesley
23:06Hey, i'm gonna i'm gonna need a moment with this
23:26Today we honor our bad friend wesley. We did not know him long
23:34I just been working here for three years
23:36We knew him several years
23:39than never before
23:41that a watchdog displayed such
23:47Such contempt
23:51Such cruelty
23:54He single-handedly captured my most hated enemies
24:01We may never know what happened to him
24:06But we will we will always know
24:11He truly was
24:13a bad guy
24:19Don't look at me
24:21Ha ha
24:27You think we got away with it? Well, we're still sitting here aren't we?
24:33Of course it worked
24:37I've been studying hatership
24:38All his cameras will see is me getting sucked out of space trying to stop you guys
24:42I'll probably be remembered as a hero or something dumb like that
25:07Best be sure to wear your hat
25:11All the things that you will see and you certainly will be free if you wander over yonder just you and me
25:37Be sure to lend a hair all your helpful friendly good
25:49All your helpful friendly good
26:26There there sir, we're all gonna miss wesley
26:31I'm upset because wander and sylvia got away again. Who's wesley?