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00:00So, last words from the tremendous Panamanian referee Hector Afu
00:05I gave you the instructions in the dressing room, a world title fight, please
00:10Make it a clean fight, punch in the glove and let the best win, let's go
00:13Very good
00:30This is a world title fight, we are ready for a tremendous fight
00:36This Friday night, through ESPN Ocau, from Caracas
00:41Very risky, dear Jorge, for the CCC, for Cañizales
00:45Exactly, much more at stake for Cañizales than for the Mexican
00:50Because of the trajectory, because of what is expected of Cañizales
00:53Because of what he has done, because of the battle against Kenshiro Teragi
00:58A lot of experience from Cañizales, right?
01:01Yes, yes, and also all the amateur experience, because he was in the Venezuelan amateur national team
01:07A very strong team
01:10I remember that time, we were in the Mexican capital
01:17When Esteban Bermudez gave a tremendous batacazo, beating Carlos Cañizales
01:24On that occasion, it was Gilberto who gave the WBA belt to Esteban Bermudez
01:33But now Cañizales is re-arming his career
01:36He defends himself on the side of the World Boxing Council, hoping to dispute the vacancy soon
01:41And here he wants to celebrate at home and with his people
01:44By the way, Mauricio Sulaiman is in Japanese territory
01:48We saw him there, his government aiming at the Nakatani and Astrolabe battle
01:55That we will have in a few more hours through ESPN Knockout
02:01He surprised, careful, Garcia Cañizales
02:04In the jaleo, out of the ring
02:08Oh, Cañizales hit
02:09Now the answer from Triple C, who doesn't want surprises
02:14Good moment Cañizales
02:16Good moment, he has connected
02:18But the Mexican responds too, this is the fight we wanted to see
02:21The fight that justifies the night
02:24These gentlemen don't waste their gunpowder in hell
02:28They go all out, fireworks in the poliedro of Caracas
02:36Careful with the punch in the nape, ok, Carlos
02:41He lets him work, although the referee did not stop giving indications
02:45Gafu, careful, low blow
02:55Carlos, Carlos in three corners
02:58Giving Garcia time to recover
03:06The fight continues
03:10And Garcia trying to control the distance with the jab
03:13Cañizales more involved in Tyson's plan, looking for the body to body
03:18Good blow Cañizales
03:20And now the Mexican
03:22They have responded, they have given everything
03:24Excellent fight so far
03:27Good blow, good blow
03:30Get up, get up, to the chest, to the chest
03:34Get up the blows, Carlos
03:36Nobody throws, nobody throws, get up the blows
03:40They are asking Cañizales to get up the blows
03:44Yes, one was low and the last one has been very limited
03:48Tremendous right by Garcia
03:52Take and give me the start of this main battle in ESPN or Couch
03:57Artificial Games, we come with more
04:27Fight Caracas
04:30National Commission of Professional Boxing
04:33Aguanta, Garceta
04:36Junqueferia, Tocineros
04:38Las Paseos Socialidad
04:44Fundación Poliedro de Caracas
04:48De Cachecica
04:50A puertaroya.com
04:52De regreso con ustedes hasta el Poliedro de Caracas
04:55Encendido, arrancó el combate principal
04:59Entre Cañizales y García Yuris Yurianis
05:01Esto arrancó como un Bugatti de 0 a 100 en 2,9 segundos
05:05Muy buen round, buenos intercambios
05:08García conectó buenos golpes, pero Cañizales conectó más y mejor
05:1110 puntos para el venezolano, 9 para el mexicano
05:13Dejó en claro García, a pesar de la tarjeta de Yuris Yurianis
05:17Que estoy de acuerdo, que hay poco respeto por Cañizales
05:21Ningún miedo a intercambio, ahí está en medio del ring
05:27No ha dado un paso atrás
05:30Ligeramente mayor estatura y alcance para Iván García
05:35Sí, García no quiere venderse, o sea, venderse me refiero a entregarse
05:40Atacando a lo loco, pero tampoco va a revivir el intercambio
05:45Y es cierto que el hombre de mayor pegada, al menos así lo dice su record
05:49Es el ex campeón Cañizales
05:58Trata de meter el jab para marcar un poquito de distancia
06:03Ambos con rapidez tirando algunas combinaciones
06:11Batalla principal hoy, Venezuela Top Boxing a través de ESPN Knockout
06:20Uno va a las zonas blandas y el otro al rostro
06:23Buen momento para el venezolano, pero responde el mexicano también
06:30Qué buen intercambio
06:32Y despierta la fanaticada, conexión absoluta con Cañizales
06:40El toma y dame, en el centro del cuadrilátero
06:43Y Cañizales metiendo mucha presión, muy rápido con el gancho de izquierda
06:49Está muy enchufado el venezolano
06:51Es correcto, y ambos con los guantes de los campeones, los cleto
06:57Doble jab de Cañizales
07:00Que rompe con un poquito al menos, con ese ritmo frenético que tenía la contienda
07:06Buena combinación para García, el de Ixtapaluca
07:10Oh, y ahora la conecta bien arriba
07:13Oper de García que sorprende al ex campeón
07:18Valió la pena la espera, eh
07:21Y Cañizales con el gancho de izquierda
07:24Y Cañizales con el gancho de izquierda
07:27Y Cañizales con el gancho de izquierda
07:30Y Cañizales con el gancho de izquierda
07:33Valió la pena la espera, eh
07:36Te das cuenta del nivel de boxeo, la forma en que combinan, caminan
07:40Esto es otro nivel diferente
07:44Y que Iván García no fue a Caracas a comer arepas, eh
07:48A pelear
07:53Se va a acabar el episodio
07:56Cuidado con ese volado de izquierda de Cañizales
07:59Cañizales que no llegó a destino
08:02Nosotros venimos con más en ESPN Knockout, se viene lo mejor
08:29De regreso con ustedes
08:56Hoy desde el poliedro de Caracas
08:59Los Cañizales contra Iván García
09:02Julio y Juliárez
09:04¿Cómo está tu tarjeta?
09:06Un segundo round bien disputadito, eh
09:09Con alternativas
09:12Pero todavía sigue sacando mejor trabajo Carlos Cañizales
09:1520-18 va ganando el venezolano
09:17Sí, lo que es cierto es que Iván García fue
09:23A tratar de sorprender rápido al ex campeón
09:25No quiere la plata, quiere el oro
09:28Exactamente ahí ha hecho un trabajo digno el mexicano hasta el momento
09:32Siendo el compañero perfecto de baile
09:35Sin duda alguna de Ixtapaluca
09:38Ahí rumbo a Puebla
09:45Hubo un poquito mal los golpes
09:48Preguntan sobre los jueces que vieron perder a Ubaldo
09:52Pero todavía están
09:53Y Lagor
09:55Fueron Miguel Hurtado y Juan García
09:57La gente no lo pida, chava
09:59La gente no perdona a Julius
10:03Cuando ves una atrocidad semejante
10:06Se te queda
10:08Esperamos que
10:10Esperemos que esta pelea sea recordada por mucho más que eso
10:13Totalmente, y aquí nos están regalando muy buenas
10:16Muy buenas acciones, tanto García como Cañizales
10:19Cada vez que cruzan en gancho
10:21Cada vez que cruzan en ganchos de esa manera
10:24Parece que uno de los dos va a caer al suelo
10:28Porque hasta cierto punto son combinaciones similares
10:31Los dos buscan abajo y arriba
10:36Mira, llegó el gancho a la zona hepática y el volado de derecha
10:39Pero está haciendo bien ahora García
10:43Sí, el tema es que no ha podido quitarse la contra de Cañizales
10:47Sí, pero está teniendo a Cañizales sobre el pie de atrás todo el tiempo
10:51Eso es importante, Cañizales pega más fuerte cuando está sobre el pie de adelante
10:55Te digo que el mexicano hay que morirse en la red con el ayute
10:59Uno, dos, tres, cuatro izquierdas por parte de Cañizales
11:02Iván García aguantando Candel hasta ahora
11:11No hay nada
11:17Es correcto
11:19Rapidito, limpia las acciones
11:22Opera y gancho, llegaba peligroso de parte de García
11:29Ahora son las blandas de Cañizales que no deja golpes sin respuesta
11:37Muy bien García
11:39Es el que sin duda ha recibido algún que otro contragolpe
11:43Pero llevando la iniciativa siempre
11:47El mexicano
11:49Vaya cruces, gancho de izquierda por parte de García
11:53Que vuelve a sorprender a Carlos Cañizales al triple C
11:57Se viene un cierre portentoso
11:59Se fueron nueve minutos de acción allá en Venezuela
12:03Venimos con más en ESPN Ocampo
12:18Dale guay a Tichel
12:48Se fue ganado
13:18Iván García conseguió irse del pie delante todo el tiempo
13:22Conectó más golpes que Cañizales
13:25Y un punto arriba va el venezolano en las tarjetas
13:28Pero bueno, todo por decidirse
13:30De acuerdo contigo
13:32Si esperaban que la experiencia de Cañizales fuera demasiado para el mexicano
13:38Pues no
13:40Mexicano bien plantado ahí
13:42Dispuesto a todo, ha llegado con argumentos Iván García
13:45Que no se ha ido limpio
13:47Ha recibido fuertes combinaciones de parte de Cañizales
13:50Que también quiere ganar y gustar en su casa y con su gente
13:55En el poliedro de Caracas, legendario
13:58Y recordar que el mexicano ya estuvo aquí peleando en Venezuela
14:01Y se llevó un empate que él piensa que era una mala
14:05Claro, claro
14:07Y después de lo que vimos hace rato yo también lo pienso
14:11Y eso que no había aquella pelea
14:13Buscando las zonas blandas
14:16Insiste en la zona hepática Iván García
14:19Qué bien somos mexicanos tirando el gancho
14:22Y eso cuando lo inventaron ellos
14:24Lo llegan a ver inventado
14:26Eso y la forma de agarrar el taco
14:28Ahí se distingue un buen mexicano
14:30Olvídate mi Jorge
14:32Ahora con ese cruzado sensacional de mano derecha
14:36Que ponía en piernas tan valientes al menos
14:39De manera ocasional ahí al ex campeón del mundo
14:43Volado de mano derecha
14:46Cuidado Yulius que vemos a Cañizales
14:49Que está entrando a la pelea que quiere el mexicano
14:52Si no el mexicano ejerciendo de hombre grandote
14:55Lo lleva ahora contra las cuerdas
14:57Vaya respuesta de Cañizales
14:59Fuegos artificiales
15:01Mujeres y niños primero allá en Venezuela
15:05Este tipo de pelea es la peor
15:08Este tipo de pelea es la pelea en la que puede ganar García
15:12No digo que vaya a ganar porque Cañizales es muy bueno
15:15Pero en una pelea táctica no podría ganar el mexicano
15:18En este tipo de pelea de intercambio sí
15:20Buen golpe ahora de Cañizales
15:23Buena combinación de Cañizales
15:25Y además sale, evita el contragolpe por parte de García
15:30Si a eso me refería con pelea táctica
15:32O sea Cañizales tampoco está interesado en hacer una pelea como el títre de Vázquez
15:35Pero eso es lo más parecido a una táctica que puede hacer él
15:38Conectar y salirse muy rápido
15:40Llegó la derecha de García
15:43Peleador mexicano hoy con los guantes negros
15:46En plata
15:48Elegantes esos plata para triple C para Cañizales
15:52Cuidado creo que se pegó solito ahí García
15:55En un intento macabro por endilgar castigo
15:59Se acaba el round y venimos con más el inspiro
16:04Que suena la noche
16:07Full of energy
16:08Enciende tu llama
16:10Ya aquí
16:11Como el club y el deporte
16:12Todo por sí
16:14Los chéveres mundiales de oro
16:16Existen los antiguos
16:18El inmediato grupo
16:20Pelea táctica
16:21Con misión de ser un ejemplo profesional
16:24Aguanta carganda
16:26De purificación
16:27Tú si creas
16:28Las pastillas
16:32Y generé
16:33Inputación por tiempo de carga
16:35Que regresiva
16:36A puertas rojas
16:38De la que se pagara
16:39De Cachecilla
16:42Y tantos momentos
16:43Para la joya
16:44Que te bebe
16:49Según fuera
16:52De vuelta con ustedes
16:54Iván García y Carlos Cañizales
16:56Están protagonizando
16:57Tremenda guerra
16:59En el turno principal de la velada
17:00En el poliedro de Caracas
17:02Mi querido Júlio
17:04¿Cómo va tu tarjeta?
17:06Pues el mexicano
17:07Había empezado muy fuerte
17:08El cuarto asalto
17:10Pero reaccionó muy bien Cañizales
17:11Se ajustó bien su táctica
17:13Sus movimientos
17:15Y consiguió llevar el agua
17:16A su molino
17:1810 puntos para él
17:199 para García
17:203 rounds a 1
17:22Va ganando Cañizales
17:24Tremenda batalla
17:25Valió la pena la espera
17:26Querido Jorge
17:29Muy buen boxeo
17:30Alto nivel
17:31Buenas combinaciones
17:32En otras peleas
17:33Se echaba de menos un poquito
17:34La forma de combinar
17:35La forma de perder
17:36Disparos al aire
17:37Aquí no
17:38Aquí todo llega
17:40Hace impacto
17:41Hace media
17:43Pero no se trata
17:44De la fuerza bruta
17:45Sino de
17:46De una estrategia bien pensada
17:48De un deseo de hacer daño
17:49Pero bien planificado
17:54Ahí tira doble jab
17:58Tratando de ponerle
17:59Un poquito más de materia gris
18:00Al asunto
18:02La respuesta de Cañizales
18:03Se queja de golpe bajo
18:04Ya el segundo
18:10Le dicen que tiene que subir los golpes
18:12Y que ya son muchos
18:13Que el próximo le va a quitar un punto
18:14Y el que avisa no engaña
18:18Se reanuda la contienda
18:20Allá en el poliedro de Caracas
18:22Yo ahorita te digo que se muevan
18:24Ahorita nos movemos
18:25Que voy al aire
18:29Cuando quede un minuto
18:30Usted se puede mover
18:31Para donde quiera
18:32Señor Andrés Bermúdez
18:33Pero sí
18:35Ahorita estamos de regreso
18:37Un minuto con
18:38Treinta y cinco segundos
18:40En este asalto número cinco
18:41Batalla programada
18:43A diez
18:45Buen golpe el mexicano
18:46Sí, le pegó en el parietal
18:48Le movió las ideas
18:49Le movió las ideas
18:50Sí, tardó
18:51Una milésima de segundos
18:52Para reaccionar ahí Cañizales
18:55Otra buena mano
18:56El mexicano
18:59Ahora ese volado
19:00Que tanto le estaban pidiendo
19:02Y acude a las zonas blandas
19:03Y termina también
19:04Conectando el rostro
19:07Son muy parejos los rounds
19:09Excelente pelea
19:10Excelente pelea
19:11Lo mejor de la noche
19:13Sin duda alguna
19:14Aquí sí el Mashmake
19:15Se ganó dinero
19:20Dentro del ensogado
19:21Y la fanaticada
19:22Ahí en el poliedro de Caracas
19:24Yo creo que es un combate
19:25De calidad y estilo mundial
19:27Yo creo que sí
19:28Sin duda alguna
19:31Ahí va García
19:32Exigiendo a Cañizales
19:34Cañizales que está tirando poco
19:35En este asalto
19:37Está intentando llevar la pelea
19:38A un ritmo un poco más lento
19:40Porque es muy fuerte
19:41Físicamente el mexicano
19:43Claro, el tren de pelea
19:44Del mexicano es intenso
19:46Y no parece que va a bajar
19:47La intensidad
19:49Con la edad que tiene
19:50La juventud, la fortaleza
19:52A menos que
19:53Ponga orden
19:54A punta de golpes
19:56Carlos Cañizales
20:03Se va a acabar este
20:04Asalto número 5
20:07Buen golpe
20:08Tirando potente
20:09La mano derecha
20:11Iván García
20:12El de Ixtapaluca
20:13Suena la campana
20:14Y nosotros vamos
20:15Con Andrés Candelita Bermúdez
20:17Hasta el ringside
20:24A ver, a ver, a ver
20:26Creo que estamos disfrutando
20:27De la pelea más técnica
20:28Del día de hoy
20:29Ya lo sabíamos, ¿no?
20:30Carlitos Cañizales
20:31Un tremendo exponente
20:32Del boxeo venezolano
20:33Antuny Iván García
20:34Que vino a batallar
20:35Vino a que
20:36El dinero que se le va a pagar
20:37El día de hoy
20:38Se vea reflejado
20:39Está dando una muy buena batalla
20:40Pero sí creo que
20:41Quizás se está llevando
20:42La mejor parte
20:43El peleador venezolano
20:44Un tremendo asalto
20:45Que se le va a pagar
20:46El día de hoy
20:47Se vea reflejado
20:48Está dando una muy buena batalla
20:49Pero sí creo que
20:50Quizás se está llevando
20:51La mejor parte
20:52El dinero que se le va a pagar
20:53El dinero que se le va a pagar
20:54El dinero que se le va a pagar
20:55El dinero que se le va a pagar
20:56El dinero que se le va a pagar
20:57El dinero que se le va a pagar
20:58El dinero que se le va a pagar
20:59El dinero que se le va a pagar
21:00El dinero que se le va a pagar
21:01El dinero que se le va a pagar
21:02El dinero que se le va a pagar
21:03El dinero que se le va a pagar
21:04El dinero que se le va a pagar
21:05El dinero que se le va a pagar
21:06El dinero que se le va a pagar
21:07El dinero que se le va a pagar
21:08El dinero que se le va a pagar
21:09El dinero que se le va a pagar
21:10El dinero que se le va a pagar
21:11El dinero que se le va a pagar
21:12El dinero que se le va a pagar
21:13El dinero que se le va a pagar
21:14Round number 6
21:17There in Caracas, Julio Jureles
21:19How is your card so far?
21:21Well, it's complicated to score in combat
21:23But not because they shoot little like the other fight
21:25No, here it's because they shoot a lot and they shoot very well
21:28I gave the 5th assault to Carlos Callizales
21:3110 to 9
21:32Very even, very very even
21:34I had the impression that he did more time
21:36What he wanted to do on the ring
21:38So for that little bit I gave it to him
21:40I understand that there are people who could have given it to Garcia
21:43Yes, I think it's very complicated for...
21:46There, at the moment...
21:47Oh, left upper by Garcia
21:49Who threw Callizales backwards
21:51And he didn't react very well, huh?
21:53Callizales walked weird after
21:55He bounced on the rope and...
21:57It was more by impulse than by anything else
22:02There Ivan Garcia is looking for him
22:05Trying to pressure him
22:07He's been hit twice with the left hook
22:09In the parietal area
22:10And Callizales reacts very badly
22:17And it's impressive
22:19Garcia's push
22:21Doesn't take a step back
22:23On the contrary, he throws Callizales backwards
22:29A high risk fight for Callizales
22:32Who was...
22:33He said...
22:34Oh, how he crosses him
22:38Jorge Ebro was saying, risking everything
22:41How the Mexican crosses him
22:45And this fight that's going on
22:47For the 6th round
22:48Can stop a lot for the next 4
22:51And let's see if Callizales boxes well
22:53Let's see if he boxes well in the back
22:55But he likes to box forward
22:57If he's going backwards, it's not because he wants to
23:00It's because the Mexican forces him
23:02Look how Garcia throws the upper inside
23:11And it's that...
23:13Let's see...
23:15Maybe now what we always said coincides
23:17More than the commentator
23:18Maybe it coincides that I say it
23:19And Callizales hooks a hook
23:21And puts the Mexican up
23:23But the impression is that
23:24The Mexican does a lot more damage when he hits
23:28There is Callizales
23:30Trying not to leave blows without response
23:32Ivan Garcia from the center of the quadrilateral
23:36Let's go!
23:39This 6th episode is going to end
23:42And I feel that Callizales is a little more tired than the Mexican
23:4530 seconds
23:47When you do less damage than your rival
23:50With the blows
23:51You tend to jump them a lot
23:53With much more force than him
23:54And you get more tired
23:55The energy saving is less
23:57He's opening
24:00He's throwing him
24:01He's going to have to press the accelerator
24:03Ivan Garcia
24:05He can't let this go
24:07To the judges
24:11There attacking with strength
24:13Strong hooks from CCC
24:15Well I think that thought
24:17Goes for both
24:18I think none of them
24:19Have to be confident
24:20In what has happened so far
24:22There are rounds that have been very close
24:24I understand what Yurius says
24:26Yurius has arguments for both
24:28Callizales and Garcia
24:30In volume, in precision
24:32In moments
24:34In who has the rhythm of the fight
24:36The pulse of the action
24:38Here everything is in the air
24:41Yes, and also here
24:42What we said
24:43The judges, each one is sitting
24:44On one side of the ring
24:45And doesn't move
24:46Here at least we have a camera
24:47That is moving
24:48Yes, of course
24:4990% of the time
24:50We have a very good angle
24:51To see if the blow is good or not
24:53For example that blow
24:55Here we saw that it didn't reach
24:57If the judge is right behind
25:01He thinks he hit him in the face
25:03Well in my case
25:05This assault
25:06I only gave Ivan Garcia
25:0710 points for him
25:089 for Callizales
25:11Although the round was quite equal
25:13In terms of blows connected
25:14And quality of the blows
25:15Garcia was the one who took
25:16Callizales back all the time
25:17The one who dominated
25:18He had a certain control
25:19On what happened in the quad
25:22There is the card then
25:24Of our dear
25:26Julianis Julius
25:28Two points up
25:29Callizales is going
25:30Two points up
25:31And the ranch is burning
25:35Double jab
25:36And the right hand fly
25:38And one came with the force
25:39That the Venezuelan wanted
25:43Garcia is still looking for him
25:48There is Ivan Garcia
25:51And it's one foot forward
25:52One foot forward
25:53One foot forward
25:54One foot back
25:56Yes, it doesn't matter to him to receive
25:59Because it does connect
26:01With a lot of strength
26:03To the soft areas
26:05I also understand that
26:08Perceives that maybe
26:09The power of Callizales is not there
26:10As they say in English
26:11Keep me honest
26:13If you don't have the power
26:14To keep me honest
26:15If you don't have the power
26:16To tell me
26:17To intimidate me a little
26:19Be careful
26:20Well I'm going forward
26:21And I think that's what we're seeing
26:23It's not that
26:24Callizales doesn't have power
26:25But it's not enough
26:27To put a stopper
26:29To Garcia
26:32Yes, it's not very funny
26:33To Garcia when he's hit
26:34Because the truth is
26:35It's not very funny
26:36But it's not what
26:37Jorge says
26:39It doesn't get to the point
26:40That he hits him
26:41And makes him think
26:42About things twice
26:48One minute with 25 seconds
26:53To the soft areas
26:55Ivan Garcia
27:00Now he was
27:02A little far
27:03From where he could
27:04Be forceful
27:05But now he doesn't
27:06He hooks the hepatic area
27:07By the Mexican
27:10He takes distance
27:11He goes for the legs
27:14Good jab by Garcia
27:16Of course, Callizales
27:17Has a lot of quality
27:18And then more or less
27:19He manages to control
27:20The situation
27:21So much so
27:22With what we saw
27:24The jab
27:26Going for the legs
27:27But he has to work
27:28A lot
27:29Spend a lot of energy
27:34And Garcia insists
27:35With the soft areas
27:37He doesn't forget about it
27:41The forcefulness
27:42Of Callizales
27:43In the counter
27:45He got it
27:46Just when he wanted
27:47To go in
27:48With everything Garcia
27:52Yes, Garcia
27:53Is doing just what
27:54We asked him to do
27:55In the other fight
27:56To Valenzuela
27:57That's what they ask him
27:58All the time
27:59To force the fight
28:05A little more constancy
28:0610 seconds
28:07The episode will end
28:12The bell rings
28:14And we go
28:15To the minute of rest
28:16Both gentlemen
28:17Have crossed
28:18In a brutal way
28:21I have the feeling
28:22That Garcia
28:23Is starting
28:24To command
28:25The actions
28:26Of this fight
28:27Little by little
28:28Without big strides
28:29But that
28:30In a continuous way
28:31The Mexican
28:32Is conquering
28:33The ground
28:34Little by little
28:35When we go
28:36To the eighth
28:39We agree
28:40That each round
28:41No one has won
28:42A round
28:43In a clear way
28:44No one
28:45All the rounds
28:46Are battles
28:47But with all the letters
28:49It's going to be
28:51Although we know
28:52What it means
28:53To be here
28:54To be here
28:55These judges
28:56But what a fight
28:57Look there
28:58They cross
29:00And also
29:01What we were talking about
29:02About the energy
29:03It's super important
29:05There are rounds
29:06That a boxer
29:07Could have won
29:08But he would have spent
29:09So much energy
29:10That he actually
29:11Went out
29:13That round
29:14And we don't know
29:15What could be
29:16Happening to him
29:17For example
29:20The energy
29:21That he spent
29:22In that round
29:23Hurt him
29:25The police
29:26Has been silent
29:27The police
29:28Is watching
29:29The fight
29:31There is nothing
29:32Defined for the home
29:34Because there is
29:36And whispers
29:37I think
29:38We are going to
29:39Check the card
29:41I don't know
29:43Let's see Julio
29:44What did your card say?
29:45I gave the seventh
29:47To Cañizares
29:49But it was ten points
29:50For him
29:51Not for García
29:52And he is three points
29:55But it's hard
29:56To decide
29:58It would have to be
29:59Very clear
30:01In these three rounds
30:02To at least
30:03Reach the draw
30:04You have to put
30:06You have to put Hopper
30:07They shout
30:08To Iván García
30:10Left hand
30:11By Cañizares
30:15Double hook
30:16And he closed
30:17The Mexican
30:22Going back now
30:23To Carlos
30:25Iván García understands
30:26That this is a good way
30:27To cancel it
30:36He is receiving
30:37In an intelligent way
30:38Now to Cañizares
30:39My dear Jorge
30:42He is doing better
30:43The counter
30:44But the Mexican
30:45Does not stop
30:46He does not step back
30:47And there is not
30:48A moment
30:49Of a blow
30:50From Cañizares
30:51That put him
30:52In a bad condition
30:53That made him fall back
30:55There are moments
30:56In which Cañizares
30:57Finds the boxing
30:58Of mobility
31:00But when he does not
31:01He suffers
31:02He suffers
31:03With the attack of the Mexican
31:07Let Carlos go
31:08From that one
31:12Good hand
31:13Some rounds
31:14Well closed
31:15That is what
31:16Julius said
31:18That feeds
31:19The drama
31:21Here in this contest
31:23What a way
31:25To attack
31:26With force
31:27That left hand
31:28The ex-champion
31:36Yes, they ask him
31:37To lock a little more
31:38To Cañizares
31:39Do not stop throwing
31:40Now they put him
31:41The parry
31:42And hook
31:43To the hepatic area
31:45Dangerous Garcia
31:46Who tells him
31:47Do not let him work
31:48They get there
31:49To the telephone booth
31:5420 seconds
32:01Cañizares has had
32:02A pretty smart fight
32:03In these rounds
32:06At least in this round
32:07He has recovered
32:08A lot of ground
32:15For Cañizares
32:16Although he did not go clean
32:18Garcia had
32:19The opportunity
32:20To connect him
32:21Towards the end
32:23And a round
32:24That exemplifies
32:25The good fight
32:26That we are seeing
32:28A fight
32:29Where the young
32:30Puts that pressure
32:32But the experienced
32:33Comes with the counter
32:34Comes with the timing
32:35Comes with the movements
32:38Without a doubt
32:40An expression of talent
32:41In this night
32:45A good tactical adjustment
32:47In this last assault
32:49He did not stay
32:50At any time
32:52At the exchange
32:53He looked for a quick combination
32:57And on my card
32:59With that he got
33:00To win 10 to 9
33:01But very tight
33:02The rounds are very tight
33:04There is no
33:05Great clarity
33:06In favor of
33:07Neither of them
33:08And yes
33:09He is winning
33:10My card
33:11He is winning
33:14There are many
33:15Very tight rounds
33:19Here comes the penultimate
33:20Penultimate round
33:21In the polyhedron
33:22Of Caracas
33:27With the issue of cards
33:28And we see that Garcia
33:33Be careful with the headbutt
33:35It was intentional
33:36It was not intentional
33:37And there is a cut
33:40Let's go
33:42What a shame
33:45To take him to the doctor
33:46Or what's going to happen?
33:48He says yes
33:49He says yes
33:50That it is not enough
33:52Dangerous for now
33:53As to take him
33:54With the doctor
33:58We said
34:00That already
34:01It brings more blood
34:02To this quadrilateral
34:04With which he already had
34:05Only that it seemed
34:06That they had painted him
34:07With a red bottle
34:08To add
34:17The public is going to be strong
34:18And he gets into the fanatic
34:19Dear Jorge Ebro
34:21The public is encouraged
34:23The blood brings that
34:24The head
34:28He gets upset again
34:30And leaves
34:32Yes, but
34:33Garcia is his
34:34He's going to have to
34:35Squeeze the accelerator
34:37To surprise
34:38The ex-champion
34:40He has to be careful
34:41Because another headbutt
34:42And he can take a point
34:44Now very well Gañizales
34:46Hitting in reverse
34:51The Mexican
34:52Connects well Gañizales
34:57And we are precipitated
35:07Let's see
35:12Let's see
35:24Two points
35:26As we said
35:27A very tight round
35:32Let's see if this brings
35:33A little more fire
35:34For Garcia
35:36And also for Gañizales
35:37To say
35:39The fight is not as open
35:40As we expected
35:42No, Gañizales has to
35:43Put one of the two
35:44Rows for the sack
35:47To make sure
35:48With one more
35:49He can make sure
35:51He has to choose well
35:52Which of the two
35:54On fire
35:56Double left
35:57By Garcia
35:59Who later wanted to go
36:00With more
36:01To the attack
36:02And he was short
36:0625 seconds left
36:07To this
36:08Dear Jorge Ebro
36:0925 seconds
36:13A spectacular fight
36:15This is the fight
36:16That pays the entrance
36:17To the Caracas
36:19The initial
36:20Super Welterweight
36:21National Championship
36:22And this
36:23And this
36:24Has been worth it
36:25There's the knockout
36:26And if you want to see
36:27The Bolivian knockout
36:28Watch it too
36:32Very hard
36:33The bell rings
36:34A tremendous closing
36:36Ay ay ay
36:37Garcia complains
36:38That he hit
36:39After the bell
36:41The Venezuelan
36:46Another assault
36:50Yes because
36:52I mean
36:54He was doing very well
36:55Until the scores said
36:56That there
36:57He had a spark
36:58In the head
37:00He messed up the round
37:01He messed up the round
37:02The Mexican
37:04Pressed more
37:06And we're getting
37:07To the last assault
37:08Of this fight
37:09My dear Julius
37:12A fight that
37:13Also goes
37:15Everything points
37:16That will be
37:17Put at the disposal
37:18Of the judges
37:20Let's see what he does now
37:21I mean Garcia
37:22We know what he has to do
37:23That is to win the round
37:24As it is
37:25The thing is
37:26What will Cañizales do?
37:27Because let's see
37:28If he thinks he has won the previous
37:29He has to go out
37:30To hold
37:31But if he
37:32Does not think he has won the previous
37:33He has to go out
37:34To win this round
37:36The last
37:37The last
37:39Let's go to the last round
37:40Pablo Flores already said
37:41They are 12
37:42They are 12
37:44He said
37:45They are 12
37:46He said
37:47They are 12
37:48He said
37:49They are 12
37:50They are 12
37:51I already said
37:52That it seems
37:53That this was weird
37:54They are 12
37:55He said
37:59Boxing for free
38:00We have boxing for free
38:01In this knockout
38:02Six more minutes
38:03That's what they said
38:04From the trainers
38:05Let's go
38:06Come on
38:07Come on
38:08Let's go
38:09Come on
38:14He is is
38:18He is is
38:20He is is
38:21He is little
38:22He is little
38:23This is right
38:24This is safe
38:25This can change
38:26This can change
38:27Do not
38:28Do not
38:29Do not
38:30He is
38:31He is
38:32He is
38:33The last
38:34And they just changed it, how important it is to have a character like Fu.
38:42He's going all out, Garcia.
38:46He's making Cañizales' quadrilateral smaller.
38:50And you have to say it, they're not overwhelming him.
38:54He's about to lose, but it's a good moment for the Mexican fighter, Dix Tapaluca.
38:59Good moment, Garcia made him fall back all the way to Cañizales.
39:07No, but you can't see Cañizales at ease.
39:09No, no, no, and he's going back and he's also in a hurry when it's time to respond.
39:14No, no, he looks quite impressed and the face says it all too.
39:18Garcia's right upper, who responds there with a hook to the liver area and the right hand cross.
39:27All the way back in this assault for the CCC.
39:32Yes, without a doubt, this assault has been a little clearer for the Mexican, based on pure pressure.
39:40A lot of heart for Garcia.
39:46What a way to disconnect with that powerful right, Mr. Ebro.
39:51And that's what Julio says, I think the effect of the announcement of the partial vote was like a whisper for Garcia.
40:01For the next Cañizales of today, don't say anything, shut up.
40:06Yes, it could be.
40:09Oh, what a way to disconnect now from Cañizales.
40:13Who responds to the enemy fire also in the takedown.
40:16And give me without giving or asking for a truce, and there goes Garcia, Dix Tapaluca.
40:2212 seconds in this assault number 10.
40:26Nothing that ends in this one, let's go to 12.
40:33The bell rings.
40:35One of the best assaults we've seen so far, gentlemen.
40:40Pure adrenaline on the part of both warriors.
40:43But as Julius said, nothing seems comfortable to the world champion.
40:49The pressure that Garcia is putting on is real, it is constant, it is very dangerous, Julius.
40:57Yes, maybe that's what we said.
41:00All the energy he had to spend in the first rounds to get to tame Garcia a little bit.
41:05It's costing him now.
41:07Because the round was very nice, this tenth round.
41:10Very showy, but it was probably Garcia's best round in the whole fight.
41:14Probably, probably.
41:16And we'll have to see how these tickets are now after the Mexican's lift.
41:25Uy uy uy, uy uy uy, the champions are coming.
41:28There in the poliedro of Caracas.
41:30And Julius Julien, how are you doing then?
41:32Your extra-official score.
41:34Well, I gave Garcia the tenth round.
41:37Ten points for him, nine for Cañizares.
41:38It seemed quite clear to me within what the round fits.
41:41A lot of pressure on the part of Garcia.
41:43I take Cañizares two points up, but this can be anything.
41:47There have been many very even rounds.
41:49And let's see, because we said it was a world title level fight.
41:54And they gave us two more rounds to make it a world title.
41:59Correct, correct.
42:00And good momentum for Garcia at least.
42:02He took the last two in our extra-official card.
42:05He's going to have to get strength from wherever he is.
42:09Triple C.
42:11What a cross, gentlemen.
42:13Yes, fierce crosses.
42:15He tries to lift it with the upper.
42:17Garcia when he's there in short.
42:20Upper and hook, throws the Mexican.
42:24Cañizares with the jab is not reaching him to contain the enemy force.
42:29A lot of precision has been lost from the assault.
42:32Right by Tentosa.
42:40Good Mexican blow.
42:44And now it's the hook too.
42:48But Cañizares responds with interest.
42:52And again, that great atmosphere that there was.
42:57After listening to the cards above, I think he has calmed down a bit.
43:00A lot.
43:02The expectant polyhedron.
43:05Everyone was expecting the victory of the local idol, Carlos Cañizares.
43:10But it has become complicated.
43:13The fight must be very even in the tickets.
43:20Yes, because now Cañizares no longer seems to hit with the same power
43:25that he hit in the first half of the fight.
43:27And the Mexican is now a train without brakes.
43:30Here is where you notice those wars of the past.
43:34That excess of rounds.
43:36But there goes Garcia to try to achieve the great Batacazo.
43:44By the way, in a few more hours, a little more than three hours,
43:50we'll see you with a battle from Japan.
43:53Along with Nakatani against Vincent Astrolavio.
43:56Rooster title of the World Boxing Council.
44:06Throwing firewood in the center of the ring.
44:08With a lot of strength goes Garcia.
44:11And there is no truce.
44:12No, it seems that the issue of the cut has not affected too much,
44:16especially Cañizares.
44:19But it's amazing how Garcia comes forward,
44:23doesn't stop, doesn't take a break.
44:35And everything is ready for the drama of the last assault, gentlemen.
44:41The night is coming to an end.
44:44From Venezuela.
44:49Both have their faces quite beaten.
44:54Yes, yes.
44:55Yes, here the important part is who has the moral hit the most.
45:00The will.
45:01Yes, the will, the morale, the spirit.
45:04Our own.
45:07Because physically they are both at the limit.
45:10A lot of punishment, both in the sense of punishment received,
45:15as in the blows thrown and hitting,
45:17that you also get tired and then you hurt yourself.
45:21And the thing is, who will still have that little point of morality,
45:25of will, to be able to get ahead of this round.
45:28Because in my card, the one-tenth was taken by the Mexican.
45:32By pure push.
45:33And it goes one point above Cañizares in my card.
45:36That is, the one who wins the last round, wins the fight.
45:41Well, well.
45:45Assault number 12, my dear Jorge Ebro.
45:48And the ranch is on fire.
45:51Yes, but a good ranch for the fanatic.
45:53At least the fanatic of Latin America.
45:55I don't know about El Polier.
45:57But for all of us who are connected here to the transmission.
46:00Spectacular fight.
46:03There is no bad fight with a Mexican, Chava.
46:05And I don't say it because you are in front of me.
46:08Only those who do not reach the quadrilateral,
46:12like that of Titán Rodríguez, who could not,
46:15or will not be able to challenge Kosei Tanaka for the Super Mosca WMV title.
46:18The fight was canceled a few hours ago.
46:20What a shame.
46:24But well, as the Japanese are not so careful,
46:27there are two other world title fights in La Cartelera.
46:30Yes, correct.
46:31Plus an attraction there with Tenshin Asakawa.
46:33Be careful, they grabbed Cañizares with the left hook,
46:36who was shaking.
46:37The Venezuelan was going backwards.
46:39And García goes with everything to try to finish this.
46:42No, no, no.
46:43This man comes with a mission.
46:48They desperately ask García Sierra to surrender his body,
46:52his soul, his heart.
46:54Cañizares is asking for it now.
46:55Asking for it now, pushing.
46:57Trying to throw that human bandage that García is.
47:03And this man is really a torment.
47:05A real human torment.
47:08There is García trying to achieve the Batacazo.
47:11Left hook, the soft waves.
47:14Now the straight right hand.
47:17He was dangerously going against the Cañizares ropes.
47:21He has only 70 seconds left, Mr. Ebro.
47:25What a close, what a close.
47:27And García doing everything within his reach
47:30to tilt the verdict of the judges, gentlemen.
47:35He ties and ties Cañizares.
47:37His soul can't take it anymore.
47:40No, Cañizares right now is heart and veteranism, nothing more.
47:43This is not what we were talking about.
47:45There is no strength left, there is no air left.
47:48There is only will and veteranism left.
47:50By instruments.
47:52The former world champion is maneuvering.
47:55García wants to go for everything.
47:59Hopper by the left hook.
48:01He attacks the soft areas.
48:03Cañizares goes for the takedown.
48:05Without even asking for a truce.
48:07Straight right, straight left by Cañizares.
48:11Sensational, this boxing.
48:14What does this Mexican have?
48:18A grain of sand.
48:2015 seconds.
48:21Hector Afu separates him.
48:23Hook to the liver by García.
48:27Closing with what is left.
48:29The last reserve.
48:31Cañizares who has just connected
48:33a sovereign with a straight right hand.
48:36What a way to begin and end
48:39this stellar contest in ESPN.
48:42One of the best fights of the year.
48:44Without a doubt, gentlemen.
48:47If you haven't seen it, watch the replay later
48:49because it's worth it.
48:51A fight that doesn't have a minute of rest,
48:54a minute of pause.
48:56A fight that started in one way,
48:58Julio, ends in a very different way.
49:00Let's see what your card says.
49:02Let's see what the judges' cards say.
49:04But without a doubt, a dramatic moment
49:06that we are going to live here
49:08in the Polyhedron of Caracas.
49:10It was worth the wait.
49:11Chava, nine years waiting.
49:13But this fight saves the evening.
49:15Without a doubt.
49:16And tell me, Julio and Julianis.
49:18Well, the last round, I think that
49:20was the clearest of the whole fight.
49:23Cañizares gave him a lot of courage,
49:26not to say another word.
49:28But the round was clearly won by García.
49:30With the final rally,
49:32in my card, it's the same as the fight,
49:36We'll have to see what the judges have seen
49:38from that 77-75
49:40of Cañizares that they had
49:42in the eighth assault.
49:44I loved Hector Afu's authority.
49:46He said, no, no, no, nothing,
49:48last round, we came to fight 12.
49:50And there were some alerts.
49:54I think it also increased a little
49:56García's spear, that he delivers everything
49:58with a lot of will, with a lot of gallardía.
50:00Better cardio
50:02than the former world champion.
50:04And this is going to get sensational.
50:06That's what explains the change a lot.
50:08I think this man has
50:10a Herculean resistance.
50:12This man has an incredible resistance.
50:16Cañizares did not expect
50:18the resistance he was going to find
50:20from García.
50:22I was surprised
50:24how much energy this Mexican has
50:26to somehow
50:28turn the fight around.
50:30It could be a tie. There are many rounds
50:32that are even in the middle.
50:34Let's say it's a fight of two halves of July.
50:36The Venezuelan imposes a train at the beginning,
50:38a beauty, a clean combination.
50:40The Mexican imposes
50:42that final will.
50:44Let's see, finally,
50:46where the judges go.
50:50Very good fight.
50:52Everything can happen.
50:54Perhaps today, guys,
50:56this has been noticed,
50:58what Chava was talking about before,
51:00about the wars that he has
51:02with Cañizares before,
51:04that a bill passes in the body.
51:06All those who feel proud
51:08to be Venezuelan,
51:10make some noise!
51:22There they are encouraging the fanaticism
51:24and we are waiting for what happened.
51:26Tremendous closure by
51:28Ivan García.
51:30There is respect
51:32and recognition
51:34by Cañizares for García
51:36and vice versa.
51:38No matter what happens,
51:40this Mexican boy
51:42must be looked at.
51:44He is young,
51:46he has a tremendous heart
51:48and I think any promoter
51:50would like to work with this boy.
51:54Come on, Cañizares!
52:02Oh my God.
52:04Tell me, Pablito Flores.
52:34And from Caracas, Venezuela
52:36we have the score.
52:38The judge.
52:40Judge Juan Carlos Pelayo.
52:42He scores at 114.
52:44114 even.
52:46114 to 114.
52:48In judges,
52:50Graciela Sarmiento and José García.
52:52They both have
52:54the same scores of 116 to 112.
52:56116 to 112
52:58these last ones.
53:00Your winner by way
53:02of majority decision.
53:04Your winner by way
53:06of majority decision.
53:10Pure neighborhood
53:12San Pablito.
53:14Caracas, Venezuela.
53:16New silver champion.
53:18Mini Moscow
53:20of CMV.
53:26Triple C.
53:34There it is.
53:36A tie at 114.
53:38And also a strong recognition
53:40for his rival.
53:42Carlos Cañizares
53:44on Ivan Garcia.
53:46A great battle.
53:48Our dear Julius Jureas
53:50would have 114, 114
53:52in our extra official card.
