• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Dalla tutela della salute e della sicurezza dei lavoratori fino alla semplificazione e velocizzazione dei processi a basso valore aggiunto, così l’intelligenza artificiale entra in Saipem, azienda italiana leader mondiale nell'ingegneria e nella costruzione di grandi progetti nei settori dell'energia e delle infrastrutture, sia offshore che onshore. Da sempre orientata all’innovazione tecnologica, Saipem si pone quindi tra le realtà apripista nell’implementazione dell’intelligenza artificiale, anche generativa, nei propri processi.


00:00Present in more than 50 countries in the world, with over 30,000 employees of 120 different nationalities,
00:11Saipem, world leader in engineering and in the construction of large projects in the energy and infrastructure sectors,
00:17both offshore and onshore, has always been oriented to technological innovation.
00:22In virtue of this vocation, the Italian company has chosen to embrace what is now the main driver of innovation
00:29on the technological level, artificial intelligence.
00:32At Saipem we are trying to use artificial intelligence in several areas.
00:36The first concerns the health and safety of our collaborators and our employees.
00:41The second concerns the use of individual productivity activities, i.e. co-piloting tools.
00:49And the third concerns the use of artificial intelligence on the most important processes,
00:56such as engineering, procurement and construction.
00:59Saipem has recently introduced artificial intelligence for the protection and safety of its employees,
01:05collaborators and external contractors.
01:08The first use was that of Smart Cameras, which are cameras with artificial intelligence
01:14that allows to identify potential risks, for example a missing barrier,
01:18a vehicle that is approaching or a missing use of protective devices.
01:24Then we are testing field robots to do dangerous activities, to identify dangers,
01:30both land and flying robots, drones.
01:33And finally, we are now testing among the first in the world,
01:37verification tools for the use of protective devices, the so-called Smart Devices or Smart PPE.
01:45To allow resources to focus on more important activities,
01:49the simplification and speeding up of low-value-added processes is entrusted to co-pilot.
01:55Saipem has decided to use co-pilot to work on the so-called individual productivity.
02:01We are among the early adopters in Italy, we have 3,300 licenses in use
02:06and we aim to reach 10,000 uses by the end of the year.
02:09The company is also using artificial intelligence in several areas.
02:14The simplest are for the management and generation of documents,
02:18but we are also looking at AI for more important and difficult areas,
02:24such as engineering, where we expect to have new developments
02:28that allow us to work on images and objects,
02:30and on the combination of AI with machine learning and more quantitative analysis.
02:35The goal is to improve the quality and productivity of our engineering.
