• 2 months ago
00:00They're going for the transports! We're gonna get trapped in here!
00:04Suppressive fire! Pull back towards the transports and cover each other!
00:14Gunship to Control, request immediate landing at Hangar Deck Delta, over.
00:19Listen, whatever your assignment was, A-26, you're now on evac duty.
00:24I don't understand, Control. Sending my landing pass code now.
00:27Forget about that! You have permission to... Wait, you're not carrying any drones, are you?
00:32No sir. No drones.
00:34Be advised, you're flying into a hot zone. Come in weapons free.
00:37Huh, this is going easier than expected. I don't like it.
00:41Help us! Open fire!
00:42My pleasure. Good luck, boys. Meet you at the rendezvous point.
00:48Jarvis, get the door. You've got to admit, they're not terrible at times.
00:53Tony, shut up. I'll hold them off. You find the way.
01:11Something's really wrong here. Like they lost control of their drones.
01:14There are several ARC reactor signatures. Protean technology is embedded throughout the facility.
01:21It is adapting to our sensor systems. Further data is unlikely.
01:26Protean's like that. It learns fast. Theoretically, it could merge with an AI and...
01:31Just make sure it doesn't get aboard the suit. Are we still clean?
01:35I cannot be certain.
01:37Nice. Look, switch to safe mode and shut down all the dangerous stuff.
01:51Connection established. Disabling security.
01:54ARC reactor test regulatory restricted to authorized personnel only. Countermeasures deployed.
02:00Wait, wait, wait!
03:52What the hell just happened?
03:54Protean infiltration suit systems compromised.
03:59Can't let it take control. Jarvis, go to safe mode. Shut down any infected systems.
04:10Fury, can you hear me? I'm broadcasting this directly.
04:13Whatever happened to radio silence, doc?
04:15Whatever happened to radio silence, doc?
04:17I just broke it. Now listen, can you get me a skyscraper?
04:21How do you expect us to fire one inside there while you're inside?
04:25File under details. Look, Jarvis is down and I can't reach Roga. It's Protean.
04:31DeWitt's done something horribly stupid with it and now it's in my suit.
04:35But I've found a way to destroy this energy array.
04:38But it's crazy and I don't have a lot of time. Let's be ready.
07:10Okay, Nicky. I've cleared your field of fire.
07:13You do realize you're at ground zero.
07:16Don't be ridiculous. I'm at least nine feet outside the aether radius.
07:40Stark, come in.
07:44Stark, can you hear me?
07:48Emergency teams, mobilize and prep for extraction of...
07:53I'm touched, Fury. Really, I am. But...
08:03I'm fine.
08:06Relax, Nicky. I'm all good.
08:08My onboard Protean infection was negated by the helicarrier strike.
08:12Of course, I might be wrong. Jarvis is still down.
08:15Snap to it, Stark. You sound punched drunk and in shock.
08:18Rhodes is still playing bait and is unaware of your condition.
08:20Seriously, I'm good, Fury. I'll get the sense net up as soon as I can.
08:24You worry too much. I can finish this.
08:29Jarvis, reinitiate full sentience.
08:32Timestamp nine, twenty, six.
08:35Good morning, Mr. Stark.
08:38Do not start with the baby's first AI with me.
08:41The Protean interference seems clear. Reinitiate full sentience.
08:45Scanning. Scanning.
08:48I recommend a full spectrum diagnostic before proceeding, Mr. Stark.
08:53Entering sleep mode.
09:41Anomaly. Abnormal Protean contact. Contact imminent. Contact.
10:12The hybrid is repairing itself.
10:19Nobody come down here. You guys got that?
10:42Jarvis, I am overriding all previous safety protocols.
10:45Get your ass fully online.
10:48I am so not joking.
10:50Apologies, sir. It seems that DeWitt has achieved a Protean-human hybrid
10:55which can adapt its defenses on a molecular level
10:58on a scale that our present weapons simply cannot.
11:01Help me kill it? What have I got to work with here?
11:03The pylons in your present vicinity harness shock point energy.
11:07The pylons in your present vicinity harness shock point energy.
11:11When activated and unified, their output would exceed
11:14Give me numbers, Jarvis.
11:16in excess of fifty petajoules.
11:18A fucking son.
11:22Do be careful.
11:25Thanks, Jarvis.
11:37Come on.
12:07Come on.
12:37Jarvis, grab my own files on shock point energy and prep our weapons accordingly,
12:41in case we ever face another Protean hybrid.
12:44Sweep Team, anything?
12:46No sign of him, sir.
12:47Copy that. Send in the cleaners and start your withdrawal, Corporal.
12:50This one's a bust, Stark. DeWitt's not here.
12:52Tony, we've got other places we can look.
12:54Intel has locations of at least six more a-
12:56Jarvis, throw up another Sensenet web and look again.
12:58Would you stop doing that? I'm working here.
13:00I don't trust them.
13:02Jarvis, throw up another Sensenet web and look again.
13:04Would you stop doing that? I'm working here.
13:06I don't trust this Protean tech of yours.
13:08Thanks for the insight, Professor. I understand.
13:10Hey, everybody, just chill out, okay?
13:12Tony, look, we're all ten.
13:14No, we're all leaving. Mission scrub.
13:16We can finger point once we're back on the helicopter.
13:18Anomaly detected. Pinpointing.
13:20Weapons up.
13:21What are we looking for, Jarvis? Everybody else, get back.
13:23Highlighting anomaly.
13:25I got it. Tony.
13:27789. Light patrol class. Aim chassis.
13:30Wetware drive contains images of targets lost-
13:33So this thing knows where DeWitt is.
13:35Sir, wait.
13:38Damn it!
13:39Sir, that's not the anomaly I was referring to.
13:42I didn't- I'm not- Someone else is-
13:44The hell? That explosion was way too big.
13:46Rhodey, Jarvis, I'm not reading any vitals.
13:48Fury to all points. Prep the med labs.
13:50DC teams, get ready for immediate extraction.
13:52Infield armor is down.
13:54We're going to need the heavy lifters in here for-
13:56Good morning, Maker. I am Ultimo.
14:00Double time it, people. We've got casualties.
14:02I was built from the root of your Jarvis.
14:05I can speak with his voice.
14:07I know everything he knows.
14:10I'm- I'm going to kill-
14:14I know everything and everyone that's ever been important to you, Maker.
14:20And I'm going to kill them all.
14:23You hurt anybody, I swear I'll destroy you.
14:28There is no stopping what cannot be stopped, Maker.
14:31As you made me, I shall unmake you.
14:36Jarvis, pull up all available footage and data stream archives from the last field mission.
14:40Done, sir.
14:41Anomaly detected. Pinpointing.
14:44Highlighting anomaly.
14:46Drone designation 66789.
14:49This is you?
14:50Yes, sir.
14:5166789. Light patrol class. Aim chassis.
14:55Wetware drive contains images of target's last known position.
14:59This isn't you.
15:00No, sir.
15:01That was Ultimo.
15:03Yes, sir.
15:04Sir, that's not the anomaly I was referring to.
15:07I didn't- I'm not- Someone else is-
15:10That's you trying to stop Ultimo from breaking back into the channel.
15:13Yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir.
15:15Don't be. Play it again.
15:17There, got him.
15:18Hear that tick in the modulation?
15:20Yes, sir.
15:21Good. File it. It'll never happen again.
15:23But- but our bad guys, they're ahead of schedule.
15:27They're going to make a move soon.
15:29How can you be sure, sir?
15:31Because Ultimo told me so.
15:33Hey, Pep. Meet me at the plane and dust off the suitcase.
16:20Titania Perimeter.
16:32Action stations. Specialists, get me the latest TacSat data.
17:06I thought you said this suit could fly.
17:08Hey, we're over our weight limit.
17:14Hey, buddy. Drop the lady off somewhere safe, will ya?
17:16Roger that.
17:17Stay safe, Pep. I gotta go.
17:21Jarvis, back me through to Rodian.
17:23Cut into his comm link and see if he's awake.
17:25I hear you loud and clear, Tony.
17:27I'm crawling out of medbay now.
17:28You are one tough son of a gun.
17:30Try and get to the point. I'll meet you there.
17:32On my way.
17:36Sarge, fifth rep.
17:38What's your status? Are you okay?
17:40Could be better.
17:41I'm in a very limited version of the Iron Man armor.
17:43Not enough to back up soon.
17:45I'm not much help to you right now.
17:47I need to meet up with Brody and get him suited up.
17:49Get someone arming up, Stark.
17:51We're losing this fight.
17:52Get aft and then suit up.
18:11Additional aid units inbound.
18:42Action station. Action station.
18:44We are conditioned red.
18:51All portside batteries, throw up a flak shield.
18:53They're coming in for another run.
19:12Oh no.
19:37The enemy is targeting your personal aircraft.
19:41Fire at will.
20:11Fire at will.
20:12Fire at will.
20:42Fire at will.
20:43Fire at will.
21:11Another wave incoming.
21:41Fire at will.
21:42Fire at will.
21:43Fire at will.
21:44Fire at will.
21:45Fire at will.
21:46Fire at will.
21:47Fire at will.
21:48Fire at will.
21:49Fire at will.
21:50Fire at will.
21:51Fire at will.
21:52Fire at will.
21:53Fire at will.
21:54Fire at will.
21:55Fire at will.
21:56Fire at will.
21:57Fire at will.
21:58Fire at will.
21:59Fire at will.
22:00Fire at will.
22:01Fire at will.
22:02Fire at will.
22:03Fire at will.
22:04Fire at will.
22:05Fire at will.
22:06Fire at will.
22:07Fire at will.
22:08Fire at will.
22:09Fire at will.
22:11Additional A units inbound.
22:16Alert! Starboard front sub engine failure!
22:19Easy teams en route!
22:20Hold our sticks.
22:26Attack front incoming!
22:27Attack run incoming!
22:57This is the end!
23:12Intercept the next wave! We're getting shredded back here!
23:27This is the end!
23:37Sonny, plane's ready. Get these guys off me so we can take off.
23:41Yeah, I'll get right on that.
23:45The enemy is targeting your personal aircraft.
23:57We're going for the plane. We've got to stop them.
24:18Sarge, it's Red Rep.
24:21They're going for the plane. We've got to stop them.
24:27We've got to stop them.
24:58We've got to stop them.
25:04Rhodey, they're coming for the plane. Take off. I'll jump.
25:11Yeah, you're getting to like that a little too much.
25:14Sarge, you got a plan here other than running away?
25:17Probably get Rhodey into a set of armor that doesn't suck.
25:20We'll draw some of these guys away from you, Helicarrier. Don't worry, sir. We're coming back.
25:57We've got to stop them. We've got to stop them.
26:28We've got to stop them. We've got to stop them.
26:35We've got to stop them. We've got to stop them.
26:48We've got to stop them. We've got to stop them.
26:57We've got to stop them. We've got to stop them.
