‘It’s never about the achievements, it’s about giving my best’- South Africa’s most decorated Olympian

  • last month
The swimmer Tatjana Smith is celebrating becoming South Africa’s most decorated Olympian with 2 gold and 2 silver medals.

She spoke to CGTN about her new status.
#SouthAfrica #olympics #Paris2024
The swimmer Tatjana Smith is celebrating becoming South Africa’s most decorated Olympian with 2 gold and 2 silver medals.

She spoke to CGTN about her new status.
#SouthAfrica #olympics #Paris2024


00:00It was never a goal and I never knew about it. I think I only saw it a bit because I've been off social media as well
00:07During the competition just to stay focused
00:09So I haven't really seen anything but like all the interviews are like, how do you feel about it?
00:14I was like, I don't even know. Yeah, it was never it's never about the achievements for me. It's really just
00:21you know giving my best and like pushing myself beyond what I think I was capable of and
00:26You know, I've proved to myself a lot of things and my character has been shaped in many ways and yeah
00:31I'm just grateful for what the sport has given me
00:34To come here to have that gold medal and a silver medal not to belittle the silver medal
00:40But you cut to come here to win a gold and a silver
00:43After you know, obviously, you know the success you enjoyed three years ago in Tokyo. How how do you now?
00:50Reflect on that. Yeah, I think it's a lot different. I think Tokyo you're so young
00:54You want to prove yourself at your first Olympics?
00:57So it almost was a bit easier because it really was with the hard work
01:01But I think this past three years it was really from the mental side
01:04So it was really and the people in in your village
01:08I'd really takes a village to get where you are and for me to be stand behind the podium
01:13I took a village and I have a t-shirt that I made to you know, just to show
01:18What it meant to me because it was more than just
01:22Sacrificing time to train and working hard and training hard. This was really about the community
01:28I surround myself that picks me up every single day when I felt like I couldn't believe in myself
01:33They still believed and especially I think with the pressure that came from Tokyo
01:37It was really a lot to deal with and to have those people
01:41Be there with me in the low and now can be with me in achieving
01:47The highest was special
01:50And I now know that you you've then announced your retirement from swimming
01:55And I think even read that you you don't want to see a swimming pool for like 10 years
02:00Swimmers have never swam for fun. I think it's just like if you're invited to a pool party, we just sit there on the side
02:07So yeah, I don't think you'll be seeing me at the pool anytime soon
02:11Just because I've been doing it for 22 years
02:14It was more like it became like not a work, but you obviously still have a passion and a love for it
02:19But it really became it's hard work, and I just want to find the love of swimming like outside
02:27Outside of performance and competition so yeah, it's going to be interesting, but I'm excited
