• 2 months ago
FTS 12.30
*Death toll in Israel’s siege against Gaza rose to 39,550
*Russian Air Defense destroys 75 Ukrainian drones


00:00In Venezuela, the Supreme Court of Yosses has requested the National Electoral Council
00:14to record the tally sheets of the polling stations corresponding to the presidential
00:17elections of July 28th.
00:20In Palestine, Israeli occupation forces continue their genocidal war in Gaza, where 39,500
00:27civilians have been killed since October 2023.
00:32In Russia, the air defense forces intercepted and destroyed 75 Ukrainian drones over seven
00:37regions of the country and in the Sea of Azov.
00:44Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from TESLU Studios in Havana,
00:50We begin with the news.
00:51In Venezuela, government authorities commemorate National Flag Day.
00:54Commander General of the Bolivarian National Guard highlighted that the flag represents
00:59the political, historical, and cultural identity of Venezuela.
01:03During the ceremony, authorities such as Interior Minister Remy Llocevallo, Comptroller General
01:07Josnel Peraza, Minister of University Education Sandra Obridas, and Minister of Culture Nesto
01:13Villegas were present.
01:14More than 13 years ago, General Francisco de Miranda touched Venezuelan soil in La
01:20Vela de Coro and waved for the first time the tricolor flag.
01:29Also in Venezuela, the Supreme Court of Justice has requested the National Electoral Council
01:33to record the tally sheets of the polling stations corresponding to the presidential
01:37elections of July 28th.
01:39The authority emphasized that the tally sheet must be delivered within three days, together
01:44with the definitive totalization, the awarding certificate, and the proclamation certificate
01:50of the electoral process.
01:52Likewise, the Supreme Court emphasized that with respect to the claim made about a cybernetic
01:58attack against the computer system of the highest Venezuelan electoral body, the evidence
02:02of the fact must be delivered.
02:05Should be noted that after the electoral process of last July 28th, the Venezuelan far-right
02:10ignored the results of a reiterated media campaign discrediting the electoral system
02:14of the country and its transparency.
02:22This Court requests the National Electoral Council, in application of the Court's broad
02:26constitutional and legal powers in the electoral litigation arena and in accordance with the
02:30provisions of the First Part of Article 136 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic
02:35of Venezuela, to file within three days of the notification of the present decision before
02:40this highest instance the following instruments related to the presidential election process
02:44of July 28th, 2024, the tally sheets of all polling stations nationwide, along with definitive
02:50totalization, the awarding certificate and the proclamation certificate of the electoral
02:58The head of the Venezuelan Nuestra campaign command, Jorge Rodriguez, denounced the fake
03:02tally sheets forged by the far-right to claim fraud and disregard the election results.
03:07Rodriguez presented evidence of the opposition's plans for the days earlier the July 28th election,
03:14which included dismissing the official electoral results.
03:17The head further explained that the information was published on a website created by the
03:22far-right, whose domain was acquired prior to the election day, demonstrating the premeditation
03:27of the most radical far-right opposition sector.
03:31Likewise, Rodriguez assured that 9,468 alleged tally sheets of the more than 36,000 polling
03:37stations are equivalent to 30 percent, and not 70 percent as they had granted.
03:49How is it possible that the Secretary of State of what is considered the greatest global
03:53power accepts a result when they only published 9,468 tally sheets, just representing 30 percent,
04:00that they issued there on the web, because we visited the site, and took out their fake
04:04info counting up 9,468 tally sheets, 30 percent?
04:12I still call them tally sheets for didactic reasons, but those are not tally sheets and
04:16you will see the ballot papers made by the scumbags you see there.
04:19Some of the perpetrators are John Boikachia, Lester Toledo, Carlos Becchio.
04:27Soon it will be known and the evidence will be presented that they were from abroad, from
04:31the United States, and to invent the percentage figures of their fake tally sheets they had published.
04:37In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro affirmed that the coup d'etat plot that the Venezuelan
04:42and international far-right intended to carry out in the country has been dismantled.
04:46During a meeting with the Women's Movement of the Homeland, the head of state thanked
04:49them for their commitment and love for the homeland.
04:52President Maduro also denounced that the groups financed by the Venezuelan and international
04:56far-right to destabilize the country were neutralized.
05:00Isabel Zedillo-Gil, leader of the state of Bolivar, was one of the victims of this violence
05:05that for years extremism has used against the people and government.
05:09President Maduro assured that all those responsible will pay for the crimes committed and asked
05:14Venezuelan women to strongly support the banners of peace.
05:26Venezuelan women have to be the first to raise awareness in their homes, in their communities,
05:40because Venezuelan women take the lead in Venezuelan society, so you have to, as the
05:45great movement that you are, create the great movement of the national public opinion, so
05:50that fascists, criminals, those people who want to impose hate, revenge, and who hired
05:55thousands of criminals to attack hospitals, cutting-edge health care centers, schools,
06:01universities, who destroyed over 250 police centers, sabotaged subway stations, they burned
06:08down buses, municipalities, they knocked down statues of Bolivar, of José Gregorio Hernández,
06:14of the Indian Coromodo, of our Commander Chávez, all those who knocked down the statues are
06:20already in jail, all of them, the Venezuelan woman, must be the first to raise with that
06:25tricolor flag, to raise the flag of peace, of coexistence, of love, of life.
06:33President Nicolás Maduro reported the dismantling of a cybernetic and criminal coup d'état
06:37aimed at undermining the country's electoral process.
06:46We have dismantled and prevented a cybernetic and criminal coup d'état.
06:51These are the two characteristics, a coup d'état that tried to stain and overshadow
06:55the electoral process, led from the United States of America.
07:02I am very pleased that the government of the United States has come out again, to take
07:06off its mask and to say that they have a new Guaido in Venezuela.
07:12Will you accept a new Guaido in Venezuela?
07:19It's Mr. González Urrutia, who thinks and gives such an ugly opinion of the Venezuelan
07:24woman, so sexist and misogynist, fascist and racist.
07:29So I ask, will Venezuelan women accept a new Guaido?
07:38Are we going to accept that they impose a scenario of destabilization and violence?
07:47Or are we going to fight for peace and that the constitution and democratic institutions
07:51are respected?
07:52Let's move on in other terms.
07:55In this context of the Venezuelan election, let's see who Edmundo González is, who he
08:02The former candidate of the Venezuelan far right has blood on his hands.
08:08So say Salvadoran citizens who witnessed the dark role he played when he served as the
08:13right-hand man of opposition leader Leopoldo Castillo, who in the 1980s was Venezuela's
08:19ambassador to San Salvador.
08:21Our correspondent Roberto Opresa has the testimonies from the people who witnessed that questioned
08:25chapter of the Venezuelan opposition.
08:32In the late 70s and early 80s, in the midst of the civil war, Leopoldo Castillo was appointed
08:37ambassador of Venezuela, a character who from the diplomatic headquarters had financed death
08:42squads that murdered thousands of Salvadorans, among them priests and four nuns of the Marinal
08:49Former guerrilla commander Nidia Diaz recalls that the conspiracy planned to torture, capture,
08:55disappear and kill opponents was planned from the Venezuelan embassy and was directed by
08:59Leopoldo Castillo, who was later named priest-slayer.
09:07That is how he is known for being an agent of death and persecuting Christians in the
09:13I do not doubt that he may have known or linked in some way to the murder of San Romero, because
09:23later we learned that he was also involved in the murder of Marinal nuns that happened
09:29in November of 1981-82, and they also murdered many priests.
09:41Nidia Diaz recalls that while she was a prisoner of war, two people from the Venezuelan embassy
09:46came to interrogate her.
09:48One of them was Castillo, whose closest collaborator was the far-right representative Edmundo González.
09:56Venezuelan diplomat Ruben Zamora says that at that time the United States maintained
10:00interference operations in Latin American countries and that the Venezuelans were accomplices
10:05in several crimes, which shows that Venezuela tolerated and harbored confessed terrorists.
10:14Just the fact that important people of the Venezuelan Christian democracy sent to help
10:19the armed forces of El Salvador, an armed force that was absolutely violating human
10:26rights, is already a crime.
10:30Declassified CIA documents revealed that people from the Venezuelan embassy were mentioned
10:35as co-responsible for the intelligence services, authors of covert operations of the death
10:40squads which carried out a series of massacres during Operation Centauro, financed by the
10:45United States.
10:47Edmundo González, representative of the Venezuelan far-right, was a witness and accomplice of
10:53these barbaric acts, says former congressional president Sigfrido Reyes.
11:00Edmundo González has this dark past and is directly responsible and co-author of war
11:07crimes and crimes against humanity committed against innocent and defenseless people who
11:16had risen up against a despotic regime.
11:22Edmundo González has blood on his hands and is remembered in El Salvador as a dismal character.
11:34For this historian, the Venezuelan ultra-right wing was used by the United States for its
11:39political ends, an interference that has been maintained for years.
11:45The United States had its interests in containing the advance of the revolutions in the Central
11:51American countries, and Carlos Andrés Pérez wanted international prestige.
11:57That is how hunger and need came together in the Salvadoran conflict, and that is how
12:02Venezuela entered, since then, and even now, in El Salvador, there is a group of Venezuelans
12:08working for the government of President Bukele, linked to the right wing against Chavismo.
12:16So if you look at them, they are a kind of shadow cabinet in El Salvador, people close
12:22to the Venezuelan right wing.
12:28In spite of the evidence and documents that have been declassified, both Castillo and
12:32González have denied such actions by an interfering government that was acting in complicity with
12:37the destabilization plans of the United States.
12:43Let's now take a short break, but remember you can join us on Tiktok at Telesur English,
12:49where you'll find news in different formats, news updates, and much more.
12:54We'll be right back, stay with us.
13:07Welcome back.
13:18Colombian President Gustavo Petro announced he will make changes to the National Land
13:23Agency to gain greater autonomy and boost the agrarian reform.
13:26Petro assured so by the time he was launching Mission Antioquia, whose goal is to achieve
13:31the progress of the agrarian reform in the region.
13:34From the Zaragoza municipality, the president proposed to declare the fertile land areas
13:38as public utility districts so that the productive land be granted to farmers.
13:43The head of state described it as a crime against humanity to have fertile land and
13:47not produce.
13:48Thus, the leader ensured he would seek alternatives.
13:51He further referred to those who prevent the fulfillment of unpostponable objectives.
14:02The National Land Agency has to be fully made up of farmers' sons and daughters from
14:06all regions of Colombia because we do not purchase more lands because it is difficult
14:10to buy lands from the one who bids those lands.
14:17As the National Land Agency is full of followers of former presidents Uribe and Duque so they
14:21make it difficult for us to buy lands.
14:43Palestinian-Israeli occupation forces have killed more than 39,500 civilians in the Gaza
14:48Strip since October 2023.
14:50The Palestinian Health Ministry reported that at least 31 civilians killed during the
14:54last 24 hours, while 62 others were wounded.
14:57Since the start of Israel's genocidal operation in Gaza, a total of 39,550 people have been
15:02killed and 91,280 have been injured.
15:06In addition to the dead and wounded, at least 10,000 people are missing, presumed dead under
15:10the rubble of their homes.
15:12Israel has continued its offensive in Gaza, ignoring the International Court of Justice's
15:16order to halt its military offensive in Palestine in a legally binding decision.
15:28The Israeli occupation forces blocked access to a group of Palestinian communities north
15:33of occupied Ramallah city.
15:35They closed the entrances to the city of Sinjil, as well as in the neighboring villages, where
15:39they denied villagers access to their homes.
15:42Labib restricts Gazans' freedom of movement through at least 100 fixed checkpoints, mobile
15:47checkpoints, settler-only roads, and various physical obstacles.
15:56In the United Kingdom, citizens took to the streets in London to protest against Israel's
16:00genocidal operations in Palestinian territories.
16:03Hundreds took part in a demonstration organizing support of the Palestinian people and to demand
16:08a ceasefire and the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.
16:12Participants raised Palestinian flags and banners denouncing the crimes committed by
16:15the Israeli occupation against the Palestinians.
16:19In this context, hundreds protested in Rotterdam, 78 kilometers from the Netherlands' capital,
16:27against the Israeli regime's genocide in Gaza.
16:30Protesters raised Palestinian flags and banners with messages of support for the Palestinian
16:35Demonstrators demanded the international community put pressure on the Labib regime to stop the
16:40aggressions that have displaced more than 2 million Palestinians to date.
16:47And in Sweden, a large rally in support of the Palestinian people took place in the city
16:51of Uppsala, with the participation of the Arab and Islamic community, as well as Swedish
16:56activists, who denounced the continuous aggressions against the Gaza Strip.
17:00Demonstrators raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans in support of the Palestinian
17:03people and called on the international community to take measures to pressure Israel to stop
17:08the genocidal acts in the territory.
17:16We have a fun short break coming up, but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community
17:19for our English-speaking audience, you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly
17:23and share the link to reach more people, constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean
17:27as well as the rest of the world.
17:29Fun short break, don't go away.
17:38Welcome back.
17:55In Russia, the Air Defense Forces intercepted and destroyed 75 Ukrainian drones over seven
17:59regions of the country and in the Sea of Azov.
18:02The Russian Defense Ministry reported that 36 drones were intercepted over the Rostov
18:06region, eight over Kursk, nine over Belgorod, 17 over Orel, as well as one each over Verosneth,
18:14the Sea of Azov and the Krasnodar region.
18:17Defense authorities detailed that this is within the framework of operations of the
18:20Russian troops, in which they repelled an attempted massive attack by Ukrainian UAVs
18:25against facilities within the Russian Federation.
18:28The Russian provinces bordering Ukraine regularly report missile strikes, drone incursions and
18:33other attacks from across the border.
18:42Also in Russia, President Vladimir Putin invited his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolás Maduro
18:46to attend the meeting of the BRICS Group, which will be held from October 23 to 24 this
18:51year to find areas of multilateral cooperation.
18:54On X, Putin posted an official statement noting that the participation of re-elected President
18:59Maduro will enrich the upcoming discussions and drive the progressive development of their
19:04bilateral relations.
19:05Furthermore, the Russian head of state asserted that the BRICS meeting will provide a constructive
19:11momentum to solve the current regional and global problems of the agendas in order to
19:15build a fair democratic system of international relations.
19:19Meanwhile, the Government of Venezuela considers itself to be a reliable partner of the BRICS
19:23and expects to contribute its natural resources to its member states for bolstering common
19:46In Chile, at least three people died and six were injured due to gusts and rainstorms that
19:51hit the country.
19:52Authorities say that the rains left widespread damage in much of the territory, with fires,
19:57falling trees, floods and even the interruption of flights at the airport of Santiago de Chile.
20:02In this regard, they noted that this intense frontal system has left more than one million
20:06homes without power supply during the last hours.
20:09Meteorological authorities warn that wind gusts are reaching 127 km per hour.
20:21And in Brazil, the Amazon rainforest has witnessed a dramatic surge in wildfires within the last
20:27month, with approximately 2,600 fires reported marking the highest number for this month
20:31in nearly two decades, representing a 40% rise compared to June 2024.
20:38The escalation of fires is largely attributed to severe drought conditions, which have been
20:42intensified by climate change and the ongoing El Niño phenomenon, leading to drier weather
20:47across the region.
20:49The situation has raised concern among environmentalists and government officials regarding the effectiveness
20:55of current firefighting resources and strategies, particularly in light of budget cuts that
21:00have affected firefighting capabilities.
21:02We have come to the end of this newsbrief, you can find this and many other stories on
21:08our website, Televisory English, the net, so join us on social media, facebook, x, instagram,
21:13telegram and tiktok.
21:16For Televisory English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos, thank you for watching.
