ブラックペアン 第7話 Black Forceps

  • last month
ブラックペアン シーズン2
00:00Saiki Seigo... Takai Ichihiro...
00:08I don't believe in Saiki Seigo.
00:16...stole my father.
00:31What's wrong?
00:36You can stay here.
00:38Go back and check the drugs.
00:41It's okay. I'll take care of the rest.
00:50And then, something terrible happened.
01:03...to Tekadai.
01:07Thank you.
01:08That was after Tokai-sensei's mother's surgery was over.
01:12In Tojodai, it is forbidden for a doctor to perform an in-patient surgery.
01:19However, it is my conclusion that one-third of the patients are in critical condition.
01:26If you have anything to say, I'll listen.
01:29Well, I'd like you to hear me out.
01:33I was invited by Tekadai to come to my house for a double reward.
01:42Well, I have my own life with this low salary.
01:51It's up to Tokai.
01:55Thank you.
02:03He's throwing away Tojodai with money?
02:05It's a low salary.
02:07He doesn't even have a policy as a doctor.
02:10That's right.
02:13I need this, too.
02:18And so, Tokai-sensei left Tojodai.
02:23As I heard from you, he's a man who doesn't care about money.
02:28He simply left Tojodai and came here.
02:33So, what are you going to do?
02:36You do your job.
02:46He came early and took a nap.
02:49Why did Professor Nishizaki do that?
02:51I don't know.
02:52Anyway, he told me not to do anything until the chairman election was over.
02:56In the meantime, Tojodai was visited by Tomizawa-san, the Minister of Health, who promotes Kaiser.
03:03I've heard a lot about you, but I've heard that you've chosen a difficult case.
03:14That's not what I meant.
03:16I want you to have more difficult patients in the future.
03:19I want you to have a surgery that will definitely succeed.
03:25By the way, I heard that Yamamoto Shoko-san was hospitalized here.
03:39Certainly, a patient named Yamamoto Shoko was hospitalized.
03:45It can be said that it is a certificate suitable for Kaiser.
03:48It must be a gift from Professor Nishizaki.
03:50I don't think so.
03:52I borrowed it from Tomizawa-san, the Minister of Health, to hurry up the examination.
03:57But why did you get our patient's information?
04:01Someone must have leaked it to Professor Nishizaki.
04:07I think this Yamamoto Shoko-san was a patient in charge of Tokai.
04:12Then Tokai?
04:14As a gift from Kaiser, didn't they take out our data?
04:18Anyway, we have to hurry.
04:22Tomizawa-san's request is the request of the country.
04:28Then, Professor, can you leave it to me this time?
04:36Well, if it's this certificate, no matter who it is, it won't fail.
04:40Please use it as a gift from us.
04:43Thank you very much.
04:45What do you mean?
04:46I'm supposed to be in charge of Kaiser.
04:49You almost failed the last exam.
04:54That's because I didn't prepare enough blood.
04:57This is an order from the professor.
05:00Please follow the support.
05:06Dr. Saeki.
05:08I'm sorry to call you suddenly.
05:11I want to proceed with the next exam right away.
05:13I'll be happy to help you.
05:16I'll leave the rest to you.
05:19Yamamoto Shoko-san was the chief nurse in charge of a nearby city hospital.
05:25Then the blood vessels will open and it will be easier to see.
05:27That's true.
05:28The blood flow is dynamic and dynamic.
05:32Excuse me.
05:34I read the story of the test coordinator we talked about earlier.
05:37I'll introduce you.
05:39Excuse me.
05:40I'll introduce you.
05:41I'm Kinoshita.
05:47What's wrong?
05:49Excuse me.
05:52What did you just say?
05:58Explain the test!
06:02Did something happen between you and Kinoshita?
06:05Did something happen between you and Kinoshita?
06:09I used to work at the same workplace as Kaori-san.
06:14Excuse me.
06:15Kaori-san had a miscarriage during a surgery.
06:18Hurry up and change the blood vessel.
06:20Hurry up!
06:21I can't.
06:22Get ready for CPR.
06:30It's a heart attack!
06:32Bring me a hose.
06:33Why did you give me a blood vessel?
06:34Bring me a blood vessel!
06:35It's all your fault!
06:37She pleaded not guilty.
06:40But the test coordinator blamed Kaori-san for her mistake.
06:47And I was threatened to be fired if I didn't testify.
06:53The ophthalmologist, Kinoshita-san, apologized to the doctor.
06:59I'm sorry.
07:01She was fired from the hospital.
07:08She was an excellent nurse.
07:11But no one was there to protect her.
07:19The enemy of man is man.
07:23I'll think about the case.
07:27Can you assign someone else to take care of it?
07:32I heard about the situation.
07:35She was a nurse.
07:43At that time, I wanted her to die.
07:48I wanted her to die.
07:54Please assign someone else to take care of it.
08:01So that's what happened.
08:04Kinoshita-san and the ophthalmologist were good friends.
08:09I wish I could talk to him.
08:11But he's gone.
08:14It's hard to clean up.
08:18Professor Nishizawa.
08:19New data will arrive soon, right?
08:22I'll check it here.
08:29Mr. Tokai.
08:31How's it going?
08:35Who are you?
08:38I'm Takeda.
08:40Don't you remember me?
08:43Be careful not to get lost.
08:49What's this?
08:51You can't take a break for so long.
08:56I want to take a break.
08:57What's wrong?
08:58He doesn't want to work because he doesn't have a doctor.
09:03Do your job.
09:05This is an order.
09:08The current nurse is ridiculous.
09:12If you don't follow the instructions, you'll have to leave here like Mr. Tokai.
09:20I'll take care of it.
09:24All right, Mr. Nekota.
09:30I'm counting on you.
09:33What's going on?
09:35Isn't Mori's house strict these days?
09:38I've been going back and forth between the Ministry of Health and Dr. Saeki.
09:44But it can't be helped.
09:46If you disobey the instructions, it's over.
09:52So Dr. Saeki has chosen a high-risk patient for the test?
09:59After using the latest equipment,
10:02I've always had surgery using a scalpel.
10:06It's to make sure that the arm of the surgeon is important.
10:13The result of the test should be safe.
10:17But don't worry.
10:19This test was conducted by Tomizawa of the Ministry of Health.
10:25I chose a patient who wouldn't fail.
10:30You chose him?
10:32Does that mean you have the patient's information?
10:38I have an assistant.
10:41I pulled out a member of the medical team who supported Dr. Saeki.
10:46Even with this, you won't be able to operate on a high-risk patient.
10:56The surgery will start in two days.
11:01Excuse me, doctor.
11:04See you tomorrow.
11:07Dr. Nishizaki.
11:08Please wait a moment.
11:10My neck hurts.
11:13I can't move it well.
11:15Is that so?
11:17I must have made a mistake.
11:20I heard something happened between Dr. Tokai's father and Dr. Saeki.
11:26I heard it the other day.
11:28I don't believe in Dr. Saeki.
11:32He betrayed my father.
11:39I found an old paper when I was carrying the documents.
11:44A paper?
11:46The author is Dr. Saeki and Tokai Ichiro.
11:52So he betrayed me.
12:00There was only one of the documents left in the office.
12:12It's nostalgic.
12:14I learned a lot from Dr. Tokai Ichiro.
12:19I was told that a university hospital is a place where justice and research coexist.
12:28I was told that a university hospital is a place where justice and research coexist.
12:40It's all in the past.
12:50What are you doing?
12:52I can't use this paper.
12:55You can't use it without an ID.
12:57It's fake.
13:00I'm sorry, but I can't touch it because it contains important data.
13:05What is it?
13:06Are you going to write a paper?
13:08A paper?
13:09A paper?
13:13It seems that Dr. Saeki has never written a paper.
13:21It's an online order.
13:24There is no rice cooker in this hospital.
13:28Rice cooker?
13:36What are you doing?
13:39Don't touch it!
13:42I'm checking to see if the movement of the arm has been improved.
13:45I'll do it.
13:47I don't want you to touch my confidential data.
13:52Are you saying that I stole the patient's data?
13:55I didn't say that.
13:59By the way, how is the next test coordinator?
14:05You have to work hard as a member of the board.
14:14I'm going to the car.
14:17You're going to appoint a new coordinator.
14:21The patient seemed to be dissatisfied with me.
14:25A lot of things happen when you're alive.
14:29Did you know about my medical accident?
14:37Why did you hire me?
14:43I'm a coordinator who made a medical error in the past.
14:45If it becomes a rumor, it will affect the hospital's credibility.
14:51I believe in what is in front of me.
14:57You are an excellent person.
15:01I use you because you are excellent.
15:03People make their own past.
15:08The real pain is only known to the position.
15:21How is the condition of the caesarean section?
15:23I'm preparing for it.
15:25I'm looking forward to it.
15:27Give Dr. Takashima the documents of the caesarean section.
15:31Yes, sir.
15:34Please give Dr. Yamamoto the Heparin and Penicillin.
15:37Yes, sir.
15:41Dr. Tokai, who was in charge of the caesarean section,
15:44didn't give instructions on Penicillin.
15:46It was Dr. Kurosaki's instruction.
15:49Anyway, let's do it quickly.
15:51I'll go to Dr. Yamamoto's office.
15:53You go to Dr. Takashima's office.
15:56Yes, sir.
16:02Excuse me.
16:09The next case is about to be decided.
16:13You need to support me.
16:17That patient was in charge of Dr. Tokai,
16:20but he was also in charge of you.
16:22I've talked to Dr. Kurosaki.
16:24But I...
16:27In the last operation,
16:29he was able to respond to Dr. Tokai's instructions immediately.
16:35I saw how hard he worked,
16:37and I decided that he was a necessary staff.
16:42Thank you.
16:44Dr. Takashima,
16:45this is the document for the caesarean section.
16:47Thank you.
16:50What is the medicine for Dr. Yamamoto?
16:52Dr. Yamamoto is giving him Heparin and Penicillin.
16:57It was Dr. Kurosaki's instruction.
16:59This is bad.
17:00Dr. Yamamoto is allergic to Penicillin.
17:04Yes, sir.
17:14What are you doing?
17:17Dr. Yamamoto!
17:18Are you okay?
17:23Thank goodness.
17:27Excuse me.
17:35I'm sorry.
17:36I'm sorry.
17:38I didn't expect her to save me.
17:49He was about to pass out.
17:53What are you talking about?
17:55Dr. Kurosaki wasn't instructed like that from the start.
18:02You misheard his instructions.
18:08Excuse me.
18:09I'm sorry.
18:12If you can't do your job properly,
18:16you don't have to do it.
18:19We're here for you no matter what.
18:24Dr. Kurosaki.
18:26You have an important case, don't you?
18:29Yes, sir.
18:31let's go!
18:39What's wrong?
18:42I'm fine.
18:48After that,
18:49Dr. Yamamoto introduced me to a new case coordinator.
18:52This is Mr. Yamauchi, the case coordinator.
18:55Nice to meet you.
18:56My name is Yamauchi.
18:58I'll be in charge of this case.
19:00Can I ask you for a favor?
19:03Can I ask you for a favor?
19:07I'd like her to be in charge of this case.
19:13She said if you don't do it,
19:15she won't take this case.
19:19You're the only one who can do it.
19:21You won't refuse, will you?
19:33Thank you.
19:47How is it?
19:49How much is it?
19:52If you don't mind,
19:54this is for you.
19:57This is the oldest rice ball shop in Tokyo.
20:02I don't like it.
20:05I left all the rice over there.
20:09Dr. Tokai,
20:11you're treated like a thief.
20:14The patient's data
20:15was leaked to Professor Nishizaki.
20:25did you come here for a check-up?
20:29It's a business.
20:31I'm taking care of the cost.
20:34You look like a patient.
20:42isn't this bad?
20:43Dr. Takeda's case.
20:45What's going on?
20:46The calculation is correct.
20:47Bring me the data.
20:48It's too late.
20:50Hurry up!
20:55The VF is still on.
20:56Damn it.
20:58The VF is still on.
20:59What should we do?
21:00If this goes on,
21:01the patient will die here.
21:03The surgery is over.
21:05It's over.
21:07Stop the camera.
21:09Yes, sir.
21:18What are you doing here?
21:19Get out of the company.
21:21So, you broke the rules.
21:25The patient had a neck injury.
21:28If you look at the veins,
21:29you can see it clearly.
21:34what are you going to do?
21:36Don't you have it in your paper?
21:40What are you doing?
21:41Stop the camera.
21:42Don't stop me.
21:43If you stop me, I'll kill you.
21:46You guys are...
21:49trying to kill me now, aren't you?
21:52You're trying to make me die a tragic death.
21:58Is it a secret
22:00that you're investigating?
22:02get him out of here.
22:03If you have time,
22:04fix the patient.
22:06Can you help me?
22:1010 million.
22:13Give me your name.
22:16Your severance pay.
22:18I'll erase it with 10 million.
22:21Don't talk nonsense.
22:22The VF is still on.
22:23It's not possible anymore.
22:26I'll tell Dr. Dai.
22:34I got it.
22:35I got it.
22:38Help me.
22:42See you.
22:43To be continued.
22:49To be continued.
23:13I'll take your pulse.
23:21Help me.
23:23A chair.
23:27And a mouse.
23:33Get ready to talk.
23:36CO2 blower.
23:38Fever mouse.
23:39Micro scissors.
23:40Micro vacuum cleaner.
23:44Take your staphenol.
23:48I'm done.
23:50You're fast.
23:52I'm done.
23:53You're late.
23:55Turn around.
23:56Come here.
23:59What a mess.
24:01This is the devil of the operating room.
24:11The devil of the operating room.
24:22Take your pulse.
24:25Take your staphenol.
24:30Injection completed.
24:31Take your staphenol.
24:35Someone who hasn't got arms should die.
24:41You can write it in your paper.
25:01I thought you'd be quiet, but you're still the same.
25:06I have a patient. I'll save him.
25:09That's all.
25:12No matter where you go,
25:15what I do won't change.
25:39It's not enough.
25:41That's all I can prepare right now.
25:51Then I'll lose.
25:55In return,
25:58give me that.
26:01Excuse me.
26:10I'm sorry.
26:13I'm Kinoshita, and I'll be in charge of Mr. Yamamoto.
26:19Thank you for the other day.
26:27I'd like to explain about this case.
26:33After Mr. Yamamoto's approval,
26:35it was finally decided that a second trial would be held by Kaiser.
26:46Mr. Kinoshita.
26:49Thank you so much for helping me with Mr. Yamamoto's miscalculation.
26:56Excuse me.
26:58How did you get Mr. Yamamoto's approval?
27:03I have a patient.
27:04I have a patient. I'll save him.
27:06I'll save him.
27:08That's all.
27:09That's all.
27:14Mr. Tokai told me that
27:16no matter where I go,
27:18what I do won't change.
27:22Mr. Tokai told me that.
27:24Mr. Tokai?
27:26I just have to do my best at my job.
27:33there are problems that can't be solved just by wanting to help.
27:39It's a person.
27:41A person?
27:42Even for a patient,
27:44even for a person working in a medical facility,
27:46the biggest enemy is not illness.
27:50The enemy of a person is a person.
27:55The enemy of a person is a person.
27:59Mr. Yamamoto said the same thing.
28:03At that time,
28:05I couldn't do anything because I had a weak position.
28:12Mr. Yamamoto actively took the test
28:15for the sake of future medical treatment.
28:17He said it was because he wanted to help people.
28:35Use one cat.
28:40And then the day of fate came.
28:44Ms. Kaori.
28:51I have something to tell you.
28:55The doctors are waiting for you.
28:58Please hurry.
29:00I have something to tell you.
29:02Please hurry.
29:09If you have something to tell me,
29:14I'll ask you after the surgery.
29:18I wish you success.
29:31A few days later.
29:39From now on,
29:40I will perform a surgery on the large artery surface of Mr. Kaesa.
29:44Thank you.
29:55It's a simple surgery this time.
29:59But of course, we need to be precise.
30:02Because we have to suture the large artery.
30:05If you use Mr. Kaesa, you can do it easily.
30:08You can rest assured.
30:14Cutting is complete.
30:15Cut the large artery.
30:28The movement of the arm is smoother than before.
30:30It means that the improvement went well.
30:33Is the surgery that we are struggling with so easy?
30:48It's done.
30:49I'll take off the bandage.
30:54How is it?
30:58There is no problem.
31:02Finally, it's done.
31:03I'm glad.
31:09I'll leave the rest to you.
31:11Thank you.
31:14Wait a minute.
31:17Turn the echo to the left.
31:28There is a blood clot.
31:33Blood clot?
31:34There was nothing during the examination.
31:36Dr. Takashima.
31:38We have to remove it immediately.
31:44Dr. Kurosaki.
31:45Let's close it once.
31:47The surgery we had planned was successful.
31:50If something happens,
31:53it will be a disaster.
31:55Do you understand?
31:57Dr. Takashima.
31:59Let's close it.
32:03If we leave it, it will affect the patient's life.
32:06If we remove it now, it will be in time.
32:08It was not planned.
32:10There is no reason to close it.
32:11That's our logic.
32:14For the patient, it is a betrayal.
32:18I will remove it.
32:21Please help me.
32:29I need your help.
32:32I will write a letter to the Sashinji Association.
32:36Please sign here.
32:40Dr. Kurosaki.
32:42Dr. Kurosaki.
32:46Don't be selfish.
32:49I don't care about the Association.
32:52That's right.
32:53Dr. Kurosaki.
32:56Can I tell this to the patient?
33:09If necessary, change the rules.
33:11You can't lose your life because of the rules.
33:18Let's close it.
33:26Open the sashinbo.
33:28Disconnect the pump.
33:30Prepare a chisel.
33:32And a spoon.
33:42Give me your hand.
33:44I will do it.
33:56Are you all right?
34:05Take the balloon.
34:08The enemy has been eliminated.
34:10There is no enemy left.
34:15It's all right.
34:24The enemy has been eliminated.
34:26There is no enemy left.
34:28It's all right.
34:37It's all right.
34:40It's all right.
34:45I'm glad to hear that.
34:47I'm glad to hear that.
34:50I'm sorry.
34:54I'm sorry.
35:04I'll do it.
35:07I'll do it.
35:13Mr. Nekota.
35:15I'm done cleaning up.
35:17Before that, there is one more thing to clean up.
35:22Well, it was a little unexpected.
35:26The opera was a success.
35:28Mr. Tomizawa, the director, will be pleased.
35:32Let's move on to the next case.
35:35I'll leave it to you.
35:36Let's move on to the next case.
35:43Mr. Tokai.
35:44What do you want?
35:46Weren't you at the fire station?
35:48I found this at the fire station.
35:58This is our patient list.
36:00I knew it was at the fire station.
36:06I didn't do it.
36:07There's no one else.
36:08Unfortunately, it's not Mr. Takashina.
36:14There's a human ID on the host computer.
36:21In other words, he's the one who copied the data and stole it.
36:28Whose ID is it?
36:37Excuse me.
36:47I looked up the owner of the ID that Mr. Tokai gave me.
37:04Ayumi Miyamoto
37:09This is her ID.
37:38What happened?
37:43I've seen a face as scared as you.
37:50I apologized to the doctor.
37:59Can you tell me what happened?
38:05It's okay.
38:08I'll protect you.
38:16Your father has lung cancer.
38:21He's in the hospital.
38:25It's a special room.
38:31You can't afford it, can you?
38:33That's right.
38:37Who gave you the ID?
38:43And in exchange for that...
38:48You were forced to copy the data.
38:59Tell me.
39:03Who is it?
39:07Don't cry.
39:10Hey, tell me.
39:18Who is it?
39:19Who is it?
39:32You're well-educated.
39:39Director Moriya.
39:45Who is it?
39:49I don't know anything.
39:53You stole it.
39:56And you blame me for it?
39:59You're still running away?
40:04You're like a doctor.
40:07It's a shame that you're the director.
40:12You're worse than me.
40:14Do you have proof?
40:16Don't be ridiculous.
40:38You sent the mail.
40:42The patient's data was in the mail.
40:47There was a good guy at work.
40:50He lent me his ID.
40:56I opened the PC.
41:06Your mail came out.
41:11Director Moriya.
41:23Director Moriya.
41:26I heard that after you left the hospital,
41:30you had a post at the hospital.
41:35You gave the patient's data to the outside world for your own benefit.
41:39This is a serious crime.
41:42This will put an end to your story.
41:47Wait, Mr. Saeki.
41:50I'll do anything.
41:52Just let me go.
41:54Then I have one condition.
41:58Please say anything.
42:00I want you to take over the city from the bottom.
42:06He's getting bored.
42:09I'm sorry.
42:16You'll pay double the salary.
42:28Thank you very much.
42:32You're coming back to Toshidai.
42:35I still have something to do.
42:38Mr. Tokai.
42:40You're back.
42:42I won't forget that.
42:59I'm really sorry.
43:07People's enemies are people.
43:10But people's allies are also people.
43:22When I was fired as a nurse, I was really upset.
43:27But thanks to you, I found my current job.
43:32We're on different paths, but we both have the same goal.
43:38We're comrades.
43:47I don't care.
43:49I was going to kill Moriya.
43:53Why didn't you contact me?
43:56Now you won't be suspected by Toshidai anymore.
44:01Let's proceed with the investigation and finish the paper.
44:09But Professor Saeki may stop us from finishing the paper.
44:16Don't worry. I'll do it.
44:23Saeki can't do anything anymore.
44:32Come in.
44:34Excuse me.
44:38If what Mr. Nishiaki said is true,
44:41Mr. Saeki has a lot of problems as a researcher.
44:44I'd like to know the truth.
44:46Yes, please.
44:49I'm sorry.
45:00I cleaned up, but I have to do it again.
45:03It's really hard.
45:06He really only thinks about money.
45:10Is that so?
45:13Mr. Tokai.
45:15There's still something I have to do.
45:19What do you have to do?
45:27I saw a strange picture here before.
45:34It's a lenticular picture.
45:38Péan was reflected in my heart.
45:48What's that picture, Mr. Tokai?
45:59This is the last joint operation of the Kaesaru case.
46:02Tell me your name!
46:04This program is brought to you by Nihon Seimei.
46:10I can't see Mr. Saeki's face anywhere.
46:15I have a patient I don't want anyone to know about.
46:21In the end, it's a person.
46:24Mr. Saeki!
46:26He's gone.
