Severe storms sweeping from the Midwest to the Northeast

  • last month
After days of stormy weather across the Midwest, the pattern is shifting east just in time for the weekend.
00:00This is part of our top story, the multi-day severe weather threat through the Midwest and Ohio Valley.
00:05As mentioned last night, severe storms brought tornadoes, 90 to 95 mph wind gusts, and massive hail to the plains and the Midwest.
00:13We can take you now to Scottsville, Kentucky. This is south of Bowling Green.
00:17There's a stormy scene, 85 degrees right now.
00:20We've been dealing with some pretty aggressive thunderstorm activity into Kentucky and also into Indiana and Wisconsin.
00:27So a lot of different areas are facing some of these storms.
00:29So we have strong and severe thunderstorms around. A little breeze there in Scottsville.
00:33And you can see that this is the area here where the thunderstorms are roaming on in.
00:38Not quite severe, but certainly an active scene in Scottsville, Kentucky right now.
00:43Heading farther east, we are talking about areas like southern places like Madison County and Garrett County,
00:51areas around Lincoln and Casey Counties, eastern Boyle, eastern Mercer County,
00:55still into Jessamine County under a severe thunderstorm warning.
00:58All of Lexington, Fayette County, at least most of it except for up near the horse park, under a severe thunderstorm warning.
01:03And also into Clark County, Winchester, under a severe thunderstorm threat here as these storms have been rumbling.
01:10And we've had a little wind out there. Tyrone, Kentucky and Anderson County, trees down.
01:14And another area farther south into Taylor County, trees and power lines down.
01:19Louisville, you've had some strong storms.
01:21Jefferson Town there, a tree fell through the roof of a house. That's a problem in Jefferson Town.
01:25That's a neighborhood on the east side of Louisville.
01:28And also a large tree onto a garage and then into St. Matthews, a little west of the other reports, trees down as well.
01:36That was a nasty storm into Jefferson County.
01:39Heading a little farther north, we can find that there are some slow-moving storms moving through Ohio.
01:44Lightning indicators, there's a lot of that out there, but most of these are not quite fully severe.
01:50And I want to take one last big step up into the Chicago metro and also into Wisconsin.
01:56Slow-moving storms are approaching Chicago. They are not severe at this point.
02:00We do have some slow-moving flash flood concerns.
02:03The storms here into Wisconsin really are moving so slowly that they're just dumping too much rain over a prolonged period of time.
02:10So parts of western Oshawa County and eastern Adams County are facing some of the biggest flash flood threats.
02:17The current view of temperatures across the north-central and northeastern U.S.
02:22It's warm, but the storms are keeping temperatures a little bit lower than they would be otherwise.
02:27So overall, it's warm enough. It's 92 in Washington, D.C., but other areas are enjoying the cool-down.
02:33For example, Minneapolis, 75 there, looking pretty sharp.
02:37And as we look at the overall storm setup for this evening, a new severe thunderstorm watch just issued for eastern Kentucky
02:44and into a couple of counties of western Virginia, southwest West Virginia,
02:47basically carrying the conversation forward east of Interstate 75 as these storms will still be strong to severe.
02:53So look out there into places like Pikeville, Kentucky this evening.
02:57There will be more storms on Friday into the area around New Jersey and Pennsylvania, New York State,
03:03southern parts of the New England states as well.
03:06And on Saturday, more of the same, but we're going to begin to trim away the western storm threat,
03:11and it becomes a bit more restrictive, but still widespread for the east coast on Saturday evening.
03:17So Friday, showers and thunderstorms with us here for the Ohio Valley and into the mid-Atlantic coast.
03:22Also, some storminess up to the north.
03:24We don't want any more flash flooding in Vermont, that's for sure.
03:27But Friday, you can see that many areas from eastern Kentucky, southeast Ohio could see another round of storms,
03:32and these will also be moving through the Piedmont of the Carolinas and up into areas near, say, Harrisburg and into Frederick, Maryland.
03:40Saturday, the storm is just trudging east.
03:43Our low-pressure system, instead of being plotted over Indiana, we took it one state east.
03:48It's over Xenia, Ohio more or less, and we're going to see more storms east of there.
03:52And the severe potential on Saturday is mainly southeast Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland,
03:58into eastern central Virginia, and the heart of the Carolinas, mainly from Charlotte east into Raleigh.
04:04Sunday, we're still stormy at times for the east coast.
04:07This system moves in, and it doesn't really leave anytime soon, so we have more downpours.
04:12On Sunday, this is unrelated to the tropical threat that you're going to soon hear about from Bernie and Ari,
04:17but this is just tropical moisture unrelated to our developing system.
04:22Trough holding this in place, downpours, so drought relief will be a good thing,
04:26but we don't want the travel delays that are associated with this.
04:29So on Sunday, with more widespread showers and storms in the eastern part of the map,
04:33we're going to be dealing with still warm, but not as hot weather.
04:37So mid to upper 80s for some to the south, mid 80s into Boston, Burlington, and Banger.
04:42Still steamy, high humidity, scattered storms in all these areas.
04:45Once you step west to the mountains, it's going to be brighter and drier,
04:49and the heat begins to build once again up into St. Louis and Kansas City.
04:53Des Moines 93 is a popular number, 90 in Chicago.
04:56There's a weak disturbance that will track across the northern plains,
04:59bringing some showers to Minneapolis, but that should be about it.
