" Nawaz Sharif 3 Bar Wazeer e Azam Rahay, Unhon Ne Kisi Army Chief Ko Extension Nahi Di. ."

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" Nawaz Sharif 3 Bar Wazeer e Azam Rahay, Unhon Ne Kisi Army Chief Ko Extension Nahi Di. ."
00:00In April 2019, Khawaja Asif met General Faiz at his father-in-law's house and he was offered to take control of Punjab and Central Punjab as we are sick of Khan, so to say.
00:22I was working on the timelines and saw that you met him in September 2020 and he met you in April 2019.
00:34After your meeting, there was so much commotion that not only did your leadership first object, but then it was said in a few words that no one was allowed behind the seven curtains.
00:44Now someone personally, individually or as a community spoke to any senior officer or any representative of the agencies.
00:54So is it so unpleasant for your leadership to come out of your meeting because you understand that the meetings were taking place a year and a half ago?
01:05Yes, a year and a half ago. Let me clarify one thing. When I say that there was contact and there were meetings, there is such a strong response from the PMLN.
01:19I would like to say one thing about Khawaja Asif's statement that he says that General Faiz Ameed offered him and meaning that General Bajwa's blessings were also there and we did not have to take anything in return.
01:35The first thing is that the record of Nawaz Sharif, when he was PM three times, he did not give any extension to any army chief.
01:44And that is the only period in Pakistan's history that if any PM stopped an army chief from taking an extension, it was near Nawaz Sharif.
01:51So what was being offered that we said that we offer him that you take the extension and we do not want anything in return for it.
01:59So the two things do not go together.
02:02The second thing is that the meeting in 2019, as Khawaja Asif is saying, Khawaja Asif must be right.
02:14The context of the meeting was completely different.
02:18The meeting that took place on the last day of 7th September, after that the PDM was formed.
02:24And the PDM was formed because it was an objective to remove the government of Pakistan through street power, through Jalsa Jalusa and through demonstrations.
02:35And it was a clearly stated objective.
02:37We will do resignations, we will break the assembly of Sindh and so on and so forth.
02:41So when the PDM was formed after 15 days of the meeting, there was a reaction from the army that you were doing peace talks just now and you suddenly announced this.
02:54And it is obvious that Mr. Nawaz Sharif started giving very strict speeches.
02:58Gujranwala had not taken place. Gujranwala took place after a month.
03:03But he started giving speeches about the army, which I am sure will be reported.
03:09He had not done Jalsa, but in internal meetings etc.
03:12In the meeting of the PDM etc.
03:14So because of this, the army reacted and the army had to come and tell that now your representatives have come and met and now you have suddenly started giving speeches.
03:29Now you have raised two very relevant points, Mr. Mohammad Zubair.
03:35One is that you have raised a relevant point that you have never given any extension, so there is no free lunch.
03:40That too when you are being put up against the wall, which was being put up on Muslim League Noon at that time.
03:46So what Mr. Khawaja says, no quid pro quo.
03:49I was not given this mandate that I should talk about this now.
03:52No free lunch.
03:54So after lunch, we saw a lot of chaos.
03:56I have read the dates.
03:58Mian sahib's bail, Mian sahib going out of the country, Mariam sahiba's bail, all the leaders coming out one by one.
04:06Then the PDM government was formed.
04:08Timeline, this all seems to be falling in place.
04:10But that being said, Mr. Khawaja, Asif, the first question that arises is personal friendships, meetings, everyone.
04:18You also had them at that time, but there was a lot of pressure on you.
04:22You were elected because of your unfair contacts, not just because you were a representative.
04:27But why did you have to go to the house of the father-in-law of the Bajwa executive army chief, number one.
04:33If you don't want anything or there is no message to begin with.
04:36Where you know that such a meeting can be held.
04:38People are also raising questions on this.
04:40Secondly, tell me when you say that there was nothing to take.
04:44The latest was Mr. Raheel Sharif who was denied by Mr. Nawaz Sharif of the extension.
04:49So what was your information?
04:51Did you want to get relief from the cases of intangible words?
04:57Or was it intended to remove Khan too when it was decided?
05:01It was our clear objective to remove Khan from the moment elections were held.
05:09We did not accept his election results.
05:12Including the PPP did not do it.
05:14And Bilawal was the first to coin the word selected in the assembly.
05:19When the assembly came into existence in August 2018.
05:22So it was our stated position.
05:24There was nothing to hide in it.
05:26That they do not have a mandate and somehow we have to remove them.
05:30And the second thing is that the offer made in June 2019, which Khawaja Asif said.
05:36How to remove that offer?
05:38He was not saying that we will have elections.
05:41He said that you take the government.
05:43It was a matter of in-house change.
05:46In Punjab, the offer of in-house change was given.
05:49And then at the federal level, the offer of in-house change was given.
05:52Which inevitably happened.
05:53Ultimately, when the vote of no confidence happened in March 2022.
05:59Then what is the surprise that the establishment was not behind.
06:03And we did not know that we had no relationship with the establishment.
06:08So the two things do not go together.
