Travel to Yemen

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00:00Yemen is a beautiful Arab country in Western Asia, but it does not have a monarchical system like other Arab countries, but it is a republic country.
00:17The borders of this warm Arab country are in the north of Saudi Arabia, in the north-east of Oman and in the south of the Indian Ocean.
00:26Yemen's maritime borders meet with Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia and contemporary Africa.
00:34This is the poorest Islamic country in the Arab world.
00:38Dear viewers, if we look at the population of Yemen, 3,44,49,825 people live here.
00:49But this population is not only of local people.
00:53Only 92.8% of the total population here is of local Arabs, 3.7% Somali and the remaining 3.5% people belong to other generations.
01:07According to its population, Yemen ranks 48th in the world.
01:13The total area of ​​Yemen is 530,000 square kilometers.
01:19In terms of area, this country ranks 49th in the world.
01:24Yemen's capital is Sanaa, which is the oldest and largest city in the country.
01:30This is the cultural, political, social and economic city of the country.
01:35In history, this city was inhabited 2,500 years ago.
01:40It is said that the first beginning of the Arab nation was from the capital of this city, which later migrated and settled elsewhere.
01:50This city has different cultures from all over Arabia on the basis of its beautiful buildings and unique architecture.
01:58The National Museum of Yemen in this city is very old, where the old heritage of Yemen is present.
02:07Tourists come from far to see this museum.
02:11The present Gate of Yemen and Al Saleh Mosque are an excellent tourist destination.
02:18Tourists definitely come to see it.
02:22The total area of ​​this city is 256 square kilometers.
02:26And the total population of this city is 25,45,000 people.
02:32This city was also made part of UNESCO World Heritage.
02:36Yemen is a desi country.
02:38Today, even in 2024, you will not find big buildings here.
02:44People live a simple and happy life.
02:48But the people here do not live a luxury life like the people of neighboring countries.
02:54Most of the people here live a life of poverty.
02:57Marriages in Yemen are very interesting and unique from other Arabs.
03:03These people, especially men, wear kandora and a handkerchief on their head.
03:09They tie a special kind of dagger on their stomach, which is part of their custom.
03:14These people also do a good special firing at weddings.
03:18Money is spent.
03:20Women wear special kinds of beautiful clothes, which are very expensive and gorgeous.
03:27Bride and all other women use a lot of gold.
03:33These people also love to eat camels, goats, donkeys and cows.
03:41Women and men dance.
03:44It is enjoyed a lot.
03:46Weddings in Yemen last for about 21 to 25 days.
03:51Yemenis are not very luxurious, like the Arabs of Dubai, Qatar, Kuwait or Saudi Arabia.
03:58These people travel to other Arab countries to have fun.
04:03In Yemen, there is a complete ban on selling alcohol.
04:06But despite this, hundreds of thousands of liters of alcohol are made annually.
04:11And it is also imported in two ways.
04:14There are almost no dancing bars in the country.
04:19But Yemenis organize parties in private places.
04:24Where young beautiful Arab girls dance.
04:28And it is enjoyed a lot.
04:31In Yemen, women usually wear niqab and abaya.
04:36It is completely forbidden to take a picture of any woman without asking.
04:41If caught doing this, you will have to go to jail.
04:45There is also a lot of theft in Yemen.
04:48But if caught, a severe punishment is also given.
04:51And a fine is also imposed.
04:53If we talk about the religion of the people here.
04:5799.1% of the total population is part of the Muslim community.
05:0365% are Sunni and 34.1% are Shia Muslim.
05:09The remaining 0.9% people belong to other religions.
05:14Viewers, Aden City was the first capital of Yemen.
05:19Which has a very beautiful and modern style of construction.
05:23This city is located on the shore of the sea.
05:26There are many such places here that are worth seeing.
05:32There is also a Yemeni port in this city.
05:35Which is called Aden Port.
05:38This city was inhabited in the 7th century AD.
05:42The total area of ​​this city is 760 square kilometers.
05:46And the total population here is 1,80,000 people.
05:51And the total population here is 10,80,000 people.
05:56The currency of Yemen is Yemeni Riyal.
05:581 Riyal is equal to 1.11 Pakistani Rupees.
06:02And Indian zero is equal to 33 paise.
06:06This is the only country in the Arab world whose currency is extremely low.
06:11And it is the poorest country.
06:13Viewers, the city of Sanaa in Yemen was inhabited by one of the three sons of Prophet Noah.
06:21This is one of the oldest cities in the world.
06:25Jabal-e-Naukam is the mountain where the son of Prophet Noah stood and laid the foundation of this city.
06:34This Yemeni land is the first land of the Arabs.
06:38The Quraish tribe and the Ansar tribe were also from Yemen.
06:42Who later migrated and settled on the land of Saudi Arabia.
06:47Viewers, the coffee grown on the land of Yemen is considered the most expensive and highest quality coffee in the world.
06:55Yemen exports its coffee all over the world.
06:59There is also a generation of such a tree in Yemen that is not found anywhere else on the land of Qura.
07:06The name of this tree is Dragon Blood Tree.
07:09When cut, blood comes out of the wood.
07:13This umbrella-shaped tree is very famous and famous all over the world.
07:18Special medicines are made from the leaves and wood of this tree.
07:23The blood from this tree cures such diseases that are impossible.
07:29Viewers, the northern areas of Yemen are very beautiful and cold.
07:35Where there is light snowfall in winter and there is a lot of greenery.
07:41Here the mountains are dry and green.
07:44This area is rich in natural resources.
07:47You must have seen a lot of intoxicating things in the world and may have used them.
07:53In which alcohol, wine, cigarettes, betel nut, marijuana, etc.
07:59But apart from all these drugs, the people of Yemen use a special kind of leaves.
08:05Which is called Kaat.
08:07These Kaat leaves are also used by women, young men, young girls and even children.
08:15Who is not familiar with the Gulf of Aden, Yemen's sea?
08:19This is the sea route from where ships from countries like America import and export.
08:26Even Europe trades on this route.
08:30Viewers, this is the same Yemen.
08:32If Yemen wants today, it can close these roads.
08:36But America and many other countries have a hand on it.
08:41Viewers, this is the same Yemen from where Hazrat Uwais Qarni is related.
08:47Our beloved master Muhammad Mustafa was in deep love with the people of Yemen.
08:56And especially with Hazrat Uwais Qarni.
09:00During the time of Hazrat Sulaiman, the kingdom of the Queen of Balqis was in this area.
09:06And this was the world's trade center.
09:09In the year 600, Islam came here and spread very quickly.
09:15A large number of Yemeni people migrated to different countries of the world.
09:20And invited Islam there and spread Islam.
09:24Oil was discovered from Yemen's mainland in 1987.
09:29After which Yemen should have developed every day.
09:32But this could not happen.
09:34Because thousands of lives were lost due to the fights between North Yemen and South Yemen.
09:41In fact, this South and North Yemen is a Shia and Sunni border.
09:46In the northern part, there are Shia and in the southern part, there are Sunni.
09:50And neither of them ever got along with each other.
09:53And until today, there is a war going on here.
09:56Because of which the country is getting poorer and poorer every day.
10:01Today, Yemenis go to other countries and work.
10:05At present, Yemen's economy is very weak.
10:09The Shia community is supported by Iran and the Sunni community by Saudi Arabia.
10:14The annual GDP of Yemen is $ 69.963 billion.
10:20And the average income of the people here is $ 2,053.
10:26In terms of a strong economy, it comes on the 180th number in terms of the world's 109th and Ficus income.
10:34Yemen's calling code is plus 967.
10:38And the internet domain name is dot ye.
10:42Yemen has driving right side.
10:44The roads are open.
10:46Which are both good and bad.
10:48There is also an education system in the country.
10:51But extremely bad.