Spider-Man (1981) - 02

  • 2 months ago
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00:30Spider-Man, tu sei como un ragno, Spider-Man, che forte sei tu!
00:39Spider-Man, tu lasci i tuoi fili, Spider-Man, e vai dove vuoi,
00:45Nel pavimento, Spider-Man, tu c'erai!
00:50Just in time!
01:00This is my speech for the emergency meeting of the United Nations.
01:10I gave a copy to the Secretary of State.
01:15Bene, motori a tutta forza, l'Air Force 1 presto sarà nostro.
01:37Siamo in gravi difficoltà, qui Air Force 1 a Torre Kennedy, S.O.S., S.O.S.
01:50Non sta con le nostre segnali.
02:07Pare che sia arrivato in tempo.
02:09Se riesco a scattare qualche buona foto al Presidente,
02:11Può darsi che mi guadagni qualche soldo extra.
02:14E potrò anche dimostrare al mio capo, al signor Jameson,
02:18Oltre che all'Uomo Ragno.
02:20Ehi, non si sa ancora quando arriverà all'Air Force 1?
02:23Ma non hai sentito? Il jet del Presidente è in ritardo di mezz'ora.
02:26Può essere la storia più sensazionale dell'anno.
02:29Ma può anche essere una storia che richiede l'intervento dell'Uomo Ragno,
02:32Per avere una felice conclusione.
02:40Speriamo che nessuno mi veda.
02:52Ecco la mia fedele ragnatela trasformata in un utile armadio.
03:01Non capisco.
03:02L'Air Force 1 sembra essere completamente sparito dallo schermo del nostro radar.
03:07La sua ultima posizione era nei pressi Jersey City.
03:11Meglio contattare la Casa Bianca.
03:15Qualunque cosa sia successa la soluzione è a Jersey City.
03:18Può darsi che riesca a trovare il Presidente.
03:28Ci vuole troppo tempo per raggiungere Jersey con la ragnatela.
03:31Forse riuscirò a noleggiare un aereo.
03:33Posso fare qualcosa, figliolo? Mi chiamo Wilbur Moses.
03:36Questo è il mio vecchio museo dell'aeronautica.
03:39Ehi, sai che è proprio bello il costume d'astronauta che stai indossando?
03:43Eh, già.
03:44Senta, è possibile noleggiare un aereo con un pilota?
03:47Sei fortunato, figliolo.
03:49Lo piloterò io stesso.
03:51Una vera fortuna.
03:52Lo puoi dire.
03:53Sono stato un asso dell'aeronautica nella prima guerra mondiale.
03:56Ne ho abbattuti ben 23.
03:58Non mi interessa, ma quanto vuole?
04:00Ti costerà 20 dollari l'ora.
04:0220 dollari?
04:05Ho soltanto un dollaro e 98 centesimi.
04:08E allora volerai per 10 minuti.
04:10Andiamo, così farò anche un po' di allenamento.
04:16Dobbiamo volare su questo?
04:19Che cosa ti aspettavi?
04:20L'astronave Enterprise?
04:23E perlomeno un posto vicino al finestrino.
04:34Nessuno riuscirà mai ad attaccare questo mio dirigibile corazzato.
04:39Robo K-12, attivare il computer chirurgico.
04:43Con questo impianto mentale telecomandato i pensieri del presidente saranno sotto il mio controllo.
04:59Ehi, figliolo, va tutto bene?
05:02E me lo chiede?
05:04Forse era meglio se facevo l'autostop.
05:09Sento tutti i miei sensi che vibrano.
05:11Questo significa pericolo.
05:13Ehi, guarda che mostro.
05:15E' una specie di super dirigibile.
05:18E c'è un unico uomo che possa aver creato un pallone enorme come quello.
05:24Ehi, Lindbergh, andiamo il più vicino possibile quel dirigibile.
05:28Ai tuoi ordini, figliolo.
05:32Va bene così.
05:34Grazie per il passaggio.
06:03Qui non c'è niente.
06:05Chissà cosa ci sarà dietro la porta.
06:09Così imparerò ad aprire le porte senza bussare.
06:16Ma che strano modo di accogliere gli ospiti.
06:24Sai una cosa?
06:26Se fossi pessimista comincierei a pensare che non vuoi fare amicizia.
06:30Ma userò questo tubo per...
06:32Oh, oh, non sei un tubo.
06:39Va bene.
06:40Mi sono stufato di essere gentile.
06:43Visto che voi due volete la guerra, ecco.
06:46Siete accontentati.
06:49Ora, se volete scusarmi, devo andare a fare qualcos'altro, amici.
06:59E' andata bene.
07:01Ti sbagli, carissimo.
07:03Sei alla mercede il tuo più implacabile nemico.
07:06E' una merced.
07:08E' una merced.
07:10E' una merced.
07:12E' una merced.
07:14E' una merced.
07:17E' una merced.
07:19E' una merced.
07:21E' una merced.
07:23E' una merced.
07:25E' una merced.
07:44Commincio a pensare
07:45per me.
08:01Well, at least the President is fine.
08:05But is it true?
08:08I can't believe that Dr. Doom kidnapped the President just for fun.
08:13Well, while I try to understand something, I'll take some exclusive photos.
08:23Now that the President is safe, it will be better if Spider-Man takes it off.
08:31Oh no, the clothes are gone.
08:34I think I know what happened.
08:37Well, I just have to do one thing.
08:55I wonder how many other heroes have an aunt waiting for them when they come home at night.
09:05Here, everything is fine.
09:08Now that the mind of the representative of South Africa has also been programmed,
09:12all the leaders of the Earth are under my control.
09:16Except for the Secretary General of the United Nations.
09:20When I have arranged him too,
09:22I will be able to electronically control all the minds of the entire Assembly of the United Nations.
09:28And when tomorrow they will meet in a special session,
09:31I, Dr. Doom, will be voted master of the world.
09:37My sailboat is more than safe.
09:39But as a precaution, this nuclear-powered flying robot
09:43will make sure that Spider-Man doesn't bother me anymore.
09:54Oh no, I'll never make it in time to the Daily Bugle this morning.
09:58And since I don't even have any money left, I can't take the car.
10:03So I just have to go like Spider-Man.
10:07Oh no.
10:13Here I am at the Daily Bugle.
10:17My spiderweb is broken.
10:19Now what do I do?
10:22I don't understand.
10:23My web is stronger than nylon.
10:25What do we cut it?
10:28Ah, now everything is clear.
10:31That must be one of Dr. Doom's flying robots.
10:38Next time I'll send the photos to the Daily Bugle.
10:46The usual misfortune, a robot with a force field.
10:57Listen, friend.
10:58I know you feel lonely, but this is not the best way to make friends.
11:02Come on, Spider-Man, you can do it.
11:07Oh, thank goodness I took my vitamins today.
11:28That flying robot caught me by surprise.
11:31But my spiderweb should be able to fix it.
11:35Oh no, it's stuck.
11:38Come on, my spiderweb.
11:40It works.
11:42I have to free this gecko, otherwise they will pick me up with the spoon.
12:03Damn, there are people who don't give up.
12:19Doom should program his robots in a more gentle way.
12:22He didn't even say goodbye.
12:31Hi, Betty.
12:32Oh, hi, Peter.
12:33You're late, you know.
12:34Mr. Jameson has already asked you to...
12:36Listen, Betty, before he jumps on me,
12:38I'd like you to give him these photos I took at...
12:43Good for nothing photo reporter.
12:45Where have you been until now?
12:47I'm sorry, Mr. Jameson, I'm only one hour late.
12:50Do you want to buy some photos of the president?
12:52Not even for a dream, Parker.
12:54Others have arrived before you.
12:56Oh, very well.
12:57So you don't really want these photos taken right after the disappearance of the presidential airplane?
13:03Parker, how did you do this?
13:05Ah, ah, I remember our deal.
13:07Never reveal the secret of my photos.
13:09And speaking of secrets,
13:11what could be that thing that the president has on his neck?
13:15Ah, I'll take it.
13:17Now we're even with your delay.
13:20Excuse me, Mr. Jameson, all reporters are busy.
13:23Who do we entrust the meeting service to the United Nations?
13:26Couldn't I do it, Uncle Jonah?
13:28Oh, that's a good idea, dear Mortimer.
13:30Thank goodness you thought of it.
13:32I'd like you to look like my nephew, Parker.
13:35So attentive, obedient, punctual.
13:38Not to say jealous.
13:41Then you go to the United Nations, Mortimer, and bring Parker.
13:45I'll need a photographer.
13:47All right, Uncle Jonah.
13:49At least I'll have the opportunity to teach him how to do a service.
14:01Now keep your eyes open, Parker.
14:03When I tell you, shoot the photos.
14:05Yes, of course.
14:07Ladies and gentlemen,
14:09it is at the risk of my life
14:11that I feel the duty to warn you of the great danger
14:14that threatens all members of the United Nations.
14:17And it is precisely for this important reason
14:20that I must warn you.
14:22At this moment there are among us...
14:28You must listen to me.
14:32Many, many of the delegates present here
14:35are not able to think freely.
14:45What's the matter?
14:46Start taking pictures, Parker.
14:49Only my super spider breath has prevented me from waking up.
14:53Those robots are taking away the Secretary General.
14:56And I can't do anything about it, like Peter Parker.
15:00The Director of Doom.
15:02I had to imagine that he was behind this.
15:06But I will never allow him to have a party without me.
15:23Stop where you are, you two walking mannequins.
15:26Stop where you are, you two walking mannequins.
15:30I say, did you forget to say hello?
15:35So you came back on my super dirigible.
15:38You didn't learn the lesson, eh, Spider-Man?
15:41I was curious to know if I could do it again.
15:45You'll have all the time for the tests in the place where you're going.
15:49For the Secretary General, I have other projects instead.
15:54Have a nice trip, Spider-Man.
15:58Thank you.
15:59I'll send you a postcard.
16:02As if things were not already complicated.
16:04Let's see where this ball is directed.
16:15Remove the upper gas.
16:29Where is that ball?
16:31Where did it go?
16:35Now we will vote for the new leader of the world.
16:39I nominate Doctor Doom.
16:43Who is in favor?
16:45Say yes.
16:48Oh no.
16:49It's impossible.
16:51Doctor Doom is the master of the world.
16:58If I can't do something right away, goodbye Spider-Man.
17:03If I could shoot my spider web and neutralize that paralyzing ray.
17:10I can't even turn my hand in the right direction.
17:14It seems that the end has come for Spider-Man.
17:18One moment.
17:20Hey, I'm here.
17:22If I could shoot a fluid ball through the canvas
17:25and make a hole in the surface of the ball,
17:28the pressure of the air acting as a reactor
17:31would prevent Miss Liberty from investing.
17:35Come on, spider force.
17:37Don't leave me now.
17:51I did it this time too.
17:53And now let's go back to Doctor Doom.
18:06Now that I am the master of all seven continents.
18:10You think about this, head over heels.
18:13I'm going to kill you.
18:15I'm going to kill you.
18:17You think about this, head over heels.
18:20Have you already forgotten your old friend?
18:23Here I am.
18:24I'm starting to fear that you don't understand, Spider-Man.
18:28I am the master of the world.
18:31For me you can be the master of what you want,
18:34but I don't care.
18:36No, no.
18:37Stop him.
18:38Stop him.
18:39Stop him.
18:40Stop him.
18:41Stop him.
18:42Stop him.
18:43I don't understand.
18:44So you weren't kidding.
18:46That's right, Spider-Man.
18:48You can't do anything about it.
18:51Take this traitor away from here.
18:54Oh yes.
18:55It's time to play again.
18:57Okay, guys.
18:58Now we'll see.
19:12This is Doctor Doom speaking.
19:14Captain Robot.
19:15Take the prisoners to the mind control station.
19:19I should have imagined it before.
19:22Doom was not elected legally.
19:24He used one of his toys to control the minds of all the governors of the world.
19:29That's what that object around the president's neck was.
19:33Now I understand.
19:34I have to do one thing.
19:36I'll put the camera on the wall.
19:38So I'll have pictures of my fight with Doom.
19:41Naturally, if I live to be able to sell them to the bugle.
19:45With all the world at my command,
19:47the empire of Doom will reign on earth forever.
19:52Let's hope not.
19:54I wouldn't like to see your face in history books.
19:58This is the last time you disturb me.
20:05Poor me.
20:07I think I've seen enough stars for today.
20:11All right.
20:12That's enough.
20:13Now I'll activate plan A.
20:15And it must work.
20:16Because I don't have a plan B.
20:18Aerobot Z4 and Z5.
20:20Destroy Spider-Man.
20:22It's too late, Doctor Doom.
20:24Your aerobots are under my control.
20:28All right, guys.
20:29I order you to fix that mess of your boss.
20:33Come on.
20:34Behind you, mechanical monsters.
20:36You are mine.
20:37I created you.
20:39You won this battle, Spider-Man.
20:42But you'll still hear about Doctor Doom.
20:51All right, guys.
20:52Take that to the lab for mind control.
20:55Cap 2, Cap 2.
20:59The best article in the history of the bugle
21:01and we don't have a picture to illustrate it.
21:03Where is that damn Parker?
21:06I don't know, Uncle Jonah.
21:07The last time I saw him was when he threw me into the United Nations.
21:11You know that, too.
21:12He called me, Mr. James.
21:15You are a real deserter.
21:17You should be ashamed to have escaped from the meeting room
21:20and to have left my nephew to face Spider-Man and that other madman.
21:24Who said I wasn't here?
21:26I was hiding thinking that Spider-Man would return to fix Doctor Doom.
21:30But look at these.
21:32Take the assignment booklet.
21:34They're worth a mine.
21:36And now that I have some money, let's think of the two of us, Betty.
21:39There's a fabulous film in Dijous,
21:41a strange super-being from another planet allergic to green stones.
21:46I think it's wonderful, Peter.
21:50It's for you, Parker.
21:53Peter, it's Aunt May.
21:56It's getting late.
21:57You'd better go home.
21:59You have to go to bed early.
22:05Good night.