Fighting Chance An Origin Platinum Dicelocke [-P-R-T] 22 ANM vidéo vidéo

  • 2 months ago
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00:00Hey there guys, welcome back finally to another episode of Fighting Chance and Origin Platinum
00:16Dice Lock.
00:17So yeah, I took a bit of a break there for a little bit after I released my State of
00:22the Channel and my first episode of Director Quest.
00:27Because school started finally and wow did I apparently need a break.
00:33You guys gave me the okay to take a little bit of a breather in between episodes if it
00:39means retaining the same level of editing quality and my mental faculties apparently
00:48took that as permission to just not do anything for a while.
00:55I didn't realize how much I needed a break from Pokemon in general I think.
01:00You do too much of anything for a long while with nothing to break it up and you get sick
01:05of it.
01:06Not that I'll ever really get sick of Pokemon, but I was cranking out an episode of this
01:11like pretty much one a week with only a couple skipped weeks for the entire summer.
01:18And also doing other lots of Pokemon things like playing around on X and Y and reading
01:23things and watching videos and wow I'm way behind on watching videos.
01:27Oh my god, why am I going in here?
01:29I'm just walking around for visual interest.
01:33But yeah, all that added up to apparently I needed a break from Pokemon for a while
01:38so I just didn't play for a while.
01:42But now I am back.
01:43I'm ready to play again.
01:45Having watched a couple other videos from people who are playing Platinum right now
01:49has helped.
01:50So watching our old friend Tortimer the Grey and his Hexathalox season 4 which is going
01:56smashingly right now if I do say so myself.
02:00And you should all check it out.
02:01Also Dookie Shed's Rocket Lock Challenge which is the thing that inspired me to do my own
02:07Rocket Lock stream.
02:09That'll probably come back by the way sometime in the near-ish future.
02:13Not sure when.
02:15You'll hear on my social media when that's going out again for sure.
02:19And yeah, now I'm- the other reason I was hesitant to record the next episode of this
02:26is because now we have to go fight some Galactic Grunts and then after that I'm really not
02:32sure what to do because I really don't remember this part in Platinum at all and even after
02:36looking at the walkthroughs it still seems like unfamiliar territory.
02:41So yeah.
02:43I did change up the party a little bit since the gym.
02:47We haven't healed up anybody but- well beyond using potions I mean.
02:52So we haven't used up our Pokecenter heal.
02:55Like you can see there's still missing PP from the gym battle there.
02:59There's only two Hyper Beams left.
03:01We did pull out some Pokemon like Pickle who I want to keep training up with the rest of
03:05the team now that everyone else is caught up.
03:07We've got Blade who's also missing PP on Pluck.
03:11We brought back Flavortext.
03:13Always having a good time with Flavortext on the team.
03:17I think he's got the EXP share right now because he's the lowest at the moment.
03:25And we also taught him Return because that's who should have learned Return in the first
03:30place and I'm glad we got a repeat of that TM so we could actually make it happen.
03:37And Tetsuo.
03:38Always gotta have your Tetsuo on hand in case they have something bulky.
03:41I don't know if the Grunts will have anything super bulky but who knows what's coming up
03:45trainer wise later.
03:47So uh yes.
03:51Let's go fight some Galactic Grunts.
03:52Oh before we do I just want to say I'm probably gonna play for a while this session.
03:59Like I'm probably- I have two hours before I have to leave for school today and I'm gonna
04:04use that entire two hours to play.
04:07So for the next couple episodes you might not hear intros and outros at the beginning
04:12and ends of each episode because I'll probably just do this all in one long session and then
04:17cut it into episode sized chunks as we go.
04:22This is probably what's gonna work out because I won't always have time to record while I'm
04:26in school so it's better to get a whole bunch of recording done all at once so I only have
04:30to focus on editing blah blah blah blah you don't care.
04:35Also remember to leave a like, comment, or subscribe if you haven't already and let's
04:39go kick some galactic ass.
04:44Tag battle style.
04:45Oh Zubats.
04:46Oh yeah that's not much to worry about unless they confuse us or do something annoying and
04:52in which case hopefully- oh actually we don't really have much that's really super helpful
04:58in this situation.
05:02Not effective.
05:04Takes a turn to recharge afterwards.
05:06Not the best options.
05:07As much as I would like to avoid a confu- well actually maybe we should take out one
05:11of the Zubats first at least to reduce our chances of confusion and then wait the turn
05:16that we have to recharge and switch out.
05:20Oh the freaking animations.
05:23This is when I get for not recording for a while I forgot that I hadn't actually turned
05:27them back on yet.
05:28Oh well.
05:29We'll do that after.
05:31Hopefully I'll actually do it this time.
05:32Gravity intensified.
05:34Oh is that thing vulnerable to earthquake now?
05:39Too bad we have to switch out after Kilnar's done recharging.
05:44Thanks for the rock tomb.
05:46Oh oh revenge is not fun.
05:50See ya Clefairy.
05:51At least we have a Kadabra now.
05:54That's slightly more useful I think.
05:56Um who do we want to switch to for a crow gunk and Zubat?
06:01Oh 24 26.
06:03Probably blade actually would be the best.
06:08Yeah blade would probably be really good actually.
06:11Oh pursuit of course.
06:14It's like they know we have to switch or something.
06:18Yay super effectiveness all right.
06:23All righty let's go for a bit of pluck action on this crow gunk.
06:32Yeah all right there we go.
06:34Doing something doing something.
06:39Get all that experience going to flavor text.
06:41Definitely he can use it.
06:44And who do we switch to after this?
06:45We'll see who comes in.
06:46If there's anybody.
06:47Oh it's just the Stunky left.
06:48Okay cool.
06:50Well who is good to take on Poison Dark?
06:53Poison Dark.
06:56Probably I'm thinking Pickle or Tetsuo.
06:59You know we haven't seen Pickle in a while.
07:00Let's go to Pickle.
07:01Pickle can probably take whatever this thing's gonna dish out.
07:05Hey nice to see you again.
07:07Too bad this isn't your your lover Kadabra but I'm sure you'll be glad to be in the presence
07:12of one of his kin nonetheless.
07:15Oh we got Mud Bomb that's right.
07:17This is a good choice.
07:20Let's get some Mud Bomb going.
07:27Flavor text level 27.
07:29Nice to see.
07:32Okay perfect.
07:33Then didn't have too much to worry about and probably won't have much to worry about until
07:36we have to come back here then.
07:39Okay all righty.
07:41All the uh affirmative statements.
07:46You gotta accentuate the positive.
07:47Eliminate the negative.
07:48Latch on to the affirmative don't mess with master in between.
08:03Oh yes Looker.
08:04What are you gonna do for us?
08:07I have not paid attention to a single piece of dialogue Looker has spoken this entire
08:12Or at least I don't think I have.
08:14If I did then I don't remember it so that's just as just as well.
08:18Oh what did we get here?
08:20Oh yes we get Hidden Machine Fly.
08:23Oh can we use Fly yet?
08:25I can't remember if the badge we just got lets us use Fly or not.
08:30Stop talking.
08:31Let me get my HM already.
08:34Yay found it and put it in our TMs and HMs pocket.
08:40That's still the weirdest like that's still the weirdest little bug in this in this hack.
08:45Like was the hacker trying to fix the ampersand and wanted it to use the actual word but did
08:51it half-assed?
08:53I don't even know.
08:55Let's boot up this HM and teach it to Blade.
08:59Because we definitely would like to have a flying type who can take us places.
09:04Uh oh but I like having that one move pluck.
09:08Um actually do we have any other flying types?
09:11Maybe we can use it like an HM slave flying type.
09:13Maybe Martha can do that for us.
09:15She's already our defog slave.
09:18Well buddy not our HM slave our HM buddy!
09:22Um nah.
09:25Let's go back to the PC and teach Fly to Martha maybe.
09:31Okay so let's move Martha around here.
09:35Um oh wait wait wait wait hang on though.
09:39If we move Martha into the party now that means we can't take Blade out of the PC until
09:44we're ready to heal him because putting him in the PC will heal all his PP and that's
09:51if we take him out of the PC after this that's basically getting around the healing restrictions.
09:57Well now that we have Fly I guess we can go back to any Poke Center so it doesn't matter.
10:01So I guess we might as well use up our Poke Center heal now.
10:05Um alright well let's do that then.
10:09So we will put Blade there for now.
10:15And we will do a quick heal.
10:17Use up our last heal in wherever this is.
10:21Veilstone City.
10:22I forgot where we were.
10:24All these towns in Platinum are blending together because they're all green and brown green
10:29and brown.
10:30Come and see all the glorious green and brown.
10:34God the visual design in this game really sucks in some places.
10:37Floroma was different.
10:38Floroma had some colors.
10:42Flying no.
10:44There we go.
10:46Martha wants to be able to fly and be a real bird.
10:50Let's get rid of Growl.
10:55Alright there we go.
10:59Cool cool.
11:00Martha can fly us places now.
11:02I wonder if there's a place we should go to.
11:04If I can't think of it off the bat we probably don't need to go to it but whatever.
11:10There we go.
11:11Thanks for being a pal Martha.
11:13You're the best HM buddy the world's ever seen.
11:16Go back to the box now.
11:18Please don't complain.
11:21So I think- is there anything else we can do in the Galactic Warehouse now?
11:25I don't think there is yet.
11:27Yeah there was nothing of use in there.
11:29Let's keep going then.
11:30I guess we're moving south at this point.
11:32We're moving to route 214 I believe it's gonna be.
11:37Wherever it is it's down here.
11:42Sure you can hit me up for a quick interview.
11:45If I had to compare my mother to a Pokemon what kind of interview is this?
11:52Something tells me that I'm going to be led into a trap question at some point.
12:01What who's- what do- when I think about my mother- am I talking about my real mother
12:05or my game mother?
12:06Because my game mother as we discussed in the early episodes is not the most um non
12:13smothering parent.
12:15Feelings maybe.
12:19Stranger danger.
12:20She's not my real mom.
12:23No hate's too strong.
12:24Lovey Dovey's too strong as well.
12:29That's a- oh do I say that on national TV though?
12:32Do I call my fake mom useless?
12:34Wait why is- what is Rofl doing in this game?
12:40We're trying to be hip with the kids and things.
12:46That's a nice sort of PC way to put it.
12:49Is there another type of thing that might work?
12:55Goodbye for now.
12:56That's uh that's probably a good summation of my desire to get out of her house.
13:06Let's go with bye for now.
13:09I'm sure it'll be a fantastic interview.
13:11You were very thorough.
13:13Oh nothing to see?
13:16Aw come on.
13:17There's beauty everywhere in the world man.
13:19You just gotta look hard enough.
13:21And a root 214.
13:23So we can do a new roll here.
13:26Let's get that set up.
13:27Do a new roll from 1 to 40.
13:31And our result is 31.
13:37The same roll again?
13:41We have to keep doing the switch to a new Pokemon every other turn in battle thing.
13:47We don't get this roll for the whole game and then we get it twice in a row.
13:55Well fine then.
13:57I guess we'll keep going with this then.
14:00Well at least there's Pokemon to catch.
14:02Oh that'll be interesting.
14:03Trying to catch a Pokemon under this rule.
14:07Well I guess let's uh let's keep battling then and uh keep following the restriction.
14:16Well at least now Killnar's got all his PP back.
14:20So let's...
14:24This is a short battle.
14:25I can remember this this time.
14:26I can turn the animations on after this.
14:28Gotta just say animations the whole time.
14:31Oh right.
14:32He missed with levitate.
14:36I'm gonna switch to flavored text while remembering to turn on the uh yeah yeah animations I can't
14:43Shadow Claw!
14:48That's a good uh it's a good job there flavored text.
14:50It's so good it makes me remember to turn on battle animations after I'm done this battle.
14:54Curly, I wish we could stay in on you flavored text.
14:57Oh wait wait wait no we have to wait and then switch.
15:00We have to wait and switch and let it attack us with a non thing of battle animations.
15:11Evil is coming out to say you should turn on battle animations after you're done beating
15:15up this Curly-a.
15:16Uh let's go for a water pulse.
15:23Right cause special defense.
15:24Special defense and lack of battle animations increase this thing's strength.
15:28Killnar come back.
15:29Killnar's like you still haven't turned on the battle animations brah.
15:34When is this gonna happen?
15:37I would hope that it's going to happen very soon.
15:40This person only has two Pokemon right?
15:41No three okay.
15:43Well fine then just one more one more Pokemon of non animations to suffer through.
15:51Flavored text is like seriously dude you gotta do this.
15:53You gotta remember.
15:54You gotta do what you say you're gonna do.
15:56You gotta keep your your mind focused or I'm not gonna kill Pokemon in one hit for you.
16:01Well that's uh that's motivation if I ever heard one.
16:05Tetsuo you got anything to weigh in on this and this massively important issue?
16:10And Tetsuo's like meh as long as you let me go back to sleep it's all cool.
16:18Well fine then Tetsuo I'm sure you'll be able to sleep easier with the battle animations
16:22turned on after this battle.
16:25After we get the money for the battle and go into the menu and go into the options and
16:30turn the battle scene on.
16:36There we go finally.
16:37Okay now I'll shut up.
16:40That was an interesting thing.
16:42Let's gather up some berries as a reward for doing that.
16:48Citrus berry hey hey hey that's semi-useful.
16:52Oh you know what?
16:57I might actually want to plant some berries because I like citrus berries and they're
17:02not as common as I would like.
17:05How many citrus berries do we have right now?
17:09We got two so we can plant one plus some others I guess and keep one in case if we need it.
17:15Well actually no we don't really need the citrus berries I never use them unless I have
17:19a bunch of them.
17:20I like enough to give a whole team.
17:23So I guess we can plant both our citrus berries and then two random ones here and then try
17:28to remember to come back and water them.
17:32We'll see how this works.
17:33I never water things when I uh when I plant berries so maybe this will be an interesting
17:37experiment to see if I can actually do it.
17:41I'm very much not a gardener in real life so maybe I'll be a better virtual gardener.
17:47And what else do we want to plant besides the two citrus berries?
17:50What's useful?
17:52Chesto maybe?
17:54Restochesto strategies to the high hills?
17:56Charity what else?
17:59How about we plant one persim berry because confusion healing is useful and then one chesto
18:06There we go all right and maybe we can water them now.
18:11And all watered all right maybe I'll actually remember to come back here at some point.
18:16Okay and now we can catch Pokemon hooray!
18:20I wonder what we can grab.
18:21Oh there's a there's a little cave here as well.
18:25The what is it the maniac tunnel.
18:28I think we can actually get a couple things in there as well so we can catch a couple
18:33So anyways route 214 we can catch Vulpix, Rhyhorn, Sudowoodo, Houndour, Poochyena, Vulpete,
18:42Illumise, Spoink, and Stunky.
18:46All kind of mildly interesting Pokemon.
18:48We already have uh we already have a bunch of these types like Vulpix we have a fire
18:52type or Houndour we also have a fire type or um Vulpete and Illumise they're not the
19:00greatest Pokemon but I had fun using one in my private leaf green wedlock that I did once
19:06so that could be fun.
19:09Spoink is kind of whatever I think Spoink is probably my least wanted here.
19:13Not that Shanty our grumpig from the the order lock wasn't kind of cool but uh it was also
19:20kind of underwhelming um Stunky could be cool.
19:24I'd like to use a uh whatever Skuntank.
19:28So let's see what we get I guess.
19:33Of course of course it would be a Spoink.
19:39Hope you like the box um oh what do we hit it with do we have quick balls yet no uh I
19:47guess let's leech seed it and if we don't catch it by the time the leech seed kills
19:52it then uh well no that'll be that'll be not fun but whatever at least I won't be missing
19:59anything huge.
20:02Okay and then let's switch out to someone else I guess oh we should heal flavor text
20:06I guess.
20:07Oh let's switch to Tetsuo I guess because he'll take the uh any hit while we're waiting
20:14for this thing to whittle down.
20:16All right and then let's take a turn to throw a pokeball.
20:19This will be kind of annoying we can only throw a pokeball every other turn.
20:25So what should we throw I guess let's throw a great ball because uh might as well.
20:35All right that was easy.
20:38Mildly mildly not annoying then not that's good.
20:43This data was added what do we call a Spoink what do we call a Spoink it's a male Spoink
20:49um I don't know where this name is coming from it's I was thinking pigs are pink and
21:01then the ball is kind of pink and Grumpig is kind of purple pinky purple.
21:21Give me a box Melvin.
