櫻井・有吉THE夜会 2024年8月1日

  • last month
00:00The first to go to the night market is...
00:08Super Idol Snowman Raul!
00:14We're here.
00:16What is this place?
00:19It's a V-studio!
00:21This is a comedian's studio!
00:23This is a place for comedians.
00:26I've never been here.
00:29Me neither.
00:31I'm so happy to be here for the first time.
00:35Inside the V-studio,
00:37Nishikigoi and Mogu Rider perform before the break.
00:42It's like a theater for young comedians.
00:46Raul is going to challenge himself in such a place.
00:51I've been watching the night market.
00:54I thought I could do this.
00:58I'm so confident.
01:02It's the most popular one.
01:05I'm so confident.
01:07Raul's Manzai-intro-don begins!
01:13Nice to meet you.
01:17It's huge!
01:19It's so compact.
01:21It's not the size of a comedy.
01:23It's amazing.
01:25This place has a long history.
01:27They've been doing this for decades.
01:31He's a comedian.
01:33Yuki Yamada failed twice.
01:37It was amazing.
01:39Let's ask him who he is.
01:47I don't know.
01:49I'm sorry. I don't know.
01:53I've watched Yamada's show twice.
01:59I watched the first one until the end.
02:05I think I can do it this time.
02:11You think so?
02:12I think so.
02:16I came to Nakano.
02:18I was afraid that I would fail again.
02:23I think so, too.
02:24Many comedians are afraid of failure.
02:28It's a tough world.
02:32Sometimes you make a mistake and you can't do it again.
02:37Today, I came to risk my career.
02:43I want you to know that I'm not afraid of failure.
02:48He seems to be confident.
02:50You look like him.
02:52Let's see how good he is.
02:54Let's see how good he is.
03:01I'm nervous.
03:02I think he has a good ear.
03:04I see.
03:07He's cool.
03:15I see.
03:18I see.
03:21He has a good voice.
03:24He has a sexy voice.
03:27Did you find out who he is?
03:36He is...
03:37He was fast.
03:39He has a high-pitched voice.
03:42He has a high-pitched voice for a man.
03:46I think they are a perfect match.
03:48I think so, too.
03:49He sounds like a police officer.
03:52He sounds like a professional.
03:54They have their own style.
03:59He is my favorite comedian.
04:02Can I listen to it again?
04:06Hello. Nice to meet you.
04:09He is a comedian.
04:10He is a comedian.
04:13Alcohol and peace.
04:16What is the answer?
04:19Hello. Nice to meet you.
04:23He is amazing.
04:25I thought he was a comedian.
04:28He is a comedian.
04:29He is a comedian.
04:30I'm glad.
04:33I understood.
04:36I understood only by listening to his voice.
04:38He is amazing.
04:39He is sexy.
04:40He is sexy.
04:41He is a man with a good figure.
04:44His voice is like a donkey.
04:49The longer the song is,
04:52you don't need to listen to it like a donkey.
04:55You can listen to it with your ability.
04:57Did you say that?
04:59You don't have to listen to it like a donkey.
05:01It's a way to calm down and to predict the amount of money you have.
05:05That's amazing!
05:06You have a lot of special skills.
05:08But it's true that if you have a lot of money, you don't have to worry about it.
05:12You have to!
05:14I don't want to worry about it.
05:16Shogi players are worried about it.
05:19They don't have any techniques.
05:21Raul has a very opinionated side.
05:26That's amazing.
05:29I've been watching TV since I was a kid.
05:35When I get home, I watch a variety show.
05:40It's become a habit for me.
05:42I've been watching TV for a long time.
05:47I'm surprised.
05:48I learned about this job.
05:51Sometimes it's fun.
05:53Sometimes it's hard.
05:56Sometimes it's painful.
05:59At that time, I watched a variety show.
06:04I was saved.
06:07It's like a mental stability.
06:14That's amazing.
06:17I have to go there, too.
06:19I made a mistake.
06:21That's amazing.
06:23He's at level 1.
06:25He's at level 5.
06:30He's here!
06:32Who is he?
06:34He has a high voice.
06:35I know who he is.
06:36He has a high voice.
06:37It was very easy to understand.
06:39I think there's only one entertainer who can get this key.
06:45That's amazing.
06:46I think so, too.
06:47I think so, too.
06:48After that, there were a lot of male entertainers.
06:54I think this is a one-off.
06:56Raul is full of confidence.
06:59Let's ask the people in the studio again.
07:04Let's go!
07:06I don't know.
07:08He's at level 1.
07:09It's easy to understand.
07:10What is Raul's answer?
07:12It's Geha.
07:13He's a trendy entertainer.
07:15He's right.
07:16He has a high voice.
07:17What is his answer?
07:19It's Geha.
07:20He's a trendy entertainer.
07:23He's right.
07:25He's a pretty entertainer.
07:27He's right.
07:28He's a pretty entertainer.
07:30It was easy to understand.
07:33I think most people understood.
07:36I can't hear Takashi's voice here.
07:42I've never heard this voice before.
07:45It's easy to understand.
07:47I don't know the answer.
07:51Raul's answer is...
07:54It's Best Time.
07:57Raul, you were amazing.
07:58I think so, too.
08:00He understood the word of peace.
08:03He understood the body shape, too.
08:06I heard his voice and imagined the picture.
08:11I remember that.
08:15I understand.
08:16It's easy to understand.
08:19It's not like that.
08:22It's like a turtle.
08:24It's too much like a turtle.
08:27It's too much like a turtle.
08:28I thought his ears were good.
08:30He sings and listens to music.
08:34He has a good voice.
08:36He has a good voice.
08:39I thought he was good.
08:41I think he's a good singer.
08:46Why do you know that?
08:48I don't know.
08:50I think he's good.
08:52I think he's good.
08:54He's good.
08:55He's good.
08:56He's good.
08:57He's good.
08:59He's good.
09:01Raul, you're good.
09:03Let's see the result.
09:05VTR, please.
09:06Raul's Manzai Intro.
09:09Can he get four questions right in a row?
09:14Next, level 2.
09:22I'm sorry.
09:24I understand this.
09:27I understood this right away.
09:29I'm glad.
09:31I understand this right away.
09:37I'm sorry.
09:39I'm sorry.
09:41First of all, there is a calm person.
09:45After that, there is a person who is clumsy.
09:52There are two versions.
09:57There are two versions.
10:01There are two hints.
10:06It was easy to understand.
10:08The explanation is difficult to understand.
10:12But he is confident.
10:15I don't know.
10:17Can I confirm it?
10:18I don't know.
10:19I understood it right away.
10:22I'm sorry.
10:24I understood.
10:26He is a mogu rider.
10:29What is the correct answer?
10:37I'm sorry.
10:39I'm glad.
10:42I understood it with SHIBA's voice.
10:46He is a mogu rider.
10:49He is a regular rider of M1.
10:52I felt that he was a mogu rider.
10:58I felt that he was a mogu rider of M1.
11:01I felt that he was a mogu rider of M1.
11:06I understand that.
11:08I feel that he is a mogu rider of M1.
11:10I think he has a unique tension in the show race.
11:14I understand that.
11:16He is perfect.
11:18He is a great rider.
11:20Can he win?
11:21He is a level 3 rider.
11:27I'm glad to meet you.
11:29The question is short.
11:31What is the question?
11:33What is the question?
11:36That's not the question.
11:38He can't answer the question.
11:39He can't answer the question.
11:42It's difficult.
11:43Please give me another chance.
11:47It's a question.
11:48It's a short question.
11:50The third question.
11:52Please give me another chance.
11:53He is confused by the pattern of the question.
12:00Please give me another chance.
12:05Please give me another chance.
12:08I understood.
12:10I understood.
12:12He is a veteran of M1.
12:16Who is he?
12:19He is old.
12:23He is a veteran of M1.
12:25I can think of him.
12:28He is a veteran of M1.
12:30He is a veteran of M1.
12:32Please give me another chance.
12:33He is disbanding.
12:35He is disbanding.
12:37Thank you very much.
12:40I was able to do a lot of research on the internet with Yahoo!
12:45That's amazing!
12:47That's amazing!
12:48That's amazing!
12:50That's amazing!
12:52That was close!
12:55It was so smooth that I didn't know what to do for a second.
12:59But I started to feel Hanawa-san's voice.
13:03That's amazing!
13:04I was able to do it.
13:06But I had a hard time with Nights-san's voice.
13:13That's true. It was difficult.
13:15Agies-san said Pistachio.
13:16I was so confused.
13:18Thank you.
13:19Is Kumoyuki getting suspicious?
13:21Next, level 4!
13:30Thank you.
13:32I've heard that voice before.
13:34It's the same kind of tension.
13:36What is this?
13:39One more time.
13:40Thank you.
13:43Thank you.
13:47I think I got it.
13:48I don't get it at all.
13:49You don't get it?
13:51One more time, please.
13:55Thank you.
13:57It's different.
13:59It's pretty high.
14:03It's a sudden break!
14:05It's the fourth time for Tonkichi.
14:09One more time, please.
14:12Thank you.
14:13What is this?
14:14Thank you.
14:15What is this?
14:16I don't get it.
14:17It's amazing.
14:18It's amazing, Raul.
14:20Yes, yes, yes.
14:21The height of the voice and a little...
14:24What is it?
14:25It's a little comical.
14:27Was it comical?
14:28At first, I thought it was pretty young.
14:30It's like a young man.
14:31But after that, it's a little different.
14:35I felt like a veteran there.
14:38I thought it was a little older.
14:40But in a good way.
14:42It's a little loose.
14:44I have that kind of image.
14:47It's amazing.
14:49The tie is a little loose.
14:51Is that so?
14:53It's loose, but there's a strong person in the character.
14:57After that, please.
14:59It's like another person is coming in.
15:02It's really scary.
15:05Let's announce it.
15:07Isn't it Mr. Sanshiro?
15:11I think so.
15:13I think so.
15:14What is the correct answer?
15:16What is the correct answer?
15:20Correct answer!
15:24It was Matsubazeo.
15:26It was Matsubazeo.
15:27I see.
15:28Correct answer!
15:29Why is he also Matsubazeo?
15:31I'm a little late because I'm wearing Matsubazeo.
15:33The tie is loose.
15:35It's loose.
15:36It's a little loose.
15:38It's too much.
15:39But I thought it was wider than I thought.
15:42It comes from various genres.
15:46It's scary.
15:48This is the last question.
15:52Of course, I like comedy.
15:59I'm an idol.
16:01Idols have a rule to decide until the end.
16:11I want to be able to decide until the end.
16:15This is the last question.
16:17Can he be the first successful comedian?
16:25Thank you for your hard work.
16:31He has a strong sense of humor.
16:33It's a good job.
16:37I've heard this a lot.
16:41Thank you for your hard work.
16:43Can Raul be the first successful comedian?
16:48Thank you for your hard work.
16:50Thank you for your hard work.
16:56Raul is a comedian who only hears the greeting of comedy.
17:02Raul is a comedian who loves comedy.
17:05Can Raul be the first successful comedian?
17:08Can Raul be the first successful comedian?
17:18Thank you for your hard work.
17:24He has a strong sense of humor.
17:26It's a good job.
17:32I've heard this a lot.
17:36He doesn't say thank you for your hard work.
17:40Can Raul be the first successful comedian?
17:43Thank you for your hard work.
17:52Wait a minute.
17:57He said thank you for your hard work three times.
18:01He said thank you for your hard work three times.
18:08There are two ways to say thank you for your hard work.
18:17He is confident in his jokes.
18:22He is a veteran.
18:26But he looks young.
18:28He looks young, but he is calm.
18:34He is confident in his jokes.
18:39He is confident in his jokes.
18:43He is confident in his jokes.
18:50He is confident in his jokes.
18:54I think the person who said thank you for your hard work was writing a joke.
18:59He has analyzed in detail.
19:04Can I listen to it again?
19:06It's difficult.
19:08Thank you for your hard work.
19:14I got it.
19:16Raul is amazing.
19:24Raul was born in Ota-ku, Tokyo.
19:29He is the absolute ace of SNOWMAN.
19:35He fell in love with dancing when he was in the third grade of elementary school.
19:38He started chasing his dream of becoming a dancer.
19:41But before that, he had another dream.
19:47When I was in kindergarten, I had a graduation ceremony.
19:52I had a corner where I talked about my future dream one by one.
19:59At that time, I said I wanted to be a comedian.
20:05I have loved comedians since I was a child.
20:09I have admired comedians.
20:11I have always respected comedians.
20:15Raul is now a top idol.
20:18But deep in his heart, there is a soul of comedy.
20:24Raul, please prove your love for comedy.
20:31This is the last question.
20:33What is the name of the convenience store?
20:37The name of the convenience store is REIWAROMAN, which won the M-1 championship last year.
20:47What is the correct answer?
20:52Thank you for your hard work.
20:57This is REIWAROMAN.
21:01Thank you very much.
21:03I was happy.
21:07Thank you very much.
21:09You got all the questions right.
21:11I'm glad.
21:14I thought the calmness of the car was cool.
21:22This is a video before he became a champion.
21:25I understand that feeling.
21:27I think it's the feeling of glasses and hair.
21:31Do you understand that feeling?
21:33I thought it was amazing that he could express this calmness in front of the M-1.
21:39I'm glad.
21:43Thank you very much.
21:45Both teams got 1 point.
21:53It was an amazing analysis.
21:57I think he knows more than we do.
22:00Did you get the answer at the end?
22:02I got the answer at the end.
22:06I don't think so.
22:08I don't know.
22:10I think KOMIYA is neglecting KOMIYA.
22:13I think so.
22:15I have to work hard on KOMIYA.
22:18I don't know who he is.
22:22I think I'll get a lot of different answers.
22:25Please look at my future life.
22:28I'm not a fortune teller.
22:32Can he become a star?
22:34What's next?
22:38Hello, I'm SHIGEOKA.
22:42This is the 8th episode of SHIGEOKA DAIKI.
22:50SHIGEOKA DAIKI is the center of the idol group WEST.
22:58This is amazing.
23:02This is amazing.
23:04This is the narrowest slope in the history of the program.
23:06This is a slope called Nobite-yuku in Osaka Prefecture.
23:10This is a great slope.
23:12This is amazing.
23:14This is a goal.
23:16This is not electric.
23:18They have conquered seven slopes.
23:21This time they will challenge the local Hyogo prefecture.
23:27Hyogo is my hometown.
23:29This is my hometown, KAWANISHI.
23:35This is my hometown, so there are many slopes.
23:39I used to ride my mom's bicycle there.
23:45He has been riding his mom's bicycle since he was a child.
23:48He started riding his mom's bicycle when he was 5 years old.
23:52This is my origin.
23:55Hyogo prefecture is the origin of the mom's bicycle idol.
24:00More than 60% of the land is a mountainous area.
24:04There are many steep slopes around it.
24:11This is a very steep slope that can be seen on SNS and the media.
24:18There is a hell slope in the hometown of SHIGEOKA, KAWANISHI.
24:25It's really hard.
24:27It's hard to walk.
24:29I can't go up.
24:30I can't do it.
24:32What if you go up?
24:34I can't do it.
24:35I'm not a human.
24:37I'm a superman.
24:39The locals are also excited about this slope.
24:44All the difficult points in the past of SHIGEOKA have come together.
24:50This is the strongest hell slope in history.
24:54By the way, the person who posted this video said this.
24:58I saw an old woman turning over with a stick.
25:04That's a lot of information.
25:06That's a lot of information.
25:09He is a veteran.
25:12He applied for this.
25:15I have no choice but to do it.
25:17This is a slope called GENTSUKI HIKKURIKAERI ZAKA.
25:21What is the prospect of this slope?
25:24This is very difficult.
25:26There are many steep slopes.
25:28I didn't know that.
25:32This is a steep slope that is 30% of the land.
25:41It's stupid to push a bicycle.
25:44It's also difficult to walk.
25:48If you go further.
25:56This is very steep.
25:59There is no flat place on this slope.
26:04The slope of 30% continues forever.
26:08This is a non-stop course in hell.
26:11This is the longest slope in the history of planning.
26:15This is 280 meters.
26:17This is very difficult.
26:18280 meters?
26:19This is 300 meters.
26:21What is this?
26:23This is not enough.
26:26This is 500 meters.
26:28This is very difficult.
26:30The distance is very difficult.
26:35What is the most difficult?
26:38The most difficult is the distance.
26:40I don't have time to take a break.
26:43The most difficult is the distance.
26:46280 meters is very difficult for SHIGEOKA.
26:52SHIGEOKA is in a hurry.
26:56Wait a minute.
26:58This is very difficult.
27:00This is a zigzag course.
27:04The most difficult part of this slope is waiting for the last.
27:08From 30 meters in front of the goal, the road becomes narrower.
27:12This is a very narrow road.
27:15This is 1.8 meters wide.
27:19This is very difficult.
27:23The width, distance, road width, and the most difficult part of the course are all three seconds.
27:29SHIGEOKA needs a lot of stamina.
27:33SHIGEOKA is in a hurry.
27:38This is the narrowest slope I've ever climbed.
27:43The last goal was very narrow.
27:46I have to go straight.
27:48If I get lost, I'll be in trouble.
27:50SHIGEOKA is a man who doesn't get lost.
27:52SHIGEOKA is strong.
27:53SHIGEOKA is a man who doesn't get lost.
27:56This is a zigzag course.
27:58SHIGEOKA doesn't have stamina.
28:00I'm going straight.
28:02This is the longest course.
28:04If I get lost, I'll be in trouble.
28:06If you get lost, you'll be in trouble.
28:08This is very interesting.
28:11SHIGEOKA is about to start.
28:17SHIGEOKA is in a hurry.
28:23Distance, road width, and the most difficult part of the course are all three seconds.
28:29This is the longest course.
28:31This is too long.
28:33SHIGEOKA is in a hurry.
28:35Will SHIGEOKA be able to climb this course?
28:40It's about to start.
28:44I'll do my best.
28:47This is amazing.
28:49Will SHIGEOKA be able to climb this course?
28:54It's bed time.
28:58Is the pronunciation correct?
29:00It's bed time.
29:02It's fun to clap and sleep.
29:06We did it last time.
29:08This course is very difficult.
29:13Last time, they competed in the SAKURAI-ARIYOSHI-GA-MAMACHARI.
29:21This slope has a slope of 15%.
29:28This is SAKURAI.
29:31SHIGEOKA is amazing.
29:34SHIGEOKA's face is always like this.
29:37This slope has a slope of 30%.
29:42This slope has a slope of 2.
29:47This is 280m.
29:49This is almost 300m.
29:52SHIGEOKA is amazing.
29:55There is no end to this.
29:58If this is 300m, this is 350m.
30:00If this is 350m, this is 400m.
30:03This is a famous line.
30:05It's hard to turn.
30:08This is a narrow slope.
30:11This is the hardest part of the last spurt.
30:15How about you?
30:17I expect SHIGEOKA to succeed.
30:20SHIGEOKA and I went to the same company's concert.
30:27It was a Matsumoto Jun's concert.
30:30At that time, SHIGEOKA's adrenaline came out too much.
30:34SHIGEOKA was very excited.
30:39SHIGEOKA was very excited.
30:42Matsumoto Jun also said that he wanted to slow down the adrenaline.
30:49SHIGEOKA's adrenaline was amazing.
30:52I thought SHIGEOKA would run up this 280m.
30:57I laughed at the interview because of that.
31:00Did you laugh at the interview?
31:02I didn't laugh at the interview.
31:05SHIGEOKA may go to a different company with adrenaline.
31:10How about SHIGEOKA?
31:12Can SHIGEOKA do it?
31:15We will do this.
31:24This is a game.
31:26I will do my best.
31:28SHIGEOKA is very excited.
31:31SHIGEOKA is very excited.
31:33SHIGEOKA can't be expected.
31:35SHIGEOKA can go up to 280m.
31:37SHIGEOKA can go up to 300m.
31:39SHIGEOKA can go up to 280m.
31:42Can SHIGEOKA do this?
31:46Can SHIGEOKA do this?
31:50SHIGEOKA returned to his hometown.
31:56SHIGEOKA is a mom's bike idol.
31:59I want SHIGEOKA to go up to 280m.
32:01SHIGEOKA is the longest person in the world.
32:04SHIGEOKA will go up to 280m.
32:10SHIGEOKA has been training hard for the past.
32:16SHIGEOKA is amazing.
32:18SHIGEOKA is very excited.
32:26SHIGEOKA is cheering for SHIGEOKA.
32:32Can SHIGEOKA meet SHIGEOKA's expectations?
32:40SHIGEOKA will start.
32:44Can SHIGEOKA succeed?
32:48SHIGEOKA is in a terrible situation.
32:55SHIGEOKA is waiting for SHIGEOKA.
32:59SHIGEOKA is the longest person in the world.
33:01SHIGEOKA will go up to 280m.
33:04Can SHIGEOKA succeed?
33:10SHIGEOKA will start.
33:15SHIGEOKA started running.
33:19SHIGEOKA is cheering for SHIGEOKA.
33:23SHIGEOKA is in a terrible situation.
33:36SHIGEOKA is heavy.
33:38SHIGEOKA is very heavy.
33:45A terrible situation.
33:47He's going to be in the lead.
33:49This is a little dangerous.
33:51It looks pretty tough, but it's still just the beginning.
33:53The lead is long, but is Shigeoka's stamina okay?
33:56He's getting up!
33:59Oh no, oh no, he's slowing down.
34:02And now the speed is slowing down.
34:04Will Shigeoka be able to hold on?
34:08What are you doing?
34:10This is so tiring.
34:13At this point, he's finally in the middle of the track.
34:17But he's still in the lead.
34:20The lead is still long.
34:22It's a hell of a non-stop course.
34:24He's got a big body.
34:26He's going to climb desperately.
34:28Now, 100 meters to go.
34:30Go, go, go, go!
34:33Shigeoka's expression is getting pretty tense.
34:37You can do it, you can do it!
34:39Oh, not yet!
34:4150 meters to go.
34:43Now, this is where the real battle begins.
34:45He's going to enter the most difficult zone, the Kokuboso Zone.
34:49The last 30 meters.
34:51He's using all his strength.
34:53He's going to climb at full speed.
34:56Just a little more!
34:58Can he make it, Shigeoka?
35:0010 meters to go.
35:01Will he make it?
35:02Will he make it?
35:03He's starting to show himself.
35:04Go, Shigeoka!
35:06He's got it!
35:08Shigeoka made it!
35:11That's amazing.
35:12That's too amazing.
35:14He's made it to the top of the mountain.
35:19It's long, it's long, it's long.
35:20It's long.
35:21It's long, isn't it?
35:22It's long.
35:25I'm going to shoot you!
35:27That's amazing!
35:28Ryo, you're so close!
35:30I'm going to shoot you!
35:31This is the hardest thing I've ever done.
35:34My heart won't stop.
35:39Shigeoka is the longest climber in the world,
35:41with a total length of 280 meters.
35:47He looks like he's going to have a good time,
35:50but when he gets to the top of the mountain,
35:52which is 30% of the way up,
35:55Straight ahead.
36:03It's hard.
36:05Shigeoka looks like he's having a hard time for the first time.
36:12He can't speed up, and he's shaking.
36:15This is the dangerous part.
36:20100 meters from the start.
36:22He's somehow making it.
36:25It's hard.
36:29He's finally at the halfway point.
36:32It was amazing from here.
36:44100 meters to go.
36:46He looks like he's having a hard time,
36:48but he's definitely climbing up.
36:55Not yet!
36:57It's so hard.
36:59The longest distance in history.
37:01Nine times in a row.
37:03And in the last zone,
37:05it was a close fight in terms of physical strength.
37:09Shigeoka climbed up with guts at the end,
37:11with the support of the locals.
37:16A total length of 280 meters.
37:18Hyogo's Gentsuki Hikkuri Kaerizaka
37:21in 1 minute and 53 seconds.
37:23He's fast.
37:27It's so long!
37:29The locals are strong.
37:31I feel like I'm back and I've climbed up.
37:34I'm all here.
37:36I'm Kaonishi.
37:38He's amazing.
37:40The loser team gets one point,
37:43and the winner team gets three points.
37:48I'm sorry.
37:50It was a close fight.
37:52It was.
37:53He's an easy gambler.
37:56It was easy to win.
37:58How was it, Raul?
38:00I thought he had a lot of guts.
38:04His legs were like those of an athlete.
38:10He's like the main character of a boy's manga.
38:14He's so beautiful!
38:17He's like Luffy.
38:20I wish there were more young people like him.
38:23It would be a great Tokyo.
38:25Let's go to Tokyo!
38:29Anna Tsuchiya vs. Rokuro.
38:33I'm confident.
38:35I made Rokuro a long time ago.
38:38I didn't fail.
38:41I've loved art since I was a kid.
38:46I won first place in a drawing contest on an island.
38:50On an island.
38:52She won first place in a drawing contest on a homestay island.
38:58She continues to draw,
39:00and she has the artistic side of an artist.
39:05I can't study,
39:07but I can do art.
39:10The rule is to use Rokuro,
39:12and within 2 minutes of the time limit,
39:14you have to be able to go over a 30cm tall vase.
39:19In the past,
39:21Masami Nagasawa and Kaira Kimura, who have experience in pottery,
39:24challenged this.
39:26Everyone does this.
39:28Kaira, you're amazing.
39:30They failed.
39:32The key to success is to be able to go over a 20cm tall vase
39:35without rushing and weakening your hands.
39:39I want to make the Rokuro Challenge a success.
39:43Leave it to me.
39:45Will Tsuchiya Anna be able to pass the Rokuro Challenge?
39:50Anna, do you have experience in pottery?
39:53Yes, I do.
39:57You have a good touch.
40:00It's like clay.
40:03It's smooth.
40:06Behind Tsuchiya Anna is a gallery of her past works.
40:10That's terrible.
40:12Amabe and Goto Maki's works are on display.
40:17I want Goto Maki to say that.
40:20How do you feel after seeing the vase?
40:23There's no answer to art.
40:26You're so cool, Anna.
40:29This person is going to succeed.
40:31Let's go.
40:32Tsuchiya Anna VS Rokuro Challenge.
40:34It's bed time.
40:36I really like Tsuchiya Anna.
40:39I want to believe in her.
40:41I think I can do it.
40:43There are a lot of models who do Rokuro on their days off.
40:47Is that so?
40:49When I did the Rokuro challenge,
40:52I felt like Demi Moore in Ghost.
40:55Demi Moore.
40:58Don't mess with me.
41:00I don't think I can do it.
41:04You don't think you can do it, do you?
41:07I have a rough personality.
41:12I'm going to throw it when it's torn.
41:18I want to see it.
41:21Cut the audio.
41:24I told you to let me hear it.
41:26So I'll definitely go this way.
41:28I don't think I can do it.
41:30I'll do my best.
41:35Tsuchiya Anna VS Rokuro Challenge.
41:38Tsuchiya Anna VS Rokuro Challenge.
41:42Can Tsuchiya Anna succeed?
41:46It's dangerous.
41:48Wait a minute.
41:51Tsuchiya Anna VS Rokuro Challenge.
41:58Tsuchiya Anna VS Rokuro Challenge.
42:02Tsuchiya Anna is trying to make a hole in the middle with a sponge.
42:07Tsuchiya Anna is trying to make a hole in the middle with a sponge.
42:12Wait a minute.
42:15Don't talk to me.
42:18I'm angry.
42:21Tsuchiya Anna is trying to make a hole in the middle with a sponge.
42:26I'm sorry.
42:27Tsuchiya Anna is trying to make a hole in the middle with a sponge.
42:31I don't think I can do it.
42:34I'm sorry.
42:37I don't think I can do it.
42:41Tsuchiya Anna VS Rokuro Challenge.
42:45Tsuchiya Anna VS Rokuro Challenge.
42:50Tsuchiya Anna VS Rokuro Challenge.
44:53Love you
44:55I love you too
44:57What are you going to do?
45:07This is the last shot
45:09Revealed in a few days
45:11What is this shooting today?
45:13Mabachari Idol West Shigeoka
45:15In the goal
45:17Challenge the hell slope over 600m
45:19Bowling, big retirement
45:21Nagiba boys
45:23Takahashi Kyohei
45:25Bowling big
45:29Sakurai sho
45:31Takashi Tsukamoto
45:41Free service
