Catching a Killer S2 Episode 1 - A Stab in the Dark

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Catching a Killer Season 2 Episode 1


00:00:00Tens Valley Police, what's the emergency?
00:00:20Hello, my brother's just seen someone who said his mate's been stabbed and he's sick
00:00:25of them.
00:00:26I ran past him and said, help, my friend's just been stabbed and he's now hiding in
00:00:29our alleyway.
00:00:35Tens Valley Police, what's your emergency?
00:00:38We've got somebody who's been stabbed here and there's loads of blood on the floor so
00:00:42we need somebody to be here.
00:00:43I'm not sure if he's dead or if he's still alive.
00:00:47And what did you hear?
00:00:48Just some shouting and screaming and then that's it and then the car squeaked away.
00:00:52I mean, I'm not even sure if we should be really here because, you know, I don't know
00:00:56if those guys are actually after him or if they're going to come back.
00:01:00Where's the person that's been injured?
00:01:02We need torches now.
00:01:03Come here quick.
00:01:04Hold the torch for me.
00:01:05Start CPR.
00:01:06D-tip is on.
00:01:07Stand clear, stand clear, stand clear.
00:01:14We've got nothing.
00:01:22We've got nothing.
00:01:48The first point we brought any blood is just before this.
00:01:52Cover here and it's got a lot of movement in it.
00:01:55It's across the road here.
00:01:57So when they go running round, this is literally where they're running round?
00:02:00Yeah, so there's CCTVs from that one so you can see those two silver cars on the footage.
00:02:04It's those two there.
00:02:09Right, I think we're all present and correct.
00:02:11The victim has been identified as Kyron Lee.
00:02:14He's a 21-year-old male.
00:02:16He's local to the area.
00:02:18The rucksack has been located near our deceased male and within that bag was found to be a
00:02:22very large amount of cash and lots of cannabis deals.
00:02:30He's obviously gone through here.
00:02:31He's then managed to get going over here.
00:02:35This is when it gets more intense.
00:02:37You can see the movement in it is running.
00:02:39There's a fair bit of blood on there.
00:02:41There's a load of blood in the bush there and the rucksack was just there.
00:02:45And then really started to suffer.
00:02:49Right, forward.
00:02:51We're just conducting house-to-house enquiries about what's happened on Sunday.
00:02:54I see you've got some CCTV cameras.
00:02:57Are they in operation?
00:03:01Kyron is known to us, but really it's for low-level criminality.
00:03:06The attack here is just so ferocious that someone's previous criminality doesn't
00:03:12necessarily directly correlate with what we're dealing with.
00:03:17Hi, everybody.
00:03:23I just want to assess where we are.
00:03:25Alex, could you give the family update?
00:03:27The main line from Donna, the mother, she says Kyron doesn't hold grudges,
00:03:33doesn't have issues with people.
00:03:35And then we spoke to Cassell, Kyron's older brother.
00:03:38Cassell's at uni in Brighton.
00:03:40He is pretty much estranged from his family.
00:03:42He suggests he doesn't get on with them because of their lifestyle.
00:03:45He knows that both his brothers are drug dealers.
00:03:47Kyron started that way and Donny followed.
00:03:52Right, so today we're going to go and see the eldest brother, Cassell.
00:03:55He's down in Brighton at the moment, studying at uni,
00:03:58but I don't think he's been in Slough for quite a few years.
00:04:02It would just be, I think, really helpful to learn a bit about the family dynamic.
00:04:09So where I want to start, Cassell, is I want to learn a little bit
00:04:13about you and Kyron's upbringing.
00:04:16And then we'll fill in the blanks where we need to.
00:04:18So it was always just me and Kyron until Mum and Donny,
00:04:21when I was four and Kyron was three.
00:04:30We spent a lot of time together.
00:04:32He was my best friend, which had been forgotten about in recent years.
00:04:36Happy birthday to Cassell.
00:04:40Happy birthday.
00:04:42He was quite a cheeky person.
00:04:44If he said something that he kind of wasn't sure about,
00:04:48he'd look at you at the corner of his eye
00:04:50and then kind of turn around and smirk.
00:04:53So he had that cheeky charisma about him.
00:04:57Yo, how are you?
00:05:01Smiling back at you, mate.
00:05:03I hope you've been good.
00:05:05I'm going to come see you soon.
00:05:07He was caring.
00:05:09He wanted the best for a lot of people.
00:05:13Mum was quite good back then, before she went downhill.
00:05:17Done her best to make sure we were fed and clothed
00:05:20and looked after as such.
00:05:22Little mischievous, but they're still my little boys.
00:05:27Yeah, we had a good upbringing up until, you know, later in our life.
00:05:37He was with a friend, our victim, Vincent Gill.
00:05:40He is yet to speak to us.
00:05:42It would be fair to say he's in shock.
00:05:44He's not dealing with it very well.
00:05:46The VW Golf, it was abandoned.
00:05:48It's now closed and called in by a member of the public
00:05:50just after nine o'clock this morning.
00:05:52It's a cloned plate.
00:05:53The original vehicle was stolen on the 4th of September.
00:06:01At this point, this is our major bit of evidence.
00:06:04He was very happy to have it seized.
00:06:08We got some blood.
00:06:11Hi, Paulos.
00:06:12We found a spot of blood on the passenger door handle.
00:06:15If you want us to swab it?
00:06:20Happy days.
00:06:21Someone always slips up.
00:06:23Fingers crossed.
00:06:28Sorry, Jonathan, I know you're busy.
00:06:30Can you just show me what you've just shown Pete?
00:06:33What we've got here is Kyron and his friend Vinnie
00:06:37coming into the Londis.
00:06:39This is a little bit before the incident.
00:06:41They were going to have dinner cooked for them
00:06:43in return for walking the dog.
00:06:49And then it's when they're en route then
00:06:51to Vinnie's mum's address.
00:06:52So essentially when we next see them,
00:06:54this is the community centre
00:06:56and there's this red moped with two individuals on it
00:06:58that comes past the Londis.
00:07:00Immediately after that, there's Kyron.
00:07:02Someone on the moped shouted something towards Kyron,
00:07:05which is why Kyron circles around.
00:07:11And we've got the gulf approaching,
00:07:13around to the corner.
00:07:15Kyron and Vinnie come into view
00:07:17and it turns across into him.
00:07:19Oh, wow.
00:07:20Oh, yeah, back here now.
00:07:25And then occupants in the vehicle
00:07:27chase him and attack him.
00:07:29Because you can see him unsheathing, can't you?
00:07:31He's pulling at air.
00:07:34It gives him a good push back, doesn't it?
00:07:38There's no doubt that driver's got intent to kill him.
00:07:41Absolutely, yeah.
00:07:50It's a gratuitous attack.
00:07:52There is no doubt that they were intending
00:07:54to inflict unsurvivable injuries, which they did.
00:07:59It's definitely one of the most,
00:08:01if not the most brutal murders I've seen.
00:08:06We're experienced in murders,
00:08:08but every so often these come along and you're like,
00:08:11that is truly shocking footage.
00:08:13It is awful.
00:08:14This case is really difficult.
00:08:16We've got a stolen vehicle, clone plates.
00:08:19CCTV coverage is good,
00:08:21but they're wearing face coverings and hoods.
00:08:25What we do know is that the five individuals
00:08:28in that vehicle are equally responsible
00:08:30for the murder of Kyron.
00:08:35I can't remember the last time I spoke to Kyron,
00:08:37which is one of the hardest things about it all.
00:08:40I was 15 when I left.
00:08:42Mum was doing her own things,
00:08:44getting caught up in her own problems.
00:08:47So I'd got kicked out of school.
00:08:49Mum and Dad were like,
00:08:51So I'd got kicked out of school.
00:08:53Mum and Dad weren't together.
00:08:56So I kind of just went on to my dad's
00:08:58and tried to do better for myself.
00:09:01When our mum decided to go down a slippery slope,
00:09:07her habits and lifestyle choices,
00:09:09there wasn't money in the house
00:09:11because the money was going elsewhere.
00:09:14At this point as well, we had a fourth brother.
00:09:17So Kyron had to kind of step up
00:09:20and look after his family.
00:09:22Let's be upfront about it.
00:09:24What does he do and what's going on?
00:09:26Started to drug deal.
00:09:28The stresses that he was having
00:09:30with how Mum was acting
00:09:32led him to have to turn
00:09:34to a lifestyle which he didn't want.
00:09:36He was having to buy
00:09:38the necessary stuff
00:09:40like formula for milk
00:09:42for his little brother
00:09:44and clothes for Donny.
00:09:46So whilst his actions
00:09:48were perhaps the wrong actions,
00:09:50his intentions were still good.
00:09:52Yeah, exactly.
00:09:54He was motivated by his family.
00:09:56It all goes without saying,
00:09:58it didn't mean I loved him any less.
00:10:00I wish that all my brothers and I were a lot closer.
00:10:02It's just how things unfolded, unfortunately.
00:10:18So you mentioned
00:10:20to the police officer on the scene
00:10:22Somalian kids.
00:10:24Do you know why they got Kyron instead?
00:10:26OK, that's brilliant.
00:10:28All right, thank you, bye.
00:10:32So, she won't make a statement.
00:10:34Oh, OK.
00:10:36But she's telling me
00:10:38that it's all to do with
00:10:40when Donny got stabbed previously.
00:10:42The victim's brother.
00:10:44It's the same people.
00:10:46They're all local
00:10:48Somalian boys.
00:10:50It's actually nothing to do
00:10:52with the victim.
00:10:54He just appears to have been in the wrong place
00:10:56at the wrong time.
00:10:58They were actually looking for Donny.
00:11:00This is a revenge attack.
00:11:16All right, let's go.
00:11:18In short, it's the murder investigation
00:11:20into Kyron Lee's vehicle
00:11:22that the suspects were travelling in was abandoned in this car park.
00:11:24And from CCTV from around the estate
00:11:26we've been able to find out
00:11:28where the occupants of that vehicle have gone.
00:11:32We know what we're looking for
00:11:34but to reiterate, they are large machetes
00:11:36that we are searching for
00:11:38and that they are the murder weapons.
00:11:40So down towards
00:11:42the little dead end
00:11:44and they're down there for four minutes.
00:11:56shall we go and meet Stephen?
00:11:58It's Kyron's dad.
00:12:00He's in Ipswich.
00:12:02He's been there, I think, for 15 years.
00:12:10Hi, how are you, Stephen?
00:12:12After you.
00:12:14Come in, come in.
00:12:16I think the focus for me today
00:12:18is your knowledge of Kyron
00:12:20the warts and all version
00:12:22because it'll help with motive.
00:12:24When Cassell was living with us
00:12:26I'd hoped Kyron would come up as well
00:12:28but he was saying
00:12:30that he wants to stay with his mum
00:12:32and his little baby brother
00:12:34and try and make things better.
00:12:36I respected that of Kyron
00:12:39because, you know, Kyron was that kind of person.
00:12:41If he was in the local shop
00:12:43and you were short
00:12:45he'd pay for your shopping and stuff like that.
00:12:47I knew
00:12:49with the lives that they were probably living
00:12:51something would have happened
00:12:53but I never thought I'd lose one of my boys
00:12:55before me.
00:12:57Never thought it would ever happen.
00:12:59When you speak
00:13:01to the likes of Kyron's friends
00:13:03and you've got these kids lining up
00:13:05ask them to line up at my door as well.
00:13:07Getting lots of little bits of information
00:13:09but sometimes we need to hear it from the right people
00:13:11but everybody's trying to help.
00:13:13It's his mates that will
00:13:15really open up this investigation
00:13:17as to what that motive was.
00:13:19People who knew Kyron best
00:13:21who knew Donnie best.
00:13:23Not one bad word
00:13:25has been said about Kyron.
00:13:27Kyron was a giver.
00:13:29Kyron was a helper.
00:13:31I know there's tit for tat
00:13:33Donnie got stabbed
00:13:35I know Donnie has done some things
00:13:37but if Kyron hasn't done anything
00:13:39if he never hurt anyone
00:13:45In those moments
00:13:47what made them
00:13:49follow him
00:13:51what made them attack him
00:13:53why take another person's life?
00:13:57I've lost a child
00:13:59that doesn't register
00:14:01doesn't make sense.
00:14:28Afternoon everyone
00:14:30Afternoon everybody
00:14:32so we've had some intelligence come in
00:14:34that's led us to our first suspect
00:14:36and he's allegedly part of the group
00:14:38which has a history of tit for tat stabbings
00:14:40with Kyron's younger brother Donnie.
00:14:42The information received there
00:14:44was a male called Khalid
00:14:46was in possession of the gulf
00:14:48that was involved in the stabbing
00:14:50of Kyron. We did some
00:14:52research and came up with
00:14:54Khalid Nur.
00:14:56I've asked the intelligence team
00:14:58to look into Khalid
00:15:00to identify him and also
00:15:02get a photo of him as well.
00:15:06We don't have a photo up so we can't
00:15:08use discreet tactics on him yet
00:15:10but they should get some phone work back in the next hour
00:15:1290 minutes. We either go and do a doorknob
00:15:14at risk that they're not in and then we don't have
00:15:16power to entry or we wait for the warrant
00:15:18ultimately if he's not there
00:15:20then we still want to secure that scene don't we?
00:15:22Yeah exactly.
00:15:24At least we're making some progress.
00:15:28What are the chances of an arrest?
00:15:32The brutal honesty is
00:15:34we're doing some stuff but we haven't even got
00:15:36a photograph of him but we don't actually know what we're looking for.
00:15:40Sorry mate. That's alright, no worries.
00:15:42No problem.
00:15:44We've got nothing at the minute.
00:15:48They are actively looking for him.
00:15:50Alright, speak to you in a bit.
00:15:52Thanks mate, bye bye.
00:15:54I've just spotted
00:15:56a machete in one of the bushes
00:15:58so I thought I'd just let you know.
00:16:0018 inch machete, black handle
00:16:02and it's in a black sheath
00:16:04so it's quite in the undergrowth.
00:16:06Alright, cheers.
00:16:10Our crime scene investigators
00:16:12are here to recover the weapon
00:16:14they'll blood screen it
00:16:16and check for any blood pattern on the knife.
00:16:18Any knife off the street is good.
00:16:20I can't imagine it's here for any other reason
00:16:22than to hurt someone.
00:16:24Let's put it that way.
00:16:36going to nip someone imminently
00:16:38so we've just got some information
00:16:40that Callaghan and two males are in a taxi
00:16:42and they're on their way to a slow train station.
00:16:45And they've got luggage as well
00:16:47so I'm going to send a team then
00:16:49and arrest them because it wouldn't surprise me
00:16:51that they're trying to leave the country.
00:16:53Can you or someone else, one of the uniformed
00:16:55from the front, go in?
00:17:03Now I've given Darren the arrest strategy.
00:17:05They're all zooming to that address now.
00:17:09I'm going to send a team
00:17:11and arrest them.
00:17:13I don't know who the other two males are
00:17:15but we're going to have to nick them.
00:17:17I think there's a fair indication
00:17:19that they're probably trying to get out of the country
00:17:21because they're involved
00:17:23so we'd be dropping a bollock if we didn't nick them.
00:17:25They've just arrived.
00:17:33There they are. Right, right, right.
00:17:39Yo, Darren!
00:17:41Get on the ground! Get on the f***ing floor!
00:17:43Down, down, down, down!
00:17:45Get on the f***ing ground!
00:17:51Get your f***ing arms out!
00:17:57Get your right arm going now!
00:18:11He had the ability
00:18:13to make everyone he met
00:18:15feel special.
00:18:17That's a mother's tribute to a man
00:18:19who died in Slough.
00:18:21His mother said that Kieran was loved
00:18:23by so many and he was the kindest,
00:18:25most loving, genuine person.
00:18:27A 20-year-old man from Slough has been arrested
00:18:29in connection with the incident
00:18:31in Waterman Court in Sippenham.
00:18:37Morning, everyone.
00:18:39Morning, everyone.
00:18:41I just want this to be a really quick fly-through
00:18:43of where we are because we're under pressure.
00:18:45So the two males that were arrested
00:18:47with Khalid Nur
00:18:49have been released. They've provided alibis
00:18:51which have checked out.
00:18:59Khalid is definitely a person of interest
00:19:01who we think might know quite a bit of information
00:19:03so hopefully he does speak to us
00:19:05but it might be a no-comment interview.
00:19:09Khalid, tell me about
00:19:11your involvement in the murder of Kieran.
00:19:13My client has asked me to read out
00:19:15a statement. Lovely, thank you.
00:19:17Statement of Khalid Nur.
00:19:19I'm a 20-year-old young man
00:19:21of good character. I'm working
00:19:23part-time and studying at college.
00:19:25I live in the Slough area and know
00:19:27many people there as neighbours, friends
00:19:29and acquaintances. I am not
00:19:31responsible for the death of Kieran Lee.
00:19:35I wish to exercise my right to silence
00:19:37the rest of this interview.
00:19:41It doesn't phase us whether a
00:19:43suspect talks or whether they
00:19:45provide a no-comment interview.
00:19:47There's still questions we have to ask you, that's
00:19:49what we have to do. Witnesses have given
00:19:51details to the police about seeing a group of males
00:19:53chase Kieran with machetes.
00:19:55He's then seemed to be stabbed multiple times.
00:19:57Tell me who had the weapons.
00:19:59He provided a
00:20:01prepared statement. He says he's not
00:20:03responsible for it. It's odd to just
00:20:05say, I live in Slough
00:20:07and I know a lot of people.
00:20:11He's not denying association, is he?
00:20:13Or being there. He's not said anything like that.
00:20:21Tell me what you've got, Terry. This is the
00:20:23location where the incident took place.
00:20:25It's the location where the
00:20:27This is the location where the incident
00:20:29happened, the main part of the incident.
00:20:31It's quite graphic, so just be aware of that.
00:20:33Oh, yeah.
00:20:37Is that
00:20:39the fatal stab then, potentially?
00:20:41Yeah, he had no chance from there.
00:20:45It doesn't make it very far, he'll admit to another ten yards.
00:20:49I've never seen
00:20:51so much blood.
00:20:53He's pretty resigned at that point, isn't he?
00:21:05Donna's put an entry
00:21:07on Facebook.
00:21:09I'm not the perfect mother,
00:21:11but I'm certainly not the worst.
00:21:19I've made mistakes, made terrible
00:21:21decisions, but I'm certain of this.
00:21:23Kieron loved me
00:21:25and I loved him.
00:21:27And this is between us.
00:21:29Kieron was definitely
00:21:31like me in every way.
00:21:33He was my double.
00:21:35He was the only one of my children that was
00:21:37exactly like me.
00:21:41He had this vision of us all being back together again.
00:21:43All of us and the four boys.
00:21:45That's all he ever wanted.
00:21:49He felt he had to take care of me and his little brother.
00:21:51And in doing that,
00:21:54he did get involved with things he shouldn't have been
00:21:56getting involved with.
00:22:00He kept it quite hidden from me.
00:22:02But due to my health, I just
00:22:04didn't have no control over it, you know?
00:22:06It's almost like he was trying to be the man of the house.
00:22:08He felt that that was his duty.
00:22:15He had the world on his shoulders.
00:22:17It was difficult.
00:22:19I feel really bad about that.
00:22:21Sometimes I talk to him.
00:22:23It's just hard.
00:22:27It's good days and bad days.
00:22:35They ambushed him.
00:22:37It wasn't a one-on-one.
00:22:39It was four people with knives
00:22:41just going at him.
00:22:43He was fighting for his life.
00:22:45He had no chance.
00:22:47So what's right in that?
00:22:49They ambushed him
00:22:51like a lamb to the slaughter.
00:23:03Sometimes I just wonder
00:23:05why people do what they do.
00:23:07Stop carrying knives.
00:23:09These youngsters just think
00:23:11it's normal just to go out and carry a machete.
00:23:13Of course, if they're going to carry it,
00:23:15they're going to use it.
00:23:17Youngsters don't really think before they act
00:23:19and then it's too late.
00:23:21Karim had so many
00:23:23dreams and aspirations.
00:23:25It's just not right.
00:23:40Yeah, the good news is
00:23:42it looks like from phone work
00:23:44that Nair's phones travelled to Gatwick yesterday.
00:23:47But not got there in time for the flight.
00:23:53We have seen that two flights
00:23:55were booked using your
00:23:57passport to Istanbul
00:23:59and to Marrakesh.
00:24:01Did you book those flights
00:24:03so police could not locate you?
00:24:09There's no return flights booked.
00:24:11So was it your plan to ever come back?
00:24:13A booking was made
00:24:15for a stay at the travel lodge
00:24:17in Slough
00:24:19for the 4th to the 5th of October.
00:24:25The address provided
00:24:27in the booking
00:24:29comes back to a
00:24:31Mohammed Abdullah.
00:24:33Did he book that hotel room for you?
00:24:43Right guys, we've got our next suspect.
00:24:45I'll let Pete do this one justice.
00:24:47Yeah, so Mohammed Abdullah.
00:24:52His name had come up because his
00:24:54address was linked
00:24:56to the travel lodge
00:24:58booking for Khalid
00:25:00and then the intel team did
00:25:02an e-booker's check on him.
00:25:04Today we know he travelled
00:25:06to Calais on Eurostar.
00:25:10His phone has gone through France,
00:25:12Belgium and he's currently in the Netherlands
00:25:14so he's on his toes.
00:25:16If he was in the country it would be sufficient
00:25:18to get him arrested, interviewed and charged.
00:25:22People don't leave the country
00:25:24for no reason, but
00:25:26we still need to prove his
00:25:28involvement in the offence.
00:25:30Ethan, could you go through the finances
00:25:32you found for him?
00:25:34So looking at Abdullah's account, there's a transaction
00:25:36slightly before the offence, Pepe's Peri Peri
00:25:38which has been sent to the CCTV team.
00:25:42Someone needs to go out to that chicken shop
00:25:44tonight and get that CCTV.
00:25:46We might get some really good stills
00:25:48of our offenders.
00:25:52We got what we wanted. We got footage
00:25:54for the same guys eating their food
00:25:56and then they leave about 37 minutes
00:25:58later and they walk out of here
00:26:00down this way. They've never gone
00:26:02on the high street so now we can ignore
00:26:04the high street and focus in a new
00:26:06direction which is what we wanted.
00:26:08Clock's ticking.
00:26:18John, I've got the images on
00:26:20the chicken shop. So just to check
00:26:22these three are all suspects, is that correct?
00:26:24Yes, that's correct. So we've got
00:26:26Abdullah, who's financial transaction
00:26:28notice here in the first place. Roger.
00:26:30Khalid Nur, who's under arrest.
00:26:32Roger. And Mr Longcoat.
00:26:34And then Mr Longcoat. So Mr Longcoat
00:26:36is currently unidentified, is that correct?
00:26:38That is correct, yes.
00:26:46You've got some nice images here, haven't you?
00:26:48Well that's from really poor footwear.
00:26:50It's really clear. All the great things.
00:26:52Murderers don't change their shoes.
00:26:56Top priority is to identify the male in the CCTV.
00:26:58That male is the lad with the two
00:27:00machetes. You've seen that at the scene.
00:27:06So this morning my team are working on finding out
00:27:08all the associates of the people that we know
00:27:10of looking at their photographs to identify this male.
00:27:12This is his first facial
00:27:14image that we've got of him.
00:27:18Pretty significant really because we had no
00:27:20idea of who our people were in the car.
00:27:22The shoes are gonna be
00:27:24quite relevant because what we've got
00:27:26at the scene and later on is
00:27:28somebody with dark
00:27:30shoes with the white logo.
00:27:34It's really difficult to identify
00:27:36who he is. There's no financial
00:27:38footprint within the shop and of course
00:27:40he's with our suspects so they wouldn't
00:27:42be in communication with him at the time.
00:27:44So we're having to work really hard
00:27:46around analytics, so communications,
00:27:48data, CCTV
00:27:50to try and get a hook to identify
00:27:52exactly who he is.
00:27:56I'll just touch on
00:27:58the key updates.
00:28:00Paula, do you wanna just go through
00:28:02forensic results? Yep. Firstly
00:28:04we finished off the VW Golf yesterday
00:28:06so the blood swab that was on
00:28:08the rear offside door handle
00:28:10that has come back as a full match
00:28:12to Kyron Lee
00:28:14which links the car back to the scene
00:28:16as a definite.
00:28:20Your iPhone 12
00:28:22has been downloaded.
00:28:24This exhibit shows a
00:28:262009 Volkswagen Golf
00:28:28which is on Facebook
00:28:30Marketplace. This vehicle
00:28:32it was used in the murder.
00:28:35Why was that
00:28:37advertisement on your mobile phone?
00:28:41Did you
00:28:43wish to purchase that vehicle?
00:28:47If you've got an
00:28:49explanation to why that
00:28:51advertisement is on your phone
00:28:53and that's the car linked
00:28:55to the murder
00:28:57tell me.
00:29:03I've got no further questions to ask
00:29:05you at this time. I'm now terminating
00:29:07this interview.
00:29:11Again, he
00:29:13just remained completely silent throughout the interview
00:29:15so whilst we've not got any more information
00:29:17from him, I think
00:29:19the more that time's gone on and the fact that we've put
00:29:21more evidence to him, perhaps
00:29:23he's not feeling so confident now.
00:29:27The evidence against
00:29:29Kalidner is looking strong.
00:29:31We've got his
00:29:33CCTV movements before,
00:29:35during and after the murder.
00:29:39The fact that he tries
00:29:41to leave the country and also
00:29:43the machete that was located
00:29:45that's come back with his B&A
00:29:47both on the handle and on the sheath.
00:29:51So we've now given
00:29:53all the evidence that we've got to
00:29:55the crime prosecution service
00:29:57so essentially it's a waiting game for us.
00:30:09Right, I've had contact with Jack
00:30:11he's a family friend
00:30:13whilst there's nothing he can assist with the investigation
00:30:15it might be helpful just to learn a bit about Kieron as a person.
00:30:19Yes, Kieron dealt drugs, but there's no evidence
00:30:21of Kieron being the perpetrator of violence
00:30:23what we're still not sure
00:30:25up until now
00:30:27is why Kieron, why then,
00:30:29why there.
00:30:31Hi, Jack. Jack, so
00:30:33we understand you were one of Kieron's
00:30:35close friends and it's really important
00:30:37for us to know a bit more about his
00:30:39lifestyle, I guess. Yes, he did
00:30:41some things that he shouldn't really have done
00:30:43but he's never spoken to me
00:30:45about an ongoing violence,
00:30:47an ongoing tit-for-tat issue
00:30:49because he's clear of it. He didn't condone
00:30:51violence whatsoever, completely against
00:30:53the carrying of knives or going after
00:30:55people, that wasn't him.
00:30:57He'd hide away from that kind of stuff.
00:30:59His general path in life was all about
00:31:01change. The house was
00:31:03one change. His little brother was
00:31:05taken into care. His little brother was
00:31:07five at the time.
00:31:09Yeah, you, I'm looking at you, mate.
00:31:14Why are you getting that? That's some baby toy.
00:31:16Mummy's getting you baby toys.
00:31:18I think you're a big boy now. What toys
00:31:20do you want? Tell mummy and I'll tell
00:31:22tell me and then
00:31:24I'll sort it out, yeah?
00:31:29That triggered Kai to get the house
00:31:31into a proper neat and tidy
00:31:33order and he did it pretty hastily.
00:31:35Like, he went for it.
00:31:37From top to bottom, stripped out
00:31:39and refitted so that he could say,
00:31:41look, this is a safe place for my brother
00:31:43to come back into. That's all he wanted.
00:31:45He was well in the knowledge
00:31:47that what he wasn't doing wasn't great
00:31:49but he had every intention of
00:31:51getting a job, getting a house, having kids
00:31:53but he just needed to make that
00:31:55change and he was well on that change.
00:31:57Go on, let's get him.
00:32:09The bottom line with Kai was he didn't see his future
00:32:11in drug dealing. For him
00:32:13it was a means to an end at that time
00:32:16to get through the bad times
00:32:18for a better future. It's having
00:32:20the will to change your future but it's
00:32:22also having the means to do so.
00:32:24The saddest point is
00:32:26the turning point was too late.
00:32:33Guys, sorry, just got some news
00:32:35CPS have been reviewing the case
00:32:37this afternoon and they're going to charge
00:32:39Kaledner with the murder of Kiron
00:32:41and it's a really amazing result
00:32:43considering where we were on Monday
00:32:45Thanks to everyone for your
00:32:47hard work. Take a minute
00:32:49to kind of reflect
00:32:51on where we've got to this week
00:32:53and then carry on and get the other
00:32:55four suspects in please.
00:32:57Well done.
00:33:03Take the phone down.
00:33:12I'm pleased with the result
00:33:14because he's committed
00:33:16a crime and committed a murder
00:33:18and taken someone's life
00:33:20but this guy is only 20 years old
00:33:22and that's his life gone as well.
00:33:30You just wonder what's happened
00:33:32for him to end up in this lifestyle.
00:33:44I'm sorry
00:33:51Loads of our jobs
00:33:53is teenagers, we're carrying these
00:33:55massive knives around and it's over
00:33:57a disagreement and that's the way
00:33:59they sort it out.
00:34:03It's just sad that
00:34:05there's lots of young men
00:34:16we started to become
00:34:18more interested
00:34:20in a chap called
00:34:22Yacoub Moussa
00:34:26His phone number
00:34:28appears on our phone data
00:34:30and the phone is active before
00:34:32and after the offence
00:34:34but nothing to do with the murder.
00:34:36We've got to find out
00:34:38what's going on
00:34:40and we've got to find out
00:34:42before and after the offence
00:34:44but nothing during the time of the offence
00:34:46so it became interesting to our analysts
00:34:48However, probably about an hour ago
00:34:50I took a phone call from the Metropolitan Police
00:34:52who have indicated
00:34:54that Moussa has booked himself
00:34:56a flight to Ethiopia
00:34:58at 9 o'clock tonight
00:35:00and effectively this might be his attempt
00:35:02to flee the country.
00:35:04So this is who we're going to find
00:35:06and he's checked in online so to speak
00:35:08but he hasn't checked into the airport yet
00:35:10We've got to wait until we get to the police station
00:35:12He's going to be a tiny bit surprised I'd imagine
00:35:180X4 SIA
00:35:24What's the ETA?
00:35:2623 minutes
00:35:30So just looking at the Heathrow app
00:35:32I can see that Yacoub Moussa
00:35:34we believe he's checked in
00:35:36he's gone through security
00:35:40Has he given his passport to someone else
00:35:42to test the water that isn't liable
00:35:44to be arrested for the offence of murder?
00:35:46Yeah yeah he's gone through
00:35:48no bags, travelling alone to Ethiopia
00:35:52Quite tense waiting for these updates
00:35:54you know if he was to suddenly turn and run
00:35:56he's not beyond the realms of possibility
00:35:58he could escape
00:36:00you know anything can happen in these situations
00:36:02when people don't want to be apprehended
00:36:04for the most serious offences
00:36:100X4 SIA
00:36:16Can you take your mask off a minute?
00:36:20What's the problem?
00:36:22Right let's go and take a seat a minute
00:36:24Do you understand why we're here?
00:36:26We're investigating the murder of Khairon Lee
00:36:28Are you aware of that?
00:36:30No comment
00:36:32So we're trying to locate
00:36:34this person
00:36:36but we've got concerns that you're not that person
00:36:42Hello Pete Clark?
00:36:48This is who they've detained at the airport
00:36:50He looks quite different doesn't he James?
00:36:52He's dressed very smiley
00:36:54I wonder why
00:36:56I think it's him
00:36:58He's got to come in whatever
00:37:00Yeah he's going to be arrested for murder
00:37:02and potentially fraud if he is someone else travelling on that passport
00:37:04So yeah he's obviously not going anywhere
00:37:06but yeah get the technology used to check his identity
00:37:08and we'll get an update as to
00:37:10who he is, who he really is
00:37:12Right we'll update you shortly
00:37:14Thanks James
00:37:16You are under arrest for the murder of Khairon Lee
00:37:18So you do not have to say anything
00:37:20but it may harm your defence if you do not mention my question
00:37:22Anything you do say may be given in evidence
00:37:24Do you understand?
00:37:38Right good morning everyone
00:37:40Yakimisa was located and arrested
00:37:42He had glasses on
00:37:44which we're not aware that he habitually wears
00:37:46He was wearing clothes that were
00:37:48too big for him
00:37:50possibly an attempt to change his appearance
00:37:52but we confirmed who he was
00:37:54and he was taken to custody
00:37:56and we will now start that process
00:37:58of interviewing him
00:38:00but we've still got at least two outstanding unidentified
00:38:02suspects so a huge amount of work
00:38:04to do
00:38:06You must know something, there's background to this
00:38:08It's been escalating
00:38:10Yeah has he been a victim of stabbings?
00:38:12Yeah he was stabbed in August
00:38:14Stabbed to the head
00:38:16Last year he was arrested for
00:38:18stabbing Khairon's brother
00:38:22Okay there's some
00:38:25information that has come in to suggest
00:38:27that yourself and your associates
00:38:29had an issue with C-Block
00:38:31the gang which Donnie Lee
00:38:33Khairon's brother associates to
00:38:35Do you have any issues
00:38:37with C-Block?
00:38:39No comment
00:38:41We have information that suggests
00:38:43that you are linked to a different
00:38:45gang called the Chalvie Boys
00:38:47Are there any issues between the Chalvie Boys
00:38:49and C-Block?
00:38:51No comment
00:38:53So there was an incident
00:38:55where yourself and your two brothers were arrested
00:38:57for the stabbing of Donnie Lee
00:38:59Khairon Lee's family
00:39:01believe this is part of an ongoing
00:39:03tit for tat stabbings
00:39:05that are going back and forth between the two gangs
00:39:07No comment
00:39:13Okay we're going to have a look at some CCTV
00:39:15Now I have to give you all
00:39:17a warning it's quite graphic footage
00:39:19What is it? Okay it's the actual stabbing
00:39:21We'll play it once
00:39:23and then we'll talk through it
00:39:29I saw you raise your eyebrows
00:39:31when you saw that
00:39:33It was a fatal injury
00:39:37Do you know of anybody who was
00:39:39involved in that incident?
00:39:41No comment
00:39:43100% I swear
00:39:45Even I got stabbed here
00:39:47Stabbing is something
00:39:49that I do not want to be a part of
00:39:51I swear down
00:39:53Do you know
00:39:55who's had a part to play
00:39:57in his murder? No comment
00:39:59Okay we will
00:40:01stop the interview there then
00:40:15I've done some cell site this afternoon
00:40:17So I've got two potential
00:40:19new suspects based on
00:40:21the cell site. I've got a number
00:40:23subscribed to an Elias
00:40:29There's a gap like with the other suspects we've got
00:40:31We've got a gap in the usage on the phone
00:40:33So for him between 8.05 and
00:40:3521.27. So the phone's
00:40:37been dropped. He actually took a
00:40:39flight to Madrid
00:40:41on the 4th of October
00:40:43So he's out of the country
00:40:45Unless you tell me otherwise he looks like a
00:40:47really good suspect. Yeah I think the cell
00:40:49site's consistent along with the others
00:40:51And then I've also got Brass C. Dhamed
00:40:53He's only 17
00:40:58So he features in Noor's, Abdullah's
00:41:00and in Moosa's data
00:41:02So his phone has absolutely no
00:41:04data between 8.00 and 9.00
00:41:06So over that offense period there's nothing
00:41:08That's when you layer all these
00:41:10suspects data on top of each other
00:41:12it starts to build a good picture
00:41:14But the last cell site we've got
00:41:16puts his phone in Portsmouth
00:41:18If he's down in Portsmouth and whether he's travelled
00:41:20on a ferry or something like that
00:41:22at this time we can't say but
00:41:24that's a thought
00:41:26It's not lost on me and I don't think
00:41:28it's lost on anyone else that we've nominated
00:41:30more suspects than there were
00:41:32occupants of that vehicle
00:41:34It was negative from the search
00:41:36at Brittany Ferries and we're
00:41:38currently at Premier Inn and it's negative
00:41:40It doesn't worry me
00:41:42because our job is to follow the evidence
00:41:44and not try and make it fit the facts
00:41:46that we think
00:41:48Unfortunately no success
00:41:50in Portsmouth so
00:41:52we'll make our way back
00:42:00I made a comment that you have loads of
00:42:02old scarves, stabbings
00:42:04and things like that and that
00:42:06you're wanting to get away from that
00:42:08life I wanted to
00:42:10I begged my dad's friend
00:42:12he had a care business
00:42:14I told him please please
00:42:16please move me out of Slough
00:42:18I've been stabbed so much time
00:42:20I'm not involved in this gang life
00:42:22I'm just trying to be a good person
00:42:26So you're not part of the gang?
00:42:28No I'm not part of this gang life
00:42:30My mum knows that but if she finds out I'm part of the gang
00:42:32she'll slap me up
00:42:34I know gangs are all just bullshit
00:42:36You're not doing enough with your fucking life
00:42:39So when you say you've been stabbed
00:42:41why do you think that's happening?
00:42:47I think because I'm a Somali person
00:42:49or I might know a few people
00:42:51they don't give a fuck
00:42:53if you're not involved
00:42:55if you're friends of a friend
00:42:57then you're getting sorted out as well
00:42:59and that's the honest truth
00:43:01I'm not a violent guy
00:43:03I want to do walking, I want to walk the dogs
00:43:05there's a lot of things I want to do in my life
00:43:07It's all bad, it's all bad
00:43:09anything's taken out of it
00:43:11I want to get out of Slough
00:43:13So leaving on the 7th, was that what this was all about?
00:43:15Yes, yes
00:43:17I'm so scared for my life, I had to go
00:43:19and then I get arrested
00:43:27I've been in contact with Kiron School
00:43:29the school indicated that
00:43:31they were aware that there had been
00:43:33some issues between Kiron, Donny
00:43:35and some of the suspects as well
00:43:37so at school, because of the issues
00:43:39Cassell and Donny were having
00:43:41they ultimately left Slough temporarily
00:43:43and moved with Stephen up to Ipswich
00:43:45Kiron didn't want to go
00:43:47and you think if Kiron had gone
00:43:49whether we'd be here today, I don't know
00:43:51Donny came back
00:43:53and Cassell has gone on to bigger
00:43:55and better things and gone on with his life
00:43:57I'm not too sure
00:43:59how these things start
00:44:01you just kind of find yourself within
00:44:03you know, you start hanging around with someone else
00:44:05and you find yourself kind of
00:44:07affiliating and associating with a group
00:44:09and sometimes those different groups
00:44:11don't get along
00:44:13you know, it's like a domino effect
00:44:15and Kiron didn't want to do what he did
00:44:17I'd be lying if I said that
00:44:19before this had even happened
00:44:21I'd had thoughts
00:44:23and I'd been thinking about
00:44:25before this had even happened
00:44:27I'd had thoughts and worries
00:44:29about what had happened
00:44:31and the risks that he kind of put himself in
00:44:35Friends of mine that I've spoken to
00:44:37they like to use the phrase
00:44:39that could have been you
00:44:41because I have changed my life
00:44:43I'm on a different course
00:44:45I've been able to do a lot better for myself
00:44:47and avoid some of the things
00:44:49that unfortunately have happened to Kiron
00:44:51I'd like to specialise
00:44:53in youth and gang warfare
00:44:55and trying to work with children
00:44:57that are kind of in a similar situation
00:44:59bring my experience
00:45:01and skills and
00:45:03abilities to try and help
00:45:05just knowing the lifestyle
00:45:07and how things were back then
00:45:09and knowing where I'm at now
00:45:11I can kind of be proud of how far I've come
00:45:23So this is from the CCTV
00:45:25at the suspect's house
00:45:27I started reviewing a couple of hours
00:45:29before and after the crime occurred
00:45:31This is the suspect
00:45:33wearing a shiny puffer jacket
00:45:35and dark coloured trousers
00:45:37with white piping on it
00:45:39and he leaves the house
00:45:41and we don't see him coming back
00:45:43that then tells us
00:45:45okay, he's not at his home address
00:45:47he's not at his home
00:45:49he's not at his home
00:45:51this person arrives in the
00:45:53passenger seat
00:45:55he is the first person
00:45:57to get out of the car
00:45:59and the first person to
00:46:01make stabbing motions
00:46:03towards the victim
00:46:05and then in Waterman Court
00:46:07we see this suspect
00:46:09getting into the passenger seat
00:46:11of the car again when they leave
00:46:13it is slightly ironic
00:46:15that his own CCTV
00:46:17is being used
00:46:19his own CCTV is
00:46:21helping us to make a case against him
00:46:25Midday on the day of the murder
00:46:27we say this is you
00:46:29wearing sort of a black shiny puffer coat
00:46:31and some tracksuit bottoms
00:46:33I gave that clothes away that day
00:46:35I put these up for sale
00:46:37Sorry, you sold this jacket?
00:46:39Yeah, sold that jacket
00:46:41and with the tracksuit, yeah
00:46:43Who did you sell them to?
00:46:45Those people on Snapchat
00:46:48Sorry, you were going to change
00:46:50take these off?
00:46:52I had clothes underneath
00:46:54I had shorts
00:46:56and I had a t-shirt
00:46:58and it was a very hot day that day
00:47:00that's why I didn't want to wear the jacket
00:47:02it was very boiling that day
00:47:04So why did you wear them?
00:47:06They wanted to see the clothes on me first
00:47:08I'm not going to go to them
00:47:10I don't know who they are like that
00:47:12I'm not going to give them a £600-£700 jacket
00:47:14with £200 tracksuits in it
00:47:16I didn't want to give it to the hand because
00:47:18I know people in my area
00:47:20that have been stabbed over designer clothes
00:47:22that's why I wanted the clothes to be on me
00:47:24And was anyone with you?
00:47:26No, just myself
00:47:32Fairly farcical story isn't it
00:47:34that he's walked in that clothing
00:47:36to a park in Slough and sold it to three unknown people
00:47:38And then those clothes
00:47:40just happened to be the ones that are worn
00:47:42for a murder several hours later
00:47:46We'll report back to our supervisors
00:47:48and it will be taken to Crown Prosecution Service
00:47:50for a charging decision
00:47:52I certainly feel a lot more optimistic
00:47:54than we did at 9 o'clock this morning
00:48:08Following the death of a man in Slough last weekend
00:48:10a second man's been charged with murder
00:48:1221-year-old Yacoub Mossa
00:48:14will appear in court today
00:48:18What you're going to see
00:48:20is three men walk down here
00:48:22and the bandit car is in there
00:48:26And that's what we're going to show you now
00:48:28The car drives off at 20.41.46
00:48:30so it's literally
00:48:32four minutes before the attack
00:48:34I mean is that bag full of weapons?
00:48:36As the CCTV enquiries have progressed
00:48:38we've had a really significant find
00:48:40around Ashmite Crescent
00:48:42The indications are that
00:48:44Mohammed Abdullah
00:48:46he left their country
00:48:48isn't one of the five
00:48:50that's within the vehicle
00:48:52So what we see
00:48:54is five of our suspects
00:48:56get into the VW Golf
00:48:58but Abdullah leaves the scene
00:49:00before the car sets off
00:49:02but we've got all of his contact
00:49:04with our offending group
00:49:06his association with the vehicle
00:49:08and then his actions afterwards
00:49:10so even if he wasn't physically there
00:49:12we'd be looking at a conspiracy to murder
00:49:14Just pause it there Terry
00:49:16clock the registration number as it comes out
00:49:18It's indicated
00:49:20So I see
00:49:24So when the car sets off from Ashmite Crescent
00:49:26we believe that
00:49:28Fraz C. Ahmed is the driver
00:49:30Yacoub Mossa is the front seat passenger
00:49:32Mr Longcoat is sat behind
00:49:34the driver's seat
00:49:36Khalid Nur is in the middle
00:49:38and Elias Al Mallah is the other rear passenger
00:49:42It was likely that it was premeditated
00:49:44They're wearing face coverings
00:49:46which tells you something
00:49:48So they were obviously going to look for trouble that evening
00:49:50Whether Kiron was the original target
00:49:52or not, we're still not sure
00:49:54but they were certainly
00:49:56preparing to go out and attack
00:49:58that night
00:50:02OK, good afternoon everyone
00:50:04I'm DCI Dana Framvich
00:50:06So we've got two that are charged
00:50:08two that's absconded
00:50:10and then we're left
00:50:12with potentially two or more offenders
00:50:14Firstly, I suppose
00:50:16if we talk about Fraz C. Ahmed
00:50:18OK, so Dad believes
00:50:20that Fraz spent
00:50:22Friday to Sunday
00:50:24with his friend Mohamed Ousman
00:50:26at East London Uni
00:50:28And Mohamed's father
00:50:30has told him that
00:50:32Mohamed is also missing
00:50:34So we've done some work
00:50:36and identified a Mohamed
00:50:38Ousman El Gamri
00:50:40who is an associate
00:50:42who features in the phone data
00:50:44and again, there's a gap
00:50:46in the data over the period of the offence
00:50:48OK, thank you
00:50:50CCTV, anything else from you guys?
00:50:52So Casper's just shown me an image of him
00:50:54and I believe he's the unknown
00:50:57third male at the Piri Piri shop
00:50:59because it matches up with his facial features
00:51:09Throughout the day today
00:51:11I've been doing some work around the phone
00:51:13of Fraz C. Ahmed
00:51:15He switches his phone on, makes contact
00:51:17and then switches his phone off again
00:51:19So we've done some work around the IP address
00:51:21and they link to a
00:51:23student's accommodation in Portsmouth
00:51:25So I'm hoping that
00:51:27they can knock on the door early hours of the morning
00:51:29and our two suspects are in there
00:51:31and we can get some sleep
00:51:35The two suspects that we're looking for
00:51:37have left the Slough area
00:51:39and we believe that they're currently being held up
00:51:41in an address in Portsmouth
00:51:43and the suggestion is that they're likely to be together
00:51:45which is why we want to make those moves tonight
00:51:47rather than waiting any longer
00:51:49We'll bring you in in a way, hopefully, that will limit the views
00:51:51from anybody looking out of the flats
00:51:53You know, best laid plans
00:51:55sometimes don't necessarily go that way
00:52:13Three from the other serial
00:52:15if you want to go first
00:52:23Door opening
00:52:31Door opening
00:52:55Hello, are you alright?
00:52:57Just need to pop in
00:52:59What's your name, buddy?
00:53:01Take a seat for a minute, we'll explain why we're here
00:53:17A friend that was just waiting to go in
00:53:19as well
00:53:21No other subjects present
00:53:27We've missed them
00:53:33It's nine o'clock, so we'll get started
00:53:35In summary, we just missed them
00:53:37They get some assistance from the Network of Associates
00:53:39in terms of getting some clothing together
00:53:41and arranging some transport
00:53:43But we've identified a Snapchat session
00:53:45from Christie's Motel
00:53:47towards Stoke and Churchill on the A40
00:53:49So, Lines of Inquiry
00:53:51today, really
00:53:53they've now gone into other similar
00:53:55cheap accommodation
00:53:57Kind of got three hypotheses
00:53:59really, in terms of
00:54:01where they are
00:54:03Either they're still locally
00:54:05with the assistance of criminal associates
00:54:07or they're being assisted by family
00:54:09Is there any other way out apart from that one?
00:54:11Or, alternatively, they've managed to get hold
00:54:13of new identification, fake passports
00:54:15or whatever else, and managed to flee the country
00:54:17Negative, unfortunately
00:54:19The community, I would imagine, have some knowledge
00:54:21or there's some rumour
00:54:23and we're just not hearing it
00:54:27We've got a sergeant and six uniformed officers
00:54:29going around to literally every address
00:54:31that's come into this inquiry
00:54:33When was the last time you saw him?
00:54:35I don't see him
00:54:37This is where we've got to be relentless
00:54:39You're under arrest
00:54:41on suspicion of assisting an offender
00:54:43Those people that have supported them
00:54:45have been arrested
00:54:47where there's been evidence to prosecute them and charge them
00:54:49they have been charged
00:54:51A lot of people, unsurprisingly, align to us
00:54:53Yeah, Mohamed El Gamry
00:54:55I know for a fact you do know him
00:54:57You were arrested together
00:54:59If our lines of inquiry continue
00:55:01to be exhausted and frustrated
00:55:03then there is the potential
00:55:05to go public
00:55:07Both families, they absolutely know this is
00:55:09their last opportunity
00:55:11If they've got any influence over locating their sons
00:55:13and bringing them to the police
00:55:15this is their last opportunity to do it on their terms
00:55:17When you go out
00:55:19don't be afraid to challenge them
00:55:21If you need to, fire a few fucks into them
00:55:23because these two people
00:55:25committed a savage murder
00:55:27and these people are harbouring them
00:55:29We're going to
00:55:31continue coming around until we find him
00:55:33that's just the way it's going to go
00:55:37It's really starting to piss me off
00:55:39and it should be pissing all of you off as well
00:55:43And there's a family out there
00:55:45that wants some answers
00:55:52Yeah, this is my little sanctuary
00:55:54I've got his football trophies
00:55:56I've got all his clothes in his drawer
00:55:58I haven't been able to part with them
00:56:00and I've got his trainers on the shoe rack
00:56:02in the hallway
00:56:04but obviously they gave me a piece of his hair
00:56:06when he died
00:56:08It still smells of his hair products
00:56:10It just gives me a little bit of comfort
00:56:13It's not real
00:56:15It's becoming real
00:56:17but it's not real
00:56:19To me it's just like
00:56:21I haven't seen him
00:56:23He's still living down the road
00:56:25We haven't spoken in a while
00:56:27I'm just not accepting it
00:56:29and I don't want to say it
00:56:33It felt his hot, cold body
00:56:35that'll never leave me
00:56:37in that hospital
00:56:39It was cold and hot
00:56:41and I don't want to wake up
00:56:45He looked so beautiful
00:56:47He looked like he was sleeping
00:56:49and I just miss him so terribly
00:56:51He was such a beautiful boy
00:56:53He really was
00:57:09Mum's and Dad's
00:57:11should not have to bury
00:57:13their children
00:57:23is precious
00:57:25and what right
00:57:27does anyone have to think
00:57:29they can destroy it
00:57:31in a second
00:57:33That's when probably
00:57:35it's time to
00:57:38that's when probably
00:57:40most of us want to
00:57:42shout out
00:57:48and then all those feelings
00:57:50of emotion
00:57:56maybe even a desire for revenge
00:57:58come flooding
00:58:00into our heart
00:58:04but do not let
00:58:08infect your soul
00:58:10your mind
00:58:12or your body
00:58:14There is a difference
00:58:16between revenge
00:58:18and justice
00:58:22it will make us know better
00:58:24than those who commit this murder
00:58:32Justice comes with love
00:58:34It's about putting
00:58:36our trust in others
00:58:38in things maybe
00:58:40outside of our control
00:58:42and I pray
00:58:44that it can also be
00:58:46part of the healing process
00:58:48to find peace
00:59:04The Uniform
00:59:28The Uniform arresting him?
00:59:30Yeah, I literally was walking past
00:59:32and I heard the name being mentioned
00:59:34so I put my head in
00:59:36I've just been down to custody as well
00:59:38Let's go
00:59:40and meet Mr Al Gamri
00:59:56Hello mate, you alright?
00:59:58How you doing?
01:00:00Come in buddy
01:00:02You're under arrest for the suspicion of murder
01:00:04Right, just pop your hands out of your jacket for us
01:00:06and keep an eye on you
01:00:12we have had Al Gamri
01:00:14and Fraz both turn up
01:00:16at the police station to hand themselves in
01:00:18It has been a long time coming
01:00:22Did you let them know you were here?
01:00:24No they don't know
01:00:26Have you told them where you've been arrested from?
01:00:28No, he's probably been to the hospital
01:00:30When did you last see him then?
01:00:32A long time ago
01:00:36They're literally kids
01:00:38and they look like kids
01:00:40and it's just really sad
01:00:42It's really sad that kids can do this to each other
01:00:46People do hand themselves in
01:00:48on their own terms
01:00:50I mean there's a variety of reasons why that might be
01:00:52but I'd be incredibly surprised
01:00:54If they talk I suspect
01:00:56at most we might get a prepared statement
01:01:02Tell me your involvement
01:01:04of the murder of Khairon Lee
01:01:06No comment
01:01:08My client will be exercising his right to silence
01:01:10and answering no comment to all questions that are put to him
01:01:16The advantage that we've had is
01:01:18that they've been on the run for seven weeks
01:01:20so we've been able to build a really good case against them
01:01:22The quality of evidence is significant
01:01:26You are charged on the 2nd of October
01:01:282022 in Slough
01:01:30in the county of Berkshire
01:01:32You murdered Khairon Lee
01:01:34It's a good chapter to close
01:01:36but there's sort of fear of sounding like the Grinch
01:01:38like the hard work doesn't stop
01:01:40Two of our outstanding suspects
01:01:42are still abroad
01:01:44Elisar Mallet's last known whereabouts
01:01:46was in Spain
01:01:48so we're doing everything we can to find him and bring him back
01:01:51Ahmed Abdulleh has been arrested in the Netherlands
01:01:53and is being extradited back to the UK
01:01:55as we speak
01:01:57You do not have to say anything
01:01:59but it may harm your defence if you do not mention what your question said
01:02:01or if you let Alani call
01:02:03Anything you do say may be given evidence
01:02:13Hi Stephen, you OK?
01:02:15How have things been since we've last seen you?
01:02:17I've had a lot of support from my church
01:02:19a lot of support from friends
01:02:21It's been easier to deal with in that sense
01:02:23That's good, I'm glad you've got that support
01:02:25So where we are at the moment
01:02:27there's one person
01:02:29that we still haven't arrested
01:02:31that we would be looking to question
01:02:33for the offence of murder
01:02:35I have faith that one day
01:02:37they'll tell me to tell you we've got him
01:02:41Are you thinking you want to come to hearings in the future?
01:02:43Yeah, I would like to be at the trial
01:02:45and I've seen two of the
01:02:49just looking at them
01:02:51I couldn't believe that they could be capable
01:02:53of what had happened
01:02:55what they had done
01:02:57How could they take his life?
01:02:59I haven't accepted it
01:03:01I know I will have to
01:03:03because he's now buried and he's in the ground
01:03:05but I don't want to accept it
01:03:07You know
01:03:11I miss my son
01:03:13I miss my son
01:03:17I miss my son
01:03:31This investigation has been
01:03:33one of the biggest that Thames Valley's taken on
01:03:35in recent times
01:03:37Day one of this investigation
01:03:39we had a dead body, a stolen vehicle
01:03:41and some CCTV
01:03:43of a group of lads
01:03:45who had disguised themselves
01:03:47and from there, you know, 20-odd people
01:03:49arrested, double figures charged
01:03:51and more importantly
01:03:53who did it
01:03:55that's a huge achievement
01:04:07I don't want to carry too much
01:04:09I don't want to give them that
01:04:11I don't want them to have that
01:04:19I need to just look them in the eye
01:04:21and just see if there's anything behind the eyes
01:04:23like, do they care? Did they mean to do it?
01:04:25You know, I want to know exactly what happened
01:04:27I want them to tell the truth
01:04:29and I need to know everything
01:04:31For what reason? What did Guyon do?
01:04:33I'll probably never know
01:04:43The jury have been out
01:04:45for in excess of 30 hours
01:04:47but thankfully for us
01:04:49they've come back with guilty verdicts
01:04:51First and foremost
01:04:53they're so important for the family
01:04:55Nothing's going to bring back Guyon
01:04:57but it's justice
01:04:59for what happened that night
01:05:01In terms of motive
01:05:03Kalidner's given us a little bit more
01:05:05He's clear that they went out hunting
01:05:07that night
01:05:09for members of the opposition
01:05:11for members of the opposition
01:05:13in relation to an assault
01:05:15that had previously occurred
01:05:17I mean, in Kalid's words
01:05:19they went out looking to fuck somebody up
01:05:21and that's exactly what happened
01:05:25But it's still not clear why
01:05:27Guyon was targeted
01:05:29There are a number of hypotheses
01:05:31that he was the intended target
01:05:33He wasn't the intended target
01:05:35but they came across him
01:05:37and just thought they'd have him instead
01:05:39You know, they may well have thought
01:05:41that it was Donny
01:05:45This is something that started out
01:05:47when these boys were just
01:05:51as tit for tat
01:05:53that's just
01:05:57into fighting
01:06:03and ultimately murder
01:06:05For what?
01:06:09They're still not going to bring him back
01:06:11They can come out in 20 years
01:06:13and still have children
01:06:15I'm not going to have a grandchild for my son
01:06:17He's gone
01:06:19So no sentence will be good enough
01:06:21for them
01:06:23Donny's deeply affected
01:06:25and so is Cassell
01:06:27and my little one isn't doing too good
01:06:29with the news
01:06:31He doesn't want to bring up his name
01:06:33You know, they've lost their brother
01:06:35their best friend
01:06:37I worry about Donny every day
01:06:39until my phone rings
01:06:41I worry
01:06:43I just wish he'd leave Slough
01:06:47How are you?
01:06:49Nothing prepares you losing a child
01:06:51I never thought in a million years
01:06:53anything like this would ever happen
01:06:57I don't think I could ever forgive them
01:06:59It's a sad state of affairs
01:07:01I just don't know why they did it
01:07:03Was it worth it?
01:07:07I don't know
01:07:09I don't know
01:07:11I don't know
01:07:13I don't know
01:07:15I don't know
01:07:17I don't know
01:07:19I don't know
01:07:21I don't know
01:07:23I don't know
01:07:25I don't know
01:07:27I don't know
01:07:29I don't know
01:07:31I don't know
01:07:33I don't know
01:07:36I don't know
01:07:38I don't know
01:07:40I don't know
01:07:42I don't know
01:07:44I don't know
01:07:46I don't know
01:07:48I don't know
01:07:50I don't know
01:07:52I don't know
01:07:54I don't know
01:07:56I don't know
01:07:58I don't know
01:08:00I don't know
01:08:02I don't know
01:08:04I don't know
