Madougushi Dahliya wa Utsumukanai 5

  • 2 months ago
00:00I should have done it earlier, so I could recover my eyesight in the temple.
00:18It was a little expensive, though.
00:31If you'll excuse me.
00:34Are you a member of Dari's family?
00:40Or are you the culprit?
01:01I'm sorry.
01:04I'm sorry.
01:06I'm sorry.
01:08I'm sorry.
01:10I'm sorry.
01:12I'm sorry.
01:14I'm sorry.
01:16I'm sorry.
01:18I'm sorry.
01:20I'm sorry.
01:22I'm sorry.
01:24I'm sorry.
01:26I'm sorry.
01:28I'm sorry.
01:30I'm sorry.
01:32I'm sorry.
01:34I'm sorry.
01:36I'm sorry.
01:38I'm sorry.
01:40I'm sorry.
01:42I'm sorry.
01:44I'm sorry.
01:46I'm sorry.
01:48I'm sorry.
01:50I'm sorry.
01:52I'm sorry.
01:54I'm sorry.
01:56I'm sorry.
01:58I'm sorry.
02:00I'm sorry.
02:02I'm sorry.
02:04I'm sorry.
02:06I'm sorry.
02:08I'm sorry.
02:10I'm sorry.
02:12I'm sorry.
02:14I'm sorry.
02:16I'm sorry.
02:18I'm sorry.
02:20I'm sorry.
02:22I'm sorry.
02:24I'm sorry.
02:26I'm sorry.
02:28I'm sorry.
02:30I'm sorry.
02:32Can I sit with you?
02:34I'll give up if it's just a date with my girlfriend.
02:37Go ahead. I'm here alone.
02:44I was just about to go to the trade guild.
02:47To look for Dari-san.
02:50I was going to ask if there were any thieves.
02:53I wanted to pay for the potions and return the coat.
02:57So let me treat you today.
03:02If I see you in town, call me.
03:05Then I'll treat you well.
03:10I understand.
03:13If you have this cold wine, give it to me.
03:16If you don't have it, put it in the wine cooler.
03:18Two glasses.
03:20And I'll order a cheese salad and a baguette.
03:26When I met you in the forest, I didn't think you were such a beautiful person.
03:30Thank you for the greeting before the first meeting.
03:35You know the greeting before the first meeting?
03:38Are you a nobleman, too?
03:40My father was a nobleman.
03:42It's hard to praise a woman you don't know.
03:46Well, it's hard.
03:49By the way, why did you wear a man's clothes at that time?
03:53I don't like women in the forest.
03:57That's true.
03:58Thank you for waiting.
04:03Anyway, let's toast.
04:05To the reunion.
04:09Are your eyes okay now?
04:11Thanks to you, I can see clearly.
04:14That's good.
04:18Crimson Cattle.
04:20It seems to be popular recently.
04:24It's rich.
04:25That's right.
04:27I think the extra wine is red.
04:30That's right. I'll order red wine next time.
04:35Didn't Kouta get angry?
04:38Yes, because my father is gone.
04:41Was it hard? I'm sorry.
04:44Don't worry about it.
04:46I'll wash it and give it back.
04:48I can't believe the back paper is a Y-band.
04:50I just fixed it.
04:52My father often gets caught, so I reinforced it.
04:55It's a Y-band.
04:57But it's not expensive because it's a waste material.
05:00Is Dari's job a job related to back paper or material?
05:05You didn't introduce yourself properly.
05:08Daria Rossetti.
05:10I'm a witch doctor.
05:12Did I talk about waterproof clothes to an expert?
05:16I was happy to hear the story of the person using it.
05:20I developed the waterproof clothes.
05:23A developer of waterproof clothes?
05:26Next time, I want to make something light because it's easy to get a cold.
05:30I feel better.
05:32God, thank you for meeting Daria Rossetti.
05:43I'll order extra wine.
05:45I'll do it.
05:47Sit down.
05:52I'm sorry.
06:07I'm sorry.
06:09I've always wanted to apologize.
06:13That's enough.
06:15But I can't break off the engagement because of me.
06:18I'm really sorry.
06:22Are you okay?
06:24I'm fine.
06:29Don't cry.
06:31If you're breaking off the engagement, you're alone now, right?
06:36I'm grateful to the goddess of good luck.
06:39I'm sorry I couldn't accept your invitation.
06:43I'm glad I could meet you again now.
06:47Daria, what about you?
06:53Excuse me.
06:55I'm Wolfred Scalfalot, a member of the Royal Knights.
07:01You're from the Izunohakusaku family?
07:03Nice to meet you.
07:05Daria, will you come with me?
07:11Thank you very much.
07:13By the way, I don't think I'll be a disadvantage to you.
07:17He said he was a member of the Orlandians.
07:20That's not true at all.
07:23I was surprised to hear you talk to me like that.
07:26I'm not lying.
07:28When you invited me to the castle gate, I was swept away.
07:31When the carriage came, I said I wanted to talk to you again.
07:34I couldn't hear you because of the sound of the rain.
07:36And I'm sorry I ended up deceiving you.
07:40If I knew you were a woman, I would have hurt my eyes more.
07:45I couldn't taste the food.
07:46And I couldn't enjoy the castle wine.
07:50More than that, I guess I forced you to go out with me.
07:54No, even if it's a engagement, it's between father and son.
07:58He said he found true love before he got married.
08:02True love?
08:04I don't think I can understand it at all.
08:07Me neither.
08:10I feel like I've been interrupted by a delicious meal and a fun story.
08:13If you don't mind, would you like to go out with me again?
08:17I haven't eaten enough either.
08:24Can I put this on you?
08:28It's a magic tool that prevents you from appearing.
08:31I use it when I want to talk to you.
08:34I'm glad to hear that, but what do you mean by that?
08:39I think it's a great reform of water.
08:40I think it's a great reform of water.
08:42Yes, it's an artifact that even elementary school students know about.
08:46I don't mean to deny the history of the house, but I didn't contribute to it.
08:51I'm the youngest child, and I'm not allowed to be a bodyguard or a guard.
08:56I'm not good at being smart.
08:59I don't know the etiquette of nobility, so I'll make it easy for you.
09:05Thank you.
09:07I wonder what this magic tool is made of.
09:11I heard that you can control it by covering it with sound.
09:15Do you make things like this?
09:17I only make life-threatening magic tools.
09:20That's because I'm a magician.
09:23So that's what it is.
09:27What is it?
09:29No, I thought it would be fun to see you looking at the magic tool.
09:33Mr. Wolf, I was surprised that the atmosphere changed so much.
09:38I thought I could use it to finish the story.
09:41But if I keep going, I'll get tired.
09:43I wanted to make it look rough and accurate.
09:48You seem to have a lot to say.
09:51Well, that's right.
09:54I usually wear a coat with a hood or glasses.
09:58I thought you'd find it today, so I was going to stand out.
10:03I should have named it properly so that I could get in touch with it through the guild.
10:08I'm not blaming you.
10:11I just wanted to talk to you again.
10:19How many magic tools do you have?
10:23One per unit.
10:25If you can stack them up, it's either a magician or an alchemist.
10:31What about when you multiply them?
10:33I think it's like you can't get rid of the magic and then you can put it on top of it again.
10:39I thought it would be good if the sword had a high-quality enhancement and a battlefield.
10:43Also, like a lightweight.
10:46Mr. Wolf, do you exchange the sword's wings and scabbard?
10:50There are times when they break.
10:51That means it's a separate unit.
10:55Can't you disassemble it, put a high-quality enhancement on the blade, put a purification function on the scabbard with water magic or wind magic, and then put a lightweight on the scabbard?
11:05That's great. That's a completely artificial sword, isn't it?
11:10Our unit will be comfortable, too.
11:13You really love magic swords, don't you?
11:15Yeah, I have a dream of a sword or a weapon with magic, so it's fun to think about it.
11:22I like magic tools, too, and it's fun to think about them.
11:29Can I call you Daria? I want you to call me Wolf.
11:34I don't mind being called, but it's hard to call you.
11:38No matter what you say, I'll put a negotiator in the document that says it won't be invalid.
11:42It's a joke, isn't it?
11:45I'm from the Scalfalot family, but I can't use water magic or any other magic.
11:51I'm going to go to the Dead Sea someday, and I'm ready for that.
11:56More importantly, if I take the sword, I can try magic.
12:01Let's start with a cheap exploration.
12:04And for the name, it's okay if it's just the two of us. Wolf.
12:09Nice to meet you, Daria the Sorcerer.
12:17In the end, I was sent home. It's over there.
12:21I've seen it from afar. Was it Daria's house?
12:25It's called the Green Tower.
12:28There used to be a castle wall around here, and when I broke it, my grandfather got a stone and made it.
12:34It's a witch-like house.
12:37Here you go.
12:39That's a lot.
12:41No, I want you to take it. If you don't, I'll be scolded by the stage.
12:46I understand.
12:48Can I deliver the coat the day after tomorrow?
12:52Then why don't we go to the witch shop in Kitaku together?
12:55Yes, by all means.
12:57I'll be there before noon.
12:58I'll be there before noon.
13:00It's a shop called the right eye of the goddess of the nobles.
13:03It's a witch shop that you can't enter without an introduction, isn't it?
13:07I'll go with you, so of course you can enter.
13:10I understand.
13:12Good night.
13:14Have a good dream.
13:17Daria, good night.
13:20Have a good dream.
13:21Daria, good night.
13:23Have a good dream.
13:28Oh, my God, you're so messy.
13:31I told you to hang the coat you took off on the hanger.
13:34Yeah, I'm sorry.
13:36I'm really not lazy except for work.
13:51What's your dream?
13:53It's like Carlo.
13:55I'm still amazed at God.
13:58Maybe it's because I drank ale with Wolfred.
14:02His eyes are very eye-catching.
14:06He's famous among the nobles.
14:08I think I understand.
14:10You're going out with Mr. Scalfalot, aren't you?
14:13He's going to take me to the right eye of the goddess.
14:16I think you'll learn a lot because you're dealing with witchcraft for the nobles.
14:21Have a good day.
14:33Good morning.
14:35You said you'd meet me in the afternoon.
14:38I thought you'd be far away, so I left early.
14:41But I was running late.
14:43I'll get ready.
14:45Please wait.
14:47I came early on my own.
14:49This is the coat I borrowed.
14:51Thank you very much.
14:53I'm glad I could help you.
15:03It's okay.
15:05I can get off by myself.
15:07It happens naturally.
15:09I'm sorry.
15:11No, it's okay.
15:13Thank you very much.
15:16I'm going to put on my glasses soon.
15:19It doesn't work very well.
15:21It's wonderful.
15:22I wonder if it's Mr. Wolfred.
15:26I'm sorry.
15:27I don't mind.
15:29Let's go.
15:36The right eye of the goddess.
15:38Tenshu-san is also a witch, and he's also a male.
15:41Is that so?
15:42What's your name?
15:43It's Osvaldo Zola.
15:45You're the developer of the cold wind machine.
15:47My father taught me.
15:49I didn't know that.
15:51It's a magic tool I've had since I was a child.
15:53You've been a magician for a long time, haven't you?
15:56I'm going to be a nobleman at the store.
16:00Can I escort you?
16:02Thank you.
16:10Welcome, Mr. Wolfred.
16:14You brought a beautiful girl with you.
16:17Daria Rossetti-jo.
16:18I'm a magician.
16:21My name is Osvaldo Zola.
16:23Please call me Osvaldo.
16:25My name is Daria Rossetti.
16:27I'm a newcomer, so please excuse me.
16:31Excuse me, but isn't your father Mr. Carlo Rossetti?
16:35Do you know my father?
16:37Yes, at the high school.
16:40I met him at the party.
16:43Please don't let your guard down.
16:46Thank you.
16:49Please feel free to take a look.
16:55It's a new magic tool to prevent fainting.
16:58It's a button type.
17:00You can choose the color according to your clothes.
17:03It's a poison.
17:04It's a poison that prevents stasis and confusion.
17:08Many knights and adventurers want lightness,
17:12so alchemists make it.
17:16It's a fairy crystal lamp.
17:19I'm using a magic crystal.
17:22It's an effect that prevents fainting.
17:30My father tried to put a fairy crystal in my room.
17:36Three gold pieces fell off.
17:38I thought it would be difficult for my father to make a fairy crystal lantern.
17:46I was so absorbed in talking to Daria-jo,
17:49I'm sorry.
17:51I'm sorry.
17:53Mr. Wolfred,
17:54would you like to see the support accessories I ordered?
18:00It's a chain type anklet.
18:02It's a poison that prevents fainting.
18:04It's a poison that prevents stasis and confusion.
18:07I'll adjust the size in my room.
18:11Daria-jo, I'll be right back.
18:18Next time, please use this.
18:21This is...
18:22If you have this, you can come to the store at any time.
18:27Why me?
18:29Carlo-san has a debt.
18:32He told me.
18:33If your daughter comes to the store someday,
18:35I want you to show her the magic tools.
18:38If she doesn't come, keep it a secret until she dies.
18:42Keep it a secret until she dies.
18:45My father...
18:46I'm really glad to see you.
18:49When I go there someday,
18:51I'll be able to say that I paid Carlo-san's debt.
18:55Can you tell me about that?
18:59When I was young,
19:00my wife ran away with the store's employees and the money.
19:05I was thinking about closing the store or paying a debt.
19:10Then Carlo-san came to me.
19:13He took me to the store.
19:16Is that so?
19:18We had a good time.
19:21I told him everything.
19:24My wife ran away with the money.
19:29Then Carlo-san lectured me.
19:33I'll tell you the best way to do that.
19:36Find a new woman.
19:39A new woman?
19:41He was proud to have his favorite young woman.
19:46What is he proud of?
19:49After drinking a lot,
19:51he was invited to the Green Tower.
19:55He met a young girl.
19:58She was his favorite young woman.
20:03He laughed.
20:07He said,
20:08I met you when I was young.
20:11The wind was hot,
20:13so my daughter sweated a lot.
20:16I told him to make a good wine.
20:20Then he made a good wine.
20:23Thanks to that,
20:24the store was rebuilt.
20:28It's a shame that I could only drink with Carlo-san.
20:32I should have invited him to drink with me.
20:37I don't know if it was my one-sided love.
20:42My father drank ale in front of the Green Tower in the summer.
20:47Thanks to Oswald Zola.
20:50I'm sure he felt like he was drinking with him.
20:54With his friend Oswald-san.
20:58Is that so?
21:05Excuse me.
21:09Thank you.
21:11I was able to use my heart.
21:13I was happy to hear about my father.
21:17Please come again.
21:30Father's handwriting.
21:33He always left his jacket off.
21:35He didn't notice even if I brushed his shoes.
21:39He drank too much no matter how many times I told him.
21:43He told me to sleep on the bed many times.
21:51I can't show you a good place after you're gone.
22:21Thank you.
22:51Thank you.
22:52Thank you.
22:53Thank you.
22:54Thank you.
22:55Thank you.
22:56Thank you.
22:57Thank you.
22:58Thank you.
22:59Thank you.
23:00Thank you.
23:01Thank you.
23:02Thank you.
23:03Thank you.
23:04Thank you.
23:05Thank you.
23:06Thank you.
23:07Thank you.
23:08Thank you.
23:09Thank you.
23:10Thank you.
23:11Thank you.
23:12Thank you.
23:13Thank you.
23:14Thank you.
23:15Thank you.
23:16Thank you.
23:17Thank you.
23:18Thank you.
23:19Thank you.
23:20Thank you.
23:21Thank you.
23:22Thank you.
23:23Thank you.
23:24Thank you.
23:25Thank you.
23:26Thank you.
23:27Thank you.
23:28Thank you.
23:29Thank you.
23:30Thank you.
23:31Thank you.
23:32Thank you.
23:33Thank you.
23:34Thank you.
23:35Thank you.
23:36Thank you.
23:37Thank you.
23:38Thank you.
23:39Thank you.
23:40Thank you.
23:41Thank you.
23:42Thank you.
23:43Thank you.
23:44Thank you.
23:45Thank you.
23:46Thank you.
23:47Thank you.
23:48Thank you.