ANM s Roboroach [E-0] 32, [E-0] 34 ANMD DSNY Moive English vidéo vidéo

  • 2 months ago
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01:26Just think, Reg, in 10 or 12 short hours, we'll be in Sleepy Water's healthy haven,
01:45an oasis spa in the middle of the goober desert.
01:47Take a shortcut!
01:50You know I never take shortcuts, Reg.
01:53Hey, why don't you just take a little nap, Reg, and leave the driving to me?
01:58A nap? Say, that's a good idea, little brother.
02:04But if you put yourself on autopilot, Rube, we could both have a nap.
02:10Oh, Reg! That's very thoughtful of you.
02:13I'll just program our destination into my mainframe, and there we go! Autopilot.
02:20Nighty-night, Reg!
02:23Psst. Yeah, nighty-night.
02:28Sleep tight, little brother.
02:30While I take us off, autopilot, put in a few clever shortcuts, and hit the gas!
02:42Excuse me, sorry, sorry. Coming through, coming through.
02:52Winky-winky, big brother! We're here!
03:06Sleepy Water's healthy haven.
03:11It looks a little drier than the brochure.
03:14I wonder if something went wrong with my autopilot.
03:19You didn't fiddle with my knobs while I was asleep, did you, Reg?
03:42You two foot-fellers ain't looking for t-t-trouble, are you?
03:47T-t-trouble? That's no word to t-t-tourists.
03:53We're looking for Sleepy Water's healthy haven.
03:57Sleepy Water's?
04:00This here's Dusty Gulch.
04:02Name's Love Handle. I'm the mayor of Dusty Gulch.
04:07And as such, I'm thrilled to extend to you fellers the full and complete hospitality of the town.
04:15Anything you want, all you gotta do is ask. Anything!
04:21I just want some water!
04:24Except water. I've got no water.
04:28Dry town, dry and dusty. Hence the name, of course.
04:33Dusty Gulch. Dryer than a-
04:36I need a drink! Now!
04:39Well, we got all the root beer and sodie poppin' and guzzle right here in the saloon.
04:49Hey, he's su-
05:00We think Mr. Reg is a very special bug.
05:06Oh, we've been waiting a long time for a bug with his combination of
05:11gruffness, rudeness, and general uncoolity.
05:16That's why we want to offer Mr. Reg a full-time job as our new sheriff.
05:25And Mr. Rube can be your deputy.
05:29Oh, that sounds like a pretty major decision, Reg.
05:35Keep talking, love handle.
05:37And hardly anything ever happens in Dusty Gulch,
05:40so you'd be very handsome to pay for doing mostly nothing most of the time.
05:45I'm your bug.
05:47And to make certain your every whim is satisfied, Sheriff Reg,
05:52I've assigned you not one, but two personal assistants.
05:57Lardette and Husky.
06:02More sodie pop?
06:04Would you like more grub?
06:11This here's the bank, Sheriff.
06:13And over yonder's your office.
06:15And the jail.
06:17And up there's the clock tower.
06:24And would you look at the time.
06:27Well, see you later, f-f-fellers.
06:34Don't you think this is all a little strange, Reg?
06:40I'll say, especially those two burly personal assistants.
06:45No, I mean being made sheriffs so quickly.
06:49Don't you wonder what happened to all of the previous sheriffs?
06:53I'll tell you what happened.
06:57All the other sheriffs were done in by a gang of the meanest
07:01and orneriest crooks you ever seen.
07:05Ooh, mean and ornery, huh?
07:09Yep, but they're also extremely well-groomed and very nicely dressed.
07:15Yes, sir.
07:17For years now, they've been coming every second Tuesday at high noon,
07:21rob the bank of the town folks' life savings,
07:25and generally terrorize the dusty gulch.
07:29They're cold.
07:31The Dapper Dandies.
07:35How scary can any gang be that's called the Dapper Dandies?
07:42What kind of name is that?
07:45Dapper Dandies.
07:47Stop saying that!
07:49So what exactly is the second Tuesday, Mr. Oldtimer, sir?
07:54That'd be today.
07:56Oh, and high noon would be...
07:59...right about now, I reckon.
08:08Oh, oh! There they are, Wrench!
08:09Right in the middle of that dust storm!
08:11The Dapper Dandies!
08:14And they're fast, too!
08:22Well, it looks as if there's a new sheriff in town.
08:26It looks as if there's a new sheriff in town.
08:30Tiny and rather insignificant, aren't we, Sheriff?
08:35What? I'm not tiny in it!
08:38Well, I am, but check my death video!
08:44Don't mind if I do.
08:45He is much more physically imposing, isn't he?
08:49Thank you!
08:50Thank you!
08:54I'm Danny, and these are my brothers, Tony...
09:00...and Dinky.
09:03We love to play and chat, but we have a bang to rob!
09:13Hold it right there, Danny, Donny, and Dinky Dandy!
09:18I'm the sheriff of this town, so if you know what's good for you,
09:22you better clear out while the clearing out is good!
09:27Is that clear?
09:28Because my deputy is...
09:30This could be a problem, Wrench.
09:33The dust, it's interfering with my robo-villainy!
09:43What the heck is he doing?
09:47Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
09:52Donny, Dinky, a toast!
09:55To yet another successful withdrawal from the associated bank of dusty gulch!
10:01To the death of Dandy!
10:04What do I need to do to get some service around here?
10:11Be right there, Mr. Dandy, sir!
10:13We need more paté!
10:16And fresh mackerels!
10:18And more crudités!
10:22I'll give you some crudités.
10:31Ruby! Finally! You're back!
10:34You come to save me from the dapper Danny!
10:41I'm a good driver!
10:48Oh, somebody, please help me!
10:54We'll help you, sir, Wrench!
11:08This scarf was quite possibly the one absolutely essential element of my sartorial ensemble.
11:18And it's ruined!
11:29Ooh! What lovely material!
11:50Roll out the barrels!
11:53You'll have a barrel of fun!
12:38We did it!
12:42Here's a small sign of our appreciation for your heroic service to dusty gulch!
12:48I'd like to award you with this all-inclusive lifetime contract as sheriff!
12:54We double your salary every year!
12:58Oh, Wrench, you can never accept that!
13:00I accept!
13:02And to fully welcome you as a member of the Love Handle family,
13:08included in this deal is your choice of one of my beautiful daughters as your wife for life!
13:18So, which will it be, Sheriff Wrench?
13:20Our dad?
13:22Or us?
13:24Um, how could I choose?
13:32I want him!
13:34He's mine!
13:36I'll rub your feet, Sheriff Wrench!
13:38You ought to be very flattered, Wrench!
13:40Ah! Wife!
13:42Me! Wife!
13:44Ow! All the time!
14:14Yep! This is it, Wrench!
14:16The Double R Wrench!
14:24You mean this ad is for a farm job?
14:26There's no money in farming, Ruby.
14:28And why get my hands dirty when I can live in poverty in the comfort of my big screen TV?
14:38What about my allergies?
14:40You know I've got a severe reaction to all forms of manual labor.
14:44That's okay, Wrench.
14:46I've got all the farm hands we need.
14:48I can do the work of ten wrenches!
14:52And get ten times the pay!
14:54Ten times the pay!
15:02Now you keep your piehole shut and let me do all the negotiating, all right?
15:06Okay, fine, brother.
15:08I'll just mosey around back and see if I can't rustle me up some dust bunnies what need tendin'.
15:16I'm powerful, good, and tendin' bodies, Wrench.
15:20Hello there, small, dark, and handsome.
15:26Oh, um, howdy, ma'am.
15:30Is, uh, uh, the, uh, man of the farm about?
15:38It's just you and me.
15:40Now why don't you unlock that big ol' door so's we can get to know one another, huh?
15:49Hold on, stranger.
15:51Uh-oh, it's early.
15:58This is my ranch, and Doris is my gal, and I'm gonna get you a-dressin' down just for lookin' at her.
16:05An old-fashioned frontier-style fist-beatin'.
16:09Oh, really?
16:15Oh, my stars!
16:18What happened?
16:20Tripped? Fall down? Suffer some form of free-farming mishap?
16:26Have no luck getting us jobs? What?!
16:33Hold on there, stranger.
16:35Did you say you were lookin' for a job?
16:39He sure is. Look no further. This here is Robo-Roach. He can do the work of ten farmhands.
16:46My friends call me Rube, sir. And this is my big brother, Reg.
16:52Pleased to meet you, Rube. I'm ignorantly wealthy, with gobs of disposable income. So I'd be willing to pay you...
17:01$10,000 a day.
17:04$10,000 a day? Okay, make it $20.
17:15Jeepers, mister. That sure is generous. But I just couldn't accept any farm job that doesn't include Reg.
17:22And dust bunnies? Tending bunnies is my specialty.
17:27Dust bunnies?
17:30This place is overrun with dust bunnies. We got a whole barn full of them over yonder.
17:53I reckon this means you'll take the job.
17:56Yeah, it's fine. Just get him off me.
17:59Turn the hose on him. Anything!
18:15Rise and shine, farmhands. We're burning daylight.
18:19I'll go check the dust bunnies.
18:22If it's day, where's the light?
18:31That there is a fine-looking crop, sirly. Where's the rest of the crew already and chow? What's the story?
18:38No time for chow. And there ain't no other crew but you. You said yourself that Robey Roach can do the work of ten.
18:47Yeah, sure he can. If you were here, you want me to go get him?
18:53Robey Roach has his hands full, and I'm paying you for work.
19:04Now we use this here machine to harvest the crop.
19:08And it's a beauty. Sirly boy, but where's Roop?
19:17Come on now, you little crazies. Uncle Roop has work to do.
19:28After you cut the hay, you haul it over to the hay baler.
19:34Cut the hay, huh? Okay, but where's Roop?
19:47Roop! Roop! Roop! Roop!
20:01After you bale the hay, you go stack it far away so it can dry.
20:09I'm sure Wretch is wondering where I am, you sudsy rascals.
20:15After you stack the hay so it can dry, you're done. But only after the hay is as high as an elephant's eye.
20:23Roop! Where's Roop?
20:26After this, I really have to get going. No freeze. Go fish.
20:32If Roop knows what's good for him, he better be as dead as I am.
20:3898, 99, 100! Here I come!
20:48Goodness, no! My little bunnies are loose! Bunnies, please come back!
20:54Miss Doris, have you seen my dust bunnies? It was my job to tend them, and now they're lost!
21:01Why no, sugar. But if you crack open that door, I'll help you find the little darlings.
21:08The first thing I'm gonna do is get Roop. Then I can take a hot bath.
21:1636, 24, 36, hon.
21:21Roop, what are you doing? Have you lost your mind?
21:25No, Wretch. I've lost my bunnies!
21:31Miss Doris said she'd help me find them.
21:35And I will.
21:38Just as soon as I go devour all those tasty crumbs.
21:46Just as soon as I go devour all those tasty crumbs.
22:00So that's why Mr. Surly kept Miss Doris locked up.
22:05She's a locust, and locusts are very bad for crops.
22:09Come on, let's light out of here before Surly finds out!
22:13But what'll become of my funny little bunnies?
22:20Hi, Surlybug.
22:22Oh, please don't be angry.
22:25I cheated on my diet.
22:34My crop! My whole crop! Gone!
22:39Who in tarnation let you out?
22:43Those two new Roops?
22:46This beating's too good for them.
22:49I think we lost them.
22:52Yeah, lost.
22:55Just like my little bunnies.
22:58Quiet, you hear that? That's an angry lynch mob.
23:02So, what could be worse than losing a lot of little bunnies?
23:08They could lynch you, that's what!
23:13Don't worry, pal. I won't let them hurt you.
23:18Where'd you get that?
23:20A ranch gift shop. It'll spit water or tobacco juice or something.
23:29Rich, tell me a story. Tell me about the bunnies.
23:36Okay, pal. You close your eyes and I'll tell you all about them.
23:42They're worthy sons.
23:45This does what they say.
23:49And I was their friend.
23:52I took care of them.
23:54Took care of them good.
23:57I would pet them.
24:00And love them.
24:02And hug them.
24:05And all we would laugh.
24:11But it's time to go home now, isn't it, Reg?
24:16Yes, Ruby.
24:19It's time to go.
24:22Hold it!
24:25What in the sweet name of corn do you think you're doing, boy?
24:29I'm putting them out of commission before you hayseeds lynch them.
24:33That's what I'm doing!
24:35Lynch him?
24:38Who said anything about lynching?
24:41I came out here to thank him.
24:45Oh, yeah! Well, nobody lays a hand on my little brother!
24:50Thank him, thank him for what?
24:52I'm a farmhand failure.
24:55I wrecked your crop.
24:58And I lost your bunnies.
25:01That's why I'm in your debt, Rube.
25:04I've been trying to get rid of them critters for years.
25:07They get into everything.
25:14See what I mean?
25:16They raise powerful heck with machinery.
25:21Why, you little rascals!
25:24Have you been hiding in there all along?
25:27Just look at how cute they are.
25:31Can we keep them, Reg? Can we?
25:34Why not?
25:36A day's pay is $20,000. Buy a lot of bunnies.
25:39Right, boss?
25:41Sorry, friend.
25:43Deal's off.
25:46I spent the last of my disposable income on the surgery for Doris.
25:50Oh, Sadie Buck.
25:53Are you coming home?
25:55Woo-hoo! Coming, darling!
25:58Bye, Mr. Surly! Bye, Miss Doris!
26:02Bye, cash.
26:04Bye, money.
26:06Bye, bonds.
26:10Why me?
26:12Why all the time me?
27:19Hey! I got a story to tell
27:22I got a roach named Rube with a high-tech shell
27:25Caught in a trap late one night
27:28Got away fast, but he didn't feel right
27:30Nowhere to hide, so he's got to run
27:33He's fan of the squad, he's got to give it his best
27:36He's the roach with the most
27:38Ruffo Roach
27:41He don't like to boast
27:44Ruffo Roach
27:46Unlike his brother Reg, he's got all the edge
27:49Ruffo Roach and Reg
28:05Ruffo Roach
28:10Ruffo Roach and Reg
28:19Ruffo Roach and Reg
28:23Ruffo Roach
28:46Oh, Reg
28:48Didn't I tell you skiing would be physically invigorating and sensually pleasing?
28:53What, with the bracingly fresh air, and the brilliantly bright sunshine,
28:58and the blindingly white snow,
29:00and the really, really big trees?
29:10Where'd you go, you silly ski-billy?
29:13I'm right here.
29:15Spread eagles around this tree.
29:27I'm right here.
29:29Oh, there you are. Ha-ha!
29:32Keep it down.
29:34You're gonna cost me.
29:36Run for it, Bruce!
29:57Now that was fun, huh, Rich?
30:07Can't we please, please just go home now?
30:12Goodness, no, Reg.
30:14It looks as if we're gonna be snowed in for some time.
30:17It's a lucky thing we landed at this lovely, lucky resort hotel.
30:21Snowed in? You're robo-roached, for pity's sake!
30:25Blast the heck outta here!
30:27Reg, I'm beginning to suspect that my rather robust robo-yodeling
30:31might have inadvertently initiated that little avalanche.
30:35So, I won't be using any of my robo-abilities until it's entirely safe to do so.
30:50Greetings, stranded travelers.
30:53Welcome to Mary Myron's Misted Mountain Monastery.
30:59I'm Brother Mary Myron.
31:02Wow, what do you know?
31:04I'm Brother Rube, and this is Brother Reg.
31:07Say your name is Mary?
31:09You must come in and warm yourselves.
31:12We'll provide you with dry clothing, soothing hot beverages,
31:16and as much fine food as you can possibly consume.
31:21Make my day! Coming through!
31:30Nice lid, Ruby.
31:34How about these styling rocks?
31:38Keep it coming! Keep it coming!
31:42You! You with the stew!
31:44What's your name?
31:46I'm Brother Mary Michael.
31:48And this is Brother Mary Maury, and Brother Mary Martin.
31:54You're all named Mary?
31:56Okay, whatever ripples your robe.
31:58Okay, Mary, stew me!
32:00Let's get some more bread, eh, other Mary.
32:03And you, uh, Mary the Third.
32:06Is this veggie bowl just gonna fill itself up?
32:08Uh, I ask you.
32:23I gotta tell you, Ruby, I didn't have my hopes when I first saw this place.
32:27It's old and damp and stony, but the food is great.
32:35I trust everything was to your satisfaction?
32:39Oh, yes, Brother Mary Myron.
32:42The meal was marvelous.
32:44The carrots were a little overdone.
32:48Brother, in the excitement of Reg's, um, feeding frenzy,
32:53we neglected to ask you if you had a room for us tonight.
32:58But you'll be staying far longer than one night.
33:02That's fine with me. I'll stay till spring if we have to.
33:06So if you'll just show us to our sweet Mary.
33:09Sweet Mary?
33:11Yeah, you do have satellite, right?
33:13Please, follow me.
33:17Hey, what gives? Where's the king-size bed and the TV
33:20and the mini bar and the sanitary for my protection toilet shield?
33:23I'll bet this is one of those theme rooms, eh, Reg?
33:27With a... with a really dirty medieval kitchen theme.
33:32Allow me to introduce Willie, Wally and Weenie.
33:36Would you explain our belief?
33:39The mystic mountain merry monks believe that true lasting happiness,
33:43a state of maximum merriment,
33:46can only be achieved through discipline, abstinence and hard work.
33:52And more discipline and then more hard work from morning to night.
34:00Day after day after day.
34:05I'm out of here.
34:10What a wonderful philosophy of life.
34:22I'm getting merrier by the minute.
34:26Hey, keep those robes coming, Reg.
34:30Yeah, yeah, gotcha.
34:56Ow, ow, oh, ow!
35:04Keep those robes coming, Reg!
35:07Bitch, where'd you go?
35:10Uh, in here.
35:16Gee, Reg, you look wonderful.
35:19And completely wrinkle-free. That's gotta make you merry.
35:23No, not exactly.
35:38Sorry, Reg, I ran out of leafy branches.
35:49I can't believe I'm scraping bunk scum out of a hot tub.
35:54This is not making me merry, Roop.
35:58Water on!
36:01Water on, Reg!
36:04Uh, what'd you say?
36:07Whoa, what did you say?
36:09Whoa, whoa, whoa!
36:19Ah! Naked mutts!
36:54Reg, we are so lucky to be guests here.
36:59Guests? Roop, we're not guests, we're slaves! We're prisoners!
37:03Isn't that right, Willy, Wally, Wee-Wee?
37:06That's right. We're prisoners, all right.
37:09Totally. We've been here for years.
37:13They'll never let us leave.
37:16And it's Weenie, not Wee-Wee.
37:19Whatever. Roop, we gotta break out of here right now, tonight. Can't you see that?
37:25I see nothing, Reg.
37:30That does it. I'm getting out of here, right now.
37:34But there is no way out.
37:36Oh, no. Have a look at this.
37:43It's the monastery's original blueprints.
37:46You see all these underground passageways, and right here, a perfect escape route.
37:52Just follow me, do exactly as I say, and we'll be free mutts again. You with me, boys?
37:58We're with you, brother Reg!
38:02Get your hands out of the way!
38:06I can't see a thing!
38:08Winky, hold the light in here!
38:10It's Willy! And we're lost, aren't we?
38:14Lost? We're not lost! Ha! Lost!
38:17I knew it! We're lost!
38:21We're not lost! Hold the light closer!
38:32Now you've got it!
38:36Where are the others?
38:39They're, uh...
38:46Oh, my.
38:48Maybe they went to the little monk's room.
38:51The prisoners have escaped! Sound the alarm!
38:56I'm sure it's this way! Yes! Yes! This way!
39:03No! Not that way! This way!
39:11Not that way!
39:38Hi, Reg! Hi, brothers!
39:40You know, Reg, I think you might have been right about that slave business after all.
39:46So maybe you could manage to help now, huh?
39:50One Robomorph coming right up!
39:53Surrender, slave! There's no escaping Mary Myron's misted mountain mother!
39:59What the heck is that?
40:08Light me, Willy!
40:34I'm right.
40:36Where's Reg?
40:38Reggie, eh? Hee-hoo!
40:43Oh, no.
40:47Why me? Why all the time? Help me!
41:14It's the gala opening of Slotty, Vexburg's newest French restaurant, where the elite meet to eat.
41:30Well, I guess having Roboroach for a dependent is its advantages, huh?
41:36Let's go slap on the old French feed bag, boy.
41:41Uh, sorry, Reg. We don't go in that door.
41:45It's Gator Jennings!
41:50We go in that one.
41:54The service entrance.
41:56I want to walk the red carpet!
41:59We are honored guests, aren't we?
42:02Well, not exactly. We're waiters. I applied for jobs, and we got them. Isn't that exciting?
42:15Bonjour. You are my new waiters, and I am Oot.
42:24Reg, this is the famous French restauranteur, Oot Rages. He's the snotty owner.
42:31The finest citizens of Vexburg have come to experience Oot Rages French dining at Oot Rages prices.
42:40Now get Oot there and remember, you are not just waiters. You are snotty waiters!
42:49There's a difference?
42:57This is it, Reg. Our first night as snotty French waiters. Just relax and be yourself.
43:04I'll be myself? With this bunch? You want me to get us fired?
43:17Yes, well, bonjour. I am Reg. I'll be your waiter for the evening.
43:26What kind of stupid name is that? It doesn't even sound French.
43:32Impressive, sir.
43:33Is that so?
43:37Actually, his name is Rage.
43:41Waiter? Where is our waiter?
43:47I'll start with the soup, bonjour. What is it?
43:53I think it's the soup of the day, but I'll check.
43:56Waiter, my ice is melting.
44:02Waiter, my neck is wrinkled.
44:06Waiter, my table is wobbly. This cheese has good mood.
44:12Waiter, this pork is too hot.
44:15Waiter, this jam is too cold.
44:18Waiter, my buns are too soft and my salad is cold.
44:32No! The customer is always right.
44:36Oh, they're right, all right. Right out of their minds!
44:41Hey, what the?
44:44Service with a smile, okay?
44:48Every guest is our special guest, okay?
44:52Oh, yeah, you can say that again. They sure are special.
44:56Buns like this don't grow on trees. They swing at them.
45:02He really doesn't mean that, folks.
45:05You're insulting our guests.
45:08Last time I saw mouths this big, there were hooks in them.
45:14That was unfortunate.
45:16We at Snotty are so sorry.
45:20Please say something.
45:30Yes, please. Castize us some more.
45:35Really, let us have it, boys.
45:40What are you guys, pathetic?
45:44He's a natural.
45:47You believe these bluebirds?
45:49Gee, Reg, if I didn't know any better, I'd think they like you being rude to them.
45:57You insult my outrageously rich guests.
46:01You are fired!
46:06We asked for it!
46:08Which is to say that they wanted him to do it.
46:12Yes, we asked for it.
46:15No French dining experience would be complete without a rude French waiter now, would it?
46:22And if he goes, we go.
46:27Fired? Did I say fired?
46:30I meant that he was tired as my new rude head waiter.
46:39Oui, non. C'est bon.
46:42Rude Rich! Rude Rich!
46:47Hi, Rich. Promoted the head waiter on your first date.
46:52And I did it my way.
46:57Boy, Rich, how does it feel to be the talk of the town?
47:02It feels great, but the true measure of success isn't the star on the door or the size of one's ego.
47:10It's the size of the tips.
47:13Ah, can you believe it, Ruby?
47:16Never in a zillion years would I guess that any bug would prefer me over you.
47:23It's a strange feeling for me too, Rich.
47:26I just hope my good manners and friendly nature don't get me fired.
47:31Or worse, cut into my tips.
47:35You need to recite the snotty code.
47:41Repeat after me. Service without a smile.
47:45Service without a smile.
47:48The customer is always wrong.
47:52The customer is always wrong.
47:56Nice dress is the circus in town.
48:00Oh my.
48:03Say it.
48:06Nice dress is the circus in town.
48:11Perfect. You'll do fine.
48:14If you start feeling nice, don't worry. I'll cover for you.
48:23Bonjour and welcome.
48:26I'll be your snotty waiter for the evening.
48:28If you have any complaints, I'll be glad to help you out.
48:30The door.
48:35It's good to see Sterling Pooperbucks again.
48:38So much has been said about him and tonight he's here to deny it.
48:44How about this, butler?
48:47When he was born, the doctor didn't know which end to spank.
48:51Thank you. You're a great bunch for a bunch of ingrates.
48:59Rich, you are a national treasure.
49:03I'm thinking of opening a snotty restaurant of my own.
49:07Call me...
49:10Call me...
49:13Rich, I would simply love it if you would consider coming to work for me.
49:18The mayor's office can use more uncivil servants like you.
49:24Why, thank you, mayor.
49:26Nice blouse, by the way.
49:29Who shot the coach?
49:32Thank you. Thank you very much.
49:34I'm here all week. Keep your head, waiter.
49:37Good night!
49:41Boy, Rich, things sure are looking up for you.
49:47You can say that again.
49:49Oh, ladies, might I have a moment of your time?
49:54Okay, but out with it. You're killing my buzz.
49:57I am aware that you have had other offers.
50:02So my partners and I are prepared to offer you
50:06one-third ownership of snotty restaurants coast to coast
50:10should you decide to remain with us.
50:14One-third? That's it, one lousy turd?
50:19Did I say one-third? I meant two.
50:25Snotty will not be snotty without you, Reggie.
50:31Okay, bye, Reg! See you tomorrow!
50:36Not if I see you first!
50:55Reg! Oh, I'm so glad you're finally here.
50:59I need to talk to you about Oot and the restaurant.
51:02Looks like another packed house.
51:05Time to turn off the old charm.
51:08That's what I need to talk to you about.
51:10Append all new material.
51:12But, Reg, that's not what I'm...
51:15Bonjour, losers!
51:18Guess who?
51:29Hey, as always, it's good to see the mayor.
51:31What a handsome woman.
51:33She has classic pioneer features,
51:36like the ox or the bison.
51:39Well, I never.
51:47Oi! Tough room.
51:50You guys don't seem to be yourselves tonight.
51:53It's a big improvement.
51:56Come on, Toadie.
52:02Hey, wait, where are you going?
52:04If I said anything to offend you, I meant it.
52:09Ruby, what gives?
52:11I gave them what they wanted, and I treated them terribly, didn't I?
52:15This place is called Snotty after all, isn't it?
52:18Um, well, isn't it?
52:21Uh, actually, no, Reg, it isn't.
52:24That's what I was trying to tell you.
52:26Monsieur Oot feared that he was losing you,
52:29so he sold the restaurant.
52:31It's now called Sorry.
52:35Well, the new owner is a rich Canadian manufacturer
52:38of curling stone wax,
52:40who's staffed it with super nice Canadian waiters,
52:43who take food orders and abuse with an accent and a smile.
52:48Oh, I like it better when it was Snotty, not Sorry.
52:52I don't believe this!
52:54Not nothing, Reg.
52:56At least you still have your job.
53:00Oh, hey, Reg, how's it going?
53:02Um, because you're totally rude
53:04and uncanadian treatment of our guests just now,
53:07on behalf of Sorry, I'm really, really sorry,
53:10but you're fired, eh?
53:13What a nice man.
53:15He even fired you blithely, eh?
53:19Tell me about it.
53:22Why me, eh?
53:24Why all the time me?