WWE WrestleMania XX - Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero (WWE Championship)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Ladies and gentlemen, coming up next, the most anticipated WWE Championship match in some time, Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle.
00:08I can't wait for this one, baby. This is gonna be off the hook.
00:11Guerrero has to defend against Kurt Angle.
00:14Two men with nothing in common, except the desire to be champion.
00:22Many people have asked me, why, Kurt? Why?
00:27I didn't attack Eddie Guerrero for me.
00:30I attacked Eddie Guerrero for the fans of SmackDown, for all the WWE.
00:37Eddie Guerrero is a former drug addict.
00:41A drug addict is the last person we need to represent us as the WWE Champion.
00:48That's why when Eddie Guerrero won the championship, I couldn't just sit there and let Eddie destroy.
00:56The morals that are the cornerstone of the character of this nation.
01:01One day, you will thank me for the champion that you can be proud of.
01:08Wait a minute!
01:10The now WWE Champion, Eddie Guerrero!
01:13Kurt Angle!
01:15You like to jump people from behind, so I'll tell you what, Holmes.
01:19I'm gonna take the fight to you.
01:21Officers, I want you to arrest Eddie Guerrero!
01:25You're spending the night in jail!
01:30There's a poison seeping through the moral fiber of this country.
01:34Our WWE Champion gets himself arrested, mired in scandal and disgrace.
01:39That's exactly what I feared would happen if Eddie Guerrero became champion.
01:43Would you feel comfortable if your children were acting like Eddie Guerrero?
01:48And Eddie Guerrero as the WWE Champion will only bring disgrace and shame to this company for years to come.
01:54I won't allow that to happen.
01:58I am hereby demanding that Eddie Guerrero issue a public apology for his reprehensible behavior.
02:07Tell you I'm sorry...
02:12Now, Holmes, I'm proud to be the WWE Champion!
02:18I'm proud to represent the WWE fans, Holmes!
02:24I wish I was in a position to beat some sense into you myself!
02:30You couldn't beat me if I had both hands tied behind my back!
02:36Let me just get this straight, you're serious when you say that, right?
02:40Your hands will be handcuffed behind your back and your opponent, Paul Heyman.
02:51Eddie Guerrero's shot to Paul Heyman!
02:53And look at Paul Heyman running away.
02:57Oh my God.
02:58Kurt Angle!
03:01Tess, this is bad.
03:03Eddie Guerrero's hands are still handcuffed.
03:06We have the greatest fans in the world, but they have no appreciation for what I'm doing.
03:17My match at WrestleMania is the most important match of my life.
03:22I'm not only fighting for myself, I'm fighting for the future of this company.
03:36I'm not only fighting for myself, I'm fighting for the future of this company.
03:48That's in the European now!
04:06The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WWE Championship.
04:14Introducing the challenger from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 237 pounds,
04:20Kurt Angle!
04:23Kurt Angle is the number one contender for the WWE title.
04:27He is the only Olympic gold medalist in WWE history.
04:31The list of accomplishments directly.
04:33But tonight, Kurt Angle claims that he wants to win the title not only for himself,
04:39but for all the fans of the WWE.
04:42And that's a good thing.
04:43Kurt Angle representing the people, as he did in 1996, winning that gold medal.
04:48I think that's a good thing.
04:54Angle looks focused and ready to go, baby.
04:57He better be.
04:58Oh, he is.
04:59The champion's bringing the A-game.
05:01I know.
05:02But Angle's a machine, bro.
05:11Let's do it!
05:12One of the most anticipated WWE title matches in history!
05:20The champ!
05:22From El Paso, Texas, weighing in at 228 pounds,
05:26is the WWE champion,
05:30Eddie Guerrero!
05:33That looks like a caddy!
05:34That is. That's like a scaled-down escalator, of course.
05:38Pick-up truck going right up and down. I love it.
05:41Eddie Guerrero, riding style at WrestleMania!
05:45I'm thinking the color, too, by the way.
05:47And ladies and gentlemen, almost one month to the day,
05:51Eddie Guerrero, last month at No Way Out in San Francisco,
05:56did the near-impossible,
05:58defeating Brock Lesnar for the WWE title.
06:03No doubt about it that Eddie Guerrero, the WWE champion,
06:07has climbed the mountains and conquered mountains.
06:10But that right there, those eyes of Kurt Angle,
06:13those steel blue eyes are another mountain he's gotta climb.
06:16Good luck to Eddie.
06:18Kurt Angle believes he's the conscience,
06:21that he's the soul of not only SmackDown,
06:24but the entire WWE.
06:26Kurt Angle claims that he's embarrassed that a,
06:29that a quote, drug addict like Eddie Guerrero
06:32is carrying the gold.
06:34But Eddie Guerrero is reformed,
06:37and Eddie Guerrero is a champion, in my mind,
06:40we can be proud of.
06:42I agree that Eddie Guerrero has performed,
06:44I agree that Eddie Guerrero has performed,
06:46and kudos to Eddie.
06:47He deserves mad props for that.
06:49Eddie Guerrero, also a tremendous WWE champion.
06:52I'm telling you, Kurt Angle, boy, he can go straight up.
06:55So ladies and gentlemen, for the 20th time,
06:58the WWE title is being defended at WrestleMania.
07:02Eddie Guerrero looks to become just the fifth man
07:05to successfully defend the title at WrestleMania.
07:10Wow, does Angle look ready or what?
07:13Damn, does Eddie Guerrero look ready?
07:16Yeah, yeah, Eddie does.
07:17No, he does, he does.
07:19So let's talk about this matchup as we get underway.
07:22In my estimation, for Eddie Guerrero,
07:25he's got to attack from the air.
07:27He needs to stay vertical,
07:29Lucha Libre style for our champion.
07:31I agree with that.
07:32What about for the challenger, Kurt Angle,
07:34as the Eddie Chance begins?
07:36Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie,
07:38Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie,
07:40Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie,
07:42Eddie, Eddie.
07:43And Eddie Guerrero knows what he's up against here.
07:45And so does Kurt Angle.
07:46I mean both these men are world-class athletes,
07:48tremendous superstars.
07:50I'll tell you, man,
07:51I'm just having round here watching this,
07:52and Cole, this is gonna be awful.
07:53To collar and elbow tie-up,
07:54backs Eddie Guerrero into the corner is Kurt Angle.
07:57So again, the strategy for Kurt Angle
07:58would be after the clean break.
07:59I think Matt game, I think Kurt needs to do it,
08:03or bring him to the dance.
08:04And that's that technique on the mat.
08:07And wrestles great wrestles.
08:08Right there going from a hammerlock
08:09headlock and trapping the arm does Kurt Angle.
08:11No doubt Eddie Guerrero is in trouble if Kurt Angle turns this into a mat based
08:15Eddie Guerrero trying to battle out, he does.
08:17A nice takedown at Kurt Angle by Eddie Guerrero.
08:19Yeah, now trying to ride Kurt Angle is Eddie Guerrero.
08:22And a nice short arm drag there by Eddie, I'm sorry, by Kurt.
08:25And Kurt going to that headlock and controlling the head of Eddie Guerrero on
08:29the mat.
08:29And Eddie can wrestle, no doubt, Eddie's very well versed in mat work and
08:34mat wrestling.
08:35A nice show of respect from these fans here at Madison Square Garden.
08:38Stalemate as we get underway, WWE title on the line.
08:42I've wrestled both these men in the past, and I'll tell you, Kurt Angle,
08:46his conditioning's unparalleled, so is Eddie Guerrero.
08:48That's why this match is so anticipated.
08:51Kurt Angle.
08:51Man, Steve, yeah, with that duck under and that goal behind.
08:55And Kurt Angle may indeed have the quickest matchup, at least,
08:57from an amateur standpoint.
08:59Oh, yeah, I think so.
08:59Nice stand and switch by Eddie Guerrero.
09:02A throw, almost like a judo throw with the arm, called an Ippon Sayanagi,
09:06actually, believe it or not, that's what that's called.
09:09And again, into that side headlock.
09:11Back to the head, yep.
09:12Kurt Angle continues the pressure on the champion, Eddie Guerrero.
09:16Yeah, controlling that head, trying to keep Eddie on the mat here.
09:21See if Eddie can get out of this headlock, maybe go to a top wrist lock or
09:24try a hammer lock or something.
09:25Kurt Angle back to his feet, Eddie Guerrero, the champion as well.
09:30Nice takedown again by Kurt Angle.
09:34And partial crowd here at Madison Square Garden saying, let's go, Angle.
09:38The rest of the crowd saying, Angle sucks.
09:40But that's cool.
09:40That's what the WWE fans do.
09:42They pay to cheer who they wanna cheer.
09:44That's all good in my book, man.
09:46Have a good time, and that's what's going on at WrestleMania.
09:49Side headlock brings the challenger to his knees, Eddie Guerrero, the champion.
09:53Kurt Angle tries to reverse it.
09:55Trying to go to a top wrist lock, Kurt switching to a hammer lock.
09:58Back to the side headlock, boom, nice tackle.
10:00Shoulder knocked down by Kurt Angle.
10:03And Eddie Guerrero, the champion, back to his feet.
10:05Challenger, champion, staring at one another with a WWE championship hanging
10:10in the balance here at WrestleMania 20.
10:12The challenger, Kurt Angle, not rushing into nothing.
10:15Dominated with that shoulder block and didn't go in for nothing.
10:18Waited, Kurt was gonna dictate the pace, and Eddie knows that.
10:21Eddie's gotta be careful here.
10:23Eddie's gotta be careful here.
10:24So as the champion, what can Eddie do to allow himself to dictate the pace?
10:28Try and hit something big.
10:29Eddie can come out of nowhere with a big high impact move with his high flying
10:33ability and a physical background.
10:35I'll tell you- Eddie Guerrero,
10:37that was impressive, back into the side headlock.
10:39Yeah, whoa, whoa, Eddie, like I said, the man knows how to wrestle.
10:42He's been wrestling a long time, he knows what he's doing.
10:44And again, this is something that Kurt was working on that night.
10:47Shoulder knocked down by the champion.
10:50And another one by Eddie Guerrero, starting to build momentum up over the top.
10:54And a third, and Eddie Guerrero taking it as the challenger wants to gain his way.
10:59A lot of speed built up real quick in a short amount of time by the champion,
11:05Eddie Guerrero, with that shoulder block.
11:08Kurt regrouping on the outside.
11:09And whenever you see Eddie, you saw he smiled to the crowd here.
11:13When Eddie begins to build confidence, starts to fire up a little bit,
11:18he can gain control of the matchup.
11:20That is when that man, Eddie Guerrero, the WWE champion,
11:22is his most dangerous, when he gets a little confidence behind him,
11:26because he feeds off of that.
11:27So if Eddie quickens the pace that's in his favor,
11:29Kurt Angle wants to keep that pace slower.
11:33Yeah, but I also think you gotta be careful for Kurt Angle.
11:35You don't want Eddie Guerrero to get in your head and
11:37start playing games with you out here.
11:39Because Eddie's been known to do that.
11:40He could mess up your head a little bit.
11:41I believe the match has been a draw thus far.
11:44It's been tremendous, man.
11:45In the early going.
11:46As they say, to proverbial human chess, look at that.
11:49That front headlock, but right there-
11:50Oh, that's a fireman's carry takedown by Eddie Guerrero,
11:53quickly into the arm bar.
11:55And Kurt Angle has to spin out.
11:56That was impressive by the Olympic gold medalist.
11:59Yeah, you think how quick is Angle?
12:01Man, that switch was so quick.
12:04You see Eddie now keeping one knee down and the other foot.
12:08We're trying to just maybe do a switch out of this or something,
12:11maybe a throw.
12:12Eddie back to his feet, the champion.
12:14Tough spot to be in, a front headlock by an athlete like Kurt Angle.
12:18Not fun.
12:19Eddie Guerrero brought down to his knees again by the challenger.
12:22Yeah, Kurt, that's an over and under.
12:23That's what that's, an overhook and underhook.
12:25And controlling Eddie's arm with that, with the overhook.
12:29Shoulders down, champion had to kick out.
12:34See, this is what Eddie doesn't want.
12:35See, this is where Eddie Guerrero, his title could definitely be in jeopardy.
12:40Shoulders down again, and again, Eddie Guerrero has to kick out.
12:43Kurt could hook you, trap you, and pin you so quick.
12:45And as Kurt Angle is doing this, he is wearing the champion down.
12:49He's sucking the breath from the lungs of Eddie Guerrero here.
12:52That's tough to do with Eddie Guerrero.
12:55Again, the conditioning, as I pointed out, but both these men are in peril.
12:59And Eddie's in great shape, got the WWE champ for nothing.
13:03Kurt Angle in tremendous shape as well.
13:05Kurt Angle has been focused on this matchup.
13:08In fact, if you look back over the past few months,
13:10Kurt Angle has manipulated Eddie Guerrero.
13:13Look at this, Eddie Guerrero, right counter by the champion.
13:16And a nice arm drag, and a second one, and into the arm bar again.
13:22Eddie Guerrero has Kurt Angle in a predicament.
13:25You can see how he has the forearm buried into the jaw.
13:28Showing respect here for the live crowd here at WrestleMania at Madison Square
13:32Garden for Eddie Guerrero,
13:33wrestling his way out of the predicament he was in by Angle.
13:37Does Kurt Angle have any advantage since he was in the main event at WrestleMania
13:41last year versus Brock Lesnar?
13:43I think maybe a little bit, but there's no stage fright for a man like Eddie Guerrero.
13:47He's a veteran, he knows what he's doing in there.
13:49It's a realization of a dream for the champion, Eddie.
13:52And I'll tell you what, Kurt needs to realize he's in a key lock here.
13:55Eddie Guerrero has a tremendously applied key lock on Kurt Angle's left arm.
13:59And perhaps the champion gained a psychological advantage just
14:02outwrestling Kurt Angle there.
14:04Yeah, sure, I mean, again, that goes back to that confidence.
14:08That feeds into Guerrero's confidence.
14:10Kurt Angle makes it back to his feet, trying to reverse this on the champion.
14:15Yeah, now into a top wrist lock, Guerrero has Angle.
14:21And Kurt Angle, go behind, Guerrero on the ropes and
14:24runs into a knee to the midsection.
14:26I don't think Kurt learned that on the Olympic team, that knee, but
14:30it's effective.
14:31And that abdominal stretch.
14:32There's your abdominal stretch, all right.
14:34Kurt Angle saw the opening, delivered the knee to the midsection,
14:36now continues the pressure.
14:38And now, you gotta figure Kurt might quite possibly could be working
14:42the midsection maybe.
14:44As you said, the knee, boom, hit the abdominal stretch.
14:46Kurt's got a lot of leverage here, too, and
14:48that's why Eddie's trying to move that leg off of his own leg of Kurt Angle.
14:51So how Eddie Guerrero is hooking the left leg of Kurt Angle there.
14:54Right, to try and alleviate some of the pressure.
14:56And he did alleviate the pressure.
14:57And quickly, into a suplex.
14:59Eddie Guerrero spins the hips.
15:01Yep, this is vintage Eddie Guerrero.
15:03And Kurt knew that, goes for the triple throw.
15:05And a German suplex of his own.
15:07Kurt quickly popping those hips, clasping his hands, and
15:10popping that German suplex off.
15:12Elbow to the side of the head by Eddie.
15:14Shot to the back of the neck by Kurt Angle.
15:15And a Gerrero toss, and he landed on the apron.
15:18How quick was Eddie there?
15:20Ducks over Kurt Angle.
15:21And Kurt Angle's so quick.
15:23Kurt not letting Eddie Guerrero- I'm not here.
15:25Not a German off the apron.
15:26This would be- Not a German off the apron.
15:28Kurt, you're gonna kill him.
15:30Eddie Guerrero hanging on for dear life.
15:32Eddie Guerrero's saving his own life.
15:35Elbow off the head of Kurt Angle.
15:37Kurt is just relentless.
15:39It's like a pit bull.
15:40No doubt, no doubt going.
15:41He's picking that ankle, and then Eddie just kicking him off.
15:44And back into the ring for Eddie Guerrero, the WWE champion.
15:47Where's Eddie going?
15:48Looks like Eddie was contemplating climbing a rope, but he changed his mind.
15:53And he's gonna, again, now Eddie wants a decadent dropkick.
15:57Angle off the apron.
15:58And now, as you mentioned, Eddie is dictating the pace of this matchup.
16:04Referee Nick Patrick doing a great job keeping the champion away from
16:07the challenger.
16:08Kurt Angle in no rush to get back in that ring, I don't think.
16:12Where's Eddie going?
16:13Eddie's going up the top rope.
16:13Eddie Guerrero, high on the top rope.
16:15High risk, high risk.
16:17And Kurt Angle rolls out of the way.
16:19My God.
16:20High risk maneuver.
16:21And that midsection that Kurt Angle began to work on.
16:24The ribs right into the barricade.
16:27This could be the opening for the challenger.
16:29No doubt the challenger, Kurt Angle.
16:31Eddie Guerrero making that mistake.
16:34Kurt playing possum.
16:35Eddie crashed and burned.
16:37Eddie's in trouble.
16:37Guerrero's in here.
16:38Here's the cover.
16:39Here it is.
16:39The proud and new champion right here.
16:41And Eddie just rolled his shoulder out.
16:43Smart by Kurt Angle.
16:44Eddie crashed and burned on that guard rail.
16:47And then, boom, you go for a cover right away in the middle.
16:49Right on the capitol line.
16:50Kurt Angle wasted very little time.
16:53Again, knee to the small of the back hook of the leg again.
16:56And the champion rolled out.
16:57Working the midsection, as we pointed out.
16:59And the side, the rib area.
17:01And who knows the damage done to Eddie's ribs as he came off the top rope of
17:05the barricade.
17:06Quite possibly internally.
17:07Maybe Eddie has some internal damage.
17:09And here we go again.
17:10The opportunist, Kurt Angle, with the shoulders to the gut.
17:14Now the snap there.
17:16And the pressure continues.
17:17And Kurt Angle gonna go right to work on the injured midsection of Eddie Guerrero.
17:21Kurt's got his legs wrapped around Eddie.
17:23That's a great find.
17:25And look at that.
17:26Just bending the body in half.
17:29Controlling Eddie's head back while he has those body scissors on Eddie Guerrero.
17:33Kurt Angle putting Guerrero in some pain.
17:36Sellout crowd at Madison Square Garden.
17:38Trying to will the champion on.
17:40What a match, man.
17:41This is how it should be for the WWE title.
17:43I'm telling you.
17:44Notice how Eddie Guerrero, as soon as he begins to spin out,
17:47Kurt Angle immediately grabs the head.
17:49And Kurt keeps very little separation between his body and
17:52Guerrero's body to keep the tightness, the pressure on.
17:55But Eddie has separated the legs.
17:58Eddie's back to his feet.
17:59And a tremendous counter, perhaps out of desperation.
18:03That's what Eddie's so good at.
18:04And in no way, he'll pull a move out of just unorthodox.
18:06And just over the midsection again, hung up on the top rope.
18:11Kurt Angle is putting on a clinic on how to wear down a body part.
18:15No one can do it like Kurt Angle.
18:16Here we go.
18:17He's got the champion move.
18:18And Eddie, with everything he had there, to kick out.
18:23Kurt Angle showed a little frustration there when Eddie Guerrero kicked out.
18:27I'll tell you, look at this, belly to belly suplex.
18:31Kurt Angle is wrestling a picture perfect match here tonight.
18:35The game plan couldn't have been better.
18:38And Kurt knows that.
18:39Talk about confidence.
18:41Now Kurt Angle feeling cocky and confident.
18:44The champion Guerrero's in trouble.
18:46Here comes a, and another belly to belly.
18:49Kurt Angle into the cover, hook to the leg, shoulders down.
18:52And Eddie rolls out again.
18:54There's no denying the absolute bad blood between these two competitors.
18:59Kurt Angle again goes to work on the midsection of Eddie Guerrero.
19:03And now with that gut wrench there, that bell, working that midsection.
19:06Kurt Angle pinpointing the body part, the area of Eddie's body.
19:10He wants to work on the midsection and back.
19:12Kurt Angle, who basically, you know, he fashions himself
19:16as a principled individual.
19:18And quite frankly, in Kurt Angle's standpoint, Eddie Guerrero disgusts him.
19:23Eddie Guerrero, I should say, Kurt Angle believes that Eddie Guerrero,
19:26a recovering addict, should not be representing the WWE as champion.
19:30Well, not for nothing, Eddie has made some mistakes, but you know who hasn't?
19:33You know what I mean? We've all made mistakes.
19:34Of course we have.
19:35Human beings make mistakes.
19:36Kurt Angle's made mistakes, for God's sake.
19:39And look at Eddie.
19:40Well, Kurt's not making a mistake right now.
19:42Eddie's in trouble.
19:42I'm telling you.
19:43Look at this.
19:44Oh, come on.
19:45Thumbs to the eye.
19:46Well, Eddie just trying to get out, and he did.
19:49And again in that big hook to the belly to belly by Kurt Angle.
19:53Kurt, here we go.
19:53The cover.
19:54Come on, the outflow.
19:55There it is.
19:55Shoulders are down, and Eddie Guerrero again kicks out.
20:00And frustration building within Kurt Angle.
20:04Yeah, Kurt Angle thinking he's gonna get a victory over Eddie right there,
20:09but a little upset.
20:10What's Angle got in mind here?
20:12Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero, two contrasting styles both in life and
20:17here in the ring, but two great competitors, two great champions.
20:20What is gonna go on here?
20:22Eddie Guerrero with a headbutt to the side of the head.
20:24Kurt Angle, knocked to a loop.
20:26My God, look at this.
20:27Knocked down again.
20:28Eddie, top rope.
20:29No, frog splash.
20:30Nobody home.
20:32How quick did Eddie make that decision?
20:35But how much quicker was Kurt to get his body out of the way?
20:38Great point.
20:39Kurt Angle, if Eddie Guerrero had hit the frog splash there, this one was over.
20:44I agree.
20:44Angle realized it.
20:45I agree with that.
20:49Kurt Angle, back to his feet first.
20:52Eddie Guerrero's midsection has suffered a tremendous amount of punishment.
20:55And now, the right hand, a closed fist, the first to the midsection by Kurt Angle.
21:00Kurt Angle just stomping the car out of Eddie Guerrero.
21:03I ask you, is that a principled man, Kurt Angle?
21:05The closed right hand straight to the face of our champion.
21:08Kurt Angle's in a fight, Cole.
21:10Kurt Angle's in a fight.
21:11He's trying to become WWE Champion at WrestleMania.
21:14The man is in a WrestleMania.
21:16I realize that, but Kurt Angle talks out of both sides of his mouth.
21:19The guy's a hypocrite.
21:20Give me a break.
21:22I don't think he's a hypocrite.
21:23I think he's a tremendous athlete.
21:24What was that?
21:24A straight right hand.
21:26This isn't a boxing match.
21:27It's a wrestling match.
21:29You know what?
21:29Sometimes you gotta punch a guy in the face when you got him on the ropes.
21:32You punch him in the face.
21:34Eddie Guerrero back to his feet again.
21:36These are like the right hands Kurt Angle delivered to Eddie Guerrero
21:40when he was handcuffed a couple of weeks ago on SmackDown.
21:43Well, no.
21:44Paul Heyman was in a match, our general manager, with Eddie Guerrero.
21:47When he was handcuffed, he was right- Not the right hand.
21:50These right hands are very similar, though.
21:52That is not- And Eddie Guerrero wants some more.
21:55Latino Heat is firing up the right hand.
21:58Well, he's gonna get some more.
21:59The champion back to his feet.
22:01He's got intestinal fortitude, Guerrero does, but I don't think he's too smart.
22:06And here comes Eddie Guerrero.
22:08Here comes the champion.
22:10Latino Heat with the right hands.
22:13Elbow to the face.
22:14Feet close line.
22:15Eddie Guerrero building momentum here, Cole.
22:17And he's starting to feel it.
22:18This is what Kurt Angle did not want.
22:20Momentum for Eddie Guerrero.
22:22Ripped into the corner.
22:23Nobody home.
22:24Kurt Angle bounces off the top turnbuckle.
22:26Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh.
22:27And a suplex.
22:28Right on the back of the head goes Angle.
22:30Here's the cover by the champion.
22:32It's in.
22:32There's down, and Kurt Angle gets the shoulder up just barely.
22:35Yeah, but Eddie Guerrero's trying to kick himself at the second gear here.
22:40You gotta wonder, his breathing's gotta be tough already.
22:43Most of all, Kurt working on his midsection.
22:45Kurt Angle- Nice, nice.
22:48Going behind here.
22:49Heads up.
22:49German suplex.
22:50And the hands remain locked around the waist of the champion.
22:55Well, now Kurt Angle, again, keeping his body close to Eddie.
22:58Quite possibly a second German.
23:00Eddie Guerrero rolls through.
23:01Look at this.
23:02They steal the win.
23:03And Kurt Angle kicked out.
23:05Get it.
23:06Close line.
23:07Man, oh man, the Shevitz.
23:09You heard the skin hit skin there.
23:11Kurt Angle's so explosive.
23:14Always knows where he's at in the ring.
23:16I'm telling you.
23:17Well, that's what makes Kurt Angle the athlete, the man that he is, Cole.
23:22Come on, now.
23:22Gold medal winner, former WWE champion.
23:25We might witness tonight Kurt become WWE champ again.
23:29Well, Kurt Angle realizes the champion's in trouble.
23:31Kurt Angle's stalking Eddie Guerrero.
23:32Angle slam.
23:33Angle slam.
23:33Angle slam into an arm drag.
23:35Beautiful counter with that arm drag.
23:36And a clothesline.
23:37And Eddie Guerrero, the champion, ducks the clothesline.
23:41Off the ropes.
23:42Tilt the world over with the head scissors.
23:45Kurt Angle's in trouble.
23:46There's the confidence I'm talking about.
23:48Kurt, get your head together.
23:49Come on, now.
23:50Latino, he's feeling it.
23:52What's this? What's this?
23:53Kick to Kurt's midsection.
23:55Great suplex.
23:56Again, this is what Eddie tried earlier.
23:59These triple verticals that we've seen Eddie do so
24:01many times on SmackDown.
24:03Such an effective offense by Guerrero.
24:05Can Eddie hit for a third here?
24:07Kurt Angle.
24:09Look at this.
24:09Nice ankle pick, maybe for an ankle lock.
24:11We'll see.
24:11Kurt Angle trying to turn over Eddie Guerrero to the belly for that ankle lock.
24:14He got it.
24:15The ankle lock's locked in.
24:16The champion's in the center of the ring.
24:17The champion's in trouble.
24:19Will Eddie tap to the ankle lock?
24:20Right smack dab in the middle.
24:22Whoa, look at this.
24:22And Eddie countered.
24:24Very impressive by the WWE champ, Eddie Guerrero.
24:27But it doesn't take long for Angle to damage the ankle.
24:30What a drop kick.
24:31Kurt running right into that bad boy.
24:33Eddie, where's he going?
24:35Uh-oh, the champion of the apron.
24:38Eddie might be feeling froggy.
24:39Eddie missed that quick frog splash before.
24:42Kurt Angle's down center of the ring.
24:43Can Eddie-
24:44The champion flying high.
24:46Kurt Angle.
24:47What a throw by the challenger.
24:53Kurt Angle throwing into the cover.
24:54Here we go.
24:55Hooks the leg.
24:56Weakening the champion.
25:00How did Eddie kick out of that?
25:02Had to be just on instinct.
25:04Eddie had to hear the referee's hand hit that bat the second time.
25:07And he just popped his shoulder up.
25:09Kurt Angle's got to be at the point of saying,
25:11what do I got to do to put the champion away?
25:15Well, Kurt Angle looks like he's got his head together.
25:18But the straps are coming down, Eddie.
25:20It's go time for Kurt Angle.
25:23The straps are down.
25:23Here it is.
25:24Here we go.
25:24The ankle lock is in.
25:25The champion's in trouble.
25:27Kurt is dragging Eddie to the center of the ring with the ankle lock locked in.
25:31Right in the middle of the ring, the ankle lock is on.
25:34And again, another counter.
25:35Shoulders down.
25:36He did it.
25:36Eddie Guerrero almost won.
25:39Eddie Guerrero had Angle all tied up.
25:41Missed with the right hand.
25:43Kurt Angle, and suplex.
25:45Another German.
25:46How hard did Guerrero hit there?
25:48And just when Eddie Guerrero looks like he's going to turn the corner,
25:52it gained the advantage.
25:53Kurt Angle knocks him down.
25:55And that's the effectiveness of a well-applied and impactful suplex.
25:59You could plant a guy quick, and hear Angle say, get up.
26:02Get up.
26:04Eddie, the suplex is taking the toll on Eddie's back.
26:08What a counter.
26:09Holy God.
26:10What a counter by Kurt Angle.
26:13Head first.
26:14A DDT on that surgical band neck.
26:16And here goes Eddie.
26:17Here goes Eddie.
26:18All men.
26:19Kurt's in trouble, men.
26:21Eddie Guerrero.
26:23Yes, correct.
26:24He's got it.
26:25He's got it.
26:26And he's got it.
26:28Did Kurt come out?
26:29I don't know.
26:30Nick Clamser, the referee, says Kurt got the shoulder off.
26:34I can't believe it.
26:35Eddie can't believe it.
26:37I can't believe it either.
26:39And neither can Madison Square Garden.
26:42Don't waste time now, Eddie.
26:43Gotta get on him.
26:44The champion needs to attack Kurt Angle right here, right now.
26:49Kurt Angle got planted with that DDT, though, man.
26:52Take another look at the high-flying champion.
26:55Check this out.
26:56Look at that.
26:58Laying it all.
26:59He used the cover.
27:00That worked.
27:01We couldn't see it, but apparently it happened.
27:03He kicked out.
27:04Angle did.
27:05I can't believe it, Patrick.
27:06The referee said it.
27:07And Eddie, right back on the attack of Kurt Angle.
27:11Eddie trying to lift that dead weight of the challenger, Angle, to his feet.
27:12And he's got it.
27:13It's impossible.
27:14Oh, man.
27:15He's back to the ankle lock, Angle is.
27:16Angle played possum.
27:17He picked the ankle.
27:18The champion.
27:19Look at the agony in the eyes of the champion Guerrero.
27:20Eddie counted two other times earlier.
27:21I don't think Eddie's counting this time, Angle.
27:22Eddie tapped.
27:23He's gonna tap right now, y'all.
27:24Eddie's gonna tap.
27:25Hang on, Eddie.
27:26Just hang on.
27:27Eddie's gonna tap.
27:28He's got it.
27:29He's got it.
27:30He's got it.
27:31He's got it.
27:32He's got it.
27:33He's got it.
27:34He's got it.
27:35He's got it.
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