Guilty Of A Murder He Didn't Commit _ Full Movie _ Mystery Thriller _ Carousel of Revenge-(480p)

  • 2 months ago
Guilty Of A Murder He Didn't Commit _ Full Movie _ Mystery Thriller _ Carousel of Revenge-(480p)
00:04:30You doing okay?
00:04:32Can I get you anything else?
00:04:37Why don't you like a real job?
00:04:39I have a job, but thank you.
00:04:45Let's do it.
00:04:52Consider that a signing bonus.
00:05:17Would you run up and wake your father?
00:05:30So let me get this straight.
00:05:32You want to take my daughter up to your club in the Twin Cities
00:05:35when there's thousands of kids who live up there,
00:05:38that can work for you?
00:05:40Well, let's just say that, uh,
00:05:43Susan's been highly recommended by a friend.
00:05:45Who's his friend?
00:05:47I'm not willing to share that, but, uh...
00:05:51I am willing to share that with you.
00:06:02I don't understand why you're spending so much money on her.
00:06:05Here's the deal, Mr. Campbell.
00:06:07I wish it by your silence and Susan's dedication,
00:06:12both of which are very important to me.
00:06:15Now, after Susan's finished working for me,
00:06:17she'll be able to do whatever she wants
00:06:19any job, any school, anywhere.
00:06:23And, uh, well, from the look of things,
00:06:27I'd say you've done all you can for her.
00:06:29Just because you have a lot of money
00:06:31doesn't mean you can walk into my house and insult me.
00:06:39Dad, I can't make enough money here
00:06:41to go to college and take care of you two.
00:06:44How can I trust you that nothing bad
00:06:46will happen to my daughter?
00:06:52I think you and I both know that, uh...
00:06:59that she'd be a lot safer off with me taking care of her.
00:07:14She's 18. She can do what she wants. It's up to her.
00:07:20Susan, what do you think?
00:07:44Tim, will you check the Hallstroms?
00:07:46I think they need more water.
00:08:05I would like you to meet Mr. Delano's nephew, Frank.
00:08:08Frank's going to be staying with us this summer.
00:08:10Nice to meet you.
00:08:12Nice to finally meet you.
00:08:13Your uncle cannot stop talking about you.
00:08:16He does love to hear himself talk.
00:08:18Ms. Campbell is our star protege.
00:08:21Everything you see here tonight, she is in charge of.
00:08:24Except for tonight.
00:08:26Tonight you're joining us for dinner.
00:08:28Well, what about...
00:08:29Don't worry. Already taken care of.
00:08:31Oh, okay.
00:08:33Follow me.
00:08:42Come on.
00:09:01Isn't it just a touch ironic that for years
00:09:04they tried to drive our so-called kind out of town
00:09:06because we were bad for business?
00:09:08You weren't so bad for business
00:09:11and bailed that old man out.
00:09:13He's lucky you always wanted to own that park.
00:09:15And how does he show his gratitude?
00:09:17I'm still holding his gold pen from signing the contract.
00:09:20He pokes his finger into my chest and says,
00:09:22good luck at making any money, sucker.
00:09:25I grabbed his finger and I said,
00:09:27good luck at making any money?
00:09:29I'm not only going to make money,
00:09:31but I'm going to make it with a kid running the place.
00:09:34And then I snapped it in two.
00:09:37His finger?
00:09:38No, the gold pen.
00:09:40But I gave him the finger.
00:09:43But most importantly,
00:09:45tonight Susan is sitting right next to my nephew Frank
00:09:49and meeting him again for the very first time.
00:09:52Here's to new beginnings and old acquaintances.
00:09:56You're here.
00:10:02I really think you'd like him.
00:10:04When would I have time?
00:10:06He'll give you all the time you need.
00:10:09After all, he's the reason that you're here.
00:10:13He is?
00:10:16Remember that amusement park Mr. Delano
00:10:18was talking about at the table earlier?
00:10:22Mr. Delano wants you to go back home
00:10:25and manage Arnold's Park next summer.
00:10:28Why would he want me to do that?
00:10:31To help his nephew.
00:10:33What does his nephew have to do with Arnold's Park?
00:10:36Didn't you find it a little odd
00:10:39that the same night you found out
00:10:41Frances Larson committed suicide
00:10:43was the same night that you were hired?
00:10:46Frances Larson?
00:10:48How do you know about Frances Larson?
00:10:54Frances Larson never committed suicide.
00:10:57Yes, he did. They had a funeral and everything.
00:10:59What are you talking about?
00:11:00That was all part of the cover-up.
00:11:02From paying off the prison warden
00:11:05to faking his death, the funeral, hiring you.
00:11:11Bobby did it all to send him back...
00:11:15with you.
00:11:18Frances Larson is a killer.
00:11:20He murdered Barbara Stratton.
00:11:21He never murdered that girl.
00:11:23He's going back home to expose Barbara Stratton's real killer.
00:11:28And we want you to help him.
00:11:32No, no, no, this is crazy.
00:11:34There is no way that that is Frances Larson.
00:11:36Honey, I know it's hard to believe.
00:11:38But for the past two years,
00:11:40he's been training, he's been changing his appearance.
00:11:43He's doing...
00:12:03Come on.
00:12:25I'm sorry that I ruined your night.
00:12:29You didn't ruin it.
00:12:31Look, about everything that happened in the past,
00:12:34I just want to say...
00:12:35Don't, don't.
00:12:36You don't have to apologize.
00:12:39And if you decide to stay,
00:12:42you don't have to pretend that you like me.
00:12:58I love you.
00:13:32So you're settling in, aren't you?
00:13:34Oh, yeah. This place is great.
00:13:38Well, if you need anything, just let me know.
00:13:41I'll be waiting for you.
00:13:56Well, if you need anything, just let me know.
00:14:02Do you have any plans for tonight?
00:14:07Want to go to a baseball game?
00:14:09Yeah, sure.
00:14:12Okay, so pick me up at five?
00:14:15Oh, yeah, I'm sorry.
00:14:18Yeah, that works out.
00:14:20Okay, good. We'll see you tonight.
00:14:48Okay, I am still trying to figure this place out.
00:14:51It's like half baseball game, half circus.
00:14:54A kid carrying baseballs out to the empire.
00:14:57And what is with this guy on the sign?
00:15:00If he hangs there for the entire game, he gets $10,000.
00:15:04Are you serious?
00:15:06That's crazy.
00:15:07It's entertainment. That's why I like coming here.
00:15:09It gives me all kinds of ideas for work.
00:15:11Don't you ever stop thinking of work?
00:15:17So, um, you talk to Jackie much anymore?
00:15:20Yeah, we talk on the phone,
00:15:22and when we're both in Iowa, we'll go out.
00:15:33I remember you used to have a crush on her when you were a kid.
00:15:36Yeah, and everyone used to think I had a crush on Barbara, too,
00:15:39and used it as a motive to accuse me.
00:15:45So why are you asking about Jackie?
00:15:48Barbara wants you to bring her up here sometime.
00:15:51That might be kind of difficult,
00:15:52because she leaves for school in a few days,
00:15:54and whenever she has a weekly time,
00:15:56she's always spending it with Billy.
00:15:58I know, but I really need to talk to her before I go home.
00:16:18So you think you're ready for this?
00:16:20Think? I know I'm ready.
00:16:22Oh, you're nervous.
00:16:23You gonna make it to the plate?
00:16:26All right, do I get a few warm-up pitches?
00:16:28I'll tell you what.
00:16:29To make it fair, I'm gonna bat left-handed.
00:16:32Oh, all right, I see how it is.
00:16:35All right, come on.
00:16:44I'm just gonna, you know, step over here.
00:16:48You ready?
00:16:56Three strikes and you're out.
00:16:58All right, yeah, yeah, just pitch the ball, okay?
00:17:01This time I'm gonna hit it.
00:17:03All right.
00:17:12Keep it to the left, to the right!
00:17:16You're out.
00:17:18At least you didn't strike me out.
00:17:30When I was in San Francisco,
00:17:34all I could think about was coming back home
00:17:40so I could prove to everyone that, you know,
00:17:44I could be somebody.
00:17:50Well, you've changed a lot.
00:17:53Yeah, but look at you.
00:17:56I hear the way people talk about you.
00:17:59I mean, you're 20, and you already run
00:18:01one of the hottest nightclubs in the Midwest.
00:18:05You're amazing.
00:18:08Why'd you pick me, anyway?
00:18:12What do you mean?
00:18:18When your uncle came to my house,
00:18:20he told my dad that I was recommended by somebody.
00:18:24Why me?
00:18:30Because you were one of them.
00:18:32Because you were one of them.
00:18:41And I knew you didn't want to be.
00:18:46You're right, I didn't.
00:18:52Hey, there's three outs in an inning.
00:18:56I got a couple more swings.
00:18:59Come on.
00:19:03Hey, don't you want your hat back?
00:19:27Frank, this is Susan's friend from back home, Jackie.
00:19:31Jackie. Frank.
00:19:33It's nice to have Susan bring a friend up from back home.
00:19:37She made a good choice.
00:19:40Thank you.
00:19:41Good evening.
00:19:43And welcome to our annual Christmas party.
00:19:46Now, I'd like to start by saying thank you
00:19:48to each and every one of you
00:19:50for spending so much of your time,
00:19:52but more importantly, so much of your money here.
00:19:56Now, it is going to a good cause.
00:20:01Now, to show you how much we appreciate it,
00:20:03tonight not only are the drinks and the food
00:20:05free for the entire evening,
00:20:07but each of you will leave with a Christmas goose.
00:20:11So, ladies, if you haven't been goosed
00:20:13before you leave, see me.
00:20:16Okay, at this time, I'd like to bring up
00:20:18someone very important and special
00:20:20to the Rossys family.
00:20:22Susan Campbell, come up on the stage.
00:20:25Don't make me fire you in front of all these people.
00:20:27It would be very embarrassing.
00:20:28Come on. Come on.
00:20:30She's shy.
00:20:32That's better.
00:20:33Now, I've got some good news
00:20:35and I've got some bad news.
00:20:37First, the good news.
00:20:38The reason that each of you has such a great time
00:20:40when you're here is because of the hard work
00:20:42of this young woman.
00:20:44Now, here's the bad news.
00:20:46This is Susan's last Christmas with us.
00:20:49Yes, next summer, she is going to be running
00:20:51my latest venture, but in the meantime,
00:20:53I think we owe her a round of applause
00:20:55for all of her hard work.
00:20:57Susan, Rossys would not be the same without you.
00:21:09Do you hear that?
00:21:13I think I hear somebody coming down the chimney,
00:21:16and I bet it's the fire marshal.
00:21:19No, actually, look.
00:21:20It's old St. Nick.
00:21:23Or as I like to call him, old St. Bobby,
00:21:25because he's got a bag full of gifts from me to you.
00:21:28So make sure you get over there to see Santa.
00:21:30Have fun tonight, everybody.
00:21:44Fun guys.
00:21:53Go on, open it.
00:22:04It's beautiful.
00:22:08This whole thing is so surreal.
00:22:11I can't believe Susan's in charge of all of it.
00:22:17She's going to be doing the same thing
00:22:19at Arnold's Park this summer.
00:22:22My uncle, he bought Arnold's Park,
00:22:25and Susan's going to be managing it.
00:22:30Shh, that's our secret, okay?
00:22:33I'll try.
00:22:34You'll try.
00:22:38So tell me, are there any secrets you would like to share
00:22:43with the handsome young man you just met?
00:22:50Come on, there's got to be one.
00:22:56I love to write.
00:23:00I do it all the time.
00:23:03I would give anything to write a bestseller someday.
00:23:10What would you write about?
00:23:13A story that's bigger than life,
00:23:15like The Great Gatsby.
00:23:21I've never read it.
00:23:25Is it as great as the title suggests that it is?
00:23:30He loved a girl so much that he spent his life
00:23:35doing whatever it took to come back and win her.
00:23:43Tell me, does it get the girl in the end?
00:23:48I can't tell you that.
00:23:50You'll have to read it for yourself.
00:24:03Thank you.
00:24:18What's going on?
00:24:21Susan, I don't know how you did it,
00:24:43but this is the best Christmas party we have ever had.
00:24:48Everybody is having a great time.
00:24:53Except for you.
00:25:00You're having trouble watching the two of them together, aren't you?
00:25:03No, it's just, um...
00:25:06No, that's what we planned.
00:25:07Susan, Susan.
00:25:09Don't kid a kidder.
00:25:12I see the way you look at him.
00:25:20I can't believe that I planned this whole night
00:25:22just to watch him fall in love with her.
00:25:30Maybe this will help.
00:25:33Merry Christmas.
00:25:37You didn't have to get me anything.
00:25:41You've given me so much already.
00:25:43That's true.
00:25:45But I haven't given you this.
00:25:48Go ahead, open it.
00:25:50I'll open it.
00:26:03It's really important that Frank does not know that you know, okay?
00:26:11You know, you might find this hard to believe,
00:26:13but I understand what you're going through right now.
00:26:18And don't think for one second
00:26:20that you aren't going to be rewarded for what you're feeling.
00:26:23When this whole thing is over and done with,
00:26:28you'll have it.
00:26:33Can I have a better smile than that?
00:26:36That cheap little grin?
00:26:37No, that's much better.
00:26:38All right, you okay?
00:26:40All right, I'll see you later.
00:27:26How's it going, Bobby?
00:27:28Well, you know, Romeo,
00:27:29you laid it on a little thick last weekend.
00:27:31Yeah, that's what you wanted, right?
00:27:32In the future, rule of thumb, moderation is the key, all right?
00:27:39I just got back from Iowa last night.
00:27:41We got a little hitch in our giddy-up.
00:27:43Jackie won't be coming back to see you.
00:27:46She and Billy got engaged.
00:27:48Apparently you aren't all you thought you were.
00:27:50They're getting married.
00:27:53Yeah, Billy found out about the two of you,
00:27:54felt threatened, tightened the leash.
00:27:57How can she marry a jerk like that?
00:28:00Frank, think about it.
00:28:01They've been going out since, what, junior high?
00:28:03Throwing a little father influence?
00:28:05Jackie's still running a little scared, that's all.
00:28:09Is that gonna mess things up?
00:28:13If she's anything like her mother,
00:28:15I wouldn't be sending out wedding invitations just yet.
00:28:18Besides, I'm more concerned about you
00:28:20screwing up things right now.
00:28:23Thanks for your vote of confidence.
00:28:25Look, I know the hell they put you through back there, okay?
00:28:27You know, memories start to creep back in.
00:28:29Gets too personal.
00:28:30Well, this is personal, don't you think?
00:28:32Yeah, don't get me wrong.
00:28:33I'm all for a little revenge.
00:28:35But I won't have you getting personally attached to anyone,
00:28:37especially Jackie.
00:28:40So you will not see Jackie until you go back next summer.
00:28:44Mentally, you're just not ready.
00:28:47Look, Bobby, I'm not a kid.
00:28:49I know it's important, but I'm not gonna screw it up.
00:28:51I am right now.
00:28:52Hey, you know what?
00:28:53Don't you ever challenge me.
00:28:55Now, here's something you need to understand.
00:28:57There comes a point of no return,
00:28:59and if you're not ready,
00:29:01then everything that I've done,
00:29:02everything, the money, the planning,
00:29:04everything is for nothing.
00:29:06And I really hate losing.
00:29:08Do you understand that?
00:29:16Then run along and do your 10,000 sit-ups
00:29:18and do whatever it is you do to keep the girls happy.
00:29:23Come on.
00:29:56Your stance is driving everyone else away.
00:30:02Come on!
00:30:08How appropriate.
00:30:10A hippo playing with a hippo.
00:30:12I thought we told you to move around a bit like that.
00:30:16Your stance is driving everyone else away.
00:30:19You're not going anywhere.
00:30:50Frank, what's wrong?
00:30:57It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
00:31:06It's okay.
00:31:15I can't do this.
00:31:17You can do this.
00:31:20Yes, you can.
00:31:22You can do this.
00:31:23What if they recognize me?
00:31:25What if they recognize you?
00:31:26They won't.
00:31:27They won't recognize you.
00:31:30I'll be there for you, I promise.
00:31:34It's gonna be okay.
00:32:22Thank you, thank you.
00:32:24Please, thank you.
00:32:25Good afternoon, everyone.
00:32:27And welcome to a new beginning at Arnold's Park.
00:32:31Now, I would like to thank our mayor and his lovely wife
00:32:34for coming out and supporting us today.
00:32:36How about a little hands?
00:32:37Thank you.
00:32:43The theme for this summer at Arnold's Park,
00:32:46expect the unexpected.
00:32:52For your first surprise, I would like to announce
00:32:54all rides are free.
00:33:02Now, the reason for the failure of this park
00:33:04over the last couple of years is obvious.
00:33:07No one was having any fun.
00:33:10Therefore, we at Arnold's intend to put fun
00:33:13and, dare I say, plenty of excitement
00:33:17back in the Lake Okoboji community.
00:33:20I can assure you, we will not disappoint.
00:33:27I can assure you, we will not disappoint.
00:33:32Are you guys ready to ride?
00:33:34Let's go ride.
00:33:42So, you two must be so excited with the wedding
00:33:44just a month away.
00:33:45Oh, we are.
00:33:46We went and picked up a dress last week in Sioux Falls
00:33:48and I cried.
00:33:52I can't believe I'm going out for a little jacket look.
00:33:54Oh, honey, that's so sweet.
00:33:56I keep hoping Johnny will notice his friends growing up.
00:33:59Oh, let him be a kid.
00:34:00So, Jack, the sheriff tells me that Billy
00:34:03starts his job as a deputy this week.
00:34:05Police officer in the family.
00:34:07You're the prosecutor.
00:34:08Got every branch of justice in this county sewn up.
00:34:11That's why I'm trying to get Rachel to run for mayor.
00:34:16Look at him.
00:34:18Little man trying to act big,
00:34:20trying to impress everybody.
00:34:22Bet he's been dreaming of this moment his whole life.
00:34:25What in the hell is he thinking of anyway?
00:34:27Getting an uneducated girl to run Arnold's Park.
00:34:30I mean, is he nuts or what?
00:34:31Susan will do just fine.
00:34:32She's always been able to take care of herself.
00:34:34Yeah, I'm sure that's not all she took care of
00:34:36up at that mobster hangout.
00:34:38Oh, please, Steve, the mob.
00:34:41Oh, I don't think they even exist anymore.
00:34:43Even if they did, what would they want with Arnold's Park?
00:34:45Yeah, well, I'll bet you a million bucks
00:34:47he's behind that atrocious pirate radio DJ.
00:34:49Oh, you're just jealous because he got the park
00:34:51and you didn't let it go.
00:35:08Hello, Jackie.
00:35:10Do we know you or something?
00:35:12Uh, yeah, she does.
00:35:14Uh, Reagan, I'll catch up with you in a minute.
00:35:21What are you doing here?
00:35:23Getting a drink.
00:35:25I'm helping Susan open the park.
00:35:27She's a friend of mine, remember?
00:35:29And besides, you know, it's a great place to hang out for a summer.
00:35:33Look, Billy thinks that something happened
00:35:36while I was up to the sinks.
00:35:39Something did happen.
00:35:41We just danced, so can you just avoid me today?
00:35:46Today? Just today?
00:35:49Sounds like an open door.
00:35:51I'm engaged, all right?
00:35:54I heard.
00:36:03Hey, how was that popcorn? Good?
00:36:05I made it myself. I'm kidding you.
00:36:07Come back next week, all right?
00:36:09There's a smiling face. I'm sure we'll see you soon.
00:36:12Wow, Mr. May.
00:36:14Hello, Mr. Delano.
00:36:16Could I interest you in an after-dinner cigar?
00:36:18Oh, no, thanks. I have my own.
00:36:20Not like these. I'm Castro's personal supply.
00:36:23Ooh, I'll pass.
00:36:25I'm glad you came out today, and thanks for being a good sport.
00:36:30I know you just as soon see this whole site cluttered with condos,
00:36:33but I think in the end
00:36:35you're going to like what this does for the community.
00:36:38Besides, this is all just a little preview of things to come.
00:36:42Really? What else do we have to look forward to?
00:36:48You know, the little thing you avoided your whole life
00:36:50because you lack imagination.
00:36:53Unlike you, who enjoys wasting his money
00:36:56trying to impress everyone
00:36:58and just ends up showing them what lousy business sense he has.
00:37:01Lousy business sense?
00:37:03Huh. Take a look around, Steve.
00:37:05This place is crawling with customers.
00:37:07Free rides all summer. Hmm. It's a little over the top.
00:37:10You know, and it's that attitude that caused this place to go to hell.
00:37:13Now, here's how I see it. These people, they're going to go home tonight
00:37:16and they're going to tell all their friends how much fun they had,
00:37:18and then they're all going to come back over and over again.
00:37:21They're going to buy my merchandise and buy my food.
00:37:24Had you pegged for an astute businessman, you should know
00:37:26you've got to be willing to give something if you want to get something.
00:37:29Oh, you know, that's so true.
00:37:31It's kind of like Rachel gave up you to get Jack.
00:37:34Listen, I, uh...
00:37:36I don't know what you have up your sleeve,
00:37:38but I can guarantee you that we're going to be watching every move you make.
00:37:42Everybody in town knows who you left with 20 years ago.
00:37:45And wouldn't you be surprised who I came back with?
00:37:59Pirate ring. Pirate ring.
00:38:02Ahoy! Play coca-polty.
00:38:05I'm back, just like I said I would.
00:38:07You can either hear a song or talk to me and everyone else out there.
00:38:10You know them.
00:38:11Let's see who I have on the phone already.
00:38:13Hello? You're on the air.
00:38:15I think you're atrocious and violent. You'll be taken off the radio.
00:38:18And yet you tune in to listen to me again.
00:38:20Which proves to me that the old saying is right.
00:38:23Every beaten dog returns to their master.
00:38:25Have a nice day.
00:38:27You know, folks, if I've offended anyone out there,
00:38:29it certainly wasn't my intention.
00:38:31Oh, wait a minute. It was.
00:38:33Thanks for making it so easy.
00:38:37Looks like school's almost out.
00:38:39Bell's about to ring.
00:38:41Ring it, baby.
00:38:46Your game is either broken or fixed.
00:38:49There's nothing wrong with the game.
00:38:51Why can't I hit the bell then, man?
00:38:53Because it's a game for strong people.
00:38:59Well, not everybody's going to be able to hit the bell.
00:39:03Pick a toy any time.
00:39:05Uh, the big monkey.
00:39:08The lady big monkey, please.
00:39:10You have to win it first, dude.
00:39:12I will.
00:39:19Watch out.
00:39:21Look at this clown.
00:39:24Hey, superfly, don't wear your pretty little self out.
00:39:28Maybe next time you should stick to the ring toss or something.
00:39:32Go big boy.
00:39:40It's obvious that our drug-induced culture
00:39:42has taken over our society.
00:39:44I mean, did you ever see that show, Cast and O'Girls?
00:39:47What kind of person would allow that on television?
00:39:50But that's not surprising. We were all there.
00:39:53What kind of person would allow that on television?
00:39:56But that's not surprising. We were all raised on this kind of absurdity.
00:39:59Remember Hee Haw?
00:40:01How did that last for over 15 years?
00:40:03Caller, you're on the air.
00:40:05I've come back.
00:40:06From what? A drug overdose?
00:40:08Everyone thought I was dead.
00:40:10Tell it to someone who cares. Next caller, please.
00:40:12Don't you want to know who I am?
00:40:14Yeah, we already know. You're the dead guy.
00:40:16Pirate Radio, you're on the air.
00:40:18You'll never believe who I just saw walking along Lake Okoboji.
00:40:21That narrows it down to everybody.
00:40:23Who did you see?
00:40:24Francis Larson.
00:40:25Never heard of him.
00:40:26He committed suicide after going to jail for killing Barbra Stratton.
00:40:29So you saw his ghost or something?
00:40:31I'm telling you, it was him.
00:40:33You'll see anything if you're smoking grass or on meth.
00:40:36This isn't the Art Bell Show.
00:40:38See you in rehab. Have a nice day.
00:40:41You're listening to Pirate Radio.
00:40:43Okay, guys, let's get one more.
00:40:45Oh, it'll just take a second. Here we go.
00:40:47One. Big smiles. Two. Three.
00:40:51Oh, that's really nice. Let's get one more and then we'll be done.
00:40:54Very nice.
00:40:55So you're the photographer, Susan Heider.
00:40:57I'm Bobby Delano.
00:40:59Oh, sure, the owner of the park.
00:41:01Hi, I am Dana Morris.
00:41:02Dana, nice to meet you.
00:41:03Maybe I should get a picture of you.
00:41:05No, no, no. I'm sure you probably have plenty of me already.
00:41:09But I do want you to get a shot of everyone else in the park.
00:41:12One of your mug shots might be worth a lot of money someday.
00:41:16Here's the caption, as I see it.
00:41:19Murder wanders free in Arnold's Park.
00:41:23Can I catch you up?
00:41:25Cute family.
00:41:30All right, guys, let's get one more. Here we go.
00:41:32One. Two. Three.
00:41:36Here's a little joke you might enjoy.
00:41:38Why do so many kids in Iowa want to be a taxidermist when they grow up?
00:41:42Because they get to mount animals.
00:41:45Pirate Radio, you're on the air.
00:41:47I wasn't finished.
00:41:48Well, I was finished talking to you, moron.
00:41:51Don't you want to know why I'm here?
00:41:53Well, he's humorous.
00:41:54I'm back to make life hell on the person that drowned Barbara Stratton.
00:41:58This guy has obviously gone insane.
00:42:00On July 4th, I will reveal the name of Barbara Stratton's real killer on this radio station.
00:42:06Hey, moron, I know you're listening out there.
00:42:09Stop calling me tonight already.
00:42:11If you're dead and everyone thinks you're dead, then you're dead.
00:42:14That's the way I see it.
00:42:16Are you listening to Pirate Radio?
00:42:25You all right?
00:42:27Doesn't look like you're having any fun.
00:42:32Fink, what are you doing?
00:42:35I'm just talking to you.
00:42:37Yeah, but if Billy sees you...
00:42:39You deserve better than that.
00:42:42If he sees you, he's gonna want...
00:42:45Hey, I'm not worried.
00:42:50Fink, he's my fiancé.
00:42:53There's nothing you can do about that.
00:43:00What do you think you're doing, asshole?
00:43:03Oh, I'm just talking to her, Billy.
00:43:06Well, that's my fiancé, so why don't you go talk to somebody else?
00:43:09You don't own her.
00:43:11Besides, this is my car.
00:43:13Just go home, Billy.
00:43:16Why don't you make me?
00:43:18Billy, just...
00:43:19Jackie, shut up!
00:43:21You know why, Billy?
00:43:23Because you're not worth it.
00:43:28What'd you say to me, man?
00:43:30I'm sorry. I don't think I heard you right.
00:43:35I said because you're not worth it.
00:43:37Oh, man, you're so dead to me.
00:43:39Okay, you guys, it's time to go in separate directions.
00:43:41You stay out of this!
00:43:43I blame you just as much as I blame this place.
00:43:45Billy, just calm down.
00:43:47I know she cheated on me when she was up in the cities with you.
00:43:50Look, Billy, every time I think about that night,
00:43:53I have a hard time wiping the smile off my face.
00:43:57Well, maybe this will help.
00:43:59Come on, come on!
00:44:05Make him out, Bill.
00:44:06You're dead soon.
00:44:12Frank, look out!
00:44:27Hey, wait up!
00:44:30Where are you going?
00:44:32I can't walk around here like this.
00:44:45This is, uh, not what I expected.
00:44:52What's that supposed to mean?
00:44:55Well, you know, I just figured you being Bobby Delano's nephew
00:44:59might have something a little more flashy.
00:45:06Interesting art collection.
00:45:15Did you paint these?
00:45:18No, I got them from an artist up in the cities.
00:45:24Kind of dark and creepy, don't you think?
00:45:33No, I think they're...
00:45:36mysterious and...
00:45:41That's why I got them.
00:45:44So, are you, uh, one of those people who roots for the villains then, too?
00:45:50Depends upon the reason for being a villain.
00:45:54Tell me, why do you root for him?
00:45:56What makes you think I do?
00:45:59You're standing here with me, aren't you?
00:46:02Are you a villain?
00:46:05Seems like everyone around here thinks I am.
00:46:08I guess that would make me a villain, too.
00:46:12You know, since I'm here with you.
00:46:16Is that what you want to be?
00:46:19I don't think so.
00:46:21Because in the end, the villains never win.
00:46:27At least not in the movies.
00:46:30Come on, what do you say we get out of here?
00:46:33All right.
00:46:34All right.
00:46:36How about a big frog, huh? Ribbit, ribbit.
00:46:39You enjoy it. Come on, here's one for you, too.
00:46:42You have fun. Get on those free rides.
00:46:49Howdy, handsome.
00:46:50I need to speak to your nephew.
00:46:52I'm sorry, sir.
00:46:53I'm sorry, sir.
00:46:54I'm sorry, sir.
00:46:55I'm sorry, sir.
00:46:56Howdy, handsome.
00:46:57I need to speak to your nephew.
00:46:59I think he's on one of the rides with his new girlfriend.
00:47:02I don't know if you know her. Jackie Neumar?
00:47:04No, no, no. Jackie Neumar is engaged to my son.
00:47:07No, actually, there's been a slight change in the lineup.
00:47:10He's been benched and carried off the field.
00:47:13Yeah, well, we'll see how smart you are when I put him under arrest.
00:47:16For what? Defending himself?
00:47:18Look, he started it by hitting on my son's fiancée.
00:47:21Is there some kind of city ordinance against that?
00:47:23There is against drug use.
00:47:25Oh, thank you, Susan.
00:47:26Which reminds me, doesn't he start duty this weekend?
00:47:30So, tell me, Chief, what is his job, anyway?
00:47:33To smoke dope and then drive the back roads looking for drunks
00:47:36and kids that can't afford a room at the inn?
00:47:42You know, maybe I didn't make myself clear this afternoon.
00:47:45I don't know what you've got going on, but you better watch your step
00:47:47because I will run you right out of this town.
00:47:49My dad did it 20 years ago, and I am more than willing to do it again.
00:47:53Yeah, well, listen, Daddy's boy, he didn't run us out of town.
00:47:57He just let this place go to hell, and we found another place to play.
00:48:00If you have any other concerns,
00:48:03I would advise you to take those up with the park manager.
00:48:13Anything else I can help you with?
00:48:34I just don't see why Francis the Friendly Ghost should have all the fun.
00:48:38So while he's busy terrorizing this town, how about all of you try to find me?
00:48:43And if you do, $25,000 is yours.
00:48:47But you better start tonight because this offer is only good until the fourth.
00:48:51Happy hunting!
00:50:36I still haven't heard a good argument for breaking off your engagement with Billy.
00:50:40Dad, I'm tired of the way you treat people.
00:50:43He's immature and he's selfish.
00:50:45He's a police officer trying to protect us.
00:50:48How can you turn your back on him for some guy who just shows up in the town?
00:50:52You can't force me to be with someone I don't want to be with.
00:50:55Jackie, get back here!
00:51:02Hey, is this a bad time?
00:51:04It's a perfect time. Come on in.
00:51:06Well, how do you think I feel, Rachel?
00:51:08Jack, I know.
00:51:09Makes everybody look stupid.
00:51:10I understand. You go.
00:51:11Mom? Dad?
00:51:13This is Frank.
00:51:15Hi. How are you?
00:51:17Say, um, I've got to uncover the boat.
00:51:20Maybe Frank here would give me a hand, huh?
00:51:23Dad, is this really necessary?
00:51:26Yes, it is.
00:51:28Yeah, I don't mind.
00:51:30Come on, Frank.
00:51:35You don't get it.
00:51:36I do not want you seeing my daughter, do you understand?
00:51:38I don't want you anywhere near her.
00:51:40No, I don't.
00:51:41Listen, I know the kind of company that you and Delano keep, okay?
00:51:45And I have a family's reputation to protect.
00:51:48And if you have any respect for this family, which includes Jackie,
00:51:51you will respect my wishes.
00:51:53What about Jackie's wishes?
00:51:55Well, you know something?
00:51:56My wishes trump hers as long as she's under my roof.
00:51:59I see.
00:52:00Then I can't respect your wishes.
00:52:02She's 21 and can leave home whenever she wants.
00:52:05And I have more than enough money to support her.
00:52:08So if you want her home, under your roof,
00:52:10every night at a decent time,
00:52:12you will let me see her.
00:52:13No, wait, Frank.
00:52:14I'm not finished.
00:52:15And I think it would be a great gesture for you
00:52:17to throw a big, fat, juicy T-bone on the grill for me, huh?
00:52:21Now let's go take care of that boat, Jack.
00:52:36Smells great, counselor.
00:52:39Is Rachel upstairs?
00:52:40Yeah, she's in the kitchen.
00:52:43What the hell is he doing here?
00:52:45I don't want to talk about it.
00:52:51I heard every night in the summer,
00:52:53Francis would go out fishing the shorelines around Lake Okoboji.
00:52:56So what? The kid had no friends.
00:52:58He had to do something.
00:52:59Yeah, but I was thinking that might be why
00:53:01we're seeing his ghost all around the lake.
00:53:04Or maybe all of you hallucinating freaks
00:53:06have had one too many puffs on your magic dragon.
00:53:09Have a nice day.
00:53:11This song goes out to Francis Larson,
00:53:13who apparently has come alive after being dead for a couple years.
00:53:17That is such a sick way to attract an audience.
00:53:20Frank, doesn't your uncle own this radio station?
00:53:23No, we're just the first to broadcast it.
00:53:26Yet you broadcast this station,
00:53:28which is trying to scare the hell out of everybody
00:53:30by convincing them that a convicted murderer
00:53:33is still alive and on the loose.
00:53:35That's the thing about a call-in show.
00:53:37You never know who or what's going to call.
00:53:39Looks like a dead kid.
00:53:41Or maybe he's still alive.
00:53:43Yeah, good one, baby.
00:53:45Well, if this zombie Francis is still alive,
00:53:48why hasn't the whale beached himself?
00:53:51It's very funny, Tom.
00:53:53That's exactly what they want you to think,
00:53:55that he is still alive.
00:53:57They'll do anything to improve their ratings.
00:54:00Try telling that to the county coroner.
00:54:03Records don't lie.
00:54:06Maybe he did.
00:54:08Well, I kind of doubt that.
00:54:11Because as county prosecutor, I saw the report.
00:54:17Hey, Jack.
00:54:19Steak's great.
00:54:26Any of you all go to his funeral?
00:54:29Did any of you all see him laying in his casket?
00:54:33I didn't think so.
00:54:36Maybe it really is his ghost.
00:54:39Come on, Jackie.
00:54:41There's no such thing as ghosts.
00:54:44You know what I think is weird?
00:54:46All these people talking about seeing his ghost around town.
00:54:49Nobody's mentioned once seeing him at the burger stand.
00:54:53I mean, come on, seriously.
00:54:56Don't you think the mayor of Jiggle Town
00:54:58could have seen him at the burger stand?
00:55:01The mayor of Jiggle Town could use a welcome-back snack.
00:55:10You guys know about this barber girl that he killed?
00:55:15She was, uh, really, really pretty.
00:55:20And she was really poor.
00:55:23Listen to you.
00:55:25None of us were running nightclubs and amusement parks out of high school.
00:55:28Whatever, I just, I never understood
00:55:31why she could have all the best clothes
00:55:33and her family was on welfare
00:55:35and paying off all those medical bills.
00:55:37I still don't understand why Francis killed her.
00:55:40Did he like her or something?
00:55:43I mean, how come nobody really knows?
00:55:47Well, I know.
00:55:50It was an accident, guys.
00:55:52An accident?
00:55:54Oh, yeah.
00:55:56He was running home along the lake, right?
00:55:58She didn't know. He was doing his night fishing.
00:56:03She walks past him. His stench is so pungent,
00:56:07she passes out and falls in the lake.
00:56:10What he actually did was jump in to save her, not drown her.
00:56:14So she's thinking she's got a choice to make.
00:56:17Breathe Francis' B.O. or breathe the water,
00:56:20and I think she did what any one of us would have done
00:56:23in that situation. Come on.
00:56:36Ah, the obituaries.
00:56:38Anyone you know in there?
00:56:40Unfortunately, no.
00:56:42Kind of a funny statement coming from a man
00:56:45who claims to love everyone.
00:56:47Listen, do you think you and I could be civil to each other
00:56:50long enough to do a little business?
00:56:52Grab a seat.
00:56:54You got two minutes.
00:56:56Ah, right. Busy man.
00:56:58I'll make this quick.
00:57:00I want you to sell Arnold's Park to me and...
00:57:03Arnold's Park is not for sale.
00:57:05And a group of investors.
00:57:07Arnold's Park is not for sale.
00:57:09Right. Well, I thought you might say that,
00:57:11so I've come prepared.
00:57:23You're turning it down.
00:57:25Mm-hmm. I like to finish what I start.
00:57:28This is...
00:57:32This is three times the amount you paid for it.
00:57:35Arnold's Park is a trophy, and you don't sell trophies.
00:57:39Unless, of course, you're a desperate man,
00:57:42but I'm, uh, not.
00:57:44Well, things change.
00:57:46Three months from now,
00:57:48this might be looking pretty good,
00:57:50and it'll be too late.
00:57:52I'll take my chances.
00:57:56Just don't change, do you, Bobby?
00:57:59Enjoy your breakfast.
00:58:08Everyone thinks I'm crazy
00:58:10to break off my engagement with Billy,
00:58:12to be with you.
00:58:14Are you?
00:58:21I thought I loved him,
00:58:23but I think it's because he's all I've ever really known.
00:58:27Maybe just because he made me feel safe.
00:58:33Do I make you feel safe?
00:58:36Not really.
00:58:38Hey, I think I've proven that I can protect you.
00:58:41Yeah, but you're kind of scary at the same time.
00:58:45Not in a bad way.
00:58:47Just that I can't figure you out.
00:58:50I think that's why I'm so attracted to you.
00:58:54That's a good thing, isn't it?
00:59:02Hey, where are you going?
00:59:05I can't just sit around here all day.
00:59:09I'm not going anywhere.
00:59:12You can sit around here all day.
00:59:21What are you waiting for?
00:59:23Come on.
00:59:34Come here. I want to show you something.
00:59:39What are you doing?
00:59:41Come here. Just come closer.
00:59:43All right.
00:59:45Close your eyes.
00:59:47Seriously, close your eyes.
00:59:49Close my eyes?
00:59:51Yes, close your eyes.
01:00:03I'm gonna get you.
01:00:05I can't believe it.
01:00:07I'm gonna get you.
01:00:11I'm gonna get you.
01:00:31I have a feeling I might regret this.
01:00:35Me too.
01:00:41I love you.
01:00:44You're the great escape
01:00:48From my misery
01:00:52You're all I see
01:01:09Hey, what are you doing here?
01:01:11Solving my crossword puzzles.
01:01:15Wigwam. Six down.
01:01:20I hear the two of you are getting really comfortable in our hammock today.
01:01:24I got a spy on me every second of the day.
01:01:28Well, they're just doing their job.
01:01:31So am I.
01:01:33Bobby seems to think that you're more concerned with winning your love than seeking justice.
01:01:39Bobby told you to tell me that?
01:01:42All right, well, then tell Bobby.
01:01:44I must be doing a good job.
01:01:46Because not only did I fool her,
01:01:48apparently I fooled him.
01:01:50Oh, I'd hate to think it was the other way around.
01:01:55What do you mean?
01:01:57Jackie had no interest in you until she heard that Frances Larson was still alive.
01:02:04So did you ever think that maybe she's using you?
01:02:08Using me for what?
01:02:11You've heard the old saying, keep your friends close but your enemies closer?
01:02:18She was afraid.
01:02:21That's why she didn't say anything that night, because she was afraid.
01:02:31I just don't want anything bad to happen to you.
01:02:35Nothing bad will happen to me.
01:02:37I promise.
01:02:52I just want you to know that no matter what, I'll always be here.
01:03:08You know, every night,
01:03:10these damn rotten kids are trespassing all over my property looking for you.
01:03:13Yeah, well, I hope your wife didn't run out from underneath the porch
01:03:16and bite them on the leg.
01:03:18Pirate Radio, you're on the air.
01:03:20Hey, Mr. Pirate, you've got to help us.
01:03:22This crazy woman just chased us out of her house with a shotgun.
01:03:25What were you doing in there?
01:03:27We thought you'd be hiding in Frances' old house.
01:03:29She's shooting at us. Guys, run.
01:03:31Frances' old house. Not a bad idea.
01:03:34Kids, remember, finishing third here in Iowa never stopped Howard Dean.
01:03:37I might be in your treehouse, at the burger stand,
01:03:40Fisherman's Wharf, Marble Beach, Emerson Bay.
01:03:48Man, I was only looking for the guy on the radio.
01:03:51I didn't mean to watch her undress.
01:03:55It's like a damn prom in here,
01:03:57and all because of that idiot on the radio.
01:03:59Who's got control of this town now?
01:04:01Why don't you take care of the spectacle?
01:04:03Call the mayor.
01:04:05I have some information he is going to want to hear.
01:04:07Dolores Larson is Bobby Delano's sister?
01:04:11Are you kidding me?
01:04:13That means Frances Larson is Bobby Delano's nephew.
01:04:16His only nephew.
01:04:18How come we didn't know this?
01:04:20Well, apparently, Bobby's dad kicked him out on the streets
01:04:22of Minneapolis when he was 15.
01:04:24By then, he had quit school,
01:04:26and some of the city's questionable communities
01:04:28were taking care of him.
01:04:30As far as we know, he never saw his sister Dolores again.
01:04:33So who's the imposter?
01:04:35He seemed to appear out of nowhere
01:04:37about a year ago in Minneapolis.
01:04:39Wait a minute. Nobody just appears out of nowhere.
01:04:41I thought you guys were tracking Delano's every move.
01:04:43I don't think you're in any position to insult our work.
01:04:47I'll be back tomorrow.
01:04:49I'm gonna pay a visit to that manager of his
01:04:51and see what she has to say.
01:04:54What do you think?
01:04:56My guys at the FBI tell me that she's legit.
01:05:03-♪ Here you come again with time on your side ♪
01:05:08-♪ The sun harking beyond my watching eyes ♪
01:05:14-♪ You're gonna find a way out of here tonight ♪
01:05:18-♪ You're gonna find a way out of here tonight ♪
01:05:22-♪ You're gonna find a way at the end of the day ♪
01:05:27-♪ You're gonna find a way out of here tonight ♪
01:05:32-♪ You're gonna find a way out of here tonight ♪
01:05:37Don't tell me the Arnold's Park manager
01:05:39actually gets a day off.
01:05:41All work and no play squelches the imagination.
01:05:45What about you, detective? Are you working,
01:05:47or did you come here to sell me
01:05:49one of your photographs from my office?
01:05:51Who told you I was a detective?
01:05:55We know everything about everybody
01:05:57who comes to Arnold's Park.
01:06:00But I do have to say, your photographs are very impressive.
01:06:04I think the same could be said
01:06:06for your work here at Arnold's Park.
01:06:08I think everyone greatly underestimates
01:06:11Bobby Delano's decision to hire you.
01:06:13Mr. Delano didn't get where he is today
01:06:15by thinking like everyone else.
01:06:18It's hard to argue that after what I've seen here.
01:06:22But even in hindsight, it's a curious move.
01:06:25Is that what you're here to investigate?
01:06:27Why I was hired?
01:06:29Or has somebody committed a crime?
01:06:31Somebody did three years ago,
01:06:33and the killer seems to be very much alive and well these days.
01:06:37That is the rumor.
01:06:40Do you believe he's still alive?
01:06:43From the way everybody's talking,
01:06:45it sounds like a distinct possibility.
01:06:50It's true, he would have needed a lot of help
01:06:53to pull that off, don't you think?
01:06:55Perhaps an uncle with plenty of connections.
01:06:59So my question is, who is his nephew?
01:07:02Because he's only got one.
01:07:04Did you ever stop to think
01:07:06that maybe you're not the only detective in town?
01:07:11So why don't you wait like everybody else
01:07:14for the big unveiling on the 4th?
01:07:17Or is your goal to find the guy on the radio
01:07:20and collect the prize money?
01:07:22I don't need the money.
01:07:24And what is it you need?
01:07:26I'm just trying to find answers like everyone else.
01:07:30Then take my advice,
01:07:32and do as we say here at Arnold's Park.
01:07:35Sit back and enjoy the ride.
01:07:47It's almost the 4th, and you're going to pay for what you did.
01:07:51And there's nothing you can do about it.
01:08:02Hey, Susan.
01:08:04Can I help you?
01:08:06Why are they blaming me for Barbara's murder?
01:08:09Who's that?
01:08:11I just got a prank call
01:08:13from someone accusing me of killing Barbara.
01:08:16Well, did you?
01:08:18I can't believe you'd ask me something like that.
01:08:21I was with Reagan that night.
01:08:23Actually, I don't remember.
01:08:25Look, I didn't do it, okay?
01:08:27What's the matter, Johnny?
01:08:29You don't like being bullied and picked on?
01:08:32I'm telling you, I didn't do it.
01:08:34Well, I guess we'll all find out in the park, won't we?
01:08:42Under break, officer?
01:08:44For a couple more minutes.
01:08:49Has the chief mentioned why I'm here?
01:08:54He told me all about it.
01:08:58I have to leave town for a couple days,
01:09:00and I need you to deliver something to me.
01:09:05I'll be right back.
01:09:11What are you doing to him?
01:09:16I think your father would be very interested in that information.
01:09:27I don't believe this.
01:09:33I bet your former fiancé wished you knew about that.
01:09:42So, what were you talking to Susan Campbell about?
01:09:48Sit down.
01:09:52What were you thinking,
01:09:54going to her about your problem?
01:09:56It's playing right into their hands.
01:09:58I don't understand why they're blaming me.
01:10:00Because you don't understand.
01:10:02You don't understand.
01:10:04You don't understand.
01:10:06You don't understand.
01:10:08You don't understand.
01:10:10Why are you blaming me?
01:10:12Because you picked on his fat nephew.
01:10:15Francis Larson was Delano's nephew.
01:10:19That's what all of this is about.
01:10:21Delano blames you for pushing the fat little baby
01:10:24right over the edge.
01:10:26So what if they put my name on the radio?
01:10:29So what if they do?
01:10:31Everybody knows you harassed the hell out of that kid.
01:10:36They're the bullies here.
01:10:38They're the ones trying to scare everybody.
01:10:40That's how they're trying to get you back.
01:10:43So don't let it get to you.
01:10:45Because that's just what they want.
01:10:50Are you, uh, looking for me?
01:11:46You think Jack would mind if we took his boat out for a little midnight spin. I'll never know I
01:11:52Think it'd be kind of hard to fool a dad who's a lawyer. It's not that hard do it all the time
01:12:00You have a couple of days to cover your tracks
01:12:03You know, I don't understand why anybody who lives on a lake wouldn't leave for the fourth
01:12:08Gets irritated with all the extra people and noise he wants things calm and in control, which is why he doesn't like you
01:12:16What's there to like Billy? What are you doing? What does it look like I'm doing?
01:12:22Now, why don't we all get in my car and go for a little drive Billy, please just put the gun down
01:12:28I said get into my car before I blow this asshole here into fish bait. Look Billy. Shut up fat boy
01:12:35Now go
01:12:48All right out of the car close the door
01:12:55What the hell are we doing here right start walking let's go now, come on over there the grave
01:13:12Francis Larson
01:13:15That's what it says
01:13:16Whether or not Francis Larson's in it is a different story. Isn't it Frank? What are you talking about? Of course, he's in there
01:13:23Are you sure about that? Yeah, I'm sure I don't believe those prank calls
01:13:27That's what I thought. So I figured we play a little game called dig the grave up in 30 minutes or I blow your head off
01:13:34Frank or Francis or whatever your name is. You got 30 minutes
01:13:39Start digging. I heard
01:13:44Billy this is so insane. Jeremy. Let's go
01:13:58He's right there's nobody in there
01:14:04What are you talking about, I'm sorry Jackie, but I'm Francis Larson
01:14:15They don't understand sorry, what don't you get
01:14:19It's him. No, but the funeral and and the suicide it's fat Francis. I got the matching fingerprints in the car
01:14:28He's not fat anymore
01:14:31You know, it doesn't matter it's time to put this asshole where he belongs Billy no
01:14:49And we're just a couple nights away from the fourth and we all know what that means
01:14:53Fireworks cookouts and this Francis bum calling to tell us who murdered Barbara Stratton
01:14:58So in the spirit of being on the cutting edge, we'll be broadcasting live from the murder scene cool, huh?
01:15:05But in the meantime, you can still cash in on the prop
01:15:21Jackie Jackie
01:16:16Can you believe it someone tried to dig up Francis Larson's grave last night
01:16:21Like I'm going to park my rear end in somebody else's casket. It's amazing what people will do for a chance at some cash
01:16:28I wonder what they found. Well, anyway tonight. We have a very special guest on the program. Dr
01:16:34Johnson joins us from his vacation home in Florida. Now doctor. Is it true? You performed the autopsy on Barbara Stratton?
01:16:40That is correct. And you called me because you felt that there's something the public should know that was not disclosed. Yes
01:16:48Barbara Stratton was pregnant
01:16:52Wow, that's a shocking twist. That's crucial info to leave out of a report. Don't you think doctor?
01:16:58Mr. Pirate, you have to understand something. This is a small town. The Stratton family was going through enough
01:17:05That kind of information would only inflict more undue pain
01:17:09Besides the killer was already caught
01:17:12Well, someone's ghost thinks otherwise
01:17:33Surprised you're not out with mr. Wonderful on a nice day like today
01:17:37What do you want Johnny? It seems that Billy is missing and nobody knows where he is yet. Both of his vehicles are still here
01:17:45Maybe he hitchhiked out of town
01:17:51Police officer doesn't just disappear off the face of the earth
01:17:55Bet your boyfriend knows where he is
01:17:57After all a guy who's been running around town lying about being Bobby Delano's nephew. He's gotta be up to something, right?
01:18:06So why are you asking me why don't you just go ask him yourself? Yeah, it's it's not that simple
01:18:12So, yeah, I heard a rumor your parents are out of town so
01:18:17This beach all to yourself 4th of July party show your friends. You're still thinking of them
01:18:24Johnny, I'm not really in the mood to throw a party neither am I but I am tired of Frank and that uncle of
01:18:30His running things around here. Why don't you just leave him alone? Cuz they're scaring innocent people who's to say they're innocent
01:18:36For Susan and now you Jackie wake up. He didn't come all the way down here just to make you his girlfriend
01:18:43This town is going crazy. Billy is missing. Aren't you at all worried about what they're gonna do next possibly to you?
01:18:54Come on tonight you're at your beach supply everything
01:19:09All right, you can have your party see you tonight
01:19:22Guys having fun. Yeah. Thanks for coming down. We'll see you guys
01:19:30There you go
01:19:34Surprised to see you here
01:19:37Guys seem to be the drama around here really true
01:19:41Did you tell anyone no?
01:19:44Why not?
01:19:45What I say
01:19:47Anyway, I'm I'm throwing a party tonight a
01:19:53Yeah, it's something that's been in the back of my mind. I
01:19:58Figure with my parents gone and I guess I would like to see everyone together again
01:20:03Okay, so are you coming yeah, um, hey if I can I'll come
01:20:15See you there
01:20:25So she didn't tell me
01:20:28You're certain yeah
01:20:31You're certain yeah
01:20:36Full of surprises, but not as many as me. I'll see you at the radio station tonight. Do not be late. Okay?
01:20:51Fireworks over the lake in a killer reveal what a night this will be but
01:20:56Here's a new surprise
01:20:59My producers just informed me there may be another guest tonight
01:21:03One of Lake Okoboji's very own may be joining Francis Larson on our airways
01:21:08Apparently she was also there that night
01:21:11Well, that's the plan anyway
01:21:14We'll be right back
01:21:37Like a chef
01:21:40What are you mystery chef, but I recommend this
01:22:06Aren't you gonna say hi? Oh, you're here. Of course. I mean, we're looking right at me
01:22:15Sorry, I'm just so caught up and I didn't expect so many people
01:22:23Do you care to dance
01:22:35That was good
01:22:54You saw me that night
01:22:59What were you doing that
01:23:04I don't know what you're talking about
01:23:12You don't know
01:23:17The night
01:23:19Barbara was murdered. I was there
01:23:24What were you doing
01:23:29I was just me to meet her though
01:23:35What you know everybody happy 4th of July
01:23:40Okay, drink up cuz this beers on me and I don't do this a lot, okay
01:23:44Okay. So tonight everyone we are having a very special event. We are celebrating the life of Francis Larson
01:23:55So here we prepared a special tribute in his honor
01:23:58But since he's dead, I think we need someone to take his place
01:24:03You know what Frank? I think that you would be perfect for this part. Yeah. Yeah
01:24:09Okay. Hey, hey Tommy stop puking and start it up. Okay. Here we go. Oh
01:24:15Look at this. This is Francis doing his favorite pastime eating cake and ice cream everybody
01:24:25That's right, Tommy. Oh
01:24:27Okay, here we go. This is Francis at Halloween dressed as a pillow. It's a body pillow. Oh
01:24:34No, no, no my fault. He's a ghost
01:24:41Wow, that's a that's a big ghost
01:25:03Now in the spirit of Bobby Delano who loves his audiences we the audience just found out that Bobby Delano has only one nephew
01:25:13And guess what Frank you ain't it the fat kid on the screen is so our question here is just who the hell are you I
01:25:24Am Bobby Delano's nephew
01:25:32Want you sit back and enjoy the ride cuz I'm in control now later, I don't want you to tell us what Billy is
01:25:49Jackie you were there. Why didn't you do anything?
01:25:57Why didn't you say anything, huh?
01:26:02What's the matter, huh, I am Bobby Delano's nephew I am Bobby Delano's nephew
01:26:15Where's Susan
01:26:38Johnny what's up? Susan's here
01:26:41What? Okay, we'll get him out of you. You want me to throw him in the lake?
01:26:44I don't care just get him out of here right now. Hey go
01:26:47Jackie, hey, come on
01:26:50Hurry up
01:27:03Didn't expect to see her tonight Johnny just tell me where Frank is. I don't know where he is. Listen to me. Bobby Delano's been shot
01:27:14I'm sorry, you're not just tell me where he is. Look, I don't know get out of my way
01:27:19Jackie what the hell is going on? I don't know. What do you mean? You don't know? What what is this?
01:27:27What did you do to him I only brought him here to tell the truth Jackie
01:28:08Should be a spectacular display tonight
01:28:12Too bad Delano won't be here to enjoy it
01:28:17Live by the mob you die by the mob, you know
01:28:21Is that why you're celebrating? Hmm
01:28:25Look at this
01:28:30My dad brought this back from France after the war. I've been saving it for a special occasion. I
01:28:38Would say this qualified
01:28:47I think you deserve a good glass of wine after all you've been through
01:28:53The way Delano used you
01:28:57Set your friend against you and that imposter nephew of his
01:29:03Betty broke your heart
01:29:05Not as bad as I broke his
01:29:11You're not
01:29:13Listening to hear the revelation of the big mystery. Oh, I I don't think there's going to be any big revelation tonight. I
01:29:23Suppose after tonight, there's no one left who can reveal the truth except for me and you
01:29:33Me and you of course
01:29:38We're the only two people who really knows what happened that night and from the looks of everything to me you're up
01:29:52Are you suggesting that I drowned that girl
01:30:01I'm asking you a question
01:30:10Barbara asked me to meet her a block from your house that night
01:30:16She wouldn't tell me why
01:30:19Then I saw Francis Larson running for his life
01:30:25And you all drench chasing after him. I
01:30:34Actually believed that story you told me
01:30:37About how you heard a scream down at the beach and you fell in when you went to see what it was
01:30:47It was perfect and
01:30:50Threatening him you kill his mother worked beautifully
01:30:54After all you got Francis to confess
01:31:01Don't worry
01:31:04I'm not gonna tell anybody
01:31:06And Francis Larson isn't going to tell anyone either I
01:31:10Made sure of that tonight
01:31:12The dose I gave him turned his brain to mush
01:31:19Well, well, well Francis Larson, what are you talking about?
01:31:27Wait a minute
01:31:29You didn't know that Francis Larson and Frank Delano were
01:31:33You know the same person
01:31:38Didn't did you what did you think this whole charade was about?
01:31:44Francis Larson coming home to get his revenge. I
01:31:51Knew they fooled everyone else but you I
01:31:57Had no idea
01:32:01You know
01:32:04You are a very smart young woman
01:32:10How did you figure all this out I have my ways
01:32:19There's one thing I don't know
01:32:23Why didn't you pay her to get rid of it put her on a bus to Des Moines and call it a business trip
01:32:41She wouldn't do it I
01:32:46Offered her everything and she wouldn't do it. I
01:32:59She should have listened to you
01:33:13Little music would be nice. Don't you think?
01:33:48Is that why you came over here tonight to get all your questions answered
01:33:58Because if you tell anybody
01:34:03I kept it quiet that night. Didn't I?
01:34:09Isn't your wife coming home tonight
01:34:14As a matter of fact
01:34:17She's not
01:34:20So don't worry
01:34:22Cuz I'm gonna take good care of you
01:34:29Don't you find it interesting mr. Mayor that for the last three years
01:34:34Francis Larson has taken the blame for Barbara Stratton's murder
01:34:37Which you did and now just when he's about to go on the air to reveal the real identity of the killer
01:34:42You have to do that to any comments. Mr. Mayor
01:34:49Wow and there you have it
01:34:52But let's recap it all for anybody who's been gone for the last three years
01:34:56The mayor seduces a poor young girl, but she gets pregnant. Oh
01:35:01The mayor wants her to get an abortion, but she says no
01:35:04So what does he do kills her nice two wrongs make a right and he's he's dragging her body out of the lake near
01:35:10His house he spots Francis who was out fishing so he chases
01:35:14How he didn't catch that big boy, I'll never know but anyway, the mayor has a bigger problem now
01:35:19So he gets the lazy chief to believe his story that Francis did it good motive, right fat kid
01:35:24Nobody likes snaps and he's at the crime scene
01:35:26All he has to do now is convince the coroner to keep the pregnancy a secret and he's set free
01:35:31But not good for the mayor that Francis uncle Bobby is very rich and powerful and a pretty smart guy
01:35:37So Francis becomes Frank and he returns to get justice plus a little revenge along the way
01:35:43But I don't think anyone expected it to end like this I guess sometimes unplanned events can turn into great opportunities
01:35:51One unfortunate thing though. No one could find me and cash in on the prize
01:35:56But at least we found out who the real killer was
01:35:59When are the villains ever gonna learn in the end you never win?
01:36:19Don't understand what you even want to see her she almost killed you Johnny almost killed me
01:36:23She had no idea what he was doing. She knew exactly what he was doing. She had the party at her house. She was confused
01:36:30She thought I was using her
01:36:33Well, you weren't using her
01:36:35Weren't you?
01:36:36You were just using her what wait?
01:36:38Why are you going back over there to say goodbye? You don't owe her a goodbye
01:36:43You're going back over there to see where you two still stand, you know, maybe you're right
01:36:48Maybe you're right about this whole thing. This whole thing was about me to go see if I could get Jackie
01:36:52That's what it is. That's what it is. Isn't it? You think that she's the one that really loves you?
01:37:00What are you talking about she's the one that betrayed you she doesn't love you what is wrong with you
01:37:08I'm the one that really loves you
01:37:13It was your job and you were doing it for money
01:37:15I wasn't doing it for the money. I stopped doing it for the money the day that you came along that was doing everything for you
01:37:24But not anymore I won't stand in your way and you never have to see me again
01:38:12Your bookshelf stories
01:38:17Gone are the days
01:38:20Tell them Hank, what are you doing?
01:38:27Pitch the ball, okay
01:38:35You're a child
01:38:37She's the one that betrayed you
01:38:39I love
01:38:46Where's Susan always be
01:39:43Everything I gave
01:39:45Would you hold me in your arms tonight? I'm so sorry
01:39:51I don't want to show myself
01:39:55Don't let me fall. No
01:39:58Don't let me fall
01:40:06Carry me home
01:40:36Need you to carry me
01:41:39I've come so far not to turn around, not to turn around, no.
01:41:50Carry me home.
01:41:54I am tired and worn.
01:41:57And I don't know if I can make it all the way along.
01:42:04I need you to carry me home.
01:42:09Carry me home.
01:42:12I am tired and worn.
01:42:15And I don't know if my body will last.
01:42:20I need you to carry me home.
01:42:27Carry me home.
01:42:29Carry me home.
01:42:31Carry me home.
01:42:33I am tired and worn.
01:42:34Carry me home.
01:42:38I've come so far not to turn around, not to turn around, no.
01:42:48Carry me home.
01:42:53I am tired and worn.
01:42:56I don't know if I can make it all the way home.
01:43:04I don't know if I can make it all the way home.
01:43:11I need you to carry me home.
01:43:18Oh, yes.
01:43:25I need you to carry me home.
01:43:34I need you to carry me home.
