• 2 months ago
00:26the great being sent us the Toa to defeat Makuta and banish darkness from Mata Nui,
00:35raising him from slumber. Only the mighty Toa are able to remove the taint of Makuta
00:43from the Rahi. Yeah! Nicely done. Help! Something, something is chasing me. You have to stop
01:02it! What's that noise? I don't know, but I don't think it's friendly. Makuta lives?
01:23You will not harm the Matoran while the power of Mata Nui still flows through my being. I'll
01:33save you. We are in great danger. Let us travel back to our Wahi and deal with Makuta's dark
01:47threat once and for all.
02:17Toa Tahu, spirit of fire, the Ta-Matoran have fled from the Bohrok. Do not worry,
02:45Turaga Vakama. I will see to their safety. We need Rahi power to open this door.
03:15But all our friendly Rahi have fled from the Bohrok. Rescue Matoran helpers to build a
04:20I must tell the others. Chronicler, sightseeing, are you? Toa Tahu, I was investigating the
04:50totems and saw a great Kanohi mask floating on the lava. You should return to the Koro. It's
04:55dangerous here. Kopaka, my brother, I have discovered the secret of the Bohrok's power,
05:06and it is also their weakness. Capture the Krana. I'm chasing a Bohrok now. He's heading for the
05:12There isn't much time. Toa Kopaka, the Bohrok has burrowed through that cliff. I fear it's
05:42Kopaka, Toa of Ice, you have saved our Koro and we thank you. Alas, the sworn leader has escaped,
06:02fleeing down the mountain. The path down the mountain is most treacherous. There have been
06:09many unnatural landslides there of late. Take care. I will do my sworn duty.
06:39I tried to warn you about the boulder, but I was too late. The Bohrok has fled into that cave.
06:56I must return to the others at once.
07:39Toa? Gali? I may be changed to Raganokama, but my love for my people remains the same.
08:04And yet all is not well. The Bohrok-Kal are a more fearsome foe than we have ever seen.
08:10They are threatening to overcome us all. Do not fear. My Nuva power can overcome any obstacle.
09:05Toa of Ice, you have saved our Koro and we thank you. Alas, the sworn leader has escaped,
09:12fleeing down the mountain. The path down the mountain is most treacherous. The Bohrok-Kal are a more fearsome foe than we have ever seen.
09:20I defeated the Bohrok-Kal, but you sent something else?
09:45Chronicler? I have seen them, strange new creatures, dark and being blew toward Onu-Wahi.
09:55Onua, my brother, I must warn him.
10:01Pohatu! Always a pleasure, Gali. I wish that were so, but I bring grave news.
10:08Strange creatures have been spied heading toward Onu-Wahi. I fear Onua may be in trouble.
10:14I see. I will run to Onu-Wahi and help. Find Lua. I will. Look!
10:24Do not worry yourself, sister. I will rescue my young friend.
10:44Sorry to drop in like this, but I can't stay.
10:59How are we supposed to get out of here? We'll need to open the six locks on this door. Let's go!
11:04Onua, my friend! Pohatu!
11:13Gali wanted to warn you of creatures. Creatures like this!
11:19Not Pohatu! Brother?
11:22Your speed is needed elsewhere. Run and warn Tahu. It will give me great pleasure to deal with this.
11:30Let me give you a real Onu-Wahi, brother.
12:00Deepwood! Sister Toa comes with a sorry bad tale.
12:19Toa Lua, you know what news I bring?
12:22The drums of Lekoro, critel of sons of Makuta. But without my Sula, I cannot reach the threat.
12:30Where are your Matoran to activate the Suva?
12:32Captured. Lost.
12:34You alone can find them, Lua Nuva.
12:36Find them, free them, and use the Suva to hunt for these... sons of Makuta.
12:41Hard-earned, sister.
13:00The mask I found was the Mask of Light. The Turaga sent me on a quest to find the seventh Toa.
13:27Seventh Toa?
13:28A Toa of Light. Only the seventh Toa can wear the mask.
13:32And where is the seventh Toa?
13:35I don't know. And now I've lost the mask to those creatures, and they're heading to destroy the Koro.
13:40The Turaga say they are Rahkshi, the sons of the Makuta, deadliest of foes.
13:45Makuta. Brother, see the Chronicler to safety. I will deal with the Rahkshi.
14:40Behold, Makuta! I, the seventh Toa, have come to banish your darkness forever, and return Mata Nui from his fitful slumber.
14:54You defeat me? All by yourself? You are nothing. I shall defeat you within the blink of an eye.
15:10I will not be defeated.
15:12I will not be defeated.
15:14I will not be defeated.
15:16I will not be defeated.
15:18I will not be defeated.
15:20I will not be defeated.
15:22I will not be defeated.
15:24I will not be defeated.
15:26I will not be defeated.
15:28I will not be defeated.
15:30I will not be defeated.
15:32I will not be defeated.
15:34I will not be defeated.
15:36I will not be defeated.
15:38I will not be defeated.
15:40I will not be defeated.
15:42I will not be defeated.
15:44I will not be defeated.
15:46I will not be defeated.
15:48I will not be defeated.
15:50I will not be defeated.
15:52I will not be defeated.
15:54I will not be defeated.
15:56I will not be defeated.
15:58Let's take a closer look at your shadows.
16:18Light and dark are balanced, revealing the will of Mata Nui.
16:26All darkness has been exiled from our lands.
16:34Let us awaken the great spirit.
16:56Thank you for watching!
17:26See you next time!
17:56Thank you for watching!
18:26See you next time!
18:56Thank you for watching!
18:58See you next time!
19:26Thank you for watching!
19:28See you next time!
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