Joko Anwar's Nightmares and Daydreams S01E03

  • last month
00:00I guess I'll see you later!
00:02I'm going to the bathroom, okay?
00:16The chair is 50, right?
00:18That's enough, Bang.
00:20If there are more customers, they can stand up.
00:28Your book is not like Poesie dan Luka.
00:30The story is more explorative.
00:32So if you didn't read much in the beginning,
00:34no worries.
00:35All my books are quite explorative, Bang.
00:38Poesie dan Luka, Titik too.
00:40This one is out of the books.
00:42But you really like it, right?
00:44If you don't like it, why did you insist?
00:45I'm not just your producer.
00:47You're my sister.
00:48Whatever you want to write, I'll definitely support you.
00:51Besides, I still hope
00:52you will write a sequel to Poesie dan Luka after this.
00:55Come on, Bang.
00:56It's time for me to go to class.
00:58I've been writing a lot.
01:01Have you reviewed it?
01:02I just did it yesterday.
01:04What's the title?
01:06Bulat or Titik?
01:13Okay, I understand.
01:15You want to show your readers
01:18don't judge a book by its cover.
01:25If the readers ask,
01:27you can respond like that, Ran.
01:28The cover is intentionally made ugly
01:30to be judged by its content.
01:32It's not ugly, Bang.
01:33It's simple.
01:35It's honest.
01:36This is enough for the course.
01:39It needs to be reduced again.
01:41Why is everyone worried?
01:42Just relax, Kali.
01:43The interview is still 15 minutes away.
01:54The new book confuses me.
01:56It raises a question.
01:59What is more important to you?
02:02The readers' recognition like me
02:05or the critics' recognition?
02:07Here's the thing.
02:08I don't try to get recognition from anyone.
02:12To me, writing is like breathing.
02:14It must be done all the time
02:16to stay alive.
02:17It's that simple.
02:20I'm sorry.
02:21This book will be used for another event.
02:23Let's do the book signing.
02:24Come on.
02:25Come on, ladies.
02:28Hi, Rania.
02:35This is for the book, right?
02:37I heard it's a literary book.
02:40I'm confused.
02:41Why is it so literary?
02:45I don't think so.
02:50the book is for sale.
02:52Thank you.
02:56Does anyone bring a bookmark?
02:58I'll sign here.
03:01I'll sign here.
03:06The review of Katol Istiwa is out.
03:09Thank you.
03:10It's okay.
03:12Which one is more important?
03:14Thank you.
03:18That's all.
03:19Thank you.
03:49Thank you.
04:19To be continued...
04:51My books are being sold too.
04:53What about the social media?
04:55The book reviews are good.
04:56They don't post about your book.
05:01Maybe they haven't read it yet.
05:04But they talked about it on social media.
05:05Didn't you check the social media?
05:07I didn't have time to check the social media.
05:09Open it.
05:10Hashtag novel.
05:19I'm sorry.
05:25At least he's a creative person.
05:27Your plan is to share your point of sale...
05:29...with all kinds of people, right?
05:31It looks like it's going to fail.
05:32Calm down.
05:34I didn't have money back then.
05:36You didn't buy a big house...
05:38...and a big car every month.
05:41I've thought about it.
05:43I asked for a credit restructuring this morning.
05:45I can get a smaller loan...
05:47...even if it takes longer.
05:48Or you can write a sequel to Poesie dan Luka.
05:53I'm not going to write a sequel to Poesie dan Luka.
05:55But why?
05:57I want to quit writing...
05:59...exploitative popcorn.
06:02You like reading, don't you?
06:04Yes, Ibu.
06:05I don't want to be in an abusive relationship.
06:07So what?
06:08You give them the entertainment they need.
06:12What else?
06:1530th of March, 2019.
06:17It's been 10 days since I started writing Poesie dan Luka.
06:21The main character is Laras Andini...
06:24...who only found out after two months...
06:26...that her husband is an abusive and possessive man.
06:29Laras is locked up in a basement...
06:31...and is suffering from torture.
06:34Last night, I was writing and fell asleep.
06:36When I woke up, I saw that I had written 10 pages...
06:39...including the part where Laras was abused by her husband.
06:43Now, my body really hurts.
06:45It's just like what happened to Laras in my writing.
06:53It happened again.
06:54Last night, I lost my mind.
06:56All I could think of was the writing about Laras being abused by her husband.
06:59She was hit on the left side of her face.
07:06This morning, I woke up...
07:07...and I had a terrible headache.
07:10I think I'm starting to feel nauseous.
07:16So, I'm trying to find out...
07:18...if there are any writers...
07:20...who are so emotionally close to their characters...
07:24...that they can really feel what their characters are writing.
07:28Why don't I write a character who is abusive every day?
07:35The novel Poesie dan Luka is finally finished.
07:38But the story is not finished yet because my body is not strong enough.
07:43But I think this is a good ending.
07:45Laras will receive her fate and be buried forever.
07:50I hope my body won't be paid for.
07:54New Diary video, new laptop, new HD camera...
07:58...and a new bedroom.
08:00The novel Poesie dan Luka has been a bestseller for seven months.
08:13Poesie dan Luka
08:34Are you sure I'm going to write Poesie dan Luka?
08:38Cut my head off.
08:40If I write, can I get advance payment?
09:10Poesie dan Luka
09:40Poesie dan Luka
10:10Poesie dan Luka
10:40Poesie dan Luka
11:10Poesie dan Luka
11:40Poesie dan Luka
11:53Rik, the cover must be honest, like the content of the book.
11:56Yes, good.
11:57It will be a bestseller.
11:59I'll send you the writing later, you read it.
12:01Ask Bler to include it as a quote for the back story.
12:04He's a talented man.
12:06Maybe he can share his experience of selling used toilets with his father.
12:12Alia, do you know Raina Dewi?
12:15Of course I know her.
12:19Hello, sis.
12:20The book was just published yesterday.
12:22Yes, I read it.
12:24I like it.
12:27But I can understand if there are people who don't like it.
12:32Thanks, Alia.
12:33Okay, good.
12:34There's one more thing.
12:37I've transferred the advance payment.
12:39Yes, that's what I want to talk about.
12:41Don't worry.
12:42I've increased it by 15% from the last book.
12:45That's not what I mean.
12:47I mean, I came here because it's not good to talk on the phone.
12:52So, I want to cancel Poesie dan Luka 2.
12:59Are you crazy?
13:00The writing is so good.
13:02I'll show it to Eric.
13:04Eric, how's the new book?
13:06I can't stop reading it.
13:0830 pages, only 15 minutes.
13:10I can imagine...
13:11Wait, wait, wait.
13:12Where did you read it?
13:13I didn't give you a copy.
13:14You gave me the access to GG Drive when you wrote it.
13:18The writing is so good.
13:20I showed it to the office workers.
13:21They jumped on it.
13:23It's so exciting.
13:24It shouldn't be like that.
13:26KDRT is a serious matter.
13:27KDRT is a serious matter.
13:29It's true.
13:30It's not relevant.
13:31It's your book.
13:33It's only for yourself.
13:35You're a writer.
13:36It has to be relevant.
13:37If not, you'll lose readers.
13:39Many people will forget about you.
13:41Ali is talking about the toilet.
13:44It's low-pitched.
13:46But it's relevant.
13:47People can relate.
13:50What are you looking for?
13:53Just write what you've been doing all this time.
13:56You don't have to be someone else.
13:58Just be yourself.
13:59That's enough.
14:04Can you see it?
14:07Open the app you just installed.
14:10Enter the username and password I just gave you.
14:12What are you doing, Ran?
14:14Are you done?
14:16I want to see you.
14:17Now I want you to see me writing.
14:20This is weird.
14:22Just do it.
14:23If you see me writing like this,
14:26call me.
14:27What's wrong with that?
14:29You won't act weird, right?
14:30I'm at home.
14:31My husband is here.
14:32If you act weird, he'll get mad.
14:37I'm hanging up now.
14:39Look at me through the CCTV.
14:41If you see anything weird,
14:43call me.
14:47Do you want me to write?
15:27Do you want me to do it?
15:29I can do it.
15:30Then, help me.
15:31I have a lot of homework to do.
15:32But I have to get to the office first.
15:33It's all right.
15:34I'll help.
15:35It's okay.
15:37I showed you how to do it.
15:38I did it.
15:39I showed you.
15:40You're not going to help me.
15:42See you.
15:56Why do you always make me angry?
16:02Can't we just get back together?
16:10I don't know what else I should do to you.
16:32Asti hasn't eaten anything because I fed her.
16:38What's wrong with you?
16:39It's good that you're here at midnight.
16:41I rushed here.
16:42I've been watching you for half an hour.
16:44And you're still like this.
16:45What's wrong?
16:46Are you sick?
17:09Thank you.
17:12When you wrote your first poem and poem, you were like this.
17:17For the first time, I experienced and saw what Laras experienced.
17:22Before, I didn't realize it.
17:24Suddenly, the writing was there.
17:26In the past, I only felt the pain.
17:29Now, my body is really hurt.
17:31You're not on drugs, right, Ran?
17:32If so, I can take you to rehab.
17:34Did you see how I scratched my own neck?
17:38Where did you get this from?
17:42You're too intense, Ran.
17:44So you can feel what your character feels.
17:47I thought so too, Bang.
17:49But this time, it feels so real.
17:51I think...
17:52I believe that Laras really exists.
17:55Next time, if I see his face, I can find out who he is.
18:05That's enough.
18:06Stop writing.
18:07You can keep the money for the book later.
18:10But what if Laras really exists, Bang?
18:12I really experienced what I saw.
18:15What if this really happened and it happened in the past?
18:18There's nothing you can do.
18:20I can feel it.
18:22This is happening right now.
18:24If it's true, it's dangerous.
18:26The woman was still pinched.
18:27If she's mutilated...
18:32you could also die.
18:48Who are you?
19:25This is real, Mom.
19:34I love you.
19:38It's real.
19:39It's perfect.
19:40Now, tell me more about the outside world, Mom.
19:44What do you want me to tell you?
19:46When you gave me the ring.
19:48I told you before, Mom.
19:50It was in a French restaurant.
19:52In a restaurant, you can choose what you want to eat, Mom.
19:55I can.
19:56I can also choose what I want to drink.
19:58Were you still a good boy, Mom?
20:05When you gave me the ring, were you still a good boy?
20:12I was still a good boy.
20:14Why are you scared now?
20:18Why can't we go out?
20:22I love you so much.
20:25I love us.
20:26I don't want to lose us.
20:30Why do you think that?
20:37Because I know what she is.
20:39What is she, Mom?
20:44My ring.
20:45Where did you put it?
20:47I was washing my hands.
20:50I lost it.
20:54Help me find the ring before Dad comes.
21:07What's going on?
21:10I'm tired.
21:11I want to go home.
21:12Why aren't you happy?
21:17Asti, why are you crying?
21:20Asti, what's wrong?
21:25Why are your hands behind your back?
21:29Did you hide something?
21:32A surprise?
21:34For me?
21:35Come here.
21:46You took the ring off.
21:49No, I didn't.
21:51You took the ring off because you don't love me anymore.
21:54No, I didn't.
21:55Then why did you take it off?
21:59Fight me.
22:01Fight me.
22:09Why are you changing?
22:13Do you want me to live with Asti?
22:17Until she grows up?
22:19Maybe she's better than you.
22:22She's not your daughter.
22:24I know!
22:25Fight me.
22:34Fight me.
23:49Oh, my God.
24:05I'm fine, Doc.
24:06It's just a face injury.
24:08Who did this to you?
24:10I need to accompany you to the police station.
24:12I know someone.
24:14I don't know.
24:15A patient.
24:17A patient needs to be introduced.
24:18It's okay.
24:19I'm fine.
24:20Mr. Hendra will tell you later.
24:23I didn't do anything to anyone.
24:25Let's continue our conversation at home.
24:28You're a nurse, right?
24:30You used to have a broken bone.
24:31You're a night owl.
24:33I'll give you a painkiller.
24:35We'll check on you in two days.
24:37Thank you, babe.
24:46I'm serious.
24:47I'm really worried about you.
24:49Please don't write.
24:51So you don't trust me?
24:53I do.
24:54But it's normal.
24:56I can't accept it.
24:57It's not a normal thing.
24:58Besides, what you said is true.
25:01You shouldn't be involved in what happened last night.
25:04So I have to stay quiet as a spectator?
25:09You're involved.
25:10He's the one who got beaten up.
25:12You're the one who got beaten up.
25:14But I have to find out who he is.
25:18Every time I go into his...
25:27Every time I go into his body... view becomes clearer.
25:33At least I have to see his face.
25:36If what happened this time...
25:37That's why I'm asking you to accompany me in writing.
25:48Don't wake me up if it's just a night owl, okay?
25:51If you die, I'll be the suspect.
25:54Because I'm already here.
25:55Just assume it.
25:57If you see me in danger, wake me up.
25:59How do I know?
26:01You'll find out.
26:23Will we be able to see the outside world one day?
26:28One day, we will.
26:30Mama, please tell me more.
26:33What do you want me to tell you?
26:35About death.
26:41If we die, where will we go?
26:43Can we go outside?
26:46Of course, you can't die.
26:49You have to live until you grow up.
26:59I'm afraid of being killed, Mama.
27:01Who are you?
27:03What's wrong, Mama?
27:09We don't have Jermin, Mama.
27:27What's wrong?
27:28Who is he?
27:34How long have you not seen your parents?
27:3712 years.
27:42I tried to drive my friend's car.
27:44Rama followed me.
27:45I hit a pole on the road.
27:47Rama died.
27:53Rama doesn't love my parents.
27:56He's kind, smart, obedient, and handsome.
28:00My friend is a troublemaker.
28:03He's a rebel.
28:04He's a classmate.
28:07My parents never forgive me.
28:22I love you, Jermin.
28:53So, I have a twin.
29:08And your father gave him to someone else to be adopted.
29:12We were going through a difficult time.
29:16It was an economic problem.
29:19My father worked as a journalist.
29:22He was in the media against Orde Baru.
29:26When he heard the news, he was arrested.
29:30We were worried.
29:32We couldn't manage the situation.
29:36Why didn't you tell me?
29:38Why didn't I?
29:39We gave you to someone else.
29:43A year later, we regretted it.
29:49We were looking for you.
29:51We could've found you.
29:56But your twin brother didn't.
30:01So, I was given to someone else.
30:05Was Rama given to someone else too?
30:09I see.
30:10Because he's older.
30:12Do you know where my twin is now?
30:15We've been looking for him for years.
30:17We even had to pay someone.
30:20Even a few years ago.
30:24There's no grandchild.
30:27Your father and I love you.
30:33We love you and our children.
30:36But we thought we were going to run away.
30:39We have a lot of regrets.
30:44Do you regret giving birth to me and my twin?
30:49Because we couldn't give you love.
30:57You were never wrong.
31:00We failed as parents.
31:04We thought about the people and the country.
31:08But we forgot to think about what's important to you.
31:13Our children.
31:15Forgive us, Rania.
31:20Forgive us.
31:34So, what now?
31:35I have to find my twin.
31:38I don't know.
31:44Thank you for supporting me.
31:47I know I'm not smart or talented.
31:49But you've been supporting me.
31:51I know you're sincere.
31:53Maybe it's because you like me.
31:56You like women too, right?
31:58Are you sure?
31:59Of course.
32:00I saw my aunt at the Book Festival last year.
32:02But you didn't see her.
32:04I'm embarrassed to see her.
32:14But it's true.
32:17If something happens to me,
32:21I want you to know
32:23I love you.
32:26And you're a good person.
32:29It's like you're going to die.
32:32I have to stay there until I know where I am.
32:35Whatever the risk.
33:02Asti, I miss you so much.
33:04I miss you so much.
33:06I miss you so much.
33:09Asti, if I die, can I go out?
33:13Don't cry, Asti.
33:55What's wrong?
33:56I've been working all day. I need some rest.
33:59Asti, your son is still sick.
34:10Asti is always sick.
34:13He'll get better tomorrow.
34:15There's still a lot of medicine for him.
34:17His fever won't go down.
34:19His body is burning.
34:20Don't be dramatic.
34:22Please take Asti to the hospital now.
34:25Who should I tell?
34:28Asti, your son.
34:30He's sick.
34:31If you don't take him to the doctor, he'll die.
34:34That's enough. Don't be dramatic.
34:38What are you doing?
34:41Iblis can't do this to his son.
34:48What do you want now?
35:11Hold this, Angkot.
35:14When you're free, I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget.
35:24Do you prefer heaven or hell?
36:15What is that, Agartha?
36:17Who are you?
36:19You're not Laras.
36:21Who are you?
37:15I know where that man works.
37:18While I find out who he is and where he lives,
37:20please take me to the center.
38:15We don't have a gun, do we? We might need a gun.
38:21Is that real?
38:22No, it looks real.
38:23Okay, hurry up. Hurry up now.
38:27What are you doing?
38:28We have to hurry up and get there. Hurry up.
38:32Asti, wake up.
38:35Asti, don't leave me alone.
38:37Yes, Mom.
38:38Asti, please open your eyes.
38:41So you won't die.
38:43Asti, please open your eyes.
38:53What are you doing?
38:57Who are you really?
39:00What are you doing here?
39:04If I kill him, you'll die too.
39:21I know who you are.
39:24Adrian Rajasah.
39:26Minister of Industry.
39:31You must die.
39:33You must die.
39:48Why did you wake me up?
39:50We're here.
40:02What a big house.
40:04It's locked.
40:05And there's a security guard.
40:07Are you sure? Or are you afraid of losing someone?
40:26I'm sorry, I'm from the minister's office.
40:28I have to see Mr. Adrian. There's a file that hasn't been read yet.
40:30And the phone is dead.
40:31But he doesn't turn on his phone when he's at work.
40:38What is it?
40:42Where's my office?
40:45Where is it?
40:50Mr. Hendra.
40:54Over there.
40:56There's a grave over there.
40:59Let's go.
41:02Let me go.
41:05Let me go.
41:07If you don't say anything, nothing will happen.
41:13What can you do?
41:14If I get caught, I'll do anything.
41:17Including killing children?
41:19If I get caught, I'll do anything.
41:30Kill him.
41:31Don't test me.
41:33I can't do it.
41:34Let me go.
42:07Why are you here? I came to get you.
42:11I often dream about you.
42:16I thought you were just my version in my imagination.
42:26A free version.
42:28Let's get out of here.
42:32If I get out,
42:38none of us will be safe.
42:45They're not humans.
42:50They're devils.
42:52Worse than that.
43:32You'll get what you deserve.
43:36Who's that?
43:52We're outside, Ma.
44:03You're moving out today?
44:07A new life.
44:09Even though Bajengan will be in jail,
44:12I still need to take Asli away from here.
44:19What's wrong?
44:22I don't know.
44:24I don't know what to do.
44:27I don't know what to do.
44:30I don't know what to do.
44:32I don't know what to do.
44:33I don't know what to do.
44:34I don't know what to do.
44:35I don't know what to do.
44:36I was here three days ago.
44:38We've checked all the CCTVs, but there's nothing.
44:42You're empty-handed.
45:11All of you are expensive.
45:32I'm sorry.
45:33I'm sorry.
45:34I'm sorry.
45:35I'm sorry.
45:36I'm sorry.
45:37I'm sorry.
45:38I'm sorry.
45:39I'm sorry.
45:40I'm sorry.
45:41I'm sorry.
45:42I'm sorry.
45:43I'm sorry.
45:44I'm sorry.
45:45I'm sorry.
45:46I'm sorry.
45:47I'm sorry.
45:48I'm sorry.
45:49I'm sorry.
45:50I'm sorry.
45:51I'm sorry.
45:52I'm sorry.
45:53I'm sorry.
45:54I'm sorry.
45:55I'm sorry.
45:56I'm sorry.
45:57I'm sorry.
45:58I'm sorry.
45:59I'm sorry.
46:00I'm sorry.
46:01I'm sorry.
46:02I'm sorry.
46:03I'm sorry.
46:04I'm sorry.
46:05I'm sorry.
46:06I'm sorry.
46:07I'm sorry.
46:08I'm sorry.
46:09I'm sorry.
46:10I'm sorry.
46:11I'm sorry.
46:12I'm sorry.
46:13I'm sorry.
46:14I'm sorry.
46:15I'm sorry.
46:16I'm sorry.
46:17I'm sorry.
46:18I'm sorry.
46:19I'm sorry.
46:20I'm sorry.
46:21I'm sorry.
46:22I'm sorry.
46:23I'm sorry.
46:24I'm sorry.
46:25I'm sorry.
46:26I'm sorry.
46:27I'm sorry.
46:28I'm sorry.
46:29I'm sorry.
46:30I'm sorry.
46:31I'm sorry.
46:32I'm sorry.
46:33I'm sorry.
46:34I'm sorry.
46:35I'm sorry.
46:36I'm sorry.
46:37I'm sorry.
46:38I'm sorry.
46:39I'm sorry.
46:40I'm sorry.
46:41I'm sorry.
46:42I'm sorry.
46:43I'm sorry.
46:44I'm sorry.
46:45I'm sorry.
46:46I'm sorry.
46:47I'm sorry.
46:48I'm sorry.
46:49I'm sorry.
46:50I'm sorry.
46:51I'm sorry.
46:52I'm sorry.
46:53I'm sorry.
46:54I'm sorry.
46:55I'm sorry.
46:56I'm sorry.
46:57I'm sorry.
46:58I'm sorry.