Conectare BMS-uri Daly la BMSMonitor

  • 2 months ago
Un scurt tutorial pas cu pas despre cum se conectează pe portul UART o baterie DIY echipată cu bms-ul DALY la aplicația nativă BMSMonitor.

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00:00Hello everyone, in today's tutorial we will connect the DALI BMS to their BMS Monitor application.
00:25Let's see what and how.
00:31The tutorial can be found in Smart Home Tutorials, page 1.
00:37As I said here, we will use a USB UART cable.
00:43I have the original cable bought from them, it works with any UART interface, I'm on AliExpress with 6 lei, 5 lei, 3 lei, whatever you want.
00:53You simply need a 3-wire cable.
00:56We have RX, TX and GND.
01:00That's all you need.
01:02The application can be downloaded from their website.
01:06Unfortunately, only the latest version is available for download, the version that is protected by a password for the administration settings.
01:18Unfortunately, the password is not available on the website.
01:22I had to do a lot of digging to be able to put my hand on that password.
01:30If you want to download, on my drive you will find both versions, the slightly older version, which does not have a password, version 2.1.8.
01:43Version 2.3.8 was the latest when I downloaded it.
01:47The one protected by a password in the archive, you will also have the password.
01:54Well, I won't waste a lot of time, because it's not the case.
02:02I want to raise this note to you in a row for a start.
02:10As I wrote here, do not take the values ​​from the tutorial for good.
02:15I showed you what and how, which are the values.
02:19As you know, my batteries are the worst batteries on the market.
02:25I do not recommend them to my enemies.
02:30I made all kinds of settings that normally no one does with a clear mind, so to speak.
02:39But it was the only option to make them work somehow, so that my cells do not overload and so on.
02:47That's why I say, do not take the values ​​in a row, they have no importance.
02:53Well, I got over this part, I solved it.
02:58I assume you have already downloaded the application.
03:04And we are going to connect to the batteries with the BMS Monitor application.
03:12Well, here we have the PC, we launch the application.
03:24As I said, I still use the old application for the simple reason that it does not need that password for administration.
03:33The BMS Monitor 2.1.8 application has opened.
03:39The first thing we have to do after opening the application is to go to the communication settings and select the COM we want to connect to.
03:51In our case, we will connect to the first battery.
03:55It does not change anything, we just press Open Port.
03:59And as you can see, it has already started to draw data.
04:03It shows us the socket, as I said, the bulb, as well as the fuse.
04:07The voltage, the charging and discharging current.
04:11These are live parameters.
04:13The voltage on each cell.
04:15Again, live parameters.
04:17The charging and discharging MOSFET is on.
04:23The temperature is 26 degrees Celsius inside the battery.
04:29Here, if we have active balancing, this is the part.
04:35In our case, it is not now.
04:39The parameter settings, as you can see, are empty.
04:42Why? Because the first thing we have to do is go to Read Parameter,
04:48click Read All and wait.
04:51And as you can see, it took all the settings from BMS.
05:00And if we go here, we have them.
05:04Here we can modify them, click Set and it transferred to BMS.
05:12Here we have the option to save the configuration, to load it and so on.
05:19If we do a lot of settings, Set All and modify it,
05:22if you see that something is done with red, click it again.
05:26If it stays yellow, you are out of value.
05:29So be careful.
05:32What else do we have here is the Engineering part.
05:38If you remember, in another tutorial I told you that the board number changed.
05:43This is where this thing is done.
05:46These parts here and here are for other types of BMS.
05:53So from here you can give it a balancing test, restart BMS and so on.
06:04Current calibration, whatever you want.
06:07So from here you have all the information.
06:09This is the Engineering part.
06:11BMS Upgrade.
06:12For now, we have not discovered that there is a firmware update for them.
06:19So we have no reason to make any firmware update.
06:24When you're done, just click Close Port.
06:28If, for example, let's connect to battery 3, click Open Port.
06:34It connected to battery 3.
06:38If we go to Engineering and click Read, the board is 3.
06:43Again, if we refresh it to clean it and draw the parameters,
06:53as you can see, it works.
07:02And as I said, Close Port and goodbye.
07:10I will also present you the new BMS Monitor version 2.3.8 application.
07:18Here you have the password.
07:20Let's launch it.
07:37As you can see, the setting part does not exist.
07:42We connect to the battery.
07:47Live parameters.
07:50We can read the parameters.
07:56But we can't write them.
07:58To write the parameters, we have to go to the admin to enter the password, which is 20211115.
08:09And now the parameter settings part appears.
08:18This is the new application.
08:28Many say it's better.
08:30Honestly, I haven't seen too many differences.
08:34I agree that there are quite a few differences between them.
08:42But for now, I haven't found anything that would be very, very useful.
08:50It's up to you.
08:53If you want or don't want to use the new application.
09:01Otherwise, the connection is the same as the other application.
09:09Well, that's about it with the connection of the IBMS batteries to their native application.
09:20Nothing complicated.
09:22You take the parameters and settings from the internet.
09:27In my case, I can't help you.
09:30That would be the tutorial.
09:32Thanks a lot for watching.
09:34Thanks a lot for like, share, subscribe and so on.
09:37Thanks for the positive comments and so on.
09:42To all who waste their time appreciating what I'm doing here.
09:50I was Remus.
09:51Let's hear each other healthy next time.