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00:00This programme contains strong language and adult humour.
00:31Tonight on 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown...
00:35Alan Carr!
00:37Sarah Millican!
00:39Gary Delaney!
00:41Punya Chawla!
00:43Don Rodolfo!
00:45Susie Dent!
00:47Rachel Riley!
00:49And your host, Jimmy Carr!
00:57Hello and welcome to 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown,
01:00a show about letters, numbers and conundrums.
01:02On this show, what you see is what you get.
01:04And what you see is five fit comedians,
01:06a talking dictionary and a calculator in a dress.
01:11OK, let's meet tonight's players.
01:13First up, it's team captain Alan Carr!
01:21At school, Alan says he was a chubby, shy, goofy gay guy
01:25who wore glasses.
01:27But looking at him now...
01:30..it's hard to believe he used to be shy.
01:34And Alan's team-mate, Punya Chawla!
01:41Punya once spent £200 on having a barber come to his house
01:45to cut his hair.
01:46You got ripped off there, mate.
01:48I don't pay that much and I send my hair to them.
01:52Up against them this evening, it's team captain Sarah Millican!
02:00Sarah does a lot of work for charity and, in fact,
02:03she's married to her team-mate Gary Delaney.
02:08I'm the charity case, says Lego Head.
02:13And on Sarah's team, an award-winning, multi-talented
02:16and universally loved comedian's husband, Gary Delaney!
02:22Like Brangelina, Gary and Sarah are a power couple.
02:26So powerful, in fact, that they're now known by just one name.
02:30Sarah Millican.
02:34Alan, since you were last on the show,
02:36you have written and starred in a sitcom.
02:38How was the experience?
02:39Yeah, it's a sitcom called Changing Ends.
02:41It's based on my life, me growing up.
02:44So we had to audition for a young Alan,
02:47so we got over 500 tapes of young Alan,
02:50some of them were so sweet,
02:52some of them were just downright offensive.
02:56I don't want to see a child in a fat suit, I'm just saying.
03:00Hello, I'm Alan Carr, 500 times.
03:03It was like being back in the playground, honestly.
03:08And, yeah, all my family, so I've been casting for my family
03:12and my mum was quite hard for my mum
03:14because she's got quite broad shoulders
03:16and Hulk Hogan pulled out last minute.
03:19And it's a shame because his tash was spot-on.
03:24And it's been recommissioned for a second series,
03:27which is wonderful.
03:28Oh, congratulations!
03:31So I think it's going to be like Northampton's answer to The Crown.
03:37And I don't know who's going to play me in the future,
03:39but the way my hairline's going,
03:41I think Greg Wallace is on a light pencil.
03:45Alan, talk us through the look this evening.
03:47What are you wearing?
03:48I'm not realising that I'm sort of getting old.
03:51No, I look like...
03:54I look like a gay dance player.
04:00I know, you know.
04:01You know, you don't...
04:03You don't realise, on the hockey, Alan Carr, oh, 180.
04:08Can I get away with it?
04:09Yeah, we're like an interracial Jedward.
04:14OK, Monia, what's the most uncool thing you've ever done?
04:18Most uncool thing I've ever done...
04:20The first time I ever sent a sext, it was from my grandad's phone.
04:26Well, did Nana like it?
04:29OK, so it's summer holidays,
04:31I'm staying at my grandparents' house. Right.
04:33And my girlfriend at the time wanted to sext, which I agreed to,
04:36but I don't have any credit.
04:38But I knew my grandad had an emergency Nokia 3310
04:41in the kitchen drawer.
04:42So I took my grandad's Nokia cos I knew it had £10 on.
04:45So I've got the phone, you know, I'm flirting the best a teenager can,
04:48I'm like, how are you?
04:55And then the text stopped sending.
04:57So now I can't text my girlfriend to stop sexting my grandad's phone.
05:02So I've got three options.
05:04Number one, destroy the phone. I can't, it's a Nokia.
05:07No matter how many times you try and destroy it,
05:09it will come back to life.
05:11It's like that insect, Piers Morgan.
05:15I can't hide it, cos even on silent, it's like an industrial vibrator.
05:19So in the end, I just had to wait for it to die.
05:22And thankfully, one day, it did.
05:32Now, Sarah, you're here with your real-life partner, Gary.
05:35How do you keep things spicy in your relationship?
05:37We've got money as grandad's Nokia.
05:41Industrial vibrator, that's what I heard when he was born.
05:45Three words for you, Jimmy, topless curry nights.
05:49Cannot recommend it enough.
05:50Cannot recommend it enough.
05:52So, talk me through topless curry night.
05:54So, I just got really sick of cleaning stains.
06:01Just settle down.
06:02You know, like the yellow stains out of T-shirts.
06:06So, we take our tops off, we eat our curry.
06:09Now, you'd think, after that, cos you're semi-naked,
06:12that that would lead on to sort of a fruity evening,
06:15and it doesn't.
06:16We just put our tops back on and watch the telly.
06:20You can't have curry on date night,
06:22cos there's repercussions later.
06:24It's really, really bad planning to do that.
06:26We did it once, and we never did it again.
06:29Harrowing for all concerned.
06:31I didn't used to have to wear glasses.
06:39Gary, tell us something about Sarah we might not know.
06:42People may not know this, but Sarah's my trophy wife,
06:45cos her ears stick out and she's got the previous winner's names
06:48tattooed down her back.
06:57I wouldn't say she's embarrassed about me,
06:59but at our wedding, I was only invited to the evening do.
07:03Sarah, if you were our mascot this evening,
07:05what would you bring for good luck?
07:07So, I get very stressed in this show,
07:09cos I'm generally not very good at it, and I thought,
07:11you know what would be nice, is to have a way of giving myself
07:14slightly different surroundings.
07:16Fabio, if you could bring it out, please.
07:18What I've got is a portable scenery changer.
07:20It's going to pop behind me.
07:22So, for example, if I'm getting a bit stressed,
07:24it's my hometown, South Shields, and it's the beach.
07:27I had sex there, about there, once.
07:29Well, they put up a monument to it.
07:32Was it with you?
07:33I was going to say, yeah, I've never been to that beach.
07:37So, that calms me down.
07:39And another place that I feel really at home,
07:41second one, please, thank you, lovely, is...
07:47I've not had sex in there, but, you know, there's time, still.
07:51Next one, please, this is for when I'm concentrating,
07:54just so you know that I'm concent...
08:00If I get really stressed, this next one,
08:02I think this knocks everybody out, really, to my spa pebbles.
08:05Who doesn't love a spa pebble?
08:07Just makes me feel like I need to weigh this,
08:09cos there's always tinkling water at the same time.
08:11And then if I get too relaxed, the last one, please, thanks, Fabio,
08:15which is the set of the show we're on.
08:18So, a scene changer. Fantastic.
08:20Thank you very much, Fabio, thank you.
08:22Very good.
08:23Thanks, Fabio.
08:25Munya, have you got a mascot with you?
08:27I have indeed, Jim Bob.
08:29This is Munya's helping hand.
08:37Each fingernail comes with a different device
08:40to help me win the game.
08:41So, we start with the snack finger, OK?
08:44And this is a chocolate finger filled with chocolate fingers, OK?
08:49Next up, we have the attack finger.
08:52It can incapacitate with a single squirt,
08:55which is also Jimmy's Tinder bio.
09:00Up next, we have a pair of binoculars
09:02that I can use to spy on their answers.
09:04Also, it's probably the closest we'll get to a black James Bond, so...
09:08Finally, the Barack finger.
09:10So, this is one of Barack Obama's fingers.
09:15Can I borrow that? Yeah, sure.
09:18Can I borrow that? Yeah, sure.
09:22And that's my helping hand.
09:29Gary, have you got a mascot? Yes, I have.
09:31I'm coming to the end of the tour, so I've got to write another one,
09:33and writing jokes is hard, man, it takes ages.
09:35So, I thought I'd use a bit of technology.
09:37So, I've got for you here the Jokertron 3000,
09:40and it will spew up set-ups and punchlines as needed.
09:44So, we'll give this a little go.
09:46So, you can see the technology, the magic there.
09:50Right, so here we go. Take that, chat GPT.
09:53Yeah, exactly.
09:54We'll have a set-up, and we'll have a punch.
09:57Rabbi, a priest and a vicar go into a pub.
10:02But he was on D-Wing, so now it looks like an air sock.
10:08I was in Greggs. I said, I'd like an apple tart.
10:10She said, here's your apple, you prick.
10:13Time-saving advice, the Jokertron 3000.
10:16Jokertron 3000.
10:21Alan, have you brought a mascot with you?
10:23Well, sort of, Jimmy, and I feel a bit of an idiot, really,
10:27because I'm ashamed to say I've started vaping.
10:31Oh, no.
10:32Is anyone vaping here?
10:35Great, thank you for the support.
10:38Clearly, half of these are on crack.
10:43You can't vape in restaurants,
10:45you can't vape on a plane and everything,
10:48so I've come up with a way of vaping and doing it in plain sight.
10:54So, I'm really proud of it.
10:59You see?
11:02And the really clever thing is,
11:05you can put your three favourite things in here,
11:08like my flavours, scampi fries...
11:12..palmer violet...
11:15..and my favourite, bin juice.
11:19Does anyone know I'm vaping?
11:34You move so gracefully.
11:39I'm vaping, I'm vaping!
11:45Say, no, no, no, no!
11:48I'm on a plane.
11:50I want to vape.
11:53You can't vape on a plane, can you?
11:56So, you nip to the toilet.
11:59Everyone thinks I'm having a mid-air dump.
12:03No, I'm vaping.
12:09OK, let's...
12:15No, you're not playing it? OK, fine.
12:18Am I having a vape?
12:20What the fuck?
12:26Right, OK.
12:34No-one knows.
12:37It's my little secret.
12:55You are...
12:57There you go, me little vape.
13:00You should get a job on Ryanair, you're really shitty.
13:04Thank you, everyone!
13:09Well, over in Dictionary Corner, it's Don Rodolfo.
13:17Don Rodolfo, it's your first time on the show.
13:19Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
13:21I'm Don Rodolfo.
13:23The greatest swordsman in the world.
13:25All-round cool gay.
13:26Famous adventurer and total hussy.
13:30God, what are they teaching you in schools?
13:32But you don't have books?
13:34You don't have heard of news?
13:37All right, allow me to introduce myself.
13:39I am Don Rodolfo Martini Toyota.
13:42But I have gone by many names.
13:44You may know me as El Bastardo.
13:47The Widowmaker.
13:48The Widowlover.
13:49The Widowlicker.
13:51I have bathed in the blood of my enemies
13:53and showered in the piss of my friends.
13:57I have laughed in the face of death.
14:01I've been asked to leave a lot of funerals.
14:04And both have and am a world-class bellend.
14:10OK, and you know how the game works?
14:13I know how to milk an otter and make cheese from its lactate.
14:18I know when a dog is a virgin.
14:21I know how to make really nice rice.
14:25I think I can figure out your little game.
14:29And with Don Rodolfo, of course, it's Susie Dent.
14:37Susie Dent's books come in hardback, paperback
14:39and no, you can't have your money back.
14:43What have you been researching recently?
14:45I have been looking at, you know,
14:47those things that really get on people's nerves.
14:49Like, like is a filler.
14:51Love Islanders always get such stick for this.
14:53Apparently, there was one episode in which one person
14:57said, like, 40 times within one minute.
15:00So I looked it up in the Oxford English Dictionary
15:02and the first use of like as a filler was 1778.
15:07But better still, it was in a book written by somebody
15:10called Fanny Burney, which is exactly what you get
15:13if you're on Love Island.
15:17It's symmetry.
15:18Susie Dent.
15:21And in charge of the numbers, it's Rachel Riley.
15:29Rachel, you recently met the king. How was that?
15:31Yeah, I got my MBE from King Charles.
15:33I can't retain any information for more than about three seconds
15:36since I had kids, so they tell you what to do about, you know,
15:38when to shake hands, when to curtsy.
15:40And then it came to the point where he pins the medal on you
15:42and you shake your hand and then you have to leave.
15:44But you have to curtsy and then go a certain way.
15:47So I was shaking the hands and I just panicked, curtsied and ran.
15:51Just straight out the door.
15:52Do you understand what he says?
15:54Cos he sounds like a leaf blower, doesn't he?
16:01How did it feel shaking his hand?
16:03Let me guess.
16:12OK, the prize the teams will be competing for tonight is this,
16:15the Countdown practice milking set.
16:18Oh, God.
16:19Oh, my God.
16:41The hell was that?
16:44OK, let's count down, everyone.
16:46Time for our first game.
16:47Sarah and Gary, you get the first pick of the letters.
16:49Consonant. Thanks, Gary.
16:52Another consonant.
16:55Another consonant.
16:58Another consonant.
17:00And all the rest are the other type of letters.
17:02No, not all of them.
17:04All of them.
17:05Oh, really?
17:07One more consonant at the end.
17:09I'm being told I want another consonant at the end.
17:12A final P. Thank you.
17:14All right, for the first time today, here's the Countdown clock.
17:19And over in Dictionary Corner, we have the world's most boring man,
17:23it's Jimmy Carr.
17:28Jimmy, you recently released yet another book
17:30all about the origins of words and phrases.
17:32Tell me, where do you get your shitty ideas from?
17:37And in charge of the numbers, it's Fabio.
17:42OK, Fabio, could it be done?
17:45OK, the prize the Tims will be competing for tonight is this,
17:49the Countdown roller skates.
18:00Multiverse versions even shittier than ours.
18:03OK, Gary, how many?
18:04I've got a four.
18:05Sarah, how many?
18:06I've got a five.
18:07OK, Alan, how many?
18:10Don't, you might be wrong.
18:12Munya, how many?
18:13Five for me.
18:14Gary, you're four.
18:15It's wrong.
18:16I put peeve, but that would require three Es.
18:20Sarah, what's your word?
18:21Oh, leave.
18:23I thought you were talking to me.
18:28Flame for me, Jimmy.
18:29Alan, you're six.
18:30For the points...
18:31I'm worried now, cos I never normally do well.
18:38That works.
18:39Oh, that's nice.
18:40Six points for Alan, six.
18:42Jon Rodolfo, Susie Dent, could they have done any better?
18:46Yeah, they could have chosen professions
18:48that did not bring shame on their families.
18:53Words, words-wise, no, no better than six.
18:56So, at the end of that, Alan and Munya are in the lead with six points.
19:00On to our first numbers round.
19:03Alan, Munya, your turn to pick the numbers.
19:05Four big ones, two little ones.
19:07Oh, no.
19:09Oh, no, no.
19:10It's really hard.
19:11This is madness.
19:14One and three.
19:1775, 25.
19:19Oh, my God.
19:20What have you done?
19:22Well, they can't copy.
19:23OK, well, your time starts now.
19:30What have you done?
19:52So, the target was 289.
19:56Did you get it, Gary?
19:59Sarah, did you get it?
20:03Hell, no.
20:05Well, I've got 296.
20:07Is that any good?
20:09What did you do, Alan?
20:10OK, well, 75 divided by 25 is three.
20:14Then you times the 100, which is 300,
20:16and then you take away the three and the one.
20:21Rachel, did you get it?
20:23It's your only job, come on.
20:27I think...
20:29Shall we try it?
20:30Shall we try it?
20:32Has anyone got a calculator?
20:34Why do you think we employ you?
20:37All right, OK.
20:39100 minus three is 97.
20:42And then we want to do 75 times 97,
20:47which will be 7,275.
20:53And then minus 50, 7,225.
20:56And then divide that by...
20:58No, yeah, 25.
21:01And you might get 289.
21:03You do.
21:04That is incredible.
21:06How is that possible?
21:08How did you do that?
21:11OK, time now to go across to Dictionary Corner.
21:15Don Rodolfo, what have you got for us?
21:17A lot of people ask me, as a hero to millions,
21:20how I became so successful.
21:22Like, what's my daily routine?
21:24And I'm happy to share it with you.
21:26This is a typical day for me.
21:284am, wake up.
21:29Why 4am?
21:30Because three's too early.
21:31I like a lion.
21:32First things first, ice-cold shower.
21:34Shock the body.
21:35Second things second, jump in the fire.
21:37Shock the body.
21:38Third things third, treat the burns.
21:40I'm all about self-care.
21:42Now, food.
21:43It's 4.30am, I down 13 raw eggs.
21:46Shell on.
21:47If I'm training for something, need to make some gains,
21:50get swole, I swap the eggs for chickens.
21:5213 raw, whole live chickens.
21:54Feathers on, neck back.
21:58At 5am, I go out to commune with nature.
22:00See, as a child, to toughen me up,
22:02my father would take me out to the countryside
22:04and throw me down a badger set to fight for my life.
22:06I still try to do that every other day.
22:08It keeps me sharp.
22:09Me and the badgers will wrestle for anything up to three hours.
22:12No eye gouging, no fish hooks, no butt stuff.
22:14Everything else goes.
22:198am, I take a moment of quiet contemplation and breathe.
22:22Breathe deep down into my pelvis.
22:24Connect with it.
22:258.15, breathe into someone else's pelvis.
22:27Connect with it.
22:29After lunch, I spend my afternoons on quests.
22:32You know, rescuing fair maidens,
22:34freeing villages from the bondage of an evil baron.
22:37I might fist-fight the witch or fist-fuck a goblin.
22:40That's all in a day's work.
22:41After the stresses of the day, dinner time is family time.
22:44Not my family.
22:45I invite someone else's family over and watch them eat.
22:48Nobody speaks, they feel incredibly uncomfortable.
22:50I hate having them there.
22:51I don't know why we do it.
22:548pm is my son Dragon's bedtime.
22:56We normally do bath and a story before tucking him in.
22:59Now, his sheets are normally saturated by about midnight
23:01when we'll move him to sleep the second half of the night,
23:03drying out in a massive bowl of rice.
23:06In my hometown of Monmouth, between 9 and 11,
23:08is a period I like to call The Purge.
23:10It's two hours of pure, lawless bliss.
23:12You kill a man, that's all gravy.
23:14You boil his bones with some carrots and onions,
23:16add some flour to thicken, that really is gravy.
23:20At midnight, I usually get visited by the ghosts of my past,
23:23haunting and forewarning me of an afterlife spent in the fires of hell
23:26and the eternity of suffering and agonising torment that awaits.
23:29Then it's a glass of Ovaltine, ready by about two.
23:32Join Rodolfo, everyone.
23:34Can I, um...
23:38Can I ask where exactly in Spain you're from?
23:42I move around a lot.
23:44I move around a lot.
23:46A lot.
23:50The scores at the moment, Sarah and Gary have no points,
23:53nothing on the board, Alan and Munya are in the lead with 11.
24:01And here is your teaser.
24:03The words are GONADNIT.
24:05The clue is, better to give than receive.
24:07That's GONADNIT, better to give than to receive.
24:10See you after the break.
24:27Welcome back. The answer to the teaser,
24:29the words were GONADNIT.
24:31The clue was, better to give than receive.
24:33It was, of course, donating.
24:35So, the scores at the moment, Alan and Munya are in the lead with 11 points.
24:39They've been playing in teams so far,
24:41but this game is just for Alan and Sarah.
24:43Team captain versus team captain.
24:45Your turn to choose, Alan.
24:47Five consonants and four vowels, please.
24:50OK. G-B-N-D-S-O-E-U-N-A.
24:58Have you got one of these?
25:00You can turn, like, toy animals into real animals.
25:02Oh, no, I'm not going to get one, that sounds amazing.
25:04They're good. Your time starts now.
25:21Let's see if that'll do a mix.
25:34Dog and me.
25:43Come here.
25:49Come back out.
25:52Have some treats.
25:55He's embarrassed cos we're wearing the same thing.
25:59Come on, Theo, be a fucking professional, mate.
26:04Theo, Theo.
26:10Yeah, mate.
26:12Hello. Hello, come here.
26:15Theo, Theo.
26:18You're not wet.
26:25Alan, what have you got?
26:27I've got a six.
26:29Sarah, how many? I think I've got a seven.
26:31Oh, Alan, what's your six?
26:35OK, so you've got gonads. Sarah?
26:37A bounce. Really nice, yeah.
26:40Seven points to Sarah.
26:44Don, Rodolfo, Susie, could they have done any better?
26:47Dog banes.
26:49What's a dog bane?
26:51It's a thing that poison our dog.
26:53Is that true? Yeah.
26:55Dog banes, a dog bane.
26:57It sounds more Irish to me.
27:04Dog banes.
27:07OK, so at the end of that, Sarah and Gary have seven points,
27:10Alan and Munya have 11.
27:16Now time for Gary and Munya to go head-to-head.
27:18Gary, your turn to pick the numbers.
27:20Let's have two big ones and four small ones.
27:22Watch for a little coming up.
27:242, 3, 7, 3, 75 and 50.
27:30And the target?
27:34OK, so the target is 388.
27:36Your time starts now.
28:07So, the target was 388.
28:09Munya, did you get it?
28:11Nope. Gary, did you get it?
28:13385, I think.
28:15OK, Gareth, how did you do that?
28:17OK, 2 plus 3, 5.
28:19Yep. Times the 75.
28:21Hopefully 375. Yep.
28:23And then plus the 7 and the 3.
28:25Well done. Seven points to Gareth.
28:29Could it be done, Rachel? Yes.
28:3150 times 7, 350.
28:343 over 3 is 1.
28:36Add it to 75, 76 and divide it by 2 for 38.
28:40And add it on.
28:44OK, time to go across once again to Dictionary Corner.
28:47Don Rodolfo, you're Spanish.
28:49I'll just remind you of that before we start.
28:53What have you got for us?
28:55Well, Jimmy, I've killed a lot of people.
28:57Like, a lot.
28:59But they say you never forget your first.
29:01Well, I did. I got no recollection.
29:03Cos I've been doing it since I was a little baby.
29:05You know how some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth?
29:09I was born with a silver sword in my hand.
29:12It was a difficult birth.
29:14Caesarean. From me inside.
29:17To say my mother survived would be inaccurate.
29:20Cos I never really knew her.
29:22Lately, I've been trying to reconnect.
29:24I've been tracing back her family tree.
29:26I've come across some interesting characters.
29:28First up, we have my grandmother, Marjorie.
29:32There she is. Nice hat.
29:34It's a fucking tragedy, actually.
29:40How is that a tragedy?
29:42Marjorie's father was called Oopsie.
29:45They came from a very poor family.
29:47Couldn't even afford chairs.
29:54Then we have my mother's great-aunt, Pissy.
29:56Cause of death, unknown.
30:03Next up, we have my great-great-great-uncle, Poncho.
30:06Great guy, loved his horse.
30:09Too much. Maybe too much.
30:12Now, we also had a bit of a celebrity in the family.
30:16I don't like to brag, but my great-great-great-uncle, Norm,
30:20was a pretty big deal on the after-dinner circuit
30:22around the courts of Europe.
30:24He would do poems, like, tell naughty jokes,
30:27but mainly, he looked like this.
30:32What's going on there? I don't even know what that is.
30:35They used to call him Fuzzy Boy.
30:45So, we were actually able to trace my family lineage
30:48all the way back to the 11th century.
30:50The birth of my great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather
30:54is actually captured in the bail tapestry.
30:56How do we know it's him?
30:58Look familiar? It's a theory.
31:00For me, I'm sorry.
31:09There's a Spanish expression for that.
31:11What's going on there?
31:17What's the story?
31:21And here is your teaser. The words are INTO ALAN.
31:24The clue is DO IT FOR YOUR COUNTRY.
31:28See you after the break.
31:45Welcome back. The answer to the teaser.
31:47The words were INTO ALAN. The clue was DO IT FOR YOUR COUNTRY.
31:50It was, of course, NATIONAL.
31:52OK, before we go on with the game, time for a quick bonus round.
31:55Sarah and Gary have been lovers for many years.
32:00But Alan and Munya have only just met.
32:02Do they know much more about each other?
32:04The married couple or the strangers?
32:06Let's find out as we play Mr and Mr and Mr and Mrs.
32:12Please join me.
32:18I'm going to ask Munya and Sarah some questions.
32:20Alan and Gary won't be able to hear the answers
32:22because they'll be wearing headphones.
32:24You'll just have to guess them.
32:26Whoever guesses the most correct answers gets the bonus points.
32:28Sarah, is Gary the perfect husband?
32:31For me, yeah, for sure.
32:33That sounded like less of a compliment now, I've realised.
32:37Alan, same question to you regarding Munya.
32:39He's a wonderful lover.
32:43And he excites me in ways I never really knew possible.
32:48Is that with a big hand? Yeah, a massive hand.
32:51OK. Alan, Gary, take a seat over by Rachel.
32:54Put your headphones on.
32:56Good luck, love. Thank you.
32:59Let's play Mr and Mr and Mr and Mrs.
33:01Munya, you're up first. Here is your first question.
33:04What unusual grooming habit does Alan have?
33:09I've known Alan for a few minutes,
33:12and I reckon he's the kind of guy who,
33:15every time he has a poo, he has a shower.
33:20If Alan could change one thing about himself,
33:22what do you think it would be?
33:25Hard to know where to begin, isn't it?
33:28His dentist? I don't know.
33:32What does Alan think is his best feature?
33:35And I'll give you a clue, it's below his waist.
33:39Symmetrical knees?
33:44Isn't one bigger than the other, usually?
33:46That's boobs. Yeah.
33:49What about Alan does he think gives people the ick?
33:53I feel like he doesn't know what to do with his hands,
33:55picking his thumbs.
33:57Look, man, I don't know the guy, you know?
34:01Well, let's bring Alan back. Could you grab Alan, Rachel?
34:09So if the answers match, you get points, OK? OK.
34:12I asked him what unusual grooming habits do you have.
34:15What do you think he said?
34:17Do you know what I like doing? Well, this is disgusting,
34:19but picking my toenails and using them as interdents.
34:27I know what you're thinking, with the size of these gaps,
34:30I could use me old foot, but...
34:32Yeah, I do that. That's just... That's me dad.
34:35Don't go, cos you get right in there, especially your big toe.
34:38Cos it's got a hook on it, you can get right in the back.
34:41Did you say that? Did you say that?
34:44You thought you might like to have a shower after you did a poop,
34:47but he's flossing with his toenails, so no.
34:50If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
34:53Me hump.
34:55What hump is this?
34:57This hump here, I have, like, a hump like that.
35:00It's too much. It's from getting those toenails, isn't it?
35:05Where's the hump? The hump's here. It's quite rounded.
35:08It's like I'm shoplifting a wok.
35:14Did you say that?
35:17Monia said the thing you would change about yourself would be your...
35:23What did you say?
35:25What did you think you would change about yourself?
35:27Say it to me face. Say it to me face.
35:30Is this your first date?
35:32What did you say? What did you say?
35:34I said your dentist.
35:36Because of your teeth? You are not getting any tonight.
35:41OK. Oh, God, we're not doing very well at this, are we?
35:44OK, we can pull this back. Next I ask Monia,
35:46what do you think is your best feature?
35:48Me legs. I've got lovely legs.
35:51Thank you.
35:53I will give you that.
35:55Monia, you said... I said you've got symmetrical knees.
36:00So, no, I mean, legs, everyone comments on me legs,
36:03they're my erogenous zone as well, did you know that?
36:06I put on a pair of Uggs, I nearly came.
36:10OK, so we'll give you that.
36:13We asked Monia this, we said,
36:15what does Alan think about him gives people the ick?
36:18I have really bad IBS.
36:21Yeah, no, I did know that.
36:25I have explosive wind. I once destroyed a fire pit.
36:32Yeah, I have really bad stomach issues and it just goes...
36:37Like Oppenheimer.
36:41I said that you don't know what to do with your hands when you're nervous.
36:44And where are they now? Yes.
36:46They're holding in the IBS.
36:49Pushing my arse cheeks together.
36:53OK, all right, so you got one.
36:55Let's see how the lovers will get on.
36:57There's nothing at stake here. There's a lot at stake over here.
37:01Well, let's see how this round goes.
37:03OK, here's your first question.
37:05Yeah. What's Gary's most annoying habit?
37:08He doesn't really know how to use a toilet brush.
37:11Oh. I use paper.
37:17He genuinely thinks it's for unblocking the toilet.
37:21And sometimes I bring it out with a little holder
37:24and it just looks like a cake pop.
37:27That, I think, that.
37:29I don't know that he knows that he does that though.
37:33This feels like the perfect forum.
37:37What would be Gary's ideal date night?
37:40He'd be on his own.
37:44With a bowl of sausages and some zombie films.
37:47I don't think I'm there at all.
37:49Perfect date night.
37:51OK, what's the most romantic thing Gary has ever done for you?
37:54He did once, when I was poorly, he bought me,
37:56instead of flowers and chocolates, which is kind of standard, isn't it,
37:59he bought me a Mr Potato Head to cheer me up.
38:01It was genuinely touching, if a little mad.
38:04OK. You're not going to break us, Jimmy.
38:06No, I...
38:08What's your most annoying habit?
38:10I think I'm quite controlling,
38:12but that's only because he often does things wrong.
38:15Let's get Gary back. He's enjoying the peace and quiet over there.
38:19I don't want to disturb him. Let's bring Gary back. Come on, Gary.
38:24You know how this works. I'm going to ask Sarah some questions.
38:27You've just got to match your answers, then you get the points.
38:29What is your most annoying habit? What do you think Sarah said?
38:32Always being right.
38:36That is... That is not what she said.
38:41What did you say? You didn't say he was...
38:43Oh, I said that he didn't use the toilet brush.
38:45They're no good for unblocking it. They're awful.
38:47That's not what they're for!
38:50OK, well, I'll say no points there.
38:53What would be your ideal date night?
38:56Curry and zombie films.
38:58I'll give you that, yeah.
39:04Our next ask, Sarah,
39:05what's the most romantic thing you've ever done for her?
39:08When you were stuck in Australia, when the planes couldn't fly...
39:11Oh, yeah, that stuck out.
39:12I was going to drive to pick you up in Spain,
39:14cos you could fly to Spain, but then they legalised flying again,
39:17so I didn't have to, so I got to make the offer
39:19and get all the Qdos points for that.
39:21I'm going to say that's the best.
39:23You were going to drive to Spain to pick her up? Yeah.
39:26Wow, they've got weird accents there.
39:33I'm worried I'm not going to have a career after this.
39:38That wasn't Spanish at all!
39:42So, the correct answer was...?
39:44That you bought me the Mr Potato Head
39:46when I wasn't very well to cheer me up.
39:48Yes, I did, I did.
39:49Next, I asked Sarah, what is Sarah's most annoying habit?
39:52On the rare occasions I get the remote control,
39:54she always tells me I'm not doing it properly
39:56and grabs it herself and presses the button.
39:58I said that I was too controlling,
40:00and I think you just gave her a really good story
40:02about how I'm really controlling.
40:04I think they get the points for that, don't they?
40:08This is a win, not just for Sarah and Gary,
40:10but for lovers everywhere.
40:12You get the five bonus points.
40:14Thanks for playing, Mr and Mr and Mr and Mrs.
40:17Back to our seats.
40:21Too controlling. She doesn't let me have the remote.
40:23He doesn't even mute, he just turns it down,
40:25down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down.
40:28But you should... Just fucking mute it!
40:33Put a fascinating glimpse into your lives.
40:36Well, you already know about your arsehole, so...
40:41I wish I could press the mute button on my arsehole.
40:46OK, on with the game. Sarah, your turn to pick the letters.
40:49Five consonants and four vowels, please.
40:52I'm not messing around. Thank you, love.
40:54All business.
40:55G, N, S, and then A, E, O, E.
41:02And your time starts now.
41:36Sarah, how many letters? I've got a five, love.
41:38You've got a five. OK, Gary, how many? Five.
41:40Alan? Six.
41:42Munya? Also six.
41:44OK, well, Gary, what's your five?
41:48Stang? Yeah, like the past tense of sting.
41:50Susie, how are you feeling about stang?
41:52Sting, stung, so no stang.
41:54Sarah? I've got teens.
41:56Yep. Teens.
41:58Munya, your six?
41:59I've got tangos.
42:01Oh, nice. Very good.
42:02Alan, your six?
42:04Ooh, six points to Alan and Munya.
42:06Well done. Well done.
42:12Susie? Don Rodolfo, my Spanish friend.
42:16Could they have done any better, Don Rodolfo?
42:18Yeah, they could have had neonates for eights.
42:20Neonates, what's neonates?
42:22Newborn infants.
42:23So, at the end of that, Sarah and Gary are in the lead with 19 points.
42:31And here is your final teaser.
42:32The words are WANK RISE.
42:34The clue is, that's a posh one.
42:36That's WANK RISE, that's a posh one.
42:38See you after the break.
42:55Welcome back. The answer to the teaser, the words were WANK RISE.
42:58The clue was, that's a posh one.
43:00It was, of course, SWANKIER.
43:02OK, time for our final letters game.
43:04Alan, Munya, your turn to choose.
43:06You choose.
43:07Could you choose, then?
43:08No, no, no.
43:09Go on, Munya, you.
43:10Was it words?
43:12I'll choose, I'll choose.
43:15Five consonants, please, and four vowels.
43:18R, L, Y, S, D, and then I...
43:23We've got a problem with the clock.
43:25I'll do it on my potato keyboard.
43:27U, A and E.
43:30I'll just do a sound check.
43:31Thank you.
43:37OK, and your time starts...
44:20How many?
44:22Seven? Gary, how many?
44:24Six? OK, Alan?
44:28Six for me.
44:29What's your six, Munya?
44:31Gary, your six?
44:33One S, he can't have ARISES.
44:35It's bad enough he's controlled by Sarah, now you're chipping in.
44:39Sarah, your seven?
44:40Er, READILY.
44:41Alan, your seven?
44:46That's beautiful.
44:47Seven points to both teams.
44:50Susie, Don Ratolfo from Spain.
44:53Yeah, they could have had RESIDUAL for eight.
44:56Oh, we were so close to Ireland.
45:02It's turning you upside down.
45:05It's turning you upside down, you got it.
45:14OK, so Alan and Munya have 24.
45:17Sarah and Gary have 26.
45:25Fingers on buzzers.
45:26It's time for today's crucial Countdown Conundrum.
45:29Your time starts now.
45:39Is it IMPLORING?
45:41Let's take a look.
45:42Oh, I think it is.
45:46I've never done it before!
45:48Five seconds in. Five seconds.
45:50I've never done it before.
45:53So the final scores are, Sarah and Gary have 26 points,
45:56Alan and Munya have won with 34.
46:03Congratulations, you're now the proud owner of this,
46:06the Countdown practice milking set.
46:11Thanks to all our panellists, our wonderful studio audience,
46:13and to all of you for watching at home, that's it from us.
46:22Well, it's not quite goodnight for you, Jimmy.
46:24You've got more work to do.
46:25A sharp eye for details needed in I Literally Just Told You Here Next.
46:29And this girl does not need to be told.
46:31She's challenging beauty standards and making her mark.
46:34Ugly Betty, available to stream now on Channel 4.