Successor's Billionaire Husband - Full Movie

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Successor's Billionaire Husband - Full Movie
00:00:00don't worry mom I'll take care of her and him
00:00:07Norma! You're spooking my husband's spooking heart!
00:00:11are you alright?
00:00:13Miss Garner
00:00:15your father declared you as the sole
00:00:17Garner Corp in this world
00:00:19will inherit the entire state
00:00:25if you sign it
00:00:27you can walk away today with 5 million dollars
00:00:30I'm gonna take charge of the company
00:00:36good thing we're getting somebody to come in
00:00:38clean up the trash
00:00:40the harsh group needs
00:00:42its first lady
00:00:44Mary Lola
00:00:46you must be the famous Norma Garner
00:00:50sorry I missed that
00:00:52I'm famous
00:00:54you saved me yesterday, who are you?
00:00:56so much for her
00:00:59I was using you from the start
00:01:01the only thing I wanted
00:01:03was your help to get back the Garners
00:01:07it's time to announce your engagement
00:01:13you fucking monster
00:01:28come on bitch
00:01:50and with that
00:01:52we say goodbye to Mr. Garner
00:01:54a great man with a great legacy
00:01:56goodbye dad
00:02:02thank you
00:02:10we must get rid of her
00:02:14the little bastard
00:02:16don't worry mom
00:02:18I'll take care of her
00:02:20and him
00:02:32oh my god did we
00:02:34okay guys
00:02:36next up on the tour of my house
00:02:38is my bedroom
00:02:40please follow me in dear
00:02:46you're fucking my husband
00:02:48you fucking whore
00:02:50I don't know what's going on
00:02:52I knew you
00:02:54you fucked him
00:02:56my dad just passed away
00:02:58how could you do this to me
00:03:02oh my god
00:03:04are you so desperate for a man?
00:03:12who the fuck are you?
00:03:14this is family business
00:03:16stay out of this
00:03:18family business?
00:03:20you don't know what you're talking about
00:03:25are you alright?
00:03:27are you alright?
00:03:53miss Garner
00:03:57no no I can walk by myself
00:04:03miss Garner
00:04:05your father declared you as the sole
00:04:07Garner Corp in this world
00:04:09you will inherit the entire state
00:04:22I love you
00:04:24I love you
00:04:50thank you for earlier
00:04:54thank you
00:04:56so you're a Garner
00:05:00I thought they only had one daughter
00:05:04well my father he left me and my mother
00:05:06a really long time ago
00:05:08and he just passed away
00:05:10I came to attend the funeral but
00:05:12I didn't expect
00:05:22did you know our stock price dropped again today?
00:05:24god damn it
00:05:26I knew you couldn't take over
00:05:28stockholders have no trust in a bachelor
00:05:30they think all you're thinking about
00:05:32is girls
00:05:34you've got to settle down
00:05:36marry a nice girl
00:05:38start a family
00:05:40thanks dad
00:05:42look at us
00:05:44both dealing with our father issues
00:05:46I guess so
00:05:52well I've got to get to work
00:05:54but you're more than welcome
00:05:56to stay as long as you need
00:06:00just call me if you need anything
00:06:08what's wrong?
00:06:10Norma are you in New York now?
00:06:12listen I need to send you an email
00:06:14I need you to bring it to Mr. Smith's house
00:06:16and have him sign it
00:06:18in order to secure his investment
00:06:20the entire team has been working for several months
00:06:22so hurry up
00:06:24don't mess it up
00:06:26but I'm on vacation
00:06:50Mr. Smith
00:06:52Cassie said that these documents are really urgent
00:06:54and require your signature immediately
00:07:04are you ok?
00:07:34hello Miss Gardner
00:07:36can you hear me?
00:07:44I think we're done here
00:07:46ok let's go
00:07:48it's that old rapey bastard
00:08:04Nolan get off me!
00:08:16Nolan get off me!
00:08:18don't do it!
00:08:20stop it please!
00:08:22I'm begging you!
00:08:24don't touch me!
00:08:28alright one more
00:08:32what the fuck?
00:08:34what the fuck are you doing here?
00:08:40oh my god!
00:08:42Alan Smith!
00:08:48I'm so sorry
00:08:50it's ok
00:08:52it's ok
00:09:18since your people know Chris Hart so well
00:09:20why don't you get your money from him?
00:09:22because I'm out!
00:09:50I'm so hot here
00:10:20why are you so harsh on yourself?
00:10:22thank you
00:10:24for saving me again Mr. Hurst
00:10:26you're welcome
00:10:50we should discuss the will
00:10:52you have no experience in running a company
00:10:54and the scandal you just sparked
00:10:56has had a significant negative impact
00:10:58on the company
00:11:02mom that's enough
00:11:06just sign the contract
00:11:08if you sign it
00:11:10you can walk away today
00:11:12with 5 million dollars
00:11:14think about your future
00:11:16this could change your life
00:11:18this could change your life
00:11:20this could change everything
00:11:22just sign it
00:11:24and we could all be done with this today
00:11:30I wouldn't sign this
00:11:38I tried to be nice
00:11:40but you wasted that chance
00:11:42if you don't sign this
00:11:44we're going to come after you
00:11:46with everything that we have
00:11:48who do you think
00:11:50that you are?
00:11:52who do you think you are?
00:11:54what rights do you have to negotiate with us?
00:11:56you're just a wild child
00:11:58do you really know how much shame you have brought to your family?
00:12:00your father's body is not cold yet
00:12:02that's enough
00:12:04both of you
00:12:06I'm going to take charge of the company
00:12:08and I'm going to inherit the estate
00:12:10because that's what father wanted
00:12:12may he rest in peace
00:12:14Miss Garner
00:12:16I truly apologize for the confusion
00:12:18regarding the will
00:12:20that was left by your father
00:12:22actually he made changes to it a week before his passing
00:12:24and you're no longer listed as an heir
00:12:26I'm truly sorry Miss Garner
00:12:28but actually he did leave you a house in Long Island
00:12:32well he wanted to inherit after all
00:12:36I guess that does make sense
00:12:40well in this case they can have it all
00:12:42I never even belonged to this family anyway
00:12:44and it's a chapter of my life
00:12:48but this house still requires a signature Miss Garner
00:13:00you don't need to come here anymore
00:13:02did I get that right?
00:13:04are you firing me?
00:13:06Norma I thought you were smart
00:13:08I don't want to tell you but
00:13:10all of this here is from Alan's group
00:13:12and now it's all gone because of you
00:13:14is that enough reason for you?
00:13:16that's just an excuse
00:13:18I know that you want to fire me
00:13:20why would you do such a thing to me?
00:13:22what a dump
00:13:24so dusty in here
00:13:26I think I'm allergic
00:13:30good thing we're getting somebody to come in
00:13:32and clean up the trash
00:13:40I know
00:13:58what do you want me to do with Nina?
00:14:00I haven't figured it out yet
00:14:10the news about you and that woman
00:14:12is spreading like wildfire
00:14:14the investors have been calling me
00:14:16what are you going to do?
00:14:18I'll take care of it
00:14:26hey Norma
00:14:28are you home?
00:14:30yeah I'm home
00:14:32where are you?
00:14:34I'm here
00:14:36where are you?
00:14:38hey Norma are you home?
00:14:40ok I'll be there in 10 minutes
00:14:42wait for me outside
00:15:04Chris has
00:15:06it's been a long time
00:15:10Lola Walton
00:15:14Lola Walton
00:15:16I thought you were supposed to be in the UK
00:15:18when did you come back?
00:15:22I heard that
00:15:24Cole is looking for a fiance for you
00:15:26so if I didn't back
00:15:28would you have gotten married without telling me?
00:15:34just kidding
00:15:36I miss the days when we used
00:15:38sun baths on the beach
00:15:40like kids so I came back
00:15:42and now I'm a partner of
00:15:44Hearst Group
00:15:46so Chris aren't you happy I'm back?
00:15:50of course I'm happy
00:15:52welcome back
00:15:54anyways I heard the rumors about you
00:15:56but that can't be true right?
00:15:58the heir
00:16:00of Hearst Group
00:16:02is involved with an
00:16:04illegitimate daughter who
00:16:06lost all her inheritance
00:16:10you know Lola
00:16:12I never pegged you as someone to judge someone
00:16:14solely on their last name or how much money they have in their bank account
00:16:18I mean that wasn't you
00:16:22that was everyone else
00:16:26but I mean if that's who you are now
00:16:28then I guess
00:16:30I don't think I have much left to say to you
00:16:34I should just get going
00:16:36I'm still Lola you remember
00:16:38I just meant
00:16:40Cole probably won't accept her
00:16:42that's all
00:16:44I'm on your side no matter what
00:16:46let's go to see Cole
00:16:48he is waiting for you
00:17:00get in there
00:17:02where are you taking me?
00:17:24how much?
00:17:30come on
00:17:36do your job
00:17:38calm down
00:17:40let me go
00:17:42put me down
00:17:44what are you doing?
00:17:46let go of me
00:17:48put me down
00:17:50my friends are going to notice I'm missing
00:17:52put me down instead
00:17:54put me down
00:17:56oh my god
00:18:02put me down
00:18:04let go of me
00:18:10Anna Smith
00:18:12Norma Garner
00:18:14the last time I saw you
00:18:16you were still a Garner girl
00:18:18how did you end up here?
00:18:20you know
00:18:22I know all about you
00:18:24your gut isn't hurting
00:18:26and your stepsister kicked you to the curb
00:18:28don't touch me
00:18:30come on Norma
00:18:32you were already here
00:18:34just drop the act
00:18:36make me happy
00:18:38and I promise
00:18:40I'll be more generous than Chris
00:18:42get your hands off me
00:18:44what do you think you are?
00:18:46Chris doesn't give a shit about you
00:18:48and then one woman like you
00:18:50didn't know her place
00:18:52and today I'm going to make you pay
00:19:02are you fucking crazy?
00:19:04I'm your brother
00:19:06if you really consider me your brother
00:19:08stay away from here
00:19:12get the fuck out of my place
00:19:20fuck you
00:19:32you do remember when I took you
00:19:34and you were in that shit hole
00:19:38without me
00:19:40you'd be sleeping under a bridge
00:19:42now what?
00:19:44you're going to ruin my company?
00:19:46with that whore?
00:19:48she's not a whore
00:19:50she slept with her fucking brother-in-law
00:19:54uncle Kyle
00:19:56don't lose your temper over this
00:19:58Chris never said in public
00:20:00he was going to marry Norma
00:20:04if he knew the difference
00:20:06between trash and class
00:20:08I wouldn't get involved
00:20:10but he's just as foolish
00:20:12as my sister
00:20:14my sister
00:20:16my father adored her so much
00:20:18that he wanted to give
00:20:20the entire family a fortune
00:20:22but she loved him
00:20:24some bastard
00:20:26that didn't work out
00:20:28now what?
00:20:30I have to keep it from Kyle
00:20:32before I can confirm
00:20:34Norma's mother's identity
00:20:36I'm worried he might go after Norma
00:20:38for the inheritance
00:20:40I understand
00:20:42I will marry
00:20:46so I can make you happy
00:20:48and take over the company
00:20:52what are you going to do?
00:20:56I need time
00:21:00just give me time
00:21:10you probably don't even remember me
00:21:14I never forgot you
00:21:18I never did
00:21:26where are you?
00:21:34let go of her
00:21:38what the fuck?
00:21:54I'm sorry
00:21:56for the misunderstanding
00:21:58please contact my assistant
00:22:00for proper compensation
00:22:02Mr. Vice President
00:22:04very impressive
00:22:06listen, I don't need your money
00:22:10after what my brother did
00:22:12to you
00:22:20I think it's time for you to go
00:22:22me? I can do as I please
00:22:24you're not even her boyfriend, are you?
00:22:28it's ok
00:22:30why don't you get the hell out of here
00:22:32before I do something money can't fix
00:22:38fine tough guy
00:22:40but when you are here
00:22:44I'll make sure you never see her again
00:23:04where were you?
00:23:06how did you get here?
00:23:10how do you feel?
00:23:12it hurts all over
00:23:14all over?
00:23:24you know what I think is good for that?
00:23:26a bath
00:23:28a bath sounds good
00:23:30I'll be right back
00:23:40phone ringing
00:23:58you better have a good reason for this
00:24:00boss we have found the person
00:24:02who kidnapped Norma Garner
00:24:04they entered Lola's room
00:24:06it's her
00:24:08I'm on my way
00:24:18imbecile strip club?
00:24:22are you fucking kidding me?
00:24:24phone ringing
00:24:36hey let her go
00:24:38what do you want man?
00:24:40I'll give you whatever you want
00:24:42don't come any closer
00:24:44Chris don't worry about me
00:24:46just save yourself
00:24:48hey man let her go
00:24:50what do you want?
00:24:52just calm down
00:24:54you don't need to do this
00:24:56I want your girl gone
00:25:02it's going to be ok
00:25:04you know
00:25:06I'm so sorry
00:25:20it's you
00:25:24you saved me yesterday
00:25:26who are you?
00:25:28Elon Smith
00:25:30I want to apologize for what my brother did yesterday
00:25:32but don't worry
00:25:34I won't let that ever happen again
00:25:36it's ok you didn't have to come all the way to say that
00:25:38it's fine
00:25:40by the way
00:25:42have you heard the name of Lola Walton?
00:25:44I believe she's the one
00:25:46behind all that happened to you yesterday night
00:25:50I don't even know anyone
00:25:52named Lola Walton
00:25:54why would she want to do something like that to me?
00:25:56Norma Norma Norma
00:25:58you're so kind
00:26:00so innocent so pure
00:26:02it's like in your eyes
00:26:04the whole world is perfect
00:26:06nobody will ever harm you
00:26:08but let me tell you something
00:26:10there's some bad people out there
00:26:12with plenty of reason to harm someone like you
00:26:14did you know that Chris and Lola
00:26:16when you were in childhood
00:26:18she sees you as a threat
00:26:20because she's involved with him
00:26:22so you better tell Chris about it
00:26:24you're right
00:26:26I'm going to call him right now
00:26:28you better do
00:26:36we're sorry your call cannot be completed as dialed
00:26:38please check the number
00:26:40and dial again
00:26:42I know what we had before
00:26:44it was great
00:26:46we had so many good times
00:26:48remember that?
00:26:50I do
00:26:52but that was in the past
00:26:56I've moved on
00:26:58there's someone else that I love
00:27:00that's straightforward rejection
00:27:02thank you Chris
00:27:04you always know what you want
00:27:06and that's what's so attractive about you
00:27:08even though I know
00:27:10in the end you're going to hurt me
00:27:16this is urgent
00:27:18I gotta take this
00:27:32miss me already?
00:27:36I know who kidnapped me
00:27:40I'll make them pay
00:27:42it was actually your friend
00:27:44Lola Walton
00:27:48Norma's my good friend
00:27:50she just came back to help me
00:27:52I'm sure this is a misunderstanding
00:27:54but don't worry
00:27:56I'll get to know who's behind this
00:27:58but hey I gotta get to a meeting
00:28:00so I'll call you later
00:28:06find me Norma Garner's
00:28:08phone number
00:28:10Chris, find me everything about her
00:28:22I understand father
00:28:24I will marry a woman of my status
00:28:26so I can fully take over the company
00:28:28Norma, what are you going to do?
00:28:34just give me time
00:28:36I'll take care of it
00:28:41what's wrong?
00:28:43what's this?
00:28:45that Chris
00:28:47I know
00:28:49I'm not surprised
00:28:51this guy's a jerk
00:28:53there must be an explanation for this
00:28:55I mean
00:28:57he could be forced into it
00:28:59I don't understand
00:29:01he said he loved me
00:29:03and he would always protect me
00:29:05oh yeah?
00:29:07you still believe him after watching this?
00:29:10I should at least go and ask him myself
00:29:16wait, you can't move him
00:29:18I'm here to see Chris Hurst
00:29:30you must be the famous
00:29:32Norma Garner
00:29:34oops, sorry I misspoke
00:29:36and famous
00:29:39and you must be Lola Walton
00:29:41I know you saw that video
00:29:43and I know you told the guard
00:29:45not to let me see Chris
00:29:47you're a smart girl
00:29:49you know Chris type is
00:29:51sophisticated, capable woman
00:29:53but he occasionally
00:29:55craves something different
00:29:57something like you
00:30:01well, what are you trying to achieve Lola?
00:30:05if you're so capable and sophisticated
00:30:08as you seem to think you are
00:30:10then why are you so worried about me?
00:30:12how dare you!
00:30:14I did
00:30:16and yes, I failed last time to ruin you
00:30:18but don't think I won't try it again
00:30:20go ahead
00:30:22complain with Chris
00:30:24and let's see who he believes
00:30:26oh, by the way
00:30:28when you called him
00:30:30he was all over me
00:30:34and you know the difference
00:30:36between you and me
00:30:38you're like the weeds
00:30:40on the side of the road
00:30:42and something he found
00:30:46but when he is bored
00:30:48he will throw you away
00:30:50and I am from the family
00:30:52he can rely on
00:30:54and next week I'll announce engagement
00:30:56so you better stay out
00:31:06grandma, there's trouble
00:31:08with the company
00:31:10several investors are pulling out
00:31:12didn't you kick me out of the company?
00:31:14why are you calling me now?
00:31:18you're the only one who can help
00:31:20this project in the southern district
00:31:22was dad's passion project
00:31:24whatever happened in the past
00:31:26we're still family
00:31:28aren't we?
00:31:36you still trust her?
00:31:40listen, if there's something wrong
00:31:42you can just tell me
00:31:44I will help you, alright?
00:31:46Elon, you're so kind
00:31:48but I can't always
00:31:50rely on others for everything
00:31:52there are certain things I need to do myself
00:31:54you're right
00:31:58why don't you just
00:32:00call me again?
00:32:06why do you still keep holding on to people who don't matter?
00:32:08you've done so much for her
00:32:10even under huge pressure
00:32:12and yet she left you for Elon Smith
00:32:24How did you manage to get the company into such a mess in just one week?
00:32:38Norma, it's all Chris
00:32:40he's lying to you
00:32:42he drove all of the
00:32:44investors away
00:32:46he's been buying up the properties in the southern district
00:32:48the one that your father
00:32:50spent his lifetime building
00:32:52how can it be him?
00:32:56he's been sweet talking you
00:32:58he's been saying all
00:33:00these nice things to your face
00:33:02but he's just after money
00:33:04all he wants
00:33:06is the project in the southern district
00:33:08I heard you two
00:33:10broke up, is it true?
00:33:12you can get us a copy
00:33:14of the hearth beating
00:33:16documents from Chris' phone
00:33:20we must be able to get through this
00:33:24we can't do that
00:33:26that's illegal
00:33:30are you serious?
00:33:32Chris is trying to destroy
00:33:34the company that your father
00:33:36our father
00:33:38spent his life building
00:33:48and you're trying to defend
00:33:50the man who's trying to destroy it all?
00:33:52wake up
00:33:54he's using you, Norma
00:33:56are you serious?
00:33:58Chris is trying to destroy
00:34:00the company that your father
00:34:02spent his life building
00:34:04and you're trying to defend
00:34:06the man who's trying to destroy it all?
00:34:08wake up
00:34:10he's using you, Norma
00:34:28I need your attention
00:34:30would you please take a seat
00:35:38I need your attention
00:35:40would you please take a seat
00:35:44next week
00:35:46is the quarterly board meeting
00:35:48and I have something
00:35:50very important to tell
00:35:52all of you
00:35:54You're not going to announce it?
00:36:00Everybody I'm here to announce the engagement of Chris and Lola.
00:36:16Chris congratulations on your engagement.
00:36:20I wanted to wish you the happiness and everything the best in this world with Lola.
00:36:32Hey, take it easy.
00:36:35Chris, you promised me.
00:36:43Chris, I'm very happy for you but I wanted to ask you if you have time later on to talk
00:36:50about the Garner Group situation?
00:36:54This lady has had too much to drink so somebody please escort her out of the room.
00:37:01Thank you.
00:37:03Chris, this commitment cannot wait for any longer.
00:37:09The Hearst Group needs its first lady.
00:37:56Do you love her?
00:38:19Do you need it?
00:39:18We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed, please check the number and dial
00:39:47Boss it's not good, Garner Group has stolen our information and investor list and is currently
00:39:58competing with us for projects.
00:40:12Cheers to getting rid of Chris Hurst.
00:40:15Good riddance to Chris Hurst.
00:40:17This is what he gets for trying to make a move
00:40:19against our company.
00:40:22What comes around goes around, I guess.
00:40:25I don't understand.
00:40:27I thought this was all for her father.
00:40:29You've gotten the project back.
00:40:30Why are you still targeting Chris?
00:40:36What did you think I was going to do?
00:40:39Did you really expect me to play nice?
00:40:44He's the competition.
00:40:46I saw the chance to use you and get rid of him.
00:40:50Easiest choice I've ever made.
00:40:54So you two teamed up against me?
00:40:58You manipulated me into hurting Chris.
00:41:01Oh no, this has gone too far.
00:41:03Our father's legacy will be destroyed
00:41:05in your hands sooner or later.
00:41:08You're the one that slept with Chris.
00:41:11You're the one that stole the information
00:41:14and now you have the audacity to come here
00:41:17and try and accuse me?
00:41:19This is my company.
00:41:22You're just an inconvenience.
00:41:25I'm not sure anybody would even miss you if you were gone.
00:41:31Chris, Chris, I'm so sorry.
00:41:35The Garner Group stole classified business information
00:41:39from the Hearst Group, causing damages,
00:41:44violating principles of fair trade.
00:41:48We'll be filing a lawsuit for $10 billion.
00:41:52Not only that, we'll be facing prison charges.
00:41:58Chris, Chris, Chris, don't leave, don't leave.
00:42:00You have to believe me.
00:42:02I never knew that she was doing this.
00:42:05It was her, it was all her doing.
00:42:08I never wanted her in the company.
00:42:11She was behind this whole thing.
00:42:14She did it, you have to believe me.
00:42:16No, no, Chris, please believe me, don't believe her.
00:42:19I didn't do anything.
00:42:20I don't wanna hear another lie from you.
00:42:23I've met enough power-hungry people
00:42:25using dirty tricks to climb their way to the top.
00:42:28I just never thought you'd be one of them.
00:42:30See, Chris, Chris, she is a liar.
00:42:33You said it yourself.
00:42:35Seriously, if you're gonna sue anybody, sue her.
00:42:39She's trouble.
00:42:42May I let you off the hook for her sake?
00:42:59Why did you have to make this so difficult?
00:43:04You could've just signed the contract
00:43:06and walked away with five million dollars.
00:43:12But I guess I have to say thank you.
00:43:15Because of your relationship with Chris,
00:43:19you let us off the hook.
00:43:22Chris is such a fool in love.
00:43:24He is very smart about everything else.
00:43:27But he got caught by you.
00:43:32Where is USB drive?
00:43:34I couldn't do it after all.
00:43:42Lola Walton, did you hear everything?
00:43:45The information you wanted.
00:43:48Remember, Norma Garner stole this.
00:43:52And I just want you to ruin her for me.
00:43:58Because then I would be, exactly.
00:44:01Exactly what you're saying, whatever she's saying.
00:44:04You know what?
00:44:04It might be cute, it might not be cute,
00:44:06but guess what?
00:44:07I am fed up because I'm angry, I'm pissed,
00:44:10and you know what?
00:44:11And pissed because of you?
00:44:13Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:44:14And you know what after this?
00:44:16Yeah, just go, just get out of here.
00:44:18You know what?
00:44:19Get out.
00:44:21I'm not butting in.
00:44:23Get out.
00:44:23Get out.
00:44:25I'm not butting in, joking.
00:44:27I'm, I'm not, I'm not –
00:44:54You're giving away a hundred billion dollars for that whore.
00:45:16Sooner or later, our fucking company will fall apart.
00:45:20Father, I will salvage it.
00:45:24I will marry Lola as you wish.
00:45:27You have no choice.
00:45:31And the hard stock is in the gutter.
00:45:34And only the news of you marrying into the Walton family could salvage this.
00:45:42I get it.
00:45:44Congratulations, you're pregnant.
00:45:51I'm pregnant?
00:45:56But the fetus is a little unstable at the moment, so we need to be careful for the first
00:46:02three to four months.
00:46:03I know that you guys are young, but for the first three to four months, please try to
00:46:08limit your activities.
00:46:11What kind of activities, doctor?
00:46:13You know what kind of activities I'm talking about.
00:46:20Have you talked to Chris about this?
00:46:27I don't know.
00:46:46Yeah, pretty good.
00:46:48Things moving forward with the Parker brothers, I think we're going to land a property.
00:46:58What's wrong, Chris?
00:47:01Uh, nothing.
00:47:05That bitch is pregnant?
00:47:07According to the doctor, it seems she is one month alone.
00:47:11One month?
00:47:13One month.
00:47:14But she was still with Chris that time.
00:47:16She is carrying his child.
00:47:21Miss, those flowers are from Mr. Chris.
00:47:24I don't even like flowers.
00:47:26He never listens.
00:47:27All he ever thinks about is that woman.
00:47:30Two of them deserve each other.
00:47:32Miss, try to look at the bright side.
00:47:35By the way, he's going to marry you.
00:47:38I won't let this bastard child live.
00:47:47Boss, we have found the exact identification of Norah's birth mother.
00:47:51Miss Norma is indeed the testamentary heir of Hearst Group and also Cal's niece.
00:48:03No, Norma!
00:48:06No, Norma!
00:48:21Everything is fine. She just got shot.
00:48:23However, the baby is not very stable, so she needs to take good care of herself.
00:48:29She's pregnant.
00:48:31You think?
00:48:32I'm pretty sure.
00:48:34How sure?
00:48:36One hundred percent.
00:48:47No, don't.
00:49:11Thank you.
00:49:13You saved me again.
00:49:17That was your fault.
00:49:18You let her get away.
00:49:20I'm the one he's supposed to marry.
00:49:23Find her and finish your job.
00:49:25It seems like it's one of Chris' private residences.
00:49:28Even Cal didn't know this place.
00:49:30He probably wanted to keep her not being found.
00:49:36What did you say? Now you are talking back to him?
00:49:41Miss Lola, I have something very important to tell you about Norma's background.
00:49:45If this matter is leaked, Chris will lose his position as heir.
00:49:49I have to go.
00:49:51What are you, crazy? Where are you gonna go?
00:49:53Well, a place where I have to be.
00:49:57It's dangerous out there.
00:50:00You're not going anywhere.
00:50:01I have to go. Why is it? What's going on?
00:50:04Where do you think you're gonna go?
00:50:06You have people who are after you.
00:50:09You think you're gonna protect yourself?
00:50:11Why are they after me?
00:50:13I have an idea, but that is a good question, isn't it?
00:50:18When were you gonna tell me?
00:50:20Tell you what?
00:50:22I'm surprised.
00:50:23What are you surprised about?
00:50:26I just didn't think that you would play this game with me.
00:50:30I don't know what you're talking about.
00:50:32I think you know.
00:50:33No, I don't. I want you to just let me leave.
00:50:35I mean, when did it start? When did you start feeling not so good?
00:50:40I don't know, like a few weeks. I haven't paid attention much.
00:50:43Oh, a few weeks ago?
00:50:44Yeah, whatever.
00:50:46A few weeks ago, not feeling so good. Any idea why?
00:50:50I know it's just been crazy lately, so...
00:50:53You want to talk about it?
00:50:55I don't, actually. I don't want to talk.
00:50:58I thought you used to feel pretty comfortable talking to me.
00:51:03Well, I don't have an obligation to talk with you, and I want to leave. I don't want to continue.
00:51:09It's his, isn't it? Did you sleep with him?
00:51:12Well, if you believe that, then I have no explaining to do.
00:51:15I don't know. If you didn't, why would you be acting like this?
00:51:18This is a little strange.
00:51:20Don't push me.
00:51:22No, no, no! The baby! No, don't!
00:51:24Oh, so there is a baby. You didn't tell me that there was, but now you want to tell me, huh?
00:51:28All of a sudden, just to get out of something, huh?
00:51:30No, please, stop. No, stop it! Stop it!
00:51:32I don't know if I like this.
00:51:34All this... this... scheming. Not telling me the truth.
00:51:40You motherfucker! Where is she?
00:51:54You better watch your tone of voice.
00:51:56Well, yeah.
00:51:57I know about you two. I know what you did to her.
00:51:59But you can't protect her.
00:52:01What the fuck you're talking about?
00:52:02You're not man enough.
00:52:05I know about you two.
00:52:07I know about the baby, and I'll make sure she gets rid of it.
00:52:10Believe every word I say of that.
00:52:12I'm going to make sure she gets rid of that baby.
00:52:15You fucking monster!
00:52:17That's your baby!
00:52:19That's your baby!
00:52:21You didn't touch her?
00:52:23You swear... you swear to me?
00:52:25Right now?
00:52:32Chris, what do you think you're doing?
00:52:41What do you think you're doing?
00:52:45I'm sorry.
00:52:47You don't have a choice.
00:52:49It's no sorry.
00:52:52I will continue my plan to help Norma regain control.
00:52:57And once she's secured the company assets,
00:53:02the board will have no choice but to support my decision to be in the relationship.
00:53:07Trust me. I have it all under control.
00:53:11Do you love this girl?
00:53:13Dad, she's carrying my child.
00:53:16I've never loved a woman like her.
00:53:19I thought I was in love with you, too.
00:53:24You just knew her. Just give her a chance.
00:53:27Oh, I know her.
00:53:31I know her.
00:53:36I killed her mother.
00:53:41I'm choosing the hard way.
00:53:46Who do you think you are?
00:53:49I built you up.
00:53:56I laid it all out for you.
00:54:00You know what?
00:54:03You betrayed me.
00:54:06She's Catherine's daughter.
00:54:13Get out of here.
00:54:14Thank God you're alright.
00:54:15I was so worried about you.
00:54:18I'm so sorry. I was so wrong about Elon. I know it's not his baby.
00:54:22I don't care. You already said that I'm just a woman that's out for your money.
00:54:26That will do anything to get on top.
00:54:28And anyway, we're broken up already.
00:54:30Look, that was, please. That was so stupid.
00:54:33I was the stupidest person ever. That would be the biggest mistake of my life.
00:54:36Stay away from me. Just go out.
00:54:38No, I love you.
00:54:39Don't. Don't come closer.
00:54:40Let me hold you.
00:54:41No, I don't want you near me. No.
00:54:44Don't hate me.
00:54:46I love you.
00:54:48We're gonna have a family.
00:54:52It's gonna be okay. I'll never let that happen again.
00:54:56You trust me?
00:54:57I promise.
00:55:07Wow, you have such stunning green eyes.
00:55:09Oh, you never noticed that before?
00:55:10No, no. This is the first time.
00:55:12You pay attention so well, don't you?
00:55:14I do, I do.
00:55:19I know you were set up by Mimi.
00:55:25I'm sorry that I didn't believe you.
00:55:30I was just, I was angry.
00:55:33And I thought that maybe you'd believe her over me.
00:55:36It's okay. You don't have to apologize.
00:55:40I just feel so guilty.
00:55:44I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
00:55:46I forgive you. It's fine. We're over.
00:55:53And about the engagement?
00:55:56I had to do that.
00:55:59My dad, he made me promise him.
00:56:04I mean, you know it wasn't real, right?
00:56:06I believe you.
00:56:08I mean, they probably told you.
00:56:10I imagine.
00:56:12You really do believe me?
00:56:14Of course.
00:56:15I do. Of course I do.
00:56:17You're silly.
00:56:24What if I could tell you I found out who's responsible for your mom?
00:56:28No, no. Not my mom.
00:56:31I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. That's stupid.
00:56:35Just forget about it.
00:56:38Just forget about it.
00:56:44Miss Lola, this is Garner's true will.
00:56:46He left the group to Norma Garner,
00:56:48but her stepsister Nina tampered with the will and occupied their nest.
00:56:52Chris has been secretly contacting Garner's lawyer
00:56:55and finally pried his mouth to obtain the true will.
00:56:59That bitch!
00:57:00She's an heiress of two major corporations.
00:57:03And she has got Chris' love.
00:57:05That's unfair!
00:57:08Very well. You've done your part.
00:57:10Now call Chris and find an excuse to get him away.
00:57:19See you soon.
00:57:20See you.
00:57:35Are you back so...
00:57:37Get out of here! I'm gonna call the police!
00:57:40So, if you wanna reclaim your Garner wills, then come with me.
00:57:43Why should I believe you?
00:57:45You wanted me dead and now you're gonna help me?
00:57:48Well then, it seems you'll never find out what your father left you.
00:57:52And do you know that your mother's maiden name was Hurst?
00:57:56You didn't know that, right?
00:57:58You didn't know that you don't understand Norma Garner.
00:58:02Your mother is her sister.
00:58:06And Chris is your brother.
00:58:09You should get rid of that mistake inside of you.
00:58:20Now that I've gotten a better look at you,
00:58:22you do resemble Catherine quite a bit.
00:58:26Kudos to Chris for hiding your identity for so long.
00:58:30Otherwise, it wouldn't have taken me long
00:58:33to realize that Catherine's daughter has been hiding under my nose for all this time.
00:58:39Are you really my uncle?
00:58:42And Chris is my brother?
00:58:44Cut the ties with Chris completely.
00:58:46Don't let your affair haunt him for the rest of his life.
00:58:51You're my niece, so I'll make it easy for you.
00:58:57Sign this agreement.
00:59:00You'll give up the whole inheritance of the Hurst Group
00:59:05and take control of the Garner Group.
00:59:07Sign it now.
00:59:09If you really love him, sign this agreement.
00:59:13You don't want to see Chris lose everything, do you?
00:59:30Hey, what are you doing here? You should be at home.
00:59:33We're done, Chris.
00:59:37I'm getting an abortion.
00:59:40Whoa, what are you talking about?
00:59:42You don't really want to do that.
00:59:45Don't you get it? I'm breaking up with you.
00:59:48I never loved you. I was using you from the start.
00:59:51The only thing I wanted was your help to get back the Garner estate.
00:59:55That's ridiculous.
00:59:57You're lying.
01:00:00What are you talking about?
01:00:02I don't need you anymore. I have my uncle to help me.
01:00:05So, it's over between us.
01:00:09Your uncle?
01:00:13He's forcing you to leave, isn't he?
01:00:16Chris, this is disgusting.
01:00:18Siblings cannot be in love with each other.
01:00:21I don't love you, and I never did.
01:00:28Chris, you love her so much that you gave up your status for her.
01:00:33But, when you were going to hell and back for her,
01:00:37she was busy cozying up to Cole.
01:00:40She wants Garner estate more than you love.
01:00:45You're the one who brought her here.
01:00:47I'm the one who brought her here.
01:00:49I'm the one who brought her here.
01:00:51I'm the one who brought her here.
01:00:53I'm the one who brought her here.
01:00:56You're the one who brought her to Cal.
01:00:59You're the one who had her kidnapped.
01:01:02You've been after her since the beginning.
01:01:06Yes, it was me.
01:01:08But you still have to marry me.
01:01:10Cole already promised me shares in the group.
01:01:16Even if you hate me to your core, you still have to marry me and treat me well.
01:01:21Otherwise, I'll tell the other world about your incestuous relationships to Norma.
01:01:28This is your fate.
01:01:30This is what people like us have to pay to keep our wealth.
01:01:42Norma, for the sake of raising you from a young age,
01:01:46don't let the police take us away.
01:01:48Please, now the company is all yours.
01:01:50What other house, car, diamond jewelry do you want?
01:01:53We'll give you everything.
01:01:55The police are taking us away now.
01:01:57Mom, why are you doing this?
01:01:59She doesn't even deserve our love.
01:02:02Please, apologize to your sister.
01:02:05As if I'm ever going to bow down to you.
01:02:09You know, our father never even loved you.
01:02:14Shut up!
01:02:15Get out of here and stay far away from me.
01:02:18Don't even mention our father again because you're not worthy.
01:02:22This isn't even your chair.
01:02:24This isn't your office, even.
01:02:27Security! Get them out of here!
01:02:30You can't do this to me.
01:02:32This is my office.
01:02:33That's what...
01:02:34Ricardo, what are you doing?
01:02:36This is my office!
01:02:37You fucking bitch!
01:02:39I'm going to get you!
01:02:45So you just forgave her?
01:02:47And you remember she used to bully you all the time?
01:02:50Well, I've just taken over the company,
01:02:52so I think I should keep the people I'm familiar with the best closest to me.
01:02:56And she was also manipulated by Nina,
01:02:58so she wasn't intentionally targeting me.
01:03:03I just think you're still so kind.
01:03:06I'm not surprised.
01:03:07You were just like that since high school.
01:03:09And that's the reason I never forgot about you.
01:03:15High school?
01:03:17We knew each other in high school?
01:03:20Of course.
01:03:21But never mind.
01:03:22Even if I tell you,
01:03:24you wouldn't remember me.
01:03:28I do remember!
01:03:31You're that chubby kid from class!
01:03:33Come on!
01:03:34Oh my god, you haven't changed!
01:03:36I wasn't little.
01:03:37Don't call me little.
01:03:38Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:03:39Come on, stop it.
01:03:40Oh, jeez.
01:03:41I love you.
01:03:45Oh, look at you.
01:03:46Oh, you're the sweetest.
01:03:48Always. So beautiful, always.
01:03:52Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:03:53Don't drink that!
01:03:54Wait, what's wrong?
01:03:56Well, you're pregnant.
01:03:57You shouldn't drink coffee.
01:03:58Besides, I love coffee.
01:03:59I'll do it for you.
01:04:01I love this baby more than anything,
01:04:03but I can't keep it.
01:04:10It's going to be fine.
01:04:12And if you want to keep this baby,
01:04:15I will help you.
01:04:17I can be the father.
01:04:21Oh, Elon.
01:04:23You're really the best man I've ever had.
01:04:26But that's exactly the fact
01:04:27why I cannot let you get into this mess.
01:04:30Well, I guess I knew you would reject me again.
01:04:34You're making it quite a habit.
01:04:37That's fine.
01:04:43That's a lot of coffee for me.
01:04:48Kind of hot up here, huh?
01:04:50Oh, oh.
01:04:52I'm fine.
01:04:53Are you okay?
01:04:54I'm fine.
01:04:55I'm fine.
01:04:56I'm fine.
01:04:57I'm fine.
01:04:59I'm fine.
01:05:00Are you okay?
01:05:01It's a little bit too hot.
01:05:02I'm fine.
01:05:03I'm fine.
01:05:04Do you need a doctor?
01:05:05Let me call a doctor for you.
01:05:06No, no.
01:05:07Just let me touch you.
01:05:08Oh, my God.
01:05:11Oh, my God.
01:05:12You're burning up.
01:05:13What happened?
01:05:14Do I get you a doctor?
01:05:18What are you doing?
01:05:24Elon, what are you doing?
01:05:25Stop it.
01:05:26I took your sugar.
01:05:28I took your sugar.
01:05:38Casey did it.
01:05:39She is good.
01:05:41Start the live stream.
01:05:42Show everyone how the newly appointed CEO of Karner Group is having an affair with a
01:05:48man in her own office.
01:05:57Let go of me.
01:06:00Get out of it.
01:06:02What's wrong with you?
01:06:04I fucking love you.
01:06:08You gotta go.
01:06:10I can control myself.
01:06:26I love you.
01:06:43Show me your hands that I can see.
01:06:48You both are under arrest for using illegal business conduct.
01:06:52How it can be?
01:06:53It was supposed to be the video with this bitch having affair.
01:06:57Why it's me?
01:06:58Who did it?
01:06:59That's not all.
01:07:02He's also responsible for the murder of Catherine Hurst.
01:07:09When she was involved in the kidnapping of Norma Karner.
01:07:49Eli, you're such a fool.
01:07:52I'm okay.
01:07:54Besides, I told you.
01:07:55I won't let anybody hurt you.
01:07:57Including myself.
01:07:58This is nothing.
01:07:59Trust me.
01:08:01Don't ever hurt yourself like that again.
01:08:02You hear me?
01:08:04I wish you could tell me that when I was that chubby.
01:08:08Look at this.
01:08:10Come on.
01:08:11It's nothing.
01:08:12How's it feeling?
01:08:15It's good.
01:08:16I'm good.
01:08:17Are you?
01:08:18You're so...
01:08:20You're burning.
01:08:22I'm gonna get you a glass of water.
01:08:23You wait here, okay?
01:08:24Don't worry.
01:08:25I'm feeling great.
01:08:51What's up?
01:09:04Another man sacrificed himself for you?
01:09:08What kind of spell did you put on them?
01:09:10Are you a witch?
01:09:14I'm sorry.
01:09:15I'm sorry.
01:09:17I'm sorry.
01:09:18I'm sorry.
01:09:20It doesn't matter.
01:09:22I will make sure that you and your cursed baby will go to hell together.
01:09:29Poor Norma.
01:09:30Let me tell you one more thing.
01:09:32Chris is not your brother.
01:09:35Cole adopted him.
01:09:38You broke his heart.
01:09:40You caused the death of another man who really loved you.
01:09:43You first, bitch!
01:09:51It's okay.
01:09:53It's all over now.
01:10:02Tell me about it.
01:10:04It's a secret.
01:10:05I'm not gonna tell you.
01:10:06Let's wait until it's over.
01:10:07If it's a secret, let's wait until it's over.
01:10:08Come on.
01:10:15Come on.
01:10:21I'm so sorry I doubted you.
01:10:24I was scared.
01:10:30I'm not used to someone loving me for me.
01:10:33And when you made me feel like I didn't have to perform,
01:10:38I didn't know what to do.
01:10:45Ever since the first time I laid eyes on you,
01:10:48I've never been the same.
01:10:52You taught me how to laugh.
01:10:54And you taught me that it's okay to cry sometimes.
01:10:58You taught me that I can be myself.
01:11:00And how to love.
01:11:03You taught me
01:11:05that all the things that this world can offer
01:11:07doesn't compare to how I feel when I'm with you.
01:11:11And I know 100%.
01:11:14That if I were to lose you,
01:11:15I would regret it every single day
01:11:17for the rest of our life.
01:11:23I love you with all my heart.
01:11:28I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
01:11:30I love you.
01:12:00I love you.
