Una Vida Perfecta - Capitulo 8

  • 2 months ago


02:00No, I doubt it.
02:03But how not? Is it true?
02:09Listen, the notes of science and mathematics are worth half a coefficient more than those of French.
02:16According to this, only the fractions would change you.
02:22Ah, how have you calculated it?
02:24It's true. But they're going to treat me like a fool anyway.
02:37Who will treat you like a fool?
02:40Well, the girls. Melo speaks French well. And also Italian. So...
02:45But honey, Melo is very stupid. She can talk about everything she doesn't have a brain for.
02:54Oh mom, but what are you saying?
02:56It's true.
02:59Never compare yourself to them. You have no comparison. You are the best.
03:05Yes, okay.
03:07What do you mean okay? You are. And you are a beauty.
03:10It's normal. You have inherited it.
03:13Stop it. That's not true.
03:16But what are you saying? You're pretty. Look.
03:19Oh, by the way, I just remembered. Have you already won the elections?
03:24Of course. I'm president. I'll take you with me so you can learn everything.
03:31What do I have to do?
03:34What do I have to do?
03:37Go to the field together. Your mother will take care of it.
03:46I'm going.
03:47I'm going.
04:01Hey, you were shaking while you slept for two nights. Did you have nightmares?
04:11Who, me?
04:13Eva, I was partying. Rock and roll.
04:23Good morning.
04:41Welcome, ma'am.
04:45Good morning.
04:53Good morning.
05:09Inspector Mesut.
05:11Is there a problem?
05:13I need the keys to that car. Give them to me.
05:16But sir...
05:18Is there a problem?
05:20It's the Gubusco.
05:21I'll take care of it. So give them to me.
05:26I'll look for the boss.
05:28Are you sure? No, right? Car parking license, maybe? Neither.
05:36Well, give me the keys. Come on.
05:51Come on.
06:21Let's see. Where have you been, Mrs. Shefnan?
06:39The old inn.
06:44I found you.
06:51I found you.
06:53I found you.
06:55I found you.
06:57I found you.
06:59I found you.
07:01I found you.
07:03I found you.
07:05I found you.
07:07I found you.
07:09I found you.
07:11I found you.
07:13I found you.
07:15I found you.
07:17I found you.
07:18I found you.
07:48I found you.
07:50I found you.
07:52I found you.
07:54I found you.
07:56I found you.
07:58I found you.
08:00I found you.
08:02I found you.
08:04I found you.
08:06I found you.
08:08I found you.
08:10I found you.
08:12I found you.
08:14I found you.
08:16I found you.
08:18I found you.
08:20I found you.
08:22I found you.
08:24I found you.
08:26I found you.
08:37Ma'am, are you okay?
08:40Yes, yes, I'm fine.
08:43Good night.
08:48Calma, calma.
08:54Estás perdida.
08:58A él no se le escapa nada.
09:16Es muy listo y te atrapará enseguida.
09:31Capitán Mesut de Homedicios, las gafas esconden las miradas, ¿no es cierto?
09:36Cuando no quiero que alguien me mire, me la escondo.
10:06¿Señora Zephnam?
10:31¿Señora Zephnam?
10:40Y mi hermano Nechazi.
11:05Te voy a matar.
11:54Ya voy, cielo.
11:57Ahora subo, tranquilo.
12:00Vale, muy bien.
12:07Dime dónde está, o juro que te mato.
12:12¡Suelta ya!
12:15Tú me estás amenazando a mí, pero ¿cómo te atreves?
12:18¿Qué narices eres?
12:20¿Acaso sabes quiénes somos?
12:22¿Cómo has entrado?
12:23¿Cómo has burlado la seguridad?
12:37¿Qué narices eres?
12:40Soy Refik.
12:42¿Dónde está Nechazi?
12:43¿Qué le has hecho?
12:45¿Y quién es ese tal Nechazi?
12:48Es mi hermano.
12:49Estaba en la cárcel.
12:51Vino cuando lo soltaron.
12:55No está.
12:56Pero yo te he encontrado.
12:58¿Y por qué a mí?
13:00Porque hablaste con la poli.
13:02Es que eres idiota.
13:03¿Pero qué tiene que ver eso?
13:05¿Crees que no tiene nada más que hacerte buscar a tu hermano o qué?
13:09Yo no puedo hablar de otra cosa.
13:11¿Y de qué entonces?
13:13¿A ti qué te importa, imbécil?
13:15¿Qué haces aquí?
13:16No sabes de quién es esta casa, ¿no?
13:18¿No sabes quién es mi marido?
13:20Mira, si llamo a seguridad, puedo fastidiarte la vida en un instante.
13:26Vete de una maldita vez.
13:30Vete, venga.
13:31Vete ya.
13:36No, espera, no.
13:44Dime, ¿por qué sigues a la policía?
13:48Buscar a Niyazi.
13:51¿Con quién habló la policía?
13:54Preguntaron en Kemeralti a todos.
13:56Y fueron al colegio.
14:01¿Al privado americano?
14:08¿Y qué?
14:10Pues es que vino por aquí después.
14:15Ya veo que no sabes nada.
14:18¿Qué tienes que ver con él?
14:21Es mi hermano.
14:24¡Qué mentiroso!
14:25No es cierto.
14:26Somos como hermanos.
14:27¿Y por qué dices que sois como hermanos?
14:29Me... salvó la vida.
14:31¿Cómo te salvó la vida Niyazi?
14:34Pues me dieron una paliza.
14:37Niyazi vino cosiendo y les pegó.
14:40Y desde ese día, ambos somos como hermanos.
14:45Así que te salvó Niyazi.
14:50¿Cuándo exactamente?
14:53Pues creo que era unos cinco años.
14:55Y en la cárcel yo siempre lo visitaba.
14:59¿Sabes qué pienso yo?
15:01Que tú en realidad no has conocido a Niyazi en tu vida.
15:06¿Pero qué estás diciendo?
15:09¿Y eso por qué lo dices?
15:11Ay, calla.
15:12Calla, por favor.
15:14¿Que dónde está Niyazi?
15:16¡No conozco!
15:17¡Él me salvó la vida!
15:19Si cojea.
15:20Dime cómo.
15:21¿Cómo pudo salvarte cojeando?
15:26Así que tú lo conoces.
15:58A ver.
15:59¿Por dónde ha estado, señora Shefnan?
16:02La vieja posada.
16:06Te encontré.
16:14Pues sí, señor.
16:16Vine hace unos días y estaba roto.
16:19Es que no había nadie.
16:20Cerramos de noche.
16:22¿Y quién ha sido?
16:23¿No hay cámaras?
16:25Es muy antiguo.
16:26Aquí no encontrará cámaras.
16:28A veces se dejan abierta la puerta de atrás.
16:31Los borrachos y drogatas entran por ahí.
16:34Han roto la pata de hierro.
16:36Ha sido una gran pelea.
16:42¿Está en la barra?
16:50¿Y cuándo ha sido?
16:51Hace tres semanas.
16:58Muchas gracias.
17:05Hola, Ana Sim.
17:08Envíame un equipo.
17:09Te mando la ubicación.
17:15¿Qué haces?
17:16Dame el teléfono.
17:29Ya te llamaré.
17:32¿Dónde está Niyoshi?
17:34¿Quién eres?
17:35Yo sé.
17:36Te llamaré.
17:38¿Por qué lo buscas?
17:42Por nada.
17:45Zelo te ha enviado.
17:49¿Tú conoces a Zelo?
17:51Madre mía.
17:53Madre mía.
17:58Vale, vete.
17:59Vete ya.
18:00Tienes que irte antes de que te vean.
18:01Venga, vete.
18:02¿De qué conoces a Zelo?
18:03¿Veo a Niyoshi?
18:04No te vayas.
18:05Vete ya, por favor.
18:06Luego te llamo.
18:07Venga, va.
18:24Día 5
18:32Hemos pasado semanas.
18:34Habrán pasado miles de personas.
18:36Vamos a encontrar de todo, tío.
18:41Oye, dime.
18:42¿Qué hay que buscar?
18:43Va a ser casi imposible.
18:48Busca sangre, Nassim.
18:50El letrero está roto.
18:51Alguien cayó sobre él.
18:52There was a fight and I'm sure there's blood out there. Find her.
18:56Okay, yes.
19:08I see.
19:13Very well.
19:16Then don't argue with them. Let him be and I'll take care of it as soon as I can.
19:23Don't make it worse.
19:25Okay, okay, bye.
19:27See you.
19:29My love.
19:32I have good news, but first come here.
19:36I love you.
19:38The girl has taken out an outstanding, what do you think?
19:45It's great.
19:47Do you want to see it?
19:49Let's see.
19:50I've done it very well, I'll bring it.
20:07There's nothing.
20:14There's no trace?
20:37How are you?
20:41Give me a little.
20:46A little.
20:47Not a drink.
20:51The cop already has you.
20:54He's got you.
20:56I went to school and I'm sure he saw the notebooks.
20:59Yeah, well, that's it.
21:02There's nothing left for him to catch you.
21:04Don't worry, nothing will happen.
21:06If he cleans my past, he won't find anything.
21:10He won't be able to.
21:12And the browser?
21:14He's already seen it.
21:15And now what?
21:16He's already seen it.
21:18I'll think about it.
21:21I'll think of something.
21:25What's wrong?
21:26Why are you wearing those glasses?
21:29I left them in the car.
21:31They're a warning.
21:32Yeah, well, leave them.
21:34I investigate his thoughts.
21:36What does he know? Why does he mess with me?
21:39I haven't left evidence and there's no trace.
21:42No trace, no body, you don't appear, there's no corpse.
21:46No, there's no trace.
21:48And no weapon either.
21:55You've changed a lot.
21:56You're very strange and you also have a very bad face.
22:03It's just out of fear.
22:05I don't think so.
22:06What's up?
22:08You look...
22:11And the inspector?
22:14Mesut, the inspector.
22:16You're madly in love, aren't you?
22:18Yeah, it's just that...
22:20he's an amazing man.
22:22You're a rat face and you've never seen a human being like that.
22:27Shut up, that's not true.
22:29You're crazy.
22:31You're in love.
22:35I'm afraid of him.
22:36And I shouldn't.
22:39He looks at me as if he could read me.
22:42I know, he's a wonderful man.
22:44He's different from the others.
22:46He's a great guy.
22:48It's over, girl.
22:50Enough, it's over.
22:52You're done.
22:54It's over.
22:56Let's see what happens when you come.
22:58I want to know.
23:00I'm curious.
23:03I think I should go ahead.
23:06I have to go ahead.
23:08I can't let him find me.
23:11There was a fight.
23:13Iron bars and a broken sign.
23:16But there was no blood.
23:18No body.
23:23And we can't prove that Niyasi was there.
23:28What did you say?
23:29Can't you hear me?
23:30They've cleaned it.
23:32It's impeccable.
23:34He was a professional.
23:36There's no trace of him.
23:38No body.
23:40He killed him and got rid of him.
23:42And he cleaned it.
23:44He's a professional.
23:48How could he load it?
23:50And besides,
23:52why would he hide it?
23:56It was in the fight.
23:58And that's it.
23:59It's true.
24:15Have you changed your mind?
24:25I've received an offer.
24:29Very well.
25:13They're going to amputate my leg.
25:46Are you asleep?
25:53Good night.
26:04Good night.
26:35Good morning.
26:36Good morning.
26:37Have they informed you of my destination?
26:39Of course.
26:41There's a coffee shop on the way.
26:43I need coffee.
26:44Don't worry.
27:45atched, you're free to go.
28:01Hi Darling.
28:09And how is the situation? How was your farewell?
28:12You don't have the full picture because I told you over the phone, right?
28:16It's just that all the details are very important. We can't miss anything.
28:21It's true. That's why I came here.
28:24I'll tell you from the beginning, okay?
28:27As you know, the first meeting was at work.
28:31Honor has always thought that we met by chance.
28:40I came here a few days in advance so that I could meet the entrepreneurs on the list first.
28:45We can go to the playhouse.
28:48Sure, we can do that.
28:54It can't be.
28:56How strong.
29:02Do you remember me?
29:04Of course I do.
29:06How can I not remember you? Of course I remember you.
29:09Well, you looked at me as if you were trying to erase all your memories forever.
29:15I was surprised to see you here all of a sudden.
29:20Me too.
29:22I never imagined that I would find you in a company in New York after so long.
29:28I can't believe it.
29:30Hey, maybe I'm in your project.
29:33John, you remember me, right?
29:35How did you do?
29:36Thanks, thank you so much.
29:37It's nice to see you.
29:38Honor and I, are we on investor match?
29:41One second, please.
29:43Let me check my match list.
29:46Guys, you know what? I got great news.
29:50Yes, you are.
29:52How strong. We will work together. I can't believe it.
29:56Well, the truth is that I don't believe it either.
29:59They said they had me with someone, but I never thought I would work with you here.
30:05Besides, you haven't changed a bit in all these years.
30:13Neither have you.
30:16Thank you very much.
30:18I don't understand.
30:21You were his girlfriend all his life, and he gives you such a cold welcome.
30:26Isel, I know.
30:29You're right, Vale.
30:31Honor and I have been together all our lives.
30:35And so we don't have to be apart, my family sent me to study the same course as your son.
30:42We always try to keep you together, daughter.
30:46Always, huh?
30:48Yes, always.
30:50But Sefnam showed up and took Honor.
30:54Isel, listen to me, please.
30:58I don't want you to be so sad. Stop it, please.
31:05Let's see.
31:07Do you remember how you felt when Honor got married?
31:22The life of my dreams, my relationship with Honor, suddenly disappeared.
31:29But now, thanks to you, we see each other again.
31:34In our travels, something is being forged.
31:38Ah, yes? Do you have more to tell me?
31:43Honor is moving away a little.
31:46Don't worry.
31:48But I noticed it strange the last time.
31:53Well, I met Robert.
31:55I told him you were with another woman.
31:59I mean, we're not married.
32:05But we're friends.
32:08We're not friends, you know?
32:18You always do the same, Honor.
32:21You always try to use silence to try to avoid saying what you feel.
32:27You keep accusing me.
32:29No, I'm not.
32:33I'm just saying that I wish I were like you.
32:38I wish I could shut up from time to time.
32:42Everything would be very different.
32:45Like what?
32:49Do you want me to be honest?
32:57You've always been honest.
33:00Oh, good.
33:02Tell me more about me.
33:05What am I like?
33:07You already know.
33:13You always say what you feel.
33:21There's a lot of noise. I'll sit there. I can't hear you well.
33:29Well, let's see.
33:31I'm bold.
33:33What else?
33:36What else?
33:39I don't know.
33:42Oh, my God.
33:45You're killing me with this, you know?
33:49You start saying something about me, you cut it, and I die of curiosity.
33:54Okay, okay. Yes, it wasn't my intention. I'll shut up now.
33:59It's too late.
34:07Another glass?
34:09Excuse me, another one, please.
34:28Well, tomorrow we'll know how long the work in Boston will last.
34:32I'll let you know, okay?
34:35No, yes. Yes, yes, I'm fine.
34:38It's a tiring day.
34:52I'll call you tomorrow, okay? See you.
35:23Oh, no.
35:35Why did you come back into my life?
35:59a coincidence.
36:06It's not a coincidence, okay?
36:10You know...
36:13I don't like to leave anything halfway.
36:22I like...
36:25to finish things.
36:29When I saw you, I realized right away.
36:35And I thought...
36:38this is halfway.
37:11Let's leave it here.
37:16Don't follow me, please.
37:22If I stop now...
37:26I'll regret it for the rest of my life, you know?
37:30So I'm going to keep going.
37:34Look at me.
37:36Look at me.
37:42You're looking at me like you did that day.
37:51The day of our first kiss.
37:54I haven't forgotten you yet.
38:01I still love you very much.
38:18I'm sorry.
38:27It's been a tiring day. I can't go on.
38:31I need to get some rest, really.
38:37I'll call a cab for you.
38:45Are you sure?
38:48Are you sure?
39:01You know you were wrong.
39:03I saw it with my own eyes.
39:05Are you sure?
39:06Well, I think it's very clear.
39:09Yeah, I know.
39:11I know no one in this world knows Onur better than his mother.
39:15Onur has never been a man who expressed his emotions.
39:19I know that.
39:21But we have to evaluate the situation to adopt the right position.
39:25Let's see.
39:27We think we've already created a breach in the wall, but...
39:30But? It's done. It's going very well.
39:35And you're coming...
39:37to continue this up close, to do it from here, right?
39:41I have to be close to Onur.
39:43I have to get to the end.
39:45If I waited for him to go to New York again, I'd be stupid.
39:55You've done very well.
39:57Good job.
40:14My love.
40:16Are you worried?
40:18Are we going on a trip?
40:23I don't have time for trips.
40:26I'm busy, Selnam.
40:32Then tell me, my love.
40:34Tell me how I can help you.
40:37Tell me how I can help you.
40:51You really don't have to.
40:55Everything will be fine soon.
40:58It'll pass, and we can travel later.
41:03Of course.
41:08Do you know what I want sometimes?
41:13To get into your head.
41:24I want to erase those things...
41:26that overwhelm you, make you sad, and confuse you...
41:30to relieve you.
41:32That overwhelm you, make you sad, and confuse you...
41:35to relieve you.
41:52Have you decided the location?
41:54Yes, I have a map of locations in ten cities.
41:57I've decided on Adana.
41:59Onur not only invests in the present, but also in the future.
42:02He has a vision of capital at the traditional facilities of capital.
42:12Yes, me too, because I'm happy to work with you.
42:16The pleasure is ours. Thank you very much.
42:20Your ex, what was his name?
42:23Wasn't it Ahmed?
42:25That's it. Ahmed.
42:29Does he still call you?
42:31Let's see, he still chases me.
42:34He hasn't overcome the divorce, he still wants to come back.
42:37But I refuse.
42:39Thank you.
42:43It was a big mistake to marry him.
42:45I did it because I had a broken heart.
42:48And no matter how hard I try, I can't forget him.
42:54Because you still love my son, don't you?
42:59I've never stopped loving him, Aysel.
43:02And now I feel like I have a chance to get it back.
43:06It's amazing.
43:08It's just that now we're seeing each other again, thanks to you.
43:12I can't believe it.
43:14And I feel alive again.
43:17Back in my life.
43:19They had thrown me out of the place I deserved.
43:21And now, I'll get it back.
43:24What's mine.
43:29And do you think you have a choice?
43:35Look, before, Sefnam was the news.
43:39But now, I'm the news.
43:44And Sefnam has children.
43:46She has priorities.
43:48She has other things to attend to.
43:50I have a priority.
43:54And you're never going to give up on him, are you?
43:59Only if you cover my back.
44:02You'll help me, won't you?
44:04It's just that I've been with him for ten years.
44:09What do you mean by that?
44:13I need you.
44:16Do you want me to tell you something?
44:19When I hear the last name Umutsu, I don't think of Mrs. Aysen anymore.
44:23I think of Sefnam.
44:24It's true.
44:25She proved it very well tonight.
44:28All those people, so many guests.
44:31She has secured the position.
44:33I agree with you.
44:35It was time.
44:36I was lazy about Mrs. Aysen.
44:39Long live the new queen.
44:45I'm doing this for Honor.
44:47For my son.
44:49She's not good for him.
44:56Let's not think about the past.
44:58Let's focus on the present.
45:01Do you know you're here?
45:05I told him.
45:06And we're here.
45:09And you're telling me now?
45:12That's great news.
45:14And when are you going to meet?
45:23You don't waste time.
45:28Very good.
45:29Sefnam will tremble.
45:44I love you.
45:45I love you.
45:46I love you.
45:47I love you.
45:48I love you.
45:49I love you.
45:50I love you.
45:51I love you.
45:52I love you.
45:53I love you.
45:54I love you.
45:55I love you.
45:56I love you.
45:57I love you.
45:58I love you.
45:59I love you.
46:00I love you.
46:01I love you.
46:02I love you.
46:03I love you.
46:04I love you.
46:05I love you.
46:06I love you.
46:07I love you.
46:08I love you.
46:09I love you.
46:10I love you.
46:11I love you.
46:12I love you.
46:13I love you.
46:14I love you.
46:15I love you.
46:16I love you.
46:17I love you.
46:18I love you.
46:19I love you.
46:20I love you.
46:21I love you.
46:22I love you.
46:23I love you.
46:24I love you.
46:25I love you.
46:26I love you.
46:27I love you.
46:28I love you.
46:29I love you.
46:30I love you.
46:31I love you.
46:32I love you.
46:33I love you.
46:34I love you.
46:35I love you.
46:36I love you.
46:37I love you.
46:38I love you.
46:39I love you.
46:40I love you.
46:41I love you.
46:42I love you.
46:43I love you.
46:44I love you.
46:45I love you.
46:46I love you.
46:47I love you.
46:48I love you.
46:49I love you.
46:50I love you.
46:51I love you.
46:52I love you.
46:53I love you.
46:54I love you.
46:55I love you.
46:56I love you.
46:57I love you.
46:58I love you.
46:59I love you.
47:00I love you.
47:01I love you.
47:02I love you.
47:03I love you.
47:04I love you.
47:05I love you.
47:06I love you.
47:07I love you.
47:08I love you.
47:09I love you.
47:10I love you.
47:11I love you.
47:12I love you.
47:13I love you.
47:14I love you.
47:15I love you.
47:16I love you.
47:17I love you.
47:18I love you.
47:19I love you.
47:20I love you.
47:21I love you.
47:22I love you.
47:23I love you.
47:24I love you.
47:25I love you.
47:26I love you.
47:27I love you.
47:28I love you.
47:29I love you.
47:30I love you.
47:31I love you.
47:32I love you.
47:33I love you.
47:34I love you.
47:35I love you.
47:36I love you.
47:37I love you.
47:38I love you.
47:39I love you.
