It Just Keeps Getting Worse

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It Just Keeps Getting Worse
00:00We know that Borders Are Kamala Harris, and she is the Borders Are, has let in millions of
00:04unvetted illegals who aren't just a national security threat, but they are illegally voting
00:09in our elections, and real Americans have to pay to feed and house them in hotels,
00:15which is ridiculous. But the border crisis just got a lot worse. It's about to get even worse
00:23if Kamala is elected. And I can't say I didn't see this coming, but the video is still
00:28outrageous nonetheless. So Pocahontas, aka Elizabeth Warren, says Kamala Harris wants
00:36to grant citizenship to all the illegals she has let into the country. Let's play that video.
00:43To have more resources in the states and cities that are supporting migrants, and I believe we
00:49need to create a pathway to citizenship. All of that is part of what we need to do for comprehensive
00:56immigration reform. Kamala Harris will work with Congress and get that done.
01:06Kamala is obviously an open borders globalist, right? This is somebody who hates America. She
01:12hates the American people. She hates our culture. Otherwise, she wouldn't have facilitated this open
01:16border crisis, and she wouldn't be wanting to make all of these millions of illegals who are
01:22now living in our country automatically legal. It's just wrong. It's also so disrespectful to
01:30people who are waiting and did this process right. My grandmother is one of them, came from Spain,
01:35waited for a long time to become a citizen, did it the right way. It's just wrong. It's unjust.
01:44And when you overwhelm the American populace with millions of illegals, there's no room
01:49for assimilation. You essentially destroy who we are as Americans. I'm not against immigration,
01:55but if you don't have them come in controlled waves where they can then assimilate into the
01:59culture, suddenly your culture starts to disappear. I have another clip for you guys.
02:04This one is from five years ago, but it's really important. It's with Jake Tapper, CNN. You really
02:13won't believe what Kamala has said in this clip, but I think we should take her at her word when
02:18she says this must be addressed. The bill also says, quote, every individual who is a resident
02:24of the United States is entitled to benefits for healthcare services under this act. Not every
02:28individual who's a citizen, but every individual who's a resident. So you support giving universal
02:34healthcare, Medicare for all to people who are in this country illegally. Let me just be very
02:39clear about this. I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country, any human being
02:46from access to public safety, public education, or public health period.
02:56Clear as can be. Kamala wants universal healthcare, including Medicare for all for illegals. This is
03:06insane. Kamala and the Democrats know that real Americans aren't buying what they are selling.
03:16And this is truly a disgusting policy from her because essentially what she says is,
03:24I don't care if regular Americans are mad at me. I'm just going to legalize a bunch of
03:30the unvetted immigrants that I let through our open border and they'll vote for me.
03:34They'll support me. So wrong. So outrageous. Now there are a lot of reports as we talk about
03:44Kamala being an actual commie that she fits the dictator archetype in more ways than one.
03:51Apparently Kamala treats her staff very, very poorly. 92% of Kamala's staff left her in the
04:01first three years as vice president. Now you guys, this is not normal. It's a huge honor to work for
04:08the president, to work for the vice president. People don't just leave those jobs. It has to
04:13have been real bad. And there's a lot of reports from individuals talking about their experience
04:23of working with Kamala. And I want to bring to your attention one from 2019. This was written
04:30by a Democrat voting father whose son interned for Kamala. So bizarre. Uh, Jay Eugene McAteer.
04:43And I'm going to read, bear with me. I'm going to read you some of these excerpts,
04:46but I think it really illustrates what cool Kamala is as a person. So he wrote Senator
04:52Harris vocally throws around F bombs and other profanity constantly in her, in her berating of
05:00staff and others. The staff is in complete fear of her. And she used her profanity throughout the
05:06day as attorney general, Senator Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she
05:12entered the office and say, good morning, general. Can you believe that one? That's so crazy. This
05:17woman is insane. Never once during the month long internship for this man's son, did Harris
05:23introduce herself to our son as he was only in an office with 20 paid employees and staff was
05:29too intimidated by her to introduce him. The only acknowledgement was a form letter was a form
05:35letter of thanks signed by Harris given to him on his last day of service. Gregory their son was
05:42also given instructions to never address Harris, nor look at her in the eye as the privilege was
05:48only allowed to senior staff members. I think you can tell a lot about a person by the way that
05:59they treat people who are professionally below them. And clearly Kamala treats her staff very
06:08poorly. And I'm, I'm somebody who says, you know, reports like this can be false. Sometimes, you
06:13know, people make up lies all the time. Look at what happened to Brett Kavanaugh, right? This
06:19happens to people who are in power, but when you have 92% of your staff leaving within the three
06:28years, that's a sign that there is a problem that it's not just one person who, who is, you know,
06:37disgruntled and lashes out. It's, it's a real issue that she's having with everyone that she
06:46works with, which is a very, very negative, uh, sign for who she is as a person and how she's
06:54going to run our own country.
